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I hope that your Christmases were as merry as possible in these strange times! I noticed some of your latest concerned comments and just wanted to reassure you that we’re all very well.

After the work of producing the Advent vlogs I took Christmas Day and Boxing Day off, and decided to give everyone in the chateau a day without filming on Christmas Day. It was wonderful and it even snowed for a moment! In the morning we opened our presents by the tree whilst eating Selmar’s delicious stollen, mince pies and bacon sandwiches, washed down with tea and mimosas. Then, I was in charge of making Christmas dinner for everyone. We had prawn cocktail to start, then roast turkey, roast goose, sausages wrapped in Parma ham, pork and apple stuffing, sage & onion stuffing, roast potatoes, carrots, parsnips, Brussels sprouts and gravy and cranberry sauce, followed by (a bought) traditional Christmas pudding with homemade Armagnac butter. Marie made her classic old-fashioned cocktails for everyone and we drank delicious Georgian wines that my friend Levan had sent for us.

After all of the filming and editing during December, and the cooking on Christmas Day, I spent most of Boxing Day in bed! I was back at work today editing the ‘bloopers’ from the Advent filming and they’ll be uploaded to YouTube tomorrow evening. We also filmed a bumper Christmas edition of ‘Cadeaux at the Chateau’, sitting by the Christmas tree, which will be out on the ‘Chateau Unwrapped’ channel in the coming days.

Most excitingly, Hash, Davy and I have taken all of the measurements for the arrière cuisine, china pantry and winter salon library, and Hash is getting quotes for all of the work from the joinery company that he works with. Now that advent is over, I’ll be focusing all of my efforts on the renovations ahead!

Thank you so much for all of your support and for following the advent vlogs which have been (as you’ll see from tomorrow’s bloopers) an absolute joy to make.

As usual, the next Patreon video will be out on Wednesday!

Lots and lots of love to you all from Lalande,






Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thank you so much!! I enjoyed the advent videos so much. You all deserve a break! 🙂🎄🎁💕


Please take these breaks regularly . We all love you and want 2021 to be sustainable for you! <3 <3 <3


Phew! We are all worried you were back in hospital! Sounds like a magical day, and I'm glad you rested on Boxing Day. Sending love from New Zealand.




Mele Kalikimaka ❤️❤️❤️


I’m just watching the advent vlogs all Over again, thank you Stephanie. Enjoy and relax with some days off. Xx


I am glad to hear you all had a great Christmas... Merry Christmas and a happy new year


Happy New Year! You and the others certainly deserve time without filming to just enjoy the day! Thank you for sharing your life and friends. Please rest and relax!


Glad you took the day off and enjoyed being in the moment with your nearest and dearest. Here’s to health and even more happiness for the new year. 🥂🎉🥳🎄


Stephanie, you are an amazing woman. And an inspiration to so many of us. What a year you’ve had! I feel like we should all be giving you a standing ovation.


Happy Christmas all and I am so glad you were able to take a well deserved break. I'm rather exctied about your china patnry and the library. We shall all be drooling and living vicariously :) Glad tidings to all and let's hope 2021 will be one of Joy and Hope . Cheers !


Wow - what an amazing time you all had! Glad you’re feeling better. You do tend to push yourself and I’m happy you’ve taken some time off to relax and enjoy your guests at Christmas. I hope Isabelle and Percy enjoyed their Christmas in So Africa. Looking forward to seeing some photos from them at some point in future. Love to you Stephanie!!


Good to hear you all had a good Christmas here’s to a better 2021 though you all did help so much to improve 2020 x


I am so glad you are okay as well as we were concerned. I am not surprised you all needed a rest. Looking forward to a great new year and all the adventures that await us together at Lalande.


Well deserved Rest ♥️ What a Beautiful photo love all the colors of the robes.🙂


Sounds like a wonderful day! Merry Christmas and let's have the most Happy New Year!


Happy Holidays to all! Please keep inspiring ❤️


Merry Christmas to you all at LaLande and glad that you’ve not only survived the festivities you’ve thrived. Time out is vital and you mustn’t worry that you’ll be letting anyone down by not uploading. We’ve all been thoroughly spoiled by the daily advent vlog xxxxxx Deb from New Zealand


Sounds like a wonderful Christmas!!! Thank you so much for all the hard work you do! I’m not sure how you do it all.. Loved the Advent videos!! You certainly deserve a nice rest! Sending love from Florida. 🎄🤗🎉💕❤️


Glad to hear that you’re doing well. We are very concerned when we did not see a post for 2 days but you deserve a rest too. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Take care and we love you. Wishes from Ms. Attrix in Miami


This photo is absolutely gorgeous of all of you❤️ Rest up everyone❤️


Stephanie enjoy your time. You all did amazing in December it really made my holiday this year. This was my first Christmas away from family and friends in over 17 years and the advent videos really helped keep the spirit alive. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Super glad you took a break!....and happy to know you are feeling well. Merry Christmas (late)!!


Thank you for taking the time to share some news!! Very glad to hear Christmas Day was a hit and that you’ve all been taking a break! I am sure it was hard to break the habit of wanting to film yet also much needed to give you all a boost for the upcoming plans! Looking forward to seeing what you’ve got planned next. The next phase renovation sounds amazing!! Can’t wait to hear more about it.


Most of them live there and the few that came had COVID tests as she mentioned. The "rule" isn't a law it's a recommendation and it is down to people to use common sense which they have done.


Love the photo, so happy to hear you had a wonderful Christmas!


You and the entire gang inspired me to put up a real tree and to set a festive brunch table on Christmas Day. Thank you, take all the time you need to rest up (I am), and Happy New Year!


So glad you had a rest, as enjoyable as the festive season is it can be exhausting. Thank you for all of your vlogs, they bring such joy! Exciting times ahead with China pantry etc. Do take care sending love and wishing you and all the lalande family a very Happy New Year 💖⚘🎅🎄


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Rest while you can. Thanks for the advent calendar. It made my holiday season bearable.


Same here! Was living vicariously through these videos! Loved every one. Thanks so much Steph and Lalanders


Thank you so so much for sharing but I wish you had all taken a week off it’s most deserved I know all the work that goes into the filming it’s hugely appreciated - I will watch this with joy at bedtime xxx


Merry Christmas and glad you all rested for the holiday


And the Advent videos were a joy to watch, so thank you. Glad you all had a lovely Christmas- you deserved it!!!


I am so glad you took a break, you should have taken a little longer, it’s important that you keep a bit of yourself for yourself. Your vlogs are a joy and I want you to have both the stamina and appetite to continue them. And that goes for everyone there. ❤️ Wishing you all a happy new year. x


Thanks for sharing with us you needed a break


Thank you for the update! Lots of love to all of you! Get some rest !🤗❤


Loved your year of restoration, and life at La lande. It was certainly a busy year for all of you! Much love and blessings to you Stephanie and your family and friends for 2021❤️


I'm sorry if we made you post.


It is perfectly understandable to take a few days off after posting 24 days straight. Enjoy! And hope you are feeling better!


As long as you are okay take as much time as you want.


Thank you so much for the mammoth task of putting out all of the advent vlogs. Please take some time off as soon as you can . You will need to recharge your batteries Stephanie. We know you love filming your vlogs but please don't burn out. You are the hardest working you tuber I've seen, I'm sure everyone agrees. Have a Happy New Year Lalanders everywhere ❤❤


Unplug and re-boot my imaginary friend! You'll be surprised how everything will right itself. Although I look forward to new content, there are 103,556 subscribers who would be just as happy with one of your lovely interviews from Patreon. Step back and see just how lovely a world you have painted for all of us. We will all be here... xoxo


We'll be here whenever you return. Please rest and recoup


Wow! Sounds like GOUT after all those rich foods— I MEAN GREAT.


Glad you all had a lovely day. 🙂


Oh dearest girl, I am so glad that you’ve had some time without the camera and editing. You give so much of yourself doing the vlogs . It is all incredibly appreciated but your health and sanity come first. 💖Wishing you good health and great joy in the coming year. With love from Jodee and Dave in California


Merry Christmas!!!!


Great photo! 🥰


So glad you have taken some time off! Much needed I am sure for all of you! Its been a joy to see you daily and it has helped through not only covid times buy also just hard times in general. Thank you. I will admit I am having some Lalande withdrawal BUT I know you are all taking your break and I need to get used to not seeing you daily! Lol 😆 Thank you all again for allowing us all into your lives. Its an honor. With love, Mallory from the snowy mountains in Alberta, Canada


So glad you had a tiny rest ! And a couple of day off camera... So important ! and make sure you take some more time for yourself ! Balance is the key to everything. The Advent marathon was a huge gift and my daughter Maya and I send so much thanks for the laughs and the inspiration, we loved every minute. Wishing everyone at La Lande, connected with even if not there eg Kat, and Isabel and Percy all the best blessings possible.


Thank you for taking the time to let us know how you Christmas celebration went. It sounded delightful and restful for you! Merry Christmas!!!


Thank you for the update! I must admit I am already in withdrawal from my daily "fix" from the chateau! Glad everyone got a chance to simply enjoy their holiday.


I'm exhausted just reading about it!


A well-deserved break for you all. Vlogging is hard work. LOVE the Robe Mafia! Okay, we need a Robe Mafia video now, LOL. So glad you had a joyful Christmas, and wishing you a very Happy New Year.


Happy Crimbo... time to Netflix, chill & eat all the leftovers!!! 😘


I couldn't believe the Lalande withdrawal I felt these past few days. Of course I knew in my head that you needed a break, just like everyone else. I hope you are feeling well and refreshed.


Merry Christmas, my daughter Clancy loved her copy of Aloysius the Ram at Chateau de Lalande.


All of you look splendid in your robes. It is good to hear that you took a bit of down time, much needed I am confident. I so enjoyed all the Advent videos. Look forward to tomorrow's bloopers.


Merry Christmas to all of you. And Stephanie, much as I so love seeing everything you put up for us at both YouTube and Patreon, I’m really happy to hear you are having a bit of a break. Your body was already telling you that you needed to slow down so please don’t ignore that. Have some much deserved rest and relaxation. XXX


Sounds great! Thanks for letting us know you’re all OK.

Jane Nunn

Glad you are all well especially Selmar. Thankyou for the update. Glad to hear you all had a private Christmas. Looking forward to the renovations..


I think that many of us feel, that with all the vlogs you've done in the last month alone, you've earned a couple of days off. Lord knows you deserve to take some time for yourself and recharge your batteries. Take care!!


I'm glad you took some well deserved time off. You're essentially writing, producing, filming and acting in your own tv series. I can't imagine the energy it takes to do that. It would take me a week in bed to recover! Great photo and what a beautiful tree. You have mad decorating and cooking skills Stephanie. Thank you for sharing. I gave three copies of Aloysius the Ram for gifts and everyone loved it!


Glad you're doing alright, Steph! We figured you needed a break from a month of going strong non-stop!


A much deserved break! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all at Lalande ❤️


Now that is one colourful moment in time. Burned onto the retina never to be forgotten.🤣😂👍


Thank you for sharing that all is well at LaLande. Looking forward to the upcoming vlogs. ❤️


So glad you had a wonderful Christmas and (eventually) got some time to rest. Merry Christmas to all at LaLande.


we're so happy you took the day and enjoyed Christmas and the robes are marvelous! looking forward to your next video and the cheer you and the La Lan"dears" bring to all of us. It was great to see Cat at Michael's and that he got his wish to have Christmas in his cottage with his beloved AGA!

Alton Condra

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! Glad you got rest.


Wonderful, Stephanie. 🌺 I knew you were just taking a well-deserved break. You, and all at Lalande, deserved to have a natural, relaxed, and spontaneous Christmas, without cameras!! Lots of love to you, and thanks for adding a huge dose of “merry and bright” to Advent this year. 🌟🎄🌟


Thank you for sharing a pic and a quick update. I admit, I was getting worried. Rest well, you deserve more than just a day or two. Like so many others, I feel that we would not have experienced Christmas without your daily vlogs. They cheered my soul and helped us make an effort in our own celebration. Thank you!


Thanks for the update, always interested to know what is happening at Lalande, so pleased to hear you have had a little time off. Looking forward to the bloopers vlog. Enjoy the holidays with your friends 💕🇦🇺


Merry Christmas everyone


Happy to hear you are getting some well deserved rest Stephanie!! I imagine your Christmas with all the Lalanders was lovely, you all look delightful in your Christmas robes! Wishing everyone at the Chateau a very Happy New Year, may it be kind and gentle to us all...🎉❤️🎉


So happy that all are well and you decided to take a much deserved break for Christmas. Enjoy your time with friends and family.


We love you all so much. I must say I was worried too😷 Very happy you took time out and had a lovely Xmas. I did miss your vlogs and kept checking for news. Love from hot Australia.




Thank you for the lovely update,🎄.... all look fabulous such beautiful vlogs, so uplifting, I’ve been in my sewing room all day organizing fabric, with love and admiration, Jenifer🇺🇸🎄🦔🌹


You have definitely delivered above expectations so by all means, enjoy your days off.


Merry Christmas Stephanie and all at LaLande. So happy you took some time to relax after being so poorly.


Aloha Stephanie and all the lovely Lalanders🏰I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I’m thrilled you took some time off and relaxed. The group Christmas photo looks joyous. Thanks for sharing. Hugs and love to you all. Mahalo, Jennie

Daniel Hammond

I am so glad you all had a fabulous day. Thank you for making 2020 a little more bearable and I am excited for your plans in 2021.

Anna Ibarra

Feliz Navidad Stephanie and all the LaLande Team, thank you ever so much for bringing us such great Christmas joy. Not doing the normal Christmas here and was nice to see a couple of the LaLande advent vlogs. Sometimes seeing a couple at a time is such a nice treat, when I can't catch it live. So please to hear that your Christmas was reserved to you all. You all deserved such much needed calmness in your lives. Hoped you actually did enjoy your time off.

Anna Ibarra

Oh what a nice treat, organizing fabric, which I need to do also and I watch the vlogs when I do.


Maybe you should post an announcement on YouTube, people are wondering, and some are worried. Just sayin’

Jane Nunn

No .no need people are getting a little obsessed and need to calm down.


Merry Christmas Stephanie & Co. 🎄🎄🎄 Absolutely delighted that you took some ( very little) much needed time out... Just what the Doc ordered a lazy day in bed💟💌❣️ Hoping Santa was good to You All 😛 Thanks a million for update... Looking Sooo forward to the next chapter💌 Much Love💜. Stay Safe 💕 Big X & O Karen Xxoo Sending Blessings In Abundance To You All & A Massive Thankyou for being You... ❣️💟💌 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Thank you Stephanie for all your hard work creating hours of entertainment for all your fans. But please please take care of yourself. You deserve more time off! You have spoilt us all with these stellar vlogs. You are amazing. 💜😊


I’m so glad you took a couple days off to enjoy your family and friends...we all understand and appreciate your concern...you are an amazing person that brings so much joy and hope to people! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you Stephanie and all the LaLanders for making this holiday season so much more joyful. It's been such a pleasure following along. Happy Holidays ❤️


You all look fabulous in your 100 stars ⭐️ robes. Thank you for a wonderful year 💕


What an amazing picture of you all! Thank you so much for the Advent Vlogs again this year. With all the restrictions and changes this year, watching your daily vlogs made my advent and Christmas season very special. My husband and I are very thankful for your energetic and entertaining vlogs. I feel as if I know many Laplanders already and I wish you all a Happy Christmas, safety and good health.


Thanks for a wonderful advent calendar series! You had a lot going on and guests to entertain. Can't imagine NOT taking a few days to soak it all in and enjoy it. Merry Christmas to all the LaLanders and a better 2021 for all!


Merry Christmas to you Stephanie and all your house guests. I have just joined your fan club. I have watched all your videos since you started. I stumbled on to your channel and it has lead to Michael, Marie, Selma, Sadie, Billy and his family and Ryan. I have been diagnosed with cancer and will be having surgery Thursday. I go into the hospital on the 31 and start the new year hopefully cancer free. The reason I’m telling you about my health, as your channel and everyone mentioned will be on my I pad as I recover. Thank you so much for being just you. With deepest respect. Debbie Mollison. 🇨🇦🐝🍁


Debbie, you will find that this is a lovely, supportive, and caring community! Best wishes to you with your surgery. Sending prayers 🙏


Omg. Thank you so much. Happy new year to you and yours. Thank you again.


Stephanie, How wonderful to hear that you and your fellow LaLanders have had a relaxing and camera-free few days to celebrate the holidays. Yes, we’ve been spoiled by the daily vlogs, but please get some rest. Take all the time you need - we aren’t going anywhere! 🤗❤️😴


Debbie, will be keeping you in prayers for a successful recovery. No doubt the LaLande family and their laughter and kindness will spread joy over you, as you heal.


God Bless you fellow Patreon Debbie, during your surgery.....I’m praying for your recovery and to share positive thoughts ....💐🌷🌹, with my prayers constant... Jenifer


Joyeux Noël Stephanie! MERCI for your wonderful Advent Vlogs! Thank you especially for spreading JOY and inspiration! You and the Lalande family are simply remarkable!


I have enjoyed this Advent calendar so much, but really I think you could slow down a bit now. A video or two a week is okay. You don't want to push yourself too hard and harm your health. I don't think anyone will stop watching;) You inspired me to make more of Christmas dinner than I ever have before. I actually bought some special Winter themed toile-ish dishes (red and white with pines, a church, houses on different pieces) and I made a special dinner, mostly homemade. Everyone enjoyed it and it felt so much more festive than usual. I have also taken to wearing a robe or duster around the house for extra warmth instead of a ratty old sweater. I feel better for being a bit 'fancier'. Thank you for sparking my desire to live a little bit of an 'elevated' life in my typical suburban US home (average) but with a few little touches!


Sally, I did the same thing...... made a beautiful table from my crystal collection, handmade napkins and extra touches ....


Thank you all for the advent vlogs, You have brought such joy to me. Like all of us Ive had my struggles this year but to sit down at the end of the day and watch your channel is so up lifting. The tablescape was stunning with Maries garlands of mistletoe and holly and the beautiful nativity figures , the plates . Please take care and rest. Thank you to all of you for sharing all your good will this Christmas.


Thank you ,so glad all is ok 👌 and you had a wonderful Christmas 🎄 together lots of love from Spain


That all sounds exciting. Sad to miss it, but you definitely deserved the break! It’s a blessing to live in the moment every once in a while. I look forward to the coming vlogs!

Theresa Romero

I am so glad you have taken some time to be with your dear friends without filming, and also to give yourself restful time. Thank you so much for the beautiful description of your scrumptious Christmas dishes and of some of what has been transpiring. I adore you, Stephanie. You are such a light-filled woman. I adore all you beautiful friends and family. Watching these videos and reading what is written touches me in a way that opens me up to being my own light-filled self. You are all being your light-filled selves. It’s all so beautiful and loving. May the creator of everything bless each of you, immeasurably, and also bless all who are touched by these videos. I send my humble blessings to all, as well, with love.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Thank you for making this unusual year a little more bearable and giving us some hope for life, love and more laughter. ~k


Thank you for the update. Christmas is special and very happy that you enjoyed it with everyone. Hope you will rest and take time to just be.


It was such a joy,every day i December,watching your vlogs. Must admit,felt quite empty when there was no more to look forward to. But I totally understand - you need to have a life of your own too. So grateful for having had a chance to "be part of your community,while watching". Waiting for bloopers and other stuff you will provide us with. No need for "normal tvprograms" anymore ,I have so much fun watching you & co at Chateau Lalande!


As with the others.Just glad you had a break & some private time over Christmas!We will all be with you next year. Happy Christmas and Blessed New Year!


Huge thanks Stephany and you La Lande family. Having to isolate here in the Uk but such a joy yo see your fabulous vlogs. Take great care special lady and a very happy year ahesd.


Merry Christmas to you and all at Lalande. I'm pleased to hear that you took some time to yourself- take more🤗 🥰


A well deserved rest hun from filming. Take care Stephanie and Lalanders xx


Thank you for the update Stephanie xx lovely to see your looking and feeling better and had a good Christmas xx take care of yourself and look forward to seeing the upcoming vlogs xx much as we love your vlogs, perhaps think of slowing down a little and taking more care of yourself xx the Chateau needs you to ensure it’s future for posterity xx sending lots of hugs xx🥰


Thank you for the many happy moments that you provided me and others with this very tricky year of 2020. I hope that you and your family are well and will have a wonderful and Happy New Year.


Thank you for your endless work with vlogs and the happiness and joy you share with us. So glad you had time off Stephanie but you actually need to mind yourself and take more.! No matter how much you enjoy it and love it so much there is also pressure behind it TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF and your health sweet Stephanie 🤗😘🤗


Thank you for the update. Look after yourself and take time to be you and spend it privately with your friends and family. We aren’t going anywhere x


Thank you for all you done for us during December now have a good rest 💜


So pleased you enjoyed some private time with your friends & sounds like everyone enjoyed all the effort you put in to make it wonderful. To keep safe here we met outside on Christmas Day for bacon butties & you would be proud of how I decorated our back garden Stephanie ...it was like “Tivoli” gardens & we used your secret for keeping warm ....HOT WATER BOTTLES for all 🤙...lots & lots of love to you all & fingers crossed we make it to La Lande next June with Brenda Gibbons 🤞xx


Merry Christmas. You deserve a break from al the filming. Enjoy and take care off yourself. We will still be here x


Stephanie and all the lalanders! You deserve the time to yourselves, we sometimes forget that it’s 24/7 filming and editing for you all. The thing is you’ve all become an addictive drug and we are now having to go cold turkey! “Pun intended” As for the wonderful photo, there can only be one word for it “a constellation” To reflect what you all are and what you are wearing... MERRY CHRISTMAS


Good morning Anna.I. and Marie. K. Your messages are so kind. Thank you for thinking of me and well wishes. I truly appreciate it. I will admit am scared and nervous as to what is ahead of me. But each day I put one foot ahead of the other and continue to move forward. Thank you again. Debbie Mollison 🇨🇦🍁🐝


Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year Stephanie and to all the lovely people at Lalande. Thank you for all the fab videos over advent (and the rest of the year) so glad you’ve had a chance to relax for a few days x💖x


Joyeux Noel to all the beautiful Lalande family!🎄Thank you so much for such an amazing life filmed at the chateau! I have had so many chuckles watching your posts that I am now trying to catch up on all the Christmas movies I taped, still finding myself rewatching some Lalande instead. Thank you for all you have shared with us, truly grateful! Rest up for sure, you all deserve it! Sending prayers and much love to you all and looking forward to seeing you when returning! Have a fantastic New Year!🌟🎉❤️🕊🍾


Merry Christmas and A hopeful New Year for us all 💜💙💚💛


I am glad that you took time for yourself and did not film for two days. You do need some r&r recharge your batteries :) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at Lalande. I hope next year will be a much better year!


Oh no! I was desperate to see the Chateau Christmas after a month of build up. Very glad you’re getting needed rest but crushed we won’t see Christmas. Take as many days off as needed but please film it next year! You could even do less advent days if it is too much work, we would certainly understand but it feels a bit like we’ve been working towards something all month we will never get to see accomplished.


Really glad everyone took the day off on Christmas Day. Glad you enjoyed yourselves. Can’t wait to see the changes start at Lalande with the upcoming renovations.


Glad to hear you all enjoyed yourselves and I am thrilled you took a bit of time off - well deserved Stephanie! Thank you for all your hard work on the Advent series. I absolutely loved every second of it- Thank you!


Stephanie I'm glad you took a few days off and rested (I was a little worried because you have been ill). I'm also happy to hear from you. I have to ask, did you eat your homemade Christmas cake that has been soaking in deliciousness?


Oh, how I look forward to ongoing LaLande activities and stories. Advent days were extra special and took care of us when it was difficult to celebrate as usual having somewhat of a grey pall over our days. Sharing bits and pieces of creativity, laughter, beauty, yummy food and drinks, and most of all love captured all the way from a beautiful chateau in France ... from me to you all, especially Stephanie, thank you for adding extra sparkle to the Christmas Season. China pantry, here we come. Huge hugs.💖


So happy to hear you had a beautiful Christmas and a well-deserved break. I hope your ear infection is healing up too and you are taking care of yourself. I am excited about the work you are planning in the coming months. As I tidy my house and appreciate all the beautiful friends, family, things, and experiences in my own life, I have your vlogs from the past playing in the background, reminding me to enjoy life in the present and to anticipate positive, wonderful things in the future.


Glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas and a well - earned rest ! Here's to a Happy New Year for everyone !


Enjoy your well deserved rest! Thank you for such a glorious month! Your Christmas feast sounds amazing. Would you be willing to share your apple pork stuffing recipe? It sounds delightful and although I love my family's traditional stuffing, I would love to try a new one! It sounds perfect for Thanksgiving

Kimberly Dale

Absolutely understand but weeee bit bummed not to have seen the explosion of Christmas wrap & all the sounds of Christmas morning & to see all SantaClaus brought to Lalande .... but Absolutely understand & get it... Rest up you deserve it 💯 You’ve spoiled us is all 😉 🥰💫🙏🎄🍾🥂💫


I am so glad that you took a break over Christmas. You certainly deserved it. You do so much for all of us! Thank you so much!

Jodi and Scott Barck

I completely understand. I plan Christmas almost all all year haha. But I do. It was a smaller crowd this year but I still planned away. I stayed in my pajamas Saturday and slept most of Sunday. Yes I understand haha


I didnt expect a Christmas Day vlog Stephanie. You are entitled to spend the day privately with your friends that had travelled to spend time with you, without the added pressure of filming and editing to get a vlog out. You are exhausted and that is why you were poorly. Plus you were up until the early hours of Christmas Day to get the Xmas Eve vlog out and take part in the live chat. No wonder you are wiped out. I would say take it easy in future but that would be a waste of time 😂. Love all your vlogs and the Robe photo is brilliant. Xx


You have enriched my Christmas season for sure. It's like having a whole family I don't have to cook for or fix booboos for or referee squabbles for...you know, kind of a fairytale Christmas family from a fairytale chateau! It's been real fun. Thank you so very much to all of you Lalanders ❣ Merry Christmas and Happy New Year (and may it be less stressful!)! With much love as usual from Indiana. With sincere gratitude for some of the best parts of 2020, Ginny Viehe


Thank you for the update. I hope that you were all able to enjoy Christmas and you deserved a day of rest after all the vlogs and trip to the emergency room! We are selfish and want to be involved with your daily activities but we took time for the holiday and you should too. We love you. Take care of yourself and love to all at LaLande!


Stop, read this later - go enjoy some down time! We'll be here when you return.

Melissa & Rich Bakewell

I am thrilled that you took some time off after all your hard work!! My husband and I wish you and all at the chateau a wonderful holiday! Thank y’all for everything you do!!


Thank you for the hard work you put into creating the videos, I am very appreciative of what you do.


Rest, relax, to refuel ..... thank you for the inspiration and wonderful videos! The best for the New Year!


Merry Christmas

Merideth and Nicky

So glad you took a little rest. I am sure I’m not the only one that was a little worried about you. Thank you for bringing us so much joy with your wonderful videos. You manage to make us all feel like we are part of the team. I actually caught myself telling someone about my amazing friend in France the other day. 😂 looking forward to the New Year. ❤️❤️❤️

Denise Behrends

Absolutely delighted to learn that you spent Christmas at the chateau among friends, without the pressure of filming. A most well-deserved holiday for all. Sounds like the perfect day.


Does anyone know of similar UK-based vlogs that take place in British Manor-homes? Apart from Julie Montagu at Mapperton, I don't find any. But it's also a hard search— competing with network TV & magazine shows.


Today's vlog was bril. That is all.


I'm so happy you were able to take a well-deserved break and spend a beautiful day together! Merry Christmas from our family to yours.


So glad you took a well deserved holiday break! Wishing everyone a very happy new year. <3


Hello everyone, help start the New Year in a great way and take a look at Dan’s Save The Chateau video on his Escape To Rural France channel, and also be sure to read the description below it. I saw someone mention it in the Premiere chat during Stephanie’s video yesterday. (EDITED 7pm UK time Dec 29th - looks like Dan’s taken the video down??)


So glad you took time to enjoy each other and beautiful Lalande! Thanks to all of you for sharing your lives and adventures! Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2021!!!


merry Christmas and enjoy a much deserved break from the vlog! You should take longer....


Yes, rest and regroup.....thank you for sharing your creative ideas with us and healthy, happy wishes for the New Year!!


Just started watching on Christmas Day, my 4 year old granddaughter had a seizure in the morning and was diagnosed with COVID and I needed something to lighten the mood for me and my other granddaughter while I took care of her as my Olivia was in hospital and you have saved me❤️ I hope to come and stay with my 2 girls when travel is safe again! Thank you so much for this lovely escape!


Thank you for the update. Loved the bloopers. So much laughter. A well deserved break for sure. Hugs 🤗


I’m so glad you took Christmas Day to have to yourselves and that you rested on Boxing Day. My personal wish is that you can hire a part time editor in 2021.

Pam Mastin

Really like the format of the video. It allowed us to hear all the conversation and to see all the plans. Very good!


Dear Baker - sorry to hear you are having such a challenging time - sending special healing Lalander love for your granddaughter and may you continue to get some solace and joy from the videos as we all do too xx


Ruth, understand you aren’t in the videos because you are working on new book. Don’t work so hard we miss seeing your smiling face!!!


Loved the format and loved the discussions and planning! I.am so excited for you Stephanie and so honored to be part of this process. I have never been so happy. to contribute, even in my small way, to such a wonderful dream.


Loved the chrismass video


Happy New Year, LaLanders! First off, Stephanie, your ability to attract loving and talented people all around is very admirable. It is a real talent! Kudos to you! Also, it was so good to hear your hearty laugh in this planning video.


Just a few considerations for your planning: where do you keep your brooms? So often, people forget about utility closets. In the arriere - cuisine, perhaps you could put it near the entrance door. Also, Michael's idea of a coffee/ appliance station is thoughtful, but it would cause congestion in the only entrance to the room. Why not create one in the main cuisine area, where the tea station now is? Finally, cookbooks high on a shelf make them less usable. A lower shelf location is better. All these for your consideration. ( ; >

Anne Green

🎉 🥂 Happy New Year to all the ‘La Landers’ 🥂 🎉 The pleasure all your videos have brought me in 2020 Stephanie is beyond measure & me just saying Thank You really isn’t enough so like so many others a parcel shall be on its way to you shortly to just show a little appreciation for ALL the hard work, energy, passion & love 💕 you give out on every vlog 💝 kindest regards ‘Lady Anne’ 💐 xx


You have changed my life. I got COVID and had to stay in my room. I started watching you and loved it, thank you you really can’t understand what you have done for me.


I am so glad you took the day off of filming and just got to live Christmas day with your family. Amazing. You share so much of your lives with us that it has to be nice to just live in the moment. I hope you do it more often. :)