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In the video below the inhabitants of Lalande team up to present three ideas for you to vote on for the $18,000 target!

Will you vote for Team Tom & Gerry, Team Mummy & Natalia, or Team Steph & Selmar?!



Team Steph and Selmar all the way!


I love that one is team Tom and Gerry 😂


Mummy is always right.


Tean Steoh and Selmar x


Mummy is being practical. Xo💕🌸💕


Team Gerry and Tom. Chandelier for sure 😘


Team Stephanie and Delmar


Team Tom & Gerry for me 😍 💡


The balcony needs attention ASAP! Summer wont be here for long~


Team Steph and Selmar! Sorry Mummy, Gerry, Tom and Nat


Mummy knows, i think she and Natalia nailed it!


I think Tom and Jerry are being silly!!!


I think the balcony would be the most important I think.


I just think the balcony would look strange...I like the idea of several Juliet balconies much better. Tom & Jerry have my vote!


Oh dear. I am so torn!


Has to be mummy’s I don’t Like the idea of the walk way, I see the shutter tie backs as part of the fabric of the building and more important...


I vote for fixing the basics first before starting another biggie project


A chandelier is cosmetic A balcony is useful and instant safety Mummy gives me a heart attack when she stands there.


I voted just by this Poll and not the video and now I feel guilted to change my vote by mummy😂😂😂 the safety! I should Have watched first, tell mummy I’m sorry for not voting for the safety of La Lande!!!


Gotta be a walkway! Imagine how grand it will be.


Mother's are always right and practical !!! Team Mummy and Natalia all the way !!!!!


Voted for the balcony, I’ve been looking forward to that for so long! Also congrats on selling out of Dauphins!!! Amazing! Will you add more for the future or stick with the 50?


Mummy scared me into voting for the shutter tie backs. What if they fall on someone’s head! Oh!


I agree, Juliet balconies would look best. The walkway is far too modern for the building.


The place needs more of a WOW Factor when you drive up. First fixing that tower, than the court yard then nice light coming from the house. FIRST IMPRESSIONS. lol


I love all the ideas but I think the easiest and fastest to execute would be Mummy and Natalia's. Also, since the shutter tie backs each have designs on them I think there's a lot of potential there for Stephanie to leave her mark on the Chateau for centuries to come! (I mean, how often does one replace shutter tiebacks?) Maybe you could design the tiebacks to pay tribute to your father, using some of his art as inspiration? Or have a peacock design to commemorate Laland's first muster of peachicks? I think it's both practical and has lots of creative potential.


The Hameau de la Reine at the Chateau de Lalande would be wonderful and so beautiful with the balcony walkway 💓


By the way the shutter tie backs are called shutter dogs. FUNNY FUNNY video. All targets are needed but i think the balcony has to come first. Love to all!


I think the chandelier will add such beauty and elegance to the entry.


Sorry Stephanie but the Virgo in me screams “fix the shutter tie backs”, although seeing the architects plans wasn’t too far behind. X


I had to vote for Tom & Gerry for that stunning performance!


Love it great video balcony walkway would finish that part of the chateau and keep everyone safe would it be a wooden structure or metal?


I believe some are confusing the balcony to Mummys bedroom with a very large walkway project outside and around the upper floor of the chateau. Mummy's balcony repair is already being designed by an ironwork crafter if I recall?


Team Steph and Selmar definately

Janese Carstens

Isabelle & Natalia have my vote as I’m looking forward to having something completed!


Ps good to see Scott man back


I just have to vote for Tom & Gerry & the chandelier ... they mentioned the magic word ‘Christmas’🎄....& it would save the party guests washing candle wax out of their hair😳xx


I think Juliet balconies would fit in better with the Château rather than one big one. Mummy has my vote for getting a practical job all finished


Tom and Jerry all the way x


I think the walkway would look odd but balconies would look fab. The shutter issue is a quick win as is the chandelier. Talking into account the safety issue mummy has my vote. You could design them yourself and get them made, leaving a lasting impression on La Lande. I'm sure Billy, with his chandelier obsession would be able to help with one for the entrance hall. 😁


A wow factor huge chandelier, please! I don't think Mummy wants a balcony connected to the other rooms. She wants her privacy and her own balcony. The tie backs are a good idea, but put it next in line.


I am completely charmed by you and your mother. You are truly blessed by having the support of your wonderful family and friends from around the world.


The walkway would be a wonderful and useful addition to your beautiful chateau


Voted for the walkway balcony 100%. That should be a priority and a gorgeous addition to the chateau for sure <3


Please get the balconies. Every time I see mummy at her window I cringe!! I don’t want poor mummy landing in the courtyard!


I think the walkway would be wonderful but also vote for the other two, do them as well, won’t be too expensive, especially if you find a wonderful chandelier at Emmaus or Troc 👍


the balcony drawings arw the real deal- everything else is fussy but can easily be done - TEAM BALCONY DRAWINGS!!🥂💐


oh i DO think she needs another 50 am 😜🥂💐🙏🤞

Laura & Jack

I thing the tie backs are a great idea. Simple and your guests will enjoy them. I’ve always wondered how those shutter close. Now I know how they should close!


All 3 are nesserary but the balcony is highly dangerous


Brilliant - balcony for me then Chandelier and then window catches .xx


We need to keep Mummy safe! xx


Shutters are very important


Of COURSE it has to be the balconies ! They are a fab idea and will really make a practical and aesthetic difference. xoxox


Safety first! :). As always, I want all the projects to get done.


I’m with Stephie and Selmar all the way. Let’s get the big jobs started asap. And it will be much safer for Mummy.🌻


Balcony Drawings! The shutter tiebacks should be a somewhat quick fix. And then the Chandelier. Would you keep the same chandelier? Or look for something already wired for electricity? 💡


Repair the shutter latches to keep them intact. That looks like a lot of labor expense. find a magnificent chandelier at a thrift shop (oh la la a Paris visit?) and then very soon get the drawings made for


the walkway. Fun video! Great projects!


I mentioned in the other comments that maybe the lovely chandelier from yesterday's adventure to Paris could be installed until the *perfect* chandelier is found, so that one's out. The balconies can have a temporary painted crosspiece put on the windows for now until more money comes in for both the drawings AND the installation of proper balconies (so we don't have to wait). But I think those darling shutter stops on all the windows would be a great upgrade for the guests - of which you will be getting many now! So that's my vote :)


How good was that, you have set the standard now for each level. My thinking for the shutters is that it is protecting the shutters from damage and therefore more money needing to be spent in the future .......me I would have put the idea forward of a big huge fence to keep you six (plus Percy!) at La Lande forever you make the best videos as a group.....thank you everyone - you make my heart sing like a chandelier, light my soul with sunshine streaming in from the countryside and of course my lift my spirits up to the first floor of a chateau!!

Denise Behrends

I adore the idea of a magnificent crystal chandelier in the Entry Hall as a glorious first impression and statement of grandeur! As others have mentioned, I concur that an individual Juliet balcony for each of the windows would seem to be more congruent with the architecture of the chateau. Just something to ponder and consider. Even though these rooms are away from the main part of the chateau, the chateau as a whole, with its towers and turrets, appears to call out for Juliet balconies, rather than a connected walkway, which would perhaps be a bit too casual or modern. Who wouldn’t want to greet the day from a private balcony?! Another consideration is that Mummy has expressed her desire for privacy, which would be better served by a Juliet style balcony. As a guest, I would certainly prefer a private balcony. I thoroughly enjoyed this format of presentations by the various teams of Lalande!


I’m not convinced that a walkway would enhance that courtyard. For that reason I voted for shutters, as a practical project that will save wear and tear on the shutters and therefore maintenance in the long run. The courtyard is beautiful as it is, and I think a walkway could detract from the simplicity of the lines and the solid elegance of the large opening!


The chandelier!! Tom and Gerry are right. When you're guests first enter the chateau they need to be greeted with a warm, beautiful welcome. It would really add so much.


The balcony /walkways will make it easier to repair the shutter hold backs!


Protection of the chateau is most important. I believe the shutters need addressing first. Not glamorous but very important.


I think Architect drawings for the Balcony, the others can be quick fixes. Maybe shutters can follow on.


I think I speak for many of us when I say that I will go along with anything Mummy says to do. She always knows best!


Tom and jerrys idea a warm welcome with a beautiful bright chandelier would be perfect x


Such fun and I'm missing out lol


The most important thing to be done is the shutters. Security, safety, and they need up grading. No body wants a shutter either falling off and possibly hitting someone ( god forbid) when its windy. All that extra damage from banging back and forth isn't going to help. Plus no one wants to be woken in the night or kept awake with the shutters making such a racket. Not great for the guests staying either. So not glamorous, but is a necessity. Chandelier can be next and the balcony can be done at a later date. When the chandelier is finally done though, we do expect another rendition of "Chandelier" from Tom and Gerry :)


In the States we call them the Shutter Dogs


Shutters banging all night would drive me mad.


Team Tie Backs. La Reine Isabel is very persuasive. 🥂


Totally agree with you! Plus it would be cutting across the larger barn entrance, I personally wouldn’t want other people walking past my doors, you would end up pull the curtains across all the time.... However, some individual simple/rustic wooden Juliet balcony’s would keep the privacy and the aesthetics of the courtyard...


I chose repairing the shutters first. Being woken up suddenly in the middle of the night by a loud bang would be pretty traumatic. Then definitely addressing the lighting in the main hall second, then getting plans made for the balcony. High fives all around for being so fun and creative with your proposals. You guys rock!! <3


So are we saying that each of these 3 targets will cost 18K? Or are we saying that a portion of the 18K will be necessary for each goal in which case I say try for all 3:)


Team Tom and Jerry would most likely be the quickest and impactful option. They were by far the most entertaining duo. Xoxoxo



Alton Condra

Kyra, is there really a limit? I am a humble Count but I didn't know there were limits?


I think your correct, that’s what I thought when I saw the poll, until I saw the video. I believe original the plan was to have iron balconies made, which I don’t think would suit the barn/courtyard. The walkway would look far to modern and create privacy problems for everyone, as well as cutting across the large bard door openings. Simple but rustic wooden Juliet balconies would be more aesthetically pleasing.....


Shutter tie backs, chandelier, architect drawings in that order. The tie backs may be a safety issue, otherwise I would not have placed it first.


Shutter ties absolutely! Purely selfish rationale, as a guest enjoying la chamber Perse, hopefully in a year or two, I would have a crise cardiac if the shutters started clattering in the middle of the night. Also, along with the chandelier it can be 100% completed. The balcony plan is just for the drawing, so we'd still have to wait even longer for the finished product! A thought, would it not be possible to get the current chandelier wired as a place holder for your Versailles worthy replacement? At least you'd increase your illumination! So enjoying your videos and am happy to see Gerry reunited with l'equipe Lalande 😀


Shutter Dogs! And find some period correct... E Bay has an amazing antique selection.

Alton Condra

Loved all the videos


I made my decision first by reading the poll then watching the video. I vote for the shutter dogs. Anything to make Mummy happy (and make her stay at the chateau longer)! Besides, who knows if the shutters bang on the wall if it was the wind or the ghost of LaLande, Henri!


Chandelier, followed by shutter dogs. The balcony is another large project and should perhaps wait until those already underway are completed.


I have to vote for the comedy team of Tom and Jerry🤣 Bring on the Chandelier💡


It’s a hard one for sure as they would all be wonderful - originally I voted for Stephanie but changed my mind to mummy as the shutters must be saved esp if they blow about which could cause more damage to them or even an accident so let’s fix things that need repair before starting projects I think !

Kelly Douglas

I loved this video! You guys are so much fun. I don't know who to vote for?


Although BANGING shutters would drive me to distraction and the thought of a beautifully lit entrance hall fills me with joy, the idea of connecting balconies is simply too delightful to ignore. Surely the other two minor projects could be sorted out quite easily by the ever increasing and very able Lalande team? The balcony idea is a much bigger and life enhancing project. It definitely gets my vote.


I vote team mummy and Natalia where would we be without light. And we all need a peaceful nights sleep without shutters going bump in the night 👏


Awesome and easy way of voting! i sat out of the last vote as it was to hard to decide. the sound of and epic walkway balcony sounds beautiful!


Juliet balconies and rope ladders for fire safety (stored in the rooms) - the walkway will disrupt the beautiful arches


I voted for the chandelier because every Château needs a real wow moment when you first enter. Also it had a practical side. That entry room needs light. Thank you for letting us vote and feel a part of your process. So fun!


Quality over quantity! Shutters for me!


chandelier gets my vote. a nice one as you arrive at the chateau makes a huge different. you do need light at the main entrance hall.


Let there be light, and safety! I vote for the shutters.


Haha chandelier got my vote purely for Tomaz’s serenade!


Mummy is very convincing but I voted for the chandelier


I so wanted to vote for the chandelier but the shutter tie backs make more sense in protecting the chateau. So my little vote is with Mummy and Natalia. Tom and Gerry make an awesome team, and hoping they will be swinging from a fully functional chandelier in the not too distant future. Stephanie and Selmar, I do love this idea and can't wait to see drawings, it does seem that people are divided over the walkway vs balconies. I know that Stephanie will make the perfect choices for Lalande, as she has done for the last 15 years. You all make me smile!


All pretty worthy causes but ultimately went for the walkway.


I voted tom and Gerry for the comedy value alone


Shutters, walkway would be nice however it could cause some difficulty long term if there was further development of the area outside the suites.


Gerry had me at driving up for Christmas and Tomas clinched it with his rendition of Chandelier.


I think the walkway will be beautiful, but most importantly, nobody wants to see Mummy stand in that window with olny empty air in front of her!


It was mentioned in an an earlier vlog that many projects are more long term to complete. Therefore, I vote for the quick-win with the tie-backs for shutters.


that was a difficult decision! But Tomas and Gerry got my vote!


i cant believe its all so neck and neck !! i think we are getting competitive now😳🤣🤣🤣😜


Totally agree! I believe most of those rooms have opens/doors to the other side or linked to the main house so there’s other ways out as well


This was really difficult! Originally I voted for Stephanie and Selmar but could not get Mummy's practical reasoning out of my mind. I loved Tom and Gerry's idea as it is sparkly and instant gratification, however in the end Mummy's practicality is the voice of reason and wins.


I really can’t make up my mind - all great projects, have fun and I will enjoy whichever you decide on. 🤩


You all made it difficult to choose just one!


This is so much fun!


Maybe you can do it all at one time. That would be wonderful. Hope to see the improvement soon. Love you all from Ms. Attrix in Miami


This was really difficult to vote on. Every project has serious benefits for the property. In the end, I chose the chandelier because I think it will make the biggest impact on occupant and guest experience at Lalande. I also think poor lighting is a safety concern for slips, trips, and falls.


Mummy’s safety came to mind, the walkway will be both beautiful and practical We don’t want Isobel flying out of that window she is far to adorable 🥰


It's so hard to vote! I love all the ideas and the presentations too. In the end, Mummy won as it's a matter of a good nights sleep and safety to have good shutter tiebacks, and who could resist your charming mother? Then I liked the chandelier (Tom and Gerry!) and the lovely balcony idea was third as I think it would be more expensive/take more time. It was a good presentation though.


A walkway would be so intrusive, people walking by during your private moments (which are all the moments, in one’s room). Nothing is more chic than a Juliet balcony. A walkway is too modern an addition for a 16th century chateau. Nooooo


Stephanie, Tough vote! I want all teams working on all targets 😉! I voted S&S! 🥰🏰❤️


I think from a guest experience and a good nights sleep it has to be the shutter fixings :-)


I vote walkway, fixing the shutters Selmar will sort out in a jiffy and Ian can sort out the electrics for a chandelier , although it would be lovely to have a spectacular antique murano chandelier in the entrance! I like Adrians idea for peacock design Shutter tie backs .


I vote for the chandelier because the entrance deserves to be magnificent and with the new doors and flower beds outside it would look really great to have a stunning chandelier with lights there when winter comes :D


Aw come on...the chandelier to light the way. A walkway...put some spare stresses under the windows. Selma can put a nail in the shutters.


“Mattresses”. Damn spell check.


I vote for balcony walkway. Go S&S


I vote for chandelier because winter is coming and if you seal the door to the cellar with a curtain the room will be much warmer and with real light you may use it more. Also its a cheap and quick fix, instant result while we are waiting on the bigger projects.


Thank you for the video and everyone’s passion and enthusiasm about their projects. You guys are so so funny and amazing. We thoroughly enjoy watching everyone at Lalande being so happy and enjoying each other’s company. Love from Canberra, Australia


All three such good ideas ! Nearly voted for S & S but think a walkway incongruous to the chateau - Juliette balconies much more in keeping with this beautiful building . So will go with mummy’s very practical idea 🌺


It was difficult to choose - they were all great ideas. But in the end I voted for sorting out the noisy shutters x


The shutters are more important than fluff. Some of them need painting.


I voted for the walkway as I'm thinking of the safety of the occupants in those rooms. A walkway does seem aesthetically pleasing but as mentioned it could be a bit intrusive having people walk by the outside of your room? Either way there does need to be some sort of barrier to stop any falls! But all three options are worthy in their our rights. Either outcome will be fantastic I'm sure :)


My Neighbours have an amazing Swarovski Chrystal Chandelier in their entrance all and Tom & Gerry are correct, at Christmas this will look stunning. So fitting for this beautiful building!! Team Tom & Gerry lol xxx


good ideas, though I'm not sure about the walkway, will have to ba a very good design to not interfere with the charm of the courtyard. the shutter tiebacks are great as they also protect the shutters from damage. I noticed some could use some TLC. hope to be able to come over some time and maybe work on those shutters. I voted team Mummy and Natalia. but maybe a good idea to start work on it when the redering is being done.


I think safety should be priority which I feel all three projects would provide an element. Lighting , shutters, and walk way, but for my initial vote it goes to shutters to start. 🙂


I believe you have an architect scheduled to visit the chateau. So it seems sense to also get plans for the walkway and pool. Hopefully all three projects can be ticked off the list soon. So it’s more a case of which one first rather than the other two great projects not happening. Shutters next and then the electric chandelier. It must be so exciting to see these projects becoming possible and achievable. So happy for you.


🤗🤗🤗 I love this I feel such a part of it all!!! well done with your production. Love Tom and Jerry 😍


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this , but ive seen plenty balcony walkways to rooms that are designed in such a way that it looks continuous but doesnt give you access to any other rooms. 🙂


This voting is a great idea - add that extra element of excitement - who will win??? I voted for the engineer/balcony. He could decide whether it appropriate or not or suggest other ideas. Good luck with which ever project wins.


We chose not to fix the shutter catches on our property, and ended up with a bigger problem when we had to replace several damaged shutters after a storm smashed them against the house before we could get around to closing them all... we have a lot of windows with shutters though not nearly as many as Lalande! It may not be aesthetic in the same way as a chandelier or a wonderful balcony walkway, but it is something that should be addressed urgently... repair of shutters themselves can wait if they are protected against strong summer storms that blow up out of nowhere... 💙


The balcony is a good idea but this idea actually gets something done and I remember a vlog where the shutter did slam closed scaring Stephanie. This is a true guest comfort issue. The shutters slamming can damage building and shutters leading to more costs for repair.


My vote is for the shutter project, it really is a safety issue. Isabel and Nathalia realized this could prevent huge structural damage , which LaLande does not need. It is not as the beautiful as either the walkways/balcony or the impressive Venitian chandelier that I envision. I am a very proactive person when it comes to renovation. If you don't do the shutters NOW, you might fact many more euros and lots of regrets. I loved the finished look the balcony give to the chateaus, but first: The shutters. I watched this video twice, since I couldn't stop laughing long enough to think. I wish you and your teams well on this endeavor. 🌹


Okay, after reading all the comments I've changed my mind from the balcony (please put up a temporary Juliet balcony for Isabelle) to the Shutter Dogs being repaired. I stand corrected. :)


My vote is for the shutter project, because if the terrace and courtyard work is being done this would finish the overall look to match the structual work.


A balcony would be a great eventual addition, but for now I think repairing/maintaining existing features is the best way to go. I vote for shutter tiebacks!


I seems to me that the balcony would be much more expensive, much more time consuming, and requiring much more structural work. The other two are quick fixes. You could install that lovely crystal chandelier you got from that lady in Paris with probably only a couple of hours work from an electrician, if you just ran a conduit up to the ceiling. Selmar and Tomas could install that window things in an afternoon for the cost of buying the things. The balcony just seems like it's too expensive compared to the other two. So I'm voting for the window things, but do the chandelier as well.


Stephanie is only wanting architectural drawings, not the actual balcony. Like everyone keeps saying the other two are important and small fixes, so they would happen anyway. This is chateau life, it is about dreaming big and making it happen. This is a business that people want to come and experience that grand big adventure. So the eventual balcony will provide safety and the wow appeal that guest are looking for.


While you all have good points, Mummy wins in my book :) However, for the $19K, I'm voting for the balcony, then for the $20K goal, dear Jerry!!


I really like the epic balcony project! However, the tie backs seems much more necessary to do right now...


All three are great projects, but if I have to pick just one I’ll go with the shutter latches. Thx for the opportunity!!


All 3 are wonderful ideas and I think can be accomplished in time, but this time I agree with Isabelle and Nati that the shutters are important and also adds to the overall consistent look of the outside of the Chateau.


How can I not vote for Tom and Gerry? This presentation was amazing! 😂 I'm sure every project suggested will be done eventually so why not vote for something small, quick and bright with the chandelieeeeeeer for now!


I'm voting for the balcony as I have been concerned about Mummy falling out that big window. To me it is the biggest safety issue.


I'm voting for the shutters


Oh lala...what project am I going to vote for..1. the walk way would be fabulous...but not an emergency....I just wont go near the window!! 2. the shutters are essential as the longer they stay in the current state their condition will deteriorate & may damage the render on the external walls 3. Foyer lighting is essential.....especially for our Christmas Experience events & Christmas Ball , not only for the aesthetics but the safety & well being of guests....so I am going to vote lighting


why not all 3?


🏇🏇🏇🏽 What a RACE!! Team Mummy & Natalia are on the heals of Team Steph & Selmar.... with 😸🐭 Tom & Gerry still in it!! 🏇 And rounding the bend and pulling ahead  — it's Mummy & Natalia taking the lead by a nose!


When I saw the poll before I watched the video, I thought I would definitely vote for the drawing for the walkway, but after the video, I really think the chandelier is the way to go! You’re working on the ceiling for the entry anyway, so it’s the perfect time to get some work done in there, and what a nice, smallish project to make a room feel more finished!


I vote for the balcony and I voted in the poll. This is for safety reasons and as a fire escape. Stephanie, have you got a fire suppression system in the chateau? I believe I have seen smoke detectors, but not heat-activated sprinkler heads in the attic and each room to douse a fire. Where I live in California they are required in homes. I am concerned because Notre Dame de Paris would have survived if a fire suppression system had been installed. Let’s do better for LaLande!


this is a nail biter😜😁😜


The chandelier installation looks like the job that will take the least amount of time. So I vote for it first and then onward to the next steps. Not to mention I will get to watch team Thom and Gerry and that's what I'm mostly voting for!


Shutter dogs clearly more important. I trust they will win out hee hee. If not now then another time!


At first I voted for the chandelier- it will be beautiful when it's finally installed. Then I googled shutter dogs, called bergeres pour les volets in French. There are so many patterns- the shepardess ladies, the turk, a man who looks like some sort of colonial count... even a sea monster or something like that. I'm dying to watch a video of Stephanie explaining the history of these wacky but really necessary gadgets. Plus they're really important for the future maintenance of the chateau. Go bergeres pour les volets!!!!!


Your blog nam


The shutters . . . Before they fall off a d hurt someone!


Will you have Billy Petherick find you the perfect chandelier?


So glad to see the shutter dogs take the lead, I’m sorry but the thought of a walkway around the barn accommodation, fills me with horror!!! It would look so out of place.... Pure glass Juliet balcony’s/screen would be so much better. You can get them to fit within the frames now making them almost invisible... Please please please rethink this idea!


He might even have a spare one he can swap with them for something else🤣😂


I voted for the balcony but also commented that I'm not into the walkway - just enclosures for the gaping big windows. I'm not sure how that can't be the top priority. I agree with another commenter who suggested that Selmar and Tomas can install the shutter closures very easily once the hardware is obtained. Another suggested asking Billie at DIO about a chandelier swap so I think those two projects can be less costly and relatively quick but the money should go to essential safety first - balcony/rail. Just my 2 cents.


P.s. when does the voting close? 💚


It has to be the shutter tiebacks. I agree with all those saying a walkway would spoil the facades. Don't confuse separate balconies with an intrusive walkway.


My mother & I debated this decision very earnestly! I loved Tom & Gerry's idea so much & for pure entertainment value they're unbeatable! But the quaint shutter dogs won out in the end as they will allow restful sleep & protect shutters & walls from damage. So sorry Scotman, all the ideas were top-knotch! xx


I was so tempted to vote for the walkway however I decided on the shutters as I think it's a doable and necessary. However I vote for the walkway next! X


I am still amazed I voted for the practical shutters but at this stage I think it is about protecting and correcting the fabric of the chateau rather than adding new ? It would have got my vote if it was Juliette balconies as that is about safety....oh my god I am turning into mummy when I am a dreamer at heart..this is the effect the Diaries are having on me....next I will be wearing tartan, growing curly hair and hugging buildings (if I start cocking my leg for the toilet I am in trouble!)


On watching the vlog I decided on the shutter dogs though Mummy’s balcony safety does also need to be addressed. How about personalised shutter dogs as Peacocks.


982 votes (66% of patrons) in 40 hours 😊


are we going to back to the q & a at all .. ? miss the talks and info about the chateau and general life ..


Good point regarding the balcony walkways being a possible architectural faux pas. Is there an historical precedent for this idea? Would look for images. As to separate balconies, I thought I did see a trace mark under at least one window during Stephanie and Selmar's pitch. Any extant drawings available?


I would guess when we reach the target or when all the patrons have voted, which ever come first.


The lake is on the other side of the building.


I agree that the balcony walkways would take away privacy from the rooms and not look architecturally correct. I think Juliet balcony’s would look better and be a lot cheaper.


Having lived in France, I know the importance of the tie backs for shutters. I one has mentioned the damage caused to the shutters by swinging back and forth and banging against the building. So for safety, economy and peace of mind, I’m with Maman and Natalia. A new old chandelier and running electric in the ceiling is not too expensive. The long balcony running across apartments is going to be quite costly! You could give everyone a Juliet balcony and be done! That’s my two cents! Love the videos Steph!!


Juliet balcony would look more elegant, and be in keeping with the building.


I too ultimately decided to vote for the shutter dogs, but it’s been really interesting to also read and ponder the comments about the balcony walkway. To jump in with in my own take on it, I personally don’t believe that Juliet balconies would look right for this courtyard and believe Stephanie is on the right track with her balcony walkway idea. The location is where the original farm buildings, stables and working areas of the chateau were; so I guess mostly originally used by tradesman and servant staff rather than the family, and were therefore more basic in original design. As this courtyard is though now much more integrated into the main living area of the chateau I think that creating a picturesque ‘feature balcony walkway’ would in time be a great way to visually enhance this more utilitarian looking area of the chateau.


I think you need all three. Every time I see the entry hall, I think, new chandelier is needed. But all the things are needed. Why not do one a month if you hit the goals? Thank you fir the very entertaining vlog, you all are amazing and continue to bring us joy. 🥰


That is the point, I think your find! We are just being asked which comes first.... The other thing won’t go away and will still need to be done, just we can add another project each time and vote which of the three we would like some of our money spent on. We all need to remember that it’s Stephanie’s home and it’s what she would like to do that will get done, we are helping with the costs and giving someone else’s point of view. Don’t forget tax has to be paid so whatever gets denoted is almost halved.


I agree with Mummy & Natalia! The shutters give the chateau its personalty of the entire home. I'd also paint them all and give them a crispy look to the entire home. Absolute, great investment! Love all that you with the videos!


I vote for the shutter dogs simply for safety. Someone could really be hurt in a storm.


I agree with the painting of them also! I will say- I was CRUSHED about the concrete rendering 😱 that puts a hold up on it all☹💙 and i was so looking forward to seeing the planting all going in soon☹ but I'm sure it will all happen soon... I'm just visually greedy with seeing it happen 😜


Shutter dogs


Well done everyone! Haha it was so hard to decide, you all put in such a valiant effort! But alas, I went for the balcony! Firstly because I imagine that when I come to stay I can stand on a balcony, and secondly I could never say no to Selmar!!


It’s soooo hard! All three really need to be done don’t they? But shutters are a huge part of everyday life as well as it can really add up to lots of money when they ruin the sitters themselves or the building and or window casings they keep banging into.... much love to you all! Hope to you my contributions in the months to come y’all are doing such a fabulous and fun thing! 🥰😘 from the Georgia and the USA!


I’m voting for the shutters, to look after the shutters and give those inside a good nights sleep. Xoxo


My first vote and I have to be practical and make sure the shutter tie backs get fixed


Oh no.....my team is now in 2nd place 🧐🏰🦚💫


i know!! i am shattered!! i dont think people understand a) mummy can currently fall out b) it works as a fire escape 😱


Hello from Castle ten Berghe, my first message as a Patreon, I voted for the electrified chandelier, light is so important! Have a great day!


Welcome Castle ten Burghe. Can I ask if you’ve considered inviting Stephanie and Michael to film a visit at your chateau for their for their new channel when they start it? It would be fascinating to learn about its history, how you’ve come to be there and whether you bought it or if it has passed down to you through family?


Hi lovely to see Gerald back you are all such a breath of fresh air I keep missing the live chats when do you do them luv Denise x


Yes, but we can vote for more than one option, so it is not quite that many yet.


Yay! Team Mummy won! ;)


I agree with Mummy I vote for the most reasonable need at this time. Love you all! Welcome back Scotman and thanks Nati for all you do!


Iovely to see Gerald back so im on his team this time but love you all and cant wait to meet you all next year and am sp proud to be a patreon xx


83.8% to 17,000. 😀😍😀


Hello folks some Patron's have mentioned they cannot find details of the Christmas Experience @ Lalande or the road trips if you pop me an email to alittlepieceoffrancetocallhome@gmail.com I will get the information to you. Thank you Brenda


Hello to all of my family members. Its


Such a pleasure voting on an important decision that affects your home. Thank you. May I have your mailing address, I have something that I wish to send to you and your LOVELY family. 🥰🥰🥰💞💞💋💋💋💋💞


Château de la Lande, 36140 Crozon-sur-Vauvre, France This is the chateau's website too. https://www.chateaudelalande.com/


Almost $17k!!!!


I voted for the shutters to be secured because paying guests should have a comfortable and peaceful experience when staying at the chateau. I wouldn't want anyone writing a negative review based on slamming shutters in the middle of the night!


I had every intention of voting for the lovely balcony idea, as here at my own place which is always in repair and always gets 'practical' choices before 'fantasy' choices, but then though, No, they do need the shutter dogs for safety sake, so alas practicality wins out yet again :)


90.9% to 17,000. 🥳🥳🥳


I can’t stop refreshing to see it cross 100% 😳😁


It's been going up and down for some reason the past few days. Hopefully it will reach $17k today


As someone who just joined the Patreon this month, what are the other things this month’s Patreon support goes to? I’m guessing the mower still and the terrace?


I really hope Isabelle will get his mower soon!


There’s a few things to remember... Let’s say we donate €10,000 per month, Patreon will take 5% leaving €9,500. Then Stephanie will have to pay tax which will be 48% so that only leaves €4,940. So just under half the money is left to spend, also Dan the gardener has been employed two days a week through us, so there’s probably €1,000 per month. So it does get used up very quickly. The wooden panelling in the salon will cost €20,000 so that’s almost 2 months worth of donations. Hope that helps explains how quickly it gets used!


Been thinking about the shutter dogs! They were white and then painted blue when the shutters where touched up. If they win, maybe they should be repainted gold? Black would be nice, but maybe to harsh, gold would be very regal against the le lande blue


Thank you Shaun Jeffrey! Yes I understand that The Château doesn’t get all the money and that several things cost much more than the target. Was simply wondering which projects are going on at the moment. Also the lake will probably take many months worth of Patreon support by its own. So very happy to be a tiny part in all the changes ❤️🌸


At the moment from memory the projects going on at the moment funded by patrons are Dan the gardener 2 days a week, downstairs toilet, fully paying for the new lawnmower, and maybe something else I forgot. Things paid for are lake and patio surveys, watering system and beds in the gardens. Something's have been funded but are still underway such as the wallpaper sourcing and the fabric which I think Stephanie is still sourcing but the funds were raised on earlier goals. The chapel work is being funded by the advertising from YT. I also think Nattie is a paid member of staff now to assist Stephanie as the scope of daily admin for the Chateau and fan community has grown to a point that it is impossible for Stephanie to deal with it alone. As the channel and Patreon community has grown that has increased income but also the work load.


$17K!!! Congrats Stephanie!


17000!!!!!! This is awesome! 🥳😍


$17.000 wayhayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


17000 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


I think getting the shutters to stay open or closed is most important. Your description had me confused until I watched more videos. as I think it more accurate to explain it as repairing the shutter hardware, rather than referring to this as repairing tie-backs, since as a drapery designer, I always would associate the word Tie-Backs with curtains and draperies. Make sense? Love a;; the videos and am so fond of all of you now! Thomas is a great new addition.


I just joined so I missed the poll, I would have voted for the Chandelier- being a lover of decor, but I love the idea of Stephanie finding one in Venice in the glass factories 💗


I know you like color Stephanie but I have been to Venice and I know how super expensive their chandeliers are. Would a glass chandelier fit in with the period of the house?


Stephanie is there a link anywhere to the series you won, in English please. Thank you.


Dear Stephanie,


I so enjoy your Vlogs and they have helped me with quarantine in central London when at times my spirit was rock bottom. Your,laugh is infectious. In regards to the Murano chandelier I like to warn you ,that a new gleaming one could look really not nice there. First the ceiling is not very high and the surroundings lack architectural grandesse.


in my view , as a retired interior designer in London, it would be better to hunt for a vintage one when in Venice. More in keeping. Also please make sure you do not buy one , when tempted , which is too large for the area. Measure carefully.


i follow a Vlog of an English lady ‘Millpurdon”, who has wonderful photography of the city and seems very knowledgeable about galleries , shops etc. I am sure , she could help you finding vintage shops with chandeliers.


on a other note, have you ever considered to use somewhere lovely murals of Zuber. Expensive , but with your charm , I am sure you could swing it to get a very good discount.Also have used often the de Gourney companies murals , Chinese theme , but their later designs are more contemporary. A room is instantly lifted to magical. Your entrance really lends it self to this treatment.


please, please make soon a vlog of the life of your mummy. I recently turned 80 years old and my Filmaker son made a wonderful one of my life. He was going to show it to the guest of my planned celebration in Sevilla. Sadly that feast of 4 days celebration was cancelled 2 weeks prior . As my children live in USA and English countryside , I had to stay here in London. Then Indiscovered your Vlog and as many people before me commented, they safed me.


happy to write though , that immediately after lifting of quarantine , I escaped to Portugal , Estoril , where one of my sons was waiting. We had a wonderful time , but sadly again I had to quarantine for a fortnight.


you really work so hard. But it i good , you need now to take the opportunity to make money. A yearLy calendar with photos of Lalande and your father’s art would sell very well. But please don’t make all those nick nacks other chateau owners make. Take your time to think of something stylish that suits your personality.


i believe strongly , that your father is looking after you. When you made that last vlog from the Mekong river where you addressed the paramedic , I admired your way you spoke about being positiv and tackling every day as it presented itself. You must have been inside extremely scared but how brave you were.


you would be great to give a ted talk. Have you thought of it ? It would be so easy for you. I would imagine they pay well , but think of how many subscribers you would gain ?


I hope, that Percy can join very soon. I feel for him not being able to join and participate in the sudden awaking of your “Dornröschen “ castle.


keep up the spirit, watch your health, get a special tech savvy volunteer and send him in the night to upload. Get your night sleep.


Dear Reinhilde , if I may, This is Isabelle writing, I have volunteered to help Stephanie with admin! She is very much overworked although she is now starting to get help with the running of the chateau and its volunteers. You are very wise in your comments and I shall discuss them with her. You mentioned a ted talk? I don’t know what that is, she might of course. She can do with more subscribers so if it can help.... She loves Zuber and de Gourney papers , funny you should suggest that for the entrance! We were talking only yesterday about help with the posting of the vlogs as the internet is so bad. She has a lot of weight on her thin shoulders but it is important her creativity does not get buried with the mundane. Also her father’s art is very much something she wants to work with at some point. I do know she is not interested in nick backs and you are very much on the same page about chandeliers. On a different note, I hope the vlogs continue to distract you and make these difficult times more bearable. My meeting with Percy is unlikely for some time and separation rendered more difficult as he is in hospital recovering from surgery. Best wishes for your health and continue safety.


Oh Isobelle, I am so sorry to hear your beloved Percy has been unwell. I wish him a speedy recovery. I also wish for your separation to be over as soon as possible. This must be a very difficult time for you. God bless you both. xx


$18K!!! Shutter dogs for Mummy :)


I am soooo thrilled you answered , Isabelle, as I have great admiration for your strength and the way you support your daughter. But I am so sorry to hear of Percy being in hospital. I have a great 6th sense and thought already ,all was not well. I could see the pain on your face..


Stephanie, I came across this Murano Chandelier in an upcoming auction, maybe you could source your entrance chandelier from an auction? https://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/kunstauktionshaus-schlosser/catalogue-id-schlosser10016/lot-9f5ff339-53c7-46a5-b3c5-abf100ec624f

Jane Nunn

What a fun post.. Hello everyone ! All are great ideas! but I think Isabelle is right