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Extra Footage from the Dordogne!



Hi Stephanie, one for the note book, I came a cross a YouTuber called “Harry’s Garage” he was having one of his old Jaguars restored by a company in Sussex called Painting Classic Cars. Link Below. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwimy8LsltvvAhVZ8LsIHQLUCqQQFjAAegQIAhAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paintingclassiccars.co.uk%2F&usg=AOvVaw22She0LYVkRyXF1pcrqyKV They seem to specialise in restoring old Jaguar’s. I thought of you and your Dad’s old Jaguar, I think the car is part of the whole spirit of Lalande and would be an asset which your Guests would enjoy. I know nothing of this company other than as seen on YT and have no connection with it either. But it looks interesting. Best wishes Si. (BPOTV).


Cool; thank you. Stay well!


ES, BPOTV. Well done, Keep them coming, Si.


I hope we can get back to real updates for the patrons, instead of extra footage, soon. So glad you’re well, Steph!


Thank you Stephanie!! ❤️




Excellent escapism to France. Thank you for sharing 🌸🌟🌸


Oh thank you. I have watched every episode of Chateau Diaries...many several times. But I had never heard the story of the Jaguar. So nice to know where it came from. Stephanie or Isabel, please tell us more.


I understand waiting to do the china cabinets but I thought it would be even more., so don’t rule it out entirely.

Pam Mastin

Hold on...."Once you've seen Juan you've seen Jamal". :)


The netting path is something I've never seen and it looked difficult for most visitors.


Here's what people might like to know about decanters: They are either glass or crystal. With glass, one can actually store liquor in them for long periods of time. With crystal, one can only decant for a short period - for a party, perhaps, or a weekend. The difference is that crystal has lead in it, which can leach into the contents. I've got a lovely Baccarat decanter, but I can't actually keep liquor in it, so it's just for show. So @philipjanssen , you did well! Beauty and practicality with your decanters. Actually, the body is glass and the stoppers are crystal, unless my eyes deceive me. And Stephanie, good find with the cachepot. It's lovely, and they are so useful. Glad you both had such a lovely time in the Dordogne, and came back with goodies.


Stephanie, I’m very happy you’re feeling better. I don’t think you realize how much work you’ve been doing — the equivalent of a feature film a week. That much work has broken many a filmmaker. Please take care of yourself. We treasure you. Thanks for sharing your vacation.


I really enjoyed this extra footage, Stephanie and Philip. As someone who would travel to France every couple of years - from Australia - it is so lovely to travel vicariously through you. My fiance and I have decided the Dordogne is on our list for our next trip when we can all travel again. Thank you for providing these extra tidbits for your patrons xo


Delighted you enjoyed yourselves, thank you for sharing. Happy Easter to everyone at LaLande from Dublin.


Thank you for a great vlog. So glad you feel so much better after your holiday. You and Philip are so funny together sometimes, like a pair of mischievous kids. I find myself lol-ing out loud at some of your antics. Thank you to Philip for taking care of Stephanie! X


You are by far the best cultural ambassador for France and it‘s scenic rural areas. 🥇 Very well done !!


Thank you for sharing the extra footage. I am glad that you feel well-rested and inspired now! The oval cabinet table that you won in the auction will look wonderful in the porcelain room when the time comes for that. Happy Easter Everyone


Philip - Stephanie did NOT "Juan" that grape lamp. The wine decanters were "grape" however.


Hi Stephanie, how wonderful to see this extra vlog. So happy to see where you were as we know that area very well. Its beautiful and amazing brocantes. But I do think Phillip should have brought the lamp as it would have been a talking point for a very long time, sorry Phillip. Lovely to know you feel so much better Stephanie. Love from the Dordogne xxx


Great to see you looking so well and happy Stephanie! Pace yourself well please so you don’t burnout again. I would be happy to share some of my professional experience as a wellness coach helping execs with burnout if you ever want to contact me via my website The Wellness Clinic.ie . Take care, Niamh


I love your dress in the intro! wheres it from is it new?


Hi Stephanie, just wondering how the downstairs loo is progressing,?


Does anyone know which auction site Stephanie was on?


Thank you for the fun tour. I love it when you go to antique shops, it's a fun treasure hunt and glad to tag along!


Philip. I saw some similar grape lamps on 1stdibs dot com 2 were 13,ooo USD and another was over $7ooo Living here in the states I am always amazed at the finds & prices.


Great shopping; I think Phillip’s getting quite a collection of goods now-whenever he sets up his home it will look fabulous!


We are from California and were on a driving holiday in Wales, south to north. . Thank you to Google maps that directed us to take a route over a hill with all agricultural fields, separated by high hedgerows. The gravel road went on-and-on seemingly forever, and we were quite worried that if we came to have to pass anyone we would be challenged to pass safely. All at once we came to the summit and had an amazing view of the sea, and far out into the sea, there were hundreds of off-shore green-energy fans! The view was amazingly clear off Gwynt y Môr. We then continued on and made it safely back to the main, asphalted road and arrived at our B&B for the evening in good time. Such a memorable diversion.

Jeanie Allison

Really enjoyed that! So happy that you are feeling all better, Stephanie.💕


It isn't, there are two accidentally damaged pipes that put the whole thing on hold.


OMG I loved your dress also, please share where you got it. I want one too !!


You were so near me ! By the way, don't tell Philip but that lamp ! Honestly ! Yes we do have over a thousand chateaux in this region. I used to crick my neck in the car all the time, now I'm sort of ' ok another chateau what's new' . When I arrived in France many years ago I was driven down to Aveyron with my boss and on seeing a small chateau in the trees I exclaimed ' Regardez un chatouille' ! My boss nearly drove off the road laughing. I thought that chatouille meant small chateau when it means 'tickle' !


OMG I've been to that pizza place!!


Thanks for the extra footage--and so glad that you are feeling rested and refreshed! I stayed at the 19th century chateau on the left that you passed on the way into Beynac for a lovely vacation to the Dordogne in 2018 and have been enjoying seeing lots of familiar sites in the vlogs this week. When you went back to the store for the 2nd chandelier, the painting in the background looked like one of your father's so that seemed to be a good omen for how the light fixture would work at the chateau!


Loved this extra footage!!! The octagonal island is PERFECT!!! Great find!


I loved seeing those square towers! I wasn’t really able to visualize them at Lalande before but now I see it. They would look amazing.


That was soooo awesome! Thank you for sharing it with us, glad you and Phillip had a great time and that you are feeling yourself again! Keep taking care of yourself and making us all happy. 🥰


Thanks for this extra footage of your Dordogne trip. One of my favourite places to visit especially the garden. So many lovely villages to visit that look over this stunning river.


Great minibreak 😎😍👏🏻

Evelyn McElroy

Stephanie, I love extra footage and consider it an excellent Patreon bonus. This one in particular was very enjoyable.


And dear S. You have great eye on decor and alternatives! Fantastic morano chandeliers, both !!! (....on the large one, there may be several sections on the trunk, so you can omit one or two for better proportions to the current location ..... It is a rare colourfull pice and would also suit the entrence hall ) Good fun with it all♥️❤️


So pleased to see you looking so well, also delighted that the WiFi and Internet connection has improved so much I’m sure it will lighten your load in terms of upload and download times etc. much better than your mobile office used to be xx


Loved the extra footage. That road was terrifying! I was biting my nails as you were driving down it. The view was superb though :) Am so happy that the break did you good and that you are feeling recharged. Hope you have a beautiful Easter weekend. ❤️


Steph and Philip - you guys crack me up!! (Yes @philipjanssen that was an Easter pun!!)


thanks for the video and the extra footage, glad you had a nice trip and you feel rested and back to your old self :)wow, i've seen so much of this box hedge garden now, i could draw it in my sleep, no need to go there myself! :D i'm looking forward to the update next week, there are SO many things i have been curious about for a LONG time! happy easter to you all in lala-land! i will celebrate with my 95 yo grandma and i'm very much looking forward to it :)


Does anyone know why there would be a baseball glove sitting on the blue chair in the brocante?


I'm not surprised about the quote for the china pantry, custom made cabinetry is super expensive. i have been wondering, if you've considered furnishing the arriere cuisine with "off the shelf"-cabinetry (HA!)? after all, it's just the place to do the washing up, not a reception room. ikea has beautiful stuff these days and if you don't go for their cheapest options, their kitchen cabinetry actually lasts a long time. i know you have had problems with the counter top in the arriere cuisine and they even offer stone counter tops. i'd just rather see you spending a lot of money on murano chandeliers than on custom cabinetry for the dish washing room, but that's just my two cents :) also, the upside of the china pantry cabinetry being so expensive is that for me personally, a mixture of antique furniture, like that cabinet you spotted that had already been sold, is much more charming and in keeping with the ancient building than anything new could ever be. i'm sure you'll find a similar display cabinet somewhere else, it will come to you! :)


I love the idea of restaurant and hotel salvage for the china room. I was so worried it would become a polished, retro looking room which would not at all fit with the historic feel of the chateau. Your style is eclectic! Stick with that. 30k for cupboards? And they probably wouldn't be solid wood. What a treat to follow your adventures in the Dordogne. It's on my "must see" places to visit in France.


Love this unexpected Video this week. So happy about your speedy wifi and 4G. Hope you tested it out watching Netflick.


Sounds beautiful...I love Wales and the Welsh people. You must be intrepid travelers to do the 10 day quarantine. I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful.


When the vlog began, I thought you had been transported to West Virginia, USA!!My GPS is always trying to take me on such shortcuts, but I'm getting wise to its ways and can usually avoid them. I must have the brother to your GPS, because it often takes me in circles.


Thank you so much for this spectacular extra footage! I so enjoyed it!💕


So glad you are back in top shape! Bring on Easter... maybe a Hosanna or Hallalujah in the chapel.


I love the piece you bought for the china pantry. It is perfect! I enjoyed being on holiday with you and Philippe in the Dordogne. What a beautiful place! I am happy you are feeling rested and restored. Did Philippe buy the concrete hedgehog at the brocante? 😁


Love the 'rapeseed', although here in Canada we switched the name to p.c. 'canola'...it looks amazing next to Purple Flax. If you google photos of Manitoba in summer, there you'll find amazing aerial photos, but they won't bloom until end of July.


Thanks for the extra footage Stephanie , looks like you and Philip had a fun and relaxing time. It’s so good to see you back at Lalande looking relaxed and well. Those decanters Philip purchased are beautiful, although I suspect that ugly lamp would soon increase in value . 💕


It's really fun seeing you and Philip banter like old cousins or even siblings. Here's a suggestion for your pantry - buy cheap ready-made or even Ikea cabinets, jazz them up with extra moldings, and they can do the job "for now." We've done that before and found it quite acceptable, especially in a utility area.


I love the way Philip takes good care of you! He's a keeper for sure! What a lovely holiday you had, Stephanie!


Can't help but wonder if the carpenter your architect spoke of might be able to do fitted cabinetry for you at a much more reasonable price. If not, a collection of antique (or not) wood pieces, all painted, would give a really charming look and feel to the china pantry. And the octagonal cabinet will be a really lovely centerpiece for the room.


What a great getaway 😁 I think the planter would look really amazing in the room with the two paintings from Basmaignee 🙂 Oh, and I do somehow get Phillip with the lamp - but it was too expensive, and if you keep an eye out, there are nicer examples of grape lamps out there, so don't be sad about leaving that one behind. Besides, those decanters where really amazing! Great find 😁


So glad your holiday was restful and rejuvenating!


United States Jersey (actually NY but location is NJ for now) ok... Let's begin! 1. Never Ever listen to a GPS - you literally will be taken down the wrong route! Always look at a map then if you have to add the GPS - if said GPS tells you to do something that makes no sense. ABORT!!! 2. The lamp is awful and it's a definite No - Go Philip (though we all love you) umm... NO! 3. The green lamp - reminds me of college - I do like but if it doesn't fit in - let it go. 4. Totally into the Jam talk with Philip - starting to see that Philip resembles a young John Lennon?!? 5. Love the underground drainage system and a paved meter around the chateau idea. 6. LOL Yes! They are Most definitely missing La Lande's Mossy Gnome and fairy doors! Seriously, all the best homes and finest Chateaus have them...?!? Am I missing something here? (Somehow in a weird way - I think you get me Stephanie! I'm like the NY-NJ version of you! Except I'm a little bit taller - hmmm maybe a bit wider (not that there's anything wrong with that!) 7. I feel for Philip on the netted path. He reminds me of myself - and my brothers would take off in front of me looking back at their little sister saying "Why are you taking so long?" Arghhh....But, that was when I was a kid - now I'd be Stephanie on the other end - tormenting poor Philip. 8. The first china cabinet was amazing - but I'm glad you found something substantial with the octangle island. You can always have Selmar build some nice shelving and create doors. I'm sure you'll find what is supposed to be there! That's how it works. 9. Love the color Decantors! But how will they look with wine/whiskey inside? 10. Love the fact you're eating pizza! I'm sure french pizza is fantastic! But, I'm thinking you need to eat some authentic NY pizza bc I can't eat pizza outside of NY. It's like taboo.


oops hit enter too soon!


Just wanted to wish you well and to enjoy your Easter Holiday! When I have a chance and I'm not working so much I'd like to share with you tidbits of living on the North Shore of Long Island - It's called the Gold Coast and is where the Great Gatsby story originated - All the best - Much Love - Glad you are on the mend! xoxo Laura


I always thought Philip had impeccable taste until now. Sorry Philip but I have to agree with Stephanie, that lamp is hideous! hahahaha


Thank you for the fun extra footage! Happy Easter to all😘


So glad you both had a wonderful time away and you are rested up now Stephanie. You two remind me of a really close brother and sister team. It`s wonderful to have really good people in your life Stephanie and Phillip is one of them.


I really love the idea of using box hedging on the paths through the woods. So elegant! Some fairy doors, gnome doors, and hobbit home facades would be lovely as well. Adding a whimsical gated entrance to the woods would be perfect, especially since all the trees have been removed. The island cabinet you bought for the china pantry is so pretty! I hope you don't have trouble getting it to Lalande. I think you made a good choice going with the Winter Salon first. You need a place to put all those books, and the holidays will be cozier with all the new cabinets filled with those books. Extra insulation!


So many laughs had and memories made, just lovely! So happy you are feeling well, Stephanie!


Lovely video. The view from the window of your new office space is gorgeous!! Happy Easter, Stephanie.. and to all at Lalande.🌸🌼

Denise Behrends

I love your plan of using vintage furniture [such as the lovely antique piece you admired in the brocante] to bring authentic old world charm to the china pantry. Splendid idea to move your desk into the boudoir now so that you can begin to get a feel for how you want to design the space based on the how the light plays across the room now that the wall has been torn down.


Yes build the two square towers! Long term goal :)


But not sensible people! 😂

Anna Ibarra

Oh I just love that place. I want to go so badly. Darn COVID! Let me go. Lol. Ok I’m ok now, just had to air that out! 😉 Oh Philip is too funny and Stephanie was being a bit cheeky on the rope/net walk . 😆. I laughed so much. Thank you for sharing this with us. What a gorgeous place.


This was so much fun to watch ❤️Thank you go sharing ❤️


Thank you, always fun to follow your adventures. Happy you have recovered! Allsow wonderful to see the spring there, can’t wait for it to come up here (Helsinki) too.


Thank you so good to hear you are feeling so much better. Loving the new office view 😃 My niece when she was very small said “Oh look a field of sunshine” when she saw fields of Rapseed 🌞


Thank you Stephanie & Philip! Thanks for taking us along on your adventures! This week, the photo that appeared on my laptop was one of the castles from the Loire Valley and my immediate thought was “oh I’ve “been” there with Stephanie”!!!! (Really crazy to think that way.) As has been repeated by hundreds, thanks for riding along the crazy Covid rollercoaster with us!!!!! Love from Nebraska, USA! ❤️❤️❤️


I’d imagine a lot of the cost of the china room is the flooring and sorting out the damp problem. Get that part sorted by professionals and then kit out with ikea kitchen units. They are very sturdy and cheap as chips! You get glass doirs to show off the china without worrying about dust too.

Daniel Hammond

Thank you for the video. It has been a total tonic, just what I needed tonight. My Patron Postcard arrived this afternoon. Thank you so much for sending it. Appreciated!


Ha ha ha! We drove around Sicily one holiday wondering why whe never could find the driveway to the motorway. The GPS made us drive alongside the motorway all the time. Then we realised the GPS setting was on "fastest way" and "avoid motorway" ... Came to think of that when I saw this. Thank you and Happy Easter!


Antique furniture in the china pantry would look so much in keeping with the chateau.


Thank you for this! The views were so beautiful they brought tears to my eyes! Looking forward to the days when we can travel more freely. Thank you for showing us your adventures! And so thankful that you are feeling better Miss Stephanie! PS I liked the grape lamp too, Philip!


Really good - we too have had pizza' s from the Pizzeria they were really good, plus using the Boulangerie. It's a lovely area so much to see too, just a shame we are unable to return😥 Glad your recuperation went well.😊


oh that china pantry was gorgeous. what a shame it was sold! I'm sure there is something else out there that will be perfect.


Dearest Stephanie. When I started my patreon journey with you over a year ago, I joined with three major projects that were brought to the table, restoration of the Library, the Lake, and the Chapel. A lot of other wonderful restorations have been completed, some we have seen and some we have not. I realize that your heart was set on getting the China Pantry of your dreams, and I hope that someday you can find what you need, at a reasonable price, to see that happen, but I have to say that when you mentioned going ahead with the Library my heart just sang.


Love seeing the video and the bit of travel and relaxation you were able to get! I'm sure your soul needed the travel as much as your body needed the rest! And those hat shop shelves were glorious! But I love the idea of the center island with a chandelier above, and maybe even better shelves will turn up soon! I simply cannot wait for the library since that is always always my favorite part of any space, be it a simple bookshelf or a whole cozy room to lose yourself in an armchair and book! With so many projects going on, it would be so fun to see a board or page devoted to progress on each one, maybe Cat or someone tech-savvy could help put something together? If it was on a weblink, you could have mood boards, the patreon comments on each project, progress indicators and pictures from start to finish. I think that would also go well with your own idea of a diary of the chateau and the restoration you're taking on. Just a thought, and I totally understand if that would be too much time and effort, I just love lists and progress tracking. Anyway, a joy of a video as always, much joy sent to Lalande!


Wonderful for you to have done that trip when you did. Those places you visited are on my bucket list! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Philip is such a blessing for you. Thanks Stephanie and Philip for sharing this with us xxx

Kimberly Dale

That was Funny& So fun.. You’re looking good Stephanie...& Philip...You & I have same taste ... I’ seem to be rooting for you... especially in regards to the last pick of the Art Deco Tea Set and tray🤗... That net walk thing was a trip 😄 last looked fun...& Laughter, fresh air&friendship the best medicine

Kimberly Dale

✝️🐣🙏☀️🤗Love to You both from Woodland California xoxo... Will you have room for me at Lalande when I decide to cross the ocean for tea? ☕️ 🫖

Kimberly Dale



That hair of Philip reminds me of Louis XIV played by George Blagden in the serie Versailles ! I loved it and watched it many times !


OMG ! The view is incredible... But I was so nervous... that narrow road. I love so much your blogs Stephanie. Best regards from Mexico. Ah! by the way I just got my Patreon welcome Card. Thank you.


Stephanie, you're using the Hedge Hugs mug I sent. :) I almost didn't notice, the view out that window is so spectacular. You have such great views from that office now! The extra footage was so nice, thank you.


I’m glad to know my navigation system isn’t the only one that acts this way. 😂


Get the grape lamp. It’s fantastic. I help you pay for it!.


Great video you guys. ♥️♥️♥️


I'm sure you could furnish a Library and a pantry with all the finds in local antique shops and brocantes and with Selmars help to make them fit you could save a fortune surely ?


Could the Ian`s fix the floor and walls in the china pantry.


Love the hat cupboard in the antique store.....keep your eye out for another as it is super storage for a fraction of the price! Good choice!


I absolutely love that island bench you found, it’s Perfect 👌


So now you have fans like a rock star !!! Great for you ! I am happy to know that you're feeeling better. What was your illness finally ? Bisous.


I am so excited to become a Patreon because I have access to these amazing extra videos! love from Brazil


Love you Stephanie. So happy you are feeling better. From Los Angeles, I send you hugs and sunshine. ✨💫🤗


I’m so happy for you to feel restored and inspired again. What a fun week! Philip is such a caring family man and he needed to take you away from all the noisy excitement at Lalande. About blackberry jam = bramen jam making is a Dutch tradition and so delicious! I am sure your entire Lalande family made the executive decision to “force” the executive Chatelaine to take a rest. Well done, Team Lalande! And then there is GPS Siri, dear girl, she’s not from here....I call these wanderings “Siri Odysseys”, you’ve got to laugh.


Loved the video and delighted you are feeling so much better. Stephanie thank goodness you persuaded Philip to drive away from the lamp 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


Loved that hat cupboard, such a shame it was already sold. Shame also that the quote for the China pantry is too much at the moment. It was the room I was looking forward to seeing done the most :)


Philip, the lamp was hideous!


The best part of the vlog is to see you, Stephanie, feeling better! You and Phillip make the most charming collectors of all things wonderful for LaLande, I so look forward to each and everyone of your vlogs! Joining the LaLande online family was the best decision for me, I am overjoyed at each post and relish sharing the excitement of chateau life thru your beautiful eyes Steph❤️ God Bless you and your LaLande family...Happy Easter to you all⛪️🐣💐💗


I couldn't agree more! Poor Stephanie had been looking very very tired & drained for a few months now and I was really concerned for her well being. So glad she IS looking so much more rested. I pray she continues to take things a bit easier in the future. Her viewers aren't going to abandon ship if there is 1 or 2 less videos a week lol.


I love the light, the more I looked at it the more I liked it. I will admit I thought the grapes were pinecones initially! Would look beautiful in a library, the colors were lovely. 💚


Hope everyone at Lalonde had a wonderful Easter!!!


Your looking wonderful. Glad your feeling better. Everything is coming along. Can’t wait for each next video. Hugs n ❤️🐣


So glad you are feeling back on top form Steph. I found it hard to concentrate on what you were saying in this film because I was just mesmerised by Philip’s knitwear xxxx


I really enjoyed this. Thanks Stephanie for sharing it with us. That cupboard! It would have been perfect. On my next trip to France, I must include this region in my itinerary. PS - I would love Philip’s job! How lucky he is to travel around with Stephanie!


I just watched one of the episodes with Tom( I believe that is his name ) singing opera, it was fantastic! It would be so cool if you had a place in the gardens where you could have “ Opera at the Chateau” , I bet the locals would love it!!❤️


Thank you for sharing that update Stephanie, very best wishes for your continued success.


Stephanie we just can’t help but love you, thank you for sharing your delightful joy in everything beautiful and love of treasures of every kind. For me, it’s so nice watching you & Phillip point out the colour of the field, the view, the chateaux in the distance, the fabulous/ awful, organs/ grape lamp, the total joy of pizza & no cooking , and going to the extra effort of GETTING a rose for the pot and LIGHTING that last fire!! It gladdens my heart because this is me all over 😄 and my extreme love of beauty, joy, colour, nature & happiness is so often lost on those around me 😂 I think I’ll need to visit Lalande one day - maybe I could run a craft workshop and we could generate Even more beauty & joy 🤩


Lovely video, and I actually got tears in my eyes when you talked about how much better you are feeling. ❤️


If I saw this video before your anouncement of you and Philip being an item I think I would have guessed you where together. There is so much chemistry between you!