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Thank you to all of you, because TWO wonderful things have happened. Yesterday we hit the $12,000 target, and today we made it into the list of Top 1000 Patreon Accounts - smashing in at number 992! That may not sound like a very high number, but there are well over 100,000 creators on Patreon, so we're in the top 1%!

Considering this group is only 4 months old, it's a staggering achievement and I feel the strangest mixture of pride and humility. Pride for having had the courage to post my first ever vlog online two years ago (believe me, it was nerve-wracking!), and humility in the face of your overwhelming kindness and generosity.

I also want to take this opportunity to add that I've taken all of your comments about the tv filming schedule on board, I think it's very important that we can discuss all of these concerns openly. I'm considering various solutions, the best of which would be to make private video updates available on this Patreon page for all of you during the renovations, whilst keeping the main public reveal on my vlog till after the episodes have been shown on tv. I'm chatting to the production company about that now. If that's not possible, I'll take the courtyard out of the tv schedule, and film the decoration of the Entrance Hall plus a secret renovation with them. I underestimated how emotionally invested you have become in the transformation of the courtyard. It shouldn't have surprised me - after all, we're a team now :)

To celebrate this double milestone moment, Michael Potts is giving you his favourite photograph of the chateau to download. Its the extraordinary night sky at the chateau - on clear nights the milky way is a brilliantly bright mass of stars floating above us. It's magical. I was saving this gift for a special occasion :)

Michael is retaining the copyright, but please feel free to print it out or use it for any personal projects, 

Love, Stephanie x




Wow Stephanie HOOOORAY🎉🎉🎉🎉


That’s fantastic Stephanie the power of social media. Long may it continue xxx


This is amazing, so excited i can see it , charlie moon


You deserve every ounce of your success and support Stephanie. ❤❤ xx


Oops 🙊 I almost forgot...mahalo for the lovely photo! I plan to frame it


Amazing, but not surprising!!!💗💗💗


This is so fantastic! I’m proud of Lalande and the community you’ve cultivated here on Patreon. I think we can all agree how much it is deserved. I can’t wait to see how far this will grow!


Congratulations on this milestone achievement, Stephanie! 🥳👏🏻


This is amazing news we'll done


What’s crazy is we’re almost halfway to $13,000! Congrats and very well deserved indeed.


What an amazing photo of LaLande! What a treat! Congrats Stephanie ❤ Love from Texas


Congratulations I hope you go from strength to strength it is so wonderful that you share your life with us 🌺😘


Wonderful news, you deserve such recognition. I think it’s safe to say, you’ve got a lot of us through lockdown! 🎉🎉🎉


Good lord !! Then again it had to happen, as you say, people ( we ) are so invested in the Chateau. You centainly give us our moneys Worth in fun, laughter and excitement!


That's amazing. Congratulations x


Amazing news, congratulations!💕


Congrats to all at Lalande! Stunning photo.


I jsut wanted to say that when you said that you were born in Glasgow, so was I, another Stephanie, albeit a MUCH older one !



Laura & Jack

This is fabulous news! So proud of what you have done and continue to do. While we individually played a small part in this, together the group is showing that big things can be accomplished. Stephanie, your enthusiasm, knowledge and charm are infectious. I am happy to be part of this team and look forward to seeing what else is in store. Keep up the great work! Can’t wait to visit you next year!!


Well done Stephanie, really chuffed for you! 🥳💗

Janese Carstens

Congratulations Team Lalande!! Stephanie, you’re very kind to take our emotional investment into consideration but don’t let that overwhelm you with what your plans have always been - with or without us. We’re here to support you, which is why we became patrons in the first place!! A huge THANK YOU to Michael Potts. This photo is stunning! Can’t wait to see it in person!! 💗


Milestone after milestone!!! I love every one of us!


Wow. Wow because that photo is utterly stunning. Wow because 12k is just amazing. Wow because you have shown so much grace, openness and honesty over “fountaingate”. A shining example to the current world that you will always reap in life what you sow in life...keep loving, living and laughing.


Well done, a great achievement


Woohoo!! I'm so honored to be a part of this. Thank you also for this beautiful photo! :)


Yay!!! I'm so excited you made the top 1000 today! How exciting!!!


Hello Stephanie. I’m so humbled with your kind words and so excited that you have achieved such a great milestone , congratulations. Another whiskey on the rocks is definitely on the menu 🥃


Fantastic! Well done, guys.


we love you!! and I really dont care what you do with the filing this is YOUR chateau!! and your life!! you have just graciously allowed us all in for the ride. I for one am so grateful for this opportunity to see everything and to be included! It has been such an AMAZING escape! You are such an amazing person, such an optimist and you deserve every single bit of success and happiness you get! Dont let a few sour apples spoil the bunch - you are incredible! a super star! and dont you forget it!!😁😁😁💕


Congratulations! What an achievement. I love the night sky photo from Michael Potts, it's stunning. Thank you for considering those of us who love seeing the restoration of the chateau. I know there are many reasons for your fans to watch the videos, and you provide a variety of options to meet those desires. I, for one, am all about the decorative arts from paint color, to fabrics and wallpapers, panelling, and beautiful plaster work. Others may be more interested in the everyday running of the chateau from gardening to sheep sheering to cooking. You have a good mix going on, and I think it's one of the many reasons why your vlogs are so popular.


En vous découvrant à la télé dans "Bienvenue chez nous" je ne m'attendais pas à vivre cette belle aventure grâce à vous. Merci beaucoup 🙏 Toujours hâte de découvrir vos messages et vos vidéos 🙂 Vous êtes vraiment une belle personne ❤️


Believe me, I am just as surprised how emotionally invested I’ve become in your courtyard. It means so much to have your wise consideration and thoughtful resolutions. Thank you, so much. You and the LeLande family have been my emotional stronghold during these crazy times.


Wooo! Love that these milestones are rolling in. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m so glad to have discovered this little community and am happy to do my little part in supporting. Cheers Steph! 🥰


Simply wonderful! I am so excited to be a very small part in your joyous journey. You are inspiring me everyday to follow the joy! So THANK YOU and all the lovely people who surround you! And as a mom, I am so excited for your mom to see and be a part of your fairy tale.


Thank you so much Stephanie and Michael! The picture is amazing 🥰 Here’s to all your lovely patrons and supporters who are making this magical journey possible 🥂


It is wonderfull, so many people with the same intrest and intentions to renovate your beautifull castle and her surroundings. So glad that you made is trough corona time with all these patrions. Congratulations, and thanks for your wonderfull picture.


Forgot to add....whilst planning a holiday I came across this on the National Trust site - the history of the rose! Scents and sensuality: stories of roses in our collections .....and for some reason thought of future La Lande a la Stephanie idea https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/features/scents-and-sensuality-stories-of-roses-in-our-collections


Congratulations 💝


So very well deserved! Thank you for allowing me to be part of your magical life and ways of lovingly restoring and maintaining La Lande for all of us to enjoy!


I agree, Janese, while we are emotionally invested in all things Lalande, we are only given this privelege and have not suddenly become ''owners'' with the right to dictate how things should be done. Stephanie is graciously considering our ideas and suggestions, but we do not have the right to demand she follow them. I have received such joy in watching a small part of what happens...and to me that is worth it!♥️


Glorious image and congratulations!


Congratulations! You thoroughly deserve this! The picture is absolutely stunning! 💕❤️💕


Oh gosh adding something else (sorry) - have you got a full set of photos of the chateau before this journey started? Wouldn't it be great if there were 4-6 key photos that Michael takes 3/4 times a year from the same position to see the transformation...maybe 2-3 outside and 2-3 inside or something.I promise I will shut up now.


So happy and proud to be part of this. I want to see Lalande renovated and beautiful. I love her rustic charm as well and the character she has with all you lovely people caring for her.. xxx


How exciting!! Much deserved adoration for the Chateau and your amazing immediate and extended family! Way to go!!




i could honestly tear up at all of this happening - i feel like i am watching my older sister succeed (i'm 19 for reference haha). i'm brimming with pride and it's not even happening to me directly!!! i can't wait to come and volunteer and see all the progress with my own eyes. i love you tons steph and i am so, so happy for you ❤️❤️


Hi Stephanie I think it would be great to turn more of the out buildings into apartments and to have a swimming pool, this may get Micheal Potts out of the moat 🤔


This is great!!!


Yes please don’t let Potts jump in the moat!!


wow and wow... we have grown so much so fast... it's just shows the passion and love we all feel for you and your family and friends and of course the pride and joy that is Lalande.. xx I do have to thank you for sharing your world with us.. I have learnt so much from you and your inspiration is infectious... thanku xx lots of love Tina f xx


First hip hip hoooray and congratulations! I am utterly thrilled for you and for the chateau. The photograph is glorious and captures the magic of Lalande. Most of all I am so impressed by the grace and wisdom you've exhibited through this little kerfuffle. I feel quite strongly that it is your choice how the money is spent and how projects are completed and revealed. You really are a genius, Stephanie, at managing a chateau, a fleet of renovation projects that would do anyone in, a thriving Youtube channel, a tv production, and many more wonderful projects to come whilst keeping thousands of us excited, happy and engaged. Thank you and enjoy this milestone!


Amazing, so very well done! You and everyone at the chateau provide so many hours of fun and entertainment, you have let us into YOUR lives, I think it is important that everyone remembers that. So many people on here give for the joy of giving and helping to restore such a fantastic building, we're 'enablers' (as Isabelle would say) not owners! 😂 On another note, I picked up 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking' by Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle and Simone Beck in a charity shop today and I was wondering if you'd ever read/ dipped into it? 😊


Stunning image! Congrats to all LaLa-Landers!


Congratulations! You’re such a pure hearted, kind and thoughtful person, and you bring so much joy to us all x


Fantastic news Stephanie. Sending my very best wishes to you and all at Lalande. 🤗


That's the most amazing news.. Huge congratulations Stephanie.. You fully deserve it...and thank you Michael for the fantastic photo ❤️ x


Amazing! I'm so lucky to feel l had a small part in making this happen! I can't wait to see everything. I wish we could blink and it would all be done but I know it a takes time! I need to be patient 😁


What a milestone! May Chateau de LaLande forever be a beacon of what's possible when joy and love lead the way.


Fabulous! 😊🌹


Time to dance in the kitchen!! :) :) Congratulations! And thank you Michael Potts for the gorgeous photo! Love it!


Absolutely stunning photograph! Thank you for your kind and generous spirit! Long live LaLande!


How wonderful! Your pride is well placed - the courage and vulnerability it takes to put your life online is significant and you seem to intuitively manage to share just enough to stay accessible, whilst keeping your privacy. It’s a tricky line but you have it mastered. Well done to you all and thank you for sharing life at Lalande with us.


Yay!!!! I really needed this today. I just had to have TWO teeth pulled! The whole time I just focused on the Chateau and it made the whole experience easy to manage. Thank you LaLanders💕 can’t wait to see how much more we grow as a community!


Congratulations! I would like to remind you Stephanie that this community is here because of you, not just because of the Chateau. There are many videos of people renovating historic buildings - which as a history buff I love - but I have never thought for a moment if there was a way for me to contribute that I would (with the exception of the Mr. Petherick of course, but I include him as a part of the Lalande family). It is because of you (and the Lalande team) and your passion for the chateau and life in general that brings me joy every time you post a new video. If some other random person had purchased Lalande and created a channel, perhaps I would have watched, but I would likely not have become invested beyond watching the videos. I would also like to say that I think the private Patreon videos (prior to TV release) for areas that are noted as funded directly by supporters is a very excellent and balanced resolution. And while I am here commenting - I am also pro more tiers! I would love to be able to give a little more per month when my job is a bit more stable after the pandemic, but even at that point I would not be able to commit to the next level up as it is a bit too much a a gap for what I am able to give. I think you would see quite a few people moving from $5 to $10 if that became an option!


Congratulations! Im so excited for you and the chateu! Your heart, passion and kindness show through every vlog. You inspire so many people! ❤❤❤❤


Congratulations again! It seems like we are saying this so frequently which is amazing! A big thank you to Michael Potts for sharing his photo. It is exciting to be a part of this community!


I don’t think Stephanie can keep Michael Potts out!! Maybe if there was a pool....... :-)


Wonderful news . Thank you for all you give us.


Congratulations! This is another wonderful milestone, but totally expected. And thank-you for this lovely photo...it is quite magical!


Félicitations, Madame la châtelaine❣️

Melissa LaFond

Congrats!!!! Can’t wait to see the lake back and the Chapel renewed with new life ❤️ thank you for updating us so much.


Congratulations! I am so happy to be a small part of being able to restore such a beautiful historical home. I brings me much joy to be able to watch the love and care put into each project in the vlogs! Thank you for sharing all of this with us! And thank you for the gorgeous photo. I love seeing the night sky and this photo is stunning!


Hello 🖤 I just became a Patron this morning and already good news being shared.... congratulations! I have been watching your vlogs over and over for a bit, but really wanted to be more of a part of the chateau dream. I truly appreciate and admire your passion for beauty, life, family, friends, history and home. You really are an inspiration for creating a beautiful life. Congratulations on all your hard work and making your dreams come true. Sarah


Copyrights are only as good as - IF people honour them. How many people don't? Such as download music, movie, photographs, etc.. Good luck with that. Even the painting that you shared from your Dad. Good luck Dad and Michael in enforcing the copyright.


that’s wonderful news! and thank you for sharing this awesome photo:)


Heeeyyy!!! Amazing news. And let's go to 2.000 patrons! Kkkkkkkk... Beautiful picture Michael, i love your work. One day i will have one oficial framed at my home. Stephanie, you are formidable, talented and yet humble. Deserves it and more !!!


Lovely picture! Congratulations Stephanie and everyone at Lalande 🌹🍾


What a crazy ride!! Bravo, darling ❤️❤️❤️


Congratulations Stephanie! Many hands make light work :D


We love you, Stephanie! Congrats to achieving another milestone, and THANK YOU to Michael Potts for the stunning image! 💙💙💙


Congratulations Stephanie on both milestones. I feel your success was written in these stars 😊. Also want to add how great it is to see so many new names posting on this thread today. Welcome everyone!


Congratulations! It is wonderful to share in the joy! You have the precious gift of being able to connect with people whether in person or virtually. We are the lucky ones to have the opportunity to share in your dreams for La Lande. Thank you for allowing us to join the adventure!


Congrats! This is such a wonderful growing community. I love seeing all the things we are able to help accomplish at Lalande together. One question, how far out do you typically take reservations for the B&B? I have never been out of the U.S. but I want to make Lalande my first trip. Just trying to plan it all out as I am very big on planning well in advance.


Thank you Stephanie for this amazing journey we are on, and thank you Michael for and amazing photo. xoxo


Oh Stephanie. This is absolutely wonderful for all of us, but especially you. And we are well on the way to 13,000. My heart is full of joy and happiness for you and you so richly deserve what is happening at the moment. You bring us so much by sharing the chateau and part of your life with us. And I knew you would carefully think about what was said about the ETTCDIY proposal because you have already demonstrated that with other issues that we have raised. Sigh! I just wish we had all been as gracious with you in how we raised it. I think your phrase "emotionally invested" is so right. As someone else said, even we ourselves cannot understand how passionate we get about this and how passionate we get in your defence. So carry on dear girl, there is lots for us to do together. It is so exciting.


What a beautiful photo, thank you! I’m so delighted for you and the Chateau on this amazing milestone. You and your family are truly gifted and so unselfish sharing with us. Thank you again xx


Fabulous photo!


I agree with everyone - we love the photo from yet another talented member of your chateau family. Thank you xx


Congratulations Stephanie. You deserve it all. Thankyou for such a beautiful photo.


Fabulous news Stephanie and a fabulous photo to mark it. And well done you in your diplomatic handling of the passionate feelings that people have in seeing lalande blossom to realise it’s former glory xx🥰


Isn’t it amazing that so many patrons feel your passion for The Chateau. It’s because of you, and all your relatives and friends who are in the videos. You’ve touched our lives in a special way. I’m sure there will be many more friends once you’re able to have the Bed and Breakfast open again. Volunteers will be lining up to come and help. Congratulations for reaching $12,000 and thank you to Michael Potts for the breathtaking evening photo. The stars are amazing. Now I just have to figure how to download this awesome photo. Love and blessings to all of you there. Suellen


Congratulations, you most certainly deserve every bit of support, it is wondrous to see and embrace all your achievements, and how your part in the history of the restoration of Chateau de Lalande will be left for future generations, you should have a beautiful oil painting of yourself to hang in that Chateau for evermore as part and parcel of the history of this century. Not to be removed nor taken away.


That’s amazing Stephanie!! What a stunning picture of the beautiful Chateau de La Lande xx


I’m so happy for you Stephanie!! Such a gorgeous photo ❤️


Wonderful news, you all deserve it. But please also take care of yourself and give yourself enough rest. We don't want you to risk a burn out which I heard happens quite a lot to hard working youtubers. But now it is time to enjoy and celebrate!


We usually take bookings about one year in advance, but I’ll be happy to make an exception if you’d like to book further ahead than that 😊


Congratulations Stephanie ❤


Hi Stéphanie, I’m a new patron, congratulations, you are worth every penny! Inspirational, a life saver, an educator and entertainer all in one! 😘😘🥰


Lovely photo....now my new desktop screensaver so I can see the Chateau every day. Stephanie, on a side note, please keep us updated on the Peahen eggs....I'm so invested (and I love that Selmar made her a cover). Congrats to you and to all the Patreons....I think we get just as excited when it hits a new level.


Congratulations to all of us for supporting such a wonderful site and creator. Hugs from Colorado, US


Congratulations Stephanie on this considerable achievement and your response to all of us on managing the developments. The photo is magical. Kindly send some of the skyscape to us in London who don’t have this beautiful view of the night. XX


@Gail Bassett IPatreon emailed time me your comments but did not know how to reply back. Hopefully this reaches you. I like your suggestions. Please forward it to Stephanie and to the group for their consideration. My idea as well for a coffee table book is just a suggestion. ALSO your comment for Stephanie was again emailed to me by Patreon so I don’t know if Stephanie has seen it on the comments from last Patreon post. It is very informative and might help Stephanie on dealing with legal matters.


Congratulations Stephanie and the team, what brilliant news. Your blogs have been a real treat to watch and very inspirational. I look forward to when us Brits can visit wonderful France again! If you have a waiting list for volunteers please can I be added, it would be a real privilege to help restore such a beautiful house. Dill x


@Sarah Thornton I feel you. On a sad bad day, listening to Stephanie’s distinct laughter in her vlog makes a difference. I got my postcard on the day my dog came back from the vet with a cancer diagnosis and it stopped me from crying. 😢 You are sunshine on a cloudy day. Stephanie. Thank you.


STEPHANIE!!! That's a HHUUGGGEEE deal! There are over 31 MILLION YouTubers out there! You are amazing!!!!!!!!! Got my post card, and its silly but I smell the envelope almost daily..not to worry Mummy..no allergies here!


I am so sorry. Dogs mean so much to us. They are such unconditional love. You put it perfectly. The little break from reality life at La Lande brings us really is a little ray of sunshine in everyone's day. Again I am so sorry and I hope it works out against all odds. If not, I am always here - I do rescue so my heart is often broken and I have a deep understanding of what it means. My heart goes out to you. Big virtual hug. Shannon.


There is nothing like a beautiful star-laden sky to show us how small we are within an immense universe.


Oh yes Stephanie, you have created a wonderful community invested in helping restore your beautiful Chateau and supporting the “life, love and laughter” at LaLande. I love M Potts photo! What a great gift!


I swear Anna, you have ZERO to worry about😜🤣🤣🤣 there is nobody on the planet who has more suggestions than I do.... I think I had about 12.... seriously..... the only one who might "work" on the chateau more (and I say that in quotes because of course I cant actually DO anything because I'm not there and at this point.... it might frighten people if I were🤔😳😱) is mummy..... I swear... Stephanie said "any suggestions" and.... I was like: " thought you would never ask: here is my list: #1-100🤣🤣🤣😳 so no worries there.....


This photo of Chateau de Lalande will be added on my wall with the photo card you sent your patrons. Thanks


Wow Stephanie, this is just incredible. I’m inordinately happy to be part of this fantastic journey and gain so much pleasure from your wonderful joyous vlogs each week. You put in so much work to make them, it is a huge credit to you that so many people around the world want to be part of this experience. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for bring Lalande into our lives.


Such a beautiful photo thank you to you and Michael for sharing it with us. Those stars are amazing!


Congratulations Stephanie!...Congratulations all of you! Hard work..this labour of true love does pay off.I feel very privileged to be able to contribute to the beautification of this glorious chateau..Having you all share your lives with us makes it even more,special.Much love and respect to you all.Annie x


Congratulations. 🎉🎉🎉 What a fantastic milestone! $12,000 on the 12th of June! Such serendipity! And Michael Pott’s glorious night-time photo of Chateau de LaLande under the Milky Way is perfect. We are all Star struck!


$12k I mean!!!! Crikey


I know we only contribute the smallest amount per month. But hope that one day we can visit x


Congratulations Stephanie!! Patreon - it's the gift that just keeps on giving!! 🏰💛


Congratulations Stephanie! We are nearly at $13,000. Have you picked any goals for us to vote on yet?


Hi Steph, It is interesting that people are so worried about the TV production times. I know that eventually we will see it and I don't want to stand in the way of you making more income from the filming of the planting of the courtyard. So please know that I have complete confidence in your decisions about all of this. Thank you for the beautiful photo from Michael Potts. I love it!!


Leave the courtyard in and make all the money you need. We all have patience and can wait. We want you to make the most money to help.


Congratulations on achieving $12,000! It does seem a bit like a dream that so much has happened in such a short period of time. Thank you for the beautiful picture of LaLande at night. It is a strikingly beautiful picture. Btw, I don’t think you should adjust to meet your patrons wishes. We chose to donate and help you achieve your dreams for LaLande...not ours. Wishing you and your lovely mother and great friends all the best!


Oh Stephanie you are such a gracious person. I am moved to tears by your generosity & human kindness ❤❤!! After your last Patreon post with a few not so kind comments concerning the tv production time.....I did not sleep a wink & had a migraine the next day. I had no doubt in my mind that you would find the perfect solution to make everyone happy. I am beside myself excited that we have already reached the new target of 12k & the 13k is so close! Thank you for Michael Pott's photo . Je vous aime xx.


Thank you for this incredible picture! You are very kind to offer this and I am very grateful. It’s an honor to be a part of this “family” and to have someone of your exquisite character at the helm. Blessing and love until we hear from you again. xoxo


Fabulous. Are you familiar with Whistler's Peacock Room. Original now in Wash. DC, but there is a replica at V AND A. Saw it here on Cocktails with a Curator, Whistler's Mrs. Leyland portrait. From the Frick. If you don't know it already I think you would really love it.


The photo is stunning. Thank you and Michael.


Thank you ladies.


I second what a lot of people have been saying in that you and your videos saved me during lockdown. Lucky as I was to have kept my job, all I did was work at my dining room table and then retreat to my bedroom to watch you vlog at lunchtime and in the evenings. Lalande is such a special place because of all the people there, and mostly you! I


Oops pressed enter too quickly...I look forward to coming one day and volunteering doing whatever I can to make a difference. Lots of love to everyone at Lalande from NZ


I did not write immediately after reading some of the comments regarding the TV production. First I want to agree with the majority that as a Patreon, we support you first. I believe that we want what is best for you and your home. We are here to enjoy being a part of your extended family but we should not dictate to you. We are grateful that you ask for our input and sometimes we have made great suggestions that you embrace and think are wonderful. We love all of you and want you to succeed. You have made it VERY clear that you expect nothing from your followers. The fact that your success is so great is all about you! I hope that you continue the program as it is. If you want to add a higher level that is ok but really not necessary. During the live broadcast anyone can give more if they want. My fear is that your taxes may become an issue and since you don’t know what this will be, I would be the first to say we wouldn’t want to cause you to have a problem. French laws are very different from the USA. Go fund me accounts may be different from the Patreon accounts. Please continue to be you. We are so glad for the success you are having. I know your family and friends are thrilled for you. Thank you for the beautiful photo that Michael has shared for another milestone. It is wonderful and I will frame it for my home. Wishing you continued success and hope to see more in the near future!

Theresa Romero

Yay! It’s so wonderful, and I am so glad for you, dear Stephanie, and for all of us! 💖 Thank you, Stephanie, and thank you, Michael Potts! That is a stunningly beautiful photo!


Ooooh it’s so exciting!! And THANK YOU to you & Michael Potts for the spectacular photo! I love that you found a potential middle ground for the tv vs public videos of the courtyard - although I’m just loving that you let us into your life in the first place, however you choose to do it. Every bit is a treasure. And I’d never have realized that dancing in the kitchen was so much fun otherwise! 😂😂💕


Congratulations to the entire Lalande crew! Stephanie al of your interests and skills led you to this life. You work so hard but make it all look effortless. And, this wonderful community is so supportive and warm. Thanks for the gift. Starry starry nights.


You...dear Stephanie are a very wise woman. You handle matters with such dignity and grace. Your success is well deserved. Love xx

Denise Behrends

Simply stunning. The starry night sky is captured so artistically by Michael’s camera. Are there any aerial photographs or closeup ground level photos of the chateau that could perhaps be shared one day—similar to those in the opening video of the vlog? I always appreciate the clear views of the chateau from various angles shown at the beginning of each episode. Stephanie, words seem inadequate to express how much joy you bring to me by allowing all of us to share in your delight at fulfilling your dreams at Lalande. This lovely chateau that we have all fallen in love with is your home, and as such every decision about the chateau is yours to curate. What a thrill it is to even have the opportunity to share in behind-the-scenes glimpses of plans for the chateau. Do you have any idea how much of an inspiration you are? Your vision, creativity, talent, composure, and grace are traits to emulate in daily life. Your joie de vivre is the only gift I ever need.


Congratulations, to everyone at Lalande! What a magical dream come true! Cheers! 🥂 What a gorgeous photograph! Thank you, Michael! And thank you Stephanie for always being so kind and generous. This is truly a wonderful group of patreons , the best! Excited for your next Patreon video! xoxo 🏰🤩💖


Hello, Stephanie! Congratulations! I have been following your vlogs for a while now and feel breathless at the pace of the community and help for the chateau has grown. You have managed to create a magical place and intimate space of creativity, joy of life, and brotherly love. It takes a special person to convey these experiences to people you don't know and to make them feel as if you do know them. A great many things had to line up for this phenomena to happen a pandemic and a lockdown but you have been a source of sunshine for us all and I just want to say "Thank you!" because that is no small feat. I think will end up being like other notable characters from Lalande like Henri the ghost whose love of the chateau lives long after him (as he is still sending help) and Anne Marie the Duchess of Montpensier, known as La Grande Mademoiselle. You will leave your mark as this great lady did. As for my vote for projects, I would like to see you have 1) a personal assistant in order to free you up for more creative projects. 2). Better internet/satellite 3). Stephanie's bedroom/ boudoir completion 4) Solar and Heating energy efficiency and finally, the hedgehogs would like the laundry room redone, please. Thank you for everything and may you and your mother continue to receive heavenly blessings. - Angela


Oh yes, a personal assistant. I wonder if nati or marie can help with that??


I haven't read any others comments yet, but I just felt the need to SAY OMG!!!!! THAT IS AMAZING!!!! SO AWESOME, SO GORGEOUS!!! I would never be able to see that where I am with all the light pollution!!! THANK YOU STEPHANIE, AND ESPECIALLY a THANK YOU!!!! TO MICHAEL POTTS!!!!!!!! I have bit of photography background... old school ways anyway, and I really wonder if it could have been done the "old way". I'm thinking probably not, not me anyway :p BUT still... I find it EXTRAORDINARY!!! Thank you SO much for sharing!!!


Great new Stephanie! What an achievement! And the photo is stunning! What a photographer he is! I'm so glad Lalande is becoming what she was meant to be.


what an achievement! I absolutely love this amazing photo! thank you so much :D


Hi Stephanie- yay for Lalande! It’s wonderful that you will be able to move on improvements all the more quickly. I think regarding tiers and filming- we are happy to be along for the adventure and to enjoy the people we have become so fond of. Please look after yourself and make things as easy as possible. You give us so much joy already. You’re going to be busy with bookings down the track. Hugs kerry


What an amazing picture! I am wondering if anyone has any good tips on how to watch the DIY show from the US. I can't use the vpn trick as I only have a work laptop which restricts vpn usage.


Beautiful, beautiful photo thank you.




superb!!! well done and congratulations to all!


Congratulations! You have worked hard. Félicitations.


Oooooooo Great idea!


Wow! This is fantastic, so pleased for you. So is the swimming pool and spa an option now?! Much love to everyone x


Well done Stephanie, you are wonderful in every way! I hope the fame and complications of that is something you will live well with, I think so. The king in here in Norway (the one who died in 1991, the father of the current one) was asked by a foreign important visitor, "how can you go skiing in the forest without bodyguards?" He replied, "I have 4 million bodyguards", which was true as we adored him. Think of that if any trolls appear into your life, you have more than 70 000 people around the world who think you are fab and would be there for you. You spread such joy!


We better get voting soon.... We are almost halfway to 13k! Wow!


Hello all. FYI - I’ve seen that Marie Wiik has posted the recipe for her Orgasmic Figs from one of Stephanie’s earlier vlogs on her website blog at www.mariewiik.com


Stephanie so happy for you and the chateau! I wasn’t convinced about the lake until Micheal’s last video and your story of how the water police misrepresented the government. It’s really upsetting and it will be wonderful to see the lake is restored to it’s full glory!


Hello from NYC! What a stunning photo! Thanks for this, Stephanie! :) I've really enjoyed your channel and being a patron. I'm honestly not really one for DIY in my own life, and had never contemplated the idea of owning a large manor or chateau, but your channel has quickly become my favorite one on youtube. Your consistent positive energy and zest for life and history is truly rare to come across these days. I'm curious if being on Escape to the Chateau DIY gives you some sort of compensation for being on the show (I hope so!)? I know that being on a similar show in America they'd more than likely compensate you, but I'm not sure if that's the case for this show. Cannot WAIT to see the transformed courtyard!


Congratulations Stephanie! Thank you for the beautiful photograph!


Congratulations on the new target! Your videos are such an inspiration and bring so much joy especially during these uncertain times. Thank you so much, Stephanie!


This is yet another amazing achievement. You should really thank yourself and the amazing team at Lalande who make the vlogs so special and enjoyable to watch. Finding your channel is one of the best things that happened to me this year and I'm just glad that I can support you and the chateau.


Yea!!!!!! More exciting news! Thanks for the awesome photo!


Hello Stephanie & all. I just went onto One Thousands Stars website & order some things as well, lovely stuff. A thought how about some graphics from Lalande made into products sold through the website with commission to Lalande could be a good earner. I know I'd love to we some pj's with a lalande graphic theme whilst watching the vlogs, cheers


ah, Lalande pajamas would be so perfect! know to some it might seem silly but actually some good printed flannels of our favorite place to escape would go hand in hand.


Well done guys you have plenty of projects to keep you going thanks for being part of our lives. Pace yourself Stephanie, Mummy and Michael.


Congratulations! Selfishly, I hope you'll continue to make updates available on this page, as we can't get DIY in the US (unless someone can share how to do so! I've asked in several places but no luck yet, and I can't change my vpn due to it being on a work laptop). :)


Also, on the subject of buying things - have you considered making prints of some of your father's art available for purchase? They are amazing!


Loved the idea in yesterday’s live that the lake might be able to be classed as a mill pond rather than a lake, perhaps with less rigid regulation. Hope that works out. Also wondering, if it was a mill pond rather than an ornamental lake might that be why it didn’t have an island?


I'm not sure where to post ideas about what to do with the money, so I'm just going to put it here. I know this sounds boring, but what about replacing the windows with double or triple glazed glass to help keep the chateau warm in the winter and prevent any further deterioration happening to the window frames? Also, I've noticed many of the shutters need help.


The only way I've been able to get the DIY episodes is through YouTube, not the best but it's something.


Is there a way for all the patrons who are not on Facebook or Instragram to be kept informed of the upcoming workshops, etc?


I think maybe getting in touch with Brenda Gibbon might be a good way. She seems to be quite involved in putting workshops together. Not sure how best to contact her though. There may be a mailing list/email she can put you on.


Has anyone heard anything about tonight (Sunday’s) video? Hopefully it’s nothing more problematic than internet glitches.


I was wondering that myself. I hope Stephanie gives us an update soon.


So fantastic..congratulations . And what a stunning foto, thanks for the gift. The mill is not one of your tops, but the idee of Sid, one of your other patrions, to look further of it is a mill pond isn 't a bad idee. And then exploring more about the mill it self. Maybe because I am Dutch...we are always interested in these buildings😊, and I want to help, starting cleaning it out so that you can better seeing what is still left under all the brems an netels. I can help you, starting at the beginning of oktober. I will send you a special letter about it.


Not receiving any feed or notifications yet Sid.


Does anyone know how to reply directly hear on the Patreon page instead of my message going to the thread?


Shannon Tymkiw, Tandy Slater, Melissa Stoddard, Nicola and Toby Hastings-Clark thank you all for your kind words. My morkie Pepper has had her hind paw amputated and is now on chemo. The wound is healing well and is responding well to chemo. Again, thank you.


David and Summer Lalande I’ll ask Brenda. I just requested to be friends with her on FB because I’m interested in joining the chateau tours she is organizing.


Thanks Andie. In fairness I should add it wasn’t my original idea. The original suggestion was made by someone during yesterday’s Live from Lalande.


I'd love to join the Chateau tours too! I hope your Morkie is feeling comfortable Joan x


sadness - no sundays from the chateau today😳 I know I am COMPLETELY greedy at this point- a live from la Lande - a doing it ourselves from La Lande- but what can I say... I like to gorge myself.... I can't help it...la lande is like birthday cake... you can never have enough 🤣🤣🤣🥂🌸


She posted on YouTube that It will be going up Monday instead. It’s all about the renovations going on at The chateau


Hi everyone from Australia 🇦🇺 Can someone please tell me the name of the Facebook fan page for La Lande? 😍🕍💐


Sunday at the Chateau is now going to be Monday, despair not!


Now has anyone here sent her anything from the states? how long has it taken it to get there? this guy yesterday told me SIX WEEKS!! when it's supposed to take 7-10 days😱


Stephanie ,I have been rewatching some of the older vlogs ,in one of the episodes you and michael visited another chateau ,as you approached, you said that you dreamed of automatic gates ,I am wondering ,if in the future this might be something we could help you achieve?


I think automatic gates would be an amazing target! I remember in an older video you said you would love some! Or the china pantry!


I can't wait for your father's coffee table book!




There is a toolbar at the botton of the patreon screen that has an icon for messages where you can send her a private message


I’m not on Facebook but would love to be part of this fan page/group... is there another place where people are chatting ??


A lot of them are available on youtube although sometimes the picture quality is compromised. You can also see some of them on dailymotion.com. If you want to know which episodes stephanie is in go to channel4.com and click on the episode tab Click on the down arrow on the right hand side to see who is in that episode


It took my box 10 days, but one day was the Memorial day holiday. Your box may take less time.


Thank you from San Francisco!!!!!! for all the positive energy and love in the last few months You and Michael and your mother have made all the difference in this difficult time . from Utrecht in The Netherlands originally so Hi to Selmar!


Hello to all our new Patrons!! Stephanie has a new fan page!! Please come join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/ataleoftwochateaux/?ref=share


Stephanie! I am so excited!! Monty Don's around the world in 80 gardens went to The Huntington Botanical Gardens! the ones I told you about! However he only went to the cacti garden AND he was with the old director - not the new one and the rose garden which is the real stand out - and Tom Carruth- is the gentleman I spoke to you about (and have tagged you in his Instagram account- cheeky brat I am)


Sorry Karen. Won’t be seeing you there. Someone in my life has experienced extreme issues via Facebook and my thoughts on the platform are not printable. I don’t do twitter or Instagram either.


Hi Stephanie, On today's "Sunday at the Chateau: The Story So Far I saw a photo with what looks like a painting of your father's in the background (at time mark 6:49). It's red with a boy or a man with a hat? I don't think I've seen it anywhere else. It's really striking and I was wondering if you would be able to show it in more detail? I really love your father's artwork and how each piece seems to tell a story. Anyways this one in particular has caught my eye and I was hoping you could show a little snap shot of it with more detail (not a download or anything...) Thanks so much for considering! Katherine


Hi Stephanie! Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo of LaLande, it is stunning! I also wanted to say that I watched your last live from LaLande with Michael and your mother and you had briefly talked about the montages you and Michael had done for his vlog, I know he mentioned getting mixed reviews, but I thought they were hilarious and would fully support more appearances by Madam Mystery in the future ;) also, a question for your mother, where did she learn her gardening skills? I am amazed by her knowledge of gardening and which plants go well together, would love to hear her talk about how she learned how to garden so well!


I think Dauphin and Dauphine are so appropriate for French Royalty!


does anyone have any idea what we are voting on yet? what the top 10 ideas are yet? we probably only have about 2 weeks before we hit the next mark 😍🥂🤞


oh and yes.... I would love to see new tiers! both higher, lower and middle bits ❤❤❤


Hello Stephanie. I read in the pre-premiere chat for tonight’s vlog that you and Michael had put a comedy skit on Facebook. Would you be willing to put it up here too for your non Facebooking crew?


Those two weeks flew by. We already crossed 13K! Congratulations and well deserved!


That’s such a lovely way to describe this community :)


We’ve reached 13 000 🎉🎉🎉 how exciting!!!

Laura & Jack

Just watched the Story So Far Video. It was amazing and you are so right about enjoying the journey. Thank you so much for the joy you are bringing to others. So glad to be part of this adventure in a tiny way.


Wow! This is absolutely amazing!! Hip Hip Hooray!! $13+K


Just watched the Story So Far vlog and really enjoyed seeing the old photos and hearing you talk about the past, especially the struggles-- I totally agree that people need to know this isn't just something that happened overnight (although at the rate we're going, it seems like targets are getting smashed all the time!). Thank you for sharing your life with us and


Just woke to the wonderful news $13,228 !!!!!!!!!! All your hard work is bringing you this success Stephanie. I absolutely adore your spirit and drive and this must be a truly magical time for you. This success is so deserved as you have brought happiness to so many. What was it you called it...........Karmic return xxx


Congratulations Stephanie & thank you for sharing so much of your story. I know Nic will not be comfortable with my suggestion, but I wonder if you would consider compiling some sort of list of bits and pieces that you would like eg pieces of porcelain to match a specific set or candles of a certain fragrance/colour for a specific room? If the list was kept up-to-date then patrons/subscribers/followers could buy gifts for you, knowing that they will be useful. Just a thought.


Congratulations MAGIC WOMAN Stephanie - $13K. It's wonderful to be on board this journey with you. XX


isnt it amazing!! I really think it must be the lovely Karma she has put out in this world for so long😁


New patron here. Hello and congratulations on the milestones! I'm not sure if this has been brought up before but there are several incredible indie perfumeries (many based in the US, but quite a number in Europe as well) that create scents based on places, characters or moods. Since you've been considering scented candles, it might be interesting to have a full set of other type of room fragrances or even body fragrances. Perhaps inspired by different rooms or areas around he chateau?


OMG...$13k...make sure poor mummy is sat down when you tell her (and her hat is tied on!)


Hi Stephanie. I was watching your vlog about your beautiful dining room. I was so impressed until you showed the lighting! That room deserves a chandalier! Maybe you could even use the crystals that someone kindly sent you x


This is amazing!!!!


Hi. I've really enjoyed these Q&A's since joining yesterday so thanks for that. Following your request for targets / projects. I know you've mentioned heating in the past but can't remember where that was going. I do remember Dick discussing this with you during escape to the Chateau DIY. I know Michael's family seem to have a good system that uses wood from the grounds. Could this type of system work at lalande?


Does anyone know what is happening for the 13k? I am DYING to hear!!❤❤❤🤩🤩🤩


We haven't voted on it yet.....exciting eh !! I would like Stephanie to renovate the room next to the Kitchen and make


it a room for all her porcelain to be stored/displayed. Stephanie has said previously that is what she wants for that room so it could be a target !!!!! Also it would be a great project for the lovely Selmar :) :) :)


We haven't voted on it yet !!!! Exciting eh !! I think it would be great to restore the room next to the kitchen and make


I agree! although I think she really needs a much bigger fridge too.. I'm just excited to see!!


oh my gosh. she did it. 13,000!!!!! AHHHHH!!


Compulsively checking to see how we’re doing! 🤷🏼‍♀️


Love that the Patreon account is approaching $14K now. Whoopie!!!!!!!! More work can be done to continue renovations on the building and surrounding areas. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


Woohoo! 13k! So happy for them! 🥰


I am happy to be part of such a lovely sustaining endeavour. I m a potter and jeweller here in Canada and your videos have provided me with many an inspiration for my work .


Hello @Stephanie Lietzau. I understood the pre-premier chat comment to mean a new different one was on the Facebook page (I don’t to social media’s), though I may have misunderstood.


You all deserve all the best for your hard work and dedication!!


What a beautiful surprise I found in my mailbox today! A postcard from the Chateau! It’s gorgeous and will be framed!!


What a glorious photo...just stunning! I got my beautiful photo gift for being a contributor, and I was absolutely thrilled! It was a special treat, and I was nervous opening it not to damage the photo. Seeing your beautiful handwriting was another gift...I just love it. I'm going to find a double glass frame so I can flip it over and see the writing on the back as well as the photo of the chateau on the front. Thank you!


wow! that's a gorgeous photo!!!! thank you! :)

Jane Nunn

It sounds like you are really trying to consider us the patrons whereever you can ..Thankyou xo


What a beautiful photo! Thank you for sharing!