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This week I unveil the new $10 and $50 patron tiers and reveal the three possible projects that you can vote on to discover what we'll be tackling now that we've reached the $13,000 target! And below you can see links to sneak preview photos of a stunning local church that I'll be visiting in this week's Sunday Vlog.

Lots of love to you all from Lalande!


Patreon Q&A 8!



The anticipation...... 🥰


Beautiful shots! Can’t wait to see the vlog footage.


So glad you are introducing the 10 tier. X


I'm using an Android phone but it won't open any of the files. Doesn't seem to recognise HEIC files 🤔


Looking forward to seeing it xx


This is all so exciting and happening so quickly! I love checking in and seeing the daily results! The church looks stunning. Look forward to seeing it! Thank you! ❤️


Hi, Richard. Also Android phone and photos download open OK for me. Good luck


What extension are these files??


Stephanie, I love your idea of a walkway-balcony to connect the apartments! Sounds equally beautiful and functional


I vote for the loo!


My vote is for the terrace to be examined by a structural engineer. This is more urgent, I think...


My vote is for the structural engineer to inspect the courtyard.


The terrace please! Let's stop it from seeping and collapsing forthwith!


Make sure to comment on the YouTube video


I vote for the terrace :)


I'm thinking the kitchen!


Do the terrace whilst the weather is good, and then do the indoor WC once the weather turns.


The church is beautiful. Can't wait to see more. It sounds to me like fixing the terrace is the most important of the three. The others sound more cosmetic, but the terrace sounds structural.


I vote for the terrace, seems more urgent than the others.


downstairs loo x


The terrace


Downstairs loo to make Mummy happy!


i have put my comment on here as can't on u tube ..


Of the three options to choose from, I’m choosing the loo decoration because, 1. it’s the least expensive and 2. I think it should not take long to complete. This would mean you would be able to start one of the other two options even sooner sooner and will most likely be talking about the next 1000 to be added to the Patreon account. Just imagine how wonderful that would be. 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊


Structural Engineer for the Terrace - it would be tragic if was left too long, the other items can wait without consequence :)


Sounds like creep from an unstable foundation. So cool to hear about all the goings on! I think the double panes and terrace make for a contentious vote 😁. Looking forward to seeing the church in your vlog! Running a chateau by day protecting historical artifacts by night, what YouTube needs and deserves lol.


Terrace please.


My vote is for the terrace!


My vote is the loo! Also an annual patron garden party would be fantastic! It would be cool to meet some of these folks we chat with!


I vote for the bathroom!


Terrace for me! Makes sense whilst the weather is still good to get this sorted :)


PATRONS CLICK THE HEART ❤️ TO VOTE YES TO KEEP LOOKING FORWARD TO FUTURE TARGETS! Stephanie, you are so generous to include all of your patrons in deciding what on a target. LET WHATEVER WE VOTE ON BE THE TARGET FOR $15,000!!! Otherwise at this rate we’ll be voting on targets after the fact. No sense looking backwards! The fact that we get to vote and you were open to listening all of our ideas is such a wonderful gift as it is. Your generosity and enthusiasm truly has been the key to this wonderful community. Much love 💕 to you, everyone at Lalande, and all these patrons. I have so very much enjoyed reading everyone’s comments.


I think it should be the terrace - it is such a favourite place for everyone to sit in when the weather is nice. I've just bumped up to the next tier- hopefully you will soon get your doors. Have you found out yet how much tax you have to pay from the money paid through Patreon? I hope you are able to keep most of what is contributed.


Terrace! 💗


What is a .heic file? I'm not able to open them

Evelyn McElroy

The loo, because Mummy wants it!


I vote for the loo re-do.


After a thorough amount of consideration, I am voting for the terrace. It is a necessity and for the safety of the chateau. Also, if you do end up hosting the outdoor opera, it could become revenue generating at some point. So as much as I would like the immediate payout of the loo or the kitchen for aesthetic purposes, I have to vote Structural Engineer!


I vote for the loo 🚽


Hello Stephanie, I’m voting for the structural engineer for the terrace 🏰


I would vote for the survey for the terrace!


I vote terrace. It could cause a lot of damage if it got any worse and collapsed

Evelyn McElroy

The church looks amazing! Looking forward to Sunday.


I vote for the terrace because that foundation problem seems a bit urgent. But I'd love you to tackle the downstairs loo very soon. Now I'm off to bump up to one of the new patreon levels and try to get us over $14,000!


It's got to be the loo most important for mummy


I vote for the start of the terrace. Seems too urgent to put off and I would hate for the deterioration to continue longer than it needs to. I look forward to our excursion to the church in the next vlog! 💛💛


It's not the sexiest option, but I think a structural engineer's advice is a must. 👷🏻


Terrace, that way you can landscape around it sooner.


I think I would go with the terrace also. It will look fantastic


I vote for the kitchen, it's the heart of the château!


for the patron party wat about a night at the proms...all dressed up picnics..music pomp n circumstance and a few fireworks..and of course a performance from u... just like leeds castle proms .. I would come and camp out for that.. xx


The downstairs loo x


Absolutely the terrace evaluation by the structural engineer.


I vote for the terrace :-)


hmmm such a difficult decision!!!!! i have to go with the terrace though - it's a safety issue and i think it's really necessary, what if it collapsed!?? After that though, I vote for the downstairs loo!!!!

Emma Young

Stephanie, you need to finish your bedroom, beautiful as LaLande is your room is your own little cocoon of personal space, Mummy has hers, you need yours.


My heart says loo for a quick win. My head says structural engineer. My worry about the terrace is that it will cost a lot more than expected if it is rebuilding walls and if left longer it will cost even more.


I am voting for the terrace!!


Terrace please - its a social hub of outdoor life at Lalande that you all love so much.


As Far as the vote goes, I think the survey for the terrace should be first, Toilet 2nd and kitchen 3rd.

Emma Young

Forgot to add my vote is for the loo, for similar mental health reasons, it may seem small but using the loo as it is compared to using it once decorated can make you feel better!


The image files won't open unfortunatly.


The terrace evaluation to preserve the exterior from crumbling


I think survey for the terrace first then the toilet x


We vote for the terrace. Good time to do it. We also vote for the voting! Love the idea of a party next Summer!


Kitchen :)


Loo! Top priority.


I'm voting for the unsexy structural engineer report. It's important to do things correctly. I suspect that the downstairs loo is not being held up by supports. Along the same reasoning that you got the floors done first when you moved in.


I, too, say terrace. What a treat it would be to have apertifs surrounded by a beautiful stone floor.


I love being able to vote on this. I think the terrace would be fantastic to move forward with


Terrace work


I think finding what needs to be done for the terrace is the most important.


I’m stuck between the terrace and the loo. We see lots of footage of you guys on the terrace so I know everyone would really enjoy that. That said, you can’t beat a comfy wee 🤔 I’m voting loo. Small project, completed quickly and we will get to see it straight away. I’m going for the instant gratification as some of the other projects are more long game..


I vote for the Loo as well!


The loo upgrade sounds great but something’s telling me the structural engineer should visit first.


Do the loo as it would be quick and not structural.


Terrace please


I vote for the loo too!! :) The rest will follow soon anyway!!!! Let's be POSITIVE! Safe hugs from Quebec! xoxo


I vote for the loo re-do!

Maria Soberanis

I want to make mummy happy with the loo but the terrace seems more pressing for the structure so I vote that one. Terrace.


I also vote for the loo


I vote for the terrace evaluation by the structural engineer ♥️ I love the excitement of voting and the reveal. I hope we can do it again 😊 It would be a dream to have a patreon party this year 🥰


voting priorities (1) the structural engineer & terrace, (2) the loo & (3) the kitchen


i bet her favourite is the kitchen crown molding :)


I’m adding that costumes should be mandatory for at least a portion of the event!


I’m voting the terrace as it seems the most urgent.


I vote for the terrace.


Terrace repair. I love all of the projects and can't wait to see them all finished!! :)


1.) Bathroom Decor 2.) Finish Kitchen. (These 2 projects seem doable in a timely way) 3.) Terrace ( The terrace seems like a more involved project. Could the structural engineer be contacted at least to see the scope and begin estimates) Meanwhile, the bathroom and the kitchen could be completed before the Terrace work actually begins! (Making for a very happy Mummy) . Regarding the slabs for the Terrace, how about having the names of the Patrons engraved on the slabs. We would donate money for our name to be engraved. Also helping to offset costs for the terrace renovation. A lot of colleges/universities do this as a means of fundraising (Alumni Walk). If not for the terrace maybe as a walkway to the chapel. 💖


Loo! (Then Terrace)


How lovely and again congratulations for a much deserved achivement! If I had to choose I would go maybe for the terrace but I believe the powder room is easier and more in need for a day to day basis use. So... Vive la nouvelle salle d'eau! Also I was wondering why didn't you change the (now) highest tier to Duc and Duchess of LaLand and keep Dauphin and Dauphine of Lalande for some outrageously delicious over the top doners? Just a thought. xx ciao


I vote for the loo - with the terrasse project a very close second ;). What a fun thing for us to have a say in this! 💕🌞🥂


Not a very popular opinion, but - the loo, I vote for the loo! My second favourite room after the bedroom!


Do the loo. Daily comfort and pleasure is important


As much as I want the loo prettied up, I have to agree that the terrace is the most urgent project.


I feel the Terrace should be addressed because there are apparently structure issues and it is used so much and being repaired would add to the beauty of the exterior, Maybe the next target could be for the loo. I know the loo is important, but I feel the structure issues with the terrace are more important. Thank you for letting us vote it is a privilege to be included in on Chateau decisions.


My vote is for the loo. As its used by visitors as well as everyone else. The rest of the ground floor is so lovely and first impressions are important




The Loo. I was thinking about it just before you mentioned it. It would be a quick win and very fun.


Hi Steph, I vote for the loo because I think that’s what you need the most, but would suggest starting the terrace when you reach 15000. The kitchen can maybe wait further into the year, but before Christmas !


I agree, we need the engineer to stop any further damage. We CAN'T have damage that we could have a fixed before hand. So the terrace please.


Also unable to open attachments.


The doors!!! 💛


Sitting in a lovely loo, is nice for everyone, but the terrace sounds more urgent! Pretty vs. Practical, isn’t that just always the way❣️


Terrace and structural engineer x


I think because you film year round in the kitchen, that would be my vote. Everyone could see the immediate change each time you film in there.


Hubby and I both vote for the terrace...so that can count as two votes right ha :-) Also how about offering the slabs up for sponsorship and names are engraved to create a walk of fame. Different sized slabs could be different prices of sponsorship xx


Structural Engineer for me x


I cast my vote for the terrace. It seems like many lovely hours are past out there and we'd all hate to see it crumble!


I would recommend to go for the structural engineer and get the terrace done , as the security of the building is most important.


Structural engineer for the terrace


I would vote for the structural engineer to look at the terrace first. Then you would know just how urgent it is an if there is any danger to be on it. If there is no major danger, perhaps you can squeeze the loo in-between the engineer coming and the cost of the terrace repair/renovations?


Ah this video is also a Q&A, but this time you asked and we answered which project of the 13,000 we chose. hahahahaaa ... what fun! Well, I vote to renovate the downstairs loo, because it's catastrophic now. Sorry, hahaha... It is necessary to do something, and I imagine that it must be used daily, often. So, let's do this! But I suggest that the next targets are: 15,000 the engineer for the terrace, and 16,000 the kitchen, it would be incredible. What do you guys think? Miss Stephanie, I was thinking about the always low temperature at the entrance, unlike the other rooms, that one has the door to the cellar, which is a cold air tunnel. Certainly if you put a candle on the door, you will see that there is a circulation. So maybe it is also important to seal that door, as it may be that even changing the glass, it is not enough. Anyway, I say this because you said several times that it is something that occurs only in that room, and its only specificity is this. In addition to the fireplace, the air has a tunnel between several points to flow. Anyway, I hope it helps. Kisses!


I vote for the kitchen moldings. :)


My vote is for the bathroom loo! I will be excited for any of the projects to win and to anticipate what they will look like once completed. I know any of them will be gorgeous!


Engineer for the Terrace is my vote 😊 I’ll be excited for whatever is the win though!


Hello Stephanie I would vote for the terrace as they’re already seems to be a problem it would be better to get someone in to check it out besides which I can just see myself on it with a glass of champagne 🥂


I am voting for the terrace


Hello! My vote is for the practical project.


Hmm, my thoughts are 1) The Structural Engineer - it’s important not to let the terrace collapse. It is being held up Underneath so maybe not in immediate danger. 2) The loo - this is something that is used all the time by Lalanders and guests and Needs to be a showcase area 3) kitchen coving - this is the room where everyone congregates and Is the hub of the Chateaux. So I think I am going to go with 3 Kitchen Coving


Loo, please!


voting for the Terrace :)


I love this idea! maybe like a border around the edge slabs 😍 Totally agree about the bathroom too.. I’m dying to see something finished as some of the other projects are quite big and will take time. That’s cool n’all but I wanna see some wallpaper/fabrics guys 🤗


I vote for the Loo!


The loo!


Yes, voting on targets is fun!


I hate to be so practical, but the loo has my vote ❎


(1) terrace, (2) the loo and (3) the kitchen


Terrace as it needs to be saved


It’s the Terrace for me

Laura & Jack

My vote is for the structural engineer report for the terrace. I live in an old house and understand the need for structural work first (darn it)!


Also, I just realised that if everybody votes you'll have to go through 1000 comments to figure out the winning project. Aren't there websites that offer systematised voting? This way you just have to give us a link and a deadline and voila - check the results a few days later with all the counting and the sorting done for you.


Oh hecky thump......my heart says loo as everyone will benefit including us as we see you transform it....but my head says terrace...."oh Stephanie!, what do I do (in lovely French accent)" ......as everyone seems to be going head then in true Monsieur Daddy style I will buck the trend and go heart....the loo it is !!! One thing I got most out of us voting, is getting to understand what there is to do so yes, would love an occasional vote in the future (and a video snippet of you and mummy discussing - especially if in disagreement!). I was wondering the other day what makes you and your brood of merry men and women special......and I think it is this.....you don't care that people see you as normal everyday human beings because you see the beauty in people and relationships AND you do care that the normal everyday human beings on Patreon feel loved by everyone at La Lande. Thus you are totally right....the BEST patreon account by far.


I vote for the terrace FOR SURE! It is both time sensitive as well as a weather dependent project. Fingers crossed that the issues are not a budget buster! I can’t wait to see what Dan the gardener has been up to! 🤗


Terrace I think is first


This is what I vote for .... 1. Loo 2. Kitchen and 3. Terrace..... the first two I imagine will be easier/quick wins and excited to see some decoration :)


Downstairs loo


Number 1 the Loo! No one likes the hebbie jeebies when using the loo.


1. The kitchen, just because you guys spend so much of your time there. 2. The Loo, for practicality. 3. The terrace


Bathroom please! It is much needed and the terrace has been standing for 100+ years so it can wait for the 15k mark ;)


Terrace first, please! It’s such a happy place and we wouldn’t want to see fall apart!


Downstairs loo. It will be cheaper and quicker and then you can do the terrace.


since you will hit 14k in like 10 minutes max, I would say terrace to make sure you are safe, than loo and the kitchen :-D I hope I will get to the late summer party at some point though with 3 kids it might be a task not so little, lol. Love from Northern Ireland to all of you in Lalande and beyond


My vote is for the Kitchen plaster moldings ... In just a few months now, it will be back to longing for a snug kitchen and finishing that off will provide uber coziness and heartfelt comfort for the long winter/Christmas season to come. Thank you Stephanie. (PS I was torn between this and the loo as well.)


Terrace , anything structural that makes the chateau more sound.


Heh! heh! heh! Stephanie thinks reaching the 13,000 target took her by surprise. Only a few dollars away from 14,000. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I vote for the Loo!




Cosmetic and decorating things are important but not as important as the things that require engineering.


Terrace is my vote. Time sensitive project should come first. Stop further damage ASAP. This year early October for a Patreon visit. Voting once and a while is fun. Thanks for your kindness


I vote for the terrace - safety first ❤️


The Terrace. We want to keep you guys safe and crumbling stuff and acrow props doesn’t seem safe. Also it may be Alice down the rabbit hole! You just don’t know what the structural engineer might say. It would be better to know right away what the whole thing entails. May be huge or easy fix.😊


Je vote pour le terrace en priorité!


I vote for the structural engineer for the terrance.......


My vote goes to terrace 💕


Downstairs loo first if it can be done before the terrace collapses! And then the terrace next for sure. The glazed doors could be done closer to winter I'd think.


Terrace 💕


Hello Stephanie and Mummy... I vote for the loo (because I just love saying loo...just kidding) All three are great options...not a loser in the bunch!


How about finishing the rooms upstairs - the floors are crap - you can fall through …… you showed us the rooms that the bats were in OR whatever and you tried walking on some of those floors and realized it was something that you could fall through. You said the bat smell is horrendous and guess what - YOU are living there and smelling it - maybe not as strong as when you are in the rooms - but it is in the stone and walls and floors and AIR. So you need to do something about that.


My vote is for the terrace




I vote for the terrace because that seems more critical - you don't want to wait until it is further damaged, but I love the idea of the kitchen molding and the loo as well. I'm sure they will all get done in due time.


Oh... and besides the new double window pane doors you should really get a flue for the fireplace. When we moved into our house we removed a ghastly wood burning stove from the firebox and the flue was missing. The first winter we had to cover it with a panel board of 3/4 inch insulation just to keep any heat in the living room.


Do the loo. Make Mummy happy. She is totally right. The other things are just decorations. The Loo is something that is needed and would benefit everyone


The bathroom! 💕💕💕💕💕


I vote for the loo. I thinks it's something that you'll be able to start very soon and we'll get to watch you put your interior design talents to use! Bathrooms also leave a big impression on guests, whenever I visit a fancy hotel I always have a look at the bathrooms to see what they've chosen to do! I think you should make the terrace the 15k target, you'll probably get there in a week or two so it won't be a long wait!! :)


The toilet I think is the one to do first x


Aloha Stephanie, I’d have to say the terrace gets my vote. Then the loo and lastly the kitchen. Xx


14,000.00 fix the doors IE the heat...….


All valid projects but I’d love to see the kitchen finished with a beautiful cornice and shelving. I know how much you all love the heart of your home, plus I just love cornicing in old rooms!


Stephanie, thank you for your openness and honesty. I think we can all see how well meaning and genuine you are. Thank you for taking the time to check how Patreon works to ensure that everything is above board and done properly. I just know that’s how you operate and want things done. ☺️ The new tiers are brilliant as it will enable more people to support at whatever level they can offer. Love the new names and incentives! In terms of the targets I think it’s a great idea to consolidate tasks in to the top 3 that you would like to be done and we can then vote for what task is done next. That way they can fit in to your grand plan for LaLande! (As there is plenty to do!) I have a suggestion (sorry if you have already done this!) that the tasks are put on to a project planner and broken down in to what needs to be done at each stage to keep them on target or by season for practical reasons. For example landscaping in gardens in summer and getting the doors replaced for winter. The targets can then be split in to the various stages (sort of as you have explained such as getting the lake survey, getting plans for the courtyard, or arranging quotes and prices of works) the plan could then be shared here on Patreon to show what targets have been completed and what is next as it’s easy to lose track of everything going on! Ha ha 😁 Hopefully the outcome with ETTCDIY will be that you can film a project supported by the Patreons and you can share updates on here before the footage is aired. If not I’d still be happy to support a project even if there is a delay in seeing it as it could be a surprise for all of us! You could just set a target as a mystery project (of your choice, for the filming) Ultimately it’s all helping LaLande. Finally!.. Love all of the 3 project ideas. My vote would be to get the terrace surveyed while it’s summer. (I think the others could be done by the end of the year 😉) I speak for myself (hopefully others) but Its not the destination but the journey we are on together in supporting you and life at LaLande that makes this so enjoyable and rewarding. Thanks so much and I look forward to the next update! 😁


The Terrace seems the most important right now. Annual meeting is such a great idea! Did you see my comment about Whistler's Peacock Room? Do you know it?


Terrace for 13,000. Loo for 14,000, and kitchen for 15,000. I would also like to make a proposal for 16,000: glazing for the windows to help with heat insulation. At the rate you are growing hopefully we can get there before the winter chill does. Can’t wait to see all these ideas happen!


Terrace first choice! Don’t want anything to fall apart.


Wow you’re already sooo close to the 14k target!


I just downloaded the beautiful chapel preview. How positively transporting. It is such a wonderful and generous plan for you to promote this very special church.


How about giving half of Patreon's amount for $14,000.00 to the church repair fund - the church you gave us pictures of - the Sunday vlog church... That would really help them.


I vote the loo, because it's important to you and your guests (and does look pretty bad!) If the terrasse was about to collapse any minute now, I think you would have gone straight to it and not given us two other choices...


I am torn between the loo and terrace! The bathroom decorating would be a lovely video - it'd be really nice to see you in interior design mode. But, the terrace should be started on soon because who knows what problems you might encounter. It could take so much longer than envisioned. So 1. terrace and 2. loo! But hopefully the bathroom can start soon!


Terrace evaluation and remodel first, loo decor enhancement second, kitchen ceiling trim and cooker hood shelf third.


i also choose The Terrace, but certainly the first $$ spent must be for the services of a good structural architect to guide you in this process. I can’t wait to see what you have accomplished from a perfect day in Lexington, KY


Could not get these links?? Got the others.


My vote is 1. Downstairs bathroom, 2. Terrace, 3. Kitchen. And I am looking forward to the video of this church, wow!






Sorry first ever post! I vote for the terrace




I vote for the terrace.


I think the terrace


The terrace first then the loo and kitchen!


The loo sounds fun! But maybe start the engineering since that sounds like it might be time sensitive.


My vote goes to the terrace. It would be terrible if it deteriorated more to the extent that it began to collapse incurring even more expense! The loo next and then the kitchen! X


My vote is 1) Terrace 2) bathroom 3) kitchen




Hello, huge congratulations with everything that’s happening, my vote would be terrace first and then the loo


Love all of the ideas and think your thought process is right on point regarding how you are choosing to prioritize. My vote is terrace, loo, then kitchen. The reason I chose the terrace first is because the structure will continue to worsen, it’s used by all, and impacts the overall look of Lalande. Doing the work before the raining season might also be beneficial. However, will be completely happy with whatever order the projects are tackled in.


VOTE 1. Loo 2. Terrace 3. Kitchen - Pete says Terrace.


Terrace, I thing is very important


All great ideas, but I think the Terrace as this is a structural issue that could impact on the actual building. Then the Kitchen and lastly the toilet.


I vote for the terrace.


Stephanie, I am curious what Nic and Michael Pots think of all the Patreon and vlogs success, as they are co-owners, right? What is their reaction in you now being able to do so much work at La Lande?


I hope you can do all three options soon, but I vote for the Terrace! I feel like it's time-sensitive and at the risk of costing more if it isn't resolved.


Oh the chapel images are fabulous.


As much as I would love the kitchen coving, I will have to vote for the terrace - purely in response to the concern that it may crumble. I am also curious to know if you have managed to get through the myriad postings of scented cards? I was your 28th patron (according to the little Patreon site tally) and have not yet received a card. It could be an issue with the slow Covid post at the moment, or just that the addresses that you receive from Patreon are not being given in consecutive order. I am sure that is a mammoth task to get those cards out and I certainly don't mean to prod you. No doubt it will arrive in due course. :)


The Loo !!!


Thank you Stephanie, I am already excited for August 2021! With regards to the vote I believe that the terrace is the most important thing to sort out (although I can fully appreciate why your mother would plump for the loo).


A lovely loo for our dear la Lande maman


Almost to 14,000... I upped my tier ,I wonder how many others are ?


I also vote for the Loo. Boosting morale will help with all of your future projects. :)


I think the kitchen coving might be more glamourous but my vote's for the loo... 15 years are long time to put up with an unfinished loo!


1. Downstairs bathroom 2. Kitchen 3. Terrace


I vote for the terrace! Thanks for all the inspiration, I haven't stopped creating art since I found you! 💕


Down stairs loo, daily morale is imperative! It will be an amazing design and reno video! Xx


My vote is for the terrace. I think ensuring the structure is sound and safe is top priority. Not to mention you have weather on your side right now. The loo would be second and kitchen third. Inside projects can be done most any time of the year. Outside projects are a bit time sensitive.




I just got so excited for Sunday’s video because I have a feeling we Lalanders are about to be given a chance to rescue a little church full of priceless treasures! My vote is for the terrace first and then the loo and then the coving, but I of course will thoroughly enjoy watching them all happen in whatever order the collective chooses (including the last tile being placed on the Restored Mill roof)!




1. Terrace 2. Loo 3. Kitchen


As much as I would love to see you work your design magic on the downstairs loo, the Terrace seems like it could become a bigger issue if not addressed, so that gets my vote!


Terrace for sure is my vote! I think its important to see what's going on with the stucture to make sure it does not collapse... that would be awful! If it is safe as is for a while, then loo, then kitchen... but that's just me :) LOVE TO ALL!


Wow-- you already hit $14,000 before I could watch this video today!


The downstairs bathroom! (I’m not sure how to spell lui?)


Being something structural, the terrace first.


Time to order those new doors! Congrats on $14K !


They all sound important but the structural engineer will then set in motion the next steps to save/improve the terrace so that's my vote. But, I have to admit I'm really longing to see some beautiful wallpaper go up somewhere ;).


I vote for the downstairs loo.


Hi Stephanie. You have lots of loos but only one terrace, so it's the structural survey for me.


I’m voting for the 1. Terrace, 2. Loo, 3. Kitchen. Good luck.


Thank you for adding new tiers, it has enabled me to move up to a higher tier. xxxx


My vote is for the terrace. It's already such a lovely space and the flag stones sound amazing, most importantly though it has to be safeguarded as is and this is the best season for it. I'm so excited for all the progress you're making 😊


Terrace, at least just get the quote.


$14k Just WOW !!!!


And we have already reached 14,000 !!! In celebration of the achievement of the target, and of the almost 1,300 patrons, I give the votes, so far: Terrace: 115 votes. Loo: 58 votes. Kitchen: 9 votes. Long live to the Chateau de Lalande!


Wow, excellent progress. I vote Terrace 🙂


1. Terrace, 2. Loo, and 3. Kitchen-- go with the second place winner for the 14K target!


Now I heard the $14K target on the doors-- definitely go for that and use one of the other ones from the $13K for $15K or $16K!


1 or 3 wow the video is not even done and you are already over 14k


ok.. so now what's the 15k target because you just got to the 14k target!! CONGRATULATIONS!! better get thos christmas cards ready🤣🤣❤🤩


Terrace- while the money is hot! After that, I vote for the loo and then the kitchen. I can't wait to see what happens!


I vote for the downstairs loo. It would make a huge difference to everyone who lives and visits Lalande. Plus you have very expensive projects going on as it is. The terrace is a very involved project. It is wonderful how quickly Stephanie and this community reaches the next targets yet we can all understand that it’s time consuming to manage so many big projects at once.


Terrace first I think


My vote is for the loo :)




Well I’m voting for kitchen because it’s the heart of LaLande and definitely where I would love to hang out. I don’t think it’ll take long to get to these other projects though!


The terrace! Then the kitchen....then the Loo. The loo can wait as long as the toilet flushes and there's toilet paper! ha ha


I think terrace then the Loo and the laatst the kitchen... first en second are important...but the Loo is woeling and the terrace folling apart....


The loo is working...sorry for the translation


Downstairs loo! I can’t wait to see what colours you will use! This is a wonderful update ❤️


I cant open the downloads can anyone else?


I am a Structural Engineer myself and I would suggest you start with the terrace :D


yay!! it looks like the terrace is pulling ahead - which is great because it really will just get to be a bigger project - have the loo be the 15k goal (or 16k if the Mark's are too close)

Kelly Douglas

Because you don't have large crowds right now due to the virus situ we vote that you do the foundation/terrace work so it's ready for next season. You can always do indoor work over the winter. 😃


Exciting options! I vote for Terrace.


It's got to be the terrace Stephanie. If it's a structural problem, it could potentially be a safety issue. The loo and kitchen are only cosmetic fixes.


I cast my vote for the terrace.


Tough decision! Torn between the engineer to begin to restore the terrace and the downstairs 'loo'. At the rate the $ is coming in you could do the loo and then get an engineer.


Hello Stephanie, My vote would be for the downstairs loo!




1. The Terrace First 2. Loo 3. kitchen


Hi! I vote for the terrace.


I vote Terrace first and then the loo downstairs :)


I vote for the kitchen. That garland over the stove has got to go!




My vote is 1. Terrace 2. Kitchen 3. Loo


1. Loo 2. Kitchen 3. Terrace


The Terrace !! 💖


Hi there, I'm an architect, so I'm all about the bones of the chateau, it's the right time weather wise for the terrace. Also, I have noticed in the vlogs & photos, that the exterior windows need a good sand/mend & paint, possibly a capable Workaway painter or two, again the right time of the year, they need constant upkeep.


Terrace first. In the long run, structural problems can defeat everything else you do. Then, if the loo wins, I have a decorating suggestion. I noticed in one of your earlier diaries that you said you removed the existing bidets, and I did not see a bidet in the Loo. Why not include a bidet? In the States we can get a product called a Washlet, which goes onto the toilet and gives you warm water for washing and warm air for drying. Since the pandemic started, retail outlets where we can buy TP have been sold out, so if you need TP you probably cannot get it. If the situation is the same in France, then a bidet is the solution. Needless to say, I have a Washlet. The manufacturer is Toto.


Stephanie, it appears you can set up a poll that will easily calculate the votes for you. I found this: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360028159232-How-do-I-poll-my-patrons-


Terrace! Then Kitchen :) And what about using all of that granite that’s on your property that Michael found?


Kitchen! Although excited to see them all!


1. The terrace 2the kitchen 3 the loo


The downstairs loo! Visitors and people who live there will be more comfortable.




Brilliant goals, I'm for the Loo first and then the terrace.. 😊


1. Terrace 2. Loo 3. Kitchen


1. Terrace 2. Loo 3. Kitchen


Loo first, then terrace, then kitchen. 🎉


Terrace ✅ I would suggest creating a Facebook poll or asking Patreon if there is a vote feature so it saves you time counting please keep fountain garden as part of patreon as that was promised 😊


Good luck with all the renovations Stéphanie. My choice would be the downstairs loo and the the terrace.


Also can’t open the downloads


Hi Stephanie🤗 Voting for Terrace because it is a repairing project ‼️ God Bless🕊


The structure is the most important. Terrace, kitchen, loo, in that order. Thrilled about the new level. Would love to see $15K by the end of the month. Hugs!


Terrace, Loo and Kitchen. How exciting can’t wait xx


1. Terrace - I do think that this may be a structural issue so needs immediate attention. 2. Loo 3. Kitchen


Engineer for Terrace. You must secure structure first.


Yes,I’m for the loo first and the terrace next


Terrace structure. This is such fun!


Terrace :)


First time I've had this problem, but I can't open any of your attached photos! Boooooo! :(


Terrace. Thanks for the update and for including us... how fun.


The terrace please!


Structural issues come first so the terrace gets my vote.


Erin, I really love the idea of using the granite already on the property. Not sure how difficult that would be, but what a lovely thing to do to add to the history of Lalande.


1. Terrace, 2 Loo. 3 kitchen


I cannot open your attachments


Terrace, loo, kitchen


1. Terrace 2. Loo 3. Coving :)


You are going to need to hire a contractor at this rate!


Structure first, loo 2nd and kitchen last.


The terrace is my vote. 😊💜🇨🇦


1. Terrace, 2. Loo, 3. kitchen. The more we know about what needs to be done structurally, the better we can prepare to help you get them fixed. Is it possible to do a separate fundraiser, where things can be donated, and then all your YT subscribers can bid on them, and have the proceeds fund the more expensive, yet time sensitive projects? An example would be a signed copy of your favorite French interior design book, or a signed and numbered print of one of your father's beautiful paintings. Things like that. Love you Stephanie! Keep up the great work. <3


Terrace then loo


Hopefully, all three options will come to fruition over the coming weeks as more and more people find their way to your beautiful Chateau life stories. I can't imagine things will slow down at this point, so even thought the terrace is important, I feel it has been waiting many, many years and will wait a few more weeks, so slide that in as the next target, and address the loo first, as its a small space, where you can unleash maximum creativity. It will be able to be completed quickly too, so unlike most other previous targets, there will be a finished product to share failry immediately. And a visually fantastical one at that ! V exciting for us patrons, but also the transformation will make great material to share, thus attracting more viewers ... and more funds so the whole terrace can be addressed, not just the engineers report :)


I would think terrace, as it may be structural problems that could affect other parts too, then the loo


Toto is the popular Japanese brand for it


For safety you should hire the engineer to look at the terrace. I really wish that for your mother's sake you could do the loo. Best of luck with all the projects!


The loo!


The terrace.


The terrace 💐


My vote is for the terrace!


I heard you mentioned the name LaLande. Does the family follow your vlog and are they taking an interest in your renovations ? I so admire the long line of family history they have there !


I vote for the loo even though I can't download your attachments.


As important as it is for the terrace to be evaluated, I think the decoration of the downstairs loo should happen first!!! I think it’ll be a fast enough project, and then the terrace could be evaluated in the next target (which should be hit pretty soon now!!)


So hard to decide! All would be good, I say terrace, kitchen then loo.


The loo!

Melissa LaFond

So hard!!!!!! I want them all for you. But, I think the loo gets my vote. That way it’s done and the bathroom is finished off ❤️


(1) terrace, (2) the loo and (3) the kitchen :)


I would say the terrace. I'd hate to see it damaged any further. If it's crumbling it should be looked at quickly ! :)


I would vote for the terrace and hope it gets all taken care of before your opera this summer


1. Terrace 2. Loo 3. Kitchen


1) The Terrace, 2) The Bathroom and 3) The Moulding


Could it be possible to perhaps double up? Arrange an appointment with the Structural Engineer just to get the correct advice about the terrace and get a quote for the job. Then at the same time to get the loo done as it’s a smaller and potentially quicker project but would give you all such joy. Maybe you could be really resourceful in the decoration by using materials and fabrics you might already have to bring down the costs. It would be so lovely to see Mummy’s face when it’s finished!


The terrace for summer. May cost a lot More if left. Xx


I love all of the ideas but I am an instant gratification person and vote Kitchen first as we spend most of our communal time in it. Next, the restroom then terrace.


As much as I am desperately longing to say loo, I feel that getting attention to the terrace should be my vote as not focusing on that project has the potential for further structural damage to the Chateau (which in the long run could end up eating into additional funds if not addressed with prevention now). One could look at a loo decoration delay as just more time available with a legitimate excuse to spend it on the fun of researching design & decoration :)


1) terrace...and remember that even though you use big slabs of stone, with freezing and thawing, they can shift and change over time-the winter water seeping in and freezing can make even large pieces move somewhat. It might be better to use slightly smaller stones so it can be more easily adjusted and repaired over time. 2) the loo 3) the kitchen


The terrace as this is so time sensitive due to the fact that there is already damages. Thank you for the photos. Je vous aime xx.


Stephanie, is it possible for your to add any images you have as .jpg files? I'm unable to open the ones you have attached today.


I would like to come to the open day to La Lande in 2021 however I would be coming from Australia 🇦🇺 Could I therefore ask that the date is planned ahead of time as I imagine a lot of visitors would need to book international flights I’m especially keen to do this next year as my husband and I were due to fly out to Europe today for a month And the dream of coming to La Lande next year is just what I need to keep my dreams alive. Thanks 😊


Venitian masked ball every August!


Team terrace. ✌️


The loo :)


What fun! The Loo it is!!


We vote for the bathroom!


I do LOVE the idea of the outdoor opera or music concerts or something as revenue generator!! or as part of workshops or something?! with the finals being performaces?


how wise you are Mr. Young- I am dying to see the tally💕🌸


ok - the 16k mark has to be the loo!!


🤣🤣 you listed it just as I did🤣🤣 now I think we just make the loo the $16 mark!

Janese Carstens

I vote for the Loo/WC/Bathroom!!


The terrace❤️

Janese Carstens

She’s going to have a shock that we’re over $14K when she wakes up!! 😍😂 Love the new tiers and the annual meetup at LaLande!


I vote for the bathroom.

Andrew G. Hughes

Oh what a hard decision. The bathroom needs done for all and the terrace for posterity. However, the heart of everything is the the kitchen so I Vote for #2.

Alton Condra

Stephanie. I am trying to get information on the Biltmore but they are not yet fully staffed. I am all in a a Patron party at Lalande then bring Lalande to Biltmore.

Alton Condra

Once I get the information i will forward


I vote for tHe kitchen, it’s always in the blogs and is the heart of La Lande💕🏠


Congrats on 14k! So exciting to see such progress! Terrace, loo, kitchen.


Maybe we can have the terrace and the loo because we're now over 14k now.


It would be nice if we could reach 20k by the end of the month. 😃I'm pulling for the pool for you Michael!


I vote go for the terrace renovation!




The terrace because it's such a wonderful gathering place.


The loo


I definitely vote for all 3, but certainly the bathroom takes priority, especially for the amount of use in such a space by guests and daily life


The loo’s not going anywhere, but the terrace just might be! I vote the terrace ❤️


I agree with Kelly Douglas's earlier comment. The terrace must be done first and the other projects can be updated in the winter. Besides, what if the structural engineer finds the tunnel to the secret chamber under LaLande! Wouldn't that be something.


Could be sexy! We have yet to see the Engineer 😉🤷🏻‍♀️


Since it’s looking quite like the terrace will win either way, my two cents is that the kitchen should take the cake here. The kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where you film and connect with your family, friends, your b&b guests, your workawayers, Michael’s lasagne - everyone! It’s where people gather to nourish and be nourished and should look the part! I also think that the terrace will be a much larger job than expected and should be made its own target once you know the costs. Thank you so much for bringing such positivity and light into this world. You are an inspiration! Much love from Massachusetts.


I do agree. I know it feels a bit selfish but it’s for mental health! Plus considering all the time spent in bed editing... it’s really for US!


The terrace, always the terrace. It just offers up more escapism. :)


I said it above and I’ll say it again: We’ve yet to see the Engineer, so it very well could be sexy!


Definitely should be 2 votes... I may have a bias since I also voted terrace. 😂


Tomaz, excellent idea about the cellars also being part of the heating issue! Amazing catch. It definitely could be adding to the issue!


Oh dear, do the terrace first! Your mummy’s wedding was so lovely, it deserves to be preserved for many more such occasions


I vote for 1. Terrace 2. Loo. 3. Kitchen /They are all great choices!


Also, Thank you so much for my card. It just arrived today and it's beautiful and smells wonderful! What kind of perfume is on the cards?


Downstairs loo!!!

Jana Miranda

I think I'll throw my 13K vote towards the downstairs restroom. It's a smallish project and meets the practical needs of the chateau.


The terrace


If the terrace needs to be done for safety reasons...do the terrace. Otherwise-the downstairs loo.


Since you've reached 14,000! You can do the 1st AND 2nd choices for your 13,000 and 14,000 goals!


My personal vote is for the kitchen. You mentioned before that the kitchen is the heart of Lalande. It is also such a central location for the vlogs, so I'm sure we'd be seeing the finished product frequently. And on a sentimental note I think it would be so lovely to see a token of this wonderful community adorn the beautiful kitchen walls! Either way - congratulations on reaching this goal and thank you for the fabulous entertainment!


The loo! So many people use this one it should be finished.


Terrace 1st, although it'll be far more expensive and time intensive than my 2nd choice, which is the loo. Thanks for creating more levels bella. Can't open the pics either 🤔


my vote is for the downstairs loo


I love all the projects, you’ve offered. May I suggest that next time you offer a vote, send a link to Survey Monkey or a Google Survey. It will keep the tally for you and guarantees people vote once. Now, here are my picks: 1) Engineer 2) Kitchen, 3) Loo


I vote for the Terrace - it's structural and if it gets worse, it will be even more expensive to repair. You could work on the Loo in the winter, but the Terrace should be reviewed while the weather is decent.


My vote goes for 1. a watering system for the garden and courtyard...2. stone slabs for the terrace...3 planting wisteria on the pergola would be awesome. I love the kitchen just the way it is. That's my 2 cents. Luv to all of you.


1) Terrace 2) Loo 3) Kitchen Looking forward to seeing all 3done before long!!


I think you all will really enjoy having a spruced up loo and it can probably be done relatively quickly so that's my vote :)


Thanks for being open to sharing work in progress on the Patreon - for those of us who aren't able to get DIY because we aren't in the UK - we miss some of the updates and fun! :)


My heart wants to say the kitchen, but the terrace is the best for your B&B with your outdoor events.




ok we need MORE of the dauphine & dauphine of la Lande!! what like 9 left? no we need at least another 100!


I vote for the structural engineer looking at the terrace. All of my love to everyone at Lalande. Keep us updated on the heating.


Great suggestions on prioritizing, and moving forward on two of the goals together! 👍😄


HI Stephanie I vote for the terrace first, then the loo, then the kitchen. I’m a new patreon and it’s so nice to be involved in your plans! 😊

Denise Behrends

1. Kitchen - Your eyes sparkled, Stephanie, when you mentioned the kitchen project. What a beautiful architectural element the plaster coving and shelving above the ovens will add to the room which is the heart of Lalande year round. Hopefully this can be completed by Winter, as I understand that the terrace is a structural priority and may need to be done sooner. 2. Terrace - The structural bones of the chateau are vital to its architectural integrity. The large stone slabs will suit the history of Lalande perfectly. 3. Loo - A project that will be both practical and pretty with your design aesthetic. And please don’t put off too long the dream décor of your private suite of rooms (bedroom / bathroom / boudoir / dressing room). Judging by all of the comments on a previous Q & A post, many of us would delight in the joy of watching these rooms decorated, so it wouldn’t be selfish at all on your part!


I vote for the terrace


Loo, Terrace, and the kitchen. I remember seeing your laundry which is in a poor state. I suggest you make it functional, easy to use and a place where you can fold and iron is peace. And even though your room is yours, your happiness is important to us as well. Don't put it off just because it's yours. You are worthy of a stunning room. You are after all the chatelaine. Thank you for taking our feelings into account. Lots of love.


I vote for terrace because I think projects with structural issues have to come before decorative ones. I know whatever project wins will turn out lovely thanks to your input!


I say terrace! I want to see that really enjoyed to it's fullest extent and done properly 😊


It has to be the Loo x


My vote is for the terrace, I think it's important to tackle the structural issue on time so it doesn't became bigger problem later on.


1) Terrace. 2) Loo. 3) Kitchen


Congrats at reaching 14K! We keep going from strength to strength.


An idea for the annual meeting (for next year) - over a weekend - is a renaissance fair where local artists could display their work and people could dress up - winding up with a private party for the patrons


I vote for the Terrace first, but love your ideas for the kitchen and the loo :)


I vote for the loo. But whatever wins... I would love it to be something that can be done quickly. I have become quite thirsty to see these targets come to fruition.. And till Now none of them have, albeit for good reason. So i wish for something that we can physically see the progress quickly.


I think the terrace is a brilliant idea!




Hi, Terrace would be my number 1 vote. number 2 the loo number 3 the kitchen. Congratulations on 14000 wow.


Congrats Stephanie! Thanks for considering our input regarding Lalande’s improvement projects! All three proposals are great ideas! I vote for the loo.


Congratulations on 14,000! My votes are 1. Terrace 2. Kitchen 3. Loo


my votes are 1)loo 2) terrace 3)kitchen and I love your idea of a walkway-balcony to connect the apartments


1. Loo 2 patio. 3 kitchen ❤️


With a margin of error of about 5-10 votes, I counted so far: Terrace - 222 votes Loo - 100 votes Kitchen - 17 votes


The loo! Mummy deserves a throne 😂 x


Wow. 14K. Amazing double glazing 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩Yay!!!!


Difficult choice, I agree with someone who posted earlier saying that if the terrace is an immediate safety concern to proceed with it, if not I vote for the downstairs loo!


Kitchen please!!! Then loo, then terrace! I feel the kitchen could be done quickly and would make a remarkable difference that everyone at Lalande would enjoy immediately! It’s where everyone breaks bread 🥖 or makes it 😋 and it will finally look and feel complete! Adore you Stephanie! Thank you for allowing me to cast my vote! xx 🏰🗳 👌🏼


Hi Stephanie. All options are great. Although my vote goes to the “little room” aka the loo. Love to see that one giving all of you some sitting comfort 😅


I vote the downstairs loo


Terrace xx


First of all, I'd definitely vote for the loo. After that probably the terrace, then the kitchen.


1. Terrace, 2. Loo, 3. Kitchen - and 4. a poll to make it easier for you to count and to put things out to vote in future!


The terrace is your outside house many moments of the year so N° 1 ! then the kitchen as you all spend so much time there and it's already the hub. As for the loo, I LOVE decorated lovely loos, Nothing worse than neglected off white, throw up that wallpaper girl !! I watched you video about your history of moving in and what you did, silly that I hadn't before, but I realise how incredibly brave you were/are !! I am also a Stephanie ( born on Glasgow) and like you Nothing puts me off my goal no matter how mad they seem to people and so far my life has been a mix of catastrophies and miracles like you, huggssss xxxx


The downstairs loo


I jsut looked at the Chapelle pictures ! Amazing and also reminds me of some of your fathers art in a way. Looking forward to more on Sunday. xoxoxo


It's got to be the terrace we need to stop any more damage and risk of it becoming unsafe without a doubt the other 2 will be fine waiting. Little longer but the quicker the terrace is done the less damage will be imposed on the chateau


I think a log burner like Chateau Basmaignée has to supplement the geo thermal. As the Chateau has expanded with new rooms and apartments the benefit of extra hearing is mommy and Michael's apartments will be warm in winter and having a system which has the capacity will allow for year around events and business. Sometimes we all look at the beautiful enhancements when what is needed is the less glam things we can't see.


wow above $14k target already!


At the moment I think the toilet is the cheapest so would get that done then the terrace and kitchen last.


14k - the sky is the limit...


1) Terrace 2) Loo 3) Kitchen






1. Terrace, 2. Loo 3. Kitchen


I vote for the terrace first, then the loo and kitchen third :)


I vote for decorating the downstairs loo.


Terrace for me too as I think it’s got to be better to find out what problem(s) there are soon as possible and then be able to budget costs to fix them, and also perhaps to find out what if any remedial works might be able to be taken now to try and limit any risk of further damage.


Dear Stephanie, First and foremost, congratulations on attaining the $13,000.00 level!


I am not very good at using these comment boxes, I see. Well, onto my choices for going forward: i) the terrace; ii) the bathroom; iii) the kitchen. If I may comment on the problems with the entrance hall, it seems to me that in time you might well consider a nice, greenhouse-style entrance which would project into the courtyard. This might compensate a bit for the lack of a grand staircase, and would allow for more doors allowing you to control the temperature of the rooms within. Perhaps the time has come to check the windows as well for their ability to resist incoming drafts.


En lisant les commentaires je vois les 3 projets qui ressortent... Je n'ai pas su comprendre les détails de chacun 🙄 Donc je vote pour les 3 ! Soyons fous 🙃


1. Terrace 2. Loo 3. Kitchen xx


I think if mummy wants the loo then that has to be first then the terrace and finally the kitchen. Congratulations on hitting the targets so quickly you have an amazing presence and personality 😍🌺


I vote for decorating the downstairs loo. I think that this will make the most immediate difference in the everyday life of everyone in the Château


1. Loo 2. Terrace 3. Kitchen


Hello Stephanie, With 454 replies already here perhaps for a future poll (I hope there’ll be one) maybe setting up a free page on a site like Survey Monkey might be an easy way to collate the votes instead of having to go through the comments manually? See: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/mp/online-polls/


I would vote for the terrace. Structural soundness before cosmetic things.


Hello Stephanie, I’m so pleased you like the idea of Versailles planters, I really love the ones made by Jardins du roi soleil. But you are right about making them another financial target! I vote for the terrace.


toilet I feel is the most important


Hello from Normandy! Loo, kitchen, & terrace.


If you are going to welcome all your patreons to a beautiful garden party, then it is essential to have a fabulous downstairs toilet .


I think the downstairs loo for Mummy :) But they are all worthy targets!


I vote for the terrace first, then the loo, then the kitchen


The terrace is probably the most important as there is a risk of collapse. Getting structural engineer to look at it as a whole will enable you To focus better on how to proceed without causing more problems for the future.


I feel it should be the Terrace as if there are unseen problems at least maybe this year is a good year to get it sorted before you are booked to busting next year, next the loo and the kitchen. 😁✨💕


Hi Stephanie ❤️ the terrace for my vote. That work seems most urgent....... l am so looking forward to your kitchen vision coming to realisation-sounds amazing.






I also feel that the terrace should be the next up. It will be easier to do when the weather is nice. I am so happy that this dream is coming true for you. Much love!


Votes so far: (approximately) Terrace: 227 votes. Loo: 108 votes. Kitchen: 18 votes. Long live the Chateau de Lalande! Long life.


Terrace, safety first at all times, 🤔 and likely to be the most expensive; the loo and coving can be managed at anytime ...👌🌞


I agree that the terrace must come first! So many gatherings to come there and we would want the structure to be sound and of course beautiful. Very quickly after I’m sure that there will be support for the loo and the kitchen coving.


Would also love to see a new update for your laundry room. Another vital room and one that will most definitely be a hive of activity once you’ve reopened the B&B as you’re sure to have nonstop guests!!


yes the terrace first .then loo.then kitchen coving.


My vote is for the terrace!


I haven't been able to open these photos as the extension .HEIC isn't recognised as an image :-(


A cooler month meeting is wonderful. I would rather put on a sweater or something vs. melting. YES, to fixing the entrance doors. That is just a wise financial investment. As a B & B safety should be of utmost importance, I vote the terrace first. I work for a structural engineer whose specialty is safety (he also works as an expert witness) and I've learned how important safety is specifically to invited guests, etc. (at least in the US). If anyone were ever seriously hurt because of the lack of it you would not have to worry about a decorated loo or kitchen, because sadly you probably wouldn't own the chateau anymore. When looking for a structural engineer look for someone that has some expertise also in safety. And, like when looking for a doctor, getting a couple of opinions never hurts.


Wow Steph I don’t know how you do it, so much to think about so many people to try and please you are a superstar! Make sure you get a break regularly and not a break where your working on vlogs or writing thank you cards. For you to sustain this wonderful journey that your on you need time for yourself....good luck.


Oh yes in my heart i would go for your kitchen but my head says terrace like everyone else, sorry about the Loo Isabelle.


My vote is for the Terrace Stephanie


Terrace please! It's so important to keep the structure sound. Loo would have been my second choice, for practical reasons. Sorry Stephanie, I have a feeling that the kitchen coving might have been your first choice. But I hope you have put it on one of our future targets. We are hitting them so quickly now!


Pen for the peacocks should the eggs hatch. I live in hope and fear. Can the tennis court be turned into a nursery while the game is on hold for the summer? Then the terrace ... loo ... kitchen. xo


I know the Terrace would be great, but fortunately, for now, it is useable as it is. The loo sounds like a difficult place and so many people from Lalande and guests use it. So I'll vote for the Loo! Hopefully the Loo won't take too long and that will give enough time to raise more money for the Terrace. Also, I just want to mention about the Courtyard. If you get Chateau DIY to film your project, that's income for the Chateau, right? So I wouldn't push that we might've put your DIY residual income at risk be requiring filming of the project if DIY doesn't want it shown before the show. So perhaps announcement updates in Patreon blogs should suffice.


Hello. I think the loo and the kitchen would be good for all those at Lalande.


Unable to open these . I do think that a level terrace is essential.


1st Terrace - IMO, structural issues first. 2nd Bathroom


I'm not able to view the photo's as well. I vote on the bathroom.


You're at 14K!! For 13K, 1) Terrace analysis 2) entry doors (before winter), 3) loo, 4) kitchen coving.


I think terrace first purely because its structural but think it will be used more & more as you get busier. I think it would be so good to have the kitchen done after that as we love being invited into there with you. Could you just sneak the loo in as well if funding keeps increasing. Ha!



Sofi Hultin

Honestly, I’d say: 1, Loo, 2, Kitchen, 3, Terrace. The first two is faster too,


Terrace because it's part of the framework of the building. Also I have just noticed the peacock pattern behind you is exactly the same as a cushion I have on my narrowboat ! X


I want you to make sure you are warm first. After that. I think they are all good!


I'm rooting for the terrace, think it's better to start with it, not an expert whatsoever, but I assume the terrace could be only done while it's still warm. And also it would be nice if you could finish it and be able to enjoy it & spend some time there while the weather is great. ♥


Make the loo beautiful! Even though it's less visible, if it gets so much use it should be updated :D


I vote for the loo!


My vote is for the terrace. There is nothing better than a lovely outdoor place to be on a nice day :)


I agree with the terrace going first as it will probably take the longest to complete so starting the work now would be proactive. But maybe the loo and kitchen could each be the next targets after achieving $15K at $500 increment levels? So the loo at $15,500 and the kitchen at $16,000?


Saving the terrace first👻


Thank you Stephanie for making me a Baroness! This is such a lovely community!


Hi Stephanie, My suggestions, in this order, are 1) terrace 2) downstairs lou 3) kitchen. Thank you for keeping your patrons informed and connected.


Hello Stephanie, Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and allowing your patreons to be involved. My suggestion would be for the terrace. I can envision the terrace when completed and it will be stunning! My best to all you.


Ok, downstairs loo. However, contrary as I am, my own top wish is that Stephanies bedroom gets done. Why? Because she is the Chatelaine, she has been there for 15 years and is magical to us all, and she invites us into her bedroom to chat, I love that. Stephanie should have an opulent, beautiful bedroom...as the estate agents call it,- "representative"! And I want to continue to be invited into bedroom and boduire, like a friend. I think that is the key to the success of this vlog, we actually feel like friends of the people living at La Lande. As Jillian in NZ says (Hello Jillian! :-) ) we are all very protective of Stephanie now, she is a dear friend. Ps! Her bathroom is fab.


14,000 only two days later!!! and you thought it was going to slow down after 10,000!!! holy moly!!!


Yes I agree with Elaine 1) Terrace 2) the lou 3) kitchen cove mouldings. Looking forward to seeing the progress.


1. Terrace 2. Loo 3. Kitchen


Hello Michael. The chateaux owners aren’t paid for appearing on ETTC DIY. They get great publicity from the show but are not financially rewarded for appearing.


I vote for the Terrace then the loo, as an in between project.


Terrace and the loo!


Scotman's apartment would be super.


Terrace, kitchen, loo


Sorry my Android phone can't open the photos. So please my suggestion of the loo is one of the options so yes I vote for this one to be done next and will be giving a little bit of Lalande magic to a well used room🚽👑


$14K + of patron monthly contributions to the Chateau!!!!! Thank you




It is good that people are investd, but it's still your life. don't let people bully you or make you feel bad for not showing everything, it's an incredible generosity that you allow people a look into laland, but no one is entitled to more than what you can give!


My head says terrace..... But my heart says loo 😊. After watching the video a second time, I changed my mind after Stephanie mentioned that Mummy really wanted a ‘new loo’. It also may be a project that could get done in a fairly shorter amount of time and would provide a completed space. Oh, what to do, what to do.....??? I’m going with loo! 😇


I think I would have to vote for the terrace thinking about all the glorious summer parties to come :)


Her bathroom is stunning! Love the tub. And I agree with you. Her room must be considered. She is, after all, the chatelaine. :)


I vote for the loo!


My vote goes to the terrace as it seems most important to me to address the structural problems and possible water damage first. Though the loo is somewhat of a soft spot for me as well :)


The loo!!!!


I vote for the terrace.☺️


Terrace x


The Loo!


The loo!


All of the above! (But terrace first!)


Terrace please!


The terrace seems pretty important :)


Isabella (age 11) & I vote for the terrace! Xx😘


Um you just hit 14K in less than 24hrs after this video... I'm speachless


Hi Stephanie. I vote for the terrace! You can christen the repaired terrace with a 🥂 drinks party! Cx


I think the terrace, it seems if you leave it, you could have more majors works to do . Then the entrance xxx




The terrace! :)


Hello ... I vote for the loo first and then most definitely get the terrace done, or it will end up a much bigger issue in the long run. Check one quicker project off your list. 🖤 Thank you again for all your inspiration and allowing us into your beautiful life and home. xo


The terrace should be first... then the loo and finally the kitchen :) x


The terrace!


The terrace!


The Loo!


The terrace!


The Terrace 🏰❤️


I always love a good bathroom renovation...it would be a faster project to finish. Afterwards, you can tackle the bigger project like the terrace.


the loo!


Terrace, bathroom then kitchen. But you could probably do kitchen now since Ian is already doing a plaster job in the entrance hall. Thank you for sharing and making us a part of your journey!


I also agree with the comments about the tv issue - the ones that say don't bother about the negativity. We should contribute because we want to help you in your goal to restore your beautiful home and not for any other reason. It doesn't entitle us to dictate what you do. You know what's best and you are more than generous in offering us a chance to vote. Much happiness to you and your family!


Bathroom renovation!


I vote for the bathroom ! Great updates as usual :)




I vote for the terrace! And congrats on already surpassing 14!


I vote for the TERRACE structural engineer! ❤️


Terrace. Its structural and failing and needs to be done in better weather. The loo can be fine when weather gets worse. Just my 2 cents. Xxx


I agree with you completely - it made me so sad to see the negativity. La Lande and the Family La Lande is such a happy place and such an escape from the terrible news here in the states - to have it invaded by negative Nan's - upsetting. Also Stephanie is such a positive person- she doesn't deserve the pressure and stress. Give because you love helping a historic chateau and love being a part of the community- otherwise- move along. ☹


Hello to you all, thank you for the sheer joy you bring to everyday life. I am voting for the loo ....I have some experience of 'tolerating' a building site loo whilst working on my old home in the Charente. Sometimes, we need to do things for the sake of morale. And it is amazing how much a decent loo can lift the spirits! Whatever is chosen first, I am thrilled to share the joy of your hopes and dreams coming true. Watching the people I love find happiness brings me unlimited happiness. And as all of you have become a part of my unofficial family (I just lost my beloved Mummy....who was so like yours-my best friend and the bravest person I have ever known) who was my old relative. Now my family is the group of chosen friends in my life. And from across the Channel, I have felt you were unofficially 'family'. France was home for me 30 years ago and I hope to return one day, somehow. For now, you inspire me and keep my spirits up in a very lonely world, thank you for sharing your lives so generously. Have a wonderful weekend, lots of love, Luisa xxx United Kingdom


The LaLa Loo!


The Loo! We went back to view the Special Edition Hidden Areas to see it!


My vote is for the terrace! Thanks for letting us choose, this is a great way to get everyone involved!


The structural engineer


My vote goes to the Kitchen! Also, I would agree that maybe projects for the ETTCDIY should be different projects, as we are all invested in the projects we have been hearing about/raising funds for thus far! It would likely be a long time (filming, editing, production, release) before the show would be formally released.


My vote is for the coving in the kitchen! Another shelf to display your blue and white china on!!




The loo :)




The Terrace before it falls down, to try and get it sorted before the winter. You don’t want your Opera singers to disappear down a big hole in the middle of an aria.


The Loo!


I like the idea that another Patreon suggested that for the 16,000 target, that when it reaches 500 the loo could be done and the other 500 the kitchen coving could be done so 2 smaller jobs could be completed.


I vote for the downstairs loo! :)


$300 shy of the $15K goal! I just read that Patreon pays its creators (Stephanie) once per month on the first. THEN she’ll have to pay taxes on that income and THEN she’ll have access to the money to actually pay for projects. Ah lag time, I have NO patience for it! 😉


Emma, Isn’t this just so much FUN to pop on and see where we’re at for the day?!?!? 🤗


LOO LOO LOO !!!!!!!!! <3 Or as we call them in Australia..... The Dunny :-)


The terrace, because you need it for the operas, and then you can plan and save for the actual work. Then do the main floor loo because everyone has to go - even opera singers. ;)


Ohhh clearly the terrace, the Loo is nice but not as important as a Building structure. And i can come around in August😉


Loo is a priority!


I vote terrace, too. 😏 ❤️


For those of you who are new to our patreon community, please feel free to come join the fan page and share all your favorite things about la Lande!! We'd love to see you!! ♥️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/ataleoftwochateaux/?ref=share


The terrace has my vote.


I vote for the terrace, there might be hidden treasure, interesting artifacts, tunnels or even more cellars. Also, we never know what winter rains will bring in the way of small or large damages outdoors. Then the loo and kitchen. I agree with the suggestion above to begin the next two projects at the $500 marks. So exciting to see all of the dreams for Lalande coming true.


I hate being practical but I have to vote for the terrace. Sound structure first...then the kitchen which will be AMAZING.


That depends on whether anyone sings off key!! Hee! Hee!


While I would LOVE to see more ideas all of the time I think actually they need to be further apart - because i think it's going to cost at least $1000 for a survey of the terrace - at least - and i stress about how much work she has to do to get it all up and running. 😳


Hi is anyone else having trouble opening the photos I can't on my android phone or kindle and I don't have a laptop an y suggestions.


Google "convert heic to jpg" and you should find lots of free options. HEIC in an Apple format


Can I just ask if other Patreons are seeing ads on the vlogs? Since signing up here I only ever see one ad at the beginning. Other channels I watch have up to 8 in a half hour video!


Hi Stephanie I’m very curious about the orchard. I would love to see an abundance of fruits and healthy trees you all could pick from and create even more jummy dishes. You mentioned once that the sheep destroyed your painstaking efforts. Will you focus on that area? And


Hi CHeri, I've notices that that happens sometimes for me too. It's seems a bit random. If that happens I will quit youtube and start again and then I'll get the ads. Never thought I'd want to watch ads on Youtube but I want to help Stephanie as much as I can :).


It's moving fast. Not much left before we hit 15000! Wow


The kitchen, the terrace then the loo. Thats my vote in order! It’s impossible to really choose bc they are all such wonderful ideas! But I choose the kitchen bc it’s where you spend most of your time 🥰


Terrace, Loo, then Kitchens!


I vote for the terrace first! Structural before visual I think. The longer the terrace is left to its own, the more expensive it becomes to repair later.


That's exactly what I was thinking. If left to go too long, I'm afraid it will in turn cause more damage to the chateau itself.


Terrace, although redecorating the loo would be great, structural concerns should take precedence, in my humble opinion


I would sort the kitchen out first as you would benefit all year round


I think we can do the terrace and the loo and the kitchen. 😄 We are almost at 16K. Woohoo!!!


I vote #1 terrace, #2 downstairs loo, #3 kitchen. Definitely want to do them all!!


My suggestion for the Annual Summer Meeting is a festival called Chateau Daze and Disorderly Knights, a medieval festival, tournament, and dinner. The two Latin mottos: Necesse est certa aliqua tenacitate Chatelaine (Tenacity is still a crucial necessity for any chatelaine) and Vitæ, Amoris, et risum reputavi (Life, Love, and Laughter). According to Stephanie, “From the first recorded mention of Lalande in the mid-15th century, the Seigneur of the time was a man called Jacques de Lalande. His neighbor, Guillaume du Boueix, was brutally murdered in front of his family whilst on his way to church. According to local tradition, he was killed on the farm called le Boue (could this be a trace of the name of this lord, de Boueix?) next door to Lalande. It is said that he was behind in his tax payments to the Lord of Sainte-Severe, who lived in a town 20 kilometers from Lalande. So, a knight called Huguet de Chamborant, trying to seek the approval of the overlord, Sainte-Severe, took it upon himself to kill du Boueix. Altogether, a rather severe penalty for late taxes as well as a severe way to serve ‘justice’. Jarvis, S. (2019, April 17). The History of Lalande/Chateau Blog [Web log post]. Retrieved from https://thechateaudiaries.com/2019/04/17/the-history-of-lalande/ Hildegard von Blingin' (Writer). (2020, May 25). What is Love (Medieval Style with Vocals - Original by Cornelius Link) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJWvmSJ3k9Q https://youtu.be/Kbj4bulZX2Y


Hello stephanie, what is the goal for 13k.? .as for 15k its showing decoration of the loo and for 16k its showing gravel.


Wow... you have tons, almost a thousand to go through...but I’d say keeping in with you large works and “settling” lalande to its orgia


Grrr! It keeps posting on me whe I


...Urgh! When I hit return! Ga,, what I was trying to say is in keeping with fixing the large works I’d go for the terrace and under structure and then to the bathroom for y’all and then the kitchen... although as I’ve said b4 I think you should do up the China room! I don’t know if anyone has told you about an American company from the Carolinas Calle “Replacements LTD” but it’s the bomb! And you don’t have to bid or outbid someone they source crystal, China and sliver... it’s amazing! I’ve been wanting to share that with you for ever but never felt the right time... anyway... I get the dream and I love what your doing! You go girl! 😍


We're so close to $15,000! How amazing! I'm sure I'm not the only one watching the numbers go up and up!


Terrace and the loo and the kitchen...'cos $15K will make it so ⭐⭐⭐


I'd love to see the picture of Mummy and the thistle flower blown up to A1 and put up on a wall somewhere. Its simply gorgeous.


I vote: (1) terrace; (2) downstairs loo; and (3) kitchen. You can’t afford for the terrace to collapse so I think the structural issue needs to be sorted out first! Less than $100 to go to reach the $15,000 mark!!!


Almost $15,000 !!!!! I keep checking like how I would check shares lol.


Only here can we be passionately discussing the merits of a loo design with getting a structural engineer! LOVE it....in fact when I think about it the choice is so La Lande and why we love it....heart vs head, dreamer vs realist, art vs practical - a little ironic then Stephanie was thinking practical and mummy went for the art one! Maybe during lockdown they are morphing into one formidable being!


I just adore having Thor as my phone’s wallpaper! Just makes me smile each time I see it 🥰🥰🥰


I finally became a patreon after following Steph from day 1. So thrilled to be part of the journey of La Lande 💗


Another channel milestone coming...... getting sooooo close to ten million YouTube views!


Shannon I know, the return thing is so aggravating! I’m using an iPad and have taken to opening a blank email to write posts and then copying and pasting into the comments here.


Like Amanda, I am obsessively checking my phone to see the numbers go up. :) As of 0815 Central US time this morning, June 20, we're $77 away from $15k!


Well, I vote 1st terrace, 2nd the loo, 3rd the kitchen. The way this is going she could probably do them all!!! This is fun!


15K ♥️☀️🎉!!!


Well done 15K.

Janese Carstens

Wow! $15000 and the last update was 5 days and $2000 ago!! Amazing


Wow 15k


Hi - we love the fact you are doing so well. We vote 1) The loo 2) The Kitchen 3) The terrace survey.


✨🥂🍾WOW-ZA!! 🍾🥂✨


I love our group! 15k is amazing. To think back to what Stephanie must have been thinking while on the Mekong to now. Must be overwhelming.


Exactly! I was just thinking about this early this morning. She had no expectations but she never accepted defeat. Stephanie is incredibly inspirational.


You're right! Tomorrow's Sundays at the Chateau will crash 10,000,000-- if not before!


Downstairs Loo x


I cant believe...15000 yay... and it’s still the terrace from me❤️❤️


Hi everyone I hope you are well. We have recently put some details on the face book page A Little Piece of France about the trips arranged for Lalande & also the Christmas work shops. If you would like to receive details drop me an email to alittlepieceoffrancetocallhome@gmail.com. Thank you have a lovely weekend Brenda Gibbons


so to me the kitchen is sort of just for the eye and the bathroom is still functional even if it isn't pretty but the structural issues with the Terrace sound like that needs doing first so I vote TERRACE :) Thank you for adding new tiers I just upped my to the $10 a month for right now love helping out whatever way I can : )


Hi Stephanie, I vote TERRACE.


I am wondering could the mill be used to generate electricity?


Finishing the KITCHEN CEILING has my vote. The kitchen is the heart of Lalande and deserves an upgrade!


I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you get to return to France at some point! xx (agree with the loo)


I love the idea of re-doing the kitchen!! Would make me happy!


Hello Stephanie, I vote definitely: TERRACE


The kitchen!!! xx


Terrace! Make it safe


Congrats on $15K !! I vote 1: the bathroom; 2: the kitchen and 3: terrace 🥰


OMG!! 15k!! yay!!!!


I vote downstairs loo!


I've finally gotten around to becoming a patron! Got to keep the momentum up until travel bans are lifted. So happy to be able to contribute a little bit to Lalande. 💚🐑💚


I vote the Terrace 2.loo 3 kitchen


Also, bathroom! And a suggestion for ettcdiy project? A Rumpelstiltskin spinning loft, dyers garden, and flax garden for future linen spunning. 😁

Dan Ruggiero

1 terrace. 2 loo. 3 kitchen. It is a money saver in the long run to prevent further decay of the terrace under structure.


Terrace, Make it safe and do the outside work while the sun is shining :)


The terrace!


I remain a little sad that I can't view the attached photos that I'm sure are wonderful!


Congrats on reaching 15,000+!!!! This is absolutely AMAZING!


Have u tried converting heic to jpg? Google ‘heic to jpg’ and the first result should be a converter that you can put the photo links into (:


Hello all. A question Chateau related, but not about La Lande. Some may know from earlier posts I don’t do mainstream social media so I’m wondering if one of us who does might be willing to message Lesa and Ted at Chateau De Montmagner and give them a quick heads up re: what Stephanie discovered and mentioned in this video about offering a lottery draw on a Patreon page? Would hate to see Patreon possibly hassle them for it. Perhaps if you do you could reply here so others can see it’s done and they don’t get inundated?


15k was changed to be the loo, now 16k is gravel, so we vote on terrace vs kitchen? But wasn't the kitchen started on in the last video? So I guess the vote must be the terrace then, lol. Looking forward to see it all finished!


Good spot Ida. Also see the courtyard has been upgraded to a ‘tour d'honneur’. Sounds very grand, and totally befitting a great Chateau :)


We think all three choices are great and would be wonderful improvements to the Chateau. Our thoughts, in order, are #1: Terrace, #2: Downstairs Powder Room, and #3: Kitchen.


I think (1) Terrace (to avoid any additional damage), For 2 and 3 - no preference, just worried about fighting against something that is crumbling.


🤔 I’ve lost track of the goals thing currently as it’s going so fast, so here are my thoughts. I am thinking a few small happy tasks might be good too. “Quick wins” can be a real moral boost . Especially for mummy who like me, seems to delight in even the smallest of changes and be a bit overwhelmed by the large (must be an age thing). I think it’s great all the ideas and a lot of them are Big. Sometimes I think the little things make all the difference because i see a change quickly like when you got dan the gardener one day a week or selmars creative endeavours. So does it have to be a massive downstairs loo “redo” rather than a quick spruce up for example that will do for now. After renovating many houses I found constantly being in a state of huge flux was exhausting and I started to really love small changes that seemed to make the world of a difference and can be tackled very easily. Just my thoughts anyway, some small quick tasks that make all the difference? Also I would put mummy’s balcony up in the meantime, your plans could take months or even years to complete in the courtyard. You can easily remove mummy’s balcony when you create your grand fire escape thingy. Better safe than sorry methinks. 😬 xx


Now over 15000!,,


Loo, terrace, kitchen. XO!


Can you add insulating your attic roof to one of your projects. You know you have a problem if your radiators are at 35 but your rooms are 10. This would not be a pretty update but would make a world of difference to your living experience.

Dan Ruggiero

does anyone elsev have this problem with

Dan Ruggiero

patreon? each time I sign on, I then have a screen that comes up stating that I have to "verify this device," as added security for my account. I wrote to Patreon to pplease remove this step as it becomes completely ircular


Not me.....whether on Mac or phone it just goes straight in.


If you make money - make money - don't worry about us..... Surely since money is needed - it makes sense to make it and not worry about us.


Lovely vlog! ❤❤


Elon Musk's company makes solar panel roofing tiles that might be practical without detracting from the beauty of the chateau.


Structural Engineer, downstairs loo, kitchen ! 😘😘


Love you, your mommy ,the château and all of your friends and helpers. Your vlogs have replaced most of my tv watching of the terrible news that I kept seeing. My heart is lighter and l find myself laughing out load often. Im cooking more creatively and even taking time for tea and martinis. My VOTE is the loo first, then the decks structural ideas and next the kitchen. Hugs n Love and congratulations🥂


I vote for the Loo! It really is the little things 😉


Second vote is the kitchen


oh- I have been reading about lime plaster rendering and how it's so much better for old buildings? will you be doing any if this?


Hi Stephanie, I'm happy to be a new patreon. Hello from Michigan, USA! I've been around since March and love watching your videos. I vote for the bathroom or kitchen. Both much used spaces. I am an amatuer gardener and love watching your Mom. You all are wonderful.


Loo, terrace, kitchen. My downstairs loo is next on my list :-). Chateau de Rambouillet has a walk around balcony, you can see it on their webpage but if you need better photos I can pop round and take some. No problem there. You and your family have been such a joy during lockdown. When we couldn't visit my family in Scotand you and mummy became our new family. Thank you for keeping our spirits up during some very dark and distressing days during lockdown here in Ile-de-France. We will be forever grateful. xx


Not not sure where I should comment on the gift opening. I like it especially when you are sent something someone has made. I would like to know where your followers are from so if you could mention say where Joy was from that would great. Also if something is hand made and it is their business producing these beautiful things then maybe you could put a link or website in vlog information where we could all look at their items to buy online as a way of supporting small businesses. Oh and I was a Lady but now a Baroness love the new tiers.


I just had a thought about the Terrace. When the time comes to purchase stone or paving for the terrace would it be an idea to get some extra materials for other paths say leading to the Chapel. If you decide to put in some paths later it may be hard to get the some matching materials. A path to the Chapel would make it easier in heels for weddings and other events. Stone paths would be good to have planned before new garden beds and the like as well


I love the gift opening!


I like the gift opening as well - wouldn't want it to become a burden to you though. I am confident that you will make it work. As a separate vlog also gives everyone the choice X


It would be amazing to have two peacock statues on top of the colums at the from gate 🙂


My daughter is so cute. She is eight and is listening to this video. She thinks it’s so cool that we are a patron and explain to her the history of patrons. She thought she was gonna get to talk to you on the phone since there might not be an annual meeting this year and she wanted to say hi


You need to do all of these, so repair the walls of the terrace, isolate the home, doors, cheminee, do the kitchen and the toilet!!! :D (you can now that you succeed to get the 20 000$ target.) :D

Jane Nunn

Hey Steph I can't open the photos?

Jane Nunn

Could you get a sketch of the balcony idea asI am not sure I know where you mean? I don't know the apartment Gerry wants ? ..

Jane Nunn

Could you get a sketch of the balcony idea asI am not sure I know where you mean? I don't know the apartment Gerry wants ?

Jane Nunn


Daniel Hammond

Thank you for the video! (Still catching up!)


You are right about the terrace. Anything causing structural damage needs to go to the top of this list.