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This week I try out something new - interviewing Lalande regulars! I've started with Ollie, using 10 questions that I thought I'd use for every interview. I'd love to hear what you all think!


Patreon Q&A 12: Interview with Ollie!



Love that idea Stephanie!!


Love this! It’s wonderful to get to know the various members of the LaLande family better! Sending much love and many hugs from Wichita, Kansas, USA


Natalia has been dealing with my reservation for September and I must say she is lovely. She has been very patient with me with all my questions.. :) Looking forward to our trip to Lalande.


You could always sue this up so when you are busy traveling or having stuff not filmable happening you could still have something to release.


How wonderful to have such a great friend in each other. 😍


Oh my goodness I love him and the stories so great! Crying laughing 😂 at the boat story!


Oliver is lovely. This is a great idea for everyone. I’m also a Leo and you are a perfect representative of the sign.


Sag's often suffer from "foot in mouth" where the thoughts come quickly straight from the mouth. They like the outdoors and attractive. We'd need to know his Rising Sign and Moon sign to truly know more about Oliver specifically. >3 >3 >3


This was very interesting! I really enjoyed getting to know Oliver better!!! I think the questions are perfect. Great idea!!


I love this idea. Yes, please do it again. Obviously, no one should feel pressure to participate...forced self-disclosure is unpleasant, but I must confess I'd love to know more about everyone of the LaLanders. Ollie, thanks for sharing yourself with us. You're an absolutely delightful person. As an aside, nobody asked 😉, but I was wondering since the "10 Questions" have now been disclosed, should perhaps there be additional questions added to the mix so that future interviewees can answer spontaneously? Maybe have a beautiful porcelain bowl filled with questions written on slips of paper and let the subject pick. I don't know...just throwing the idea out there. Anyway, congratulations on all the success and I'm so thankful for this wonderful community.


“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” George Elliot. I love this quote and it has encouraged me over the years. I think the 10 questions is a great idea because you get to know the people there and that endears you even more to them!


This was fun 😁👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Loved this Stephanie. Thank you Oliver for sharing with us! I knew I like Oliver, now I really do like Oliver. LOL! Not in the way you think. :) He has a beautiful soul just like you Stephanie. Looking forward to many more of these and getting to know the lovely people you suround yourself with at La Lande. Thank you so much Stephanie. Thank you Oliver for sharing a little of yourself with us.


This is such a wonderful idea. Oliver had one slight disadvantage. He didn’t know the questions. Now the others will know and will be prepared. It was even more funny because even though he was caught off guard, he never appeared that way. He was very open and honest. Great interview. Maybe keep two or three questions a secret for each of your next interviews.


Lovely interview, thank you for sharing Oliver with us :)


What an amazing video, I absolutely loved it! I have another question that’s kind of linked to the star sign: what is your Myers Briggs personality? Also love languages (which you started talking about in a vlog a while back). I feel a little nosy but I’ve always been curious 😂.


Loved the interview❣ I have also been reevaluating my purpose as it was ''interrupted'' by a stay in hospital for cancer and treatment. It has been hard getting back into living life to the full again. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!


Yes, Selmar ...


LOVE this and can't wait to hear more interviews!


Welcome back Marie. It’s so great to hear you’ve arrived. Also, I think Selmar should be the next guest on your 10 question interviews.


Wonderful interview. Your questions have given me something to think about. Oliver is just lovely and charming.


This was great, so nice to get a little look into Oliver’s life!


This is a fun vid! Thanks for the laughs


Excellent excellent excellent interview! Love the questions! Would love more of the same. I myself have had a profound crisis of purpose in my 40’s and have spent many years doing what I was supposed to and not what I wanted. A battle between abilities vs desires. A battle between analytical abilities vs artistic abilities. It can be a miserable thing to spend your life doing something you loathe. Very good advice here today! Happy to say I now spend my days creating and bringing people joy and am so much happier!


Also need to say again Oliver is lovely!


Have a few list, few lists of questions. Tailor them to the guest a bit. Limit the time to answer so the videos are NOT so long.


Oh, this was lovely. Getting to know the people of LaLande in depth by this wonderful interview technique was inspired. I laughed so much. Oliver is a sweet, kind charmer. I love the colors and looseness of his paintings. Looking forward to the next interview and hope that it is with Selmar. You don't know how much your vlog has helped me get through the depressing situation in the States. You and your family and friends spark true joy. You have given to us so freely and I'm so happy that it is coming back to you ten fold. Love and hugs from Memphis, Tennessee.


Stunning. Wonderful interview! Thank you to both of you. Keep them coming. Love the joy. Truely inspiration. xx


I like the Q & A - fun. That Oliver is moral makes him twice as yummy. Fashion comes and goes. Meh.


I was laughing so hard the tears were falling at Oliver's Navy story! This was fabulous. Thank you for doing this interview. Please keep it up. Blessings to you all.


Yes, put these on your vlog! This was such a good conversation , especially at end was just very deep and touching, it moved me to some tears! :)


Oh this was absolutely delicious - I adore this sort of interview. It is so personal and fascinating and I feel like I know you a little better, Stephanie, by learning about your dearest friends. Oliver is clearly a lovely man and an important force in your life. His talent is enormous (as is his modesty) and I am so happy to be following him on instagram. As for the next interviewee, I would love to see your mother in the chair, followed by Nic (perhaps you can blur him out in post production). I'm also keen to know more about Michael Potts and Gerald (although that could end up as 45 minutes of laughter). I really enjoyed this - thank you! :)


Wow. You are literally saving lives. The world was in such despair and you all lifted us up and fixed us with your magic. You are an inspiration in so many ways: following your dreams, staying positive, creating your own family, bringing joy and laughter, setting goals, living in special moments, DIYing. You're the family we don't have. You're the friends we don't have. You're the travel we can't do. You're healing and inclusive and make people feel special. You're changing the daily lives of tens of thousands of people and giving us hope and altering the course of our lives. And this one with Ollie is so funny and yet so profound. Free therapy. I took care of my dying dad for two years and it was a full-time job getting his $500,000 hospital bills and $8,000 monthly bills paid (yes, American), and when he was gone I felt like a champion, like no one else could have done that, and then my own life had two years of chores backlog that were overwhelming, and all my friends were gone. And now I can tell myself, at least it's a log cabin and an acre and not 45 rooms and 60 acres. My dad died impoverished but he told me to get something special for myself and my daughter to remember him by, and I've just bought an antique easel on craigslist, and you can tell Ollie that at 51 and 13, we're going to paint for the first time. In our messy orchard with brambles 12 feet tall. We'll get to cleaning eventually.


What you both said about turning a creative talent into a viable business really resonated with me. It's been a big emotional struggle converting my love into my business, and selling the corsets I make often feels sending my children away! What Ollie said about it being ok as long as the paintings are bringing someone joy is really true, I'm happy to send my work away when I know it will be appreciated band enjoyed 😊


This was such fun!!!! What a lovely way to get to know everyone. I’m really looking forward to seeing the next interview! Oh and congratulations on meeting the $18k target ☺️x


I can't stop laughing about the TWO "Boat Stories" Oliver told. lol GREAT IDEA to have someone run. the B&B part of the business. STEPH should focus her time with fund raising via Vlogs, etc. to get the Chateau completed within the next decade.


Absolutely loved this! Great questions and heartfelt answers. Can’t wait to see who is next in the hot seat!


Secrets revealed! So many things that I've been curious about.


That was brilliant please don’t make them shorter I really enjoyed the depth, if you make it shorter people won’t open up as much and that was what was so special about it. Xx


I absolutely loved it......and a great idea for the vlog....I think most people would say Mummy has to be a guest.....I assume her purpose would be being a garden fashionista!....I would replace the star sign with.....what would most viewers be surprised about a) La Lande b) Stephanie and c) themselves. Can't wait for Diesel's interview and as for Crotte Crotte( I do hope he doesn't rabbit on.....)


Great idea! I can’t wait to watch.


Stephanie, you are always so gracious by always thanking us, but I want to thank you for making all these videos and sharing your life with us all. I was fortunate to have found your videos when you very first started, and immediately subscribed and was pleased to have something to look forward to in the days to come. You have now helped so many of us to get thru these very trying times. You have and still do make me smile and laugh out loud each and every time, having my own family members coming round wanting to know what is so humorous, and now they have also become fans as well! You have a delightful disposition, spreading light, laughter, love and enthusiasm. It originally started with you/Mummy/Jerry and and now we have so many other delightful, talented and just amazing, I will call extended LaLande family members. I love you all, each one of you contributing to this escapism and for restoring this beautiful chateau. So THANK YOU!


LOVE THIS!!! The deeper questions/answers were fantastic to hear! Great idea!


Love Q&A


This was a wonderful interview and a wonderful way to spend an hour. Thank you and Oliver.


Wonderful idea, loved the interview and would love to see more. I have been feeling the whole week you needed to delegate and get someone to take over parts of running the day to day activities, and here you are already planning to do it. I also love the idea of replacing all the wallpaper with new. You could save a bit of the old and frame it To put in the room


Talking to Selmar would be very interesting! I got there just before Oliver did!!


Loved the interview idea! Oliver is such a gentleman. Thank you for sharing with us.


This was a lovely idea and ended up being amazing! The last 10 minutes really were emotional and beautiful. I hope other people at LaLande agree to be interviewed! Personally, the question about the star sign didn't resonate with me. I have a feeling it won't get a lot of thoughtful responses, which is what I appreciated so much about the other questions. Even the question about Oliver's favorite color led to so much insight. I am about to start my fourth year of university here in the States and hearing some of this wisdom is very inspirational. I agree that there should be some element of surprise with the questions, and they should be tailored to the individual. You really achieved a great balance of funny and deep with this interview, and I'm super excited to see more in the future ☺️


YES YES YES This was so good and worked so well. Oh Ollie is such a lovely man and I am so glad he is one of your friends and thank you for sharing him with us and thank him for his honesty and passion. I look forward to getting to know the other lalanders as well. So many great things to look forward too.


I agree that it is a good idea to completely rewallpaper the room seeing that it is available. Go for it.


in your Q&A Stephanie, a great way to get to know a person is to ask :


Loved it! Great to hear more about the people that bring Lalande to life. So I think it’s a great idea to ask general questions. Can’t wait for the next one!


What do you love and what you don’t love :


i love learning about the people who are part of this.

Michelle Morrison

I get where you're coming from, but think of it more that this one particular one actually helps with a lot of things. She wouldn't just be running the B&B side, she's already doing admin in general for the Chateau. Think of it more as: this gives Stephanie more room to be effective in renovations, patreon, and vlogging. Natalie is kinda like the shutter dogs - she holds things in place so everything can be more magical.

Janese Carstens

What a joy to listen to the two of you reminiscing and also learning new things! I love this format. James Lipton from “Inside the Actors Studio” does a wonderful 5 questions at the end of each interview but the interviews themselves are always different. I think having a set of questions for friends and family as well as a few different ones for work aways or patrons might be a good idea for changing it up a bit. Overall, it was wonderful and I’m happy to watch no matter which questions are asked!! Thank you Oliver for sharing with us so freely.


Wonderful vlog. Oliver is such an interesting friend to have. Thank you for sharing him with us. Some profane ideas to think about.


I was asked this by a friend and had to answer using only one word , so my answer was for love : my children and not love : ignorance , the word hate was replaced with don’t like or dislike as hate is just a bad energy word xxxx


Hi Stephanie, I really enjoyed this, please do more of this format.


Stephanie, your sense of your life’s purpose is why I love Lalande and your channel! Your home is like an artists commune where all these individuals can come together from around the world and be their best creative selves. It is such a wonderful and sustainable way of living.


Love this, but I think it would be better without the star sign question .


An interview with each member of the Lalande family is a Great idea.


Loved it. Please do more!


A fantastic idea . Love the format too . A real insight into the people of Lalande . Oliver and you were a joy to listen to .Thank you for your honesty .


I loved this!! Thank You! Another question could be: Which room/part of Lalande is your favorite.


Come on Nick you could be next !!!!


Only joking


Brilliant. PLEASE don't make it any shorter. It's all so natural. As far from contrived as one could imagine. Loved it. Thank you both.


Thank you - I loved this interview and learning so much about you both. You have a lovely friendship. Looking forward to the next one!


What a brilliant idea with Q&A and wonderful, fabulous and funny answers from Oliver. What a joy to watch. Looking forward to next one. Thank you both 🥰🌸❤️


Yes! In depth interviews will be great. Congrats on the $18K..and no one will disagree with the $19K target, you do need Nati to stay and be the organiser for the business. Ok, so what did we learn here? I'll tell you what we learnt here... when the Lake is back, Ollie must keep his distance! Those boat stories were gold 🤗😁


Excellent I think you were bang on without giving too much of your personal lives away. You obviously have a great friendship which is special. Thank you.


Oh, gosh. This was such a joy to watch! I have so many thoughts I want to put into words, but I don't even know where to start, to be honest. Well, first of all; I hope we'll reach the $19,000 as soon as possible, so Nattie can stay full-time! Second of all; this was honestly the most enjoyable 45 minutes I've had in a while. Your friendship is so nice to see and Oliver seems like such a kind, intelligent and talented person. His story of his time in the navy made me laugh more than I've laughed in a while, to be honest. I think the part I enjoyed the absolute most of the video, though, was the answer to the very last question, because it was so thought-provoking and so insightful and truly touching (and something I found myself realizing I kind of needed to hear as well, so thank you so much for that). It's never too late to find something you love doing, you're so right about that! It was nice to be reminded of that, because even though I know that, it's easy to forget it sometimes. Just... This was such a great video, so yes! Please make more of them, with all the Lalanders! It would be so much fun to see them on your vlog. Selmar would definitely be my choice for the next person to be interviewed :) Mummy is also a good option, obviously! And Gerry, when he comes back in August. Honestly, I would just love to see every single Lalander interviewed, so whoever would be willing to go next is my choice haha. What else? Oh! It's so great to see that Marie is back at Lalande. And, lastly, just thank you for continuing to bring so much joy to everyone, Stephanie. Not only are you and everyone at Lalande such a force of positivity, but this whole community is full of it too. It's amazing to see. Personally, because of everything going on in the world this year, I am so happy to have found both you and Michael Petherick. So much love being sent too you all, that's all I want to say. Thank you for this.


What a sweet and lovely chat 💗


I truly felt like I was in the room with you as a new friend being introduced to Ollie! Was utterly wonderful ❤️


This was delightful! Looking forward to more with other LaLanders, especially Mummy and Selmar.


What a joy to watch. Oliver is amusing and such a priceless friend. What a wonderful idea to continue with these questions 💓


Wow, what an interview - great questions and Oliver, you are amazing. Not only are you highly talented but you have a such depth. Stephanie, you draw to yourself the most wonderful people - you bring us joy. Thank you. We agree that Selmar would be great next, and Isabelle and Michael Patheric.


I was easily drawn into the stories, opinions, answers to the questions. Ollie is such a delightful man and fun to hear the conversation between you two. Actually the Life Purpose question was very helpful for me to hear today, so thanks for that unexpected result.


This has been marvelous and I would so love to see you interview your friends when they come to visit and also Selmar, Tomas, Gerry, your mom, Marie, Nati, Ian. So so happy that Nati will be remaining with you. This has brought a lot of sunshine to my life during a very difficult time as my son and only child passed away on June 5th 2020. So thank you so much


Haha, on the contrary I think Ollie should have the honor of christening a new boat for the lake! Wouldn’t that be fun! Tie a champagne bottle to the boat house and let him swing it? Or dive in, whichever seems most appropriate ;)


I love this. I could sit and watch interviews like this all day! Your thoughts on 'purpose' Oliver are just so inspirational and Furlow Gatewood's work in his 80s gives such hope that it really is never too late. I adore your sense of community Stephanie, the way you have bought so many people together all over the world in this beautiful venture at Lalande 💙💚💛💖💛💚💙. I love your thoughts around different ways to live and find happiness. Looking forward to interview episode 2: Selmar In The Hot Seat 😍😁


Yes this idea is wonderful, i would love more interviews with Michael potts, nick, natalie, marie even your mummy!


Oliver, what a lovely man you are! Stephanie you must have so much charisma to keep so many long term friendships. I'd like to see Nick interviewed next with his trademark paper bag 😂. And as for the wallpaper, l remember seeing Michael Petherick's face when you said you were going to keep it and patch it! Xx


I truly enjoyed this. I feel like I know both of you so much more.🙂♥️🐞


Really loved the interview with Olliver, inspiring and fun! Definitely would love you to keep interviewing the team at the Chateau. :) xo


Could be a marketing ploy for new Patrons...'Nick revealed, but only on Patreon' haha.


Love the interview! Excellent idea, thank you to the patron who came up with it. Would love to see Ian in one of the interviews as he always seems so quiet in your recent vlogs and in past vlogs from previous years.


What a great idea this is ....Oliver is lovely & how lucky his daughters are to have a Father like him. Looking forward to getting to know everyone else.🙃💕


.... and bring on Natty full time 👏👏👏


What a wonderful interview! I am all the way in Texas, but I feel you all are my long distance friends. ☺️💜💞💜Thank you for bringing so much laughter and joy into our home. Looking forward to more interviews!


This is a great idea. It's nice to know nice people!


Great fun! I am a full time lawyer, and part time artist. I so agree with Stephanie that I had no intention of ever making it commercial. I do it for the love of it, not any thought of money. And I hate to part with my paintings. I do, however, love giving paintings to my friends and family. I dont worry that they wont display them - my joy comes from the giving and I would not want them to feel bad if for some reason they did not want to display. I will be retiring in a couple months and will be able to devote much more time to it. So maybe I will be selling some in the future as I too have accumulated a lot of canvasses. I also am totally in sync with the "beauty and joy" purposes. I appreciate beautiful things, natural or man-made, and want everyone to experience the joy in beholding them. Love to you all.


Wow fantastic idea, Oliver was brilliant charming and so funny! Stephanie you can do anything! Well done, would love to see more of this platform. 💚❤💚❤


This was an absolute pleasure to watch, great questions and I look forward to seeing more. Oliver is such a lovely man 👏🏼 Congratulations on the target xx


This was a wonderful idea. I was crying with laughter during the navy story. Would love to hear Selmar answering these questions. Everyone there really. Thank you for such a fun time on a day when I really needed it.


Oh that was fantastic. Lovely to watch. It's really nice to get to know the people who regularly visit or volunteer at Lalande. More of that please xxxx


Love this interview! Great idea to do videos getting to know the Lalande Team better! ❤️❤️❤️


Very excited the Fortuny has arrived. He is one of my idols. Cannot wait for the vlog about him. He did so many different things it will not be easy cover everything. But of course the fabric is the most important.


Another question for your people, a more simple one, but which bedroom are they staying in at Lalande and is it their favorite bedroom? IF not which one is their favorite bedroom?


Would love a la lande Podcast please!! Would be great to listen to this whilst on the road.


I just loved this interview! Oliver is such a kind and charming man and your friendship really shines.


What a great idea Stephanie!!


It’s all been said .... but, just a fantastic vlog!!!!The energy is always amazing, but even more so when we get to connect with the people who really are the purpose of Lalande. Over the last week or so I’ve really enjoyed having Oliver creeping in more and more ... and from the viewers side, we are left wanting to know more about people like Oliver and all the other wonderful humans that have been drawn to both Chateau and of course to you Stephanie. Finding out more about people is always a joy, and when those people share the commonality of love for the arts, and beauty, and the chateau and it’s inhabitants both permanent and transient ... it’s bound to be a brilliant experience. And it was. Bravo! More please 😊


Thoroughly enjoyed the interview Stephanie and Oliver


I. absolutely. loved. this. I think it's one of the most interesting things you've presented (and kudos to that in a vlog that's chock full of interesting things!) I can't wait for the next interviews, however I do feel that they should not be identical questions as the delightful spontaneity may be compromised; your "interviewees" will know in advance what to talk about... I'm curious to "see" how you interview Nic (and looking forward to hearing from him). Thrilled that Marie has returned. We just await Percy now!


@stephanie jarvis. Please tell your patreons to respect Nick's desire for privacy. Just like if your patreons wanted to sing, dance or whatever they would deserve respect.


Definitely more interviews please-- that Ollie is so interesting, funny, and nice-- what a gem!


One of my artist friends once told me he’d he honored if any of his paintings were ever stolen from a coffee shop (where he had them displayed) because that means it spoke to and ended up with someone who really wanted it. The paintings are mostly just a hobby for him but I have a feeling he’d still feel similarly even if painting was his full time job.


Loved this! Please keep doing interviews! And I think Oliver is right… It would be great if you interviewed Selmar next!


Olivier is a lovely person and obviously a great friend to Stephanie


P.S. I wish I knew what my purpose was and this really made me think about it and I will keep trying to figure it out....you have motivated me to do so many things. 💛


Ollie - as was briefly mentioned in the video, how about selling prints of your canvas works? No doubt Patrons and vlog watchers of Lalande would purchase prints of the lovely canvas you did of Isabelle, for example. Perhaps start there? A percentage going to Isabelle and/or Lalande and you get the majority of the money as the artist? Set aside the print money so, perhaps, one day you can pursue your creative side more fully? Very good luck to you!! Affection to you and yours!


What a delightful podcast. Thank you for sharing, Oliver.


Stephanie - you live the kind of life I always wanted re: having friends and family around. It is such a joy to see. Some of us have had experiences in life that have caused us to close down but it is lovely to watch your videos and enjoy the multiple people in and out of Lalande. Lots of continued good luck to you and much affection to you and yours!


Not one to comment much, but I just have to say, Ollie is a very special human being! So glad we were able to get to know him better!


I am so saddened to read this. I lost my daughter 6 years ago and I truly think watching Stephanie has transported me to a form of happiness; even if it is just while I am immersed in the video. Sending you hugs, you are just at the start of your new life, and it is so very hard.


The 10 question interview was my suggestion. So excited you took it! I can't wait to hear everyone's responses!


I love this interview idea. Question #1 was comedy gold! I loved learning more about Oliver!. I will echo another commenter by saying that you might like to vary the questions so that people don't make up some little pat answers in advance! I say, keep one or two the same such as "what led you to Lalande" - genius! - and get the others by asking your patrons or others at Lalande what silly things they'd like to know. The quirkier the better I say! Have you ever seen those Vogue interviews where they are hilariously impertinent to various witty celebrities? I think yours could be even better than Vogue! :-)


Thank you. Just thank you. I sit and smile while watching your videos. You have a beautiful soul Stephanie, and the people around you are true reflections of that. Thank you for sharing yourself with us all.


Stephanie you can convert your YouTube videos - maybe patreon ones to podcast version which other youtubers and podcasters do. 🙃 just one way of listening on the go without having YouTube on all the time.


Love this idea too. The interaction between you and the extended LaLande community for ideas is magical. You keep going from strength to strength.


Thank you Stephanie and Oliver for turning around what was a very bleak day for me. Firstly by giving me the best laugh I can remember in months.......I was crying with laughter over the navy tale. And then reminding me about “purpose”. I feel ready to meet tomorrow head on. My patreon subscription is possibly the best thing I spend money on!


That was very enjoyable thank you I was laughing so much with Oliver’s anecdote I would love to see the same questions with Michael Potts and Selmar 🦚


Love this !! ♥️💙


This was fun and interesting, love the interview idea.


Another great vlog Stephanie! As some have mentioned before, I think that asking the same questions to each person could loose some of the spontaneity of their answers. Perhaps a more free form approach where you could ask one or two of the ten questions. Then just ask follow up questions based on the person has told you. Who knows where the answers could lead. It would keep things fresh and interesting. Although I do have one question, who gets to interview you?? One final thing, please wish your wonderful Mother a very Happy Birthday!! (I heard it mentioned on the Chateau Diary vlog). Take care, James.


Thank you Oliver! You were a wonderful guest- you humble, honest, humourous, grounded and thoughtful. I love hearing about the synchronicities in both your lives and how you can see the patterns and moments of being in the flow that brought you to where you are today. I agree with Oliver, if you can try lots of different things in your life, you can learn more about your joy, potential, gifts, and purposes. I have studied nursing, I have history and education degrees, I teach yoga, and love acting and painting as well, but I am currently a correspondence writer and love to research military and family history. Life has so much to offer us if we allow it. Thank you for reminding me of this. I cannot wait until the next interview. Thank you both!


Wonderful vlog! One of my favorite sayings is to make your waiting room your classroom. What I mean is that we may have dreams and goals that may seem far off and might take some time to achieve but we can use the time we have while we wait to learn, experiment and grow. The time we spend learning and exploring is never wasted. ❤️ I look forward to many more interviews. Thank you all for sharing your passion and joy with us.


Loved this interview! Oliver is such a delightful man and he answered so openly and honestly. Stephanie you truly have amazing lifelong friends and you are the light that attracts! Can’t wait until you interview Michael Potts, Scotman, Selmar, and so many more!


Love the interview. You could lose the star sign question, in my opinion but it’s really up to you/the community. I can’t tell you how much I agree with your passion as to wanting to surround yourself with your friends and divert from the traditional family dynamics this world had evolved into. I’ve never felt the pull to marry or have children, but I love community and I so thankful to be apart of this one.


That’s a beautiful way to live! Thank you for sharing it.


I totally enjoyed your interview with Oliver! Would love to see more with your friends and family!! You are such a light, it is no wonder you have built such a wonderful family❣️


Lovely video today!


oh and i love this idea, i enjoy getting to know everyone a little deeper :) i think the wallpaper idea sounds good aswell, cant wait to see the fabric and marie ahaha


Hilarious...Love the interview! I would add to Oliver's strengths is his sense of humour. Perhaps one question, given the fact that he has experienced Lalande from the very early days, would be how on earth did he manage to go to the wrong Lalande to run his artist retreat last year?? haha. Thanks to both of you for sharing your joy. Cheers from one of your Australian villagers.


Loved this! Yes, ask them all, including yourself! ha ha Very interesting!


This was such a joy to watch, I LOVE the idea! It was just like I was there chatting with you two! Oliver is such an interesting person to discover and it's fun to know more about his passions, stories and personality!


Oh and maybe it would be fun if the person interviewed got to choose the next one? Just like Oliver said he wanted to see Selmar's interview? ☺️


That was lovely! Oliver, thank you for your openness and sharing your stories. As always thank you Stephanie for bringing such joy to our days. 💖


That was brilliant! I laughed so much 🥰x


Thank you for your wonderfully insightful words, Diana Massarenti. They express the incredible effect Stephanie has had on the lives of so many and how she and the Lalanders continue to shine and inspire and most of all spread positivity and love.


Love the idea of interviews of your wonderful friends and family, Oliver is delightful and you can see the values you share and what makes you such wonderful friends. Thank you, thank you for sharing your joys and spreading joy for others to create their own xx


I absolutely LOVED this interview. Please continue to do it. I really appreciate the effort you put forth. Wonderful friends. It's very inspiring. You've given me a lot to contemplate.


Hello everyone!!! And hello especially to Stephanie and Oliver!!! LOVED THIS SO MUCH!!! Okay, I'll try to not shout anymore, lol :) Most everyone had really great comments that I totally agree with. It seems there is a bit of debate about people wanting to know astrological signs, AND I think I saw someone mentioning if they knew moon and rising signs as well.... anyoway I am NO expert, but I know a really quick fix would be just to ask birthdate (day, month and year), time of day (if they know) and location of birth.... of course ONLY if the interviewee is willing to share. Then if any of our astrological science loving La Landers want to research more into that sort of thing they will have the information they need to do so :D. LOVE TO ALL!!! XOXOXO


I loved this Q and A and hope it continues with more interviews and special insights to all the special people at Lalande. Selmar is at the top of my list for the next interview but I really would like to get to know David if he is interested and comes back to Lalande. I need to know about his cooking especially the desserts. Fingers crossed!


Also, Oliver is really funny and I enjoyed getting to know him. I remember an old vlog and he seem really down so I was really surprised that he was so sweet and wonderful. Maybe he will allow his painting of Lalande to be used as postcards for guest to purchase. I'd buy some now.


Truly felt like sitting down with new friends. I love listening to stories of peoples lives and friendships so this was a win. I agree on the wallpaper, and if your sentimental about the old, save enough to use as 'mat decoration' around some of the artwork you'll have framed for the room. It's a good way to use old bits of wallpaper. I'm obsessed with old wallpaper and fabrics!


This is wonderful! It's fun to hear stories of your friends and understand the connections.


Yes to more videos like this 😍


Loved this interview and am looking forward to more...... loved your questions (star sign excluded)...... what thoughtful, interesting and funny answers. The rope story was hilarious! I was TRYING to laugh quietly to not wake my partner, but had to get up as I was laughing too much... thanks for sharing that recollection Oliver 😂🤣. Some of the questions and the answers given were very insightful and I enjoyed hearing both of your thoughts and perspectives on your purpose and motivation. I found this resonated with me greatly and this will be a reflection point for me now, thanks for inspiring ☺️💕


Great interview! Thank you for making it for us.


😂 O my goodness! I’m still laughing (with Oliver, not at him) about his time in the Royal Navy. Maybe the experience at Oxford with the girls boat sinking in the river was a portent of his career with boats and water! It is really just too funny and sweet. 😉 Stephanie, I liked your questions very much and it was so nice that Oliver was willing to share his answers with us. I very much look forward to others (especially the 2 Michaels) answering your questions during your new vlog segments....”Stephanie Jarvis & Friends”. Lastly, I think it’s wonderful that you can now focus (guilt-free) on your passion and know that the B & B and guests are well looked after. As always, y’all stay well.


I have to say, life keeps me busy so I don’t get the chance to comment too often on Patreon, however, your discussion about purpose really touched me. I recently spilt with my partner of 15 years and a month later the world went on lockdown. As you can imagine, it’s been particularly difficult navigating the new world we all live in. Seeing such wonderful examples of the possibilities brighter futures has been enormously helpful. Thank you so much sharing your wisdom and world with us!

Kelly Douglas

This was so much fun! I would love to see more videos like this. I think everyone would enjoy these on your YouTube channel. Also, Oliver's embarrassing stories were hilarious!


I wish I had made a cup of tea first to enjoy before watching the video. Next time! And I agree Selmar should be the next interviewee. I'd love to hear more about him!


I love the idea of this Interview format, I love getting to know all your lovely family and friends. Oliver is such a creative soul, I only hope good things for him and his family! :)


What a fun interview and HILARIOUS story of Oliver falling overboard while throwing the rope!! I was literally laughing out load! Loved it!


Love this idea! He looked a bit shy poor thing. No need for him to be. He comes across as such a lovely man. Not to mention his talent. Excellent questions. I want to meet all the inhabitants of Lalande. Selmar next. I think this should be a patreon only thing though.


What a wonderful interview. I can closely identify with the struggle of creating and commercialism.


Loved the interview. Please have the person nominate the next person to be interviewed and why!


What an absolutely wonderful video! Ollie-your painting of Isabelle is stunning - you captured her image wonderfully! I hope you are able to paint more frequently- as you hope to do. And....I have to admit I kept rewinding the video to the spot where you held on to the rope! 😂 Thank you SO much for the laughter! It was wonderful getting to know you. What I find watching LaLande vlogs (both people at LaLande and your viewers and patrons) is that there are so many wonderful, special, amazing and generous people in this world!


Wonderful interview. We get to see another side of you too Stephanie, as a dear friend to Oliver. Selmar next please? 🤞🙏


Oliver's knuckles are white and he blushed.! Beautiful man. Beautifully interviwed, Stephanie ! xx


I love this concept! Your community of wonderful friends is what drew me to your vlogs. Stephanie, your vlogs and your positivity and joy have really helpped me these months healing from a heart surgery and the isolation of quarentine. In my hardest recovery nights you made me feel not so alone so I thank you. I became a patreon because i love your vision and love of history, but also to show you my gratitude for what you have brought to my life. I'm hoping when I turn 40 in a few years, I will be all healed and celebrating my 40th with a visit to LaLande! ❤❤❤


Loved, loved, loved this vlog! And a massive thank you to Oliver for agreeing to the interview. It was an absolute delight getting to know him better. The navy story was hilarious and it reminded me of mates at Uni who only joined the OTC for the uniform as they were convinced it would attract the ladies (it didn’t 😂). I love Oliver’s use of colour in his paintings and I would be very interested in buying one of Oliver’s paintings if he ever decided to start selling them. Perhaps in the future, if he felt ready to start selling, he could bring them to Lalande (the perfect backdrop) and display them there for a weekend and have a virtual sale on Instagram (or another forum) so people around the world could join in. The length of this Q&A was spot on. Please don’t make them shorter! It would be lovely to hear from Selmar, Nati, Mummy (of course), Tomaz and Gerry when he returns next month. Also Nick, he could be off camera when interviewed! Thanks again for sharing this x


This is such a good reward for your faithful Patreon family. You are so creative with your rewards to us. You keep it very exclusive making us feel special. Thank you. We really appreciate the creativity and the effort.


Wow. I feel like I owe more Patron money after watching this. Truly. This made the whole subscription worth it. Stephanie I really feel like one day this life of yours will be a movie and all your friends characters in it. They are TOO GOOD. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.


OMG ....... This video was absolutely amazing. I love the idea of interviewing people that live at Lalande. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel as though I know you all, but of course I don't. This way, being interviewed we gain a better insight into our favourite people. I totally get it about how you live in a community of people that are hand chosen. In my life, my children are grown and my 30 marriage has come to a close and I was feeling very alone until Lalande came into my life. I look to it as an extension of my life. One day I hope to be lucky enough to stay there and experience life there. I am smiling from ear to ear from meeting Mr Strong :-)


✨ THANK YOU ♥️ This Q&A vlog is exactly what was needed, some in-depth sharing, and for us to get to know the persons better before they become characters. Thank you for creating it and for taking the idea on. As mentioned by many of us, I too would change the questions now and then, because the spontaneous answers and your natural reactions make it heart ❤️ touching. We humans tend to overthink our answers if we know the questions and unaware prepare them inside of us. All the spontaneity will automatically be lost. And I’m sorry to say this but I would like to express my observations: Whenever I see a part in your vlogs “staged” (and I know it probably needed at that point) it can be so obvious (especially when there is some form - little or big - of acting involved). The difference between your natural ways and enacting something (you perhaps missed recording) are in my experience quite big. Now, probably I should be the one accepting this 😉 but I’m convinced that you and everything you do are so worth staying in this heart touching space, that I finally wanted to share this. (If you would like to know more/details, I’m absolutely willing to share) Thank you for being the creator and manifestator of sparkle and joy in our lives - and bonus - making us think of our purpose ✨🌸✨


This was so inspirational - and now I'm wondering if Oliver has worked with my employer - they utilized someone very similar at a leadership workshop last year (and I was supposed to attend this year in Belgium but it was canceled due to Covid). It would be so funny to run across him in a professional setting. I loved hearing more about your why - what each of your purpose is. It's fascinating to me - my parents taught me the opposite - find something that will make enough money that you can do what you want when you aren't working - but honestly I love your way of thinking so much more. It really makes you take a moment to evaluate where you are in life. Thanks for the deep thought fodder. :) I was also deeply touched by the discussion of creating an intentional community. I'm 100% in favor of creating the family you want to have - i'm not close to my blood family, but my friends are my family - and the nuclear - everyone must live separately ideal, is really hard, particularly now that Covid is in place and I've literally only seen one other human in 4 months as a person that lives alone. The idea of living in separate but shared spaces with people you love and trust is something I've thought about for a long time - I think it's why I (and many of us) are so engaged in what you do - we all wish we could be there with you!


Based on the fact that he currently wears a paper bag over his head whenever he is on camera, I am guessing Nick would definitely not want to be interviewed 😂. I can’t say I blame him because though not actually shy at all, I am camera shy too. It’s a pity because his interview is definitely the one I would love to see the most. It takes a special kind of person and a special kind of friendship to have agreed to buying the chateau together and staying the course with the friendship and arrangement through all the storms. It’d be really interesting to hear from him.


Well I think Ollie will be a pretty hard act to follow! I would love to see a similar interview with Michael Potts. You are surrounded by just the most warm-hearted & colourful characters! Congratulations on hitting the $18,000 target, you totally deserve it. Thank you, Oliver, for the beautiful paintings. Your use of colour is stunning :) xx


I loved everything about this video. I know it must take ages to edit something this long. I really appreciate your foresight in knowing what we would like to see. You did very well keeping it all about the person you are interviewing. You have a gem with Nati. I e-mailed her recently and she got straight back to me. What a delight with her can-do attitude which is exactly what is needed in a service providing industry like b&b. Please also put a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree for Percy.


Oh I love Oliver. This was an amazing q and a with him. He’s so warm, handsome, kind and naturally funny! Wish he was there with you more often. Love this idea but I doubt you’ll do one as funny as this 😀


Just thinking....do you need to open up more of the highest tiers it doesn't make sense to miss out on patreons wanting to pay a little more?


It was the best chat show I’ve seen 😍, Graeme Norton should look out 😃. There were wonderful questions coupled with a willingness to answer with genuine honest and frank responses. Thank you Oliver you certainly will be a hard act to follow but your suggestion of Selmar is a great idea. It was interesting watching Oliver settle in during the chat after what looked like an anxious start. 🙏🌺


I loved the Q and A! An interview with Selmar is a must of course but I would also love to see you interview Michael Potts and Marie (I know Nick wouldn't agree to join in 🙂) she comes across as a really genuine, sweet woman and I love seeing the bond you share.


I’m all for a paper bag interview with yes/no questions. Then Nic could ask Steph questions on cue cards. It would be in keeping with the bit and I’m sure Nic has a story or two he’d let Stephanie tell for him.


Personally I've always had people telling me to 'not ' go for something, to 'settle down' to stop looking for 'other' things to do. When I upped from Paris and moved to Sao Paulo with man and dogs I had very little encouragement but from people who nver took risks. I said well if it doesn't work out I will come back but in reality I never considered it wouldn't work, no plan B! When I upped and moved to China same thing, mad woman was thrown at me often. I came back to Paris then moved to the south, to Nimes, knew no one there, crazy woman again, then moved to Aix then back to Paris and on deciding to move to Mexico I got massacered by people and their narrow vision of life.Turns out I stayed in Paris and worked with a designer who regulary took me to Beirut and Saudi Arabia and had me follow clients all over Europe. I have recently retired and again moved to a region I have never visited. I even took the house not having seen it but what is life without risk. Loved this interview, can't wait to hear your other friends answers. huggssss xxxxx


Loved the Q and A! Please contine . I do think YouTube folks would enjoy. Oliver's take on purpose inspired me to pick up an art project I've been stalled on for a few months. Now I have an idea on how I might complete it.... 😁


This interview was so much fun to watch! Thank you both!


This was so lovely on so many levels. Inspirational, funny, and encouraging I found your vlog in its early stages and because of my love of restoration, flowers, gardens, history,music, nature and art I was drawn to it. I have messaged with Marie a few times because of our common interest flowers and designing with them.. She is lovely. I hope to someday help in the flower studio or perhaps the garden. Oliver is such an inspiration with just the perfect amount of kindness and humor. I will look up the Twain quote! Cant wait to see whose interviewed next! Thank you Stephanie so glad I found your vlog.

Laura & Jack

What an amazing and inspirational chat! Is there a way to donate one time on this site or only monthly? Would love to send along a little thank you when a video especially touches me (like this one), in addition to my monthly contribution.


What a lovely change to hear your friends/family perspective of your chateau life Stephanie. It makes me feel even more connected to your Chateau life😊. Sounds a bit strange but I feel like one of your friends too. A far away friend. That was the last thing that stood out after watching your video and hearing Oliver’s comment about how technology has brought such opportunity to you and your family to help make your dreams come true. (That was my interpretation~great insight Oliver👏🏽) You’re making this part of your Chateau even more beautiful by hearing/seeing those who inhabit its point of view. Spectacular idea. Oh and bravo for hitting yet another goal🎉Hello Marie🌸so good to see you home. Gerry hurry back 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. Selmar would be fun to hear about too. Nic should be interesting🤣🛍. Until next time 🌼Aloha🌸everyone😘


Ohh fun fact : Brasenose college alumni: David Cameron, Malcom Turnbull (for the aussies). Somerville college alumni: Margaret Thatcher.


Hello Stephanie really enjoyed this interview. it was really nice to see yours and Olivers friendship on the screen lol. I would love for you to interview Natalia. as I feel she is the one person in the château we haven’t got to know well yet


This was wonderful! It was so kind of Oliver to do the interview. It's a lovely idea to do more of these if your family, friends and workaways are comfortable and happy to share with us. The people in your world are so lovely and lead very interesting lives. I really enjoyed it and laughed so hard at the rope incident! I can just imagine it. Oliver reminds me so much of Mark Darcy from Bridget Jones... in all the nicest ways.


Oh what a delightful gorgeous man. If course we can see how much you appreciate each other’s friendship and support. The sheer ho es-tu between you is powerful. A great inspiration to us all. I love the format of this new interview process. I’m looking forward to the rest in time. You have a knack of organising your timetable -it keeps us interested-actually that wouldn’t be hard -I LOVE everything about you and Lalande. Do find time to rest and repair though. Keep well lovely Steph.


OMG this was so wonderful. Oliver was very open and honest with his answers! Lovely to learn more about him. I can see why he is a longtime friend of yours. Hope you will do more. It was one of your best!


I agree with you about Mark Darcy! Great observation and so true.


I enjoyed this. It was truly great. Thank you both.


Just love everyone at Lelande!


Oh and I am a Sagittarius also - and you, my dear, are the antithesis of a Sagittarius 🤣🤣 we are (in a nut shell) a fire sign and the party animals of the zodiac, the rule breakers and the risk takers! The ones most likely to say and do the most outlandish things/lie on the spot to get you back stage/places you are never supposed to go but really want to😜🥂 When caught doing this (to get into the great seating area now "full" and having succeeded- my teenage daughter shot me a dirty look.... i said hey.... knowing how to lie convincingly on your toes....could save your life one day.. .. she then gave me an even dirtier look, pulled out her phone and logged in the comment, where she keeps all of my horrible parenting comments 😳 she then said - actually, you are a great mom... just nobody knows it .... wt.... thanks kid😳😳😳😱🤔) You sound more like my husband, a Libra who cannot break a rule or lie to save his LIFE..... he is LITERALLY the person who says OW why did you kick me? no OW that HURT.... why did you kick me again....😑😑😑😑 that man could never be a spy.... or not even tell me that no... my but DOES NOT look big in those pants......😜


Sagitarius rules the house of creativity....


Thankyou so much to both of you for sharing this chat, what a lovely friend Oliver is! I could have listening for hours.xx


I just loved this interview with the most gentlemanly of pimps, Oliver! LOL. I'd love you to put Michael Potts in the hot seat next. And the lovely Mr. Petherwick, of course. But hearing about Oxford days is so fun for this Anglophile Yank! I LOVED what you said about gathering your friends and family around you. It is so true. As someone who feared she might never marry -- I was finally a geriatric bride last year at 46! -- it really was my devout group of friends who became my nuclear family. So many of us are single for long stretches of life and I love that you champion that. (And if you're enjoying "One Man's Folly" do check out more from Julia Reed. She's a former Vogue editor and everything she writes/decorates is fun.) https://www.onekingslane.com/live-love-home/julia-reed-new-orleans-home-tour/


Lelande, it is quickly becoming a great place of refuge and reflection. I did so enjoy the time spent with you and Oliver. As to your saying that you took to long, quite the contr


Sorry,I hit the send button. I never tire of watching any of you all. You have become my new family. I look forward to watching you and everyone in Lelande. Watching Michael Patrick and his family, and the other shows.


I guess that all that I wrote to you was lo


I will not trouble you anymore, I'm just a stupid, old, FOOL. Sorry


What a thoroughly enjoyable vlog Oliver was, a great start and I am sure all these others will be as entertaining and thought provoking can't wait. Please don't change the timings, or questions it was all perfect and I still at nearly 70 not found my purpose but I have certainly been able to fill some of my time watching all your uplifting vlogs and your ability along with your fellow Lelanders to spread the happiness and calm. So glad Nati is joining as a full time employee just do what you feel is right.xx


What a lovely interview with Ollie. The depth of your friendship is evident. How fortunate you are to have such a long shared history with each other. Yes get Selmar on the settee next! But I’d love to hear from Tomaz as well. He’s a multi talented fellow! S


I loved this chat with Oliver. It was pretty obvious in your earlier vlogs that you two have been friends for a good long time. You seem to know what the other is thinking, and finish each other's sentences. So sweet. I remember when you asked him to paint you sitting in bed, and he looked on the web for bedroom pics for inspiration. His cheeks went red almost instantly. He's such a gentleman. I do hope he figures out how to devote more time to painting. Is it possible to start mentoring someone part time to do what he does for work? Selling prints of his work would be wonderful. His posts of his work on Instagram are so beautiful. Giving people a chance to enjoy his art in their own home would be such a wonderful gift. Thank you, Stephanie, for sharing Oliver with us. I hope to see Natalia next. I could really use some of her can-do spirit right now. What a wonderful force of nature she is. <3


Excellent questions, such an entertaining interview thank you Stephanie and Oliver xx


If you decide to put these onto YouTube (which I say you do these interviews at a minimum) I would say do a week on Patreon only then upload over there. This would also give you a "free" day so to speak where if you don't get a lot filmed y9u can take care of stuff.


I had my headphones on and I guess I was laughing so loud my husband was wondering what the heck I was listening to....too hard not to laugh out loud!


I just loved this! More please, and yes, Selmar next! It’s lovely to get to know your friends more, some of it quite hilarious. Oliver did a great interview. Thank you so much for bringing such joy into our lives! X


Oh this was so good! Thank you! I think it's a lovely idea, so nice getting to know everyone a little better and what brought them to Lalande. And thank you, Oliver, for being so open every time you appear in the videos. I feel you are so comfortable with it and I feel a lot of kindness and appreciation coming from you. You are so nice and your paintings are so beautiful! These vlogs have inspired me so much and in so many ways. Seeing how genuine Stephanie and Michael Petherick are all the time, and most importantly, to see that you touch so many people because of it, feels so incredibly good! Seeing so many people who are doing what they love, is inspiring me to dream too. I am looking forward to seeing who will be the next brave guest :) Love to all ❤️


Thoroughly enjoyed this 1st guest question time. Well done for whom ever sparked the idea. Oliver, once again, wonderful work on isabel’s portrait- it has such life and that is what you must wish to achieve and have the viewer feel something. I would enjoy having Selmar, Tomaz, Ian, Michael Petherick, Percy, Natalia and Deisel 😊 for a chat. Peoples life experiences and passions are so interesting to me. Till next time 🌻


I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation with Ollie. Staying in and not having a social life...this helps a lot with the lack of socialization all of us are experiencing. I say keep this going Stephanie...it is a winner! And Selmar next is also a winner. XX


I am a new patron, and I wanted to say hello to all fellow patrons. Thank you to all for creating a sense of community. This was a wonderful video to sit down with a glass of wine and watch. The optimism in the house is contagious, even across the interest! Love to you all, Carolyn in Northern CA


Delightful! Such fun listening to the stories and hearing such thought provoking insights about life, purpose and communal living. Love it! Congratulations to Nati on her new full time position! Love LaLande!


Loved this conversation between the two of you, old friends from way back. When you talked about what your purposes were, I gained so much just listening to the both of you. I too am an artist, a rather frustrated one I might add. Never seem to have enough time to really sit down and get to it. as much as I'd like to. I have loved discovering your vlog, and been watching faithfully for a few months now and have become a lady of lalande! I have told so many people about your vlog, and they love it too! But I do want to say, the one thing that stands out to me about you Stephanie, is that you have the most wonderful optimistic attitude and it really is infectious! If I am having a rough day, I tune in and see you not getting your knickers in a twist about anything.. at least you don't appear to.. with everything going on here in the states, we see so much contention and hatred happening all around us. But when I tune in to your vlog I see laughter, beauty, your sweet Mummy, all your friends, doing so much to beautify the chateau, and they ALL have the same happy positive outlook on life! It just really does give me hope. My dream is to come there and hang wallpaper.. all day long (25 years in the business) it gives me such joy to see it all done. If my family would let me off I would go and there I would be..but I can't leave Arizona for a while, they have a travel ban on us! But all is well. I know someday I will get there. Sorry for the lengthy epistle, but thank you so much for sharing your life with us! xoxox


We (my husband Luke and I) loved this video interview with Ollie. This is a fantastic idea. Please do continue with your other friends who come to visit and of course the Lalande housemates. :-) I don't know if Oliver will read all these comments but he was an awesome trial run. Such a natural and oh my gosh his stories. His most embarrassing moment totally sounds like something I would have done. So much better than anything on TV. Thank you Stephanie for opening up your life to this community around the world. You are greatly loved and appreciated.


Hi Kate, if you haven't joined the Facebook fan page, you should. Everyone there is wonderful and I think you would find lots of love and support from the community of Chateaux lovers. Thank you for sharing about your surgery we are all wishing you well. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ataleoftwochateaux/members/


Just wanted to encourage you to keep hope in your life Daniel. Such a crazy time in the world right now but that doesn't mean the future cannot be bright.


For me this has to be one of my favorite Patreon vlogs ❤! I love this concept of "close & personal" interviews with each Lalande guests. I have not laughed 😂 so hard in months.....when Ollie shared his Navy story of throwing the rope 🤣!!! And there was also profound moments, which have opened my mind to reflect ❤. Thank you Oliver for your generosity 🙏. On a lighter note....great idea to rewallpaper. Can't wait to see the Fortuny fabric 😍. Already looking forward to the next interview....maybe Nic as we don't know him much 😊. Je vous aime xx.


You can always fast forward. Better to give people a real opportunity to answer without a time limit. Or, hit pause and see the rest at another time. :)


Oh my days; I cried laughing at Oliver's most embarrassing story, thank you. It was lovely to hear about Oliver's life and how you got to know each other. Look forward to seeing him reappear upon further visits.


This was such a lovely, inspiring chat! Looking forward to more of these Q & As! <3


Looking forward to tomas’ q&a!!


Wonderful interview and conversation with Ollie!


Great interview with Oliver, how lovely to still be friends after a long time. It’s great to hear that Natia is going to be running the business side of the B & B side of Le Lande. So pleased all is going well and that you have some lovely people helping you Stephanie.


Ahh! I loved this discussion. One of your most moving vlogs. I agree with Ollie's thoughts regarding his passion for art and your discussion of purpose. Stephanie, from one Leo to another, I get you. Furlow Gatewood lives in my home state of Georgia and I so enjoyed his story, the book, and what he created. A man who loves symmetry.


Oliver's hair cut looks fantastic. Just had to say it! Loved this vlog format.

Denise Behrends

Words hardly seem adequate to express how richly fulfilling it was listening to the two of you conversing. Few things in life are as rewarding as engaging in or being drawn into a thought-provoking conversation. Stephanie and Oliver, you are true artists. Thank you for sharing your gifts in the art of conversation and story-telling, as you painted your words so eloquently. This discussion had it all—from captivating humor to deep reflection and life lessons. I look forward to many more intriguing conversations from Chateau de Lalande.


Oliver, thank you for being so candid. Oh I laughed so hard out loud at your story about hanging onto the shore line. My story is not so funny but similar. We had to dock our 40 foot boat on a wall in a remote area with no cleats and no one around. My husband, the captain, the only other crew onboard, brought us along side the wall and I stood midship holding both the bow and stern lines and jumped off right into a huge hole thus planting my face into to ground. The boat at least was secure and nobody was hurt. Great memories aren’t always pretty. Please keep these coming Stephanie. Such a joy and we not only learn about your friends and visitors, we learn more about why you are the most beautiful and special person you are. Hugs 🤗


Ok this was BRILLIANT. I was literally late for work this morning because I couldn't stop watching. Crying with laughter (Oliver did me in with the rope story) and incredibly inspired by the end. You speak of purpose and how helping to put kindness and beauty into the world is so important. I've always felt I was destined to do just that, but could never see what that way was supposed to be. I've found it now. The fan group is my way of helping to make the world more beautiful, more inspiring, more connected. It is an extension of the inspiration Stephanie gives, and I feel soooo blessed to finally be able to say "I've found my purpose.". Thank you both!! ❤️❤️❤️


I so enjoyed the interview with Oliver and i think asking Selma the same ? is a brilliant idea because i have been curious to learn more about him and how he came to be in Laland and it will interresting to hear what he has got to say.😎


Finally found time to watch this one, I LOVE the idea of interviewing people close to you and Lalande. I feel like I'm becoming friends with you and learning from you and basically you're mentoring me through life ❤️ Huge thanks to Oliver for being open and honest in front of camera. That embarrassing story made my day! 😂


One thought - to respect Nic's privacy (but maybe satisfy a little bit of the craving all of us have to learn more about him...I wonder if he'd be open to answering the questions in writing, and then having Stephanie read the answers as he sits next to her in a paper bag? I think it would be interesting and hilarious:)


Love this. Great idea so please continue


I love the interviews and getting to know all the wonderful people involved in the chateau


Such an interesting conversation and so glad to hear about Natalia!


I couldn't have said it better.


Its funny, the first word came to my mind was loyal too.


I LOVED this!!!


I loved this interview! Exxon Valdez lol!


Absolutely brilliant interview! Its been such a pleasure seeing how special your friendship is and getting to know Ollie. You are both such inspiring individuals. Please continue these interviews and I agree that Selmar should be next! Thank you so much Stephanie and Ollie.


I can relate as I live near where it had it's accident.


I love how you are all still close friends, sometimes with a breakup friends are divided, I think it is a testament to your character


did anyone else see a post for CD?? and now its gone?


Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts and feelings. How refreshing! P.S.- Mark Twain was on the ball!


I was waiting for the Live Chat and it completely disappeared from YouTube. Not a posting anywhere, although earlier today I did see some chatting with S & I, but now it's gone. Very mysterious...


I love the idea of re-papering rather than saving the paper as the new paper will have the same print but in new condition with the color vibrant. You will really get the affect of it when it first went up. Maybe there is a way to document that this paper is replacing another paper in the same pattern, for history. Looking forward to seeing the progress and more interviews :)


Like Mary-Therese, I saw the Live chat today, started listening to it, but needed to stop it. I had intended to listen to it later, but it is not available anywhere. What happened?


I am the same. I am looking for the video as well but it said it was private?


I think it wasn’t saved following the live time due to major internet issues throughout. Since they have workshop guests there were just too many people on the wifi. It might appear later, they sometimes do, but for now it’s not accessible.


Stephanie left a message: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheChateauDiaries/community


The internet shot craps and they couldn't continue the live feed. Because it was all messed up, she just deleted the video. Lesson learned - do not try and do live chats while hosting a workshop where everyone is probably trying to use their phones. :)

Theresa Romero

I enjoyed this soo much!! The story about throwing the rope had me rolling with laughter. 😂 Thanks for that! 🙏 And Ollie is such a charming man. So nice to get to know him a bit more, and to see you both enjoying your conversation together.

Theresa Romero

This was so fun. Yes, please do more interviews of your friends and family. And thank you for being you, and sharing so much with us all. You have already been such an inspiration for me. 🙏💗


I think that taking down the wallpaper and using a copy to re-wallpaper is a good idea. That way you can make sure the structure of the room is still good before putting on the new wallpaper. I think this will be easier for you since the companies that sell the copies still haven’t responded to you.


What a beautiful man, you are blessed to have him as your friend, I cracked up about his most embarrasing moment I could just picture it!This is such a wonderful idea, and as much as I would like to get to know Salman more I would love to know Mummy’s story...... a dream of mine also would be to but one of your fathers prints full size please....... just putting it out there 🙏🏻

Anna Ibarra

This is my first patron video! 👌🏼 I kept putting off becoming one. I found C.D. Back in beginning of lockdown and was hooked so hard. These interviews are brilliant! I just love Oliver, he not only such a handsome man, but ever so humble and sweet. He treats others so kind. Such a beautiful trait for someone and more for a man. Great friends you have Stephanie. I love this interviews and do also would love to hear from Selma. Can’t wait,


What a great friend Oliver is 😄


This is a fantastic interview and really engaging format for future interviews. The questions are probing enough to enable the interviewee to elucidate and enlighten us all. We love La Lande and all of you so much. This interview portrays perfectly the 'purpose' we all seem to share ' life, love and laughter'. Thank you so much :-)


Maybe do a small framed collage of the previous papers found in that room?


Hi Steph! I absolutely loved this! Your questions were perfect and both you and Ollie carried on such a wonderful conversation with these questions as a guide. It was so very engaging. As with any top quality entertainment you had me laughing out loud one minute, and at the next moment I was crying. Both you and Ollie and such kind, compassionate people and this shone through the entire vlog. I would highly endorse interviewing the other LaLanders in the same manner. Steph, you have a rare talent of allowing people to be very comfortable and open in a conversation with you. That has allowed us to take a peek into both of your lives in a very genuine way. Thank you, Ollie, for being so honest and articulate in the answers to all of these questions. You have a very considerate and kind soul and it was so wonderful of you to share your stories with us. Brava sweet Steph!


Hello Stephanie. Although you had internet glitches yesterday please don’t stop doing your Sunday lives! We know you have flakey internet at La Lande and even though yesterday was worse than usual for you almost every comment I saw in the chat was really supportive of your efforts and understood the problem (to put it in perspective, of all the many many comments I saw I think there was only one that was not). I’m sure after your experience yesterday it would be really easy to get caught up in and feel a bit down about the one bad event, but truthfully one unfortunate session is just a hiccup, it does not a complete disaster make and I really hope you’ll try again on another day! For one final thought, while you are still being challenged by the slow ADSL internet/wi-fi coming in over your phone line, if it’s not something you’re already doing might there be a benefit to having an additional internet phone line installed so you could split devices over two routers instead of one? Perhaps one router could be allocated for permanent residents and another for guests and volunteers as a way to ease peak overload pressure and demand on the individual bandwidths? I’m not a techie so don’t really know if this would be effective but maybe others here might be able to comment on whether it could be a short term assistance until the 4G coverage arrives. Oh and very lastly as if to show that the internet challenges of the live although a frustration really were not a total disaster despite it all the channel still gained another 200 new subscribers yesterday :)


Great interview, thank you. I should like to be your friend 😊 x


If anyone like me comes back to read, I found Stephanie's patreon stats today again if anyones interested on how shes doing https://graphtreon.com/creator/thechateaudiaries


Oooh the Fortuny fabric!! Hooray! I cannot wait for the vids (I was the one who’d asked about bed curtains awhile ago & you’d kindly answered my question in a vid & talked about finding the fabric!)... and I can’t wait to learn more about the fabric, too! A huge thank you to Oliver for being the first guinea pig...he did great! I laughed SO MUCH at the story of the punting trip...I did a couple of summer courses at Cambridge ages ago (last century, lol), and while I did go punting I did NOT have any fun stories from it, and definitely did not experience any Pimms floating away, either...I think I did punting wrong. 😂😂😂


It only seems like yesterday we were waiting for her to break the 1000 barrier!!!


Did anybody actually catch any part of the live session before it went down. If so can you give us a run down on what we missed. What interesting bits did we miss out on lol. It would have been 4am here so no show of me catching what little there was. Anybody?


Really enjoyed listening to Ollie's answers. :) You have a wonderful group of friends Stephanie !


Hello Pam. It was mostly Stephanie and Isabelle telling the YouTube channel about the goals with the targets board. Very similar idea to the patrons video Stephanie filmed for us with Oliver a couple of weeks ago.


I so enjoyed this chat between you and Oliver....love the concept of asking the 10 questions..it's a real insight into the person. I vote for Selmar next!!!


Cannot wait to see that Fortuny fabric!


I do hope that you reach 19k soon and hopefully the 20k could be for your lovely china cabinet to finish the best toilet in France corridor?


I really do love this idea of the interviews and look forward to them.


I loved the interview :) such a good idea. I was wondering if maybe one of the smaller Patreon “rewards” could be a download of the painting Thomas found and put in your room with the carousel ? I absolutely adore it. :) thank you for spreading so much joy


I think I saw on the premiere today that you said that Oliver is considering having his own YouTube channel. Let me cast a vote for YES!!!! Just an idea - but how fun would it be to offer his Patrons monthly painting lessons. Sign me up!


The fun of this channel is not only the wonderful owners and residents of the Chateau,,but the fact that we are all contributing to the restoration of a historic building. It would be absolutely wonderful if the previous Marquis or other family members could be interviewed by Stephanie. Having the Marquis and relatives interviewed and their perspectives and thoughts about the future of the Chateau; would add an extra richness to the restoration of the Chateau that I am confident that all Patrons would be willing to support in ensuring this slice of history will remain relevant for generations to come.


Absolutely wonderful, bravo! It is wonderful that you can employ Nati full time. She is a fabulous asset to LaLande. Good luck girly in your new employment xx


Oliver is a treasure!


Somerville College is the College Madame Margaret Thatcher attended and studies Chemistry here.


I love both interviews. Please do more. One question I missed was hearing about Selmar's dance experience. I loved seeing him teach Tango.


I really enjoyed the interview with Ollie! It was great to hear how the two of you became such dear friends. My husband and I laughed until we were crying when he shared his most embarrassing moment. Thank you for the depth and transparency in this interview.


To describe Oliver in one word, it would have to be "suave" and only in a good way - classy and charming. One word is so hard because he is also natural and authentic and combined with suave, he is a fine man indeed. Thank you Stephanie for letting us enjoy your friendships. May all your kindness return to you in spades. Looking forward to Selmar's interview and yes I love this interview format.

Deby Davis

Gosh Stephanie-you have the most lovely people that are your friends around you. And your long term friend Ollie has been delightful to see and hear during his recent stay at the Chateau. Just love the humor and fun that can come from the depth of friendships.


Thank you for this lovely video! It was SUCH a pleasure to watch, and so so inspirational! Yes pls keep doing this. Hearing about other people's lives, passions, paths is such an inspiration <3 <3 <3


You have such lovely friends and amazing life-long stories. I am cry laughing at Ollie's Navy story. I am glad he came out unscathed. I cannot wait to see this interview for all other Lalanders!


Since Ollie is the catalyst for La Lande, I think it is perfect that he was the first Q & A. LOVED it and the whole concept of this video.


Well this was unexpectedly touching! Ollie's words about finding your purpose really hit home. I'm still searching for mine, but wow it was lovely to hear his thoughts on that. Thanks for this, Stephanie!


I’m glad Oliver fixed Isabel’s nose before he left. That’s her now.


Such an interesting and funny vlog. The ‘purpose’ question is a very thought provoking one. I was also interested in Ollie’s business... I just looked him up :)


It’s so much fun to learn more about the folks we see on your vlog! P.S. I’m so glad you moved that wedgewood vase off of those books...it always made me so nervous (huge klutz here). I would seriously get anxious every time I saw it in a video! 😂


Getting close to the $19,000 target. Very exciting to see what is being achieved in support for Stephanie and the Chateau. Welcome to all the new patreons


This was so wonderful to listen to! I especially loved the conversation on seeking your passion and cultivating it. Oliver seems like a great friend to you Stephanie, and seems so kind on top of being superbly talented. I absolutely love this interview format! Looking forward to more :D


Ollie is my absolute favorite! He's so entertaining.


Your interviews are wonderful ! It is so interesting to see how people from around the world can join together to form such a lovely and creative community.


I found myself laughing at the stories and nodding in agreement as you both shared such encouraging words about finding your purpose ❤ Thanks Stephanie and Oliver for this great interview... I look forward to getting caught up and watching the rest this week!!


Absolutely wonderful! I feel so blessed to be able to be a small part of the wonderful way you are bringing beauty and joy to the world. Oliver is just such a lovely person. We are blessed to get a small glimpse into his life as well.


Oliver is such a multi-layered, complex person. Your questions revealed a side of him that has not appeared in the normal vlogs. Thank you for your insightful questions and Oliver for your depth.


What a lovely guy. I dream of being able to sit and chat with him one day about art and his business.


Oh dear lord, the tears were rolling down my face with the laughter. You have made my day Oliver hope I get to meet you sometime. Great interview 😁🤣


Oliver is so wonderful. So glad he is starting a channel


That was great. Oliver’s story about being a naval cadet..... omg I laughed so hard I spit up my tea. So funny!


Here’s hoping that Oliver and family buy the house down the lane. Would love to see them regularly. (We joke here that he’s our new favorite character.) 🤩 Stephanie, you are a really good interviewer. Love the interviews. 👏


Yes, thank you for sharing your home and extending your friendships virtually. I think it's important to bring people closer in whatever way is possible.

Jane Nunn

Oliver your answer to your favourite colour is "All colours " ;-)

Jane Nunn

My uncle was an artist up until he did a little ago and livedin London in Kensington. He did an exhibition not long before he died. He was a art lecturer at St Martins

Jane Nunn

OhOllie, I had to pause the video.I am in absolute tears of laughter and cant see or hear you.. I must say I am not the most coordinated person BUT THAT IS EPIC! LOLOLI did NOT expect you to say that! LOLOLOL..

Jane Nunn

I am a new patreon so going back and watching all the previous posts.. Agree with you totally both of you thankyou for sharing both of you.. so lovely to see you Oliver xo




Oliver is just the perfect British gentleman!


Fairly new Patreon and just having a great time watching all the interviews. What lovely friends and couldn’t stop laughing at your jump over the side. Thank you to you both x


I am a fairly new patron as well and am trying to catch up on the patron videos & updates. I’m thoroughly enjoying them though lots has already happened but I am learning more as I go along. Oliver, the jump over the side of the boat made me lol!

Daniel Hammond

I am watching the backlog back to front! Ollie, if you read this, try to delegate as much of your business tasks to others as can be managed. If you remain with your company as the leader, the 'King Bee', but not the one who does the foot work, you may have the best of both worlds, a steady good income from the company, but with time for the art.


This was an inspiring conversation.


This was truely a great and inspirational vlog❤️ Thank you both so much ❤️


I’ve just recently become a patron and just loved this interview. Oliver is a perfect story teller. He reminds me of my eldest son who is also a non rule breaker.


I love these interviews... Oliver's was the second one, I found Michael Potts interview last night and I'm heading off to seek out any others. I think one of the most special elements of this is how your friendships have lasted so long, including with former partners. Thats so important since what we fell in love with doesnt change, but sadly, sometimes we allow the bad things that led to the breakdown of the relationship, to supercede all the good parts that created it in the first place. You're a very lucky woman but I have to say, everyone around you at LaLande are also very lucky people to have found the "commune" of LaLande and the "purpose" of the Chatelaine.


I loved this interview!! I love how you are both so encouraging to others!!!


Wonderful interview with Oliver the man with many talents. I do relate to his color sense as I feel the same , color is of the utmost in my paintings a!so. Mummy's painting reaches into her soul and feelings for flowers.. Vibrant! I also am a voracious gardener and cannot pass by a weed without cleaning it up. Questions are really fun Stephanie. So glad I found your vlog, especially during covid.


What a wonderful man. I paint on canvas off the frame so I can roll and store them


Rose Wylie became a famous artist in her 80's


Really enjoyed getting to know a bit more about Ollie and the relationship you two share Stephanie! Wonderful video :)


I really enjoyed this interview with Ollie!💖xx