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PATREON A Welcome Party for Tatyana

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!



Love watching The Chateau Diaries. How did I miss this new hair curler devise. Do tell?


Great vlog and what a Treat to hear Cat sing.


Cat’s voice is so haunting and Maria’s accompaniment gave me chills ❤️🇨🇦


Bravo Kat Bravo


What a delightful look into the garden, the kitchen and the Salon. Cat and Maria - thank you for the beautiful Russian song. You’re both wonderful musicians and the beauty of it brought a tear to my eye. Thank you one and all.


Wow… thank you to Kat and Maria …so beautiful and thx Stephanie for giving us a little update of what’s happening at Lalande tonight ❤️❤️❤️


Beautiful singing, Cat! We should hear it more often, please!


Thank you Kat & Maria, stunning!!!!!


Thank you for a lovely video Stephanie! You really have a great knack for bringing out people’s creativity and talents, probably because they are traits you possess yourself. ❤️👍


Did I miss something, has Philip left? Beautiful singing Cat!

Georgette Jones

How do all these people have to much talent❓ They cook, sing, play piano , build, paint, do flowers, make videos , garden, dance , sew, run the business , I could go on and on…….I sense they all come to the chateau because they need to be togeather❣️


Oh, wow, so much talent there. Loved Kat's singing and Maria's playing. Everyone looks beautiful and the food looks fabulous.


Amoury could have gone shirtless as Putin!


Well wasn't that a treat! Who knew Kat could sing like that! I'm assuming she is a Katerina? I've always loved that name!


Wow. That was absolutely hauntingly beautiful. The skills and talents at Lalande are fast becoming legendary.


Wow thanks! Love how beautiful everyone was and amazing singing


This was such a treat! Thank you for sharing. Your cousin and Dan crack me up! They are such a mess together. If your mother returns, she will have her hands full with those two. Kat and Marie were wonderful. Tatiana is adorable as well. So happy for Selmar. Ruby missed him as did the sheep.


I love you all!! What a dream life you are living!!! Music, fun, food, lovely people!!! What more could you ask for! Beautiful performance at the end!!!!


Stephanie, only you could be recording a video while curling your hair into a fantastic updo. I’m lucky if I don’t hurt myself just getting out of bed in the morning - or maybe not poking myself in the eye brushing my teeth. How you do it mystifies the hell outta me. Speaking seriously, which is a rarity, we all love Cat so much and I hope she knows. Everyone on your channel appreciates her lightning ⚡️ wit, MANY talents, and beauty. It was a real treat to hear her sing, as well as Maria playing! 👋To Philip wherever he is.


Wonderful Russian themed dinner party tonight; thanks, Stephanie! I hope we will get to know Tatyana better the next time :)


Kat and Maria 😍 Really beautiful. Maria’s pie 😍 Dan and Amoury so much fun to watch! Thanks!


We loved the Russian theme for tonight’s dinner party! The food looked delicious - Maria’s breads are Amazing. Lovely singing from Cat with accompaniment from Maria. It was nice to see Dan in the dining room enjoying the festivities. Thanks for sharing 🥂


Lovely video, gorgeous music from Maria and Kat. ❤️




This was Fantastic! Maria and Kat Bravo….so nice to see Dan,…Wow he looked like a Brooks Brothers model, I’m loving the Dan and Amaury bromance, they are great. They remind me of two former employees I had, we just called them “the boys” because they worked so well together. Emilio seems very sweet and charming also. I can almost smell Maria’s bread, it looks so good. Great Job, Stephanie and Co.


The wonderful team work at Lalande never ceases to amaze. I wanted to send a special thank you to Nati and Cat, you girls did such a great job keeping Lalande purring like a kitten while Stephanie and Philip were away. Thank you for all your hard work and attention to detail keeping all the guest happy. I would welcome you girls doing more vlogging in the future. You ladies have such a wonderful sense of humor. Sending lots of love and hugs to you all. <3 <3 <3


The talents at Lalande are amazing. I had no idea that Kat could sing and Maria played so beautifully! Great theme!


Kat and Marie are both so talented. Can't wait for the garden pergola to be finished.


This was an absolutely beautiful vlog! Thank you Stephanie, and all the LaLanders, for brightening our days!!!


I'm constantly astonished by the accomplished and talented people who gravitate to LaLande. Bravo!


Wonderful vlog. Beautiful food, lovely costumes on lovely people, wonderful music. Thx!


What a bunch of extremely talented people living under 1 roof! Wonderful


Love the garden, cant wait to see more of it! Maria is such a great addition to the Lalande family . Hope she’ll stay for a while

Evelyn McElroy

Annalise, you need to step in NOW, 🤣🤣🤣


The musical duo was wonderful. What were the words or the theme about? Really liked the composer.


Stephanie you looked lovely as always


Another wonderful evening and walk around the garden's progress! The food, the costumes, handsome men and talented women, the music, the wonderful atmosphere always a treat!


I knew Cat sang with a choir whilst growing up but I didn’t realize how beautiful her voice was. And Maria is so talented in many, many things! She’s perfect at LaLande. Thanks for sharing your lovely dinner. Philip was missed.


Thank you for this dose of joy Stephanie.


Maria is a very talented young lady! Does Kat have a Russian background? Surely she didn’t learn that Russian sing phonetically?


Missing Philip. Hopefully he’s somewhere having fun.


Beautiful update Stephanie- YOU and everyone looked amazing. x x

Caroline Kaiser

Stephanie, where did you get the amazing dress?


I love this video. I felt like I was sitting at the dinner table with everyone. I loved it. Kat is amazing and I love how unaffected she is.

Sabine Goetz

Your videos are filled with such joy, beauty and laughter. Kat and Maria's performance induced tears of joy and clapping....whilst I sat at my kitchen table : )


So beautiful! Maria and Cat are very talented. Loved all of the costumes as well!


Bravo Kat and Maria!


Fabulous meal. Beautiful performance by Maria & Cat Lovely welcoming evening for Tatiana The magic that happens at Lalonde is beautiful Brings me great joy to see you all


What a wonderful video Stephanie! You shared so many facets of the activities and fun happening at LaLande. Progress in the garden; costumes, food, fun and festivities for the welcomeTatyana party, and then the talented duo of Cat and Maria ! Altogether delightful! Thank you ALL, for sharing glimpses of Life at LaLande.

Denise Behrends

Cat and Maria, your performance with this Russian piece of music was simply stunning!


Wonderful singing and playing!!! Bravissimo!!!!👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️


Stephanie your dress was stunning,You looked just beautiful! I loved this video. Always, find myself smiling. Bravo Maria & Cat!!! absolutely lovely!


Wow Cat! I had no idea she held this hidden talent ! Impressive performance and Maria at the piano playing beautifully. I live this entire video what a joy


Cat and Maria's performance was beautiful, just amazing! Thank you for this touching performance!!


How beautiful…..amazing content, thank you and God bless all.


Gosh that Russian song from Kat and Maria was so beautiful - thank you for sharing - they are so talented!


Cat & Maria, WOW!! Amazing!! Brilliant vlog. Thank you x


This fourth generation soprano extends her respect and admiration to an alto. For those in the know this is actually a big concession.


Ahh - I missed this ! Fifi you look amazing !!


Have been so lucky to experience Maria’s cooking and piano playing and the wonderful hospitality at Lalande !


Thank you for this Stephanie. All of the people at Lalande blend so perfectly together, all with their unique talents. We get to see a glimpse of this fabulousness and it cheers me enormously. Bravo to Cat and Maria...beautiful. Dan and Amuary are hilarious together, what a team . Stephanie you looked gorgeous as did everyone 😍


What a talented group at Lalande. Full of wonderful surprises. Thanks for this.


Lots of fun! Any excuse for a themed party!


Thank you for the music, Cat and Maria. It's all about the people at Lalande, and Amaury and Maria are two great additions to the family.

Daniel Hammond

Someone please take pity on my ignorance and enlighten me as to who Daniel Preston was? I have not found a single 1920s Daniel Preston, but that does not mean there wasn't one! I loved your tiara worn flapper style Stephanie. In the 20s, the Duchess of York, later Queen Elizabeth and later still Queen Mother, used to wear her tiaras like that. Very becoming. Wonderful singing from Cat!


Hi Daniel. Daniel Preston is the gardener Dan. He came to the party as himself.


Cat’s singing just beautiful and how talented is Maria. Great video thank you


Beautiful singing CAT ♥️ And a hudge thank you to all ♥️♥️ 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


How lovely, And thanks so much to Cat and Maria for beautiful singing and sensitive accompaniment. I've been playing the Overture to Ruslan and Lyudmila quite a bit recently (also Glinka) - great stuff. Thank you for continuing to provide such great 'behind the scenes' content <3 Love it!


Beautiful haunting song Cat. Thank you for sharing the party and Maria's bread with us, Stephanie.


Maria is so talented in many ways. I hope we see more of her in future. I understand she is at LaLande for only a couple weeks?


This was just lovely …such a variety of content …some very talented & lovely people. Thank you xx


I’ve never had a Russian happy ending. Cat, keeps on giving. 😉 Cat and Dan are worth a watching. 😉😂 Maria is so talented. She’s hit the ground running at La Lande. Then there Nati. Oh and Amaury. ❤️ Great craic this video. Well done Stephanie and everyone 👍😉❤️


Stephanie, thank you so much for this, its gorgeous. All the LaLanders have so much talent, whether it be cooking,, gardening, singing, carpentry, a splendid mix of lovely people. So privileged to be part of this amazing and Patreon family. Lots of love from the Dordogne xxx


Absolutly beautiful Cat! And the pianist super also!


I’m just thinking… wouldn’t it be great to have a story of your life, finding La Lande and the journey you’ve had so far, made into a musical 😉👍😂


Cat and her singing are just superb! I enjoyed immensely. Fun as usual. Thanks


Lovely, what a great vlog. Thank you Stephanie


Marvelous! Brava dear Cat! And Beautiful Tatyana ! What a lovely warm welcome for her. ☺️☺️❤️


Beautiful Cat ! How on earth did you learn all that in russian how did you find the amount of time ? Welcome Tatyana !

Kimberly Dale

💛Super sweet Love Cat & Maria's Russian duet...Dan&Amarie( sounds so much like every ones is saying Ann Marie😁) All that's been highlighted to share ...always love ...Xoxoxo🙏💛& Maria's pies & breads...but those pies...she' s quiet & skilled...lovely...Praying that GOD keep you all safe...& Unscathed... 💛😊✨


Wow 🤩- Cat!!! And the pianist Tatyana ❤️


Cat is simply amazing.


Brava Cat!!!!


WOW Cat - seriously? You can sing like that? That was beautiful!


Brava Ladies! Cat is lovely! So charming, so funny and so loving. What a voice! Maria! OMG! She bakes and cooks! And then she plays the piano like a virtuoso! Never let them go.


Loved Maria and Cat’s recital! I think I hear Cat say the piece is ‘the Russian song’ by Glinka but I can’t find on Google. Anyone able confirm the piece?

Pam Mastin

Welcome Tatyana! What a wonderful vlog. The Russian music was beautiful. Such talented, talented people!


My first bit as a little Patreon, thank you.


Maria is great as well as Kat,of course!


Incredible Kat and Maria! Absolutely beautiful!! 👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


And yes! Welcome Tatyana! What a joy to have you finally at Lalande. I’m sure Selmar is over the moon!! 💗


Thank you for your consistency in keeping us involved. will be great to get a breakdown of the projects in one of your broad room type videos


My goodness, Cat & Maria, your performances were wonderful. It's just such a gorgeous piece and it gave me shivers.


If I can make a request: for the next beginning of the month update, could you film one where you systematically go through the goals you set on Patreon and the progress on each? It feels like it's been a while since we got to go through the checklist. It always feels like an accomplishment when we get to do that


LOVED the Dan and Hot Cousin Thumb Nail Stephanie used. :-)


Cat and Maria were amazing. Thank you Stephanie for sharing 💛🏰✨💫


Hey, it’s Fifi! I hope to run into her when she gets back and ask how her stay was. I hope to get to LaLande one day too.


Absolutely beautiful, Kat and Maria. Stephanie is gorgeous as always.



Anne Green

🥰 I think that Maria is going to be a ‘keeper’ what talents she has ! & Hearing Cat sing 🎶 what a treat 💕 thank you Stephanie 🥂 xx (& welcome to the new ‘little Patreon’ Marg ? ) you’re in for the most amazing journey of your life ! 🏰 xx

Anne Green

* Margreth* welcome xx


Stephanie, you're just beautiful. One and a half year I've been your invisible friend, and I still adore your vlogs. Especially these ones, with music, dress ups, daily life and conversation. Maria plays thrills the way I like it on the piano, brava! Cat is fab and I so much enjoyed her singing the Russian song. Wish I knew the text (translated). Wonderful patreon vlog, thank you! x


This was so lovely! A wonderful place to be! Thank you!⭐️🥰


Hi, that was lovely! One question, do you still film with your iPhone? I’ve never seen you use a camera or any special filming equipment like Dan and other YouTubers.


She only films with her iphone. with the new release of the iphone 13, her video will be even better!


So this proves you don’t need fancy or expensive cameras etc. to be a successful YouTuber. There’s so many out there asking fir funds to buy cameras and make “better” videos. Hmmm


cat singing was great

Theresa Romero

It was all beautiful and fun. 💗


I actually sold my old camera because my IPhone is doing a better job anyway.


Huzzah! The best birthday supper I’ve ever had


Hi. Hello. I sent a message a couple weeks ago inquiring about renting a room at the Chateau and haven’t received a response. Sent it to the email address on the website. Just curious if there is another way of contacting the château for bookings? Thanks


I would love to see a tour of all the changes to La lande that has happened this year. There has been so much going on that it is hard to keep track of what has been finished or ongoing


dear Stepfanie, Natti, Philip .... We live in Denmark and love your YouTube channel and have been with it from the beginning. Will you help us write some good flea markets in your part of France that are worth visiting, preferably both outside and inside markets. Then we will be very grateful as we plan France's trip for the spring. may you all have a wonderful day. the best regards from Lone Denmark


Does anyone know if Steve and his wife have a vlog about their new chateau?


Is there going to be an Amaury Q&A video.. have we had a Phillip one yet?

Anna Ibarra

What a fun mix of entertainment for us to see. Behind the fun. I just love all these. What makes LaLande fun is this, a mix of good friendly gathering, but in costume.


What a fun party. Fantastic musical performance as well!


It is so nice to see the Chateau filled again with a fantastic motley crew of people again. cheers!


Could we have an update on the shutter dogs and china pantry floor please.


I think the longer mumzies is away the threat of her discipline is lessened. She needs to return and get the place back to her standards. :)


Hi, I wonder if there's an update soon re loo, China pantry, kitchen, especially the new fridge, the room you wanted to paint purple and above all of course your bedroom/apartment . Is the new floor already finished? And what about your new window? And was there a proper tour of the finished attic? 🤔 Or did I miss it? Do you consider to hire more help/ workers since Matt and all the Ians obviously can't work night and day? Would be great to see progress on all the little goals like shutter dogs, which were a patreon goal long time ago. Another interview would be fun, too, those were always interesting - Phil, Dan, Dana and Amaury for example. Also I remember that you had plans to exchange doors/windows on regular basis-is this going to happen anytime soon? Would love to see you warm next winter 😊 Lots of questions but I kind of lost track and I don't know if I missed some videos😂


Such a treat to hear Cat sing -- so enchanting! Maria is also a beautiful pianist!


If you watch Dynasty season 2 ep1. Alexis Carrington wears the exact same 20s tiara


wow Cat and Maria-amazing!!! La Lande is filled with such an amazing and talented crew!!


Is Nati's apartment getting a door out to the back? The framing looks like maybe that was denied by the commission?


I was wondering the same thing. I think that would have been a wonderful feature.


Wow to both Kat and Maria beautiful playing and singing such talent x


Cat & Maria, what a ✨stellar✨ vocal/piano performance full of emotive depth, dynamic range, and balanced execution - bravo! When can I buy tickets for your show in London or Paris? 🤩


I have the same Gatsby tiara xx


Wow! Just catching up on videos and that was so enjoyable! Cat and Maria bravo!!!