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April Start of Month Update!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 500 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only out lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!! If you're interested in become a Patron of The Chateau Diaries, click here: https://www.patreon.com/thechateaudiaries



I was literally just logging in to check for a new video!🙏🤣❤️


Hello. You beat me to it. LOL. Hello from Seattle.


Love the gorgeous plant pot you bought recently Stephanie! Looks good on that stand!


I am so glad to hear that you are taking some time for yourself.


Stephanie, I think you're correct in keeping the style eclectic, the essence of Chateau is the feeling that it has been lived in. I also think it's important that you keep in mind that the past inhabitants were also travelers and frequently brought back unique furnishings from all over Europe those pieces also become conversation pieces in the chataue.


Woohoo! So many exciting updates. Thank you


If someone told me 12 months ago that I would be excited to hear how well a French Chateau was doing in restorations, the people and the everyday day lifes of the occupants, I would have been bewildered 🤔 But OMG how my interests have changed. And very excited to continue on this journey 😃 Love it all 💛


Thank you for the updates. Loving the energy and love going into the beautiful old building.


Great update! Thank you. It’s absolutely wonderful to see all the renovation projects underway, just starting, or on the schedule for future. 2021 is a good year for Lelande! And, to hear the chapel renovation artisan is finally, really, truly going to start next month... I really hope so. It’s been a year of waiting for him....


So many things happening! I can feel the excitement and the fullness of it all. Very happy that you’ve chosen to take a day off, it will benefit you in the long run even if it doesn’t always feel like it😊 I really like the idea of mixing different eras/styles instead of being restricted to one; it’s your home and you should have the pieces that make you happy! Sending much love 💕


Hi Stephanie! So happy to see/hear about all the progress happening. Has there been any news on the lake restoration?


Oh what about the downstairs loo, can't wait to see that beautiful wallpaper?

Julia Cobb

Stephanie! I’m so excited that things are going so well! I can’t wait for Nati’s apartment and the wood paneling! Those are probably my 2 favorite projects right behind the downstairs bath! Things that I honestly thought would be years down the road are being started. I love the team at Lalande. You’ve had the most fabulous luck attracting the right people to fill the jobs. Can’t wait for Mummy to return because her personality makes me laugh almost everyday. Wish you posted everyday😉 I rewatch old episodes the days you don’t! So very happy for you!


I see you changed the rose out in the pot behind you! Looks good! Also, I’m so happy of all the accomplishments there. Hope to see for years to come

Jason Dubey

Nati's dress was insainly beautiful, and when you appeared with the tiara I was floored. You did such a great job on this period Easter celebration. Thank you, it was absolutely wonderful!!!


Long held dreams springing to life and beginning to bloom...LOVE


WOOOOHOOOO congratulations, i was so hoping to hear the good news about the non profit status, that's just great! and the church restorer FINALLY starting and the terrace, a lot of exciting stuff happening! i recently saw this pair of antique display cabinets and i thought i'd show you, for the china pantry: https://www.sellingantiques.co.uk/679860/pair-of-glazed-display-cabinets/ i know you don't like very dark furniture too much but they could always be painted (but i think it would be a bit of a shame tbh, they are beautiful and the white china would look stunning against the dark wood). i must admit, I#m quite happy that the winter salon/library project is not going forward right now. as i said before, the winter salon is my favourite room in the chateau and i think it's beautiful and i've never gotten used to the idea of newly made furniture (even if looking old) in this beautiful, dark, cozy room. the only thing you did not mention, although another creative project not a building/restoring project is the remodelling of the petit salon, are you still planning to do that? good luck, can't wait for the exciting panelling-news! :)


I have never been so proud , as a Patreon to be on this journey with you Stephanie. You’re openness and pure Personality has brought you to where you are today. Thankyou for being just you. 😘


yeh! congratulations! and I love that you are choosing an eclectic mix or periods to bring it all together as a home. I do sometimes thing things can be too purist and museum like otherwise. So excited to see the development of all the projects.


Thank you so much for the updates Stephanie! Everything sounds so good especially the downstairs bathroom I was just going to ask about it.


It's so very exciting Chateau de Lalande received a "non profit" status with your government going back to the beginning of 2020. The tax money you've put aside can now go towards renovations. Good job Stephanie!


What a great investment for camper parking at LL. Maybe “roller, digger Matt” + “ Ian the Electrician” can run permanent power and sewer down for a additional rental/service. My husband and I are planning a Scotland camper van trip in 2023. I’d totally be up for a European leg of the journey in 2024. Gerry can I park my future camper at your house during the winter? 😂

Tina Winther

Ditto above and thanks for the recap of goals from the beginning. Glad the projects are concurrently marching forward especially in the woodlands with a nod to the resident fairies as witnessed at egg hunt time. I imagine you’ll continue to respect the wildlife as the management plans develop 🐇🦔🦆. So great to see you living in to the boudoir just now in the evening sunlight from that side, and truly resting on Fridays from now on. Cheers to Spring 2021 at Lalande💙🤍❤️


Amazing! With the nonprofit, shouldn't that nearly double the "take home" income from each month? I can't remember how much was being set aside for taxes pre-nonprofit, but I remember it being quite significant.


Thank you for the update. I think the library would be a great addition to the chateau, next year. I also think the China rooms is not storage but showcasing and would be a stunning addition to paid tours or even as part of classes in chateau dining etc. for future income ideas. So it would not be such an extravagance and could still be a future project. Don’t be afraid to see your dreams come true and some expenses are worth it.


It's always incredibly exciting to hear the montly update about all of the things that are happening at Lalande 🥰 also, during the last few days I've been entertaining myself by going back and rewatching a bunch of the vlogs from April or so of last year and... wow, it's amazing how much has happened in just one year! Going from seeing you so amazed and grateful for having reached the very first patreon target of $2,500 (and seeing sweet mummy's surprise when you told her about it) to now being so close to actually hitting the $30,000 target! And in only a year! It makes me so happy to see such a beautiful chateau coming back to life again 💕 and I love that not only do I and all of your other viewers get so much enjoyable content from you, Stephanie, but there have been so many amazing people who've found their way to Lalande, in one way or another, thanks to the channel! I'm just really happy for you and for Lalande and I can't wait to see what's going to happen in the future 😊 also so excited to see your long chat with Davie! Much love from Sweden 💕


Did I just spot wallpaper in the front entrance hall??????? shhh..secret ETTCDIY project?


Great update Stephanie, so exciting to see and hear about all the progress.


Hi Stephanie, thank you so much for all the news at La Lande. Its so good that you have these projects going along nicely as its been a long time coming for you. So impressed with all the news ideas. Cannot wait to see Davy’s plans for the garden. Do not over tire yourself, have a relaxing day off tomorrow. I am interested in how you will insulate the attics as we are part way doing ours, as our house was built in 1648 it sometimes throws up new challenges. Well done to all who are working on different projects. I can just see Selmar in his camper van in the forest, I so love his ideas and it will suit him no end. Love to you all, stay safe and well and Love from the Dordogne xxx


What's happened re the entrance hall? I thought it was for ETTCDIY but you've been showing clips of it.


Don’t you all just want to be there with everyone? This was great Stephanie. So much going on. You didn’t mention keeping the tree surgeon on to take care of the forest. Will this happen down the road? I look forward to seeing the progress of the restoration & decorating!


Thank you so much for the update! So much great news! The non-profit status is wonderful! Is there a video specifically on the fire? I keep hearing references to it, but I know so little about it. You're looking fabulous, Stephanie!


Hi from Sarasota, FL. Stephanie, thank you for the update, it is exciting to see all the projects and progress at Lalande. Congratulations on the Non-profit status, that will make a huge difference to the scope of work. You have drawn such wonderfully talented and kind people around you. It is heartwarming to see your dreams come true!!

Susan Hagadon

Stephanie, if any room deserves the Fortnuy fabric, it should be for your bedroom, and dressing room. Just a little self comfort is so well-deserved with all you have done. hugs


When I costume high school productions with guys in breeches, I have them go to JC Penney and buy ladies "Boot Socks" and they work quite well to cover their calves appropriately.


Just wondering how you found the Ian’s and tree cutter and Selma?


She did mention more fire wood because of maintaining the forest. And that is what the tree surgeon was going to do.


Oh my! It is so great to hear of all the projects. Until we hear all of them one forgets how much is going on at the same time. It is a bit of a juggling game for you Steph. I am so glad that you are taking Fridays off. As you have already discovered it makes a huge difference in your life. Much love to you. xoxox


So glad you’re feeling better Stephanie. Busy, busy bee hive you have going on. So much excitement and fun. ❌♥️❌


Any update on the project plan for the lake? Will the wet moat be expanded? Great work and update.


I can totally understand, your head must be spinning, with all the activities all around the Chateau. Monsieur Ghost must have been working very hard to get everything going - he almost deserves a plaque somewhere 😂 I have to admit, when I think of the China pantry... Does that necessarily have to be bespoke, handmade carpentry? It should be a beautiful room, but it is after all a sort of low traffic storage space, and you already have the octagonal piece, that will be the centre focuspoint of the room (with a chandelier😁). So I thought, could maybe a kitchen company not install cupboards, drawers and storage, matching or enhancing that, with counters and so on? Don't kill me... But Ikea actually does have some very nice, elegant and affordable designs with practical solutions... You could even have the carpenters add some finishing details. Its just, that the China pantry also has to be very practical, and "alot of money" might be spent better elsewhere, like in one of the main rooms, like the library. I don't think the focus should linger too much on the cabinetry - but on all the beautiful porcelain. I hope you understand my point, because I do share the love for antiques and porcelain 😁


I think they really don’t know much about the fire except that it happened a couple hundred years ago and that they had to rebuild the main rooms.


I'm new here....my first month as a Lady!!!!!of LL... sweet! It's heartwarming to see/hear from people from around the globe all enjoying the same thing. I believe you should "go for it" as far as the China room goes. The display would be amazing!!! This room could serve as a teaching class for French Dining etc....Love to you all....(Hi Nati)


Hopefully the Kit Kemp book I sent you might give you some inspiration for the boudoir.


Wow beautiful tiaras and everyone.


Alison here, my friend Kim got me a print of the Easter hedgehog as a surprise!! I really love it!!


Marie looks just like Jane Bennet in the 1980 BBC version of pride and prejudice—— my favorite version.


What an amazing and wonderful renaissance for Lalande! I think that the Chatelaine must have a luxurious suite. It just wouldn't be right to have it otherwise. Looking forward to seeing that and everything else develop. am also relieved to hear that you are finally taking a day off each week. ❤️ Love from San Diego, California


I always wondered about Ian the Electrician, whether he was a volunteer or like Ian the Builder. I’ve seen Ian the Builder from vlogs from the very beginning! And Selmar arrives at the Chateau sometime at the beginning of the Quarantine Diaries I believe? I hope that helps a little?


Wonderful update! I was hoping you could tell us about the clearing around the dry moat and if you had more to do. I was thinking about stump removal as the roots are probably all throughout the stone wall. Also thinking it might need some safety rails.


Hi Stephanie, all Lalande team and every patrones! Thank you for keeping us informed with all updates! Wonderful changes are happening and it is so good to contribute to make it happen! Are you using the pink Fortunity fabric that you bought in your apartment? @Matthias you have a really good taste, the cabinets are very beautiful, even though they are dark, they would look great with the type of lamps that illuminate pictures. I look forward to seeing the down stairs lou project finished! The wallpaper is beautiful!🤗💛


It is really exciting watching all the projects come together - you can be really proud of your ability to lead this team, making strategic decisions and adapting to the new challenges that COVID bought can’t have been easy but you have managed with grace and charm. You have a wonderful knack of attracting and supporting talented people who share your dreams. Thank you for sharing your journey. 🇦🇺💐💕


wonderful update! I might have missed it, but did the petite salon get mentioned?


Amazing update! Thanks for recapping all the targets along with the current projects. It is incredible how much has been accomplished in a short time. The costumes for Easter were breathtaking. It looked like a fun and joyful day. Thanks for sharing the Lalande happiness with us :)


I really can see the Fortuny in your boudoir.


Incredible! So exciting to see everything happening. I’m most excited about the lake’s return


Thank you, Stephanie! You look well. You and Philip seem to have lots of outings, etc together. You mention that he is employed by you. What is his job description? Is he trained in film?


Amazing organization of so many projects, Stephanie! I love seeing their progress along the way.


I didn’t get to appreciate Stephanie and Nati’s hairstyles until this vlog. And the idea of tiaras is so out of my style of dress but they were perfect on the ladies. I was just too floored by how stunning they looked in their gowns.


Stephanie, please keep an eye open for mid-century and modernist furniture/accessories as well. It blends in easily with period antiques and creates an interesting contrast. Love watching the progress. I love the light & lightness of your personal rooms. I think you should keep it light & minimal pulling the outside colors in perhaps a reflective Venetian plaster on the walls.


This is my first month of being a patron, and have been an avid viewer since Xmas 2019. Its been so lovely watching the old patron videos and seeing the restoration works around the chateau! Love the 'lived in' stylings. Now that the entrance hall has been in a few videos, is there going to be a tour for the redecorated room?


I thought that too! Even her hair was similar. I love that version so much I went through two box sets of it over the past 20+ years


Incredible!! It is absolutely mind-boggling the amount of work that's going on around the chateau. Do you have a giant chart somewhere? I'd need a wall sized one to keep track of all that. It's so fun to be a tiny part and watching this all come together. Thank you for letting us come along for the ride!


Oh yeah, also fun to see that new little planter you picked up in the Dordogne on the plant stand. Looks so great in that light!


I’m so happy I joined, I love watching your vlogs! The chateau is beautiful, and I’m enjoying the changes you are making. I also love the videos of the shops and historical places you video for us. You have such a fantastic personality and make it fun to watch. ❤️


Hello Stephanie. At 60 years of age, I've done so many of the things you are doing with your life now and it's so inspiring to see you living the life of passion and beauty. It makes me realize that I'm not dead yet LOL and I can both contribute to your dreams, and continue to follow more of my own. Thank you for your inspiration, aesthetic, positive energy, care for friends and family, promotion of art and history, good food, and all the love you put into your endeavors. If you ever need a project manager, I'm your person.


This is all soooooo exciting!!! I can’t wait for the bathroom to be done. I think it’s a wonderful idea to put the log burners in. They can be very ornate and beautiful.


Hip-hip-hooray for a Sabbath's rest! Thanks for the update. Busy season! May God bless you all.


thank you for the update and the beautiful card I received in the mail last week. Fabulous work going on around the chateau. Great to hear you are taking a day off. Please make sure you enforce it as its very important to take time of for yourself.


Just an idea for the china pantry, see the buffet with hutch Chesterfield at Sierra Living Concepts. You can buy two (or three) and even if you pay international shipping of 1K per piece, you still will be ahead.


I completely agree. I love the winter salon so much as it is, with the green walls. That is a room I wish they would not change.


Hope you are doing well. So glad to hear that you are taking a day off every week. I hope it is doing you some good. Please continue to take care of yourself. I'm sure in many countries (atleast where I am) it is normal to have a full weekend (two whole days) of no work. In the end, the rest allows us all to recharge and face the next day week with so much more energy. So I salute you for taking your day every week, don't be afraid to take a second one. So important to take care of oneself and combat burnout. So excited for the not for profit status and to hear of all the amazing updates and news! The garden projects are my favorite, but I can't wait to see how the boudoir comes along... And Natti's suite! Best wishes! Xoxo


This is also my first update since becoming a patron. Thank you! You have really made me feel part of the team, even though my contribution is (regrettably) small! I wholeheartedly support your ideas on decorating the chateau. It is a home, not a museum. Besides, there is so much beauty throughout the centuries, how could you possibly limit yourself to just one style? Tastefully blending the best of what history and today has to offer will enrichen everyone who sees it! The progress is amazing! Who would have thought that living in a fairy tale castle would require you to become a corporate executive!! LOL!


Another wonderful inspirational update! It is so exciting to hear about all the projects! I am so happy for your happiness in being able to get so much done with the You Tube and the Foundation funds! Congratulations! You are also blessed to have so many skilled, talented, knowledgeable and very professional people available! Your dedication is admirable! Do remember to take some quiet, thoughtful and soul renewing time for yourself-most important!~k


Stephanie, fantastic update. One thing you may wish to add to your spreadsheet is the massive amount of timber out by the chapel, which can be sold, cut into planks for Selma to use, chopped into firewood, etc. There may be substantial savings for not having to purchase timber from the timber yard, or revenue selling to a private contractor for creating planks for sale/use in their business and using the proceeds for other projects for the chateau.


Agreed. the china room will be like a mini museum most guests will want to visit, though i think buying antique cabinets for it is a cost effective solution. my husband puts museum style labels next to some of our art on the wall , and we welcome Stephanie's labels.


Thinking outside the box! Some excellent points to consider... 👍☺


What a wonderful journey this is! If the Fortuny fabric still speaks to you I think you should have it in your boudoir. True, it's not a "public" room but all your Youtube viewers do get to enjoy it with you and you absolutely deserve a spectacular personal space. You have created this magic, Stephanie. Enjoy it!


What a wonderful and exciting update! Your joy brings so much happiness. Thanks to you and all the Lalanders for sharing your lives with us. I think your decorating plans sound warm and welcoming and in the spirit of Lalande. I agree though with others that you deserve a beautiful suite of rooms to work, rest, and dream in. 🌸💕🌸


Stephanie, you made exactly the right decision with regard to the decoration of the chateau. It should be a sort of organic growth, spanning the years of the chateau, exactly as a family house always grows with decorating, then redecorating as the years pass. Historic sites always grapple with this issue, often to not very satisfying results, as they interpret the house to only one period, leaving out vast swathes of the history of the place. And living with your boudoir space before decorating is something I always recommend to people. The ideas for it will evolve from inhabiting the space, the light, etc. As far as I'm concerned, you are doing it all right! No complaints, and I have no regrets or reservations about the way you are proceeding. Really looking forward to your chat with Davey about the gardens. And you looked absolutely divine in your Regency gown and tiara. Perfection. Hope to see more fancy dress events in future. Warm regards and wishes for your continued good health.


I'm so glad you hear you are taking time for yourself - be sure to stick to it as long as you can. It eases the concerns that I mentioned in a recent email where I spoke of you burning too bright. :) I love the idea of seeing what Selmar the wood master or the company can do with the chicken town (fanciful village of chicken coops.) Like garden follies with a purpose! Love the idea of centuries of furniture collected in one place. Your creativity unleashed is full of wondrous ideas - stay true to ... you! :)


Do you think you could create a chateau cookbook for sale? I see the awesome dishes all the volunteers ( and you) create but I can’t always understand what they are saying. They look delicious, a recipe book would be fantastic !! Love you and your chateau!!❤️


Stephanie, so many exciting things happening!!! I’m so happy for you! But mostly happy to hear you’re giving yourself a day off! ❤️❤️❤️


I’m so excited for you, so well deserved.


The light streaming in your room in your video was perfect. What color an what pattern of Fortuny did you choose. It should go in a room that will make it pride of place. They are beautiful fabrics an we use them either side. Love all the work being done, an keeping it an eclectic mix is perfect.


I love that everything is coming together . I fully agree with using antiques from different periods . I think you need a swimming pool as well 😘

Anna Ibarra

Yes, different coups for the chicks. The Chicken Village. Or The Chicks LaLande, lol


So much good news!!! Getting to share this journey with you has been so wonderful. And it just keeps getting better and better. I do have two questions. First, is it possible in the future to purchase another vehicle for the business side of Lalande, especially since you have three other people in the house that work for you? If there is ever an emergency, it might be wise to have more than one vehicle. Maybe the next one could be an automatic instead of a manual? The other question I have is now that you are part of a whole network of wonderful people who are working on their own chateaus in different parts of France, is it possible you all could create your own wish-lists of things you are looking for so you can help each other find things at the charity and antique shops? It might even be something Sadie Petherick and/or Ryan could help with as well, when they are out and about making their videos. Seeing you all work together makes me happy. Especially right now, since you are in lock down again. Okay, sending you all lots of love and well wishes. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead. <3 P.S. Stephanie, I really think you should take 2 days off. You work really hard. Let Philip and Natie have a go with making videos. I love them both so much. <3


Regarding the closed windows, what about placing shutters over them just for now, so it give the illusion that the windows are there from the outside? Just an idea. Ian, “Gives a whole new meaning to spooning!” I tell you the wit of the men there, lol... 🥂


From Seattle area as well! 🌲


Stephanie, all the plans sound wonderful. We all (I’m sure!) understand that priorities on different projects change according to various restrictions re obstacles, timing, priority etc. we all know priorities can change in an instant and that’s just life. So exciting to be part of the growth of LaLande and can I assure you that we have complete trust in EVERY decision you make. It’s a huge responsibility you have and we are with you in spirit every step of the way. So happy that you are not taking cheap shortcuts (eg fabrics, wallpaper, panelling etc). Your vision for the chateau is integral to the future life of Chateau de LaLande.


Bravo Stephanie. You are a project manager extraordinaire! It just crossed my mind that it would be wonderful to have a history of each of your projects that in its simplest form could show the "Before" and After" of each project or target. Of course it could be fleshed out with photos or video clips at various stages of the projects.


One more thing. I just read Anna Hardy's comment above and was reminded how effective it is to hear you articulate your vision(s) for LaLande often and with such clarity. I think the fact that you do that keeps us all very much aware of the big picture, something that is so important but can be lost when there is so much going on.


Such exciting developments!! Cant wait to watch them all unfold. Who knew Ian was such a comedian, too!! 😁🌺


Drew Prichard’s in Conwy specialises in sourcing antique shop fittings. You should get in touch with him for the pantry cupboards.


Wonderful news all round!!!


I also agree with you as far as the decorating is concerned and I'm so excited to see the progress. I think Philip needs a dozen of those amazing vests in all different wonderful fabrics.


Stephanie you are amazing. I don’t know how you keep up with everything you do. I’m glad you are taking Fridays off. The plant and the new planter look so happy in the sunshine and you look pretty too.


So exciting to see all the projects moving forward and seeing the chateau being reborn. I’m especially excited for the basement storage, oh it makes my organizer ocd self super happy. Steph please keep and hold your Fridays off as sacred you need the time to recharge your batteries. You shine so bright all of us enjoy every minute of it would hate to see your light dimmed due to exhaustion. Best advice I’ve ever been give is you can’t pour from an empty cup so you best take care of you first otherwise you’ll have nothing left to share. Thank you so much for sharing with us all. Love from Las Vegas, Nevada.


Dear Stephanie and Lalanders Great update. I agree 100% in your plans. Lalande is a great place and it will only get better with that spirit you have! 🍀♥️


Our house motto is: you can’t be creative while running. Bravo on your choice for a day off. You will be amazed at the transformation.


Did you finally get the bed set for Nati from Dordogne ? All your purchases are amazing. It is nice to mix up periods like in many old houses where things are layered by generations. xoxoxo


Will the octagonal island fit through the doors ?


Congratulations on achieving the non-profit status. Thanks for all the interesting progress updates. I also am in favour of a looser approach to the interior decoration and furnishing; you're not creating a museum and it's nice for B&B guests to feel more like they are in your home. I'm really looking forward to visiting again and seeing all the changes (and the people, too!).


Thanks for a wonderful update. There’s so much going on I don’t know how you keep up. All your ideas and plans are carefully thought through and it’s exciting to see your dreams coming to fruition and to be able to be just a tiny part of making this happen is very satisfying. ❤️🌸


What wonderful news, going from strength to strength. So glad to hear that you now have a day of from filming, and are taking it easy. The Spoonbill planter pot looks amazing. Will be lovely to see more of the work that is being done, and the fact that Selmar will be nearer the wood shed, and away from the noise, hussle and bustle of the works. Glad to hear that Marie is staying on. As always, all my love to you all.


Great to see the progress. I totally agree re the eclectic look of the chateau. I am not really in favour of new custom built cabinets in either the China pantry or the library. I think you would be better looking for old items such as shop fittings like the one you saw. An unfortunate consequence of the pandemic is retail establishments shutting down. Also antique book cases can often be found. You don't need to do the full library at once but can keep adding to it as things are sourced. As someone else said things can be painted to match if you want a coordinated look. Imagine the fun you and / or Philip will have searching for appropriate things. I do however think you should go ahead with the kitchen area which is a necessity re more efficient running of the house once things reopen and you have guests and workshops. In this case you should probably take up Ash's estimate for this area.


I love hearing all the plans and what all of us Patron’s money is going towards. I’m so happy I could become patron and contribute to the restoration of such a beautiful building. Love to the whole team at Lalande 🥰


WOW, as you list it’s amazing all that is going on really appreciate the update. There is a programme called Salvage Hunters and they often buy the cabinets you thought of for the China pantry https://www.drewpritchard.co.uk/ he also has a antiques shop in Wales might be worth you contacting them - anyway just a suggestion. 🥂🍾💕


You are looking wonderful Stephanie, so glad you are taking a day off! You ought to start your bedroom project, with all the hard work you have put in, you more than deserve it! I am sure you and Philip would have a wonderful time, creating your magic ❤️


Somewhat weirdly, I cheered when you said "double glazing''. LOL. :D I remember when you replaced one set of doors last September with double glazed ones and what a difference you said it made in the room's temperature. I'm so looking forward to all of the changes, and the meeting with Davey. Thanks!


So thrilled that so many positive things are happening for you & Lalande! And I think you should be a little bit selfish with the Fortuny fabric & use it in your private living areas. Also agree that a home accumulates characteristics & objects over many different periods and should reflect that.


You look fabulous Philip you really belong in that time💕 ENJOY!!!


Thank you so much for the update. It's all very exciting. I was interested to hear the idea of using wardrobes in the china pantry, as I saw a post the other day where they had upcycled French wardrobes and I immediately thought of you. This is the insta account link if you get a chance to look. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQAg_zHkp7/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Bravo Stephanie, what a wonderful update. I am so blessed to be one of your patrons. I've read many of the other patron comments and I don't think I can say anything that has not already been said by so many others. Very exciting times and I'm so happy to be a part of this wonderful journey


Thank you - that was a total delight to listen to - i continue to be fascinated/intrigued by how "inviested" i feel with all the devleopments- i know that i am literally putting in my money as a Patron but as a Lady it is relatively little BUT as the months go by we see so clearly the collective power of the many small contributions - when i signed up last year i had not idea how much i would excitedly watch every stage -I have been surprised on your update how many of the targets i have witnessed being reached AND it affirms you Stephanie for what an incredibly excellent job you continue to do to keep us all feeling so much part of the Lalande family -so that nearly 3.000 of us are still here month on month with you FANTASTIC


Thanks for the update,I have been ticking off the list!Progress is rapid.Very pleased your having a day off!!


With eagle eyes she reigns supreme and has her glance on every seam to find a look that‘s most appealing from skirting board to highest ceiling which adds some class and much more style, although it may just take a while. But in the end her efforts bold will come to life and turn to gold whose magic sparkle will appeal to people with a period feel. For they will flock to turrets high and gasp at Lalande with a sigh. 🏆


Thanks for the update so excited for all the new projects you deserve it all so happy for you and can’t wait to follow along glad you resting as well 💕💕🇮🇪

Sandra Warmbreath

What does "Wall being tanked" re Nati's apt actually mean please? This update is very exciting and I just love being able to hear & comment on your plans! Thank you!


So exciting!! Any updates on the swimming pool?


Thank you Stephanie for taking the time to give us a detailed breakdown of what has been completed and what is about to get done. Great news on the non profit status coming through and your Friday’s off. Take care xx. Love to you all at LaLande from Florida.


I have been watching How to Renovate Your Chateau and remembered that Anna and Philip have a master carpenter who helped them with wood work. Perhaps he might be able to give you quotes on the Library, kitchen, and china pantry. Still enjoying everything which is going on.


This is so exciting! The monthly update videos are always my favorite. It’s so fun to see all the changes! Do you plan to update the arial footage in your video opener? I can’t wait to see everything in full bloom this summer!

Theresa Romero

Thank you, Stephanie. 🙏💗 It’s all so exciting and fun!


Hi Stephanie, it's wonderful seeing everything progressing in the chateau and now, as a new patron, I'm able to enjoy the updates and feel even more part of it. I appreciate all the hard work you and everyone at Lalande are putting in to bring the chateau to life. Thanks for making me smile! 😁😘


Love your updates. So wonderful to see all the work being done. Xx


Ref,the Lillie's,I grow alot of them.Be ready for the Lilly beetle,they r bright orange.Kill on sight!Sadly by squashing between fingers.They will ruin your Lillie's if left.They produce horrible slimy grubs!

Daniel Hammond

Men don't dress like that anymore because it would cost so much! Wonderful suit and Philip is the perfect man to wear it because he has the hair! Thank you for the video!


the Regency dress was so wonderful for everyone. I think there should be a trip to the boulangerie in full, Regency dress. It's fun to think about.


This is wonderful again Stephanie! And thank you for the updates! I agree about the live!! It would be AWESOME! Huge and SAFE hugs from Quebec! Mychelle-Anne


I really, really, really, really want to see floor plans. I’m such a geek when it comes to floor plans. I can imagine a building better this way

Denise Behrends

Your perspective in decorating the chateau to reflect the styles over the centuries—as well as travel—is perfect for Lalande. Wonderful to hear that you are taking a day to yourself each week. So true that the mind is most open to creative ideas when one has stepped away from work. I’ve always imagined the sumptuous Fortuny fabric in your boudoir. And you would absolutely be sharing the fabric with all of us each time you film from that room! Gorgeous dresses, hair styling, and tiaras.

Denise Behrends

Are you considering any options for the windows other than double glazing? Will it be possible to replace the glass only? It would be a restoration dream to retain the character of the historic window frames and hardware, in keeping with the style of the chateau, as noted by the architect. Have you looked into the possibility of interior shutters or additional luxuriously thick draperies as insulation against the winter cold? You are always thoughtful in your approach to renovations. All that you graciously share about the thinking behind the process is so appreciated!

Anna Timm

There surely must be a way to have historic-style wood windows with double glass, right? However, I know that most heat lost occurs not through the actual glass but around the edges of the window panes and frames, so even with one pane of glass, wood windows getting proper repairs and refitting (because wood moves!) makes a big difference in energy efficiency. With Stephanie’s excellent appreciation of history and her taste level, I doubt she'd be putting in anything that looks modern or like our horrible “replacement windows” (which are perfectly appropriate in my shitty builder-grade 1971 condo), even though the chateau is not a listed building.


Glad to hear you are taking a day each week for no work. Stephanie, you have been there for 16/17 years, it is okay to choose the amazing fabric for your boudair to enjoy :)


I really enjoyed this patron blogs. Thank you for the update. I would love a live!!🥳🥳🥳


Hi Stephanie, thank you for the updates, so good to see all the work going ahead. I have been wondering what has happened to the sheep. Normally we are blessed with your antics chasing them but I haven’t seen them In a while. X


I’m so happy to hear all this great news and so happy to be able to come on this amazing restoration journey with you. Your all doing great and look forward to each vlog and update. You have a wonderful team ❤️


Thank you for the updates, it all sounds wonderful and I am looking forward to seeing the works completed in the future xx exciting times ahead for everyone xx it’s lovely that you can keep your wonderful team as you all work so well together xx thank you for bringing sunshine into our world xx look after yourself xx🥰🏰💐☀️


Wow Lalande is coming back to life again. So excited about the Chapel work starting next month and all the other projects being planned for the Chateau!!!


Wow so excited that the Chapel work will begin next month. "Fingers crossed" Plus all the other planned projects at the Chateau. Spring has sprung at Lalonde and its a beautiful thing !!!


Looking forward to six months time when lot`s of the projects are finished. I think nice antique bookcases and cupboards would be much more in keeping with la Lande. I cannot wait to hear more about the Grand Salon panneling. Lots of love to you allxxxx


I too was absolutely thrilled that the chapel restorer put in an appearance in the last vlog! What with the superb difference the removal of the trees has had on the interior light, I can't wait to see it restored to it's former glory. Also glad you've realized that you need time to recharge your batteries, but can also understand how, after 16 years of dreaming of all the possibilities waiting to come to life in LaLande, you couldn't stop yourself once the opportunity to finally see projects move forward arrived. Loved the footage from the Dordogne, one of my all time fav spots in France.


I would be so delighted to decorate Scott mans room.


Selmar will make a beautiful chicken coop.


This is the world your living in Steph. 😘😘😘


You look amazing Philip.


What size shoes does Selmar. ware? What size shirt does he wear? Also pant size?


I vote Fortuny for the grande salon. With silvery boiserie it would be breathtaking. I was not quite clear on how a survey of the lake morphed into a survey for Davey's garden plan, I wonder if you could elucidate? Also, not quite clear on the completion of the plan for watering the walled garden. You say the water pressure is still poor, which makes the investment in fruit trees, thornless blackberries, gardener's assistant, and other perennial features questionable. You said somebody's working on a plan to restore water pressure to the walled garden? I wonder if you could talk to him (Ian? Davey?) about how and when that's going to kick in -- not only for the fruit trees but for those big bonfires which are probably not perfectly safe without a reliable water supply. Impressed you've moved on from the shatteringly expensive fitted cabinetry. Looking forward to hearing more specific detail on the restoration of the terrace, and plans for the renovated stable. Is that being done basically to insulate Isabel's apartment? Thank you, Stephanie. I hope your days off will rest and bless you. It's wonderful to think of all the goodness that is befalling La Lande and its chatelaine now.


What is happening with the terrace and lake?

Kirsty Wyatt

Not sure if this is the write platform to promote this request, but I was wondering if you would consider doing a video about the reference/look-books you have? I am in awe of your vision and I would love to have some of that magnificence in my little hands. I have already ordered Period Rooms in the Metropolitan Museum of Art - I’m very much looking forward to having a look at it.


Im so excited to be a part of all the new projects at La Lande. I absolutely love watching all the videos with all the La Lande residents and volunteers. Its been a great escape and a true inspiration. After showing my sweet husband your videos and saying wouldn’t that be so amazing to take on such an incredible property. He said we can do that here. what would be a dream you have for this house? We are now building a library. Im so excited. All due to watching your videos.


Happy Birthday to me! Earth Day is my day of birth, and I decided to gift myself this year a Patreon account to get more La Lande in my life! Love all La Landers and am glad to contribute even in a small way to the restoration of the chateau. About to binge watch the subscriber videos! Thanks Thanks Thanks!

Anna Timm

Oh my gosh, what a wonderful suggestion. So many good ones have been sent as gifts, too. I know books are kind of... everywhere... in the chateau, so it might be a tall order, but I hope if it isn’t possible now, that maybe a video like that could be done in the future when the library shelving is built! But a video with all the inspiration or refrence books by category would be a dream for those of us who like to make book wishlists. Just like, chowing their covers and titles and authors and maybe whether anyone at Lalande’s read it yet and what they thought.

Anna Timm

Well I don’t have details but I think that the lake is in need of its next survey (now that the full grounds survey is complete and recieved) and she is hoping to have that happen soon, which is what she covered in this video as the latest lake update. The terrance we know needs major structural work because it is collapsing a bit; water is getting through the cracks of the floor and that destroys the mortar over time, and she has shown in the past how the stairs are starting to fall on one side. It’s not going to all crash down at once or anything, seems to just deteriorate slowly. They haven’t shared in the videos yet exactly the extent of the work they will do to rebuild it, though. Hope that helps!

Anna Timm

I am excited to hear the plans for everything you named too! I think I remember they restored water pressure to the garden faucet and it could be what one considers “fine”, and that everything is being watered by hand with a hose as they have always done. I personally think that is fine for everything they bought and have planted! I don’t think they’re in a climate where the whole garden would need watering every day. Drip irrigation does require a certain range of water pressure to function, though, so they haven’t been able to install that. That is what I remember from previous explanations of it, as well as this video. When they had no pressure to the garden faucet, it was like... no water at all, really, which was why they needed to troubleshoot it so urgently at the time.

Anna Timm

Happy Birthday! I just joined Patreon too. Have meant to for ages.


Stephanie, the amount of work being done blows me away! It's so dynamic that my own life seems to move in slow motion by comparison!


Perhaps I missed it but how does the chateau facade fit into the priorities? This seems important (but also expensive I’m sure).


Stephanie-I just need to tell you that I hate days that I do not see you! I watch over and over. Cant go to bed without a fix LOL! I've been with you a few years now. I'm one of your silent followers .


Also, I hope you are in touch with Michael and he's ok. Things are silent on his end. I'm worried about him. I know others must be too.


Lot of great information. Love to hear it!


I just really like that wallpaper......


Really do love these behind the scenes updates of the on-going renovation both outside and inside. The shopping trips and dinners are fun to watch, but for me the restoration of that lovely building and grounds is the icing. Can't get enough of seeing the progress and watching your dreams for the estate evolve into reality . I know you have a lot on your agenda right now, but I would love it if you would consider maybe separating out even more of the 'works' videos from the social stuff and have just a restoration set for us to follow. Thank you Stephanie for sharing your life with us.


He just posted today--he's escaped the lockdown and gone to Madrid! Doing well.

Gabrielle Baalke

Stephanie, you look so healthy! In the Sundays at the Chateau episode for 10 April, when you showed us the footage from August 2020, you looked so frail; now you look healthy, lively, robustly happy! This update and the success and forward motion of work and life in the chateau are likely playing a huge part of that happiness and health. All of us, your Patrons, are so encouraged by these targets met and these projects undertaken and completed. We love being a part of LaLande in whatever capacity we can because we know the value of humans like you. Keep taking care of yourself (and let others take care of you, too!).


If I remember correctly plans were attached to an earlier patron video. It was very early in the series. Suggest you click on the earliest to latest option and scan forward.

Georgette Jones

I am way late on seeing this.....I have missed you and it was my fault❗️


I do hope that you find your beautiful cupboards for the china pantry soon. And also the bookcases for the winter salon.


Just getting caught up but had to add a note of appreciation for the way you keep us informed and bring us along on the projects. There's a lot of us but you manage to create an intimacy in your videos that allows us to feel involved. Thank you!


Wow that is amazing that lalande has been consistently inhabited since the beginning- that is really special and precious


This was so great, please do it again soon ;)


This was great! I really enjoyed the detailed report. I was most impressed with the beautiful vision you have for the interior. What exquisite taste! ❤️