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Hello Everyone!

I've been sitting in a pub in Framlingham attempting to upload tonight's 'Cadeaux at the Chateau' as Gerry's wifi is broken and Mummy's is too slow. I'm plagued with internet problems wherever I go! But I've been here for a couple of hours and it's saying it's going to take another three hours, and I don't think I have the strength to sit here for that much longer!  And, as at Lalande, 4G is weak here. So I think I'll have to try to upload it overnight at my mother's house. As there's the 'Chateau Diaries' for tomorrow night, perhaps it would be better to do the 'Cadeaux at the Chateau' on Wednesday instead this week?

I'm so sorry, I don't like being late with a video. You're all so kind with your support and I like to repay you with a regular schedule from Lalande, but in these rural areas it's not always easy.

Love, Stephanie x




Whichever is the least stressful thing for you is what you should do. We can wait! You’re meant to be enjoying your holiday! Go enjoy!


We understand. Enjoy your break and we’ll see the video when the ether cooperates ❤️


Completely understandable and you’re on holiday!! Relax!


No problem Stephanie... yeah don’t sit waiting for internet! Upload it when you have a decent connection for another time. Enjoy the rest of your holiday 😁


No worries!!! Post it whenever it’s easy for you. No stress❤️


Hi Stephanie, Don't worry Wednesday is perfect for "cadeaux at the chateau" Enjoy your evening. Amaury Castle ten Berghe


Don’t stress about it on your vacation. We understand 🦚


Don't worry Stephanie. Enjoy your time away and I look forward to ths next installment of TCD xx

Laura & Jack

Stephanie, this is your holiday. In my opinion, we can wait. Thank you for trying and I hope you have enjoyed a few hours at the pub, anyways!!


Drive over to Chelmsford and use mine, I'm only an hour away, it would be faster 🤣🤣🤣😘


Oh my goodness, dont stress Steph, we feel for you.


Not a problem Stephanie, enjoy your break away and we can watch it anytime 😊


Hi Stephanie! We’re not bothered, and you shouldn’t be either!


We were wondering where you were tonight - don’t worry 👍


What a bummer, but I think we might survive, best of luck!


Oh Stephanie- you are so thoughtful! I agree with Deb Shaw, don’t stress; we will all survive if we wait for an extra video next week. Enjoy your holiday and relax!! ❤️ Also, loved the photo attached to this post! First chuckle I’ve had all day! 😆😘

Evelyn McElroy

Sorry, Stephanie! Do whatever works for you!


No worries Stephanie! You poor thing! Hang in there and do not despair! I think we know what the 20,000 target should be! A Lalande satellite . We understand totally!


These things can’t be helped Stephanie. Have a great time x


So frustrating! In your town, is there only wireless internet? No ethernet? Or even dial up through a phone line? So interesting!


Argghhh internet...can't live with it, can't live without it. Thanks for letting us know , I was thinking it was my tv. We can wait 💕💕


Thank you for letting us all know, Stephanie! But you shouldn't stress whilst on vacation! 🥰 Just enjoy your time away! We'll "see" you soon enough, I'm sure. 🌿🌻💜🦋

Evelyn McElroy

A LaLand Satellite! I like that Christin! Maybe we should have a special GoFundMe fund!


Ahh Stephanie - don't fret - Wednesday will be time enough or whenever. Its worth the wait that you get your holiday away. XX


You really need a 4G Booster.


Poor Stephanie! Please don’t worry, we’ll wait for as long as it takes! You’re supposed to be taking a break so we can be patient! Enjoy your time away! X


You are on vacation Sweetie! Relax and enjoy your trip, we will be here when you get home😘


Go home and get some rest! You have spoiled us with so many videos! No one will mind if there isn’t a video tonight. ❤️


Oh no worries, Steph!! It will even sweeter when we do eventually see it!! You are supposed to be having a break from all of this!! We can wait!


There must be a patreon close to Framlingham who could make you a cup of tea at their house whilst thd upload goes ahead


Stephanie, bless you! You are always so sweet and so thoughtful. Relax and enjoy your mini-vacation time. You have truly deserved it! We can wait!


I want you to have a little holiday and not worry :-) You are too kind, remember that nobody gets harmed if they don't get their daily dose of Lalande, even if we love it. Enjoy, relax, and we'll all be here enjoying the show when you're able to upload.


Go home, relax. We all understand what it can be like!


Just take good care of yourself and have a small break! people can understand these internet problems. Please have fun instead! Hugs Xoxo Mychelle-Anne


Go. Park the car and have a glass of whatever you fancy. Whenever is plenty quick enough.


We are the calmest, most laid back Patrons ......go home relax and enjoy your downtime.....pity mummy wifi isn't as fast as her on the mower, 4 seconds and you would be done! What you need is a superhero...one who has superpowers and will fly your data to the cloud.....you need Scotman...no wait....you need Scotman WITH working internet....maybe if he puts his underpants outside his kilt?


No bother Stephanie we all will still be here when you get back from a well deserved holiday x


Dont fret darling enjoy yourself i am happy to wait and look forward to your vlog be well stay safe darling see you soon


No worries, focus on your holiday. XO!


No worries Steph! Although...I AM looking forward to seeing you open our package on the vlog.


You're on holiday! No worries. We appreciate everything you do. Take a well-deserved break!


Have a pint! 🍺 or a cocktail 🥂! It’s all good! It’s time to rest! The universe is helping you out!


Have a drink relax tomorrow will do your on holiday enjoy we all can wait makes it all more interesting and exciting love your videos Steph


You are so, so generous with the number and frequency of posts, and I appreciate your diligence. But, srsly, this is a holiday! Relax, enjoy, and we will be here whenever it works. Really! Relax!


Oh no poor you Stephany😥.


Forget about it! No one will mind at all. You are on holiday!!


Have a holiday free from pressures!


Stop stressing. Upload when you can!


Stephanie please take a break .....it’s like a busmans holiday for you at the moment ...sitting somewhere else but still waiting to upload videos...that’s no rest at all. Look at what all your Patrons are saying ...we can wait. There will be lots to look forward to later xx


wednesday is fine! no worries! when you can... we understand!


I feel so bad for you! You can’t get internet wherever you go! Hahah


Have a nice vacation and please stop stressing about it we will enjoy it when it is ready.have a little fun you deserve it!


What they said!😘


I am more concerned for you sitting in the pub for hours. We can all wait. Go get some well deserved rest. Wednesday is great. Bonne nuit, je vous aime xx.


No worries stephanie ,we are all so privileged to be able to enjoy your videos ,whenever you upload is fine ,enjoy your trip foremost ... hugs have a gun and tonic


The Wi-Fi is not always good so no sorry...wednesday is fine. Try to enjoy yourself ....have a Nice stat.


Don't worry! We look forward to the videos whenever they pop up. A delay is ok :)


Oh, bless you. We will wait of course. Please get some rest. X


Cadeaux at the Chateau would be good on Wednesday this week. Thanks. Also, Patron pledges are now over $19K.


We love you so much Steph!!! Take care of yourself for us ❤


Better in a pub and on the side of the road per usual... Just enjoy your time and we'll be here when you're ready


Oh my goodness. I was thinking today that hopefully it will be easy this week for you with better internet in England. I guess that is not the case. So sorry for your troubles Stephanie. BTW.....I don't see you losing any Patron this month, in fact I believe your Patron's have increased over the past couple of days. YAY!!!


Stephanie, Absolutely, No big deal😊. There are much more worthy things to stress over. This certainly isn’t one of them. Stay well!


You should switch off for the rest of the evening and enjoy your break. You go above and beyond any videos I've ever seen. Very proud of you and all that you do. Take care xx


I know you're worrying and you mustn't. Explaining the situation is all you need to do. We all can wait and want you to relax and enjoy. Easier said than done when dealing with stubborn technology though. We love you.

Denise Behrends

No worries at all, Stephanie. Your rest and rejuvenation is more important than the timing of any vlog could ever be. As much as I look forward to your videos, I would gladly wait an extra week to watch them if it saves you from even one moment of stress. This is your time to get away from it all, and the perfect opportunity to practice just that. Your greatest gift to us is to take care of yourself. Hugs to you.


I’d be out of patience long before you ! Don’t worry about it. Life’s too short. X


Being stuck in a pub for at least 3 hours........... now what would I do there??😂😂. Seriously, chill and rest Stephanie. That’s why you went to Framlingham. Chill and rest. ♥️


Don’t worry about it have a well earned rest. We will still be here when you get back to resume normality xx


Please don’t worry. Enjoy your break and fit the Patreon update in after your usual vlogs. Something to look forward to. And non Patreon updates aren’t affected that way either. So a win win. Now relax.


what everyone else has said! relax!❤


Come to mine in Bury St Edmunds I have fibre to the premises so should be ok xx


All good, relax and we will enjoy it when it arrives. I have found libraries have great wifi, perhaps an option when traveling. Happy to view it whenever it gets uploaded. Enjoy your break and don’t stress


Please stop, let go physically & mentally so you can rest and refresh. We will all enjoy the vlogs when they eventually appear. Have some fun filled days.


Don't worry, you should be enjoying your break!


Don’t worry about , just enjoy your break xxissyxx


its ok...no worries. relax and enjoy your holiday!


Enjoy your vacay!!! We’ll try to behave while you’re gone!


You can't help internet woes. Enjoy your get away and stay safe.


Don’t worry one bit about it.


Enjoy your time away! You truly deserve a break and maybe the internet gods are trying to remind you! xx


No worries, Stephanie! Rest easy in the knowledge that we know you are doing your best and we always appreciate that! Enjoy your time in England! Baroness Teresa


Aren’t you supposed to be on vacation? Be on vacation!! If there was an emoji of a stern-looking woman with her hands on her hips, shaking her head disapprovingly, I would include that here. ❤️


This just gives us a little something extra to look forward to! Don’t worry one thing about it!! Please enjoy your vacay - we will be here when you get back! ❤️


Really Stephanie your on holiday for a rest!! Please don't stress over the timing of the video, I'm sure we all understand. Take some time off and relax.


I'm starting to think for when you get back, that 20k target may be better spent on the satellite internet at Lalande....to save you all the upload times down the road in your car


Take the time to relax and switch off. You deserve a break and shouldn’t be stressing and spending hours trying to upload videos. We will enjoy the videos when you return! 💕


Don't worry just take care of You! We will see it later! Do not be stressed and you have the drive home. Be Safe!


just enjoy the break Stephanie and relax. I agree with Zoe- dont worry and dont spend time on the vlogs. everyone deserves a break from everything when on holidays - x


You are so lovely to let us all know, I've got into a routine of knowing what day it is by looking forward to your videos :-) Be kind to yourself this few days, take a break. We have the same here where we are in France, my hubby has recently started vlogging for our cycling business on you tube, (Inspired by you btw!- thank you) ('breathe bike' in case anyone is an avid cyclist on here) and he has to set his upload on for overnight it takes that long - and that's only for an 8 minute video :-) You are doing an amazing job, I've watched from the very start and it's so inspirational - thank you x


Dont worry stephanie, upload when possible. Whenever you get good internet upload all the videos and make it private. Make it public on that respective day. That way you wont need good internet all the time.


Isabelle writing I will mention it thank you. It sounds like a good idea to me!


I agree - Wednesday night is like a mid week treat xx :-)


Oh Stephanie and you are meant to be having a break hope this isn’t spoiling it for you xx


Don't worry. Hope you enjoyed a beer or two at the pub. Have fun with your family. Don't worry about the patrons, we are here for the long haul. You deserve a holiday too. Biz.


At the beginning of lockdown I split up with my partner (marvellous timing!!) and had to move from beautiful Framlingham 😢 enjoy your break and don’t worry about videos we can wait 😊


Had a good idea pop to Ed Sheeran’s and ask to use his WiFi I’m sure he will have a good signal 🤣🤣 but more sensibly I’m an hour away in Essex and I had to get WiFi for working from home and it’s mobile so I could bring it up tonight and you can try it? It works well enough for me to work so should be better than what your currently using. Let me know I think we are Facebook friends x


They say the best things in life are worth the wait 🤩 enjoy your break and don’t stress about wifi. With everything going on in the world at the moment I think we are all realising that life can change overnight and that these First World issues are really not worth stressing about. Take care and keep safe xxx 💕🇦🇺


Oh Stephanie just don’t worry about it put all vlogs on hold for the week and enjoy some chill time everyone deserves a break take care xx


Hi Stephanie. I'm so sorry you are having these issues this week while on holiday! This is supposed to be your time to relax and have time for yourself... So please don't worry. I hope you have some peaceful, quiet time and enjoy your vacation!


Stephanie, Enjoy your little break. Recharge and make some beautiful memories! Please enjoy and don’t fret. Have a lovely time xo hugs


There's no need to apologize, Stephanie! It's such a shame that you're having these issues during your holiday, but try not to worry about it! A 'Cadeaux at the Chateau' on Wednesday instead sounds perfect. Just focus on relaxing and recharging while you're in England! :) Lots of love to you!


Hi Stephanie, sorry I didnt think to warn you but over the last few weeks 4G network have be making "essential improvements" so may slow down or stop altogether in and around to Suffolk areas. Enjoy your rest ❤


enjoy your well earned break xxx


No worries Stephanie. We can watch it anytime. Please just enjoy your break. You deserve xx


No problem. Get some rest!!!


Woah... Did everyone see this? Yesterday, I could have sworn we were under $19,000, and today we are at $19,500+. Am I seeing things? Do I mis-remember the numbers? Congratulations Nati! We hit the 19k goal!

Anna Ibarra

How frustrating it is. And I don’t even have vlog. Great idea #smartiev. Download videos when u have a good WiFi/ internet. Chill and decompress. 🥂

Anna Ibarra

So right, and it’s saying put down the laptop and step away and enjoy your time away. We want you to be refreshed and well rested, and full of ideas for Sunday’s vlogs and chateau Reno’s.


Does anybody maybe have Isabelle’s red currant jelly recipe? I know I saw it in one of the past episodes, but can’t find it now. Thanks in advance!


Just to add to previous comment on don't worry girl! ....my dad always said love and respect doesn't come from big things, it comes from the little things. Big things are easy, it is the small gestures often not seen by the world, done not from being asked but purely because you care. It is these gestures that grow the seeds of love and respect" Stephanie worrying about uploading and sharing the pain speaks volumes and that is why I personally donate monthly. Too often people start out with great intentions to be thoughtful to patrons and then over time forget the little things.....you don't, it makes me wonder where on earth you get that professionalism from!!!! Oh yes, remembered...mummy. Because you care, we care. Not because you say you do but because of posts like these that show that you do. Rest that laugh.....that laugh has carried us through Covid 19 on its own!!!


Yes! We hit 19k in july but on 1st august, as it happens 1st of every month, it went down to 18 347....and within 4 days its now 19500. Its just amazing


Ahh, such is life. Don't sweat, we understand and look forward to seeing it when it's possible :-)


Perfect idea Smruti‼️ I live in the “boonies” surrounded by crop fields & trees. I do this same thing, I go into our local McDonalds when need be & upload what I need to a file for “my eyes only” on Facebook then make them public as I need them. I bet that would work for Miss Stephanie too. Great thinking!


Is that the one she made when Michael Petherick was there? I think it is. If it's not on one of Stephanie's videos while he was there, he did a video named something like "Doing it Ourselves- Somewhere Else." Hope that helps.


Not a problem. We all understand. Relax.


No worries, All great things take time!


no worries!! but what are we botong nk on for 20k😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😎


New Patreon here from MI (Michigan), USA. I am so excited to part of the 2 families I have come to adore like the rest of you! What a surprise to Stephanie & Michael as well when they return from their vacations to see all us newbies😁🏰. I sure hope she is enjoying herself & not thinking of uploads right now. She is such a giving person and deserves a separation from business. I can think of no other person to fill her heart with distracting laughter then her brother, the one & only Scotman! Maybe he will take her to the zoo! 😉 heehee


Awww thank you Jillian 🤗


Wow wow wow Nearly 20k. Only $70 away.

Georgette Jones

We understand your worry but we are in this with you.....I just watched Marie’s video and the video of you before you left with the mattress dilvery both wonderful❣️


Well done on 20 thousand smackeroonies! Nearing in on building a chateau next door for the patrons to live now!!


Congratulations on reaching $20,000. Welcome to all the new patrons.


Hey ho Steph. Any update on the lake front, frontage, interior, exterior, edges, bottom. Any little snippet about anything lake related????? hehehe.


I'm a new patron so don't know if this is the place to put forward an idea Stephanie. Have you ever considered turning one of the bedrooms into a children's room? Perhaps one of the small attic rooms you're going to renovate? You could source some incredible vintage wallpaper and I'm sure you'd find some amazing objets at the local Brocantes. I'd love to see a children's room with your designer stamp on it x


Ideas, encouragement, laughter.....this is our Lalanders group.....confessional meets brainstorming meets motivational meets therapy sessions lol......welcome to a fab community


We have past the $20,000


Proving once again this is the best group of patrons!! I love this community and I love sharing my surname with such a wonderful place! 😍


Isabelle has been on my mind all morning. News from South Africa regarding their international flight status, is heart breaking. I respect that the family is dealing with the situation privately, but I’ve grown to love them all so much. I know that our sweet community would do anything possible to help bring she and Percy together again.


Please Stephanie can you get water supplie to garden sorted for mummy and Dan must be frustrating for them you need a good water supply in a garden x


OMG!! WELCOME NEW PATRONS!! yay!🎆🎆🎆 Im so excited to have passed this marker!! Can you EVEN IMAGINE if it got to 30k? WHAT!!? amazing.... Im so delighted! Now what are we voting on! 😁😁😁😁😁


I wonder if it is possible to revisit the white board to let us know the status of outstanding projects and those. That are already completed?


Your determination is 😍😍😍! I am happy to say I enjoy to see your journey no matter when videos come out! I contribute to help the chateau... anything in return is a plus ❤️


i think that would be great. She did it a bit on one of the regular videos - but nothing like a whiteboard!


ok folks- we have to get voting! we are very close to 21k!!😁😁😁

Jane Nunn

You can'thelp the internet issues Steph.. Thankyou for trying.. xo