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Hello lovely patrons of Lalande! 

In the video that I've just posted, Marie, Nati and Selmar ask you to vote for their favourite projects for these targets. Once you've made your decision, you can vote here! The winning project will be used for the $20,000, and the runner up will be for $21,000. I can't wait to see what you vote for!

As you'll see in the video, we've chosen manageable options, because I'm also going to start getting quotes for the swimming pool!!!!! Once I know how much it will cost, and I have the lake quotes in too, we can decide how to proceed. It's a very exciting time here, all because of you.



Don’t forget you can vote for more than one option!!


New kitchen fridge!!! ♥️


Selmar does so much work , that an up grade to the shop would a blessing and joy


The carpentry tools are the key to so many more projects!! What a great idea Selmar ☺️


If we vote for the carpentry shop Selmar could then upgrade the kitchen tops from the work shop.


Selmar might be able to build a new sink area with his new tools. Maybe??


More man glitter for Selmar saws


I was thinking the same thing, a properly sealed wood counter would be great from the Lalande forest!


Oh my, this is a difficult one! Selmar's idea is pretty amazing but the fridge would also be nice. I think the sink can wait for a little bit longer :P Selmar should win and you need to hire him, Steph! ;)


I just bought myself a chain saw for my trees, and a table saw in on the horizon.....a girl does love her power tools!!


Selmar's woodworking equipment.


Selmar’s tools!


I like the idea of the carpentry workshop. The work that Selmar does is amazing.


I’m with you, Marie! You need a new fridge for sure!!!!


Little Hare? 🐇 It looked larger than Diesel. LOL! Loved the way it looked at you!


Selmar does so much to improve and repair. He needs wonderful equipment and a good workshop. He also plans to stay 10 years as he mentioned in his one on one interview.


I wonder if they are wanting to update to a different material that wont need to sand and seal so often.


Having the right tools for the projects around La Lande is super cool for Selmar👍


I want to add a chop saw and a router to Selmar’s list of equipment too, so he’ll be well equipped to accomplish a wide variety of lovely things. Neither is very expensive and my husband, also a carpenter, uses his regularly.


I think .... FRIDGE ... carpenter shop and then Wash room counters 👏👏


I feel the Chateau needs all of these but Selmar woodwork tool will benefit the Chateau the most.


Can't we get all of them?


New counters in washing up room. Wooden ones are so unhygienic .


Sorry the chef and business in me is voting for a new fridge first, closely followed by selmars saws


Fridge. Practical first 💋


Fridge first. That Smeg is tiny for a business.


I agree Selmar can build a counter top.


I am withholding my vote because I think they are all equal in importance. Buy the fridge and put it in the pantry. The work surface is wooden so sand it right back and give it several coats of poly....then replace it asap.....the chain saw and saw bench aren't that expensive so perhaps you can get those too out of left over budget from other projects. My concern about delaying this one is wood borer and the decay of the timber. I know its oak and hardwood however we have milled oak and borer doesn't discriminate.... :) Do it all Steph :) :)


As a foodie, I think Marie’s fridge should be first and the the countertop should be runner up 😁


Selmars work benefits all parts and thus all people of the chateau. He needs whatever it takes for him to do his beautiful work. I sure hope Tomas comes back


I voted for the new fridge because I know how important it is to keep food safe and cold when you have groups in. But I also think Selmar's idea is excellent, once that is set up then he can use that to help fashion the new work surfaces in the washing up room. And do so many other great things to help restore the Chateau.


I appreciate that the suggestions came directly from the stakeholders doing all the hard work at the chateau, they know best!


It all truly needs be to done. However, the wood working equipment will allow you to keep many of the more expensive repairs in house with Selmar's help. Perhaps freeing up money that would other be spent at a far greater price.


I vote for Selmar's saws as he is so talented and can create so much more with the right equipment. All of the options are worthy but Selmar's saws will provide the best return on investment.

Laura & Jack

Perhaps Selmar can use the wood and new saws to create another washing up area counter (and would last for a few years). Then, you can buy a new fridge for the kitchen!


I recommend you find left over tile and grout and tile the top of sink area as a quick fix for now. Buy a second fridge and get Selmar the tools he needs.


I think the Arriere cuisine is super important to do! But with Selmar's wood shop getting up to speed, a quick fix is possible and then some beautiful stone can be put in!


A fridge for sweet Marie. You need a catering fridge for sure! it’s a health and safety aspect of your business that needs addressing for your staff and guests 😊


P.S. That not so little hare is probably the one responsible for Ruby's dust up.


Tools for Selmar!


For a future project option, might I suggest improved WiFi at the chateau? When it turns cold & nasty, I hate to think of poor Stephanie sitting in her car uploading her lovely vlogs for us!!


My first time voting! I think, with some savvy negotiation, you could get all three. That said, if Selmar had the proper saws (#1) he could make counter tops with wood already in storage. That would leave funds for the new fridge (#2).


We vote for selmar as he could make lovely woodwork for lalande! And the chikens can have their new home before winter😊


@Kate Lillich has the right idea. Can you put in a dish to improve your cellular signal? I know nothing about this stuff, but it seems very practical!


Fridge first, and then tools for Selmar. I agree with Erin above...add a chop saw and a router to Selmar's list. Imagine what he could do for the entire chateau!


The fridge is definitely the top priority. Cooking for that many people (lalanders and paying guests!) is already challenging, but a standard household fridge makes it so much harder! The work surface should be next on the list though. You may already have a type of bench top surface in mind, but I can't say enough good things about my granite bench tops. I've had it for 13 years and it's indestructible. I think a carpentry workshop would be a great addition, but it's not urgent like the fridge


I’m on team Selmar 🥰


Tools I feel are very important in the Restoration of the Chateau. Second is replacement of the accent work surface.


If you haven’t had problems getting guests now, then maybe the pool could wait. Maybe then you can do all three: fridge, counters and workshop for Selma.


Stéphanie , for your wood counters after a light sanding you could give them two coats of epoxy for wood it is verry easy to do and the look is amazing and it is verry inexpensive.that is what will be on mine i have butcher block counters the epoxy makes them water proof


I voted for Selmar!


It was so hard to make a decision! I voted for carpentry equipment for Selmar because his wonderful work benefits so many different parts of the chateau (and I'm really looking forward to seeing the chicken chateau!). All of these seem super important though, so I'd love to see them happen. I hope you're getting enough rest with all of the excitement happening at Lalande!


Put the old SMEG in the washing up room...replace it with a new double door frig/with ice maker. Team Marie :)


So hard! I want it all! 😆


Selmar can fix the countertop issue with his new carpentry tools ... A twofer!


All very worthy but i think the tools for the workshop are very important. Look at what selmar creates without them, just imagine what he will achieve with a fully equipped wirk shop


I voted for Selmar because with the right wood working equipment SO MANY other projects can be accomplished, including the new work tops in the washing up room. With the right finishes it would be perfect.


All 3 are viable options, tools are needed for #2. I think the Chateau should have 2 large refrigerators. So, #1 & #3 are needed now.


The fridge is too small.


Selma can do wonders with a new carpentry tools and work shop 😍🤞




Selmar will be able to make so many things given the tools to be creative. I would love to see a new fridge too, they are very practical goals. <3


I agree with #1 and #3. Selmar having the proper tools can help with the completion of so many more projects. My second is the fridge especially when you have events.


I want the new work surface aka kitchen counters but the work shop is so important to be able to fix things and build things the chateau needs.


From one carpenter to another, I vote tools for Selmar! If I ever get a chance to help with a project at Lalande a table saw will be indispensable! I'm honestly shocked you don't have one already, it's the most versatile tool in a shop.


I think that Selmar’s project is the most needed. At some point a larger fridge only without freezer can be ordered, but the current space would not allow for it. The dance/washing up wood counter is actually the best surface for your china. Less chance of chipping. Resurface the wood and apply a topcoat that would be moisture resistant. There are non toxic choices available now. Thank you for all the fun, beauty and camaraderie you provide.


If Selmar gets his tools he can keep the wooden work surface in good nick and replace it when necessary.


Perhaps with the right equipment, Selmar can build a new work surface for the washing up area. Can he cut tiles?


I voted for Selmar - the most useful - my next choice would be the fridge. And that was not a "little hare" - that fellow was huge! Love to all.


Hup Selmar!


Just wondering...has the heating been fixed in the Chateau? If not that is my vote!!


For the amount of washing up, a timber work surface is not practical, & unless properly maintained it is also not hygienic, nets to get a composite stone for practical reasons. I voted for the timber workshop, alas though they are all important.


What kind of refrigerator? But I voted for carpentry.


Has to be the workshop, so many other things can be done after that’s well equipped.... The fridge will come in second place, but please please please buy a commercial one, large double door one.....


I voted for the carpentry equipment ...but am happy with any choice!


Maybe a carpentry studio will beget a new worksurface in the washing dance room?


I voted for Selmar's project but the fridge was a close second.


Fridge for food safety. 👍😊


Me too! A difficult choice but I think the carpentry equipment is very much needed!


Having done my share of catering in the past, Marie gets my vote. Fridge space is essential. 😊


I voted for carpentry


Tools for Selmar


That was a really hard choice to make. I went for the carpentry tools because that will save you so much money in the long run but the fridge would be my second choice since the guests are also revenue generating and food is important to that guest experience.


I voted for Selmar but really hope that Marie is the runner up. Food tastes better when the chef is happy! Plus, my refrigerator died unexpectedly and because of covid, it took a week to replace. Plan ahead!


I would love to vote for Selmar, however, a refrigerator is an important part of operating an efficient kitchen!


I have a question, am I understanding Patreon properly? Each month the account is raising between 20 and 21 ,000 $? Then taxes are deducted, here in Canada that would likely be around 40 -50% so the net proceeds would be around 10,000 monthly. Is there not enough to do both the fridge as well as the saw and woodworking equipment, or do the salaries of the workers and other projects eat up that $ amount ?


If you outfit Selmar's carpentry shop, he could fabricate a new work surface, no?


1-carpenter tools 2-frig 3-wash up station. For now buy some cheap contact paper/shelf liner. It’s got a water proof surface and it is sticking on the back. . It can be stuck on the countertop to stop it from getting wet until you can replace it.

Kimberly Dale

Yikes how much is a new fridge? I think both


Hi LaLande family, I voted for the fridge first, carpentry second and surface third. Whatever you do will be fine of course but it is so fun to be part of your wonderful projects. Bless you all and love to you all. Kerryn. 😘🥰❤️🦉🥂🍾🤩

Kimberly Dale

Work shop tools for Selmar


I voted for a carpentry workshop. Selmar deserves a lovely space to continue the magic he makes while repairing/replacing/and reinventing...😊


As someone who enjoys woodworking it's got to be the carpentry shop/man cave for Selmar.


Carpentry essentials for Selmar.




I really like Selmar's idea, but I have to go with the fridge, it's a food safety issue. I have more fridge space than lalande in my own home and only 3 people live here!


Workshop tools for Selmar first, hands down.


Chicken coops can wait. A professional size refrigerator is a MUST for any hospitality business.


Selmar being able to cut your wood planks will save so much money you can do all of it with time! We’re spoiled here in the US wood is pretty cheap. So also get him a router, and a jig saw, a reciprocating saw, a skill saw and at least a palm sander. AND a good set of electric battery drills and screw drivers AND and air compressor and nail gun and a pin nailer for cabinetry work. Maybe you could do a gift registry at your local diy and we could just buy Selmar tool presents!


As much as I like all three ideas, I do think a bigger fridge is the most practical and needed! Marie has my vote! Bonne chance a tout le monde!


I voted for the Fridge first. Let's face, y'all gotta eat! Then carpentry equipment for second and new counter tops in the kitchen third. Stephanie had mentioned in the past wanting to add new coving in the cooking area of the kitchen. Maybe we can get to that and the counter tops this fall?


Selmar's work tools! Then the hard surface for the kitchen. LaLande doesn't host workshops all year, so that isn't an urgent need for the several weeks that occurs.


there is up to a 2 week delay on a new fridge of any size up here in Canada, and parts to repair older fridges are very hard to acquire


I think the carpentry workshop would give many returns for future repairs and projects to the chateau!


I voted for Selmar's tools, I feel the new fridge is important too and will be done at some point soon, the work surfaces just need to be sealed correctly to be suitable for use in a wet area, I'm sure with Selmar's expertise this could be managed! Especially if he has the equipment to do it!! I feel if the workshop tools aren't gotten now they will be forgotten and not happen.... however the fridge will be replaced very soon anyway.


Fridge, Kitchen, Workshop.


You will always needs a good carpentry shop with all of you restoration plans


Selmar's tools will go a long way. that man can build anything. next should be the refrigerator. good food at Lalande is a must.


Hello everyone! As much as we feel a larger fridge and new countertop are needed we voted for Selmar. A chainsaw and table saw are crucial tools for the DIY work required in a historic building.


We all know its really a vote for Selmar! lol


Thank you Hope!♥️ Glad someone understands 🥰😉


If Selmar plans to be there 10 years from now I think a working carpentry studio would be awesome!


To repeat my comment from today's other post: All three are great and certainly needed, but dealing with all the family, volunteer, and guest food needs with only a 1/2 refrigerator looks pretty crazy-making to me! So fridge it is. Someone suggested looking into tool rentals which sounds like a great temporary fix & money-saver for now.


I think you should do all three. Combined, it's not that much money. Seriously. Anyway.....I voted for the fridge because you must first and foremost take care of your guests and making your guests happy means that say great things about their stay which causes others to come and stay! Having appropriate fridge space is VERY important because one bout of food poisoning due to food was left out too long or shuffled between two small refrigerators....and you've got big trouble. Buy a big industrial refrigerator first then work on the other two, with Selmar's tools being next. But mold on the wood in that washing up area is NOT good either! ha YOU NEED ALL THREE!!!!


If you go back a few patreon videos there is a good explanation on how much money actually comes in and how the targets are setup. The targets aren’t exactly dollar for dollar what each month is and several targets were hit in a row in the same month. Eg the mower cost $8K which at the time was more than one month net. Stephanie balances it out so she isn’t over extended, but some targets need tot be smaller to catch up. Especially if they come several in a month. You are right on tax, she’s saving 50% for tax and Patreon gets its 5%.


I had to vote for the fridge because ever since I started watching the videos I have always wondered how such a small fridge could hold all the needs of the many people there. Also I remember in a video with photos when the chateau was being renovated at the start the fridge being the same so it must be fairly old and while if looks nice I expect it's not very efficient with electric, now as it won't have a digital inverter.


They’re expecting a new 4G tower in town this fall so I think she’s waiting to see what sort of improvement that brings first.


#1 vote is for a bigger fridge, because I've always wondered how you manage to keep food for such a large place in a very pretty, but small fridge. #2 vote is for the tools and maybe Selmar can transform the work surface in the arriere cuisine. 3 targets for the price of 2 😆


I vote for Selmar carpentry studio then he can repair the work surfaces 😊


They are all great choices and maybe look into the cost of all 3 and see if that fits into the budget or maybe a few of us can gift the money for Selmars idea since its the cheapest option. I agree with Teresa Bragg on the importance of a bigger fridge for your guests but a better more efficient washing station will save money in the end also with no more repairs. Good luck

Michelle Morrison

😬 Can we just have all three??? We'll need a target for $22k anyway 😂

Carrie Miller

Perhaps if Selmar gets his tools, he could make the frames to create a cement countertop? Not very chateau-y, but better than wet wood, comparatively inexpensive, and a good temporary fix until eventually funds could be saved for a stone or porcelain top?

Michelle Morrison

I was thinking similar! With the tools and his skills, that work surface could be built back up.


Thats really difficult - they are all so important. I think I'll vote for new bench as hygiene and ease of working are so important but I'd also be happy to make a one off donation towards the cost of Selmar's wood working tools.


I love the idea of the equipment to make Lalande more self-sustaining!


Fridge first! The Smurf (Smeg?) is too small for a Chateau!


How about removing the wall between the kitchen and Arriere Cuisine before you do any work in there. It seems like you really need more space when there are several people tryng cook, clean up and/or dance! Also you will need a larger space to fit in the new larger refrigerator; which is what Iam voting for.


You actually need a proper cold store room. Which could be built outside of the window on the terrace side of the kitchen. It could be dressed in stone to camouflage it. And that will be a big expense but necessary. So for this vote Ive gone for selmars tools. It would make many repairs and builds cheaper so a fund for the cold store could begin. I would also give a one off donation towards the fridge since I do plan to visit one day. And just as an off the cuff remark.......if the chateau was mine. Id put the pool in front of the lake.


If Selmar has the right equipment, he could make a new bench top for the kitchen!!


Selmar is so talented and can do so much for the chateau. He can even work in the wash-up area, make a fridge? haha but seriously he can complete so many more things. I have been wondering though how on earth you manage with that one fridge 😉


Oh.... and I’m looking forward to interview with Gerry!


Who wouldn’t vote for Salmar ?? We love him 🤗 the fridge runs a very close 2nd.


Hmmmm....I think Selmar might also need a planer added to his wish list...


Ok - Can i just 1st say - what a LOVELY person you are! Every single time, after so much work, so much time, so much effort and yet instead of being tired and cranky and grumpy- here you are being just so lovely. Some may say its for the camera.... but I must say, there is no WAY anyone could "fake it" this well for this long- wow... are you nice. As for the projects. I have voted for the fridge (as I'm sure you know from my dogged posts😳😜) and you know where and how I think you should build that side by side 36"EACH fridge/freezer column (if there is room and i think you can eek it in?? or a 36& 24) BUT i must say... ALL of these are crazy important So I vote that we have the 20k, 21k and 22k winners all listed here because they are all... really really important. As Im sure your guests have told you, get your marble sealed. ALWAYS use a cutting board. Olive oil tomatoes, anything is just terrible for it. As one stone yard told me: marble is a baby, quartzite is a toddler and engineered stone is a grown up. So i would get engineered stone (like a ceasar stone is a brand of it) so you can use it and just not think about it. At the same time get SUPER DEEP stainless undermount sinks, and then shelves with a library ladder in there. The shelves should have a small lip or rail on them to keep them from falling off. Also if you need deep shelves that stand trays and things up - that should be done then also. At the same time because of all of the water you may wish to check out the sub floor and joists, flooring etc so it an all be done at one time. Then all of the washing up area can be done all at once and doesn't have to be touched again. Oh... and 23k😜.... extra washer and dryer.... not that Im the pushiest broad you ever met but...😂😂😂😳🤷‍♂️ ok... well... i am... but you... sigh.. someone I wish to be when i finally grow up. 😁


Selma could build a new workstation with a wood workstation and if he wins, that could be the first job. I think you could find a second-hand fridge from a restaurant/café and should put your feelers out for that first before we vote on it. I think there would be a lot of restaurants/cafe's closing down unfortunately because of covid and they would be looking for somewhere to offload their equipment.


Also, if Selma builds a workstation, it would be great if you could somehow make two heights, one for normals and one for tall people. As a 6-footer, the thought of washing up all that delicate stuff sends shudders down my back. OH&S guys lol.


You’re winning Selmar !!! Yayyyy !!!

Anna Ibarra

Absolutely tools for Selmar is a must! I have my own small tools and can’t imagine how how things would be without them. With that said, a fridge is a priority as a cook needs certain items be in a fridge. Oh I hope Selmar won’t be mad that I choice him second. 🙁Someone said that making that washing dish area be made bigger. I agree. Where would the large fridge go. Oooh! This is so fun. I love that Stephanie allows us to have a voice. Thanks Stephanie! You rock.


Selmar is so amazingly handy............with the right tools he will be better! Love your vlog! go LaLande


All the ideas are great, but I'm voting for Selmar's tools as the other 2 can wait. It's still possible to make do with the kitchen surface and the refrigerator (although inconvenient), but it's just impossible for Selmar to do any of the bigger projects without his tools. The money you can save from using your own wood would free up your budget for a refrigerator (but I suggest a stand-alone chest freezer instead of a refrigerator) and kitchen worktop. Go Selmar! <3


I don't think a working kitchen can wait for a new fridge xo


I wish all three could be purchases could be made.Im voting for Selmar because I feel he could make so many improvements with all the milled wood.Maybe next a new counter and fridge?


Good point, Marie! Actually, all are important. ❤Selmar


Yes think long term.


This is so hard! I think they would be so much happier with a new workspace in the kitchen, but Selmar’s workshop has endless possibilities. And it’s almost like a vote for the chicken chateaus, which I’m so excited about!


I can't believe Selmar has been building without those tools this whole time! I think if he gets that studio, the improvements around the Chateau will trickle down from this gift even faster! Maybe he could even make a new butchers top work surface ;)


Though, fridge is a close second. The GE Café white fridge with bronze french doors is gorgeous, and gives you the retro feel of the SMEG but with much more space!


❤️ Selmar he is working so hard and really putting his heart and soul into Lalande. Just like we all kind of feel like we are by helping monetarily!


I love a good butchers block for home use. However, for a business, stainless steel surfaces are a must for ease of use in a washing up area. With that said, what gets used the most in a busy kitchen????sink or fridge????hmmm??? All the best to you, DAGZ


Once again three such worthy improvements and I hope that you will be able to soon accomplish all three however, I do think that each time Selma is able to use wood from your own supplies you are saving money to use other purchases. 🤓


Selmar is so busy so it’s only right he should have the right equipment


All three are necessary and I assume will be done so we are probably voting on order. I voted for Marie’s refrigerator👩🏻‍🍳 because it would be nearly impossible to cook for a group with that sized fridge. I can’t image how she (they) do it! First priority. Note on fridge: may I suggest a full fridge in the kitchen and a separate full freezer in the dish room or another attached space? The SMEG would be great in with the Pizza 🍕 oven. The sink: you probably need a nonporous surface with the sink, as traditionally beautiful as wood is. Sanitizing is more important than ever now, so the sink is really necessary. The wood-shop: Selmar is worth his weight in gold. Any equipment he wants is only going to be to the Château’s advantage, so let’s give the man whatever he asks for.


I agree! Marble and Granite do not hold up in a kitchen—esp a professional work area. They can be great for a bathroom. Worst of all is wood. Sanitizing it ruins it and is possibly ineffective anyway.


1st Fridge. I feel Marie's pain. 2nd Selmar's tools.


I've gone with work shop,very neededFridge will sort out soon.


That’s what we thought! Made us wonder if Michael sent Peter Rabbit out to check on her. 🐇 ❤️


I’m sure with Selmars’ previous skills, stainless benches and seamless splash back would last many years. Should he also be on the payroll as Natalie and Dan are? Just a thought!


I hope Selmar will get the tools he deserves in order to continue his amazing work! Also looking very much forward to seeing Gerrys interview. And given chance to vote for work starting for his apartment ❤️👍🏻🏋🏻‍♀️🎖


I think Selmar could build a great tall fridge with see through doors, and lots of shelving! He did a Great job with the shower! His skills are endless!


You must take advantage of Selma's extraordinary crafting skills!


Woke up this morning and checked how the voting is going. Delighted to see that I'm not alone in feeling that Selmar's contributions and skills should be the priority at this stage. Wonderful 😊


I'm going to go with the much needed work shop. Selmar will be able to create more wonderful projects for the cheteau.


I wrote a suggestion for all 3 under the Vlog comments under Mila S. I think with some creative planning all 3 should be doable:)


I also voted for Selmar's working table so he can use it in cutting wood , the chainsaw and other stuff he needed. He works wonderful things for the rooms of the Château, for the garden and for the chicken house(Opps châteaux) I mean..


All very deserving and the previous ones we had for the $18,000 should probably be revisited in future. The walkway was a great idea. Think if possible I would love all three of these to be done, if not now, then at some time in the future.


I'm adding this in support of @BarbaraFlood 's comment, hoping that it might be better seen. Next targets, 1) tools for Selmar's carpentry studio, 2) paying Selmar 3) worksurface, 4) larger frig, 5) Stephanie's range hood edging, and 6) entry hall chandelier, So, all totaled, we should have targets through $26K. Cheers!


Selmar for sure can build a fridge and the workbench himself


I am voting for Carpentry equipment as so many projects are going on for the use of such equipment and to have a workshop too would be a good idea


I vote for Selmar's tools. You can buy a second hand fridge to store extra food when the Chateau is busy with guests. Selmar should also start getting paid, same with Marie.


Gosh, the sink needs doing urgently . Got to get those basics right as an urgent priority I think. The tools for Selmar are a very good investment for the restoration of the Chateau.


I’m not voting, I never do. The decisions are for you Stephanie. It’s your business., but I have expressed a view above on this one as it’s a question of health and hygiene. All the best.


It's so wonderful to see all of the advances at Lalande. I suspect that the wood shop enhancements will go much farther to enable the preservation and restoration of the chateau. That having been said, I think the kitchen improvements should be #s 2 & 3. Though I suspect Selmar could build new counters from the wood stock to suffice for the next many years until stone is affordable. I love all of the work you do, and your willingness to include all of us in community.


I gave a vote for Carpentry workshop, the reason for this is as Selmar completes work on chairs, beds, and doorS. It is an ongoing labour for him, also with more organised space he will be able to create some gorgeous things for the Chateau. All of you are doing a grand job at the Chateau. Love from the Dordogne xx


New Fridge please :)


Tools for selmar as these will be a long term investment in all the odd jobs that need doing on a daily basis. If you look what he has created so far with the basics, proper tools will only enhance his creativity .


Team Selmar!


Selmar is a gift from the Gods! Keep him happy! Lol


My vote goes to Selmar - he creates the most beautiful work - we watched him fix the bathroom shower in one of the rooms upstairs; the workmanship is superb - getting him a chainsaw and table is a must as he will be able to do a lot more to restore lalande.


They are all great goals. So hard to choose


I am under the impression that Selmar is now employed at the chateau... No longer a volunteer.


Should the next vote be for insulating the attics? We need to make sure the chateaux is not freezing in the winter so that we can visit in the off season!


Prioritize: refrigerator , wood shop, kitchen counter; over the next two to three months as they all need to be done.


Even though I voted for the fridge I believe both the fridge and the Carpentry workshop are both as important as each other. Selmar could make the counter space in the washing up pantry so that's wouldn't be a problem in the long run. Its been difficult to choose and you really need 2 out of the 3.


Here's the thing, I think the refrigerator and kitchen countertops are equal necessities to the kitchen and should not be separate wishes.


If you would like to catch up on more snippits from Lalande check out facebook/ instagram Escape to chateau de Lalande


I tend to think that the fridge is a bit small to handle the kitchen volume of production.


Selmar, the force are with you!


All worthy projects but I think the carpentry equipment will be a real assset. Selmar is so talented and has created/restored so many beautiful things. Just think what he will do with more equipment!


Selmar is a craftsman with a great talent which is just what Lalande needs. He is a great asset and needs the proper tools to do the job. Just imagine the wonderful things he will produce.


Selmar deserves a proper wood shop!


i vote for selmar because im so excited to see the things he will make!


I voted Carpentry equipment, then fridge 😁


Selmar all the way, what he could do with all that wood will be amazing.


Fantastic trio to choose from and I am sure all will be materialise within a time . Re swimming pool Stephanie mentioned above............ It is is a lovely idea but that is a truly luxurious item and I do not see how it fits into "restoring a Chateau to it's former glory" category. I think project as such should come from money that Chateau generates/owners' personal incomes rather than via this specific Patronage route.


I voted for Selmar, because he plans on being at the chateau indefinitely and for all the work that needs to be done at the Chateau these are tools that are necessary to complete projects and in a timely manner. He is so talented and creative that him not having the proper tools just holds him back on doing so much needed projects for the Chateau. My backup vote is for the fridge, which Marie is correct on needing.


Tools for Selmar; then fridge; then new surface for wash up area. Do I recall correctly that a pool will boost your "hotel stars" rating? Please explain again. It takes a lot maintenance for a pool. I have one. However you do have a nice area on the grounds to have a pool, tennis court (pickle ball). I still consider all of those items a luxury.


I voted for Selmar having a proper wood shop and tools.....it is the project that will keep on giving. New work tops could be made by him and waterproofed....thus taking care of that part of the vote. As for the fridge ..... that should be an important part of the kitchen and, in my opinion, should be rectified as part of a household necessity ..... not as a project.


I thought I'd share my reframe around luxury items as part of the restoring of the chateau. I really love the idea of going beyond the chateaus "former glory" with things like a pool (although the pool will help generate revenue and repeat clients too so falls in the practical too). I think Stephanie mentioned that making it better than it was is truly the goal (and what a beautiful job she is doing and I'm proud to support it in my very small way). The original chateau was all about luxury for people back then. I think that luxury should be part of it's future as well. :)


I agree, I feel uneasy about some of these ideas, it’s not really in the spirit of restoring a chateau . The only idea which Itruly in this spirit is the vote for selmar .

Sharidan Dee Ann Vincent

I voted for Selmar as well, though all the items are so needed (including a pool)! But Selmar is so talented and needs to be able to fix things properly. So we hope you win Selmar!


With a proper workshop Selmar will be able to make a new work top in the washing up room.....and so much more! :-)


I agree about the frig as both a household and business necessity.


Selmar is really doing so much good in all the repairs and builds he does to fix every area of the chateau. It will always be a useful space.


Selmar! Of course.


They are ALL very important things. The woodshop is a great idea because it will consistently improve the chateau. Plus-Selmar can MAKE another counter for the meanwhile 🤭So: Woodshop machinery 1st- and Fridge 2nd. 😄


I love everything that Selmar has done throughout the chateau, he could do so much more with a wonderful equipped workshop, he is really talented.


With the proper equipment Selmar could save thousands of euros and fix the kitchen work surface.


Selmar can make new kitchen counters and seal them with an epoxy they use on hulls of boats so the water won't permeate the wood and cause any further issues. Also, a new fridge is definitely needed for so many guests.


I hope Selmar is being paid now Katherine Mason. I must have missed that somewhere.


The reason I vote for the work surface is that it is a sanitary issue. You don’t want people to get sick.

Annie Davis

I think all three items are very important. I hope that the ones that dont win this round will be the next in line to be updated. Keep up the good work. We here in Melbourne lockdown all love to see your fab lives.❤️❤️❤️

Annie Davis

Just thinking as you are giving Smeg some advertising here why not ask them to come to the party with a new fridge for the Chateau for FREE


Bahaha outstanding idea! Provided they have a VERY large one.


You're right. Where I'm from they definitely don't get that large.


yay for Selmar!! you do amazing work and would love to see more of your creativity.


Given that the kitchen is the heart of Lalande and is absolutely essential to the business, I think a full kitchen reno is in order. It would obviously need to be done while it's the least busy with guests. January through the beginning of March? New cabinets, countertops, back-splash, some beautiful scenic blue and white tile above the stoves, coving , and maybe a special dishwasher just for fine china. It could easily be a secret surprise for all of us, since Stephanie is usually somewhere warm when Lalande is at it's coldest. With so many subscribers and patrons supporting the vlog, I think it's safe to say the secret of Lalande is out, and you will be busier than ever. You're gonna need a new kitchen to keep up with everything, Stephanie. It's time. <3


while a good idea in theory, wooden counters actually receive more punishment than wooden decks on boats The amount of maintenance on a boat is EPIC Which is why they now have something called faux-teak - so a real kitchen counter is needed that is not to say Selmar could not fabricate it.


Stephanie, might we please have an update on the shutter dogs ? I know you made preliminary call but has anything happened since ?


Do we need to concern ourselves with a power generator for when the power goes out at the Chateau? Perhaps it doesn't happen often enough to worry about however as you have more and more guests we will need to remember your thunder and lightening storms in France.

Maura Willey

This is my first month subscribed and my first poll! So exciting. If possible I'd also like to vote to take Ruby the cat to the vet to get that leg checked out ❤️


We voted for Selmar's equipent because it has so much ongoing potential particularly as there is a huge stock of timber, He could then possibly make new bench tops for the 'dancing room'(scullery) therefore killing two birds with one stone so to speak. 💖Margaret and Peter from Australia


Beeing a woodwork and carpentry lover, I can only vote for Selmar’s tools in the carpentry workshop. I’m sure he’ll be able to make wonderful thing with those that will be useful for everyone in the chateau. The other ideas are great, and necessary I’m sure, let’s hope we will be able to vote for them in the nearby future !


Some Appliance Company will donate the fridge. Selmar can make the counter tops with the equipment he gets and then they can tile the countertops themselves. I think the woodshop equipment is very much needed. LaLande is surrounded by trees that are constantly needing to be maintained, having a chainsaw is an extremely important part of the Chateau equipment.


A lot of valid points have been raised for all of these targets already, the one I would like to put forward is that as the pandemic persists we don’t know if or when lockdown restrictions will be reimposed; thus I think having access to the right tools on site would be the most practical goal given the uncertainty of the near future. Coronavirus: France sees 'exponential rise' in cases https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-53954562

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

From the standpoint of importance, food safety should be first. I'm really on the fence. Selmar! Mummy! At least 2 will win, and all 3 must happen! I'm thinking it over tonight!


Team Selmar. Those tools will be the gifts that keep on giving for the Chateau.. Think of all the fab fixtures and fittings he'll create! 🥂


Selmar. Also throw in an electric planer table and a decent router (for wood not wifi) with a wide variety of bits ☺️


Selmar all the way !


Just wondering if there is much of a second hand market for power tools such as eBay? That would save money. I voted for the fridge simply because of food standards in commercial kitchens. You cannot compromise on handling food. When it is “the family” it is different. A go fund me for power tools. As a patron I would chip in on a one off purchase. I would love to hang out in a woodworking shed. Think risk management. Just saying. Greetings from Australia


I also would back a “go fund me” for ALL the tools Selmar may need . Best wishes from Australia 🦘😘

Brenda Mcgee

Selma is such a powerhouse the tools machinery etc will be a huge bonus❤️👏👏


Selmar all the way! I would say spend the €1,000+ or whatever the sum is on the workshop, so that other projects can be done and save money in the long run.... Keeping things in-house rather then a outside trade. Also, if the workshop wins, setting up a monthly budget for it. Say €200+ per month, to help buy and replace tools and items that are needed, so it becomes an ongoing project...


I voted for Selmar's tools since it will save a lot of money in the future for you guys but to be honest I think another fridge and new kitchen counter top is just as much needed... maybe do all three since Selmar is going to save you so much money with the machinery that you will be able to afford the other two too.


My initial thought was Selmar for all the reasons mentioned above but I also agree that a new fridge is a must and sanitation is also important. Since the need for a larger Fridge is driven by hospitality, I’m hoping when it is replaced you are able to purchase a commercial grade to meet not only current needs but future ones as well. It might make since to do the kitchen needs as an entire project updating everything that is needed, counters, fridge, storage, etc. Look at the big picture and where you want to be in 5 to 10 years and build for what the future looks like. No need to redo or upgrade at a later point again. With that in mind, my vote is for Selmar and what a proper carpentry studio will provide Lalande long term. It would be great if in the future Selmar could offer workshops or apprenticeships for those who would like to learn the skills while working on renovating Lalande. watching the journey of Lalande and those that live and visit is a true joy. Thanks for sharing the journey with us.


I vote for a new fridge. Having recently endured an epic refrigerator failure which required removing and returning the contents several times until it was deemed unfixable and a new one purchased, this is not a safe thing to do for the food and those who will eat it!! Marie, I feel your pain and I'm 100% with you!


I want to vote for all three as they’re all important! But Selmar gets my vote 👏🏼


I love the carpentry workshop - that will be the gift that keeps on giving throughout the years and will help with cosmetic and structural updates around the chateau!


Why don’t you try to get sponsored by a fridge company. Liebherr fridges { needless to say German } do amazing 2door fridges with outside ice supply. Their vegetable compartment is fantastic and keeps the food fresh for long. Also they last forever. As a previous comment mentioned , you now have to think big to be prepared for the influx of visitors.


The fridge is the heart of your operation, for events and the crew. Three times a day! I liked one of the comments that talked about buying some of the carpentry equipment used and either online or by a purchase app. I would also be interested in a go-fund me for either of these purchases.


I want Selmar to stay forever , so he needs his own workplace to continue making Selmar art 🥰🥰


I agree that a "go fund me" would be perfect for the work shed project. Selmar can price out all of the tools required and they can set it up properly for Selmar's workspace.


Hey - can anyone remember what Dan the gardeners Youtube vlog is called please?


Escape to Rural France


Selmar is so talented and I can only imagine what he could do with more equiptment! He's such an important part of your Le Lande family.


Oh this was so hard. I wish I could push all three buttons at once!!


I voted for the carpentry equipment. From this a lot of other projects maybe fulfilled including a new work surface. The fridge is also important I feel.


The carpentry tools are an investment as are the refrigerator and work surfaces. It is important that you retain the charm of the chateaux work spaces but catering on the scale that you do at Lalande requires a move to commercial grade surfaces. Stainless steel is the most viable and easily maintained material. Second hand restaurant benches could be sourced to save money and refitted - perhaps by Selmar and the Ian team. Marble, granite and stone (real and manufactured) are to avoided due to staining, possibility of being chipped and the need to avoid chipping the fine china collection.


I voted for the carpentry equipment. It will be good for many projects around the chateau. I also think the fridge is really important.


I do know this is for the $20k and $21k goals, but looking ahead to when we reach the goal that’ll help pay for the pool (which we will of course) I was wondering if anyone has suggested to Stephanie yet about natural pools?? I can’t remember if this has been mentioned already, but I thought perhaps a natural pool would be nice in keeping with the setting of it being near the forest? I found a pros and cons article here, https://www.thespruce.com/pros-and-cons-owning-natural-pool-2737100, and I thought I would just share in case someone hasn’t done so yet 🤗💖


Looking at some comments,I have wondered should the whole kitchen including fridge be a target?You need something like Dick Strawbridge has now really.Professional standard.


as much as I think the fridge is needed, I voted for carpentry tools. Selmar needs them to get on with things, whereas the fridge is doing okay for now!


I voted for Selmar and his tools 🛠 think this will open up more jobs being covered but do agree totally on a bigger fridge I have the same Smeg for a family of 4 and find it difficult at times like Xmas so I hope that can get done also xx

Denise Behrends

I’m dreaming of all the bigger-vision projects that Selmar can create throughout the chateau from his Carpentry Workshop. I imagine that the counter surface of the Arriere Cuisine would be better suited to a material other than wood, for both practical and aesthetic considerations. I’ve always wondered about the safety of wood sealant products on a surface where eating utensils and dishes will be placed. There are so many other beautiful options—including stone or ceramic tile—that would be historically apropos and add an inspired touch of design to a room in which everyone spends so much time. I concur with the idea that someone has proposed regarding the refrigerator. The charming Smeg refrigerator could remain in its current location for everyday storage of milk, juice, eggs, butter, etc., and a much larger refrigerator could be purchased or custom built to place in a nearby room that has the space to adequately accommodate it.


Although they are all important, I voted for the tools for Selmar, for the lovely new chicken coop and many more jobs he’ll be able to accomplish with his amazing carpentry skills!


Anybody else experiencing issues with receiving their pledged rewards? I signed up as a Countess in May, but never received anything. When I messaged at the beginning of August I was told it was because Stephanie was very busy, but I would get the items eventually. I replied saying I understood how busy she was, but as yet have still received nothing. I was surprised to see my name taken off the credits the very next video after I dropped my pledge down though. Clearly not too busy to do this admin.


they take ages to come not only because she is busy- she HAND WRITES OUT all 2000 cards - but also because mail from france takes forever. But dont sign up for the card.... sign up because you LOVE being part of La Lande and the La Lande family. I find that everyone there is very easy going and Stephanie is soooooo crazy busy with about 4 channels going - one for charity - so i think you can either relax and enjoy the ride and eventually you will get your card or dotn choose to be a patreon and just enjoy the videos 🥰


This was really hard...but my first instinct is to supply Selmar with the tools he needs. He already has so much of the material at hand to work with. A man needs proper tools!

Alton Condra

I was on of the first Pateons and I am still a Count. I signed up for the reasons Shannon mentioned. I took time .ainky do to Covid19 and the slow mail in France and the USA. I got the letter and it was very kind of Stephanie to take the time. Most of us are Pateons because we want to help. It is better to give than recieve and forgiveness Devine.


Me too Alton. Ive been a countess for a long time. I love love love the vlogs but I am also here very much to support stephanie and the chateau renovation. I would love to do something like this but too late on my life now. My card took 3 months to get to new zealand. 🤣😂🤣😂.


I definitely want to see the lake restored before a swimming pool is put in. I think the pool goal is more realistic to have ready for next summer as you will soon be heading into autumn and winter. I would also rather see the terrace work done before a pool as well. And at the amount you are now getting each month there should be plenty to do both before next summer. Although getting quote is still a sound idea. Get Mr Petherick involved in the costing.


I'm so thrilled to come back and see that the carpentry studio is leading. All that wood that can be transformed into amazing things for long term benefit. Fridges and counter tops are important but I think that the wood is part of la lande and needs to be utilized, also it'll save so much money using what you have on site.


Jill you got there before me :) Yes definitely I’m hoping Stephanie will ask Daddy Petherick to help the pool project if he’s willing. Though, in addiction to the things you’ve mentioned, before the pool I’d first prefer a project to begin removing the horrid cement rendering and its replacement with proper lime mortar so the building can start breathing again as it should.

Evelyn McElroy

I am hoping that Stephanie can monetize some stuff, she is becoming so well-known - it would be great if some appliance company would contribute a fridge for the publicity. She knows so many well-connected people, Oliver, for example, that it is just a matter of time. Lalande is becoming a brand, I think, and could use a professional publicist.


Yes , I agree with Evelyn McElroy and Maureen Palmer , they are now so well known that they could get things which are desperately needed for free. They need a brander . My son , who was educated in England, is a very successful brander in New York and over the years , I could see the change of fortunes he brought to companies but also to individuals. Sadly he can’t help but I will ask him if he can suggest somebody in England. If Stephanie is interested I could pass this on to her. Stephanie once said in a vlog that she was not commercial. But she works so hard and needs to expand commercially. I have noticed that other Chatelaines she has had contact with in the past are all forging ahead with sidelines. I think , the first could be a large wall calendar for 2021 with interesting pages of photographie , Oliver’s painting and Nicks photographie. I think , everybody would be delighted to buy one. Have it printed in Italy. They do such great job.


oh, I meant also her fathers painting. May be , we could vote which one we would prefer if given the choice. I think, the situation has changed in the house and it will be difficult to run it solely with volunteers. Years ago, living in London with a large family , I employed on various occasions students from a french culinary institute . That was very successful as their cooking was brilliant, we all improved our french and the children,learnt at an early age about french lifestyle .By the way, I admire Isabelle , only a year younger than me , but running a marathon in the garden. I pray, that soon Percy will be able to join her. I can see her sadness sometimes. I hope, you do not consider me a busy body but regard me as somebody with lots of experiences running large houses and organising events etc. ,who from my heart wishes that all goes well for Lalande. 👋🤔🙏😷 I also voted for Selmar , as he is planner , cautious with spending and it looks as if he has your interest at heart. Eventually he needs to built himself a fab treehouse with all the wood.

Sofi Hultin

I think it would be quite interesting to see an actual “to-do list” from Lalande. A really extensive one that could work like a massive checklist. Sort of going from room to room and start building a document to work through. That way you could slowly complete each room but also give us an overview of what the state of each room is currently at and what needs doing in each room.


Hello Sofi. A couple of suggestions. You could scroll down here and check out the behind the scenes patrons Q&A video number 11, and/or also on the main YouTube channel check out the Sunday’s At The Chateau video from around 3 weeks ago that Stephanie posted about reaching $20,000 on Patreon.


Hello Reinhilde. I have posted on this before, and this is I get my opinion, but personally one of the primary things I really, really enjoy about the channel is it’s complete lack of commercialism. For me its refreshing to watch, and be supporting, a channel where the narrative has nothing at all to do with ‘what can I get for free’ but rather focuses on creativity, good storytelling, a great community at the Chateau, and this amazingly generous patron community that’s helping it all to happen in the way that it does.


Anyone else notice you can vote for more than one item and they are both counted?! If not I hope I don’t create a fiasco with additional votes, but I wonder if there’s something to be changed in the settings?


I also suggested to Stephanie a while a natural pool in the lake. Wild swimming would be so much better there. A swimming pool should be really an indoor one as that part of France has only limited hot days. In my eyes it would be a real waste of money. But it is not my chateau. We are here only to give advice . In my case from experiences.


Hello Erin. I placed two votes. One was my choice for the 20k target and the other was my choice for the 21k target.


The carpentry studio will save you so much money in the long-term!


If it is at all possible to include in the next "regular" video - or any video, updates on the restoration of the chapel? the chapel windows, the bathroom you and selmar are working on, any the status of any of the other projects that were goals so far? the lake i know is a bit on hold until the road works have been done but updates on a few others would sure be appreciated 😃 and they would delight us all!😊🙏🤞


What do you think of a future goal to hire Selmar as your full time chateau caretaker/carpenter. He probably has work to do for years and his work is superb. We would miss him if he leaves.


Can we have a goal of making Selmar permanent that would be the best! He is awesome and has done soooo much and is sooo talented! 🥰


We voted for the fridge. We were stunned to see how small the only refrigerator was at LaLande. We’ve managed to have more refrigerator space living in tiny NYC apartments, we don’t understand how you have managed to live like that for so long. Especially given how many meals are made in that kitchen. I’m sure it won’t be long before you are able to get a new one.


I think for $20,000 you can get it all together: the woodworking equipment, fridge and countertop too😀


I am voting for the carpentry equipment because Selmar is doing amazing repairs and deserves the equipment needed. Having said that, I wonder if a DIY store would sponsor the equipment for the publicity it would bring?


See i would be DELIGHTED to do that... I just dont think Stephanie ever would. 🙄 But that is also why we adore her!


if you go back through comments... its all i talk about 🤣🤣 that and a backsplash for the range AND now Im onto... ONE washer dryer set? - ok we need to fix that...🤣🤣🤣


I had a thought. Please forgive me if it’s been brought up before. For tangible things like a refrigerator, would it be possible to put it on a Chateau de Lalande wishlist or registry on a retail site like amazon? (Like they have for engaged couples) that way people could contribute directly to it. And perhaps it would not incur the almost 50% tax that money does?


I would LOVE that!! love.... i think at some point though gifts incur taxes also?


Hi Shannon, Stephanie gives us the low down on the goals at the beggining of each month.


awesome sauce!! although a whole new tax code would be.... daunting ☹🙄😳

Theresa Romero

Stephanie, this was such a wonderful vlog, chock full of thrilling progress that is revitalizing your especially lovely chateau. I adore each and every one of you, and am amazed at the joy and peace I get from watching your vlogs. Thank you for bringing the gift of your being to the chateau, to all you encounter, and to us. You are a true artist and leader.