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Hello lovely patreons,

I’m extremely happy to share a special announcement with all of you.

A huge thank you to all of you, you have made something possible that I never could have imagined. Thank you.

Love, Stephanie x



A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 500 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only out lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!! If you're interested in become a Patron of The Chateau Diaries, click here: https://www.patreon.com/thechateaudiaries


Anne Green

Wonderful 💕


What wonderful news! Can't wait to see it installed. So beautiful!


It's wonderful!! I am so glad I am a part of this and every time I see an improvement, I feel it is all sooo worth it! So happy for you Stephanie!!


Wow. Amazing


So exciting! Congratulations Stephanie and LaLande family! I could see your emotions in the announcement. Made me tear up!♥


Congratulations! When it’s finished you should have a lovely party to commemorate that accomplishment 🎉


Stephanie it’s absolutely STUNNING!!! And the history of it. I’m tearing up just thinking about this dream come true. The grand salon is already lovely, but this will make it an absolute jewel of a room! I cannot wait to see it installed! 😍🥰


Wow - just stunning, so happy to be a small part of this x Congratulations x


Oh wow. Its a privilege to be part of the renovations. So excited to see the progress.


Dreams come true!!!!!!! So beautiful and exciting Stephanie!!!!!!

Julia Cobb

Yikes that door knob can hit the mirror! It’s absolutely incredible that you found this and us watching it being unloaded! I’m so happy to be a part of this unloading!

Katie Roberts Art

Ooooh Lala!!! <3 Beautiful Steph, well done everyone!


This is such grand news Stephanie! So much to look forward to and so much to anticipate. What a glorious hive of activity LaLande will be over Spring and Summer. Mummy Isabelle, come on back to France, we want you there for this too. xx


What a find and you look so happy , it’s what makes being a Patron so worthwhile. X


Gorgeous!!! This is why I am a patreon, well one of the reasons, I LOVE seeing these fab trasformations, how wonderful that you got the hold of such beautiful old panelling! x


It's so beautiful! Will totally change the room. Congratulations :)


Wow can’t wait to see it come to life! A joy to experience the joy it brings you.


such an emotional video, and you such an amazing choice! cant wait to see the results


THIS is the reason I'm a patron. I love to see it! It's so important that these bits of history are saved for future generations and I'm glad to see it has a home in LaLande!

Tina Winther

Wowowowowowow!!! Felicitations tout le monde.! That was an historic delivery and I had the impression that everyone involved was honored to be part of the job, as I was to witness it! What an Introduction to a great restoration project for your Grand Salon! Glad you stumbled into setting your sights higher on Patreon. Have faith everyone, let’s allow ourselves to dream big!!! 🥳🤗✨🙏🏻

Melissa LaFond

❤️❤️❤️ amazing! Can’t wait to see it going up. What a blessing!

Laura & Jack

This is so amazing. Thank you for sharing this news with us today!


Wow! stunning, I felt emotional for you watching this. So exciting. ❤️🙏


Magnificent and well deserved xx


Wauw, how wonderfull, I’m so proud to be just a little part of it, looking forward to see it on it’s right place.


This is so exciting!!!!! Come on $30,000..,.. let’s get this paneling up! 💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏


How absolutely wonderful. It’s breathtakingly beautiful and I am so excited to see it installed at Lalande ❤️


Is never thought wall paneling would make me emotional, but this did!! Wow!!


I thought nothing would make me more excited than the lake but I was wrong! This is so exciting and stunning! This will be so wonderful to watch the room come alive with the paneling!


Wow it's absolutely beautiful


Love this - this project is going to be such fun to follow.


PARABÉNS, Stephanie!!! Notícia maravilhosa!!!


My goodness as I sat here watching the video I had tears streaming down my cheeks also !! To imagine how long all of that has survived! I can imagine Selmar going in and petting it and welcoming it! WOW, just wow. The paneling is the exact reason that I became a patron, I wanted to be a small part of that. Thank you for sharing this Stephanie... OMG wait until Mummy sees this! I can imagine her smile all the way from SA to LaLande.


I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more Stephanie. You deserve, you deserve, you deserve , it sooooo much!!! It’s a joy to be on this extremely rewarding and exceptional journey with you, Thankyou for being you x


Wonderful! Will u paint over it with different colour..or will you keep the pale blue theme?


This is an amazing day! I know all of us will be waiting until the day you can throw the doors to the grand salon open and show us the results of Emory’s hard work. Congratulations Stephanie your dreams are finally coming true. ✨💥. PS I’m hoping when you reveal the room you will be dressed in a 17th century costume. 🥰


Amazing! When you said 'paneling' I didn't think "P-A-N-E-L-I-N-G!!!" They are Gorgeous! I'm wondering if you're going to paint them? leave as is? or copy the color that is on there already? I have to admit I did shed a few tears when I saw them. They are ABSOLUTELY Stunning! So happy for you Stephanie and for all of La Lande! xoxox Laura


I jumped on the notification when I saw it and I wasn’t disappointed ! What a wonderful find and it will be so interested in seeing how it will be fitted back and restored ! I’m so happy that all of us can help with giving Lalande its past glory


A-MA-ZING !!!!! Seeing how much joys it brings to you is definitely worth my small contribution. You are such a wonderful person. Very happy for you 🥰


Oh wow it is a treasure, so so happy for you. I love it’s color . I cannot wait to see it, what a dream 🏰💙


The Grande Salon is going to look absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to see the progress once the project is started. So happy for you Stephanie, you really deserve this happy moment! ❤️


Amazing! I am so happy for you!


Wow! Amazing! So very exciting 🥰


oh my, it's stunning! I can't wait to see it installed


Hi Stephanie, I’m sorry I’m unable to watch this as have a zoom meeting but I will watch later - probably when I’m in bed! Really looking forward to it! 💐💐💐💐💐


Stunning! How incredibly special. I can't wait to follow the progress.


Wonderful news!


Wow !!!!! What a marvelous and touching video!!!!!!!


This is so exciting. I’m so looking forward to the process. It will be fascinating watching him piece it all together and lovingly repair it. I’m so happy to see your dreams coming true. A great reward for such a long and patient wait through tough, sometimes lonely times. Seeing your joy makes my heart happy!


This is absolutely incredible. I’m so excited for you and for the chateau! Congratulations! PS- I’m obsessed with that outside you were wearing sitting at your desk. So Chanel!!


WOW! I had a lump in my throat listening to how excited you were Stephanie!! Stunning! 🤩 I can’t wait to see it in person😍 Your dreams are coming true because of your kindness and all your hard work.💖💖

Susan Hagadon

A Genuine Wish for You Hope good luck follows you, Wherever you go, May you become so famous, That everyone should know, May your dreams come true, Then each day will be new, Good luck my friend!

Tina Winther

By the way, that van was like a tardis unloading such a stream of time traveling parts!!! And you look perfect for this announcement in that suit, Mme. la Chatelaine!


This looks great! I'm so happy for you and tous les lalandais! Also, I just watched your seminar with the French Heritage group. Your signal was so good. I am glad that Lalande has such great wifi service now! Mes félicitations.


Ohhh Stephanie , so much exciting things are happening at LaLande!! Next .. the lake!

Sandra Warmbreath

Just amazing, and I feel your excitement all the way to Oregon. I'm so happy for you!


Wonderful news! I look forward to watching your cousin restore, renew, fit, and install these treasures. The process will be very interesting - milling, carving, perhaps mold making with silicone, painting, gilding - as you say, a very long process. Those bookshelves look like they would do a great job for displaying ceramics. ;) They also look like they might need some subtle central supports. France is lucky to have you saving some treasures in a space that is used and enjoyed every day. oxo




Wow! Just incredibly beautiful! So happy for you.


Wow that’s stunning 🤩 😍 it’s going to look amazing in there. Congratulations and can’t wait to see it installed.


Oh, I almost screamed when the video started!! 😊 Stephanie!!! WOW! WOW! WOW! IT'S AMAZING!!!! I am so happy for you! I have no words, just so incredibly beautiful!! I feel we need to thank Henri 😊❤️


Same! I thought it was just low or mid paneling, but...wow!


I had a little joyful cry with you ! Looking forward to seeing it all coming to fruition


Oh My!! Simply amazing. So very exciting 😊😊


Amazing something as beautiful as that has survived.


I got goose bumps and a bit emotional. Such great news! Wish I could be there when it goes in.


Stunning, absolutely stunning. I am so happy for you! Thank you for sharing with us. 💗💗


I am seriously crying with joy as each of your dreams come true and we watch in awe!


Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful paneling! Stunning. 😍 It is so wonderful that you were able to find and purchase this paneling. I am honored to be a patron & help in my small way to enable you to renovate Lalande. The chapel, the lake, the terrace, the courtyard and now the Grande Salon. Stunning. We’ll need to begin dreaming of the chateau facade next......🤗❤️ Never stop dreaming....so dreams can come true.


Tres Belle the paneling is exquisite for the Grande Salon and we know you are over the Moon💐


Stephanie, you always say that is because of us you can bring the chateau back to life, but in reality, its because of YOU and your mesmerizing energy that we love to sponsor this amazing work. The panelings were simply stunning! And your sheer joy, when you received them, was equally breathtaking and inspiring to watch.


Absolutely lovely. You are such an inspiration to me.


This brought tears to my eyes. I feel so priviledged to be a small part of this amazing dream.


This actually brought me to tears. It's such an honor to be able to be a small piece of this stunning accomplishment. I'm not sure that I'm patient enough to wait to see this completed.


let's face it, very few of us will ever be able to afford something like this. being able to chip in with a few bucks every month and thereby making it possible for you to buy such beautiful things that ooze history makes me very, very happy and i could not think of a better use of my money, BRAVO!! fair warning: one day i will come to lalande and have tea in front of the 0,1 mm² of 18th century panelling that my money has bought, but i promise to refrain from marking my portion with a sharpie! i'm very happy and excited for you and all patrons, well done! :)


Wonderful news. So very pleased for you x


Hmm. As an American, I can't really understand the emotions behind the paneling. I understand how important it is to preserve history (that's why I donate), but are the emotions from this due to the age of the paneling or its actual looks? Paneling like this can be made today rather easily. We have CNC machines that can carve exquisite figures out of wood and if painted and detailed correctly, it would be hard to tell the difference in age. So, is it like a sort of romance, that these pieces of wood have seen so many centuries, that triggers the emotions? Hmm. I suppose if it were me, I would try to keep the same quality yet go for the cheaper option if possible which would likely be the modern CNC option. I like things that look rich and lustrous, but they don't necessarily have to be old, just look it... Something like what they have at Oxford University or in Victorian era/style homes.


What a lovely surprise! I’m overjoyed for you and Lalande, and I can’t wait to follow the process and see the final result. It’s gonna be marvolous 🤩


That is so exciting! Seeing it installed will be amazing 🥰


WOW, that’s stunning!!!


Such a beautiful stunning annoucement . I am thrilled for you and Lalande and such a good feeling to be a small part. Hardly wait to see the progression of the installment.


Ma chère Stéphanie, vous remerciez vos mécènes mais tout est grâce à vous. C'est grâce à votre idée de création d'une chaine sur Youtube, c'est grâce à votre bonne humeur dans chacune de vos vidéos, c'est grâce à votre charisme qui nous donne envie de vous aider, c'est grâce à votre enthousiasme communicatif à sauvegarder votre patrimoine, c'est grâce à votre travail. En résumé, toutes ces belles choses vous arrivent car vous les méritez. Quand on envoie de bonnes ondes aux autres, la vie vous les renvoie en retour de façon décuplée. Bravo à vous et ne changez pas !


How wonderful! Cannot wait to continue to follow along as the paneling becomes part of this beautiful home!!


I felt rather emotional watching this. I remember the very first day you opened your Patreon account and I saw the target for the panelling - it seemed a long way off, yet somehow I had faith it would happen. I became a Patron, on that very first day, specifically to contribute to that goal. I am thrilled and excited to see the imminent realisation of that grand dream. Congratulations, Stephanie, I am so very happy for Lalande and for you.


How thrilling! Thanks for letting us share in this historic moment in time. Can not wait to see the work start and another of your dreams come true. 💞💖💞


Wow, this is amazing news! The paneling is truly breathtaking. Wow! I am looking forward to a summer of exciting paneling work <3


How Exciting! That paneling is Fabulous and so historic. It’s amazing that you have the original numbered keys (great that Phillip noticed). We’re so happy that your dreams for the Chateau are coming true!


Congratulations Stephanie! Such exciting news! I can’t wait for the installation of the panels. Fantastic, it is indeed a dream come true. :)

alicia baylina & gail estka

My first post as your Patreon. That was amazing to watch. Your unbridled joy literally leapt off the TV screen. I also agree with a previous poster that everyone at LaLande understood the significance of these magnificent panels and treated them with reverence. Moreover, my wife and I feel honored that we played a small part in this most significant of developments. Obviously this has been in the making for some time since you stated that you and Phillip have been pouring over the photos for a while. To that end, can you please add more context around how you found them, how you were alerted they were being sold, how long ago you bought them and how long you think the project will take to install and reproduce pieces? Lastly, will you be showing more on tomorrow’s Chateau Diaries? Your mother must have been thrilled!!!!


Stephanie, as always, you have done a wonderful job of not just showing us what we are doing together, but helping us to feel the impact of our contributions both large and small.


What are you trying to do to me Stephanie???? I’d just tuned into the zoom call and then your message about this popped up!!!!!! I didn’t know which to watch..... lol


Congratulations what fantastic 😍😍😍


Your joy is infectious! Congratulations on this beautiful historic addition to Lalande. ❤️


My goodness the panelling is stunning..How did you find it Stephanie


This is so exciting!!! I have been in such a slump but this has brought me out of it. Maybe Marie Antoinette visited that Hotel Particulere. So enjoyed your talk with French Heritage. I am in NY. It seemed like maybe Jennifer was too.


So amazing and very happy for you, dear Staphanie..


I'm so happy that you were able to buy the paneling. Congratulations!


well, that's the difference between growing up in europe and a fairly young country like the USA in a nutshell, no disrespect. the words "CNC" and "reproduction" make me cringe. i actually don't know how to explain it to you but here are two thoughts: 1. something like this CAN NOT be reproduced. yes, you can make pieces that look the same (some better and some worse) but they will never have the same history and charme. also, it's the rarity, this panelling is over 200 years old, how much of it does still exist? how much of it will exist in 200 years? just to think that craftsmen, who had wives, children, worries, wishes, lifes in a bygone era, who have long since been dead - and yet their art survived - have carved this by hand, without any powertools is quite powerful. 2: modern day reproductions have a tendency to look cheap, tacky or over the top. i shudder when i think of the pictures of trump's apartment, his hotels or american McMansions. sorry, again, no disrespect, just my two cents.


Honestly, I am crying with sheer delight over this announcement! I became a Patron in February 2020 in part because of your goal of restoring and adding paneling to the chateau. The wonderful boiserie in old chateaux is always my favorite decorative element and the thought of wood in the library (your goal in those early days) was very exciting. I am so, so pleased that these amazing, historic pieces have come to Lalande and I am looking forward to sharing their installation. Oh happy, happy day! Congratulations!


I had tears! I am so so happy this is happening for you and that I had a very small part in it. 💖💖


WOW that really was a surprise - you are always sooo creative at involving us in such wonderful moments - unexpected - thought such a purchase was still a way away but the last few months have crept up brillianly- i do so remember when you first talked Patreon and it was to support the pannelling - and YEAH here we are xxxxxxx


Oh la la la la. C'est magnifique!


This is so exciting. I'm so happy for you. Will you be painting the panels to match old and new pieces?


It’s gorgeous! Tears in my eyes watching the excitement of the arrival and you finally seeing it in person. How wonderful- so happy to be a small part of this wonderful adventure of restoring La Lande to it’s glory.


Where did you find this paneling? How does one come across something so beautiful?


Speechless gorgeous


Oh my STEPHANIE 👏👏😮❤️The paneling is just stunning !!! Congratulations !!!


Stunning x


Awesome!! Absolutely love the Paneling💜


Thrilled for you!!💕


.......That colour though, it’s just beautiful, like walking through a forest in the morning mist.


Anyone else feeling overwhelmed with emotion? Beyond thrilled for you and LaLande Stephanie, and also feeling a bit of pride to be a part of a group of people coming together to help restore such a magical place. Really really excited by this and can't wait to see the progress over the coming months!


Dreams come True. That mirror is amazing, so excited for the transformation!


Well, well, well! You are right. This is the most exciting news EVAH!!! I'm so thrilled for you. Can we please call them boiseries (rather than panelling)? Love the images of them in situ in Paris, so we can get an idea of what it will look like. Originally, there would have been a pair of candelabra in front of the mirror. That way, the light from the candles was reflected off the mirror, thereby "doubling" the light in the room. Congratulations! You have officially arrived in the annals of chateaudom (is that a word?) with this acquisition. Well done, Stephanie!


So beautiful! Tears in my eyes and joy in my heart. Congratulations Stephanie😘🎉🍷


That is really exciting! Love the boiseries !


Stephanie, this is wonderful news . The reason for becoming a patron was for moments like these, yes I know it's down to patreon money but it is because of you that we stay. The panelling is gorgeous and so many sights and sounds of centuries past are held within the wood and when it completes your Grande Salon it will be the life of Lalande that will become imprinted within it.


Congratulations Stephanie! The paneling is just beautiful! 🥂 🎊🥂


The integrity of my waterproof mascara just failed as a result of this momentous announcement! It is so incredibly gratifying to be one of your Patreon's. I LOVE being a part of this progress and cannot wait to see these panels in person one day. Also, *fabulous* French Heritage Society interview today, Stephanie. So proud of you and the Lalande team!


This is thrilling! What a coup 😀


It's incredible that these days people are still dismantling original panelling from Hotel Particuliers. I'm so happy that it is with you and not in some random skip or antique shop ! I can't wait to see it in situ ! xoxoxo


Fabulous news hopefully you'll get some of these other projects finished and out of the way before starting this one so nothing gets in the way of it x


Are you going to keep this distressed finish and match it ?


Oh Stephanie, this is what being a patron is all about. Knowing we are a small part of helping to restore and complete upgrades of this magnificence! It is simply breathtaking! Congratulations!


This has made my day! It is absolutely stunning! Can’t wait to see it see it fitted! It’s so lovely seeing your dreams come true and hard work being rewarded. Congratulations! Cx


Just amazing!


Well done on sourcing it Stephanie. I’m so glad we’ve been all been able to collectively contribute in a small way. Can’t wait to watch your cousins skills of restoring and jigsaw of getting installed.


Wow. Wow. Wow! Simply AMAZING.


This is amazing!!! Stephanie, I’m so excited for you. The paneling is exquisite, exactly what I dream of when thinking of beautiful palaces and chateaus. I don’t know why anyone would get rid of it, but in this case I’m glad they did 😉. I love the idea of something like this, 200+ years old, having to acclimatize as if it’s still a living thing.


Felicitations Stephanie! The grand salon will be stunning with the gorgeous paneling! What a great find! I hope to see it one day!


I’m so happy for you Stephanie! This is so beautiful. I do remember Amory from your older vlogs. That will be fun to have an important person in your life living with you for a little while. It’s going to be another fun summer at Lalande! Can you imagine all the progress of all the projects happening now? I’m so excited! 😍


Looks amazing, so exciting to see everything thsts happening but I am very excited still to see this downstairs loo 😁😂x


Oh and could my name go on a wee corner of the back of the wallpaper for the downstairs loo please. Lady Myra if you would 😉😆


This is the most WONDERFUL news!! Watching, I was getting emotional, as though I played a tiny part in watching the dream of LaLande come true. So exciting watching it unfold and the dream become a reality. Thank you for sharing your dreams with us.


This is the most exciting news to wake up too! I can already imagine it in the Grand Salon and it brings tears to my eyes. Can’t wait and I am so happy you are able to share your dream becoming a reality with us!


I’m late to the party (just became a patron in January 2021 after watching all of the videos on your channel) and I am elated and humbled to be a small part of this wonderful group supporting the restoration of your chateau. As many patrons said earlier, my decision to become a patron was in part because I love the project itself, but mainly because of you, Stephanie. It is absolutely beautiful what you continue to accomplish, not only with the chateau, but attracting an amazing community around you, working with you, living with you, supporting you. In this day and age of building walls, reinforcing borders, nationalism and worse, you are a shining example of doing the opposite: building an international community that brings the best of their culture, talents, sense of humour, openness, shared values, to work together and accomplish something amazing. Bravo to you and many thanks to your patrons, your employees, volunteers and this great community for inspiring me and making me believe again that good things indeed come to those who work hard and invest their talents and energy into their dream.


How incredibly exciting to have such gorgeous boiserie panelling at LaLande! Mervielleuse!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wonderful! I am so excited for La Lande :D Congratulations on this Important milestone Stephanie :) <3


It looks so dirty. With fresh paint it will be so nice.


It will be important to maintain the original paint if possible. We'll learn more soon about its condition I'm sure!

Deby Davis

I cant think of anyone more deserving of good things coming their way Stephanie- and the best gift- is you take us with you. Cant wait one day to see all the beautiful things of Le Lande in the flesh....


I love seeing dreams come true. Congratulations!


Best money ever spent.


Magnifique! *said with an Aussie accent* or bloody brilliant! That colour is sublime! Even more exciting times ahead at La Lande ⭐🤗⭐


Nancy -- me too. Isn't it funny -- I don't think I'll ever be able to visit LaLande but I care what happens to it. I love seeing this dream come true.


This will look truly spectacular. Well done finding this and congratulations! 💕


This is beautiful in every way. I love seeing. Dreams come true! I feel so honored to be a small part of it❤❤❤❤


Besides the many hours of entertainment, laughter and smiles this vlog gives me. It’s this reason that makes every penny paid to the patron 100% worth it.


Hi Stephanie, would you mind uploading the pictures of the original paneling so we can marvel at it until it's put in place at the chateau?


I am so very happy for Stephanie and Le Lande . You bring so much happiness ,joy and laughter to the word. God Bless . Looking forward to future of Le Lande ...😘💕🙏


How did you find out about this paneling Stephanie? It’s such a precocious find & so beautiful 😊 NB how long wil it take to install?


WOW!!! That is fantastic! It's rococo! Congratulations to have found the panelling, really, wow! AND a little bit of Paris at Lalande, how wonderful :D


This is such wonderful news, Stephanie! Congratulations on finding such beautiful panelling and we will all enjoy watching its installation this year. xo


this is going to be so beautiful!


So exciting. Can you give an ignorant American a little history on paneling? I’m a bit comfused— so they used to line the walls in wood? Was that mainly for decoration or for warmth too? Like, I assume, today if we wanted to add molding or embellishments we would nail it straight to the wall. Why did they make entire wall pieces? So happy to be a part of this.


Wow! My heart was racing watching this footage. I have been a Patreon since February 16, 2021, This was my Valentine treat and I am so excited to be a part of this commitment of creative endeavor. Whether it is the chapel, the lake, the terrace, the courtyard, and now the Grande Salon, my favorite project is always the next one! I am so very happy for you Stephanie! You really deserve all of the best things to happen to you, and because you are so generous I know you will share them with us. Thank you for being the light in these dark days.


How exciting - beautiful!


I had tears in my eyes watching your excitement and seeing your dream come true- a huge congratulations to you Stephanie🌸


Warw 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I lost my words last night... Now I understand what it means to go all-in !!!! It requires respect and support, because it is rare to meet such a person! All the best to you and Lalande! A big day 💐💐💐💐💐 🍾🥂❤️♥️💐💐💐💐


I am as overwhelmed as you are Stephanie to see and to be part of this restoration of the Grande Salon. I am very moved that I could help even in a small way and from such a distance. Lots of Love to you and everyone xx


Oh my days Stephanie, so, so very pleased for you. A dream come true. It will look magnificent when completed. I am excited as you all are. Keep well all at La Lande and thank you for this announcement. Love from the Dordogne xx


O.M.G.!!! It is stunningly beautiful & beyond perfect for the Grand Salon.


I'm just some random 33 year old woman in Ohio, crying over paneling for a French chateau.


This is amazing!! Oh Stephanie, it is gorgeous, absolutely stunning!! I am so very happy another piece of your dream is becoming a reality. I am just in awe of the molding work, wow, what a joyous video!! I just want to hug each one of those panels and listen to all the secrets they would have to share. Yay!!!!!


Wow, it’s so beautiful, I’m thrilled for you. Xx


this is so big -- congratulations on reaching this incredible milestone. It goes to show that you can never dream too big -- this is a lesson I'd love to share with my daughter. Thank you for allowing us to be a little part of helping this dream be realized.


I'm a random 58 year old woman in Austin, Texas crying over paneling. I want to hug those walls!!


We need the full moat back now ! As a certain song says “nothings gonna stop us now” and no it’s not a milli vanilli song! The panelling, the lake, the moat and even the tower as Arnie would say we’ll be back... I know you (Steph) hate not travelling but the upside is how much is getting done at la lande .....mummy isn’t going to recognise it....so so pleased for you xx


Well done Stephanie, you had a dream and now it’s a reality! The grand salon will look magnificent xx


Oh wow! What brilliant news to wake up to. Not quite what I was expecting when you said panelling, it is beyond beautiful. Can’t wait to watch it be pieced together and transform the Grand Salon.


Woot! Such fun. Glad to be a part of this, S. Cheers 🍸


It may be hard to believe but I am probably as excited as you! Bravo for this creation! ❤️

Anna Ibarra

Redoing a chateau bit by bit. That paneling was therefor LaLande. Super elated for you Stephanie. 🙌🏼


Congratulations!! It is gorgeous and I am so happy you are realizing this dream


WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! Fairytales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart!


WOW - What wonderful news. Everyone's excitement is so palpable it is like we are there.


Superb! Can’t wait to watch it being installed.


Absolutely incredible......I have goose bumps watching this. Can hardly wait to see the Grand Salon when it has all its new finery installed.


Congratulations!!! Such a reflection of your hard work and the joy you bring to so many people across the world!


So, so excited for you! ( for us, too!) The paneling is beautiful. It will be thrilling to watch as it is incorporated into its new home at LaLande!


I hadn’t realised what sort of panelling you were imagining- this is s much more beautiful than I had expected. The wait will be excruciating 😍🇦🇺💐


You absolutely deserve it Stephanie. Because you have a genuine big love 💖 for La Lande 💖


I just had a great idea, watching this... In alot of these paneled rooms, there would be both furniture (like the bookcase), clocks and paintings built into the panels. I think, that since your cousin is going to make new sections - there might be a possibility of making built in, custom frames for some of the paintings made by the artists, that are part of this renaissance of Lalande, like fx your fathers art. Those big oval carvings above the doors might even become "frames", decorated with new paintings by Oliver? Oh, so many ideas.... 😂 Its going to be absolutely a gorgeous room 😁


Wow! It will be amazing 😍 So happy we can help your dreams come true. 🧚🧚‍♀️🧚


Thank you for sharing the joy. Stephanie, you have such a gift of including us all. You deserve this. Your hard work, dedication and commitment to Chateau de Lalande, Chateau Diaries and your Patrons is why you are reaching your goals. We feel so much a part of this restoration and I feel like I am making a difference to preserving a small slice of history. Thank you Stephanie and Team Lalande.


Congratulations! The paneling is gorgeous! I can only imagine how excited you must be. And I bet Henri is chuffed ❤️ 🇨🇦


I'm an absolute puddle of tears. This is truly miraculous! Well done. <3


What an unexpected and beautiful surprise. Congratulations on reaching this long awaited goal! The paneling is breathtaking and how wonderful to give it a new life at Lalande. So excited to see the next steps when it is ready to be installed.


YAY!! So exciting!!


This is so exciting and is one of the three reasons/projects that I signed up to be a patron for. Such good news and so pleased to know that I have been helping with making this dream a reality.


Dear Stephanie, this will be absolutely glorious. What a wonderful thing. I am so thrilled and humbled to be a teeny tiny part of this. Thank you!


I am absolutely overjoyed to know that you were able to find this stunning paneling! I am so happy that your dream for the Grand Salon is coming to fruition; that we can look forward to seeing the work starting this year 🥳 I know it will be beautiful.


Amazing! Wonderful! Gorgeous! A hearty congratulations!! Really looking forward to seeing it all come together!


That is so beautiful! I wonder why the place that sold it would want to get rid of the treasure that they had.


Just the silvery boiserie I was envisioning in the grande salon to go with the Fortuny fabric! Great minds think alike! Good find, thrilled you were able to upcycle it.


What fabulous news! This is so exciting and I look forward to seeing this installed in the chateau. I am thrilled to contribute and am so happy for you and all at LaLande. Stephanie, you are an inspiration and a joy to watch. Your enthusiasm is infectious and I know that your dreams will materialize and you will find many years of happiness at your lovely chateau. One day, I hope to visit. Continue to dream and it will be yours.


congratulations- cant wait to see it put together- it will be amazing.


😭I’m not crying...you’re crying! This is sooooo amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Spectacular news. Happy the paneling have found it's forever home at Chateau De Lalande. 💛 We did it!! 🥳😊 It’s my year anniversary this month I joined as Patreon with Lalande. I think I need to level up on the tier. 😊🌟✨ Thank you Stephanie for all your hard work and everyone at the Chateau and my fellow Lalanders on the live chats of the premiere's. Love you all. 💛👸


Congratulations!!🍾🎊🎈 this is very exciting news indeed!! I’m a new Patreon, and so thrilled to be here!!❤️


WAY TO GO Patrons and thank you Stephanie for the opportunity to dream with you!


Stephanie, this is a dream come true after15 years of working to restore the Grande Salon! I am sure your Father is smiling as well today. What a change awaits your other as well. The gardens are being reborn, the Terrace, the courtyard, the lake and do not forget the loo and your boudoir! I am so happy to be a small part of all this. I am pleased to see everyone’s excitement as well. Can’t wait to see it on the walls.

Kimberly Dale

🥳 Wow&Wow🤩Beautiful & LOVE THOSE Ancient KEYS 🔑 key 1&key2😁


Gorgeous!! I love it when dreams come true! Congratulations Stephanie :D I've got to watch this video again - unbelievable. yay!


Congratulations to Chateau La Lande! Thank you for sharing this exciting day.


How exciting and so wonderful that you make us feel like we are such a part of things. What an incredible time this is for you and Lalande!


I will admit to saying that this made me emotional! I remember sitting on my couch at the depths of our lockdown here in the US, just after joining the Patreon. You had something like $300 a month at that point, and I remember looking through your goals and smiling at the $30,000 goal, because only celebrities hit goals like that! It seemed like such a crazy dream. (I hope that doesn’t sound too condescending! It was just such a large number and I’ve watched so many Patreons struggle to make it.) We joined your Patreon just as it began to skyrocket, and I was in charge of the daily reports to track how much it has grown overnight. It was like watching a garden grow. Over the last few months, I’ve been amazed and delighted as $30,000 got closer and closer. “Nothing is accomplished without big dreams” indeed! This channel has been such a lifeline for my family this year, just like it has for so many people. I am so happy we got to participate in bringing LaLande back to life. On to the next goal and the next big dream!


Oh, Stephanie, the paneling is absolutely breathtaking. Just gorgeous! I am dreaming of visiting in the summer of 2022, and maybe it will be finished, or a lot will be by then. I'm so excited that I'll get to stand in that room, surrounded by amazing history. I'm so over the moon happy for you that you've had a longtime dream come true. <3


So excited for you Stephanie and everyone at Lalande!!! So glad your dream is coming true. It was so fun watching the paneling coming out of the Van in pieces and so glad you showed us photos of the room to give us a idea of what it looked like together. So happy to be apart of restoring this beautiful Chateau and can`t wait to see the Salon when it`s finished. It`s going to be Gorgeous!!!


Stephanie - your dreams, patience and persistence have been rewarded! I am sure that the installation of the the panelling will be sensitively handled. The result will be well worth it as modern reproductions (as good as they may look) usually lack the original craftsmen's skills and the patina that comes with age. Imagine the people and time involved in its creation as well as the sights and sounds the panelling has witnessed in its Parisian life. It certainly will be a day for celebration when it is completed.

Denise Behrends

The depth of your joy in at long last fulfilling your vision for the Grand Salon has moved me to tears! The 18th century paneling is exquisite in its reflection of the grandeur of a French chateau. This stunning boiserie is what I always envisioned. Truly overjoyed for you! You have worked so hard, and now your dreams are coming true!

Theresa Romero

Thus is indeed thrilling news! The paneling detailing is exquisite, and I am over the moon for you, Stephanie, all who are experiencing this along with you, and for Chateau de La Lande

Theresa Romero

Oh, how all of us will enjoy, as along with you, this monumental achievement coming to life!


Absolutely STUNNING! - I can't wait to see it in person!


What a very exciting transformation for the Grand Salon! This is an incredible historic find for Lalande. Congratulations! 😍😁👍🎉💜🇨🇦🥂


Congratulations!!! What a Beautiful purchase. can't wait for all of it to come together. WOW!!!!!


Congratulations Stephanie! I can’t wait to see this beautiful paneling displayed in its new home! 💕🎉🥂💕


Wau! And the courtyard looks amazing too!


This is so exciting. So much happening nothing he going to stop you now!


I am SOOOOOOOOO excited. 😘😘🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘


You've brought such joy to me and it is such a pleasure in my small way to contribute to making such a lasting impact on something so beautiful and amazing. I give a relatively small amount per month but it's all our small donations adding up to something so big! I can't wait to see how this turns out!


Wow and just wow! I'm so pleased for lalande! And honoured to be a part of it in my small way :)


What a glorious announcement Stephanie; the historic18th century paneling is amazing! Such a miraculous purchase and it will be so, so beautiful in the Grande Salon at LaLande. I feel honored to have been able to help in tiny way, to make your dreams come true. And now we have to practice patience, as you have done for 16-17 years. It will be well worth the waiting and watching. Congratulations Stephanie and Team LaLande. 😘🎉😘💐


It was a thrill to see and to recognise how much it means to you and the team at Lalande what a summer you are going to have x


Your joy at finally seeing your dreams come true is palpable and inspirational. Congratulations to you and all the patrons in restoring your beautiful home to it’s former glory. Not just the panelling, but all the other projects on the interior and exterior so that La Lande can be around for future centuries!


Completely and utterly amazing! This is the most wonderful news! Congratulations Stephanie and everyone whose helped along the way!


Stephanie, Did you tell us the story of the fire and I missed it?


What a complete joy to watch such beautiful paneling, many congratulations.


Absolutely wonderful & in true Stephanie style - you even have a cousin who can fit it! Everything comes to he who waits & you have waited long enough. Well done ... you so deserve this. 💕xx

Daniel Hammond

This is a glorious announcement! I am so happy that this is happening! Thank you for the video! Epic news, indeed!

Daniel Hammond

The fire has been talked about in various videos, though I can't remember which ones, sorry. I don't remember a specific fire video, but it is something Stephanie refers to from time to time.


Absolutely stunning, can't wait to see it in place.


Congratulations to all of us! What a big achievement to get to this point together in just a year! Stephanie, you are really inspiring and I think we all dare to dream a little bigger now that you show us that dreams do come true. Yes, it takes a lot of hard work, but we can do it together. And you have found the most beautiful paneling - I love them already! How grand the GRAND salon will be again.


How exciting. What wonderful news and can’t wait to see the panelling installed!!


So excited for you Stephanie. I too was very emotional watching them unloading all the paneling. I can imagine you checking it every day, hardly believing how beautiful it is.

Kathryn Grace

I can't wait to see the finished product. Gorgeous paneling, Stephanie. What a find.


Tears of joy came to my eyes when I saw those gorgeous moldings! Stephanie I am so happy for you! Congratulations!! I look forward to one day seeing it in person. Wow!


OMG !!! so AMAZING ! I'm speechless !


What a dream come true! The paneling is beautiful, beyond anything I'd imagined, and totally perfect for the Grand Salon. It breaks my heart that that glorious room on Ile St Louis was dismantled, but thank heavens you've saved this jewel and brought it shine again at Lalande!


If you had to assign a color to a magical forest I'd say that is IT!


I adore the paneling, I teared up when I saw it it's so beautiful, looking forward to seeing it in place one day, good luck Stephanie, keep dreaming x


Congratulations Stephanie. What an amazing addition. So very happy for this success. Can't wait to hit the $30,000. With 2000+ patrons I'm sure we will be able to do it


Awe, this made me cry tears of happiness! Congratulations La Landers we all may not be able to have our own chateau, but we all have a hand in restoring this one! How beautiful!


Patrons unite and recommend Chateau Diaries to FB friends and groups. See if we can raise these numbers


I am so happy for you!!!! The paneling is absolutely stunning!!!


I hope you can hear my exuberant cheers all the way from here in Canada! I'm shedding tears of joy for you La Landers and for our whole Patreon family. Thanks for enabling us to be part of your Chateau dream...xo


Is the zoom call for another patron level? Or did I miss something yesterday?


I wondered that too! It looks like she found it on a website but wow! What a website! Do you just google “Where to buy historic old chateau parts”?


That is incredible! So happy for you and Lalande! I'm excited that I am a very small part of it.


Dear Stephanie, I just finished watching this video, and TRULY speechless!!! WOW!! When I decided to become a Patron I was absolutely sure that you would make the most with my humble contribution to transform Lalande!! Congratulations for your inspiring talent and restless efforts. Warm greetings from Brazil.


Oh my goodness!! How amazingly wonderful!! I found that I had tears in my eyes as you showed us the panels and particularly the book cases and the mirror. The photos of the room from which it all came made it so real! Thank you for sharing this with us. I cannot wait to see it in person! Much love! xoxoxoxo


C'est fantastique Stéphanie ! Covid has had it's good side for many of us & I'm delighted to see how much it has allowed your business to grow & has increased our pleasure in watching your vlogs. What's more, it'll be even more exciting when we finally get to visit you as we'll get to meet you all AND discover an even more beautiful château. Gros bisous des montagnes des Pyrénées Orientales. xxxx


Stephanie,Vivian Westwood,confess!Loved the dress tonight!More please!


Stephanie: I have something exciting to tell you! Me: OMG is it paneling??! Stephanie filming the van: I think that's the paneling! Me: PANELING!!!

Jodi and Scott Barck

I can only afford a small donation and wish my name could be in that paneling. Would love a tiny piece of me forever in France. Can't wait to see it come together.


Beautiful! Just stunning. Can’t wait o see it installed.


I watched that and realised my mouth had been open in awe throughout. It’s Absolutely stunning. ...I am so thrilled for you. Shame I can’t afford more for my name to be included but I’m super happy to have contributed my tiny bit of history. I want to touch it and feel the echoes from the past!


Wow! ONE YEAR! That's progress. Congratulations to Lalande, Henri, Stephanie & the owners, and all the lucky inhabitants and workers :D


It is so beautiful - it is going to be an awesome project. Good eyes Philip - the keys are indeed shaped as 1 & 2 - that is so cool

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

I am thrilled to see what you have found to make the grand salon truly grand! Absolutely wonderful paneling! It is so much fun to watch each episode and see what great things are happening! The China Room! So excited!


The paneling is going to be exquisite.


The paneling is going to be absolutely beautiful in the Grand Salon.

Cagnae Fetchison

All I can say is WOWWOOWOWOWOW Beautiful!!! This will be such an amazing thing to watch transform!!! Along with everything else!!! So exciting!!


How exciting 😀


Absolutly beautiful.


Brilliant xx looks amazing xx 🥰🏰


Stephanie, I am more excited for you and someday soon I will visit La Lande. Good luck to you All and God Bless

Sofi Hultin

On top of installing the paneling, will your cousin restore it as well?


Oh wow!! This is soooooo exciting !!!!!


I love how in one action you save both a 16th century castle and an 18th century panelling.


Oh my goodness! What a gorgeous find! I'm so excited to see it!

Ashley Johann

I can’t wait to see it going up!!!!

Laura & Jack

What a lovely find and the panelling will be an wonderful addition to the Grand Salon!! Have visited île Saint Louis (gelato!) and would love to hear a little bit more about the area, it’s history and perhaps the elegant apartment from which the panelling was purchased. Perhaps a future Sunday at the Chateau?


fantastic cant wait to see it going up cograts


Congratulations for breaking the $ 29,000 goal


$29,000!! Congrats!!


please make sure your contents insurance is aware of this and also please make sure that there are no fire hazards near this while is waits to be fitted. Congratulations on reaching 29k


PS that van is an actual tardis lol


Changed tier but sending mucho positive vibes. Lalande continues to Rock but we've found a couple other creators on Patreon who we also want to support so we're spreading the love.


I have upped my tier because I’m so loving what happens at La Lande and how Stephany so joyously shares her life’s work with us. I feel blessed to be able to be part of it. Much love from New Zealand xxx


Hi Stephanie! I am a new countess. I see my name listed as Lynnie P. Could this be changed to Kerry Lynn Parsons? Lynnie P is my nickname. Kerry Lynn Parsons is my proper name. Thank you! 😊❤️ I enjoyed watching you and Steve sort out your father’s drawings for use in the chateau. What an exciting project to say the least! 😁❤️


Hi, you could make a coloring book for children of your father’s drawings and donate profits to charity.


hello! Thank you Stephanie for being this energy in the world! You are such an inspiration for joy and creation! Can I have a phisical address where to send a gift? : )


I think - if you’re referring to how it appears on Patreon - only you can change it under My Profile.




Please reconsider and do the library as soon as you can . When the two rooms are finished it would be a spectacular sight.


If you go to the Chateau de Lalande website, there's a physical address listed as it's there business website for bookings, etc. They have the all the "Contact" tab type info there.


I thought she was moving forward with ordering the library joinery, as well as the kitchen, but not the china cabinet. I can't remember if she said anything about the area cuisine order from the joinery. Does anybody else recall the status on all these...? I had thought the library was moving forward because it was important. Maybe for May we'll get an update on all of it


Is there any research being done on how to formally make sellable prints of various sizes of your father's art? Or research to compile a book of his art? Above, another patron had a fabulous idea of a coloring book for kids of your father's prints. I'm still really really hoping for a Lalande cookbook. I won a bet with a friend where they had to make dinner for us, so I asked them to make the duck parmentier you made for your housemates on the Come Dine With Me episode. But I probably fastforwarded through 30 episodes from the beginning where more food was shown. The one thing I miss from earlier vlogs is all the food shots from the workshops!!! Such food!


I'm sure you have this book. I'm getting the $1.95 version to keep up with you. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0670837393/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


I've been watching Stephanie's videos since the Pandemic began. I specifically joined Patreon on 4/25/21 to see about the same question you asked. I'm a historian by training and by education. Those paintings transport me. While I LOVE her videos and I enjoy seeing her amazing hodge podge group of incredible loving talented people that come to the Chateau, I was driven more by a need to see those gorgeous paintings of her father's hopefully someday become a print on my wall. Ha. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is drooling over the background of the videos staring at Mr. Jarvis's incredible work.


I love how little Ruby sneaks into nearly every vlog! Sometimes he's just being so casual laying about, and other times we only get a quick look as he rounds a corner of the chateau.


Yay! :D

Leah Hamdaoui

p.s. attention of the large mirror resting along the window as the heat/cold fluctuations in temp during the day and night may well have an adverse effect on the wood !!!! Beautiful panelling!