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Having seen the comments on yesterday's Zoom announcement, I wanted to respond to you in person, rather than with a simple typed reply. 

I am horrified if I offended any of you, you feel like family to me, and I would never knowingly discriminate between you. It was always my intention to post the Zoom call as your weekly video after downloading and editing it, and I'm working on it now. 

In this short video I explain my reasons for the Zoom meeting, and ask for your suggestions on how to structure them in future.

Thank you everyone and lots and lots of love from Lalande!

Stephanie x


Patreon Zoom Update!



I was fine with the reason for why you decided to just do a smaller group. You told us all in advance


Wow. You do enough Stephanie. Some people are simply too entitled.


Please do not worry about it, I am sure most understand how much you work on these videos and how fair you are to everyone ❤️


No worries in Texas. No offense taken here. Looking forward to seeing the zoom call. 🤗 🥂Cheers


I never felt any sense of being offended. Sorry if there were people who were. You are doing an amazing job with all you do. You are my inspiration to keep going in spite of everything in life Just like in a big family there will be those who are not happy I want you to know I support you in your choices and look forward to what you come up with next Dazzling Dianne Campden. Ontario Canada 🇨🇦


So sorry you're dealing with that, I didn't realize people were upset. I Thought it made sense that those who donate the most should get more extra content for their contributions. I'm in the lowest category, and am completely okay with that! We give because we love helping the chateau come to life. ❤


Zero offence taken. Never crossed my mind! Love to you all. It's my birthday today & I'm choosing to watch tonight's vlog, no better way to spend it! Xx


I was not offended and look forward to seeing the recording. You are doing an amazing job. Thank you.


Yeah, no offense taken here at all, Steph. You're doing a great job.


Stephanie, I really disliked the amount of comments shaming you for essentially doing your job - the higher tiers pay more, they deserve more. its clear. I encourage you to not feel embarrassed or ashamed of this - I don't think you made a mistake.

Laura & Jack

You are so good to respond to this. I think many have come to greatly enjoy the weekly Patreon Wednesday videos and were probably just a little sad to miss one. Can’t wait to see it when you are done editing. Do a bit of this myself and it always takes longer than planned, doesn’t it!


No offense taken here either. It does sound like fun🥰


We love you!!! Keep being you sweetheart!! You are more than fair with your time and your life ❤❤❤🦄😘


I think had you communicated it in advance that there would be a zoom call for the higher tiers and then the video out for us all to see, instead of (like you said) doing the call when your normal patreon video comes out it would have helped. Yes, recording it earlier and then having it ready for Wednesday as the normal video here would have worked well. And also have said that's what you were planning even the week before.


I was not offended. I love everything you post and know you well enough by now to know that you would never offend anyone on purpose. Joy and love from Denton, TX, USA😘🙏🏻


Oppa hit send. You are doing an amazing job and will unfortunately never make everyone happy. You are doing the right thing with learning from it and continuing on. 👏


Not offend at all, didn't even think twice about it when I saw the post.


I was totally ok with it 👍🏻


Don’t get your knickers in a twist Stephanie. No offence at all. In life you get what you pay for and the higher tiers pay more and should have something a little more. And if we mere mortals (haha) can watch it later that’s fine too. We all know how much you appreciate every little bit of support given. Cut wait to see it later. 🦋Karen.


We know your beautiful heart Stephanie! If I am honest it felt just a bit awkward. Not sure why as you did explain it? Maybe Jelly.😊 😆You of course have every right to do it anyway you want and we ALL love it! Thanks for all you do for so many! It is our escape through all of this craziness and we are living vicariously through you! 😆♥️


I feel like the highest tiers deserve a bit more, so I am not offended either! You work so hard for us all! <3


Rest assured that there's nothing but love and admiration coming from me! ❤️


Wow Stephanie Jarvis you have just made my day 🤩! Thank you for your birthday wishes. I loved celebrating with a fellow Aquarian in Nati, my favourite gift being an old Spode plate! 😘 xx


As someone who has suffered hundreds of painful Zoom meeting this year I am personally very glad to watch the edited version!


no offence from my side, give yourself a break this is such a fabulous thing your doing ... thanks for caring !


Please do not worry about it. Im sure we were all totally fine with it well i was anyway. it would be nice to do some kind of lottery zoom call so people would put there name in or a number and they get pulled out and then join or something like that. I mean you do so much for peoples mental health by posting these amazing videos well it’s done so well for my mental health i find it so calming and love to see that you all have an amazing time and i will some time soon come and see you all. Anyway hope your all well. All my love from Snowy Yorkshire :)


No offense here either...I’m just thrilled at the idea of a zoom call in any form!! 🤣 Absolutely no clue how you might ever make it work, logistically, with ALL of us - unless it could be a once a year thing for the lower tiers, split up into chunks (maybe by letters of last name - start with A-D, then next chunk, etc). Since there won’t be much travel still this year, a week of zoom calls for everyone could be our “party” instead? 😃 However, that might still be waaaay beyond possible, hahaha, so in the end, whatever works for you all, works for me! I’m excited that we will get the recording (and yay more Cat!). Lots of love from Florida!


Presuming the negative posts have been deleted as I cannot see any.


I was not offended. I'm just excited to see the video. Thank you Stephanie for bringing so much joy into our lives. XX


I’ve been quite perplexed with the response to your post yesterday....I can’t really understand why anyone should be offended? The tiers of Patreons aren’t a new thing? Anyway, Im just really looking forward to seeing the zoom call & Cat! Thank you for all your hard work! Lots of love x


Hi Stephanie,


No offense taken here! I would rather you do the zoom call for higher tiers and then post the video of that for our weekly video here, rather than give us something else! I don't want to make MORE work for you! <3 In one of the comments on a previous video (can't recall if it was youtube or here on patreon) someone mentioned doing a webinar instead of a zoom call. That allows many thousands of people being able to watch, and submit comments and questions, but a smaller number of people can interact live as a panel. I thought it was a wonderful idea! I can't find the comment now, so I can't remember who suggested it though...does anyone else remmeber?


I can't wait to see the Zoom call. I love a good quiz! 😁


Dear Stephanie, you made it perfectly clear that you would soon be posting the video for the rest of us. Perfectly clear. Karens will be Karens, though. ;)

Anne Green

Not offended at all ! You had told us you were going to do this with the higher tiers so I just can’t wait to see how it all went - Just keep doing what you are doing & remaining honest to yourself & your Patreons 🥂 💕


I am with you Danielle! 🤦🏻‍♀️😩😂😂😂


Hi Stephanie, as a regular zoom user it’s totally impossible for all the patrons to be on at the same time. Not sure what other patrons were wittering on about, maybe they have never used zoom before. Looking forward to see what you all got up to


Zoom call Lottery sounds like a fair idea. You do an amazing Job .


You didn’t offend me. I knew I would see it in good time. I love all that you do. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.


No offense. You can’t please everyone and some people will always refuse to be pleased no matter what you do. 😂😉


Hi Steph, thanks for the update. I personally wasn’t upset about not being involved as I get your reasons. I’m glad the quiz well well and I bet Cat was a laugh! 😁 Zoom call / webinar etc sounds like a good idea for those that want to join and I’m sure it does help putting a face to names. I think zoom has a way to increase the users on a call https://zoom.us/pricing#mlt up to 1000 on call I believe (-mad crazy as that sounds ha ha) so may be worth looking in to if it could be of use. Without overdoing zoom as I’m sure we all have suffered zoom fatigue! 🤣🤓. I think it could be used as an interactive annual or bi annual catch up for all patreons (especially with travel restrictions etc and the fact folk won’t be able to attend any in person gatherings for some time) it could be a bit like the live stream with a Q and A bit via chat etc (Obviously not suitable for large groups) I think it would be good to introduce the zoom calls for the top tier patreons as a point of difference between the tiers and will be easier to manage. The calls wouldn’t need to be recorded or posting on here of YouTube etc it would just be for the top tier as the main point of it would be to interract not get exclusive content. It could be added to the list of perks to the top tiers alongside the cards etc. Just a thought! Sam 🤓


I totally understand every side of this matter. I don’t agree with people here saying that who pays more deserves more , far from it! But as you said, if someone could give a better suggestion on how to please everyone... you’re lovely and caring, we know that. And that’s why we’re all happy to help you in the measure each of us can ! Love and take care!


Not offended in the slightest! It is the entire point of patreon that there are tiered memberships, I don't really understand why some people were so surprised that the higher tiers got something just for them! I just love that we get to watch it later (much better for my time zone in New Zealand, and I like Joanna Mills comment above that perhaps a webinar could work well in future 😊


I wasn’t offended. As previous posts have stated, Those who donate more, need more. Just keep doing what your doing. You are all lovely people ❤️💜💖


Most of us were just kidding. All good!


By the way, I’m also an Aquarian! From the 9th! That’s maybe why I love so much your community!❤️


Stephanie, you are amazing. I have never known a more kind, accommodating person. Everything you do is perfect. I am a happy patron. 😊💜💐


Steph did communicate in advance that there would be a zoom for the higher tiers... let’s also remember that she is on “vacation” this month, so, everyone chill out so Steph can chill out! ♥️


Thanks so much for taking the time to address and explain. In my opinion, your lottery idea for any future Zoom calls sounds like a good and easily managed solution to securing a way to include lower tier Patrons.


I think posting edited zoom meetings is great! I edit these myself for work to create talk show type interviews. I’m not sure if web conferences might not accommodate everyone better but there usually isn’t video involved there other than by the presenters. Whatever you decide to do is great...I just really enjoy all the content! Thank you from a drizzly California. 🌦


Hi Stephanie, Don't get your feathers up too much. There are to many patrons for something like this, plus you have to find your way. I was surprised anyway that there was no differentiation among the patrons. For all that feel left out (I'm among the lower tiers as well), this is standard practice in Patreon land. It's just that Stephanie has chosen not to make use of it. But I feel it a reasonable exchange. You pay more, you get more. 🤷 For me: looking forward to the recording! 😃


I don't think it was a case of missing out on the content as much as not to be able to be a part of the content. I like the regular weekly video so why not do a lottery once month and give everyone an equal chance of participating.


I don’t think people were offended by the zoom call, just the timing of the announcement of it. Of course higher tiers should have more access and privilege but those in the lower tiers would have perhaps expected something as usual x


Personally I’d rather not watch a zoom meeting (I spend my life on them currently!) but that’s my choice and I wouldn’t want you to create extra workload to cater to that. I think it’s perfectly justified to give your higher tier patrons further access. I get plenty for my £5 a month!


You don't need to feel bad about this! If people cannot understand Patreon tiers then that is on them to learn that. We are good!


How bizarre! It seems quite obvious that someone paying many times what I do per month would get special privileges. Might I suggest adding (if you haven't already) the video call participation as part of the patreon tiers so that it is clearly listed as a bonus? The fact that you are kind and thoughtful enough to even ask for our opinion on something that you could easily defend continues to speak volumes of your character. You are so inspiring! I am excited to see the video!


Well... I think there should be some benefits to being in the higher tiers, but at the same time, I think if it is going to be zoom calls, that should be something extra and not THE weekly update 🙂 I think the problem is that nobody wants to feel like they miss out.

Georgette Jones

Georgette here and I had no idea there was ever a problem........just happy in Indiana❣️


No offense whatsoever! Those who donate more are inclined to have early release or exclusive content. Thank you for being so considerate and wanting everyone to be included, that's why we love you so ❤️


Indeed. It just needs more thought. Collectively the lower $5 tier contributes financially as a group, far more than the top 2 tiers put together. I think that’s what rankled a bit with me.


Not only am I not offended, I am so grateful to be a patron of someone who thought enough of us in advance to provide the slides so we can all play along as we watch the video! So excited to see what Kat made for ALL of us!


We all contribute. Bottom tier. Top tier. Think everyone should be recognised and not always the ones at the top. Some people want to support the Chateau more and not able to. How special would it make them feel to be recognised that their commitment meant something. Am not talking about myself, but do talk to other patrons. Every person is special like every pound. Dollar. Euro. A lot of people saying it doesn’t matter what happens, but to a lot of people it does matter. It isn’t about there is always one or I am not bothered what you do. Everyone needs to feel important especially in these times. Not the ones with the most or highest contributions. If we are all in this together then that’s how it should be. Am sure the top tier contributors will understand. Just like the bottom tier always have to understand. It has to be recognised that people are upset. That does not mean they are bad or just another moaner. It means they have feelings like everyone. Everyone’s feelings should be recognised. In a world we’re you can be anything. Be kind


Not sure if you are referring to the suggestion I made - but I think you have the word I was looking for - a webinar! It would be great to have a panel of Lalanders chat live while the rest of us listen in, post in questions, and poll on topics! Perhaps you can even invite a few top tier Patreons via a lottery selection. I think Zoom has this feature, maybe also BlueJeans or some other platform. I attend these some times for work and think they can be really great at engaging people from across the world during this difficult time that we are all apart!


Hey - in my humble opinion (As a lower tier Patreon) I think you should simply state in the Patreon tiers that as part of being the higher tier contributors, you will get the odd personal zoom event. This way everyone knows the score. There is no need to subsequently post any of that content - just keep it separate. Xx


I totally get why you put some restrictions, you can't have over 2000 people on zoom so you have no problems from me.

Kelly Douglas

I did not feel slighted nor was I offended. 😃 Higher tiers get different perks. It makes perfect sense. And as a bonus, we still get watch it later. 👍


The complainers are not the majority of your patrons, I’m sure. It seems like a handful to me and in comparison, you should not let it upset you. That is like saying they expect what the top tier patrons receive and that is crazy and childish in my opinion. I have t watched yet but am right now and looking forward to it.


Like she doesn’t do enough. She offers way more content than other channels


I haven’t posted before but just wanted to say keep doing what your doing. I am in a lower tier and I am just delighted to see the video at a later time. You all keep making me laugh over here in Aus 🇦🇺 And surely that’s what it’s all about. Keep up the great work! 🤣🇦🇺🤣


No worries here. Made sense to me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Don’t feel badly you do a wonderful job being inclusive to all your supporters, however I had an idea for a future zoom project, tape a “chateau friends” zoom-call with Stephanie, Oliver, David, Mummy, Percy, Kat, Thomas, and past volunteers, etc etc. it would be fun to see Stephanie reconnect with all her friends, since no one can visit due to the pandemic


Completely understand a zoom chat is not possible for all. My suggestion is perhaps draw names from a hat for anyone wishing to take part in future 🙂


May I suggest setting up a poll for people’s opinions on how you handle zoom calls in future?


Ok, so now I have read some of the comments, and I must say, even though I did not comment or react, I actually felt dissapointed about it. I'm grown, and I understood the idea, BUT I was a little dissapointed, and I think that is fair. The reason is, that I look forward to each and every vlog. And I felt like I missed out on something fun. I get it! But feelings 🙄


Hi Stephanie! I’m in the lowest tier and I’m perfectly happy with how you structured this. We do regular Sunday Zoom board game afternoons with our kids as well as a monthly Zoom call with my husband’s siblings and spouses. Sometimes, with siblings and spouses there are close to 20 people on a Zoom and it can overwhelming. 😳😉 I’m good with whatever works for you. Thank you for all your hard work. 😊💕


There are always a certain number of unhappy people. I believe it is just a rule of nature. I try to make sure that at least 80% are happy when I plan something and feel that I've accomplished what I can when I"m 80% successful. Don't be stressed by the complainers.....


As with others.I completely understood,what was happening and why.


It would seem that as usual a few disgruntled people are making trouble. We must put ourselves in Stephanies shoes and realise that she cannot include everyone individually. Giving money each month doesn't give us the right to decide in Stephanies place and the last thing she needs is to be guilted. The whole idea of this amazing project is to extract the good, the fun and the joy of witness. I in no way feel left out as she and her team give us so much each week already. You cannot please everyone so there is little point in trying. God bless the Lalanders and all who support them. xoxoxo


Please don’t feel as if you’ve offended the majority of us. I’m not easily offended and certainly wasn’t over your decision to do your higher Patron zoom call last night. I will watch it now and enjoy it I know. I’m one of those who can wait and not feel hard done by. Don’t beat yourself up about it one bit! ❤️


I have to say that when I read the notice about the zoom call for higher level patrons, it made me not care about what would be in it. The wording was like these people have paid more for my time, so you can see what was said but it’s in place any inclusive content for all Patreon’s. I think it should have been a bonus for them, I really don’t think there was any slight intended by Stephanie, I think it was just clumsy wording. Also, Having a zoom call for 2500 people would be like a company meeting and I don’t see the point of it. I love supporting you Stephanie but I’ll probably not watch the zoom call. X


People will always find something to complain about ❤️❤️❤️ from Scotland


I see this as another example of how incredibly loving and caring you are Stephanie. i love you courage to try out new things - we all get such ever-changing entertainment and inspiration, laughter and tears many times a week because of it AND sometimes, soo just like a family there are little misunderstandings in communication. I am still soo looking forward to seeing YES and EDITED zoom call - PERFECT Totally totally fine with these first ones (or always) being an extra offering for the top tiers - it was just a tiny thing with the timing of it being wonderful Wednesday night Lalande Patron treat time ..... only whoops have to wait a bit ( i was really ok with that and do get it did upset people - managing expectations - thats all it was AND i sooo know you would never ever do anything to upset anyone intentionally Your INTEGRITY is astonishing and that is why i signed up (just to see Selmar interview) and now i am still here many months later and i am here to stay Love being a small part of this co creation and its a direct way to say THANK YOU for all the JOY you keep givingxxxx

Pam Mastin

I'm fine with seeing the edited zoom call after it's done. I certainly understand the unavoidable limitations to them and the impossibility of including so many. Will be perfectly happy with whatever is decided. Thank you, Stephanie, for providing the content to us. It's one of the bright spots in my week! Take care and keep on keeping on. :)


I think it just makes sense that higher tiers should get special perks - I'm super happy with having access to the Recordings, can't wait to watch it! And just as a side note: I understand that some of us are upset, but when thinking about all those content creators out there, Stephanie is literally the most genuine, loving and caring creator I know! I'm sure we can all get past this quickly - at the end we are one big Patreon family and we all just want to support Lalande. Thank you Stephanie ❤️


No problemo, dear Stephanie. My first reaction was, 'Oh, that makes sense.' and moved on to anticipate our next cyber visit. 💖


I donate voluntarily, because I want to. To have special patreon-videos etc. for me is just a very nice bonus. So don't feel bad, we get so much already!


And on a practical note-you can use Zoom (sure there are lot of other lesser known platforms too) where only some are seen on screen and the many can send in questions - works quite well for very large groups (but as all these things needs to be "managed" There is something fun about a "live" event - i have participated in quite a few concerts/dances/conferences etc and even though it is on screen (and so could be a recording ) it does feel very different when it is live- so even if the many were not on screen but i was watching a live interaction it would be special - i am one of the few who did see the famous mummy/steph live that had to be taken down to stop it spinning- and i still cherish it - even with the crazy in and out because i knew you were there at the other end of the screen live - lots of possibilities to explore and many months/years to do it in xx


I was unable to join the call, so I'm looking forward to watching the recording. :)


I really like this idea. It would be nice to see past volunteers who want to zoom in with Stephanie and current volunteers, family, and friends. We became fond of so many of them that it would be nice to "listen" to them tell us all how they're doing. After all, they're part of this journey with us.


It is sad that she would have to do this because people are whining, but it absolutely makes sense. There are different tiers so different perks and it never hurts to clarify. Great idea, Lucy.


I’m really sorry you were hassled over this. The whole idea of the tiers in Patreon is that you choose to pay different amounts to get different perks. As a $5 patron I don’t possibly expect to get the same perks as $100+ patron! I look forward to everything you post at my level and wish you all the best!


Always the gracious host. Very appreciative for all you and your team provide. I am also very appreciative to be given the opportunity to donate money to the Chateau, that alone is why I became a patreon in the first place. Don't forget to take a breather for yourself!!


Something you could do is to host a Zoom call for each tier separately. You could have one available only for the Lords and Ladies, but have it be a reservation type of video with, say, 30 slots available. Then have a video just for the Vicomtes and Vicomtesses, once again, with 30 slots or so, etc, etc. This way everyone has the opportunity to join in, and if you then post the videos after, everyone has the opportunity to watch the videos from the other tiers. :)


I am more than happy to see recorded content a bit later! It’s all so entertaining, any time is great. I also understand if you need to make extra content for higher tiers that I don’t get to see at all, After all, those heroes that can give more should get something more if that’s what’s needed. One idea would be to put all the names of those in the other tiers in a ‘hat’ every week and draw one out who could be included in a zoom call next time it’s appropriate ! It would be something exciting for people to watch out for!


I'm sorry some folks were disgruntled. As a member of the lowest tier, I was not offended not disappointed. You are just fantastic and I feel I get way more than I pay for in value. Lots of love to you, Steph.


I was not offended at all. A zoom with all would not have worked. As lovely as it would be to chat and meet people virtually, I probably wouldn’t have joined even if I could have done as I spend five to six hours per day on Zoom at the moment! 🤪 BTW I so excited about the proposed pot holing! Has it happened yet?? Can’t wait to see the footage! Claire x


Not offended at all. I am a lower tier who wants to contribute in my small way to the improvements at your lovely Château de la Lande. I am happy to share the joy and positivity you provide. Things in my part of the world are a bit depressing at the moment and that doesn't even count the pandemic. The joy you share is so appreciated. I am glad so many want to "zoom". For me I am happy with video. God Bless and stay positive?


I’m a lower tier patron and not once did it cross my mind to be upset. You have always offered so much content for all of us and it all comes from such a genuine place! You doing something nice for those who have contributed more seemed like a genuinely nice thing to do for them. I honestly thought “how fun for all of them!” Keep your head up and that beautiful smile on your face. Thank you for all that you create for us, we know how hard you work, and I’m grateful for the little escape I get when watching!


I agree completely with the previous poster, Stephanie, you are fantastic and I feel I get way more than I pay for in value and wish you and your team continued success. Love from Dublin.


After the original post I did feel slightly left out! When we sign up, there is a list of what you get for each tier and with that I’m fine, but then the zoom call was outside of what was listed for the tiers. It also seem so quick “this is what we are going to do” and then “we’ve done it” the whole, I want your views on this, seemed empty and pointless... If this is to be a new perk for the upper tiers then fine, but keep it to them and make it clear in the tier write ups! Would you announce to your YouTube views that they aren’t getting a vlog because your Patreons are getting a video instead??? No you wouldn’t.... I completely accept that no harm or ill feeling was meant, but sadly on this occasion it happened. Have your zoom meetings but keep it to them. Sorry, still a little peeved...


IDK, I wasn't offended in anyway. But, I can understand how some may have felt left out. Perhaps in future, maybe do alphabetically across all the tiers. And do a few different calls where all would have an opportunity to participate if they wanted.


I am in no way, shape or form offended or disappointed to wait. I will enjoy watching whenever the zoom call airs! Cheers from Richmond Virginia


Not offended whatsoever! I'm very excited to see the video when you post it! I'm sure I will prefer an edited version, I'm really not that keen on sitting in on them myself! Honestly, you are so gracious, Stephanie. I feel like knocking a few of the offendeds' heads together! So silly to feel slighted so easily!


Hi Stephanie. You are the fairest person I know and the way you set up the Zoom call and are now editing is perfect for all tiers. Also I am so impressed with the support you are receiving from patrons in all tiers. I know that you attract like-minded people and you lead by example. Thank you for all that you do for us. xoxoxox


Stephanie u did not offend me in anyway but I had a lot of meetings set up !!! I love u and all the la landers


Thank you, Stephanie. I appreciate your generosity of spirit in this. I honestly think it’s fine for you to have a quiz with your higher tier patrons but would prefer to see the goings on at the chateau rather than observe your zoom as an outsider. Many thanks for your sensitivity to this matter. 🦋


Not one bit offended or disappointed. I donate because I want to help you not for what I can get from you. I am always so happy for any vlogs, they are such a joy, and I am amazed at how much you do. You really are incredibly generous dear Stephanie, thank you so much xxx


I was in no way offended. I am offended by people upsetting Stephanie however. This is not the point of this platform. Let’s get back to fun and light and laughter.


You owe no apology. There are tiers for a reason 😝


I am not offended at all, zoom meetings not my thing and I dont mind missing the wednesday patreon video, although It makes me very happy to see a new one posted. What does bothers me is reading some of the comments calling people voicing their diffirent opinions Karen’s, ect. I have not came across one rude comment, so I realy think it is uncalled for. Especially during this pandemic, we do not have a clue what is happening in another persons life. I think Stephanie had the best intentions, and now have some usefull feedback to deal with this. Love to everyone 🤗


As a lower-tier member and someone who has had to manage large groups in Zoom, I don't blame you for restricting the number of participants. Also, I think that restricting to the highest level is fine--they are contributing more and should benefit from that. I think you're doing a fantastic job managing all of this. Hugs from The States!


Don’t fret, Stephanie! Most of us can see your sincerity and know you always strive to do what’s right. Keep doing what you’re doing. I love all of it and all of you for sharing yourselves when so many of us are stuck at homes that probably are not chateaux. 🏰


Stephanie, you are a gem! I was shocked to see that people were offended as it didn’t even cross my mind! I’m happy to see the chat once it’s been edited and we even get to join in on the quiz! If you want to do more zoom calls and include all patrons, I think a lottery system would be good. But, I don’t think it would be wrong to add it to the top tiers either. It’s your call and since you are so thoughtful and careful, whatever you choose will be fine. I’m just happy to get to be a part of this community and LOVE seeing the extra renovation content. I keep telling my husband, we are going to have to schedule a trip to magical Lalande!! ❤️


A webinar would maybe do the trick. Also you can upgrade zoom or another platform and have up to 1000 viewers. If you silent some viewers it should work anyway. A lottery would be fun, too.


Thank you so much for clarifying Stephanie! I have no wish to take part in Zoom calls since I have enough of those through work, but still want to have a our weekly videos since that is what I look forward to as a patron the most. : ))


I felt slightly slighted but I now understand your predicament a little better, C'est la vie, I'll deal with it, and no worries. I'm donating because I want to and happy too because I like the extra videos.

Theresa Romero

Dear Stephanie, I see nothing wrong in adding zoom calls to the top tier, and showing it to the rest of us, afterwards. We get to see all Patreon videos, which you have not divided, by tier, contrary to how it’s done in many other Patreon accounts. I hope those hurt feelings of those offended can be soothed and healed, as I know you care about all of us, no matter the tier.


Stephanie, you are so generous with your time. Somehow you manage to produce 2-3 wonderful videos for your YouTube channel each week as well as weekly exclusive content for your patrons. How you manage to do that week to week is a wonder. Thank you for all you do. Looking forward to seeing the recorded Zoom meet up!


Keep calm and carry on 😊, you’re all doing an amazing job , love everything you do 😘 xx


I’m a patron for several other creatives and no one else offers long weekly videos like Stephanie, I do enjoy and appreciate very much the behind the scenes, upcoming plans, interviews, etc. as well as the bonuses when Chateau de LaLande reaches the next $1k level. There’s always bumps on the road when trying something new. If the upper tier patrons enjoy a Zoom call, then certainly it could be one of their perks. As a lower tier patron, I don’t feel left out nor am particularly interested in viewing the Zoom recording. I think it’s just too much to add to the LaLande Crew’s plate to do regular Zoom calls for all patrons (no matter how the groupings are done). You all are doing a fantastic job. Thank you Stephanie for all your hard work and including us in Chateau life and restoration. Cheers!


Stephanie, I was not offended. I completely understand that you could not host a Zoom call for $2K+ people. Perhaps inviting people alphabetically without regard to tier would be best. It seems the fairest way and would ensure you get a mix of Patrons, not just the most vocal.


I agree with others you owe no one an apology! You do more than you should to supply us with vids and updates. You had a wonderful idea and you then added more work for yourself by suppling and editing the zoom call for those that would like to view. You did your due diligence. As you know you can NEVER please everyone. Take the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and the rest ignore. Even if you did a zoom call for my tier I doubt I’d be able to participate because I live in the US. Of those that could participate I bet several could not,for various reasons, so not 100 % of people could ever participate. I urge those that complained to stop 🛑. All the best everyone be positive xoxo

Jason Dubey

Keep up the great work!


Just in case, I was just kidding! I completely understand, I am a Patron out of love and gratitude for your efforts, keep doing what you're doing, we will be here to support you!


I think your intentions were completely honourable however so much extra time & effort. As there are so


Sorry my little finger pushed the button many different time zones


sorry again things are going wrong or it maybe me. As above which all the time zones etc I think it’s a hard task for you to undertake-so just the normal behind the scenes videos would be great! Thank you for all you do ❣️


You are doing amazing. 🌟✨💫


It is a good idea doing zoom calls


Oh my goodness, no worries! I know I support you at the level I can afford, and am thrilled there are others that can support you at a higher level! I’m grateful to be on this journey, and I thank you for sharing it with all of us😘


maybe ask if people would like to take part as an option and then do it for the people who birthday is that month you could do a couple a month at a set time and set number of people


Thanks for providing something new, looking forward to viewing. And like anything in life there are always teething issues when we venture into new territory. As always I’m sure there are things that work and things that don’t and lessons learned. This is how we all grow. Thanks Stephanie and co.


I'm just so excited to have finally become a patron! Wish I had done it sooner! As for chatting/more interaction between patrons and LaLanders, have you considered a LaLande Discord channel? Apologies if this has already been suggested - there are over 100 comments and I haven't had a chance to look through all of them!


It was a special Anniversary celebration. Zoom calls are not always easily managed, yet you all did a great job. It was nice to see people on the call. Still there is nothing like the fun and interaction of those who currently live at Lalande. Thanks for all the fun you provide. I remain so excited about plans and progress with renovations and curious about that "under the Loo" situation. xoxoxo


What Lisa Marutz said. Thanks, Lisa. ❤️


I honestly don’t see the big deal with how this was done. I’m not offended. I enjoy the content provided by the fantastic people at the chateau (in whatever form is available). Thanks for providing the best escapism!! Please don’t let any negative reactions get you down. Thank you for always being so upfront, honest, joyful, and real with all of us. Thank you for letting us all into your amazing world!!


Ah man, I hate that you felt bad or attacked at all! So much effort goes in to doing the epic about of content you provide and I can't imagine why anyone would feel compelled to gripe about anything... ugh.


Stephanie I’ve read through all the comments so far in this thread, some of which are more judgemental and almost condemnatory of dissent than in the previous thread. I think I know what I want to further reply but will sleep on it before doing so, though I do not now feel safe to post it openly here so will instead message it to you privately.


Stephanie no worries here❤️I took no offense at all❤️❤️❤️ I don’t want you to ever feel bad about anything ❤️ You always do so much for everyone. You are always kind and sweet


I think it was just the way it was stated/ worded about what Stephanie was going to do that have upset people so. What I find UPSETTING is that people are now being labeled KAREN'S and some want to "knock a few offendeds heads", all because people voiced their opinions/concerns about how they were feeling. We shouldn't be name calling or faulting others on how they feel. We are a FAMILY here on this platform and yes at times there will be bumps in the road, but by listening graciously things can change and get resolved and we all live happily. Stephanie isn't rude, she's a very caring person and that is why she felt the need to address some of the comments that have hurt her feelings otherwise she would have just swept it under the carpet and moved on. We aren't to judge others who may have different feelings or opinions from our own, so voice what you may, but please stop the name calling labels.


I'm just excited to watch any and all content!! And thank you for always doing your best to make everyone feel included...even when it's impossible! *Also, I kinda sucked at the quiz just now...guess that means I'm gonna need to rewatch everything!! ;-)


Hi Stephanie,


Lots of love to you! It would be great to get a chance to see and speak to the LaLanders...especially since I don't have enough money to travel to see you. Maybe just do Zoom calls with the Lalanders that are not there at the moment like your mom...Jerry... Cat...and show those to us. Another idea is to do a monthly Zoom with a limited amount of space...you have people register ahead of time and registration closes after that number is reserved. That way it's not based on how much money a person has.


To get offended over a fun zoom call is a wee bit silly. People have lost loved ones, jobs, etc. - it helps to have a bit of perspective.


I didn't even think it was any thing, do not feel bad or worried. You do a great job. No matter what you do there are always going to be people that get upset. That is life. Do what you think and what you feel is right. You can not please everyone. Love from Australia xx


You experimented with a new outlet to make an event interactive. I think we can all show each other some grace and patience. Thank you for all you do and for the time and efforts you put into sharing life at La Lamde with others.


I was not offended at all. I had a great time just joining in and getting to socialize with all of the Lalanders. Cat was fabulous and carried off the quiz and the ZOOM call flawlessly. Keep on doing what you are doing. You are keeping us all sane!


I'm amazed that people think by contributing $5 a month warrants them to have direct and personal access to you. I see no issue in offering something with more exclusive benefits to those in higher paying tiers. I do feel for the predicament and situation you are in and apologising to those who don't quite get it is a waste of your time.


I wonder if a quarterly lottery could be held for a zoom call among all the patrons. Would be pretty exciting to win, and could be just a few people and not very long or structured - almost like a meet-and-greet perhaps. This would not have to be recorded or published later. A setup like this would keep work to a minimum and would be amazing to win. :-) but whatever you do is always fine with me, I'm delighted to say!


I wasn’t upset at all ... I think you are very generous to us all & to be honest I think those in the higher tiers deserve a bit of special treatment every now & then. I love your new glasses by the way xx


Stephanie, you do an amazing job and I am grateful for all the extra videos we get. Keep It up , I absolutely love being a patreon and enjoy everything you do.


I wasnt upset either . I enjoy everything you put up . You all do a fantastic job and you all are an inspiration. Looking foward to visiting you when New Zealand ,UK and France all ate safe


Ouch...I can't say I was offended but I can understand how some would feel left out. I would love to chat with the LaLanders and cannot afford to travel. Everyone has different things they are dealing with in life some of which quite serious. Sometimes it takes something like this to make someone who is sad or stressed or left out to feel even more so.


I understand. It is totally not reasonable to have us all on a zoom call. I also think that it is a great thing to have extra perks for those able to donate more. I really wish that I could. With that said it does make me a bit jealous and a little bummed that I am unable to participate. For me personally, I would prefer not to know about any special zoom calls or have them be the weekly video for us who cannot be in them. Zoom calls are more personal in nature, much like a telephone call. Watching a call that I was not involved in would not be something that I would be interested in personally. That is my feedback just because the question was asked. I see the weekly videos as a bonus. I donate here because I really enjoy being a part of restoring something amazing and really magical. I would prefer for Patreon to be a place that I can continue feeling that excitement.


Honestly... I don’t understand some people who need to get outraged over everything. I’m a tiny donor but understand that you can’t have 2500 people on a zoom call and am not offended if you do a call with the top couple of tiers because it’s a manageable group. They really do the most for you and they deserve the bit of extra special time. I am so happy with my personally written card. People need to realize you’re a very busy human being. Thanks for all you do. With the abuse we know you’re getting from another quarter, and fomented by at least one patron who belongs to that group, you really don’t need to have that nonsense anywhere else in your life.


Stephanie you do what you want with the videos and vlogs and zoom calls . I am happy to see anything you put out and share with us patreon`s. No hurt feelings with me at all. I understand there is a lot of people trying to get through at once and it`s impossible to talk with everyone in one zoom call. Love you gals and guys at LaLande.


You are kind, generous and gracious. I support you as a lowest tier patron as that’s all I can afford, but I expect nothing in return as my reward is seeing your progress and being a vicarious part of Lalande life. I am always grateful for all your posts and in no way felt excluded or offended. You have saved my sanity this past year. What more could I possibly ask? ❤️🐿🦔❤️


As adults we don't have to be included in everything . People who give more than me need to get more than me Just happy to watch. You always make the right decisions !!


I didn’t feel at all excluded or offended with the Zoom call for the top two tiers and while I’d like to see any zoom calls that may be shared with everyone in the future- I’m also totally okay with either option that Steff said. I’ve only been able to start being a patreon this month ( even though I wanted to be able to contribute since early last year). I am delighted with whatever Steff chooses to share with us on here.


You're not alone. I have no problem with the top tiers having extra calls. For me, I would prefer that they just be told of the meetings and for it to be left off the page. That makes it even more special for them and no hurt feelings for anyone else who is not able to participate.


You know I just got done watching the new video. Happy Birthday Nati! Stephanie...you do too much already! Two channels with multiple videos per week and a weekly patreon post. Sheesh....you don't need to be adding Zooms to it! Thank you for all you do to help brighten our days! Maybe one day I'll be able to afford to travel to see you...well I guess I can dream about it anyway. ❤


Absolutely no problem for me in you doing it the way you did it. Patreon is inherently a tiered platform, where people in the top tiers usually get some bonuses. Those complaining need to understand this and look a bit more closely into how the platform works - for your site and all Patreon accounts. I think it's terrible for people to add this sort of stress on you when you're already so generous with us! I've recently been in the fortunate position to jump from $5 to $10, but I have no expectations of receiving everything that the tiers above me get. That's not why I signed up. I signed up to support you and your work and I'm totally satisfied - actually, over the moon, about the gift you already share with us!


I was sad that I was working and could only come on for a few minutes. I hope there will be another opportunity in the future but really, your weekly videos make us feel connected and we appreciate that. Don’t run yourself dry. Thank you!


Stephanie, you are just a precious person. You explained everything beautifully and I completely understand. Zoom calls with 30 are a handful so I can imagine the logistics of 100 or more! Please don't feel bad. I was just telling my husband that you are so consistent and reliable with your videos, and the timing of the premiers. If something doesn't go as planned, you make a point to communicate with everyone. I am a lower tier patron and I am completely satisfied with the content you provide and I don't expect extra perks that the higher tiers receive. I cannot be a higher tier patron, but I am happy that you have them and that they receive additional benefits. One comment that you might be able to help me with - and I have emailed Natti but I know she must be extremely busy. I never received my patron card and I joined last May. I am in Texas, USA so perhaps it was lost in the mail. I would love to receive your card though! much love and big hugs!


I don't mind what you do Stephanie, but I would like you to take care of yourself. It's more important that you do not burn out, than it is that people watch a video. You're such a lovely, thoughtful person - just remember you can't please all of the people all of the time.


Stephanie I wasn't offended either. Being on a Zoom meeting is not my thing but I'm looking forward to watching others on your Zoom meeting. I'll say it again - You're the BEST Stephanie! Thank you for all that you do for everyone =^..^=


The pressure! Everyone here seems pretty chill. I think it is a fun idea and people who get so upset about these things need to take a deep breath and carry on with their lives. I love the videos. My favorites are just what you posted today, updates on work; sitting together working on the tea house; a cosy dinner to celebrate Nati's birthday and a kitchen dance party to end the evening. I don't exactly know why it brings me joy, but it does. I have become so fond of all of you. Please take care and don't stress out over these slight contretemps.🥰🥰😍


I am totally fine with the way you ran the Zoom session. Happy just to watch the recording. You are doing great. I love your vlogs.


As a Lord, I wasn’t offended by anything. I think it’s great you gave something of extra value to the greatest patreon contributors. You are generous. 😺


No problems at all for me I’m not feeling left out in the slightest I hate live online anyway whatever you do is just fine and dandy with me xx


As a Lady, I love the original idea and the way it was executed! Having the zoom call exclusive to the higher tier patreons is in my opinion well deserved and a great compromise to later offer the vod for the rest of us. It is after all their perogative for their pledge and is VERY considerate to include the rest of us which is greatly appreciated. To help with the logistics (and your sanity), next call can be divided on two weeks: first week zoom call is held for the Marquis and Dauphines while the rest get a shorter 'bonus' video (cuts/funny clips), and the second week we can all watch back the antics of the zoom vod.


Stephanie, Stephanie, Stephanie WOW! First I am a bottom tier Patreon for two accounts. You and another. Don’t know if this will help but here goes nothing. The other account does give poll questions if looking for help or advice. The tiers are separated on topics that may/may not pertain to them (ie; calls, meetings, updates for higher levels, etc. ). Patreon is the vendor that it is under. The upper tier has its meetings with much more financial detail. As far as calls with Zoom access it has been done once so far and anyone interested was to respond to a website, pay a fee, register and then wait till the day and time of the call. All callers were allow to text to the hosts, ask questions, say hi to others as feed scrolled on, etc. It was complex and a learning experience for all. As far as a large Zoom call, yes they are possible, but how many people can you possibly have on at one time? If you have seen any of the talk shows now with Covid you may see the audience visually in chairs but no interaction with them. As far as some Patreons wanting to be able to talk with each other, maybe that can be done by messenger. Pros and cons of everything for different personalities. You are amazing! Otherwise all of these comments above me would not exist! How blessed are you! Fantastic! A year from now you will not have communication problems, you will be having reservations shortages. 😂 Better brace yourself for the bigger problem! 😂❤️ *Final note- The new eyeglasses are fantastic! A very happy birthday to Nat! Can’t wait to see what Selma & Phillip uncover! Marie’s flowers are exquisite! Cat has been missed! So love watching Michael renovations at his garden cottage! Love Michael Parks (sp) making his breads! Basically love love love all going on‘s at Lalande! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ My life motto has always been “if you look for the bad you will find it”! This came from the movie Pollyanna’s when I was a very young girl. Hayley Mills was the main character. Love that movie! Such a good message in it! Stephanie live! You have a gift that we cannot return. Your fans are gobsmacked by you and all your wonderful family and friends at Lalande! Much love, a greatful fan! Blessings!🕊🙏


While I have been a huge fan since last February, I just now was able to afford to give via Patreon. So thrilled to be able to give, even if just a little as a thank you back for all your hard work and amazing videos. Regarding the Zoom call, you do everything with so much grace and I know it was never your intention to cause any upsetness. And the higher tiers do deserve more perks! It's just that the way Patreon handled this higher tier event was to show repeatedly that the rest of us were "locked out". And to give more to unlock. So, I did feel a bit like I was outside peering through the glass at a lovely event I couldn't attend. What I would suggest is to 1) add the Zoom Calls to the description of the Higher Tier so everyone can see it it a benefit. 2) Keep the invites to the event off the Patreon page. 3) Tho it makes more work for you, have a video for everyone that week but 4) Make the Zoom video available on the Patreon page after the event, as an "extra video" for any other patrons that would like to see. Well, that's my two cents. Really, thank you! for all you give.


Agree, would be nice to receive the patron card. Luzmarie from Vancouver Canada


Dearest Stephanie , I have been watching you vlogs since you started them. I am a Patreon. I cant tell you after all this time how much I enjoy them and how much you have always made me feel part of the Lalande family. I love and admire you all. Marie and I chat quite often about flowers and I enjoy her so. Each and everyone of you brings such joy. This has been such a tough year for so many. I had a teacher once a designer friend who told me "The world needs beauty" and you have done just that. While I cant think of any ideas at the moment in response to your question but I will think about it and should I come up with one I will share. Sending love to everyone.


Stephanie, you do an amazing job you are a "legend", surely people must understand the time and difficulties in putting your vlogs out and how impossible it would have been to have everyone connected at once .Everyone should stop being precious and enjoy what is given so generously.Keep up the good work your a star!!!!!


My two pence worth: I think it is perfectly fine to have some perks reserved specifically for higher-tier patrons. It is impossible to have open “chairs” for 2,500 persons on a Zoom call, and the interaction would be a nightmare to moderate. To perhaps make it more ‘fair’ for all, perhaps you could create a lottery for a select number of reserved “seats” on a Zoom call that would be drawn from the lower-tiers at random. This would retain the reward to the higher-tier patrons for their greater level of support, while giving everyone an equal chance of being invited to one of these reserved chairs. No matter how you decide to handle Zoom calls in the future (and I for one truly hope you will continue this practice), I must say that you handled the situation with superb grace and the promptness that it deserved. This was a case study in excellent public relations


My only complaint was that my hair looked awful. And I only stayed for 15 mins because I had to play hookey from work. 🤫 Oh, and that I didn’t have time to challenge Lodovico to a duel for stealing my place as the last name recited during the vlog credits! 😠🤪🥰


Stephanie, as a lower tier patron I had absolutely no problem with you running a Zoom call for the higher tiers. In fact, I prefer the recording because I can pause it when I need to run to the bathroom! I love everything you and the Lalanders do and you have my 100% support. You are always so considerate of your patrons and viewers and I hope all this carry-on ends quickly and nicely xo




I am perfectly fine with zoom call live being reserved for higher tier. And zoom call recording for lower tier.


I read the posts from yesterday and was surprised at the lower tier patrons feeling excluded. They were vocal about it. In my opinion, there were more comments of support for Stephanie. We all give from our hearts and most of us are just grateful to help you achieve your dreams for the chateau and we have felt that we are a part of history. I am not an upper tier since the addition of the Dauphine level. That is my choice because I wanted to be a continuous patreon and have been one for a year now. I made a commitment that I wanted to do this as well as be a volunteer if we ever get to travel again. I love the “winter family”, wish Cat was still there but hopefully she will be back. Please Stephanie, know that the majority of Patreons love whatever you do. We just love you sharing so much with us.


I think that with a 100 people there’s a pretty good chance they asked questions about things that I’m also in interested so yes, I’d love to see the zoom video. As for your apology, while it was entirely unnecessary it was also another shining example of the integrity with which you conduct yourself. ❤️🇨🇦


Maybe for all the sensitive wee flowers who feel left out, you can offer a zoom call to higher tier patrons as a perk of being in that tier and don't publish or inform others when those take place. You can't possibly include 2k people in a zoom call. You do so much already. I feel I get more then enough perks for being a countess.


perhaps one of your tier perks could be a chat room or message room on patreon. I'm not sure how to do it, but one of my other creators did that and we had so much fun posting pictures and chatting with each other. It didn't seem to require much from the creator, just to set it up. Don't fret over this. You have too much on your plate already.


I got one song right and all the emoji-fied songs. Otherwise I failed. So glad my school days are over.


Stephanie, Don’t worry!! You are so kind and considerate, there is no way anyone can argue that. I threw in my two cents only after I saw that many people were upset. I suggested making the Zoom calls a perk as part of the upper tiers, and leaving them private, from the outset, only to quell any expectations and hurt feelings by some people in the future. But again, personally, I was not at all hurt, just wanted to make that suggestion to relieve some of the drama... I’ve been looking forward to watching the call, and seeing Cat!!! 🌸🌺 p.s. I agree you could do a lottery for a few Zoom calls in the future, that might be fun, but not at all necessary. Have a lovely weekend. ❤️


No worries here, Stephanie. I hate that there were any complaints at all. You are always so sweet and caring.


It uses the same amount of internet bandwidth to go live on Youtube vs. a Zoom call, and everyone can participate in the live Youtube video. (I went through about a hundred of the comments and didn't see this suggested.)


Hello Stephanie, I am a lower tier patreon and I don’t mind it if you want to create more zoom call in the future. I’d love to watch if it’s a quiz/game or Q&A... like something we can still partcipate in a way. I understand that there’s less people on the higher tiers so its much more manageable in zoom calls and that the weekly video is just delayed because of the editing. Maybe a monthly/seasonal live with the rest of the tiers would make us feel more included? 💕

Janese Carstens

Live streamed YouTube for anyone at La Lande does not work because of their poor internet access. Off the top of my head I know that Stephanie has tried at least 4 and each time it would freeze, be very blurry or stop altogether...which is why she hasn’t attempted live streams anymore until they can get a stronger signal. In fact, one of the patrons bought tech hardware to strengthen the signal but they haven’t been able to put it up yet. So unless that’s changed, I would be surprised if she could even do a clear livestream.

Saba Atabaki

I didn't even know there was going to be a zoom call! 😭

Daniel Hammond

Please do not apologise Stephanie! I am a lower tier member and I am of the opinion that I have nothing to complaint about! A zoom call cannot work for too many people! They are impossible! Thank you for all your work and for the many videos. I am appreciative.


I think it is fine to have benefits reserved specifically for higher-tier patrons. please dont apologize Stephanie. you do so much as it is! Im happy and Im a lower tier.


As a lower tier member couldn’t be less worried- wouldn’t go on a Zoom if paid!! 😂 Hope everyone had a lovely time. Just one request- a plan of the downstairs as can’t get my head round where all the doors from the kitchen go! Thank you


I could be completely wrong here (more likely than not 🤪), but after reading yesterday’s comments I wonder if it’s possible that many (not all) of the patrons on the lower tier have been experiencing more financial, emotional, and social hardships than those who can afford the upper tiers and for them LaLande has felt like a “home away from home” for so long that they just got a little too bent out of shape yesterday. It must be very, very hard for Stephanie to please everyone all the time. It seems as if the vlogs have become a bit of an unhealthy addiction for some. I do not envy Stephanie her job 💕


Perhaps it is time for a poll. I have read that some accounts don’t have tiers everyone donates the same but have an option to increase their donation if they so choose. Maybe I understood it wrong.


I was thinking along those lines. If I was to have a Patreon account, I wouldn’t want tiers as I think that can set up division. I give here as I like to think I’m contributing in a small way personally but in an immense way collectively. I would have , as you said, a baseline amount from which people can contribute upwards as they wish. The joy is in the giving . I just don’t like the tier system.


I mean tiers are tiers. A zoom call seems like something of a higher tier level. Just like having the names at the end of videos or postcards!! However, I do think a weekly video on top of the zoom call recording would be lovely! I only say this as I think a lot of us can relate to the fact that we have spent a lot of time on zoom for work and/or school! Either way its no biggie. All the best xx


I’ve been part of the community from the beginning, first a Lady now Vicomtesse, I support two other accounts but I have to congratulate you Stephanie for the way you conduct yourself and the care you take to ensure inclusivity. I’m very pleased with the little extras you have always included. One of the peacock pictures is the screenshot on my phone and the background of my computer is one of the green pictures of the chateau. Thank you for all of the content across this account and YouTube, I live in a tropical area with more chance of a cyclone than seeing a castle, life at La lands is like a fantasy to me but I still hope that one day when the world is whole again I will get to see it in person, until then thanks for the glimpse into your world. 💕🇦🇺😘


Hi Stephanie - you asked for our comments/ opinions.....This is a difficult one in my humble opinion ....I joined the Patreon to follow the progress of the renovation, and be a small part of it (lower level contributor) not really to have Zoom quiz calls, albeit I'm sure it will be a nice change. Money/wealth will always stir up many opinions, and what folks can afford is relative to their personal circumstances, if i give £5 per month that could be relative to someone gifting £150 - but how can the be measured here? I am more than happy with the levels, I'd steer clear of public zoom calls in the future - its obviously caused some unrest for whatever reasons, all of which will be personal to the individual x


No worries Stephanie, I dont feel excluded. The ones who contribute more for Lalande should get some extra. <3 Always fun to follow you guys, and now I will go and check your zoom video.


No worries Stephanie, I understand that the ones who contribute more for Lalande should get some extra. It is fantastic that you can save the Chateau with your videos. What a modern and creative way.


Its the way Ive been thinking as well. But they are responsible for themselves. I consider it wrong to burden Stephanie this way.


Thank you for your explanation Stephanie. I'm a Lady of Lalande and will continue at this level but understand you have to work within the patreon framework. If you have upper tiers then there must be the occasional extra for them but I still feel our collective $5 contribution is valued and I'm fine with that. I'm not a particular fan of zoom or quizzes for that matter but I do look forward to our patreon only weekly updates. It is THAT which makes me feel special. Thanks Stephanie 💗


Thank you for this. I fully understand the logistic of this and the reason behind it. ❤️ It is not strange to have zoom calls for the higher tiers. Next time my suggestion is, contact them privately, have the zoom call and if you want to post it to the rest of us, that would be so much fun. You don’t have to make a separate video for us. Maybe bloopers, cut scenes and such? Glad you had fun. 😊 oh, by the way, will we be seeing Philip in the hot seat anytime soon? I love his jokes. It makes me laugh.


After a restless night’s sleep I’ve decided I will make an open post after all. !!!!!! EVERYONE !!!!!! Wednesday and yesterday I made some posts expressing my disappointment that there appeared to have been a sudden change in Stephanie’s previous ‘all inclusive’ Patreon policy for her posts, irrespective of contribution level. That was based on receiving a Patreon email saying a Zoom was now starting and logging straight in, notwithstanding the short notice, to find actually I wasn’t able to join in. And finding not just that the message i got was telling me about something I couldn’t join, but also that the thing I couldn’t join was replacing the the regular Patreon video. To me, as I’ve said, that seemed a significant shift in Stephanie’s all inclusive posting policy. And yes I did re-check Stephanie’s tiers before I posted, and no private chats were not listed as a higher tier only benefit. With this in mind I decided to post that I was disappointed in the apparent inclusivity change. I also said when challenged on my post that as a Patron, all be it a lower contributing one, it was completely appropriate for me to express my disappointment about the apparent change affecting lower contributing patrons if I wasn’t comfortable about it, and that it was also within my integrity to do so. Stephanie has now responded to us about what I and others posted, and I believe gets how what happened looked to some of us. She DID NOT criticise us for our concerns, and has explained she would now do it differently if she could. Now here’s the thing. To all the criticisers and condemners who’ve now posted about this. ITS OK FOR PEOPLE NOT TO AGREE WITH YOUR POINT OF VIEW. ITS NOT OK TO POST JUDGEMENTAL WORDS OR COMMENTS ABOUT THOSE YOU DISAGREE WITH, JUST BECAUSE YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM. OTHERS EXPRESSING AN OPINION WHICH YOU DON’T AGREE WITH DOESN'T MAKE THEM OR THEIR DIFFERENT OPINION WRONG, IT JUST MAKES IT DIFFERENT. Lastly and to end. To the criticisers and condemners. Yay to you. With me you’ve won. I don’t now feel safe to post a future differing opinion here if I have one. And if I don’t feel safe to be a part of a community, why would I want stay part of it? So Stephanie, with regret I’m done. As a Patron, and as a viewer.


It's with a heavy heart to say I have withdrawn from Patron as well. For mainly financial purposes but not soley for that reason. I have appriciated all I have recieved from Stephanie on this platform. It has brought me much joy in a time when joy was few and far between. I wish the Chateau all the very best and maybe I'll return but for now it's not for me. Love and hugs xxx


Hello Stephanie, I don’t mind at all, it’s nice to have a little exta reward for those who contribute at a higher level, I’m very content for what you share at the vicompte / vicomptesse level.


My other passion in life is football (soccer) in normal times I have a season ticket to all games. I chose my seat based on what I can afford. Other people pay more and have a better seat . Some pay a lot lot more and then get to interact with the players. The key thing is that we all watch the match together and enjoy. I think the problem here was not that the zoom call existed or was restricted to a few but that it appeared to replace the main event which many look forward to on a wed night. To continue my analogy I would be upset if I couldn't see the match and it was restricted to higher payers. I think that in future a lottery option to allow different levels to participate in the live zoom could be the answer. When our football grounds are allowed to have spectators again but with a reduced capacity this is how it's going to work. So you get your chance of being there, if not lucky in the draw then you continue to be able to see the match on TV or other streams. Seems a good analogy to me. Key is not to replace the main expected event.


Dear Stephanie, you are incredibly kind to address all this. Personally, I became a patron because your videos have added value to my life. I want to support your work because your work supported me in a difficult time and continues to do so. You guys are putting yourselves out there for all to see (and criticize) and bend over backwards to please everyone. I am so grateful for all the patrons here because every contribution means we get to witness more of The Chateau diaries. I am perfectly happy to see a recording of future zoom calls. As a low tier patron, I don't mind the higher tier patrons receiving a little more. It's all good. If someone is taking things personally and has expectations (which is perfectly valid) then maybe to ease future offense/expectations, zoom calls or other perks that can't involve everybody, can perhaps be limited to the higher tier patrons and is outlined in the respective tiers. In that way everyone can be clear about what to expect. I am grateful either way for all the effort you put in. Be well and HAPPY everyone!!


Hi Stephanie! I for one completely understand the issue and I think that it made sense for the higher tier patrons to be on the call and for us to get to watch the recording. In the future to make everyone a little happier I agree this what you said about doing the call early for that the recording could be placed on Patreon on Wednesday as normal. It seems very fair to me! On the other hand, in my job I run a lot a zoom calls and for a few of our events we have run them and streamed them live to Facebook or YouTube so our audience gets to see us in real time. I am not sure how Patreon works and if you could stream it live there, but if so perhaps that could be an option in the future! So looking forward to watching the recording, love you all 💜💜💜


Hi, if you go back to the earlier posts, you will find the plans.


Dearest Stephanie - I think the way you set it up was completely logical and understandable.


When all is said and done it was the lower tier( don’t like using that phrase) contributions that helped get this account off the ground in the first place. For me, the zoom call is not really the issue here, but rather the deference to higher paying patrons. For many, the Lalande videos is delightful escapism (in the best sense) in an extraordinarily difficult time world wide. Being able to contribute what one is able to done gives one a connection to something outside themselves and that makes for happiness! Be it gifts or money. Not the amount or value. The value is in humility. I was so delighted when I received a card that read “Countess” on it! Sometimes in life it’s the little things. Especially now. Kindness has no dollar amount.


I am sorry about this hullabaloo! I totally understand the different tiers and extra benefits for higher levels in patreon. It's just the way patreon works. Of course someone who gives more has more incentives, it makes sense to me. I don't feel excluded.

Kimberly Dale

Wow that been a tough game of trivia pursuit cat did a good job.

Kimberly Dale

I have friends who are musicians famous musicians and this is how fans feel it truly is and you just have to keep on keeping on and don’t let anyone steal your sparkle bless you bless you Kimberly from California

Kimberly Dale

Because you could not be kinder or more generous xoxo 🙏🥰🎶🕺


I love the dollhouse In the background ❤️


Stephanie, we love all that you do with the videos and the vlog. We are patrons and from the beginning our sole purpose in joining has been to help with the upkeep and restoring of your property. We have no other expectations. The videos are a bonus to us. Keep doing what you’re doing. Love to all Lelanders from your friends in Alabama!


I completely understand that each tier has different benefits, after all this is a business. Rather than telling all tiers that a zoom call is starting, just send to the applicable patrons and tell the rest that the weekly video will be delayed. As others have mentioned there are ways that all could be included on a Facebook or Youtube live.


I don’t mind at all how you set it up. I love all the videos you post. Don’t be too hard on yourself.


And yet two days later we are still waiting for a video.........sigh. :(.


I don’t care what the video is..... I will happily listen to frogs or watch you peel potatoes 🥔 😉😉😘


you're doing a great job with the Patreon tiers - love all your vlogs and your enthusiasm for sharing your passions


Steph you guys do nothing wrong and have only the best intentions that is clear in everything you do. xoxo


If you posted once a month I’d be happy, for me the giving is about watching renovations happen, it’s not about quizzes, or postcards, the fact you throw so much else in the mix is a gift in itself. Negativity is an awful thing, and I sincerely hope, this does not dim your star, and turn that which you found to be a pleasure, into a chore. Just keep on doing what you want, the way you want Stephanie. It’s perfect, and admirable. I’m too lazy to do anything like this myself, and happy my small contribution gives reciprocal pleasure.


Sid, i just want to say that Im really sad reading thru this thread and yesterday’s. I remember you from way back in the beginning and have always enjoyed your witty comments! I think you expressed yourself well today and have the courage and integrity to be honest about how you felt. I can’t find words to express it but I hope somehow you’ll stay.

Merideth and Nicky

All is well Stephanie. I am constantly amazed by how much you give to us all. You are a shining example of kindness and generosity. I am just excited to see Kat (I didn’t even realise there was a quiz just wanted to see a friend of the Chateau again) who’s energy, happiness and honesty I have really missed. Having said that Kat I do understand that you have to go back to your other life and get stuff done. So I am looking forward to seeing the quiz and giving it a go with Nicky. Love to you all Merideth


Hi Stephanie! I hardly ever write a comment or read other people’s comments yet because of your video I got curious to know what was happening and read some of the comments. As doing so I discovered that I wasn’t the only one that got a little discomfort about the zoom chat. I normally save your Patreon videos to see on my commute to work on Thursday to distract me from the one hour on a bus. This week I was a little bit sad when I discovered that I didn’t had a video to see. I understand that unexpected things happens to everyone and sometimes content creators must delay some videos. I was prepared to deal with that. But I have to confess that I also felt a little excluded when I discovered that the reason of the delay was about an online event that was going to happen and I wouldn’t be included. It was completely irrational because I understand the layers system of patreon and I agree that the top patreons should receive something extra. But I can’t deny that I felt excluded for a few minutes. I’m writing this just so you have the full spectrum of opinions because I know you always have the bast intentions in your heart. I really admire the way you deal with difficult situations and criticism. I wish I was more like you. I hope this message is clear to understand because English is not my mother language.


Stephanie - You cannot please everyone and you absolutely have nothing to apologize for. Your intention was very clear from the beginning. Personally, I think some of the more needy/verbal viewers need to relax a little they make things much more dramatic than necessary. Sorry I had to say it.


You are doing your best. But yes, I was a little hurt. Even more so by all the horrible comments on here toward me and others who felt the same. The people who felt a bit disappointed or hurt are entitled whining people who just take. So charming of the group to say so. And for the rest of you, being disappointed is not the same as not appreciate or love the videos, or demanding anything. If no one cannot be honest how will she know? If you can be anything, be kind.


I am totally fine with how you organized this and look forward to seeing the zoom call video. And if it happens to come a few days later, I am okay with that too! Good golly! You are a human being doing your very best and I know that you consider all the factors. Please don’t stress about it. Thank you for ALL that you and all the Lalanders do for all of us!💕


Here is the easiest way to appease the situation. Have Nati or a someone create an email subscription list including time zone data. People can voluntarily register their email address and select the type of content they are interested in; such as live Zoom chats with you or any LaLander leading the discussion, quizzes, cocktail hours, tutorials, etc. Once you have that data, you can add data fields such as donation level, length of patronage via Excel. Then, once a month use the list to invite a 100 of those who registered for specific content to an upcoming session or invite by time zone or donation level/length of patronage. Then the next time, invite the next 100, etc, etc. You can choose group by time zone or donation level. People can either accept or decline the invitation. Release the Zoom as a Wednesday night video.


Sending lots of love and thanks for all you do ❤️👍


I am a patron because I want to see Stephanie bring the Chateau back to life. I started as a Lady and I am now a Vicomtesse. I am a solo mum and money is not flush, but I love what I receive from the Patreon account. I also pay Netflix, Stan and Disney+ but I would never dictate to them how they should program their shows. It seems that because Stephanie has made herself so approachable and available that some of the patrons feel overly entitled (low or high tiers). I joined as a patron to contribute to Lalande and I think for me the videos are a bonus. Stephanie, you can't please everyone but please, keep doing you and what you think is right. You have done so well and should be so proud of what you have achieved in such a short time.


I think this is what people are upset with too, calling others "Karen" and the stigma it holds isn't very nice to do.


What if you list everyone in alphabetical order in a spreadsheet then start from the top and go down to a doable number for a zoom call send them an invite and maybe do a zoom call once a month or whatever suits until you get through everyone. New people that join put them on a separate list and maybe add them at the end. 😊💜


Hi Stephanie, My only criticism is that lamp is far too close to those lovely curtains. We all remember what happened to Windsor Castle in 1992 😱 We all love you and please do not feel bad over some negative comments from some rather entitled people. Please carry on as you are, we appreciate everything you do for us. Lots of love, please move the lamp lol. 💛💛💛💛💛


You could set up a discord and have someone volunteer to admin. It would enable Patreon fans of Lalande to connect with each other, they can get in voice call groups or even use their webcams to chat as well as share articles or pictures. I know quite a few people on Patreon have that.


Zarin, I totally agree with you, I would also never think bad of Stephanie and the lalanders! It was the way that it seemed to be handled, if it is felt that the higher tiers deserve more rewards then the extra ones the already get, then I’m fine with that. But the way it was introduced was so quick, from asking if it was a good idea to a few days later it being done. It has taken a small bit of the shine off for me, but that will be temporary and will continue to support Stephanie...


Totally agree with you and your suggestions, especially adding any changes to the tiers descriptions, this should always be done in advance and pointed out before being implemented.


I so hope she sees your comment! I get nervous when I see them lighting candles, some of the fires with the stockings that look to close, and now the lamp as well. Would hate for anything to happen!


Stephanie, I'm getting caught up on all the nonsense that's been going on with my fellow lower tier patrons and the fact you made this video to clear up misunderstandings shows what a genuine and kind person you are. By the way, I got my patreon post card of Lalande last week and I was fangirling so hard! I have a little bit of France in Virginia Beach.😂 My husband was sure entertained. Wishing you continued love and success!


It's all okay. I'm not in that tier but that's absolutely fine I expect those in higher tiers to have greater membership rewards. Don't stress. I'd insert a lil love heart emoticon thingy but haven't worked out how to do that so here's my attempt at a smiley face :-) Love to all x


lottery system seems like a good idea, but it is also normal to have extras for the higher tier patrons. I think you do a great job


Hey Stephanie, I was totally fine with it :) please do not beat yourself up about it. You already have too much to do!


Hi Jodie, you make a good point how we would not dictate to Netflix, Disney channels etc :)


Not offended at all here!. you made it clear for the start mentioning the zoom call that it was impossible to get that many people in there so you had to restrict it, no more than logical that the top tiers go first. it's the way this system works. however I would love the idea of some sort of lottery (make sure a time is set first so the lottery is just between people who can actually join). Keep up the great work, really appreciated!


I’m a Lower Tierer + just needed to say that your original plan was perfect. I’m looking forward to watching the Zoom call(s) just as much as I do every video you post! You’re doing a phenomenal job, Stephanie - don’t overthink it. 🌺


You are always so thoughtful Stephanie, and you are giving so much as it is. You just keep doing what you are doing, which is a wonderful job. I think people need to be responsible for themselves. There is a very active La Lande community on Facebook as well, and I am sure there are many there who can connect via Facebook Messenger video chat groups or Zoom, if they wish. No stress and many thanks in advance.


Maybe some of your Patreon supporters aren't familiar with how Patreon usually works? It is typical and expected for those who contribute more $ to someone's patreon to receive additional benefits - you get what you pay for! I cannot believe anybody would be offended by that. I'm in the lowest tier and have absolutely no problem with the Zoom call having been for the higher tiers only. Please don't worry about it and thank you for making the call available to everyone after the fact! :)


I appreciate the option. I would enjoy a seperate video rather than watching a zoom call, but then I'm not a zoom fan- I do more than enough of those at work! :)


Stephanie, I am shocked that people were upset. I am at the lower tier level and I TOTALLY understand why you did it this way. I don't think you have a mean bone in your body to do anything bad to your Patreons. Continue to do what you do and thank you for your amazing videos!!!


Stephanie, your response to feedback (whinnying, critical or positive) is so commendable. So, I’d just like to remind a few others that you are always well meaning. Your attempts to seek ways to accommodate all the varying personalities of viewers and patrons comes from a truly well meaning heart and thus negative, overly harsh and complaining comments are really off-base and not in the spirit of a member of the Lalande community.

Sharon cole

I did not mind i understand you can not expect to keep everyone happy you do all you can to keep everyone happy. I send the money each month for help to restore la lande i did not mind one bit about the zoom call i hate been on camera anyway. Some people should not lose sight in what patreon is about its to restore la lande sending much love to stephanie and la lande gang also much love to all the other la lande lovers 💖😊💖 and a hug to anyone who needs one 🤗🤗🤗xx


Brava Cat!


How about geographically/time zones? No one should be upset, Stephanie made a reasonable solution.

Elizabeth Haddad

Could always do a webinar where most people are just listening and you have a selection of panelists who participate


This is a bit late, but I wanted to say, I thought how you chose to do this was perfectly fine. To allay your horror, I think most of your patrons have a sense of who you are and your genuine approach to things....if you messed up at any given point, I think most would have a generous spirit given how generously spirited you are toward others. I wouldn't want you to feel picked on and change. And you didn't mess up in this instance, to my thinking....the higher tiers are free to receive greater rewards and I'm comfortable with that. Anyway, you're doing GREAT Ms Jarvis! xx

Karen Young

I don't know zoom from Adam, so I have no say. I just have a cheap phone with limited data, so it may not even support zoom. I'm lucky to even afford enough data for YouTube.

Heidi Panella

I'm a new patron and was perfectly fine with the way you handled the zoom situation. I'm binge watching now and I'm also in a lower tier. Perhaps just add in the description of the tiers when people are signing up they know that they would get the opportunity to zoom if they signed up for that tier. And it it's not in the description no comments needed. Maybe that would save you the explanation should you want to do it again, but you shouldn't be apologizing for it when you give above and beyond now. It's really not unreasonable that the higher tiers would get that. And you did post the call for us to watch which is generous as it is. Don't make any more work for yourself, you give enough. All the videos are great and have practically replaced my regular tv show watching LOL! You're much more entertaining!! Stay healthy and keep being you 💖

Hannah Kleiböhmer

I´am a new Patreaon and totaly agree with your comment. Stephanie you making a great job. I feel so included in your process of the renovation and the planing. Don´t stress yourself :-)