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And I've realised that everything's happened so fast that I didn't give you a gift for the $17,000 target! So here are two paintings by my dear friend Oliver Strong for you, one of Lalande and -most excitingly - his most recent painting of Mummy in the garden. He's retaining copyright, but you can use these for personal use. If you'd like to see more of his art (a lot of which is set at Lalande), you can follow him on Instagram @strong.oliver

I've just finished editing this week's Patreon video, but it's a little too late to go out to upload tonight, so you'll all receive it tomorrow. It's a Q&A with Oliver, talking about the chateau, art and life!

Thank you for transforming our lives and the future of the chateau in this way - words can't describe how happy and optimistic we all are because of you.




Fantastic news Stephanie have a glass of Bollinger to celebrate xx


Wonderful! Can’t wait to see the shutterdogs you choose!


Another exciting level reached! Bravo 👏🏽 Love love this painting by Oliver. Mummy is darling xx


Great news, so glad to hear!! :)


Fabulous! Oliver’s painting if Mummy was worth the wait !


I can practically hear her accent from the photo! lol


What lovely paintings! The use of color is wonderful!


Love this Lalande painting so much! Thank you Oliver! Must print and frame for my little work from home desk immediately.


Yay! Yesterday I changed mine from $20 to $50, to try and help get you closer to the next goal! I love Oliver's paintings, and can't wait for tomorrow's video.


Really delighted for you, congratulations,. The vision for LaLande is becoming a reality and it is wonderful to see ☺️💕


Wonderful news! I love Oliver’s paintings, he’s captured ‘Mummy’ perfectly! X






Fantastic! Looking forward to the Q & A with Oliver.


Oliver has done a wonderful job painting Mummy!!! A viewing or unveiling of her portrait on the terrace with canapés and Champagne and to celebrate the next goal reached is probably in order! 💋


Wonderful news Stephanie!!


So beautiful! Thanks to you and Oliver for sharing them with us!


mummy ❤️❤️❤️


This is brilliant news! And Oliver’s painting is so beautiful! The best way to brighten up this Patreon in very cold and wintery lockdown Melbourne! Thank you for sharing it with us!


Amazing news and wonderful paintings, thrilled for you 😊


Fantastic artist, captured the very essence of your mother x wonderful news about the target


So fantastic! 🎊👏🏻🎊👏🏻🎊👏🏻🎊 Bravo Oliver...the painting is lovely! ❤️


What skill Oliver has! Thanks for sharing the beautiful paintings. Super exciting that the goal has been reached!! xx




I just love Oliver’s pairing of Mummy in the garden x

Sharidan Dee Ann Vincent

I love Oliver's paintings! The one of mummy is absolutely exquisite! Thank you for sharing with us!


Oliver is so talented . Please tell him how much we appreciate seeing his art.


Congratulations Stephanie!! Please thank Oliver as the paintings are amazing.


Thank you so much, Oliver and Stephanie. It’s endearingly beautiful.


I love the one of Mummy! Oliver is brilliant.


An incredible portrait of Mummy!


Oliver is a very good artist .... I like listening to him speak ,very eloquent ❤❤👍👍


Oliver how amazing. What a beautiful gift for Mummy. Thankyou for sharing


That picture of Mummy is breathtaking. Truly caught her spirit!


Thank you so much and congratulations on reaching the most recent goal! Yippee!


Oliver has captured everything BEAUTIFUL ❤️


I knew you'd do it Stephanie! Thanks to Oliver for his artistic genius. Isabelle looks lovely in his painting of her. And thank you to all those at the Chateau who are supporting the growing in the beauty of Chateau Lalande.. I'm proud to be a patron.


Oliver you are so talented. They are beautiful. Thank you. They'll look beautiful in my bedroom.


Incredibly beautiful! Thank you!

Denise Behrends

Oliver's beautiful paintings are such an exquisite gift.


They're beautiful, thank you!


CONGRATULATIONS 🍾🎉🍷😊 it has been a slow journey up the mountain but after 16 years the view looks spectacular, well done. 😀😀😀


Thank you, both Stephanie and Oliver, for this beautiful surprise! Love the colors! 🌿🌸🌿🦋🌿🌼🌿


Amazing. Oliver has such a talent. Thank you x


Thank you so much for the beautiful paintings, such a talented artist🌻💛🌞


I love the idea of doing a Q&A with your friends and workaways at LaLande. What a great way to get to know the fabulous cast of characters from the vlogs.


I feel blessed to be a patron and so grateful that you have chosen to share the joy of Lalande with the world. Everyone who lives, visits or stays there has something unique and very special to add to the magic.


Congrats! The paintings - especially of Isabelle is beautiful!


Thank you-- I agree that the painting of Isabelle/Mummy is great-- it really captures her expression well, especially when she's out in the garden among the flowers!


It's a lovely painting! Thank you for bringing so much joy in such tough times!


Love Oliver's beautiful painting style and colors. Both paintings are so fresh and wonderful. Looking forward to seeing where the painting of Mummy will be placed at Lalande. You and Oliver are fortunate to have a long time friendship and fun memories. Thank you for this gift!


Thank you very much Stephanie. Lovely painting of both of both maman and Lalande.


How wonderful! Congratulations Stephanie and team. I love Oliver’s paintings, thank you for sharing. Much love xo


Oliver has captured your mother so well. Gorgeous colors. Where will you hang it?


Congratulations and well deserved! On this new milestone! Oliver’s paintings are beautiful!


Congratulations!! very exciting. Thank you for sharing Oliver’s art with us. He’s done a fantastic capture Isabelle and LaLande.


Such a lovely likeness of Mummy! Oliver is such a talented artist. Reminds me a bit of Monet, even if the subject matter is different. Love his use of color. Looking forward to many more! ♥️👍😘


Wheeeeee!!!! So exciting 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽. And Oliver's painting of Mummy is gorgeous. Full of joy 💚💛💙


Yay, $18,000! 🏦🤗🎉And, Thank You! 🙏. I look forward to seeing the paintings in person one day when I’m fortunate enough to visit LaLande in person. 😊


Congratulations! The picture of Mummy is gorgeous.


Such a beautiful painting of Isabelle! I love the color composition! ❤❤


Woohoo! I’m soooo excited and happy for y’all! I can’t believe it! And Oliver does such beautiful paintings and I’m sure Percy will love the flblous portrait of mummy! Much love from the states!


Oliver captured mummy perfectly! She’s as bright in the in real life just as the painting depicts! So lovely! Yay for hitting another target! How lucky am I to enjoy all the wonderful vlogs and people @ Lalande! xx 🏰🤍


Thank you Stephanie and Oliver. I love both pictures.


They are special. I just love the one of Isabelle. A wonderful likeness of her Oliver. A treasure for the chateau indeed; the painting and the lovely woman in it 🥰


Wonderful news and fabulous art work. Our Lalande community is achieving many things and enjoying every minute. 😁❤️🏰


Beautiful work, Oliver! I especially love the one of Isabelle. Such a lovely depiction of her! C'est parfaite!


Oh my! The portrait of Isabelle is absolutely superb. It IS Isabelle. More than all the lovely stained glass and silk draperies and beautiful things the last year or so has brought you, Stephanie, I think you will treasure this painting of your mother forever!


This makes me so happy. Like we are all in this together:) congrats!!! And thank you for sharing the beautiful paintings!


Absolutely stunning! Thank you and Oliver for sharing!


congatulations and I hope you enjoyed Bastille Day on Tuesday....Vive La France xxx


Congratulations!! Its so wonderful to see your hard work and perserverence paying off. This "little" community you have brought together is so happy to see your dreams coming to fruition. With much love from Canda 🇨🇦❤


I love them both so much, thank you for sharing. They are simply gorgeous and so full of energy. I just wrote to Mairie to say that we have to figure out how to improve the internet connection for you all at the chateau. Perhaps this can go on the list at a later date? If there is a will, there is a way.


I love them both too. Thank you Oliver xx


Love is used too often as a throw away term but I truly love these two pieces of artwork. 💙💕


Thank you for this! Your friendship with Oliver is so joyful. You can’t know how much better you and your La Landers are helping me in this lockdown🦚❤️


Wow...the paintings are so beautiful. Thank for so much for sharing them with us. ❤️ Oliver has such talent!


yes, I was also reminded of Matisse...love the use of light and color


Oh goody, shutter dogs on the way! I did some research on them and I'm sure you've discovered that there is a distinct French kind, of the kind you already have. May you be able to order them up in the amount needed to do the job! Gorgeous job Oliver on capturing Mummy's essence, and I also adore the turret painting.


Such a great picture of your mom




The paintings are really lovely! Congratulations on reaching another target!


Beautiful portrait of Madame Isabelle.


Stunning portrait ! What a treasure!


Such lively colour. I , too, am an artist/painter and love colour. What a fine gift to see his amazing work, as we got to see it being colour blocked in your last video. I'm going now to follow his Instagram!


Just Lovely


Congrats and thank you for the gift.


He captured your mummy beautifully 👌😍




Congratulations Stephanie. Love the paintings - Oliver’s painting are fab. Thank you👍😘


Congrats Stephanie 🎊🎉!!! Thank you Oliver 🙏❤......you did Mummy good! Je vous aime xx.


Absolutely stunning!! <3


Your mother at her most happy, tending to God's creation!!


Tell Oliver thankyou❣


Oh my goodness, these are so pretty!!! Thank you for sharing these with us. He has such a beautiful magic. <3


wow Oliver stunning stunning portrait.


He is very talented.


Beautiful indeed Oliver 💕 the resemblance is instant and the blue and green tones sublime. As you mentioned it was an omission not to have lsabel represented at lalande., it’s very flattering too.


This is so exciting! I am so happy for you all! The painting of Mummy is wonderful and Oliver has captured her perfectly. Looking forward to the shutterdogs as well. Everyone is thrilled with all that is happening at the chateau.


Congratulations Stephanie! So happy for you and everyone in La Lande!🌻


Congratulations! Yay! This painting is so beautiful!! what a dream come true to have a floral studio and an art studio so near . Happy to see Marie has returned!


They are both very special paintings, well done Oliver


Thank you Stephanie and Oliver ❤️❤️


So pleased you have reached the £18000 target. Love Oliver's paintings the one of Isabelle is beautiful. He has such talent and what a sweet man he is. You have such wonderful friends Stephanie and that is priceless.


Such a beautiful portrait of Mummy! I can see the french influence in the second painting, love the looseness of strokes, gorgeous paintings!


What a lovely painting. There is such a grace about Isabelle and you have captured beautifully. I would love to see painting for the potagerie , just a small one, that caputured Isabelle's playful, humorous side. She would be wearing her half wellies and her old hat tied with ribbon. x


Congratulations Stephanie and team Lalande! Thank you so much for sharing Oliver's beautiful paintings. He is a super talented artist.


What a beautiful painting such talent.


Employ Natalia next!!!! Would be so great I love her!


What a beautiful painting of Mummy, done in such a short time. Oliver is such a talented man. Mummy must be very happy with her portrait and we look forward to seeing it in pride of place somewhere in the Chateau. <3


Beautiful both the paintings and Mummy ❤


What a beautiful painting, of your beautiful mummy, a priceless gift from a dear friend! Stephanie you have blessings surrounding you, and I feel lucky I can watch your beautiful life ... it makes me smile! Love all your family and friends ... thank you for sharing your precious gifts to the world!


That's a terrific likeness and captures her personality and that sparkle in her eye perfectly


Stephanie how very talented & lovely you & your friends are. How beautifully Oliver has captured your sweet (but determined!) Mummy. How very generous of you to share both paintings with us. Thank you x


I love this for her! I’m a fan of Oliver’s. We’ll everyone!


Oh my goodness🥰 this is stunning painting of mummy. Are you planning to keep this at the chateau and if so, do you know where it will be hung. Thank you so much for sharing these. Oliver is very talented.


Oliver has captured Isabelle so very well. It’s beautiful, you are so talented Oliver. The new target has been reached, well done all at La Lande. Love from the Dordogne xxx


Congratulations on reaching another target, well deserved. Thank you for sharing Oliver’s paintings - I particularly love the painting of Mummy, it has such a magical quality and Oliver has truly captured her. Perfect setting- In the garden, surrounded by gorgeous flowers, dressed in the colours that suit her so well and wearing her new hat. 🌸🌼😍


Hi to Nati from Argentina. It was nice to see you drinking mate! I'm from NZ and my husband is Argentinian. We laughed when you talked about tango... We thought you did a great job! We tried to learn when we first got together and that was funny... lol


Bravo darlings!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ This is all so brilliant and inspiring!! What an utterly THRILLING journey!! I've never met such kind and generous souls. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ If you are a new patron and aren't yet aware, Stephanie has a FAN PAGE!! The whole house is there!! Please come join us for all kinds of extra goodies. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/ataleoftwochateaux/?ref=share


Congratulations on reaching another target, well done!


Oliver is so talented! All those men at La Lande are so exceptional (and are all so handsome)....maybe a men of La Lande calendar (fully clothed)...lol....


Oliver has captured your mother perfectly!


Thank you, Oliver, for the incredibly touching painting of Isobel - it looks so much like her. Thank you, Stephanie, for sharing everything that you do. Thank you to ALL the patrons that are so unbelievably generous; it is their generosity that allows all of us to share in your joy, in your hopes, and in your dreams for Lalande..


The church is now my wallpaper! Thank you Oliver and Stephanie!


Stunning portrait of Mummy it truly captures her essence and her love of the garden. Oliver there are no bounds to your talents your work is truly incredible 💕💕


I have DM’d this to Ollie on Instagram already......but looking at the painting of your Mummy is like smelling the scent of lavender..... it’s ever so calming And I look at it a lot here in California. ❤️🌺


These are so beautiful!


It is amazing how Oliver has captured Mummy's expression on her face! What a Lovely memory to have.


Oliver has really captured her eyes......the experience, love and memories in those eyes....well done, love to see people not paint them but their soul as therein lies their beauty.


That is such a gem, Oliver. Well done, and so nice to hear you answer Stephanie's 10 questions! :D


Oliver’s painting of Mummy is extraordinary. He has captured her beauty as well as her beautiful spirit.


Just love everyone at Lalande! Wish I was there with all of you and thanks for all the video's. Love Oliver's painting's he is Very talanted but the best is his wonderful personality and the long friendship between the two of you!


These are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with us <3


Wow! What an authentic, beautiful painting of Mummy! What a talented artist Oliver is! So surprising that he didn't really know he was an artist as his father was until later in life. Creativity I have observed must be expressed by the vessels that hold it or the vessel may crack! Once the creativity is allowed to flow the vessel is also transformed! Thank you for the beautiful gifts!


Oh my goodness, as I gaze at the painting of Mummy I am so astonished at how well he captured her essence. We all can look at it and see her move and hear her voice with the beautiful accent and her graceful movement across the garden~ So lovely!


What’s going on with the subscription? The total keeps going up and down through the day! Thought it could only go up until the 1st of each month, when subscription are renewed...


Absolutely beautiful Oliver! You have captured mummy's true essence in this painting!


Beautiful! Love the colors! Thank you!!🎨🦋


Beautiful hommage to Mummy!


I love Mummy’s portrait. It’s perfect.

Anna Ibarra

Amazing work! I just love the look of this painting, it captures “Mummy” so well as her love of gardening, and also her joy of elegance. The colors are beautiful. Well done Oliver. 😍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Anne Green

Stunning painting of Mummy 💕


Abrazos para ustedes!! Hugs for both of you!! And thanks for your words! Dancing Tango isn't something we learn at school... Hahaha but I try my best! Chinchin with mates!


Hello Janis. I second guessed myself and deleted my own comment! I can't remember exactly what I said


Absolutely stunning!

Anna Ibarra

Oliver did such an amazing job. Just beautiful Oliver.


This sketch is just so gorgeous....I absolutely love the mix of colors....such a happy piece!


The Chateau Painting is giving me a modernist Mary Blair kind of vibe. It reminds me of Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland concept art. Very beautiful and I love the use of color.

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

Oliver has given you a treasure to cherish. He was right about that being an omission, wasn't he? You have awesome friends!


The style of this reminds me of the Bloomsbury artists at Charleston Farmhouse.


Such a beautiful painting x

Sharon cole

just stunning . Am new and watching all these vlogs back to front a so enjoying them thank you xxx


Beautiful ❤️