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Hurrah! We reached the $19,000 goal, it's AMAZING!!! As the goal was to officially employ Natalia full time, I felt it would be fitting to interview her this week. She's one of the least known characters at Lalande, and she and I often joke that the two of us have the 'least vloggable' roles in the chateau - we both spend a lot of time at our computers! But she's a delight, and I'm happy to introduce her to you all properly with this interview.

In this video I also talk about the $20,000 goal, and tell you what I'll be up to next week!


Patreon Video 14: Interview with Nati!



Beautiful ladies 🥰😍💐


Congratulations 🥳🎉🍾 I am so very proud


Brilliant Steph.


Superb!! ❤️


Great news, I'll be watching the video later but I just wanted to say that it must feel fantastic to foster an environment where people can grow, recharge and develop their talents! Well done to all 😊👌


As an idea for the next target,and i know it is boring but verry practical, insulating the cellars,you can leave a part open for the bats but close and insulate the rest ,that way in the winter it will be more confortable and it would smell better too when you have to go there.


Make Mummy’s balcony walk.


Oh, what a lovely intimate interview with Nati! What a strong lady! My 20k suggestion is a glorious sign for Lalande’s driveway entrance. The little black and white one is just a little too understated :)


I’ve been seeing so many books around and new books arriving that it might be time for a proper library.


Also, enjoy your vacation! You’ve earned some time off 💛


Nati is a joy I'm glad to learn more about her ..she is amazing ♥️


Thank you ladies - amazing job - thank you so much for sharing. How about the start of a library - a beautifully crafted book case with the first section being for all those beautiful gardening books to keep them all safely together? X


Stephanie , I think I glanced something spectacular Behind nati, , namely a Gorgeous transformation of make believe world by a french company. Dying to see the total effect.


Hi Stephanie- I think the 20,000 target should be a swimming pool- it would attract more visitors, would be a great social space and complete the outdoors experience. It would be a fantastic milestone achievement for the chateau. Love your vlogs and the progress you have made!


Hello Stephanie I’m looking forward seeing next week video as I have visited Framlingham castle a few years ago with my husband and my 3 year old daughter (the push chair up the wall walk was fun !). I agree with Erin, a lovely sign would be a good idea for the chateau.


Delightful, thanks ladies!


Wonderful, lovely Nati. Chateau Lalande and Stephanie really need her expertise to move forward.


Nati you are strong and brave. I too was in an abusive relationship and so isolated it was hard to see how bad it had gotten. Speaking out can help someone realize they need help or to get out and help to give them strength to see how another made it out and grew so much better of a life! ❤️❤️


Loved the interview with Natalia. So pleased you have reached the $19000 target. Amazing


nati is lovely, I so love people from Argentina . I went with my son there , he made a documentary on social injustice. ( sadly quite a lot there )The people were wonderful . And the men so good looking and suave and polite. But being an Aquarian like Nati, I looked through all that smooching and did not loose my heart. But we had the best time ever .


20k Idea; Build the Chateau library


Nati and I have the same birthday!!


Next target should be selmar to have a wage


I love Nati even more! She was so honest and real - and beautiful! Also, I agree with previous poster, Selmar should have a wage.


Nati you,looked beautiful ! What a dress. I hope, you will eventual find a lovely person . We go well with sign of Libra , Leo as well but definitely keep well away from Aries. They eat us alive.I am speaking of experience.


Natalia is so open and honest. What a lady. The chateau is a place of beauty and healing I think.


Beautiful setting for the interview. It befits the chateau atmosphere!


my suggestion for the £20 000 would be to enhance the main entrance outside . On each side I would put a very large vintage versaille box with a stemmed tree , an old large olive jar with a box tree and an other pot with oleander. Three pots Loosely arranged on each side.


The $20,000 target should be one of the two that didn’t’t get chosen last time.


Congratulations on meeting your target. Nati is so lovely. I am not a religious person but I love the Chapel. I know the windows are being renovated but there is so much work to be done, something to help bring back the beauty of the building x


Lovely interview! Natalie I too was in a very bad relationship. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I found I did the same as you by reaching out to help others in the same sittuation. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But I will say it made me more determined to ruse above it and be a stronger more successful person because of it. You found wonderful friends at Lalande along with bigger hopes and dreams. 😄


That was so lovely. I think you bring out the best in the people around you. For my part, I’d like to see you address the cellar door that’s part of the reason the mail hall is so cold or finish the chandelier in there. But it’s the first welcome you get and it should be a warm one. And a bright one. You’re so warm and bright, the entrance hall should reflect that.


Your next project should be making the entrance courtyard grand with gravel, a working fountain, and beautiful pots of flowers at the main door to welcome your guests!


Bravo 👏🏽 Nati🥰you’re a beautiful soul & so brave. I admire you❣️ I would love to hear news of a swimming pool for LaLande. That would be lovely. I love to write my idea and go back and see what others here have suggested. Whatever you do with the funds hooray for hitting yet another target level. The news of reaching another goal is overwhelming for me that I tear up with happiness for you all. 🌸Aloha🌼🤙🏽


Hi Stephanie, once again another great interview. Nati spoke very eloquently about her abusive relationship. She has also shown great strength in her willingness to help others who may be in a similar situation. Please give her a big hug from all the patreons. As for ideas for the $20k target, I'm afraid that mine are all rather practical ones. For example, double glazing in the rooms that are used the most. Getting proper insulation throughout the chateau - no more hot water bottles strapped to your body!! A complete overhaul of your heating system, just in time for the winter. Enjoy your break Stephanie, get those batteries recharged!!


Lovely to get to know Nati a little more, she’s just delightful. I love the choice she has made to travel and experience life in the different countries she has visited. It is also good to hear that through adversity, it led her find her strength and to follow her dreams ☺️


I'd like to echo that for something symbolic, a beautiful sign at your gate would be lovely! Great idea Erin.


Nati seems like a lovely woman. As for the next project, that is difficult. Maybe the chandelier for the entrance, as that will be to welcome people. Dying to see the Fortuny project done, but there is so much now going on, Have a great trip with Gerry, will be interesting to see where you grew up. I think it is near the sea.


Beautiful interview with Nati. I love being able to hear each individual's story. The porcelain room or library others have mentioned would be nice goals. Enjoy your well deserved rest!


Lovely interview with Nati. Thank you Stephanie, you attract and bring out the best in your team. As you already have lots of work such as fresh gravel and planting scheduled for the courtyard I agree with Gill (above) that it would be great to mark the 20K goal by completing further renovations to to the Chapel. I think the symbolism would be really appropriate and with all the stained glass work currently going on it would really push the Chapel into a new era of possibilities. Good luck deciding.


It’s so nice getting to know everyone at LaLande! I don’t recall if you’ve already included this in another project, but I do know you’ve postponed doing the courtyard because the tower exterior needs work. Perhaps making that the next target could help move things along?


Thoroughly enjoyed the interview with Nati. Safe travels and have some downtime in Framlingham

Kelly Kehoe Nichols

Idea for next goal - Is there a way to light the fountain in the courtyard? I can just imagine having the fountain and courtyard properly lit. How beautiful it would be to stroll by the fountain sipping a glass of champagne 🍾 🥂 ❤️


I wonder what the exterior lighting is like for the Chateau. It would provide a safe, welcoming and visually appealing aesthetic. Many visitors may arrive or depart at night and are unfamiliar with the area. That with a lit sign would be nice⭐️🌙💡


thoroughly enjoyed the interview ... another Aquarian here (Feb 6) ...


I agree with James Stewart about insulating and double glazing the rooms. Make all of them comfortable and secure. I also think it is time to let the money accumulate and save rather than spending the thousand dollars every month. Go back and get the old goals completely done first. It is okay to dream, but have a back up of funds. I love the interviews. It is so nice getting to know the lovely people of LaLande. Hugs!


Almost half that goes as taxes. Horrid.......


$20K should sponsor a weekly happy hour for everyone. A thank you from us to you all! Natalia, thank you for sharing your story.


Congratulations!!! Spectacular news! The interview with Nati was wonderful. My suggestion for the $20,000 target would be to complete the upstairs bathroom next to the movie room. Or, to start fixing up one of the old servant's rooms where you found the book in the liquor closet.


How lovely of Nati to offer to help & advise others who are in the situation she was in....yes helping others is one of her strengths. I agree a lovely new sign for La Lande would do the renovations proud, x


I just read a few suggestions on a new sign. Oh, I love that idea too.


I feel as I think someone else mentioned that the front of the c


Oops put my comments under selmars video


What a beautiful soul Nati is, she's just lovely. I love these interviews Stephanie with everyone at the chateau. The $20000 goal should be something you would get extra pleasure from seeing completed. I can't choose but I'd vote between options.💕💕


I feel as some else mentioned the front and the drive could have a makeover it would make the grand entrance even grander. Have a lovely mini holiday ,and I look forward to hearing all about it next week as


My suggestion for the $20K: a fountain for the vegetable garden. You mentioned before you always wanted one and I think you were inspired by the one at the gardens you visited recently towards the end of lockdown? That was a fairly simple stone design so it would hopefully not break the bank. The fountain would be the finishing touch now that so much of the potager’s come together thanks to the Patreon goals and would symbolise the new Golden Age of Lalande, where life springs eternal (see what I did there?!)


I remember earlier on when Stephanie was taking the love quiz ... how you express love or how you enjoy the language of love. Nata said she enjoys service and be recognized for doing a great job. And Nati, I can see that personally as you replied to my question email so quickly and knew exactly the answer. And, dear Stephanie, you said gifts, and receiving love tokens as it were and we can all see the joy and the excitement of Cadeux at the Chateau in real time. Lovely interview. Thank you.


Wonderful video, thank you Stephanie!

Terrie Powell

What an amazing time sharing amongst close friends. Stephanie you attract the most amazing people to you and The Chateau!! Nati you’re not alone in the experiences you’ve had. The deep love felt for someone who is not respecting you is hard to explain unless you’ve been there. I’m glad you were strong enough to draw the boundary for your mental and physical good and health. At 61 I’ve finally found the love of my life after being alone for over 15 years!! I’m so thankful you’ve reasoned out to others to be there for them. Your grace and empathy will give strength to others. I hope one day to visit La Lande and if you’re a neighbor down the road I would def like to buy you tea and a sweet!! All of you at La Lande have touched this world in such positive ways that I don’t think you’d ever be able to understand. I for one thank you for your kindness. For sharing in the fun day to day. For JUST FOR BEING YOU!! You all are gifts that are absolutely priceless!!


Oh, I love these interviews! Natalia is lovely! Thank you for sharing so much with us and offering to help others. So nice of you <3


Make the chateau warm. Fix all the heat leaks, windows leaks etc., so you do not walk around with layers of sweaters and hot water bottles. OR Fix the water pressure in the garden. It does not always have to be something that "shows", it needs to be a behind the scenes goal, such as finishing things.


Perhaps an automatic front gate? or perhaps the swimming pool? resurfacing/rehabbing the tennis courts? I'm sure whatever you choose it will be great! Have a great vacation, with all of the videos I can only imagine its very very needed. :)


Darling Stephanie and Mommy. I know your greatest joy is to make things beautiful, elegant, charming and what a lovely goal that is. Your Mum has the practical streak that balances your dreamer's point of view.


Why not go ahead and at least prepare the area where you'd like to put the pool. Clean it up, get an estimate, create a design, etc. You could also spiff up the tennis court within this same goal. Just an idea.


I would love to see how your drapery project will be planned and executed, or tablescapes. (smile) And I'm so looking forward to seeing your video next week. Take care. And my closest love is for the courtyard refreshment and executed design to be accomplished. Hugs!


Thank you Natalie and Stephanie for a wonderful interview. It feels wonderful getting to know some key people at LaLande, I appreciate all of you and Stephanie your Vlogs are very thoughtful and beautifully done.


These interviews are amazing! You bring out such heartfelt stories from each person, Stephanie. I feel genuinely privileged to get to listen and learn from them! As far as the $20,000 project I'm not sure if you have a big or small ticket item in mind but after watching Selmar and Nati's interviews (not to mention the incredible contributions Tomas has made in the few weeks he's been at Lalande) I think it would be nice to do something that would improve the volunteers' quality of life. Maybe upgrade the furniture/decorate the movie room? Purchase a small fridge and tea station they could use when the house is full of guests? Do some sort of general update to the rooms assigned to volunteers? The public rooms in the Chateau are glamorous but we know it's the people of Lalande that make it heaven on earth!


I think you need to consider the basics of what makes a house liveable, proper insulation in the attics, double glazing where possible, insulating the cellars(with due regard to the bats), sorting out the heating system, a system that only gets the house to 14 degrees is not sufficient. I think these things need to be done before any fun stuff like swimming pools, even though that would be fabulous.


I love the idea of a new sign! Something that really fits with Stephanie’s vision for how the chateau will look when it is “finished”, but because it is a smaller project can be done and considered a “quick win” as well. How fitting to mark this new era!


Great interview and Nati is so lovely 😊 My suggestion is to replace the brown gate to the garden I’m thinking wrought iron or to paint it blue to match the shutters It’s not a huge one but would be a nice surprise for mummy when the sign is placed above on the stonework 😘


What a lovely interview Stephanie and Natalia❤️ Natalia exudes a gentle grace and warmth that we all adore. I find it so interesting that the people l am drawn to over and over are Aquarian’s. Have a beautiful break Stephanie and thank you Natalia for generously sharing your story. Love, love this community 🕊💕🐝


Sorry..this is a continuation of the comment I began. My thoughts are about the need for things that make life comfortable, warm in the winter, windows with no drafts and a heating system that works throughout the Chateau. Insulation is not glamorous but oh how wonderful it is to feel that one's home is not only a shelter that feeds the spirit but a home that truly functions. It is probable that one can get more support for beautiful enhancements. I do think often about your spirited Mum braving the winter cold. I think of you with hot water bottles tied to yourself and that have left a mark on your lovely skin. I think about Christmas being a time when you could be earning funds for the Chateau with a music festival and special food events. Please consider a new heating system or starting a fund for the windows and insulation as a direction that this next target will begin to fund. Barb Crane and James Stewart have very good points along these lines as well and I heartily agree with them. I want to say your videos and all those in them have given me more faith in human beings as creatures with love, creativity, good will and intelligent curiosity than I have felt in several years. I am most grateful for all of you and your sheep, peacocks, chickens and most especially Selmar's beloved Diesel.


Hi, Stephanie and all the Lalanders! I think addressing the heating and/or insulation issues would be practical. Hopefully you can find a system that is not reliant on fossil fuel as you have done with the geothermal system (yay!), but clearly you need more heat and less heat loss to get the full benefit of your heating system and be at a comfortable temperature. I have hot water solar panels that are connected to my subfloor heating system, and I was told by the installers that they’re very efficient when used with radiators too.


Also, Nati is a gem. How generous of her to offer support to anyone who needs it. ❤️ Wow. What a kind soul. I cannot wait to meet you all some day. Wishing you the best with whatever you decide to do with the next round of funds and with life in general. Your videos provide a glimpse into a home filled with good cheer and a lot of love and enthusiasm. It’s so helpful right now and I am very grateful for sharing your “family” with all of us.


Natalia is such a lovely lady! So glad we got a chance to get to know her better. What a journey she has had so far. I think you having a regular sit-down with everyone, maybe once a year, would be awesome, so we can see how everyone is doing. Congrats on making it to $19,000. So amazing!!!! As for the $20,000 target being something monumental to celebrate Lalande, I honestly don't know what would be most appropriate. Making sure Lalande is able to stand the test of time well into the next century is a top priority, so continuing to invest in the structure itself makes sense. The world we live in now is currently transitioning (very slowly) to a more sustainable society. So seeing Lalande make this transition as well would make me very happy personally. Some of us have asked about upgrading windows, doors, and insulation to reduce your energy costs, as well as looking into solar for Lalande, but I'm not sure your are ready personally to work towards that with so much going on already. So for short term targets, I would love to see a proper library installed in the winter salon. A room fit for all your beautiful china would also be wonderful. A proper apartment for Scottman is definitely in order. I also support the others here who have asked that you hire Selmar as you have Natalia, to help with projects and repairs. Whatever you decide to do next, Stephanie, I absolutely support and trust your decision. For your next interview after you return from Farmington, I would love to see you sit down with Marie Wiik. You two have such a lovely sisterly bond, and I am so happy to see her back at Lalande. Sending you all love and well wishes from Chicago, IL.


Two beautiful, strong, modern women, that was just inspirational...Thank You🌻💛🌞


I think she has plans for one down the line. She could probably get Michael's father to help with it. :) They are starting the grading for one over there.


Thank you for this beautiful interview and it is amazing to get to know the people at the Chateau better. Idea for $20,000: agree with getting the roof and windows insulated and getting solutions for heating the chateau.


Oh Natalia, it was wonderful to get to know you here. I loved when you said, “Lalande is a magical place”. You add so much to Lalande. We are fortunate you found Lalande. 🌼♥️❤️💕

Evelyn McElroy

Another great interview! Stephanie, have a wonderful vacation. I am so looking forward to learning about your childhood.


Excellent investment in Natty, Stephanie ! I admire your bravery Natty..I know very well the transformation that happens when leaving a toxic relationship. I love your sense of adventure and I wish more young people would seize the opportunity and travel the world. Grab a backpack and GO ! (after Covid of course :)) Thank you for sharing more about yourself Natty ! I do believe that everyone has a depth to them but I also think that LaLande draws certain people. There must be a bit of magic there for people to love it so much...and even people who've never visited love it ! Enjoy your break Stephanie ! The Chateau is in very capable hands ! "...things go better if you put love on it".


Improve heat in Chateau and a small decorating project for a short term win. If you have better heat you can have guests come in the winter. You can then offer activities like cross country skiing (assuming you get enough snowfall to support that type of activity) or skating on the lake. (when it gets full).

Anna Ibarra

What a lovely interview with Nati! She is such a remarkable lady, and I figured she was a work horse and organizer. She carries that persona and effect as she is videotaped. I can totally understand her a lil photo shy. I’m so that. She also carries herself so great and classic and I would have never know about her very sad past. Nati, I am so happy you left and you decided to escape far that you landed in LaLande. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙏🏼👌🏼👍🏼👌🏽💪🏼🙌🏼. It’s all highs from here on. You have been a blessing to LaLande as we get to see Stephanie shine more and do her thing. 🙌🏼


What a lovely video. It's so nice getting to know you better, Nati. I am happy you were able to leave the bad relationship. How wonderful that you are at LaLande bringing joy! Thank you 💗


Another lovely interview! Nati is such a grounded and inspiring person, I can undersand why she’s such a wonderful addition to Lalande! Thank you for taking us with you next week, it’s super nice to take the time to share this with us!! 💕


What a wonderful interview. Thank you Nati for being so open and honest. I truly believe that Lalande is a beacon that people gravitate to in order to find themselves and then bring joy to others throughout the world. My suggestion is potentially one that could make all residents and visitors lives a little easier to communicate with their loved ones as well as those who have social media requirements. What about a satellite communications system like they have on ships with your own wifi system. There's a local company here in the north east of England that does them and they are not that expensive. It would save you and Marie having to upload in fields and enable everyone to be more connected. X


Lovely interview with the beautiful Natalia! Enjoy your well-deserved time off and looking forward to seeing your childhood home. An idea for $20,000: How about flags in the courtyard--flag poles flying the flag of France and a flag specially made for Chateau de Lalande which stands for life, love and laughter! God bless Lalande and all who live there, work there, and come to visit!


Another wonderful interview! Thank you both for being willing to share with others the things that make you special. I agree with Stephanie that if we take the time to listen to people, we will learn that everyone has something worth sharing.


What a great interview! My suggestions for 20k target is your dream china room, or library shelving in the winter salon or what ever project doesnt have 'to-do' first.


oh and my suggestions for the 20k target would be : a porcelain librairie (china room), a beautiful entrance sign, a tartan dream room for scott man apartment, a peacock playground/perch place for the family, a pool !

Anna Ibarra

As for target! OMGosh! I have a voice, now that I’m in. I plan to continue to be a patreon, just started and so grateful I can help. So my other suggestions is to also agree with making the chateau more insulated, go solar, place rain barrels in the garden areas. But since it’s my first suggestion, let me make it something more fun, like the patio fixed & steps and steps to chapel be done.


Another great video! As for the next target, I think we need something that will forever be at the chateau, something that will mark this moment and everybody’s support! A permanent library Maybe in the winter saloon, covering the whole of the walls. With all the patrons names laser etched onto the edges of the shelf’s. This would lead to a lot of books being needed, which through amazon or someone else you could create a wish list .... Which we can then individual buy and will be sent to you directly, cutting out any duplications and creating a library of great works for all to enjoy.

Anna Ibarra

Belinda I agree, and wish I had been braver in my younger days. For now I will live thru my kids, mainly my daughter, now 27 and going on her 3 yr in Valencia, Spain. She is loving Europe, but her daddy was in Air Force and we lived in Germany for 6 yrs and I think she caught the travel bug. After college she didn’t not like her corporate job and quite to teach English at a private school on a 2 yrs contract. She has been ask to stay by the school, working on getting her Visa as she doesn’t want to come back. My son who is 29 volunteered thru Chase to help opens a new dept and was sent to the Philippines and lived there for almost 51/2 months and met a co- worker from the Philippines and fell in love. Now they have to see when they can meet up and Covid interrupted their plans. They date online for now, lol.


Hi Stephanie! This isn't related to the targets, but I think it would be really cool to see the home that Mummy and your father restored (if there was ever a possibility). I definitely don't want to suggest any work while you're away relaxing, but if you were ever in the area I think it'd be really interesting to see. Thank you for all the lovely videos! I'm really hoping to buy a chateau of my own one day and your videos always bring me incredible joy.

Theresa Romero

Thank you both so much for this interview. You are both such beautiful, strong, and gracious women. And once again, my spirit is refreshed by watching your vlog. Like others have expressed here, I would love to see LaLande to be insulated, and the heating be upgraded, so that you all can be quite cozy, in the coming winters. I know it doesn’t seem glamorous, but I think that the physical comfort I would bring would support the joy and creativity of all of you who are there.

Theresa Romero

And I am so looking forward to seeing your vlog on the place of your origins. 💗


Fantastic interview, it really has allowed to me learn more and feel closer as a La Lander, these interviews that you've put forward. Regarding the $20,000 target, I feel a new sign outside the gates of La Lande would be advantageous, as you run quite alot of classes and the B&B. The tiny sign that currently sits out the front is hard to see and La Lande really deserves a GRAND sign! <3 Hope you all are having a lovely week!


20k target suggestion - Water pressure in garden - so that the earlier target for the automatic watering system can be met. 🍸✌️


What a lovely interview, I am also an Aquarian. So pleased that Nati can work at the chateau.


When your big trucks arrive they have difficulty backing in through the narrow gateway. Why not keep the gateposts but have them moved further apart so vehicles can come and go without danger?


Lovely interview 💗. I think the towers need to be fixed so you can move forward on the entrance area. On a side note get some large planters for the entrance and plant them up and get the fountain working again. Keep moving forward - blessings and joy.


I would love to see a lovely small place for people to shop for art and special Lalande items and mementoes (possibly online ) . example prints of art, a Lalande cookbook, items created onsite, such as your local honey. Maybe not for the 20,000 target but as a way to produce a small sustainable revenue for the future.


I think a library as you have so many gorgeous books ( which I would love) Great interview and Nati your amazingly brave and to good for that man xxx😘


20k goal: the first step in restoring the old mill. I loved learning about the history of the mill and would love to see it restored to its glory someday! Since the lake goal is in the works, I think the mill is a great next step. Also, so glad you are taking time for some r&r in England, Stephanie!


Another great interview!! Thank you Nati for sharing such personal life challenges with us. You and Stephanie are both brave, strong and beautiful women. Its a joy to follow your stories on the vlog and to hear from the wonderful La Landers in the interview videos. I agree with adding the heating for consideration but maybe with a smaller improvement project like a new front sign to visually mark the 20,000 achievement. Enjoy your much deserved holiday Stephanie!!


Nati's interview was fantastic! Can't you do something about the bat poo in those three servants rooms on the third floor so they could be cleaned up and put to some useful purpose? I realize you don't want to strip away the look they have now, but it you just gave them a good, thorough cleaning those rooms could be used just as they are for just about anything.


Stephanie I so enjoy these distinctive Q&As videos! I love Nati and LaLande is indeed a magical place, that allures magical people! For our amazing next target suggestions, #1; I would love to see the french historical Boiserie added to the Chateau, #2; The ceiling in the kitchen finally restored and completed, #3; The boat house rebuilt that is where the lake was and will be soon again! I am just as happy as you are too, to see everyone come together, helping you to finally get things started and completed, it's just magical!


I think the chateau and garden walls need severe tuckpointing. with lime mortar as to not damage them.


I agree with an earlier comment about communications. If you had a good signal it would benefit everyone and increase everyone’s productivity. Either a satellite system or even just repeaters inside the building to boost the signal. Maybe you could consult someone in that business line to look at your options and cost out each one. Other than that I think anything that will help you all stay warm in winter. Maybe electric blankets for all of the rooms?


Hey ho all. I have two suggestions, one very boring and one very lovely. ONE repointing the chateau so that you can get the courtyard gardened and it will tidy up and waterproof the chateau. Has to be done at some stage and it may as well be now whilst you have the money. TWO oh la la, a huge routunda/gazebo down the front stairs at the end of the long walk, looking out over the lake and back to the Chateau where you can read, chat, drink tea, entertain in all weathers. It would be beautiful painted in white.


PS the vlog from the UK sounds excellent and cant wait to see everything Stephanie and Mummy. xx


Stone patio around the firepit plus seating around it as well.


So many great ideas. I love the idea of an updated sign. The entry way and courtyard are definitely worthy of attention and focus. I also agree insulating the chateau for winter is very important. This is such a milestone target that it is hard to decide. I certainly don't envy you and mommy having to choose from all these great ideas, what a hard task it shall be.


The kitchen. I know you had said you wanted to do more crown molding there. So much of the vlog is filmed in the kitchen which is the heart of your lovely home. I just think it would be nice to pay a certain amount of homage to it.


I really would like the next target to be Gerrys apartment. You mention that it should be a big symbolic thing and what could be better than bringing the family even more together by creating a permanent space for amazing Scotman, who brings us all so much joy and happiness. Also thank you for a wonderful interview.


Another great interview! Natti has a lot of courage to leave a situation like that and start really living her best life! For the next target, I agree with some ideas presented in the comments. The fixing of the tower facade. Someone said a new automated gate. Or something like the more ornate decoration you wanted to add to the kitchen. So many possibilities! Good luck picking just 3. 😊


I think doing something with the area connected to Stephanie's room would be nice.


I want to first say congratulations to you dear Stephanie for having this dream and working so hard to see it come into fruition. You are an inspiration and a delight.


I would say start working on the ruined mill. Do the initial clearing


Also interview Scotsman for next week. If you can do it in Suffolk


Nati you have just given courage to every woman who may have found themselves in an unhealthy relationship to know they can make a change and be happy again. What a kind thing to do , to share such a personal story and then to reach out to anyone who needs to talk. You are part of what makes the chateau a magical place. The 20 thousand dollar goal perhaps should be used for keeping the chateau warm . Love to all.


That floral arrangement is stunning


This interview was lovely! Nati has a wonderful, kind heart to offer to support others who are facing the challenges she was able to conquer. Congratulations on another goal reached! I would like to see more attention to things which will enhance livability in some way: heating, insulation, windows, communication, improvements in the volunteer spaces. and so on. My next preference would be for bookshelves in the winter room, and work in the chapel. You and Mummy are in the best position to know what is needed and I totally support whatever decisions you make.


My suggestion is to invest in a heating system which is more efficient and will save money in the long run and throw in a japanese hot tub for fun!


You know..........it was a VERY smart idea to hire someone to run the B&B part of your business who can speak so many languages with such a diverse group of guest. US Residents really should be taught to speak at least two languages like some of the European Countries. So glad Stephanie can now focus her time "selling the Stephanie Brand" in an effort to make a living and for the Patron to support the Chateau physically.


lovely vlog, all the ideas in the cmments are god, my thought was t cean out the ake ready for the water to come back?

Kelly Douglas

My sister with special needs just walked into the room and saw what I was watching and asked, "is that the one who laughs?" What a delightful way to be known.😄 An idea for the 20,000 mark is to have some type of artwork done with the Laland family crest.


Lovely interview with Natalia. She’s an absolute jewel in La Lande’s magical crown. 👑 For the 20k target, my thoughts are to install adequate WiFi for the Château and guests.

Kelly Douglas

Oh, and it was so much fun getting to know Nati better!


Thank you Nati for your interview, really lovely to get to know you more. Well done for taking your life back, and growing from a hard situation. For the Chateau I would like to see the heating, solar power, and insulation of the main living areas and bedrooms. This will make winters more pleasant for everyone at the Chateau. No more walking around with hot water bottles :)


What a wonderful interview with Nati! Thank you Nati for being so open with us, I just know your story will be such a help to someone who needs it. As for the target for 20k, in a previous vlog you had spoken about wanting to turn the old boathouse into an outdoor seating or dining area since when the lake is restored it will have to be lower than the current boathouse. I would love to see that, and I know it would be yet another beautiful and magical spot at Lalande


Wow, thank you Natalia for being so open and honest; to have gone through so much but still be such a positive and strong person is inspiring. Personally, I cant think of a target, but I like the idea of it being symbolic. Also, so very happy to hear that Stephanie is taking a well earned (and long overdue) break! All the best!


So many wonderful ideas. I like several. The heating and insulation is a must. The proper sign for the entrance to La Lande. Putting Selmar on the payroll. And a new library...They are all good ideas.


Nati is so lovely and I admire her even more after watching her interview. Much love to her from a fellow Aquarian.


Another beautiful interview! Thank you Nati for sharing your story and your strength. I admire women who choose to use adversities in life as a higher stepping stone to stand upon, to be defiant not defeated. As for ideas..... would love to see Tom and Gerry’s chandelier in the entrance way, but also like Kelly Douglas’ idea of a Family crest. One that represents the three owners of La Lande, Stephanie, Nick and Michael.


Thank you for another great vlog. It is so nice to know more about Nati. She seems like an incredible asset to the LaLande enterprise. Regarding the next target, there are many great suggestions. I lean toward (1) Selmar being compensated for his contributions to LaLande &/or (2) all the shutters on LaLande being fixed, standardized, replaced.... it makes no sense that some are solid and others are vented. Some are not the correct size for the window. Some windows are missing a shutter. Some are too large or too small for the window. Thank you and stay well, Joanne


Bookcases for the Winter Salon to store your wonderful collection of books.


Wow natalia has had such an interesting life, travelling, being so free. Thank you for the interview stephanie. Truly lalande is magical.


For 20000 it could be the the garden pergola in vegetable garden that i once heard you guys talking about.


Another idea for 20k maybe to ramp up your security. Maybe install cctv cameras? The more famous you become the more chances there are of stalker problems.


Thank you goddesses for this beautiful and vulnerable q&a. It such a pleasure to see that literally everyone is honored for who they are. I love the ideas that already have been mentioned, the big ones like the •heating/insulation and the •courtyard are on my list too. But with your wish in mind for it to be a smaller goal the •Château sign (combined with the crest?) is a nice one. My “official” vote would go to a decent WIFI. The backbone for every YouTuber. Enjoy your time off and hope you will return refreshed.


Wow, what a great interview! Natalia is brilliant and I'm not just saying that because she is also an Aquarian. I love these interviews they really highlight the best of us and the magic of Lalande. The source is you, Stephanie, you have been such a beacon of joy during this challenging time in the world. I think the $20,000 project should be Stephanie's room and boudoir. Mummy has a beautiful sanctuary and the chateau is full of beautiful rooms. We have had 19 other opportunities to devote to structural and more practical issues. Now it's time for fun and beauty, After 15 years of putting yourself last on the list I think you deserve a completed refuge, a room completely is done with your designer's eye and along the way you can talk to us about design styles and materials you choose to use and their histories. Most importantly it will be something we won't have to wait for delayed gratification is hard. By the way, Leos and Aquarians are two sides of the same coin and have loads in common.


I forgot to mention that you said your parents thought that being surrounded by beauty was healing and after a demanding day the best feeling is having a place of beauty to completely relax and recharge, especially if you are a creative person.


Really enjoying the interviews! Maybe Tomás next week. He is so multi talented and a very gentle sweet soul. Loved Nati’s story of survival. I could totally relate to leaving an unhealthy relationship as well. I too became a stronger and better person in every way. I’m also an Aquarian and my purpose is the same. I strive to make people happy. It gives me great joy. For the next target I would vote for solving your WiFi problem. It would be a great stress reliever for the Volgs and the general running of the chateau. Love to all. You bring me such joy.


It was lovely to hear Nati talk about her life and her hopes and dreams. She has found the perfect sanctuary there with you at Lalande. You both looked absolutely gorgeous I have to say. So many suggestions for the next target and very good ones too. I was wondering though, having seen a previous vlog where you were showing us Mummy’s apartment, you were talking about how she still needed the floor done. Maybe Mummy could have her floor done? Looking forward to seeing a glimpse of Framingham. Have a restful break though! X


You both looked so fresh and summery and I’m keen to see more of the Entry Hall - the wallpapering and the lamp looked very elegant! It’s wonderful to see your community continuing to grow I hope that the end of month doesn’t change things too much. My thoughts for the target - thank you for asking - the walkway (at least start the process with concept drawings etc) outside the apartments. Enjoy your mini break, travel safe 🇦🇺💕


I think a bottle of Dom Pérignon is in order @ 20,000!


Hi Stephanie and Nati what a lovely interview and so honest this is a great idea and is lovely to get to know you all this way , thank you for sharing this with us, enjoy your break Stephanie and look forward to next week seeing mommy’s home in England , it would be nice to start the pool project as I am sure this will be a good thing for your guest as well as yourselves, but really whatever you decide will be good luv Denise x


And Peter x


Absolutely wonderful interview...love the idea of re-interviewing as well. I still think the repointing is a necessity to help the beauty of the chateau - maybe a section at the front? But if you want something more special........I was thinking about something for as you enter either at the gates or in the entrance hall. The chandelier would be wonderful but also a mural or painting by Oliver that immortalises the characters and the idea of life, love and laughter? Or decorating a new room and calling it Chamber de LaLanders - patrons could buy tiles for the bathroom with the faces or initials on to be part of the room story and another way of funding it? It could in some way tell the story of the Laplanders community......by using the gifts such as braid, chandelier, material.


Hi Stephanie, what a lovely vlog with Nati, she really is a lovely lady, as are you. I cannot wait to see the vlog next week in Suffolk. I would propose that something very special for you ie your bedroom at La Lande, an update maybe. Or finishing off of anything that needs finishing. The target achieved has been phenomenal I am so pleased for you all. It is by far the most enjoyable thing I have ever subscribed to. The happiness and insight of a beautiful chateau and the people who have made their lives there, it cannot get better than that. As always Love from the Dordogne xxx


My vote is for the garden pergola and dining table! (Runners- up: China room, new curtains for the winter salon, pool plans and architecture drawings, more fruit trees for the property and a fairytale hen village surrounding the new fire pit.


You still have to budget the balcony walkways connecting the rooms, that is an important project to do. Whatever you do will be great, Lalande is a nest, a safe haven in this present storm. God bless.


I’m enjoying these interviews very much! As far as the $20,000 goal, I think you should do your bedroom because it is a work space as you film there a lot and you’ve been working so hard,. You deserve something for you.


I think a symbolic thing for the chateau would be a grand entrance. Electric Gates, a beautiful sign or even two stone peacocks on the top of each gate post as a few starting ideas. This together with the new planting and gravel would make arriving there even more magical.


Another lovely interview. Natalia is such a lovely genuine person it was a privilege for her to tell us about her life so far. I do hope she achieves her goals but is always a part of Lalande . It is such a special place Stephanie and that is because of your wonderful personality that shines through I hope you do something that is just for you when you have reached the next target. It gives me so much pleasure to contribute in a very small way but my heart is with you all in a very big way. Love to all of you 🌺😘


I absolutely love these videos. I agree that when we scratch beneath the surface most people have interesting stories. I also think that having these kind of conversations with somebody helps them to recognise their own strength. Having been in the same situation as Natalia I truly admire her courage in putting that backpack on and taking back control. She is a very special person. Henri is most certainly bringing the right people to you.


Thank you Nati for that lovely interview. Well done for having the courage to walk away to a better life and it shows others there is a silver lining to a dark cloud. My vote goes to....... swimming pool. I'm hoping to visit you next year with Brenda Gibbons and I'm imaging everyone around the pool laughing and relaxing.


Hello Stephanie and all, I was so excited when I saw there was another interview waiting for me to watch today, it makes me so happy. Anti is such a strong yet humble person by the looks of it. I think it’s so funny that the ones that come for Work Away don’t want to leave and you keep collecting more “family”. I would like to vote for the rendering getting done on the chateau so we can see the landscaping bring life to the entrance of this magical place we have all come to love. 💕🐨 Coral from Australia


I would like to vote for the rendering to be done so we can finally get to see the entrance of this beautiful chateau landscaped and bought to life.


Loved the open honest interview. My thoughts for the next target would be to improve the entrance to the grounds. A beautiful sign with Lalonde crest and roses trailing alongside. Take care. Karen 🦋🌹


A secret garden courtyard where the pool will go


I think the rendering repairs on the facade and the structural work needed on the terrace wall are crucial to do as soon as possible. For until those are done other fun jobs like the courtyard and the terrace flooring are on hold. I found La Lande and Stephanie months before lockdown and am truly addicted to the positive energy and the laughter. Carol from Mexico via Nashville.


Great job with interview, now it’s Stephanie’s turn to be interviewed with the same questions please ❤️


I think you should perhaps purchase a piece of art maybe a painting or sculpture to always have as a reminder, something a bit frivolous for a change ?


I love all these ideas! While I want to suggest something practical by installing sets of insulating doors in the cellar (I think it needs at least two pair). I love the idea of a pair of stone peacocks and a lovely new sign at the main entrance.


No point making the inside beautiful if the outside is in trouble. My suggestions would be the rendering or maybe insulation on all doors and windows


Nati thank you so much for sharing with us. Stephanie enjoy you’re time away. Are there any gates that need replacing I am thinking iron peacock gates xx


Nice to hear a bit more about Nati, shes a super star x


My vote goes to a swimming pool!! I want a swim when I visit one day xxx


I think repairing the walls of the towers makes the most sense. They are the defining feature of the outside of the Chateau and appear to be crumbling a bit. Once those are repaired and the courtyard is done with new gravel, it will look incredible! Maybe some beautiful cedar flower boxes (Selmar?) with cascading flowers under the windows at ground level. I vote 'no' on a sign only because I'm hoping mine (which is lost in transit!) will be there soon! Enjoy your time away Stephanie, you have put so much into this and 100% deserve some time to breathe, we'll still be here when you get back!


Something I've been thinking about a long time: This next milestone definitely should celebrated, but without a target. It may sound counterproductive on the surface, but most of the past goals seem to need some kind of repair before the "real" work can begin. This milestone target could be the buffer in the budget for all the undiscovered problems that inevitably always crop up. (For instance, the stone that needs fixing before the church window can be put back in).


Oh no! I hope the sign turns up! They could still install it as the target and have a little celebratory party.


Please feel free to decide what you would like to do at the next target, I enjoy your vlogs so much, everyone is of interest. I’m pleased you are taking a short break to recharge your batteries, please take care not to burn yourself out x


I realized I commented on this video but in youtube and not sure it would show up here, so if this is a double post I am sorry:


I'm so excited to see your video from your English home. I love France but my Heart is so in England. I try and go each year for a few months but with the virus I don't know if it will happen (I usually go in Autumn through Christmas into the new year) and how I'm missing it already. IF I had my dream it would be to live full time in the UK, but alas as an American I am not allowed. And now with lockdown, it seems I am not even allowed to visit... But those are negative things not meant for this joyful channel, so forgive that. HOWEVER, I am so excited to see your childhood village and school and such. As for something for the chateau, I wonder are there bits of interior architecture you wish were still a part of the chateau that maybe were removed in renovations in the 70s/80s? Having always been a lover of chateau, is there a 'go to' fantasy piece you picture as part of your dream chateau you always carried around with you? Such as a certain piece of furniture or a special ormolu clock or something that was like that cherished gem you pictured in your head when you were hunting for your chateau? If such a thing existed, could it be a thing possible for the 20,000 goal? For example I saw you recently got that amazing ornate hall piece with the little seat and such. That could be installed in a spot with more proper moulding and gilding and such as if it had always been there? I am sure whatever you choose shall be fun and lovely and I'll be excited to vote on whatever you choose for the three items. I want to thank you and your lovely Lalanders again for helping make the lockdown a bit more bearable. I am a bit of a hermit normally and being an artist who often shuts herself off I didn't think it would affect me greatly. However, not having the option to have friends visit me now here in the Summer to take walks and such, your jollity and laughter has helped tremendously. Thank you again.


I think it should be some sort of improvement to the heating. I remember you and Dick Strawbridge talking about the heating issues and I know it costs a lot per month and you are all still cold in the winter. I think that would be a real landmark achievement.


I'm so glad I finally found the time to watch this! Truly the best way to relax after a very busy and tiring day 😁 Nati really is such an amazing woman 😊 hearing her story of what her defining moment in life was made me adore her even more. It really does take so much strength to be able to do something like that ❤ and look where she ended up in life thanks to it 😊 And, Stephanie, you more than deserve a few days of just rest and relaxation! I hope you'll enjoy your trip and I'm excited to find out more about where you grew up 😊 as for suggestions for the next milestone, I can't for the life of me think of one myself, but I did see someone else mention the repairs of the walls of the tower (that needs doing before the courtyard can be finished) and I think that's a very good suggestion, so I simply just second that 😂 once again such an enjoyable and entertaining video, with two amazing and inspiring women ❤ thank you for this, Stephanie!


She has said in other vlogs she is out of the way and the local police look out for her. I'm sure shes had her share of negative run ins with men over the past 15 years


Great video Nati is such a caring lady, so well suited to the team x I think the targets should be practical .....sorry i know that can be boring, but I do think heating is so important which would open up Winter breaks for your rental business, and allow you to receive guests knowing they will be warm enough, and you need to be warm too! I also like the idea of the rendering outside as this too is critical to the structure - as someone else suggested pointless spending money on the inside if the outside is crumbling and needs attention. I hope this helps x Look forward to the next video - thanks so much x


What a great video with two strong woman! So kind and warm. Thank you both and I hope Nati stays for a long time. For the next target it is important to keep the warm's inside, I dont know preciely how...the other target is the wall and then ofcourse your bedroom! But first enjoy your small vacation and we are looking forward to see the next vlog 🥰


I agree with some of the others that continuing to do whatever it takes to have warmth throughout the winter months is very important. So, I suggest tearing down the attic ceilings that are in such disrepair, then, putting in proper insulation after which I suggest replacing the ceilings. Of course, new subflooring would have to put down first and dump trucks hired (and a shute(sp.?) down to the dump trucks to remove the debris). Hopefully, all of this would help keep the Chateau warmer. After all of this is done, then new triple-paned windows (but windows would have to be another goal later on).


I also meant to write before that I am so glad that you are taking a vacation and taking some time to relax. It has been such a whirlwind for you since the beginning of lockdown and all of the increased viewers/patrons that I was concerned you might start to get burned out by all of the demands on your time. Enjoy your mini break!


I would like to propose that we vote on installing 3G-4G LTE Boosters.  A cell phone signal booster for rural areas takes (existing weak signal), amplifies it, and rebroadcasts the enhanced signal inside your remote cabin, cottage, or off-the-grid home: Better 4G, LTE, and 3G coverage, reliable reception, and faster internet service. Works for all phones & cellular devices (tablet, hotspot, laptop, etc.) 5G Ready - Will work for the next decade and beyond They say it is easy to install..  Manufacturer Info :https://www.wilsonamplifiers.com/blog/the-best-cell-phone-signal-boosters-for-rural-areas-and-farms-the-complete-guide/ Link to Best Rated (2020) Booster: https://www.wilsonamplifiers.com/search/search-results/?search_query=wilson+pro+70+plus Its also available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/zBoost-463127-Z-Boost/dp/B01EAXVSUS


how about doing something for proper locks for the gates.... the bright chains with the padlocks are easy to break into and.... not attractive- more used car lot than gorgeous chateau 😳 and i mean that in the best way possible😳😉😜


I had proposed that but I don't think I explained it as well as you. 😄


oh yes - I forgot about that stone bit...n its funny how you start one project and you think - oh i just need this one thing.... and then.... oooopppppss i need 12 more things.... maybe this just should be devoted to the chapel?


Maybe the patrions can have a vote on naming one of the peacock chickens for the 20 000 $ patrion mark 🙂


omg... its so hard because everytime i read something i think YES!! thats it!! and its with every comment 🤣🤣🤣 and the thing is... i really DO like going to places off season🤔 i mean Rome in December was EMPTY and fab!


Ah I can't wait to see Suffolk. I lived in Debenham for 2 years as a teenager, such good memories.


RIGHT?? although... as a resident of the States... these guys do get health care, great holidays, great maternity leave.... great maternity CARE!! great day care etc etc etc.... sigh.... so in the end.... maybe... its worth it😳😱


ok... I think it should be something little or something needed to move forward on another project: SO!! Some of the targets: backsplash for the la cornue, lit sign for the entrance, built in fridge, removal of exterior concrete rendering, fixing chapel stone window, chicken houses, insulation for chateau...... exterior lighting for chateau,


Peacock statues on the columns at the entrance gate.


I love everyone at the Chateau and I truly have no worries about what you spend the money on at any time, however if it were me in your shoes I wouldnt be moving in the direction of paying staff when you have a world full of volunteers all dying to give their time. Also, paying out salaries when you can have work done by offering food, accommodation and the opportunity to learn French and visit the surrounding countryside is crazy when you need the money for securing the Chateau into the future. All the ideas above a fabulous and good luck picking three..... Ill have trouble picking out of your three choices I'm sure.


I do think that Nat was a sound investment though.


Yes, the rendering would be my suggestion as well.


What a fantastic interview- Nati is a gem! I would love the next target to be the chicken coops and my second suggestion is the fountain in the middle of the roses in the garden.


Insulating the roof or adding insulation to the basement entrance. Both are sucking heat.


Attn: Natti! Who are you taking French lessons from😊🙏 someone in the town🤞


Oh i think that should be like buying a ticket on a live patreon chat or something - for every $5 you get your name entered into a hat and then names get pulled on the next live patreon chat and then those people get to name the chicks - except one should absolutely be named Selmar in honor of his protection of them 💕


sooo pricey though ans she already has so many pricey projects going.... i think just one more chilly winter😳😱


I tried reading through all of the comments but there are too many lovely people sharing their thoughts! Lol. I would, however, like to piggy back off of the first commenter, Stephanie O, and maybe suggest some sort of garden feature commemorating your Patrons. This is a big milestone and maybe a small, but meaningful, goal is the way to go with so many other things going on. Perhaps an area with perches etc. dedicated to the peacock, peahen, peachicks (can we refer to them collectively as peafolk?) since we’re all, sort of, growing up with them. Maybe a nice bench with some flowers around it and a placard that says “In commemoration of La Lande’s Patrons.” Maybe tie it in with the chickenopolis you’re working on. Of course I would like it to be functional as much as it is commemorative. So much wonderful work has happened in the garden and I think this would be a lovely way to honor all of the patrons who contributed while still being true to the aesthetic, as well as, function. Sending so much love to you all! The videos and community have been the only light in a very dark world lately!


I’m loving this interview series! 🙌 Also, looking very forward to seeing next weeks video. Congratulations Nati! 🙂 It appears that it was a VERY smart move for Steph to bring you on board permanently... for a whole variety of reasons.✨


You are so lovely both of you and so honest. You work well together and that is so important. How wonderful to sit down with a coffee or wine and get a sneak peak into the Lalande world. Thank you Stephanie. Continuing on with the list of your room, the rendering, followed by the courtyard, which must entail a pool to cool off between tasks haha is goal enough. All the best. Hugs and have a nice vacances. 🌺🤗


I’d also love to see the paint restored to it’s original bright colors. What an amazing space that would be. Perhaps leave a small section to show what it looked like before restoration as well.


Hi Stephanie - when I think about legacy and the Chateau, I think of a classic portrait wall. I'd love to see you be able to support your friends and commission a series of classic (or not classic - your choice!) portraits in a more traditional style as Chatelaine and family - all the important characters, perhaps with the addition of La Grande Mademoiselle and the current Count to provide the sense of tradition! Barring that, beginning on the library would be lovely and would add not just to your quality of life but make a warm, cozy spot for visitors, too!


I would love to see some kind of light installation for the outdoor parts like the terrace or the front of the chateau. I'm not sure if you already have something there yet, but I think it would be a lovely sight when the darker time of the year comes around.


Yes, but her question should be from each of the people at the Chateau.😁


Everyone’s had such good ideas!! It’s so hard to whittle it down, but my top picks would be the front courtyard, internet, insulation, library, and starting the formal gardens.


What a truly open Q&A from Nati she was very brave to venture away and be at peace with herself and to offer advice to others. So glad that Lelande has found her to join all the other wonderful people there. I think you should interview Marie or one of the Ian’s obviously one Ian is local but the other one is back again as a volunteer. 🎤 Have a lovely break in the uk🧳🛫. Come back fully refreshed🤩🛍🛍 Ithink the china room should be completed, plus ensure that all those get around to it jobs are tackled plus as I said in agreement with someone else seating around the fire pit 🪑🪑🪑🍾🥂🦄💕


I would wholeheartedly support the idea of completing the china room.




What about a decent internet connection as the next target -I remember you mentioning a possibility of having a satellite internet, Stephanie. That would be a game changer for you, Natalia, Marie, your mum and your guests. If you want to upscale your vlogging it’s a must to have a fast and reliable wi-fi.


Thanks to Natalia for allowing us to get to know her better. I keep thinking improving the INTERNET CONNECTION is so important for Stephanie's work. Otherwise, the poo on the inside CHAPEL walls keeps calling to me. The building is such a gem and it would be fantastic to clean all of it up to its former glory and use it again for whatever purpose you like. I also like the idea of sprucing up the BOAT DOCK AREA and adding more little boats to use when the lake is filled up again.


The outside render or the walkway ❤️


Truly loving these interviews as well! Thank you Nati for sharing some of your life's stories with us! You're a positive, gracious, and fun person and a wonderful addition to the Lalande family. And wow, working towards a $20,000 goal! So exciting!!! There are so many wonderful ideas. I'm excited to see which you chose! Thanks again for all the effort and caring that goes into these vlogs. They really enrich my life and such a positive contribution to the world. :) Sending you much love from Pennsylvania, US!


Just a thought for Stephanie! With the walled garden coming on so quickly and the talk of adding a pagoda/gazebo eating area, maybe some thought should be given to the bigger picture? Maybe, what I would call a holding kitchen needs to be installed within the buildings that the bread oven stands? A sort of kitchenette, with equipment to keep things hot/cold, small wash up area, Reducing the distance from the main kitchen. This could then serve the walled garden, tennis court and possible swimming pool in the future. Giving more choices for B&B guests, small weddings and parties as well as for the lalande family. P.s at the same time a small toilet block/room can be planned for the same area.... P.s.s Just to throw in another idea, Which I did myself once. Remove fence to tennis court, patch the court and use as a base for a small marquee, for those larger functions/weddings. Which the holding kitchen and possible extra toilet space can cater for and it would be away from the main building.


Wow I didn’t realize how much Natti and I have in common! I’m an Aquarius as well, I also left a horrible toxic relationship and decided to travel and live. She gives me hope that I can do even more than I ever thought I could.

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

We just love you both. Nati, hats off to you for being a woman who can stand up for herself. You are a total pro at work, too. Stephanie is right to be thrilled to have you. You seem a wonderful team. Cheers!


Swimming pool, ready in time for next summer

Denise Behrends

Natalia, You are a lovely, talented lady. Your compelling story and travels are truly inspirational. Stephanie, Enjoy your opportunity to get away for a bit to rejuvenate. Relax and indulge in the luxury of time for yourself.

Denise Behrends

IDEAS for the $20,000 TARGET: *Floor to ceiling old world library bookshelves lining the walls of the Winter Salon in a rich dark wood [with a proper sliding ladder if there is the space] *The ornate plaster coving and molded shelf above the stoves in the Kitchen of which you have been dreaming. You mentioned using the shelf as a decorative display area: I can imagine gorgeous copper pudding molds & oversized cooking pots [reminiscent of those in the Kitchen at Chateau de Chenonceau], along with more of your overflowing abundance of lovely blue & white Spode porcelain. Also, have you considered beautiful blue & white patterned tiles on the walls behind the stoves—perhaps inspired by Monet’s Kitchen in Giverny. *The exquisite Murano glass chandelier welcoming guests with a stunning first impression into the Entry Hall—to be acquired via your Orient Express voyage from Paris to Venice *The sumptuous décor and finishing touches of your dream suite of private rooms in which you can retreat to restore and be inspired [Bedroom / Boudoir / Bathroom / Dressing Room]


You are absolutely lovely, Stephanie! Love everyone at LaLande! I'll just be a lurker in the background and chime in if I have a good idea. I'm sure you're more attune to what needs to be done. God Bless! xoxox


I'm wondering how many ppl are at LaLande during the winter months? I'm sure it changes. But, if you are alone you may want to get a dog for your safety. I know you travel a lot. But, there are others who are able to take care of an animal. Just in case.


Looks like we hvnt dipped down below 19000 this month. Good job patrons!


Hummm.... I think I will up my contribution by a few $. I didn’t realize that I can pick any dollar amount, not just the set tiers.


It's $18,837 as the billing just happened a couple of hours ago. Not too bad


I love Natalia so much, thank you for sharing your story with us Nati! There are so many beautiful languages represented at Lalande, a great video series would be segments filmed in the native languages of our favorite Lalanders, with subtitles.


💛 Two Beautiful and Bright Beings!!! 💛 Gosh! People have such great suggestions... how will you choose? Good Luck!


Im so stressed🤯 we gone backwards so far! 😱😪


Nati, thank you for this very good interview. Right lady for the job at Lalande, and a wonderful and interesting one too. For the 20' target I really don't know...personally I am excited about WATER, the lake and the pool. Those two are important to me. An island in the middle of the island, preferably with a nice landing area and also a Folly. One would probably need 3 boats for rowing. The pool should give one the Great Gatsby feeling, I'd like to feel like I was in the 1940's . Anyway, I am sure people will come with sensible ideas for the target! :-)


This is another wonderful vlog! Thank you!


An idea for your targets is to finish/decorate your bedchamber in the manner in which brings you great joy. You awaken each morning there and having your room exactly as you would like it will start your days off perfectly. A bedchamber precisely as you dream of also delivers a great night's rest.

Georgette Jones

Well I have put more ❤️’s on these comments then I can count and it has been fun❗️Can not wait to see what is done next. I hope to always be a patron 👍 I mailed a package 2 1/2 weeks ago , hope you like it whenever it gets there , it is very special, I actually cried when I mailed it, the post office people probably thought I had lost my mind. Loved the interview ❣️


Thank you Nati for sharing a part of your story with us all, you are a beautiful gorgeous human spirit!!! And you looked fabulous to boot! What can I say Stephanie .... I’m constantly amazed at how much joy bubbles up inside of me when I watch your vlogs and now we will have the opportunity to see a little bit more into your life what a gift you give us. The fairytale for the child in me continues 🤗


Stephanie, I can't wait to see your bedroom when it is completed with the lovely Fortuny fabric, the new chandelier, and the portraits from South Africa and that lovely portrait of your father's that Tomas found.


You GORGEOUS GORGEOUS women. I loved the interaction between you two. It’s marvellous that Lalande has Nati to look after things. She is such a special woman- so kind , intelligent and beautifully graceful. Her strength is inspiring especially that she left a toxic relationship. I myself have just left a 45 yr one-yes it took me that long. We all have our reasons!! Ideas I’d like to put forward for €20 target: Satellite Internet for Stephaine ease in her new creativity. Upgrade Central Heating for comfort Marano chandelier for entrance hall. Mantel and tiles for over the range cooker. Kitchen facilities around wood burning oven. Looking forward to hearing what you and mummy pick Steph. 😘😘


I meant $20k


Many of the ideas championed for the 20k target have a common linking thread. One way or another most of them will need power. A wood boiler to supplement the heating will require pumps which will need power. A swimming pool will need power to run it, lighting the fountain and/or the chateau walls will need power, electric gates and an illuminated entrance sign would need power, etc, etc.... So my nomination is for solar panels to help supplement the chateau’s current power usage and reduce the cost of future usage.


Something tangible for $20k. I vote for a beautiful sign for the chateau.


I love the idea of a beautiful welcome sign for the Chateau. Also, the jazzed up chicken coop area, or the fountain/centrepiece for the rose garden, or how about a little gift shop where you could sell honey, vintage finds and antiques curated by you, art by your friends, fabric, and nudge nudge, your book, art cards, calendar, etc..


Congratulations! Wonderful interview lovely person! Have a wonderful break! k


does the chateau have a nice sign at the front entrance? That might be a nice addition. I would also love to see more flowers and beautiful landscaping around the base of the chateau.


Natalie, you are a beautiful spirit! Enjoy life! Suggestions: new shutters, the balcony walk, plant a vineyard.


Suggestions: new shutters, the connecting balcony walk, plant a vineyard


Hola Nati! I know Mafalda! I have all the books (in Italian and in Spanish) -- it was lovely to get to know you a little more. Un abrazo. -Chiara


Sign and landscaping...both great ideas!


Nati...love her...so happy for you both that she is able to stay ❤️👯‍♀️


Naty hermoso video mucho cariño desde la Plata,


Suggestion: doing the repair work on the facade so the courtyard planting can be done (as the landscape designer recommended).


Another great interview! what if the target could be for water blasting and any repairs of the front gates/entrances and putting peacock statues on the pillars?


Enhancing the front entrance to the chateau such as glorious new signage, landscaping and facade of the actual chateau itself


Nati is just beautiful inside and out. I hope she finds a lovely man to share her life with. She is a wonderful asset in the meantime. This room is looking so beautiful! I can't wait to see the reveal!


It may seem like a small suggestion for the 20K goal but I think it’d make a huge difference to get all the shutters painted and have new shutters added where missing. That beautiful pop of blue 💙


Good on you Nati for bravely sharing your experience of Family Violence. It does indeed take enormous courage and resillience to leave a violent relationship. Sharing such an experience can help others experiencing a similar situation. Delighted you now 'officially' have a paid position, thank you for being interviewed. "Here's to all strong women, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them", unfortunately I don't know who to attribute that quote to but think it's a beaut one.


Well done Miss Nati! You are a lovely role model for women everywhere. I’m really enjoying these interviews. Thank you Stephanie! Enjoy your little vacation.💓😊


Ideas for the 20K 1. Kitchen coving. 2.China cupboard to finish corridor. 3.Fountain for the walled garden.


Looks like we will hit 20k closer to your bday, so 20k target should be like a bday gift to you Stephanie. How about decorating your room and the rest of your private quarters and completing it the way you want.


Wonderful interview Nati ❤️ Thanku for Sharing with us... I believe there are No Coincidences in life so I guess that means you are exactly where your meant to be... Sending Many Blessings Godbless 🙏 What an asset to La Lande You are... 💜💙❤️


Hello Stephanie. Many congrats on reaching the $20k! Also I was wondering if there is any update you can share with us yet about the inspection by the builder for the repairs to the corner of the terrace wall and the loose stones on the arch? And if you have a start date update yet from the chapel restorer?


I love watching these little conversations with your friends there at LaLande, and loved learning more about Selmar and Nati. They are so adorable and talented! What an awesome day it must be for you to every day be surrounded by these amazing people!


would love all the shutters to be completed and look uniform


I'm not sure if this is logistically possible, but I think the $20,000 mark should be spent upgrading the internet somehow. I know you are limited by your surroundings and area, but if there is ANYWAY to get you a stronger signal through hotspots, signal boosters, or something more costly, that would enable Stephanie to stay at the Chateau to upload videos.


So impressed with Nati. Beautiful woman inside and out. Great decision to bring her on full time. Really nice interview. 👏


You are a great asset to Lalande! You're a perfect fit there!

Jane Nunn

Thankyou for sharing Nattie. Very brave and honest of you xo

Jane Nunn

I think it needs to be something that can be seen and easily done. To paint and repair the shutters ready for the shutter dogs, like a face lift for LaLande as you need to do Nicks foor anyway


Wonderful interview - Nati is always so nice and charming.


She is a lovely person.


Nati is such a beautiful girl, and ideal for La lande, as she is so professional. Both Stephanie and Nati make a fabulous team xx


My granddaughters birthday 7th February xx🥰

Daniel Hammond

Nati! You are fluent in English already! If only I could learn even one extra language! It is something I have never succeeded at! Great interview! Stephanie, if I had to describe you, I would say you are steel coated in milk chocolate, which is a perfect combination to get things organised and done without offending people, especially those struggling. Thank you for the video!


In 10 years time Natalia runs Hilton or like world wide if she want !! ❤️👍🍀 Warw another great interweiv 👍


Nati is stunning in this vlog!


Very impressive her speaking in many languages so well! Lovely woman


Nati you are just such a lovely person and I enjoyed getting to learn a bit more about you! Thank you for sharing!


What a powerful interview. Thank you for sharing your story, Nati. You all have so many strengths., and it's such a joy to be invited in.


Nati is just the loveliest person. You are so lucky to have her with you! (catching up on videos!)

