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Reaching this target has taken me completely by surprise! On tomorrow's Patreon Q&A I was going to put forward the three projects that Mummy and I have chosen for you to vote on exactly what we should do when we reached €13,000 - I didn't think that we'd make it within the week!!! You are the best patrons in the world!

So I'll still put those three projects forward for you to vote on your favourite. It's very exciting because it's the first time we've reached a mystery target! I have no idea what you'll choose and which project is suddenly going to become possible because of this. We're all just astounded by your generosity and support, THANK YOU FROM EVERYONE AT LALANDE!

This target's little gift for you is a selection of some of my favourite screen shots from The Chateau Diaries, with lots of silly photos of the extraordinary people I'm lucky enough to live with  :)




Thank you Stephanie! I love coming home after work to my Lalande family! <3


The things people can do when they join forces!! I'm so so so happy for you Stephanie!


How exciting!


I am so pleased for you. Fantastic news.


€13k! Patron's are smashing it!! And it keeps growing! Yes, we are an awesome bunch of Lalande lovers! 🥰


OH MY GOSH! This is great news! Congrats Stephanie!!


Amazing Amazing Amazing!!!💗


Congratulations! Love and best wishes to you all!



Laura & Jack

Can’t wait to find out about the options!


So lovely - thank you - I will treasure them XX


i'm so so proud of you steph ❤️ no one is more deserving


From Holland " gefeliciteerd " ...congratulations...this is exiting!💝


Congratulations! Very exciting!


You deserve it Stephanie, and all your team. You bring a lot of pleasure to my life and I think I speak for many of us! Looking forward to voting on the next venture! X


Another Congrats Steph!! 😂 The work you put into your videos while running the chateau is definitely deserving of this. 💛💛


I have been watching carefully to see when our wind chimes arrive for Mummy. Amazon says it was delivered on June 4. Just wanted to check since I have not heard or seen anything as yet.


Congratulations Stephanie!! You deserve everything you’re achieving now after years of hard work and I would love to one day come to Lalande as a work away to help in whatever way I can. It’s so lovely to see your channel growing and the difference everyone is making!!


Congratulations, Stephanie, and thank you for the lovely photos!


Well done you deserve it you make lockdown wonderful and keep the laughter coming


Love the photos!


Amazing! And I love options I can’t wait to vote 🤗 pics are fab. How handsome is Michael?! Ridiculously so..


Lovely photos!! I can’t wait to see the ideas 🥰


Oh my goodness! Five minutes after receiving the email that we've hit 13,000 and already halfway to 14,000!!


Beautiful photos... thank you for sharing them with us. So delighted with all that's happening at the Chateau.


Stephanie, you and Lalande deserve every bit of the love and support. I got my welcome card today! Absolutely love the attention to detail and care you put into these cards, thanks so much! Can't wait to see the project ideas. ❤


As usual, your success is because of the talented person you are and your kindness to those of us who enjoy your vlogs. Thank you Stephanie.


What beautiful photos! So full of love, life, and happiness, we are so happy to support you Stephanie!


Omg it’s actually almost 14,000!


Felicitations Stephanie! You positively influence others with your joyful and positive attitude! Many THANKS for sharing your lovely home, family and friends with everyone! Watching your Vlogs are a fun part of my day!


Astonishing... this is such a terrific community that you have grown. I feel I can safely say that you are much loved by many people around the world, who also feel drawn to your superb home. Lalande can truly blossom with the heartfelt patronage of us all. I want to hug you all... x


I can hear the laughing within each photo. Your joy is infectious. And exactly what we need. 🥰


Absolutely fabulous news🎉🎉


No surprise here at all for what you represent to the world is the most beautiful loving, giving and kindness that most people have lost sight of , but your generosiitymofblife and spirit in this worl is


So many fun photos.


Wow I can barely keep up so goodness only knows how you are feeling Stephanie! - for the last few days I’ve been imagining you receiving £25,000 a month. This success is incredible to watch. Honestly your family is wonderful and I’ll be honest the video I’m waiting for is percys arrival,?Scot mans arrival and Michael Potts arrival. I know I’ll shed a few tears of joy watching those videos. Thank you dear lady for helping me through lockdown on my own! And big hearty congratulations xx


Truly inspirational Stephanie, pressed the wrong button


I am so happy for you, Mummy & all Lalanders ❤. I am also very proud to be part of this Patreon community, everyone's generosity touches me profoundly!! Thank you for the lovely pics........I will treasure them ❤🙏! Je vous aime xx.


Congratulations, it couldn't be happening for a better project 💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️


wow.. excited to see the mystery projects.. sharing your world with us gives me such a big smile and i love the new things i am learning from you and your family and friends. thank u so much for the "twirl" vlog i am hooked, such history and beauty xx..much love Tina F xx


What a great day! My card just arrived from LaLande and now another milestone has been reached! I’m so proud to be a part of this community and although I am usually not a commenter I just had to tell you all that! So many exclamation points! I may never use a period again! Can’t wait to see what great ideas everyone came up with to vote on!


Congrats! You’re going to need interns or volunteers ASAP to keep up with your lovely welcome cards!


I know a pool has been a topic of conversation. I’m curious if you have seen the movie ‘Call me by Your Name’ ? The pool in that movie looks like it belongs at Lalande!! Congrats on everything Stephanie XX


This is amazing Stephanie!! What a great group of people we have on this journey!


Happy that all goes so well


Really pleased to make our little contribution to such a fabulous place and people. Just signed up and can’t wait to see what lies ahead. Stuart & Lucy


Massive Congratulations xxx


Very exciting. The photos are filled with so much joy and laughter.

Denise Behrends

Thank you for sharing these photos which reflect lovely memories, and inspire so many more moments of joy to look forward to.


Wow! Way to go!


How fabulous!! So glad to hear you are getting more patrons. I tell anyone who'll listen about your Vlog as I sooo enjoy my time with you at Lalande. I feel like I am there too. Your journey makes mine seem more achievable. As we are unable to move to France at this time but love the French Chateau life we decided to create our own version of a pettite French Chateau on our small acreage in beautiful Vancouver Island


Oh I hope it is the wine store - they need a nice wine storage place.


Congratulations, Stephanie!! Is there no end to your reaching new goals?? Hoping you will always be able to find time to keep us in the loop!! You are a joy to follow!!


We are focussing on becoming a boutique micro farm with herbs, custom teas, preserves, honey bees, flowers & chicken & duck eggs & eventually we will be a destination B & B .


Congratulations, Stephanie!! Cheers to achieving this goal and many, many more to come!! 🥂🥳


Brava, Stephanie and Patrons!! What a special group of friends you have here. I’m thrilled for you!


Unbelievable kindness!! Lalande is going to be AMAZING!! 💖💖💖


Wonderful news. I hope that new internet service is on the list. If not, maybe the next one....🤔. Waiting to vote.


Brilliant, love being a part of this community in a small way. But great to know it all helps. And thanks for the photos! x


They've definitely arrived! But Mummy hasn't opened the parcel yet (I peek into some of the parcels to make sure they're not perishable, and then we only open gifts once a week). :)


What fun photos! I love the one of Marie and Nic dancing with the bag over his head!


Wowww félicitations Stéphanie! Call the contractor for the doors because you are already half way to your next target! Could it be this winter you might say goodbye to your bouillottes? Loll i hope so ,again congratulations to all of you !!!


Happy bloomsday guys https://youtu.be/pNsUG__3mB0 Great news and may it long continue.


Oh Stephanie what spectacular news!!! Love the snapshots of all of you. Mummy with the dandelion is precious! Thank you for sharing them with all of us🥳


Eeeeee so super exciting! X


Following all the updates from Lalande and hearing about the new targets that you've reached makes me so happy. I love how you are now able to live this dream and am super grateful that you share it with the world! :)


HOW WONDERFUL! We thank you for helping to create this amazing community that I am so joyful to part of! I must say I am loving working from home so I can watch the live vlogs. Thank you for the lovely photos and I can't wait to find out what you will do next!


Congratulations !!! Already half way to $14,000 This is so exciting and so deserved.


And the photos are fab xxx


Wow! and beyond wow! Congratulations on the new target. Loving all the photos. Thank you so much!


Omg!!!! This is nuts!!!! On another note - One Hundred Stars love love - I have a few pieces myself. Think it was last week and you were about to open a parcel with Anton, and you had ordered it from One Hundred Stars but Anton had to go to bed and you were going to wait to open it? What was in it? Then you lucky girl you had a beautiful Venice top gifted to you how wonderful! Anyway I have a feeling I know what you may have ordered, knowing you love plates that are blue and white lol xxx


Congratulations! This is so well deserved. What an incredible journey - so thrilled to be part of it XOXO


At this rate, you’ll have to start coming up with targets for $15K, $16K, etc. well in advance. So exciting. I say we make this the #1 Patreon account.


That is tremendous Stephanie & so well deserved ... especially as you showed us your very beginning at the chateau. Wouldn’t your Father be pleased ... he will be looking down....& the joy in all your faces in the photos say it all. I am sure Nick was smiling too!, What a joy just to be a small part of this xx


It says a lot about you, Stephanie, that you inspire so many of us to want to see you complete your mission. You exude happiness and we all want to see you succeed. Well done and keep up the excellent work!


It is amazing! So happy for you and mommy! Exciting news can not wait:)


Oh that is so exciting to reach $13,000 already!! I can't wait to see the goals that you are presenting to us. You could rank then #1, #2, #3 and then you will have instant goals for $14,000 and $15,000!!


This is brilliant news. Have just become a patron . I am only on the 5 euro level but when the economy and employment prospects pick up I hope to move up the tiers. Look forward to yours and Michaels videos so much. Much love to Isabelle. Keep well.


Congratulations! Each picture reminded me what a wonderful job you do and how much I enjoy watching each of your posts. I have to say with everything going on in the world, the escape you and Michael provide weekly has been very welcome, thank you!


Reaching each of these milestones feels like a dream come true, not just for you, dear Stephanie, or for Lalande, but for all of us, too! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. (In the spirit of your father and Oscar Wilde) you really have allowed us to look at the stars!!

Janese Carstens

I laughed out loud when I looked at today’s patreon numbers! We’re already halfway to $14K and we haven’t chosen the $12K event yet. I’m starting to get overwhelmed so I can only imagine how the inhabitants of LeLande are feeling. 🥰 I just love this group!


Congratulations! Can't wait to vote :) cheers!


Fantastic!! ❤️


Congratulations! This is remarkable. And thank you for the pictures. The shot of your mother with cake is wonderful. I hope one day to visit and meet you all. What an inspiring community you've all built. P.S. We just received our inscribed photo. Michael Pott's photography is gorgeous. Thank you for taking time to hand write each card. - Kevin and Matt


Like so many others, I am just so thrilled for you. The most recent vlog talking about the early days at the chateau really brought home to me what a huge endeavor the restoration and TLC has been for you all. As you note, it hasn't been a 'flash in the pan' success. In NZ it is now well into winter and it reminds me to ask what the heating is like at LaLande! Is this something that you need to be thinking about in terms of updating what you have? Keeping warm and cosy is important for one's wellbeing:). Love watching all your developments and can't wait to see the fountain area completed. It will be stunning I'm sure. Kia kaha, ki maia, kia manawanui (Be strong, be brave, be steadfast).


congratulations!! I am so excited to see what the options are!! I am crossing my fingers that the terrace and that built-in fridge are on there🤞 oh... and the backsplash too!! I can hardly wait to see these things come into being! the chateau must be hopping! can you even IMAGINE how busy it will be in August!! I cant even stand it! Oh! and you are going to have to add more Marquise positions they are almost gone! or add a larger level of something 😁😁😁😁 yay! You deserve every ounce of this!!




Congratulations! An update on the tea parcel: I was reprimanded by the US postal service for using the wrong box so I put it in a different box and sent it off! So don’t be alarmed by the “RETURN TO SENDER” note on the inside box! Also, as of 6/16/20 you are #910 for amount of patrons and #80 for dollars per month!!! (Graphtreon.com)


Congratulations! Excited to be along for the journey


Oh my goodness!This is wonderfull news. We really are a strong and united community!I'm so overwhelmed!!! Looking foward to know which 3 projects you are going to select. Can't wait to vote!!! Thank you Stephanie to make your Dream our Dream!


Congratulations! 🤗 Very Happy for you and your family and your lovely LaLande.


So proud of us!


can we make one goal Stephanie hiring an assistant and also a graphic designer/industrial designer for packaging product ideas etc?


I think we better get the 3 ideas lined up for 14K, 15K, and 16K-- incredible!


You and Lalande deserve every bit of this success. Thank you for sharing your light with us! Don't forget your self care, it's easy to forget when one is so busy. - Also, I received my post card a week or two ago and I have not been that excited about mail since I was a kid! Chanel no 5!


well done, It is so humbling for me too, to Know I am apart of this happiness


Congratulations, speaks volumes about the amount of support and respect and trust, you and your Chateau family have.


I just adore this group!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kelly Douglas

I'm so happy for you. Thank you for the lovely photos. ❤️


C'est incroyablement excitant de voir vos visions de longue date pour le château se concrétiser!


Only +/- $400 to $14K.... in two hours.... uhhh STUNNING! 😍


I wish I hadn't waited so long to be patron!


Saying congratulations just doesn't seem enough. This is an amazing testament to you Stephanie. You have done this! You are the one that has brought together this global community of chateau lovers! At this rate you'll be sitting at 20K by the end of July!!


Awesome! It’s lovely to see all these interesting people coming together to make a dream come true. Stephanie, you inspire us with your dreams!


I can’t imagine a more deserving chateau or family!! I am totally invested in the YouTube channel like it a TV show! I am super excited to vote on a project now!! ❤️❤️


🤣😂The kia kaha song is now running through my head😂🤣


I echo all the positive and glimmering sentiments above. So happy to be a small part of this delightful group / family! Hopefully, borders reopen to all and we can visit this divine sanctuary soon! Be well and enjoy the delicious fruits of your labour! 🖤


I echo all the positive comments above.


How wonderful! Congratulations Stephanie and Co, and thank you for the lovely photos of you all, I will treasure them. Much love xo


CHEERS! 🥂🤩!! I love Lalande, adore everyone in it, and this Patreon group, simply the best! The photos are wonderful! Definitely had me laugh out loud on a couple! xx 🏰🦚🤍


Stephanie you've captured some great moments with these photos. Thank you for sharing. I am so proud and pleased to be apart of all the wonderful Patrons here. It is a very exciting time. xoxo


Ooooooh so exciting to see this keep growing!!! Congratulations!!! LOVE the photos! ❤️💕❤️💕

Janis Paterson

Congratulations! Best vlog on YouTube!💗


It's a pleasure being part of your dream Stephanie- Congratulations x x


Thank you for the exciting. Was thrilled to see and read your thank


You deserve it.


you have brought us not in a harsh world right now.


Thank you


Beautiful family photos of you all!


I knew that it was close! I have been watching the numbers climb and am so happy for you!


Congratulations on yet another milestone! Again, totally expected and well-deserved! And, thank-you so much for providing the historical overview. I was deeply touched by the life, joy, and adventure affirming perspective which you shared. I am so delighted to be a small part of the restoration...


Congratulations! So exciting!


So happy for you and mummy. You are better than anything on TV here in the USA. I love every vlog and love being a small part of Lalande.


Congrats. Well deserved. The pictures brought me many smiles and joy.


Congratulations! So fun!!! I enjoy your vlog so much. You energy, enthusiasm and positivity is incredible and an inspiration!!


Congratulations. So fun to be apart of this community and I love getting the weekly videos of you answering questions. Feels like we are sitting down and all having tea together. Is it strange that I was "shopping" for antique french garden fountains on the internet? I found a great one! Just like what you described in one of your vlogs. I can picture Mummy filling up her watering can :). https://www.sculptures-bidal.com/en/product/2654/FO170/large-central-fountain-with-octagonal-basin-carved-in-french-limestone. Wish I could buy it for the chateau myself but my small contribution isn't going to cut it. Perhaps something like this can go on your wishlist.


Congratulations! Very exciting! It is your infectious joy and laughter in a beautiful setting that draws us in! Thank you!


Thank you for the lovely photos. Congratulations Stephanie and all your Patreon partners ! We are on 🔥!


Amazing!! I love this ride we are all on! It is so heart-opening!! Bisou, Bisou 😘😘 to all of you at LaLande!!


Amazing! Loved the photos. Especially of Mari and elusive Nick. What a wonderful smile she has. 😊


C'est vraiment fantastique qu'autant de personnes vous soutiennent de plus en plus 🙂 C'est que du bonheur et de l'amour ♥️ Merci de faire partie de ma vie 🙏

Maria Soberanis

Wow, 13k is awesome! 400ish to 14k 😬 may as well choose the project for 15k before next week! Is it euros or dollars? The 12k one was in dollars and this one is in euros.


It’s so lovely to be part of it all, I just wish we could give more, the photos say it all, we cannot wait to visit next year, so sad we wasn’t there this weekend. What an amazing amount very excited for the new projects happy days xx


Such lovely pictures. Thank you.


I know I’m new to this page, but I’ve been watching for well over a year and on a whim and a wish and a mutual love of porcelain, China and pottery I think you should work on the beginnings of turning that storage room into you China/butler pantry room! Surely that won’t cost a fortune and can be achieved without


Spending a fortune.... don’t know what I did to cut off the message but anyway much love and support from the Atlanta Georgia area of the stated


Crap the previous just disappeared! I was saying as a fellow China and porcelain lover I’d love to see you redo that room you have always wanted to turn into a China room! Urgh! I.l get used to this posting format sooner or later, so sorry! Do something sorta easy like this for you and maybe for the show as well? Just and idea... 😍


Congratulations on reaching another target. Love the photos. They all have two things in common. Love and Joy. Thank you for sharing. 🥰


My god it is so very well deserved, you are an inspiration to listen to and we all benefit from your extraordinary beautiful and natural attitude to life Stephanie, you are surrounded by like minded friends and so pleased Marie is joining you at Lalande x best news ever. We just need to see Gerry and Percy back where they too belong, then the dream is complete, plus we are all waiting to see Isabella on the new mower.np Big Congratulations.


Well done xxxx


So well deserved, well done xxx


💖We love you guys! Thank you for bringing us on your journey. It brings us such joy and fulfilment to to see your dreams coming to fruition. I’d love to see you guys make heating for winter a priority. Although renovation is the goal, it breaks our hearts to think of you freezing your bums off every day when there’s the means to keep you warm.🥶


With targets coming in so fast why don't we do a big project to work towards ?


This is truly marvelous, Stephanie! I love this community and Lalande you all deserve the very best! This reminds of the movie, Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come."


This is so brilliant ♥️ I see it's now over half way to 14,000 🤯 🍾🎉🎊😁


Fantastic! Congratulations for your hard work!!!


Loved the photos. For 15,000 maybe a big project like the bookcases in the winter saloon or the terrace paved.


I can’t wait to see Mummy on the new mower! A spectacular unveiling & christening (only WE would have a party for a mower 🤦🏼‍♀️)! 😍


Great idea. Would love to see the library being worked on!


I am SO EXCITED to see the gardens transform! The courtyard I think I am looking forward to the most! Please keep us updated with progress as work starts, I love seeing every bit of it. Can we also see even more in depth tours of the green spaces around you? I would love a forest walk! It is such a joy to watch your journey at the Chateau. Love to you and everyone there. xo Mark


Really lovely pictures, I can see 20k creeping up on you, I agree you need someone employed to assist you and to read our comments to you - someone to take the pressure off. I’m still waiting excitedly to get our card have been a patreon since February😥. 💕


Wow Stephanie and patreon fam!! That's amazing!! The love is definitely mutual! Can't wait to see all the projects come to life. I wish we didn't have lock down so you can have volunteers come help. The photo of mummy smiling behind Percy made me smile the most, that smile is contagious. Hope you are all doing well!!! 🎉❤️🤩


Dear Stephanie,


I only subscribed today to your channel. I am really impressed about all what you have achieved in all those years. The garden transformation is enormous. We did something similar - well with a quite smaller garden and converted it into a beautiful rose garden. Regarding restoring your lake why don't you try to get aid payments from the EU. Maybe there is a fund .. just an idea as a lot of things can be done by aid payments through this. You all at Lalande are so nice and heartwarming people. Love keep on watching. Love, Astrid


Stephanie, You and your ever fluid team are a sheer delight. I so look forward to seeing the dream expand each week. Perhaps Isabelle might share some of her "I can't cook this" recipes with the patrons. I would certainly love to try some of her creations. Thank you so much for sharing your vision and enthusiasm with all of us. Best to all of you, Kiki


Excellent news, well done and thank you for the great photos x


OMG!! well number one... I got my card today!!😁😁😁 love it!! and CAN WE TALK about how close we are to the next goal ALREADY!!!! so exciting! I think by Christmas - the Chateau is going to be in SUCH GREAT shape!!! I am so happy for the whole La Lande family!!😁😁😁


So Wonderful. Love the photos especially Mummy and Percy.


Just a thought, but have you called around to offer free advertising via vlog to companies who do things like paving, or pools? I can't imagine they wouldn't do that in exchange for the project or at the very least a deep discount. I see vloggers doing this all the time. Imagine you do paving and in your advert is this beautiful Chateau featuring your work! That would be very impressive. Might be worth a call around to places and offer such a thing in exchange for things needed?


I too would love to see more of the green spaces. It all looks so amazingly beautiful. Perhaps it would be possible for us to see a plot map of the property to show how it is laid out in the countryside. Great idea Mark.


Hi Astrid if you take a look at the lake video Steph mentions that some form of aid was available but because they made her drain the lake she couldn't get the aid anymore which is upsetting and annoying for her. It's a shame but hopefully with everyone's help the lake will be restored in some form.


I just can't keep up with this whirlwind of love!!!! Thank you for the pics. Je vous aime xx.


Hmm. I’m kinda torn on this one. While I like the idea of discounted product, I also really enjoy that the channel is product placement free......


My vote is for terrace, then loo, then gale proofing the entrance...brrrr!!


Your photos always make me smile


3/4 way to 15000. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


It is your time to shine Stephanie. Cannot wait to meet you soon 😘


I love that you get to bring that chateau back!


$15K YEAH!!!!!!!!


Wow nearly 16 k it’s amazing. Xx


Wow isabel looks like a lovely qie 💙🤞🌙


Mummy is so smart, beautiful and hard working. Those traits don’t always go together.


Stephanie, you and your Mum are such a perfect team! You are both so effervescent and uplifting!