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Here's my latest update from the chateau! Below, please find the attachments that I promised you in the video. There are the plans for the courtyard design - I'd love to get your feedback. So far, we love the simplicity, but would like to replace the standard roses with wooden trellis obelisks covered in climbing roses.

There are also photos of the vintage Fortuny fabric that I'll be getting because we reached the $11,000 target! It will hopefully arrive here next month, and I'll use it to make a bed curtain tutorial, and a vlog about Fortuny and his designs. The last photo is of a pair of cushions that I found on 1stDibs in the same fabric and vintage - they're asking €2,500 for the pair, which makes me feel much better about spending $3,100 on 25 yards! The woman selling it to me is a follower of the Chateau Diaries who used to have an antique shop specialising in French antiques, and she loves the idea of the fabric coming to Lalande. I'm so excited to have found a fabric which perfectly combines my love of France  (the design is called 'Boucher' after the French artist) and Venice. Two years ago I bought two Fortuny lampshades on a trip to Venice, for the Grand Salon, and having that small amount of Fortuny in the chateau was a dream come true - I never imagined the possibility of having enough to make curtains!!! Thank you for opening up a world of design possibilities for Lalande that will bring this chateau back to its former glory!


Patreon Q&A 7!



I love, love, love the fabric. It is perfection.


Oh that fabric will be so luxurious in your bedroom. After all the goals for mummy’s garden, one you will enjoy in your sanctuary is well earned :)


I really like the design for the fountain garden. I completely agree and think it a splendid idea to do clumping roses on the wooden trellis. It will provide height and visual interest. I’m so happy you made it to 11k and your fabric dreams come true. Maybe the crystals you just received will make a home with it? Congratulations Stephanie!


What wonderful news about the fabric Stephanie. Nothing like a network connection-you can be sure they will have your back. Love the idea of the climbing roses on obelisks instead of the standards. So romantic. Oh- would you ask your viewers if they like your videos to hit the LIKE button during your broadcasts. I can’t believe the discrepancy between the viewing numbers and likes. I’m guessing they are distracted by all the chat which is very exciting. These last few weeks have been magic. Thank you sweet thing. ALSO received my card yesterday. So love it 😍


I love the fabric! I really enjoyed your toile de jouy episode and would LOVE to see a tutorial with this fabric. I love finding new interests and can hardly keep up with the number of avenues you keep opening up for me! Thanks so much for inspiring many a Wikipedia deep-dive! ❤️❤️❤️


It brings me joy to follow your decorating and refurbishing progress. You, Isabelle (hope I spelled it correctly), Scottman, Michael, Nick and family, Salmar, and all the volunteers are such lovely people. Your vlogs and your Tuesday gift openings bring Lelande, and all of you, a little closer to me. Now, I am awaiting the time when travel to France can, once again, be possible. Staying at the chateau is in my future plans.


I love the ideas and design for the fountain. It is just so elegant!

Melissa LaFond

Love it!!!! It’s going to add so much life to Lalande ❤️


Such a WONDERFUL!! plan! Simple, elegant, and yet lush and somewhat romantic - all that is La Lande! How wonderful! I love the idea of the obelisks - great- love. The fabric is amazing also! You must be so excited! Will you do a Sundays at the Chateau on Fortuny? I know you have already done your bathroom to perfection - but just in case - and I figure there must be a bathroom that needs doing SOMEHWERE in there🤣🤣 and if you want it - let me know! I can get designer pricing - but take a peek at these - they really are lovely: https://tabarkastudio.com/hand-painted-terracotta/rosewater/ I cannot tell you how happy I am for you, mummy and the whole rest of the La Lande family- and of course for La Lande herself! She must feel like her old self when La Grande Mademoiselle was there ❤💐🥂 Congratulations again! Do another live chat soon! I missed this last one🌸


omg - the roses render image of the chateau from the front is GORGEOUS!! i literally gasped when i opened the photo!! i absolutely love that i can't wait to see in in real life!!!


love your dress...designer??? xxxx


You could make an honorable title :)


Love the garden design for the courtyard. Planting is very seasonal but I'm sure between the roses, lavendar and aliums you'll have spring to autumn colour). ❤


Oh my...I actually think these weekly updates are amazing...the stories, the life, the energy. To some a Q and A, to me my heart gets massaged, my soul awakens and I feel 100 x better....thank you, young lady. As a Marquise it doesn't matter to me what on earth I am called ......I am like your Dad, don't do it for titles do it because I am passionate about it! Ideas for


Tears in my eyes when she mentioned her father ❤❤❤ i like the delphine better than princess


Oops ideas for what to do at La Lande - railing for mummy, I seem to think on some vlogs I have seen the exterior of the Chateau needing a touch up for a little bit of crumbling?........more rooms decorated for us to stay in! .....something with the attic......the rose garden would be beautiful......a connection between the chapel and the chateau for future weddings?.......anything mummy wants as she is a star...


Yes, wish there were more tiers! is there a way to look up the ranks in the old French aristocracy and align it with that? that would be amazing!


I had to pause the video when you talked about your father. I think he must be so happy and proud of you and everyone that is taking part in all this. Amazing words by him about the money, I will make sure to remember that as well ❤️


A Possible future target could maybe be a replica of the orchard at the abbey with lavender.

Evelyn McElroy

Stephanie, I am not a religious person in the least and life is a mystery to me. But...somewhere, somehow, in this cosmos, your father knows and rejoices in your achievements.


Stephanie--Have you checked out AS Byatt's most recent book PEACOCK AND VINE? It's a short study and comparison of Fortuny and William Morris. It was a lovely and informative read from one of my favorite writers!


Love the weekly updates from LaLande. Great to hear the progress on future plans and excited to see them all happen. It really is a joy watching the updates and thank you for making each and every one interesting to watch. It is great to see the increase in Patrons and be part of a generous community helping you bring LaLande back to life. I think adding other tiers is a great idea and in terms of names I love the French theme, so suggest using names like, Baron Baronie, Dauphin Dauphine, something like that. Although, really I am happy to help whatever the name is! Thanks for sharing your life at LaLande with us all. 😁


I’ll second Anna’s suggestion of the balcony railings being installled. I know you were needing another made to match too. You also need a sign for the chateau that’s a little more grand than the little black and white one we’ve seen :)


The Fortuny fabric is beautiful, stunning! What a wonderful gift. The courtyard designs are lovely. Selecting the design that requires the least maintenance makes the most sense given that all options are stately and appropriate for the Grande Dame that is LaLande.


It's great to have the updates but very disappointed that we don't get to see progress until it has been on the TV. Your patreon made it possible, to me it's a bit of a let down. Just my opinion sorry


Aww LOVE your dress Steph! Can´t wait to see you soon xx


I absolutely adore the Fortuny fabric! How wonderful that you are able to purchase it at such a reasonable price. Now about the name for the $100 tier - I would love the title of Dauphine... Princess would be nice also but I prefer Dauphine. Thank you for asking. Now that will allow you to add the in between tiers that would attract even more patrons.


No more room around fountain for cars. Yeah.... Horse and cart will work better.


Hi, Stephanie! We’re all so excited to be a part of your journey and see more targets reached! My suggestion is not a decorative one, but maybe something practical for your vlogs: Satellite Internet for the Chateau?? Would this be possible to install in your region? Xoxo, Samantha from Miami Beach


Thank you so much for the plans of the courtyard. I love them! When I opened the first one I was so relieved as I was worried that it might be too sparse or modern but it is perfect. The Allum are a wonderful addition also. It perfectly suits LaLande and I do like the idea of wooden trellis obelisks. Now I need to think about some more projects that can be used as the next few Patreon goals. Hmmm... of course I think that one of them would be to have Dan the gardener full time. That would be extremely important and would put Mummy's mind at ease when she and Percy are not at LaLande. ***One other very important goal would be to work on the heating system for Lalande.*** I know that will be a huge project and very expensive but is very important not only for your health and comfort but also for the protection of the fabrics and materials within LaLande's various rooms. I will continue to think of other projects as they come to mind. Sending you much love. Cathy


Why create more levels, just tell people who don't like the amounts to donate what they want each month.... It does say that you are able to donate any amount that people want.....


The plans for the courtyard are so lovely. I hope to see it one day in person when it is all finished. Will the rose cuttings your mother was planting be part on it? I confess to being envious when I watched your vlog, so many gorgeous roses 🌹


One final thing. I forgot to thank you for your lovely card. I received it last week and I will treasure it. I know how much time and effort you are spending on those cards and please know that it is much appreciated. Oh yes, and also I am wondering if the Coalport coffee pot finally arrived from EBay? I suspect it might be in the next Tuesday gift opening video. It was supposed to have arrived by May 3rd but I do know that deliveries have been very slow during these times. OK that is my last question/comment I promise!!! ;-) Thank you again for all that you are doing for us in keeping our spirits up during these difficult times. I hope the burden does not become too much for you. You are so loved and appreciated.


Hi Stephanie, pleased you are going to introduce more Patreon tiers. I believe many Lords and Lady's such as myself, will move to the $10 dolllar tier as it seems manageable and sustainable. As for choosing the next target, I prefer to leave that to you. You know better than anyone what you would like to renovate/decorate or what needs to be altered/upgraded; I also like the surprise when you tell us what you have chosen. Not too sure about the plans for the courtyard. It is difficult to get a clear idea of how they will look. Also not a fan of the pink against the green of the shutters but I am sure it will all be fabulous when finished. I am so happy to be part of this community of like minded individuals and look forward to you rwonderful vlogs.

Emma Young

Plans for the courtyard look stunning :) I'm with Cathie, was also going to suggest upgrading the heating system (or investing in bigger hot water bottles!!!!!!!!) Also, clearly defining the pathways (and maybe installing a few benches) around the woods so you could then open the grounds up to visitors on a few dates a year (if I was in France on one of those dates I'd happily just come for a wander round the grounds and give my camera an outing!) And my final (for now!) idea, having a wildflower garden, even if its just a small strip along the edge of the woods.

Kelly Kehoe Nichols

I like the idea of re-jigging the names to fit in Barons and other titles. I would love to purchase a print of the kitchen. I picture a watercolor looking in to the room from the corner. With the sink area to the right. The table as the main focus. The chase lounge to the far left. Just an everyday snapshot of the kitchen with the edges of the painting blurred. My card came this week!! Love from The1000 Islands, NY


When you were singing in your last vlog I felt your fathers presence there, what a beautiful vlog that was Kx


Be still my heart! That fabric is exquisite!


Maybe you should look at buying some bell tents, if you have filled the chateau maybe patrons only can book the bell tents out so you can accommodate a few more people at the chateau! Glamping style of course! I can just imagine Persian fabrics, pillows and the frogs outside - I’ve sold it to myself 😍


There is nothing wrong with one making a contribution for a title to smile over :), however, I for one do not do it for that reason. Please feel free to change names as you need to help the structure evolve to support goals. It makes my heart happy that you are having logistical dilemmas of this sort :) -NOT because of the behind the scenes challenges growth inherently bring for you (may they all sort smoothly & with help), but because all is moving so fast to help! The deepest & true lasting recognition for me comes in the quiet of knowing $ can and does = supporting goodness being created in the world. xou


I love everything about Lalande. I’m new to your community. Never thought I would be doing anything like this when I viewed the chateau on you tube only a few months ago. I saw one episode and was hooked. I’m a lover of history and Art. So, all my passions were satisfied with one tap of a button. The warmth of your family and friends makes me so happy. Your kindness and pure joy following your passion is infectious. Your Mummy , Michael 1, Anton, Mari, Dan elusive Nic, Michael 2. This always my sunshine watch.


Hello Stephanie, it’s always a joy to watch your Patreon chats and share ideas, Thankyou for letting us be a part of its journey. Love, love, love the courtyard designs, beautiful, stunning!!! LaLande will display the fairytale magic it has always held within its walls. The Fortuny fabric is so beautiful and will finally find a home at Lalande where it belongs. Have you thought about sharing a recording of your beautiful singing voice accompanied by. Michael on the piano?


I am just a humble Lady of LaLande but I would really love to have a balcony and railing for Mummies window. Even if hers is the only one that has it I vote that she is an exception to the rules. Thank you!


Loving the Q&As here at Patreon !!! I only watched the first two, but it’s delityful.


I am wildly disappointed, Stephanie. I didnt sign up to be your patreon to provide funds so that a production company--that doesnt pay you--can film you fixing up the chateau with it and then not show us until it airs on television (which could be up to a year). I honestly dont know what you are thinking here. Im truly disappointed. The targets are goals that we hit so that we could see the transformation. Not so that we could fund a production company's program. If they want to film something, then they should pay for it or realize that patrons are going to see it before the general public and that is the cost they have to pay for filming something we paid for.


So beautifully said and acknowledged E! For me, engaging with "the mystery" is a wonderful way of finding interest & meaning in life. Although I am not religious either, one of my all time favorite Irish authors, when speaking about the earth life adventure, said "It is strange to be here. The mystery never leaves you alone." -John O'Donohue from "Anam Cara" -Anam cara are 'soul friends' in the Celtic tradition. I think Stephanie is a wonderful gatherer of these :)


My true reason for becoming a patron is to experience more of the life, love and laughter that you convey so well each time you publish. How great to hear that you will continue to focus on sharing with us even after this pandemic. We are lucky that what started out of necessity can now continue and grow out of your creative energy. Our joy is assured! Your father's words remain true even now, in success: do what you love - the money will take care of itself.


Wonderful Q and A Stephanie! I learn so much about LaLande and how you’ve progressed to where you are today with each one❤️ I love the fountain garden plan...are the four beds edged with boxwood? I do have some concerns about the use of wood obelisks though. I recall seeing vlogs in the past where there were some pretty major winds blowing through the courtyard. Perhaps obelisks made of iron that could be well anchored in the ground? ❤️


We found Lalande because of Escape to the Chateau DIY tv show. So grateful you chose to participate in it and grateful to the tv production company who filmed you all. Proud to be patrons. Cheers Steph and team.


I think the fountain garden design is lovely, simple and elegant. I can't wait to see what it look likes in reality. Does the project include redoing the gravel in that courtyard? If not, redoing the gravel would be a great goal. I love the other ideas mentioned of doing the balconies for mummy and michael flats, paving the terrace definitely, the moon garden outside the chapel, restoring the orchard, the fountain for the potager, increasing the buxus to create a full promenade from the terrace steps, a new wrought iron gate for the potager, cleaning the moat.


I also like the sound of Dauphin et Dauphine.


I am glad Nati and Marie are coming back to help you and also be great company for you.


Hi Stephanie, The plan for the courtyard is just right. It suits the whimsical fairyland vision of the chateau. I love the colours - pinks and purples compliment the stone colour of the building. Can't wait to see it come to be.


Hi Stephanie ....I signed up as a Patreon because I love you sharing your chateau life with us & it is an absolute joy seeing what you can achieve. I love watching Escape to the Chateau & seeing you and the other chateau owners & You must participate in everything you can. Also please continue opening your gifts on your vlogs ... I just love it. Xx


We are certainly going to see a huge difference around the chateau in the next few months. We understand it does take a while to get plans in place to get things done. There will be such a flurry of activity🤣😂🤣😂. I think the challenge with creating the new tiers will be working out what the difference in benefits will be but I know you can do it Stephanie. I almost cried when you talked about Daddy and we are so glad that you share these precious memories and so lovely for mummy.


i personally could not disagree more - i think that a lot of the patrons including myself have signed up because they want stephanie to succeed and be able to afford to do things at whatever pace she wants. it is her money after all and i am personally just excited to see these things happen whenever they do. also, she may have a contract with Escape to the Chateau DIY that you don't know about so she may be entitled to have it filmed first before the general public sees it. i totally understand where you're coming from don't get me wrong, i'm certainly not hating on your perspective - i just think there are other factors to consider from her point of view. enjoy the journey, not the destination!! and, think of how much more wonderful it will be when we do finally get to see what she's working on!!! ❤️


oh wow i love each of those ideas, i second this suggestion!!!!!


I have read through a few of the comments and stumbled across Hope Walker (not a relation of mine but nice to see another Walker here!) I do somewhat quietly agree, you had projects for ETTC that were funded through the bed and breakfast and private funds and perhaps you could have a few sneaky extra things happening behind the scenes to film for TV. Maybe the swimming pool, creating the lovely Gerrys apartment? I am absolutely thrilled to be supporting you but there are targets set here funded by patrons that probably should be shared with those who have contributed to see the transformations. I would hate for people to become disgruntled and stop being patrons for this reason and for funding to dwindle. I really hope this is not taken badly, it’s just a thought from a loving heart! Xx


Perhaps I could suggest something that mummy might find a bit controversial? You told us on one of your early vlogs how your electricity bill is the biggest expense at Lalande at some 3000 euros a month I think it was, well how about investing in some solar panels on the roof? I know that the colour of the panels could be in keeping with the different roof tiles and then hopefully your bills could be wiped out especially in winter and you could sell electricity to the national grid in summer as well as heat your swimming pool and people in future with electric cars visiting could also recharge their cars.


The Fortuny fabric is just exquisite. I am so excited to see it at the Chateau. I can recommend a book from about 1980 by Guillermo de Osma. Maybe Amazon has some old copies. Did you go to his Palazzo in Venice. I did once, but I have to say it was a bit of a disappointment. Very few fabrics. So happy about all the success you are having with the Patreon acct. It is just a joy to watch.

Maria Soberanis

I always watch your videos and pay attention to those structural/construction things that need to get done, that kind of stuff sticks with me. If I were to ever volunteer I think that's the kind of stuff I'd love to work on. I did have a questions about your heating (see what I mean?) Is the any way to split the heating system so that it takes heat from the earth the way it is now but also has like a secondary system (almost like a hose switch) onto more of a wood burning system like at Michael's chataeu?


Ideas for targets: formal design for the moon garden, balcony installation for Isabela and Percy’s suit, design and ground breaking for the pool, placement and garden design for your father’s fountain, sheep herder and sheerer, full-time Gardner, Mary Poppins full time (to also help in the vegetable garden), fitted bookshelves in the winter salon, renovating the remaining untouched rooms.


stephanie, i have an idea!!!! i think one of the goals should be making the terrace a magnificent, fairytale-like setting with beautiful stones (instead of paving??), lanterns, fairy lights, maybe some vines across the pergola, comfortable seating, elegant parasols, etc. especially with the view in the evening of the sunset i think that could be the most beautiful thing ever and such a magical place to be, especially with friends. if by the crazy chance that you love this idea feel free to contact me for help on the design!!!! lots of love ❤️❤️


Thank you so much for the update! Would love to see some goals around restoration, like attic furinture or runfinished rooms or those attic areas, or emplying the garden more. Love your stories, my daughter is also a leo and loves to be surrounded by community, we live in a row of townhouses and its been hard during quarantine that she hadnt been able to run through everyones houses as she wished visiting


Exactly. A lot of comments are coming through about the tv show and how I must be against it. I worked in UK doco tv for a decade. Im not against it in the slightest. Its a smart business decision. But using patreon funds to pay for the transformations and then not showing them to the patreons is actually fraud according to the rules of the site. She needs to wake up here and realize that she is making a massive mistake. And no, I am not saying she is being fraudulent. I think she is simply not thinking about what she is saying and doing in this instance.


The plans for the courtyard look stuning. All my favorite flowers and beautiful colors. Mummy must be over the moon.


Stephanie, I've always dreamed of being a princess, so yes....let's make the change. :) Also, I really think your rose garden idea needs to be a new tier. It's such a great idea and also sounds like a dream of yours! All the best! Brande (the e is not silent) LOL


Looking forward to seeing you at La Lande again... soon I hope! :)


ooh, another potential idea that you may not like the idea of but i'm sure others may agree with me on: for you to completely finish your bedroom however you like it. i know you may think that there are so many other things that need doing besides you room but honestly you have put everything you possibly have into the entire chateau and its inhabitants for 15 years and i personally think that you deserve to have your own completed space. after such a long time and after going through quite a lot in those years, it is only fair that you use some of this wonderful patreon money on a space in the chateau that is yours. it is still a part of the chateau, so you're not "wasting" the money, it's just finally a space that is 100% for you!!!! you really and truly deserve it, stephanie. and i am certain i am not the only one who thinks so. ❤️


I have read the comments about the TV show and the projects that the patrons are paying for being part of that show. I can see both sides of the picture. I agree that it will be fantastic that stephanie and the chateau will get more exposure and more people will fall in love with them both and want to be part of the dream. However, as a patron I would like to see some footage as the project progresses. To be fair though, Stephanie is very new to this whole patron thing and it has grown so quickly that she is still working out how to get it all to hang together. I think it is a very good thing that we have brought it to her attention and I am sure she will be thinking about this and addressing it in the near future as she has done with other issues that we have raised. However, let's be careful how we say things. There is a way to disagree and bring things to Stephanie's attention that is respectful and polite.


As long as your patrons get updates. I understand that right now most of the projects going on don't have many visible results such as choosing a mower or planning out the garden. However, the idea of not filming results in the future because the TV company gets priority is an upsetting idea. Especially since we're the ones contributing to those changes.


The laundry room! I would love to see a better set up for you and your mom


Thank you for the update! My suggestions for new goals are fixing up the terrace and renovering you dressing room/walk-in-closet. I think the terrace would be so lovely with plenty of new furniture, plants, flowers and decorations. And making your dressingsroom a luxurious and inviting space would really elevate your suite of rooms. Best wishes from Sweden!


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea!!! Make La Lande become as self sufficient as she can!!!


Read the comments about the TV show....oh dear !!!! Personally, I will support Stephanie whatever she chooses to do because she is just trying to do her best for La lande. Just a thought....perhaps she could let the TV show film the entrance hall re decoration as that was not a target. That way she could proceed with the courtyard and film it for her vlogs.


Might she be able to get permission from the show producers to show the footage to just her patrons, given that most of us can't watch it in the UK anyway? Hmmm. I wonder.


Bon Soir ... Yes, as a new patron I must agree with others who wish to see the results in real time, of how your goals are being met and the progress on them. I'm especially a fan of the makeover for the Courtyard. That will be such a beautiful change and deserves to be shown in real time. Gosh, hate to say this, but Patrons are for you and Chateau de LeLande, NOT for Escape to the Chateau DIY. Please consider independence from their editorial schedule and go forward to your first obligation and love, Chateau de LeLande. (Look how they treated the talented Michael Petterick afterall.) For me, in my humble opinion, but before swimming pools, the courtyard dearly needs some love. Chateau de LaLande looks like a very poor cousin after viewing opening scenes from Chateau de la Basmaignee and Angelina and Philly's vlog and others. Thank you for asking our opinions and listening.


Hello Stephanie, I love, love all of the plans you posted in the attachments. Beautiful fabric too. My offer to help you with curtains in September still stands. Barring travel restrictions 🤞 I know you will always make the best decisions possible after weighing the facts, (and considering more than a few opinions). I don’t recall ever seeing Escape to the Chateau DIY in the states, other than fragments on YouTube. The fragments I’ve seen are very poor quality uploads. If anyone knows how to view or purchase full episodes in the states, do tell. Thanks! Lastly, I’m heading to the Central Coast of California in a few weeks. I’ll do some advance work at Hearst Castle and the surrounding areas for a future meet up. It’s a wonderful area to visit.


This is an amazing idea! A huge part of the chateau that probably gets the least love! ❤️


Thank you, I have just updated my desktop picture to the Roses of LaLande courtyard, the designer did a wonderful job! Xx


you can see the full episodes of escape to the chateau DIY ON THE ANTEE - believe you me... it took some digging 😜


I’m already getting a lot more for my $10/month than I ever expected to get and you should be free to do whatever side projects you want to do. I’d love to see you make another period costume!


Yes, thank you. This is the point I was unartfully trying to make.


I think the next project should be the messy room nr the kitchen that Stephanie wanted for all of her China, plus the laundry room


La lande........a very poor cousin !!!!! In my opinion La lande is by far the most beautiful of the 3 Chateaus' I suppose beauty really is in the eye of the beholder .


New patron here- As a student and history major in the states I have absolutely LOVED watching you during lockdown. I’m so glad I became a patron!


I feel VERY STRONGLY that replacing Isabelle's balcony should be at the top of the list!! She deserves it and that open door/window is dangerous! Percy agrees with me, I'm sure! If you've decided it will be a wooden Juliet balcony maybe that's something Selmar can take charge of.


Oooh wow! Love the roses bushes plan! So beautiful! Your outfit is great and looks so comfy! So sweet about your dad.❤❤ How about a heart shaped pool? Haha! I think I might do that one day with loads of pink. Am thinking it was Jane Mansfield who had a heart shape pool! So much fun! Congrats again!

Carrie Miller

Could one of the future targets have something to do with starting Scotman's room? (Which room does he usually use now when he visits? Does he have a favorite?) Also, my parents are archaeologists and I grew up going to surveys and excavations. I would love to see a survey done, with pit excavations in the lake before it is refilled (if you go out with the metal detector, PLEASE keep a good record of where you find things). They could definitely help with finding the old watchtowers, defensive walls, maybe even the tunnel or the old medieval site, and could help you figure out what those large cut stones in the forest are. I'm not sure how it works in France, but university archaeology programs are usually great places to start asking around as they always need field school projects for students. But you can also hire archaeologists to perform a survey. Maybe that could be another target?


Oh there’s an excellent suggestion! Definitely need more costumes! Maybe a masquerade! I’m sure Stephanie’s rubber arm could be twisted to host a fancy party LOL.


I would like an expansion of the tiers for patrons to include a $10 tier. I like the title of Baroness!


Hugs to you Stephanie~ Congratulations on hitting $11000. I’d like to make a little appeal on what I’d like to see on videos for Patreons... would mummy be able to teach us her way of planting each of the herbs/food plants? Just one plant in each week’s episode (or bi-weekly) would be so lovely!

Jana Miranda

Hello Stephanie. I sent you a message via Patreon - just a quick question for your mother. As for future goals, while low on the list of priorities, I would love to the see all the chain link fencing ousted from the property and replaced with something prettier. I think it's only atop the garden wall and around the tennis court. Congratulations on all your success and we're looking forward to seeing improvements as they come.


I'm so happy to see the progress. It's so exciting!!!! I MUST see mummy getting the new mower! She is an absolute treasure. It will also be so nice to see Percy reunited with her. We miss him as we miss Gerry. It will.be nice to see everyone together. That Fortuny fabric is MUST. I have to see that for your room. As well.as the blue bird fabric for the other room. Your channel is so much fun. It's a wonderful present to us all. 😄


Might I suggest a target ? I would love to see some decorative arts on the ceiling in the grand salon. I love that traditional French ceiling with lovely hand painting on the ceiling.


Thank you, I hadn’t looked at that channel since December or January. I prefer Stephanie’s vlogs too. But, if they post a new season of DIY I’ll want to see it as close to live as possible.


I agree with your idea to install wooden trellis obelisks in the courtyard. I think they would look gorgeous, especially if you decorate them with fairy lights! Will fairy lights be added in mummy's garden so guests can enjoy it after sunset? I don't think you can have to many fairy lights. Installing window grates, especially in the courtyard would be so beautiful as well. As far as future goals go, I would love to see the terrace flooring redone. It's a very busy place for you when your guests are visiting in the summer, and it's important to restore it before it gets any worse. I would love to see your idea of installing bookcases in the Winter Salon come true. That's something that can be done no matter what the weather is doing, and something for us to look forward to on your vlogs during the colder months. Maybe you can also work on your photo albums during that time as well? I know there is still so much to be done, but we are all looking forward to going with you on this magical journey. <3


Thank you for the recommendation! I will be ordering it


I feel a bit sad at having to wait too. Patience is a virtue which I have a really hard time getting. But it would be wonderful to use those opportunities to share with the larger public, and bring their interest into Lalande. It could benefit the chateau and community in the long run which would be a lovely thing.


This is my recommendation too. I know that we wouldn't visually see it as a decorative finish to the chateau. However, it would give you more time to: a) hopefully relax, or; b) do something interesting at the chateau, or; c) make other content for videos all much more interesting things for you, and more practical than looking for a good 4g connection. And in the end, that benefits you and the patrons. So I also wholeheartedly recommend Satellite internet as one of the next goals.


It would be a beautiful target and a treat if you can publish a coffee table book of your journey from your life in England to present day Chatelaine of Chateau de La Lande with pictures of all the rooms and captions on the work and history of each room, your father’s paintings, Michael’s photographs, pictures with the volunteers, Ian, the gardener, of course your mom, Percy and Gerry, friends and family. As your life in La Lande evolves, more volumes to the book can be added in the future.


Hi Stephanie, a target for the big glamorous ceiling you wanted for your kitchen AND one to repair the water damage on your bedroom's :) (J'adore ''Dauphin De Lalande'', currently a Count) :) LOVE your videos!


We love the idea of being dauphin and dauphine of LaLande!


Could you mention other people that you know that have chateaux? Talking about the lockdown made me think that there are others that may need support, can you make a list of other chateau owners and air BNBs?


Oh yes... how did the movie go?


II agree with other comments that completion of Stephanie's bedroom is an important project. With the wonderful patron response, and the speed with which projects could begin, it seems important to have a retreat that is "perfection." I have done this in all of the homes I have moved into, and it has been really restorative after a busy day of projects to slip into a primary bedroom that feels complete when other areas of the home are in ongoing disarray. As to the priorities for upcoming projects, I would like to see those projects which are primarily beautification, and would be aesthetically satisfying but are not truly necessary, alternate with the more structural or practical, and perhaps behind the scenes projects. Both contribute to the restoration of the chateau, but it is the structural and practical which actually will sustain it. For example, because they would contribute to the overall long term maintenance of the chateau, work on the apartments could be a priority because they will eventually provide rent which will help with other costs of the chateau. The laundry and back courtyard are other examples of the more practical, as are restoration of rooms which might house more volunteers. Obviously some projects combine the two elements, but my thought is that there should be an ongoing balance. In the meantime...it's really wonderful to be part of the magic that this little community has created as dreams begin to manifest into reality....


There seems to be a misunderstanding going on here about what Patreon is. It's a way for people who love art, such as youtube vlogs, and want to make financial contributions to the creator for those otherwise free vlogs. This allows the creator to continue doing them. So we are being patrons to the free vlogs on youtube. The ones that have 70k subscribers. And of course, the money goes to the upkeep and beautification of the chateau. As an incentive to contribute, there are tiers with some bonuses. We are allowed to feel entitled to that as those are promised to us. But that's about it. Stephanie has been so generous to us by wanting to give us fun goals to work towards, and giving little gifts like the thunderstorm recording, when we achieve them. But that's not required. It is something that Stephanie thought would be fun for us and was so generous in giving. It really shows how kind hearted she is. But we shouldn't mistake that as something we are owed. We are not entitled to those extras. And it should really be to Stephanie's discretion as to what she would like to record, when, and when she releases it. She already said that she will generously share the restoration of the courtyard once she is able. But she gets to decide when that is. It is not owed to us and certainly not within a time frame. We are getting used to receiving so much from Stephanie, above an beyond what is required from her. Let's not take that for granted. I believe Stephanie gives us all of these extras because she is kind and it makes her happy to share with us. But if we expect it, and are disgruntled when it does not arrive just in the way we want it, then that would take the joy out of it, wouldn't it? It would be a shame if Stephanie started feeling like the goals were no longer bringing joy, but only making people upset. Or if nothing she gave was "enough" to some of us. Let's reflect back on why we are here. It's to help bring the chateau back to life. And that is helping thanks to our contributions... whether we see it this week, next month or next year. We are also here to be patrons to the youtube channel which has videos many times a week. But we are not editors of that content. Stephanie has given us some power to vote on the next goals, but that doesn't mean we edit her videos for her. That's for her as the creator to decide. As for the rest of us, it's time to sit back and let go a bit. Enjoy the ride.


Hi Stephanie, I love the plans for the courtyard. I'm torn between the idea of the obelisks and what looks like rose trees? I wonder if the rose trees would hold more visual interest throughout the seasons than the obelisks. I feel like the trees would just look lovely even in the winter. It's hard to feel strongly about either option because they will both be lovely in their own way. I do like the shape of obelisks in that context too. It mirrors the shape of the fountain. I was moved to tears by your thoughts about your father. From what you've told us about him, he seems like a wonderful man who would be so proud of you. Yes, you have achieved a beautiful thing in the chateau. But you have also brought 70k people together, united in a common goal. Over 1,000 people digging in with you on the task. You have brought 70,000 people through the toughest months of a pandemic, where we were all stuck at home in various states of anxiety, health or illness, and depression. I don't think a single person has felt that being home has been a walk in the park. We have all had moments of some type of loneliness or worry. But you have brought us together, helped us get our minds off of it, and gave us some joy. Take a moment to let the magnitude of that sink in. Your father sounds like the type of man who would be proud of that accomplishment. Of the amount of help you have given to people, and of the grand community you have created. I'm so happy to hear that Marie and Natalia will be joining you soon. I was worried about what would happen to the B&B aspect of La Lande. through your youtube success. A big part of the points of interest of your vlogs is the preparation for events and guests. I'm looking forward to seeing that aspect again. And it will so fun to see Marie and Natalia on the vlog again. They are both so lovely. (I do get to see Marie on her vlogs though too. So I'm satisfied in the meanwhile ;) ) I'm also so pleased to hear the Marie (of Marie, Nic and Antoine) is planning her own instagram page. I hope she does it. I look forward to all the yummy recipes! I've been salivating over every one of her dishes! I'm keeping a list of the recipes that I would need! I do have some ideas for goals, but you may find that they are a little boring. Some of them have already been stated above, but oh well, here I go: 1) You should absolutely take a goal to invest in Satellite internet. It will save you so much time and take anxiety out of your day. Think of those hours at home, doing something you REALLY want to be doing, instead of sitting in your car in a field. It will probably trickle down to an improved vlog too, as you will be closer to the action at La Lande for those hours. (Although perhaps sitting in a field with your laptop and cows is rather peaceful?) 2) I've wondered why no chateau owners have invested in solar energy? Perhaps for the worry that it will not be attractive? I would recommend the investment, if not now, then when better and more attractive panels become available on the market 3) There must be an additional heating solution you can invest in? Fix some radiators? A whole second heating system? I know you mentioned something about this. Invest in it please, and keep warm. If the chateau is warm in the winter, I promise I will come off-season as a guest one day. I swear it! lol 4) When you mentioned the back terrace being paved, did you mean drop concrete? Or will you be investing in pavers/bricks/stones? I hope for the latter, if it's a possibility. 5) I am really excited to see what you do with your boudoir! and dressing room! I hope this makes it on the list. 6) While it's still summer, start on a plan for the back garden. I would love the idea of bosquets with roses inside. You must have a fountain, don't you think? Perhaps some espalier trees? 7) Someone mentioned removing the chain link fence along the walled garden and replacing it with something else. Yes please! I second this motion. Well, that's enough for one day. I look forward to your next vlog, as always. Take care, Katherine


I hope marie makes an Instagram with her recipes! She will do so well! 😊❤


Ohhhh. Girl! We know that you’re working hard to get things moving. It’s France... and France moves at her own pace!! ;)


Can't wait for Professor Jarvis on Fortuny.


And as the great Margaret Atwood famously wrote “nolite te bastardes carborundorum.” It’s butchered Latin for: “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” Don’t let the haters change who you are, what you do, or what you value. ;)


SOLAR! Yes, please. If I had a place do energy intensive I would totally look at solar. And France being France I bet the govt would pay for some of it. Great idea


Seconded! We've been Patrons of lots of different creators for years., Steph There's always a HW but rarely more than one. So long as you don't give in to her it won't get any worse. Whenever you mention ETCC in future pls just think of us and Patrons like us who are happy for anything that benefits Chateau de Lalande. We're not here to tell you who you can and can't film with. 😉 🥂🍸✌️


Congratulations! I've been watching your videos over the last few months in lock-down and it is such a joy to watch your progress! :)


Dauphin would be my vote! 💗 As long as I avoid a guillotine I’m happy! Love, David


Stephanie, I would love to become a baroness, I’m sorry that’s all I can contribute. I’m a single mom who fell in love with Lalande vids and everyone in them over a year ago! I can’t be without them and the light they bring! I will make it to Lalande one day!! I Absolutely loved the touching sentiments about your father! He’s definitely very happy for you! I’m so happy for you! You are so kind and generous to your patrons! The courtyard plans look lovely & the fourtny fabric is gorgeous!! Question- Are you happy with the kitchen cabinets and shelves or have you thought about a kitchen update? Adore you! xx 🏰🌿🌸


Would be great to have some more tiers to choose from, as I'd love to donate a little bit more a month, than I am currently. I love all the creative and lovely ideas in the comment section. My mind got a little overwhelmed with such wonderful potential the Chateau has!


Goals: 1) A balcony for Mummy. 2) Build china cabinetry in the Petite Salon so your guests (and Paetrons!) can see all your beautiful tableware. 3) Finish painting the shutters that beautiful blue! 4) Have Dan take his digger into the woods and create nature trails for your guests and volunteers to enjoy. 5) Restore the servant quarters above the Marquee’s apartment for volunteers! 6) Fix the Jag! 7) Build your moonlight garden around the chapel. 8) Install a fountain in the garden.


Oh I love the plans for the courtyard! It’s going to be stunning. The fabric is beautiful as well! As for something fun for the patrons, I think it would be awesome if you had a yearly party, perhaps a midsummers night party or and autumn harvest festival kind of thing. The reason midsummers night comes to mind is I instantly think of Shakespeares play and all the fun we could have with the costumes! Congratulations on hitting $11,000, and I’m so excited to see all the beautiful changes that are coming

Theresa Romero

One option for the crystals is to fill your beautiful Christmas tree with them and little, twinkling lights, and then afterwards, you create something exquisite with them for more year-round enjoyment. 💕


If you and Michael ever want to go to Hearst Castle, we have a family home close by that you are welcome to stay in. William Randolph Hearst called it “The Ranch” and he only used Booths Real Old Willow because he thought it was casual, which seems strange to us now! He has it on display. Also, many lovely antique stores nearby in the neighboring town called Morro Bay. The Central Coast is truly a must see in California!

Theresa Romero

I am so grateful for you and your vlogs. You and your circle are compassionate and kind, with a great deal of genuine appreciation for every blessing, small or large, that comes your way. I find it way enjoyable and inspiring... and healing of the heart.

Theresa Romero

Your sharing of the abundant creativity and skills of each of you brings such joy, peace, and inspiration. I feel grateful to you and yours, and wish you so many blessings.


Oh Katherine. I think you have said it so beautifully for all of us. I was not quite sure how to put it all into words.


Oh I am so excited about Marie having an Instagram for her recipes! I like that even better than getting her recipes here, because I think she is such a lovely person, and I’d love to see her do her own thing. I hope she starts it up soon!


I know that ideas for targets should probably be constructive and not frivolous but here goes...I have seen in many chateaus and castles that I've toured, family portraits in the grand hall or larger rooms. Port


Part deux..oops.. portraits (painted or photographed) of you mummy, your father, Nic and family and Michael Potts in the garb of either present day or a prior era would be wonderful.


Stephanie, congratulations on this wonderful community that you’ve developed! Your family, friends and volunteers gift us all with so much love, inspiration and laughter, it is such a joy to be part of this. As for suggestions/goals, please DO completely finish decorating your own bedroom suite! Well deserved and too long awaited. 🌸 The front courtyard garden plans are lovely, but consider metal obelisks rather than wooden ones, as suggested earlier. The laundry room upgrade, with an electric laundry press (Miele or equivalent?) would be a great help in daily life and chores. Outside the front gates area, could be planted with daffodils and other spring bulbs, followed by other seasonal plants that would naturalize over time, and would make such a lovely eye catching welcome. Perhaps more lavender? Whatever you do, the spirit of LaLande is being restored, and we are all rejoicing in this journey with you.


Hi Stephanie- lovely to see and hear you on this a special update. It IS so exciting see the growth of the targets and to open up a world of possibilities 🤸🏾‍♂️ The courtyard plans are so pretty. Lavender and roses, beautiful. My preference is for the standard rose version—l too love the simplicity of the design and Thor agrees. Hugs Kerry


Hello Stephanie! I would love the option of some new tiers :) My question is, would you be able to share the link to your London air B&b? I would love to support you when I travel and London seems somewhere I will likely return to soon when the travel limitations are lifted. I am also really keen to see Isabelle’s balcony completed!


Corridor with a view, Mummys balcony


Paving for the terrace


Hello Stephanie, Mummy, Percy, Gerald, Elusive Nic, Marie, Antione, & Selmar. Thank you so much for sharing the fountain garden with us. It will be so beautiful when it is done. It is so wonderful to see how the garden is coming along. I live in Sunny tropical North Queensland Australia, where the rainforest meets the Great Barrier Reef. We don't have the beautiful roses or bulbs that you have over there. I cannot wait to see Mummy in the flower beds. It will be so wonderful. I have a question, do you have any photos of the Lake when it was full that you could share with us? It would be very interesting to see, so that we can get behind you in the endeavour to reinstate the lake (I think that could be a banner ! ! ! !!! Thank you for all you are doing, You & the gang got me through Lockdown. !! <3


The plans for the courtyard are stunning.


I have been going through and watching all past Patreon Q&As that you have made (I was a bit behind) and I would like to add some additional comments to some of your answered questions. Firstly with the comment about lovely manors in the US that you could visit I would like to recommend Filoli, it is a gorgeous manor in California with some of the prettiest gardens I have ever seen. Second please keep updating us on your garden plans and never apologize for going into geek mode. I loved hearing about your ‘history of roses’ plan and think you should absolutely pursue it. Thank you so much for all the happiness you continue to bring us!


Maybe volunteers could help with photo sorting. This is what I am doing at the moment in between teaching remotely from home. Like you I have boxes and boxes that need to be organised, there are so many memories and stories held within each one. I am an English teacher at a girls school in Northampton, England. I have five children which I bought up on my own while studying for my degree with the Open University - really tough times. Back then I used to worry about how I would be able to look after them all when they grew up! Some of my children have often scoffed at my long held dream of renovating a canal-side wharf or a mansion and living together as family with friends but because I share you and your life with them they are now coming round to the idea and see the sense and beauty of it. In fact if we had already achieved this we would not have had to live separately during these trying times. You have spurred me on. Love the Dauphin and Dauphine title - reminds me of Shakespeare's Henry V!


The Fortuny fabric is incredible and a real steal at that price !! So glad that you got it, it will never lose it's value and will make the room look incredible xoxoxo


Rather than using the crystals for a Christmas tree what about a crystal (mindfulness) garden with a tree decorated with the crystals and some warm glow solar lights ?


I think metal obelisks or the wooden ones you suggest would be better for creating structure in the courtyard it could be quite bare in winter without them , see lots road auction for garden obelisks this weekend.


What a great idea.. there is something like this in the movie "a little chaos" with Kate Winslet. It's a wishing tree, I think. A great movie about Versailles gardebs. Not historically accurate. But I love it.


So when I woke this morning I was shocked and upset to read @Hope Walker’s comment to Stephanie. Hope, even though I don’t agree with you I do support your right to express your view and opinion; but I cannot and do not support in any way your suggestion that Stephanie is being, or has been fraudulent with our Patreon pledges. To suggest Stephanie is being fraudulent (based on the dictionary.com definition of fraudulent) is to suggest she is cheating us and being dishonest with her use of the Patreon funds we contribute. Personally I do not believe this, infact I believe she is being extremely open and honest with us about the money raised. Stephanie has mentioned to us in several Q&A’s now that all the money we contribute (after taxes and any other legally required deductions) will be exclusively used for the renovation of the chateau, and she has reiterated this again with her comments at the beginning of this most recent video, and has also repeated her intention to make available to us at the end of the year a breakdown of how our pledged money has been spent. She’s also mentioned before that she and the other participants in the Escape to The Chateau DIY programme are not paid by the TV company for appearing in the show, so again she is indeed using the pledges that we pay for the intended purpose of restoring La Lande, wherever and however they are spent. We are a community here of presently about 1100 patrons who are committed in one way or another to the restoration of the chateau, to its people, and to this community. I wonder if you consider the damage that could be done to all of this if your accusation of criminal fraud were to be repeated elsewhere, or how Stephanie might personally feel to have such an accusation levelled against her? Perhaps in your mind turn it around to imagine how you would feel if someone were to level such an accusation against you? I’m certainly not asking for you to apologise for raising your point as a concern for you, but I am asking you to reconsider your use of the word ‘fraudulent’ with regard to it, and perhaps to apologise for it. To close I’d like to ask us all, both here and out in the wider world, to remember those wise words from the instructions from the Trivial Pursuit game so many of us might have played in the past, to remember to put our mind in gear before putting mouth (or in this case our keyboards) in action. Thanks for reading. Sid


Hello everybody! What do you think of this idea? hahahaha ... Nobility titles from the Kingdom of Lalande: Dauphin = 200 or larger personal donations. Prince = 100 Arc-duc = 75 Duc = 50 Marquis = 35 Comte = 20 Vicomte = 10 Baron = 5 Chevalier = Voluntiers


Stephanie I love what you are wearing in this vlog😍Really enjoy these Q&A videos. The plans for the courtyard fountain are great and I look forward to it’s progress!


Just checked out the Tesla tiles and definitely worth assessing if Lalande wishes to explore this option so thanks for suggesting Katherine


Stephanie, The plan for the courtyard garden are lovely. Climbing roses on Traditional Wooden Obelisks would be historically correct.


Standard Roses were developed in the late 18th /early 19th Century in Germany


Stephanie I just want you to know that I stand by what you are doing! I do not feel misled at all! You are extremely generous and I am personally happy that my funds and being used in any way you see fit! Especially televising the projects and potentially adding more Chateau lovers to our incredible group! Don’t let the rotten apples get you down! Also the courtyard designs are STUNNING and I am so proud that a fellow Canadian and a Torontonian at that was able to share her gift! ❤️ Keep up the incredible work! You are so generous with your time, videos and special gifts to us, your positivity and light has made such a difference in my life


I am happy to have joined in May as a new patron as I felt I got so much joy out of watching all of your videos. I look forward to them during the week and I love the thought that even a small amount of my money each month goes a long way towards helping you achieve your goals. You are a great advocate and steward of the resources for your chateau, and I am happy to help you on your quest. I think of being a Paton as just leaving a few extra dollars in the tip jar after a visit to my favorite coffee shop. It's just a virtual way of saying, "keep up the good work!" It's not possible to make a group of 1100+ people happy in any circumstance, and I think you are doing an admirable job of being open an honest about your goals and use of funds for the chateau....even going to the effort to solicit feedback on what projects should be. For all the people who would be upset that certain projects possibly would not be vlogged in real time, there are others who would have immense pride at seeing their $5 going to good work while viewing ETTCDIY. I'm sure if you are able to post photo or narrative updates, you will happily do so. If I had to ask 1,000 people how I should proceed with the renovations for my home, I would not end up nearly as kind and gracious as you are!


The patio should definitely be a target. Also the formal gardens. I lived your idea of the rose rooms. Also I’m sure you have a HUGE list of topics for videos, but it would be lovely to have one on lace. I think you’ve collected a few pieces over the years and are interested in it. I inherited a beautiful box of lace samples from my grandmother but I know absolutely nothing about lace and would love to know more about the history and creative process behind it. Because we have to wait until the fountain planting is shown on ETTC, does that mean we won’t see the results until next year when it’s shown on TV? That would be such a shame as the designs look so beautiful and I can’t wait to see it!


I am really looking forward to the future vlog you mentioned about what other attractions there are in the immediate area around the chateau. Also, as some other people have mentioned already, please finish the story of what happened with the movie that led to you inviting volunteers to keep you company.


Hi everyone, My vote is for paving the terrace. I love that area. The courtyard plans are lovely with the roses and lavender. I like the idea of having some kind of winter interest like the suggestion of trellises or obelisks with climbing roses. I can't wait to see the final plans you pick Stephanie! :)


As you know, I'm a supporter of yours if you choose to save the fountain planting for ETTC DIY. However, one thing to keep in mind... would it restrict your ability to film what is happening at the Chateau? Think of all the things that happen in the courtyard that you film regularly? If someone arrives at the chateau you might film the welcome. The moving of the sheep happens in passing by the courtyard. Bathing in the fountain. General shenanigans. Would you feel restricted in your filming if for an entire year, you are unable to film anything that happens at the front of the Chateau? A little thing to keep in mind. Cheers!


I don’t want to stir things up again, but I agree with so many of the others. I was very disappointed that the courtyard could become a segment for ETTCDIY. You set it as a goal and we stepped up and helped pay for it. There are plenty of other projects you could develop with the production company. Please don’t take away one of our projects - that as we’ve heard from Michael they might not even include in the show after days of filming. Besides, your Paetrons are from around the world and may not have access to see the show. We don’t have a cable subscription, so I’ve never seen it.


Stephine, I love the courtyard render, showing the alliums and the roses! I can visualize the roses on the four wooden trellis obelisks. I would love for patrons to vote on future projects, possibly the Dauphin and Dauphine members could help narrow our votes, and you and Mummy could make the deciding judgment? I am excited about the outbuildings and wood hanger being converted when that time comes. I have a vlog idea- I would love to see a Sundays in-depth video on tapestries in the chateau and the history of tapestry production or weaving in France. Your videos provide so much positivity and a real sense of hope! When I finish paying off my student loan debt I want to visit the chateau as a volunteer--- I wonder if we know the year that we plan to visit in my case 2023 should we put our name in for a volunteer spot now or wait before we submit our references to you?


HI, I think all the plans are great! Roses are one of my favourite flowers and would adore my own rose garden. I have 2 in pots but they're not doing too well! I just want to add that I trust you to spend what you raise on whatever you deem appropriate and certainly have no misgivings on your ethics or morals!! I don't feel you need to explain but thank you for doing so. I also hope you pay yourself an income, again I don't really feel it's my business but I think you earn it, plus expenses for equipment and outfits!! That's just my opinion and it's meant well. Thank you for the love, laughter and joy xx


Loving all the new plans! I do hope you get the patio paved, that is a good good plan! Thanks again for all the joy you bring to my life!

Jana Miranda

I was finally able to see the renderings of the courtyard (even in the middle of 4 million people, my wifi has issues). I love the plan, and obviously Thor will too. The Fortuny fabric is gorgeous and you shouldn't feel the least bit guilty about paying $3100 for it. You've been so price conscious over the years, scouring charity shops and brocantes to furnish the chateau with great finds. Thank you for sharing your art and inspiration through vlogging. I was referred to your channel by another vlogger, for whom I'm also a Patron, Nicole Storey (Nicki Positano on youtube). Because of your channel, I've made it through lockdown (mostly) and was inspired to refinish my kitchen table, make a small shelf above my sideboard/antique organ to hold my yellow ware, create a proper outdoor dining space on my covered patio and add more art to my home in the form of an antique oil-painting of a landscape (also found while scouring flea markets). My next projects are to repair/repaint an old bench for the kitchen table and hang my three 19th century portraits of my French ancestors (one of which needs a new, properly fitted frame). Thank you!


Sorry I’m new to this but how do you add a comment to a reply to an earlier comment I’ve made? I’m trying to link in but nothing seems to connect duh 😜ok with difficulty I’ve managed to access the side to get to the arrow and dots thanks Sid 👍🏻


Thank you for the beautiful card! I love all your videos! You are inspiring!


Hi. If it’s a comment that someone else has made that you would like to reply to hit the backward arrow under the comment to respond to it, or if it’s a comment that you have posted yourself that you would like to add to or amend then you can click on the three dots under your comment and you’ll see a pen icon you can press to edit it. Hope this helps.


Laura, I totally agree!! The entire time I was listening to Stephanie, I kept thinking "I love that dress"! :) Stephanie, you inspire us in so many different ways....you are a gem!


How excited was I to receive my card today - thank you x


I know that you will increase your revenue by leaps and bounds if you add more tiers. Speaking only for myself, I could easily increase my donation by $5 per month. There are probably many others out there that can do the same. More options equals more opportunity! Let's keep moving it forward.


If you can redesign the patron tiers then I can be a patron for Michael too!


Stephanie, just a suggestion... you might want to put a caveat that the owners of Lalande reserve the right to delay publication of projects in case they are included in a TV show. Also that you reserve the right to work on other projects while still meeting the Patreon tier benefits. My worst realization? That we are now caught up with the videos!!!!! We are now watching Advent Calendars and then will watch Sunday’s at the Chateau!


Can Patrons have priority tickets to The Marriage of Figaro if it goes ahead please ?

Dan Ruggiero

regarding project suggestions: I think paving of the terrace is very important and had thought of it myself. However, a fun project you mentioned and not too expensive is the candlelit dining room adjacent to the wood fired oven. It could be fun to have wood oven inspired meals there. Hope to be there at Lalande sooner than later. Best always.


I totally agree with this. Also the Boudoir which could become a wonderful space for editing and filming the researched specialist vlogs. Or, just a very private space which you will need when you and Michael become the next big You Tube stars.


Haha, you must also limit volunteers to be painters, artists, gardeners, designer, crafters, etc. The château will be restored in shortest time


I suggest to first finish everything related to gardening because it takes a while for the plants to grow and it would be a pity to start those late and not enjoy the full growth.


Tomaz, that is FAB! I really want the title "Baroness", I like it the most though it is the lesser fancy of them all. Could we call people who turn up with rude or unkind comments in our community "peasants"?! No, it would of course be an insult to peasants, so pardon my sense of humour. Marie Antoinette liked to pretend she was a sheperdess after all. I just hope Stephanie keeps her joy and spirit forever and ever, as it is SO infectious and brings so much great mental health to so many!


Ideas. Well I have one which I hope is acceptable to other Patreons. First some background. I am a single woman living alone with my Great Dane. I am a mature student. I was thrown into lockdown (along with the rest of Britain) practically overnight. I like my own company (fortunately) but I love being around people. I don’t pay for subscription tv. I stumbled upon Stephanie on your tube and recognised her from ETTC. I was, at that point, struggling a lot. I was lonely and I couldn’t focus on my studies with an essay looming. So what did I do? I binge watched Chateau Diaries. Hours and Hours. I laughed, a lot, I cried, I gained inspiration for my upcycling and I climbed out of the ever deepening hole. Then Stephanie did a vlog (sorry I can’t remember which but think it was in Venice) in which she had obviously done research. I was struggling to write an essay on The Big House in Ireland at that point because I couldn’t focus. That Vlog turned a light on for me. It put the fun back into researching it. I used quotes from Yeats and Bowen. All thanks to Stephanie’s enthusiasm I found mine. I got a high score! I saw that I could be a Patreon so signed up immediately. Not for the benefits (which I am more than happy with) but as a thank you for the hours of blissful entertainment that takes even more hours to produce. I know people who are patreons elsewhere and they pay just so that person can afford to continue to produce that material. IDEA. So my idea is that Stephanie takes an amount of money each month as a wage from the funds to ensure that we can continue to benefit from the vlogs. I agree that targets are a good thing, maybe even a longer term Schedule of Works and Account updates could work. I don’t care about seeing instant progress or if things are held back for tv. I care that Stephanie is devoting so much care and attention to breathing life into this beautiful Chateau. Not only is she a Vlogger and Chatelaine but a Curator and do you know how much Curators earn? Controversial maybe, but I see it as a wise investment as , I suspect, would any board members.


At first I was surprised to hear we wouldn’t see video for some time of specific goals reached, and wasn’t sure it sat right, but the more I’ve read the comments of others and thought about it, it’s ultimately your decision what to do with *your* money and your business. Indeed! If creating content for network cable in the UK draws more attention to your business, and in the end more patrons, then everybody wins. And I do think most people are contributing money in order to help La Lande and make it the best it can be for the future..I didn’t really sign up expecting xx amount of videos and to see every last thing. You could also argue that at the end of the day we’re paying for your content (albeit with an external goal) and typically content producers don’t clear anything with their audience! I think you’re doing great and many of us are so happy to see what you’re doing, and whatever you produce whenever it comes out, Erin


And ps are happy when you do ask for our feedback, which you don’t have to! Xx


Sorry for very long previous post. Just another thought. I mentioned a schedule of works. It may be good for all of the ideas to be collated into a spreadsheet and then prioritised. I know that the Lake Is a priority and I think that it might be good to have a thermometer to see how close the target is to getting that done. It’s a good way to keep us all focused. Maybe we could even have some fundraising events on line. Then some smaller quick win projects like the mower etc can be vlogged. I’m a sucker for a tractor so going along on a shopping trip would be fun.


hi Stephanie. I hope u r ok after this mixed bag of comments.. I don't like the underlying tone of this thread and it must be horrible to be at the end of it.. all you are trying to do is support lalande to grow and stay here..and u offer things to your patrons along the way.. u have much more positive support that negative.. we love watching you and ur friends and family laugh cry get excited..try new things make and fix things ..share knowledge and generally have fun..just keep going as u are and we will continue to be with u with support and ideas..and visits xxx


I think that's a lovely idea. And I loved reading about how you found the vlogs and the inspiration it has given you


Whooo!!!!!!! Over 12K now!!!!!!!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆


Hi Stephanie. I'd like to thank you for the wonderful work you are doing on these videos, they bring so much joy to the world. I love the garden design and would not mind waiting a bit to see it on the channel if that means you get to work with ETTC. The only thing is that I am currently in the US and have found no (legal) way to watch ETTC and I would love to get my hands on it, especially your episodes. While I know you have no control over the production and airing of the show, if you could let them know that there is a growing fanbase outside of the UK that would be willing to pay to watch the show I would greatly appreciate it. Best wishes!


Congratulations on the 12k!


Wow! How awesome! 12K+ 🍾🥂


Wow, many. many comments. Stephanie must be exhausted. I know I am. I found her first on Youtube, ETTC DIY second. I think she popped up since I've been researching chateaus, buying a property in France, etc. Quite scary when you come to think of it. I can only see what people post on Youtube anyway since the TV doesn't show it here. And I don't own a TV anymore. I think she is doing a good job. But one must remember, doing videos and having a Patreon account is a full-time job. It's not a hobby one can stop doing just like that. I like the ETTC DIY, it's so much fun. And I must say, out of all of them Stephanie is simply the best. :) However, I think you must focus a bit more on your Patreon account. I know people are leaving you messages. Read and answer 10 every night, sooner or later everyone who has written will get an answer. Give my love to everyone at Lalande!


I think new tiers are a great idea and though I may never be one, I like Dauphin/Dauphine best for the top tier. Although I can understand some people’s opinion with regard to the whole Escape to the Chateau question, I’m happy for you to choose what’s best for the Chateau. I’m sure you will come up with something that will please everyone though. I would imagine people are keen to see the progress and maybe feel too excited to wait a year! Let’s not forget that there will be plenty to see in the Chapel and the new vlog with Michael to look forward to as well. Just watching your daily life is the craic anyway! I’d watch that all day. Got my card today as well it’s smelled legit 😍


I think Mary has made some interesting points and I like the idea that moving forward perhaps ETTC projects could be kept separate from patron target projects. I think that could be a win/win for everyone. Stephanie and the chateau would be on the show, ETTC would get their content, and we would get to enjoy the surprise of seeing an unexpected project as well. Winners all round. What’s not to like with that 😊.


Oh Stephanie!!! $12,000 a month is such a blessing. Congratulations!!!


Hello Stephanie. I did suggest this once before though I think it may be one of the comments you’ve not yet got around to for Q&A filming. I’d like to see one of the targets being to start the planning for Gerry’s apartment. There’s so much building work to do there, so maybe an architect inspection and some preliminary architectural drawings?


Stephanie, thank you so much for sharing your life...your world with us. Your vlogs have been a particularly bright spot at this time and it is such a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful community family! Your positivity is infectious ( as is your laugh!!! ) and it is so lovely to see your relationship with your Mummy and your friends. Thank you for my beautiful card- it arrived today xx


Hi Stephanie, we're so happy to be a part of this community! Thanks for all the work you do. It's really made lock-down in Argentina more fun for us. I look forward to every video! Also congratulations on reaching $12,000!! My husband has a request, he would love for you to say or add the "à bientôt " note at the end of the patreon videos - lol.


With the next target I would love to see a balcony put on mummy's apartment. Sending lots of love from a rainy Ireland


Congratulations on 12K! So exciting! xo


I also wanted to tell you that you've inspired me learn French again. I learnt when I was a kid in New Caledonia, and the same as you, my mum sent me and my sister there by ourselves. It kind of gave me an aversion to it.... But watching the Chateau diaries has really made hearing French fun again and I want to be able to speak it when we come to visit you. (We also want to volunteer, hopefully next year ;)).


I would love to know what work needs to be done for all the rooms you’ve started to be finished to the best of their abilities. That way we can work through finishing all the rooms then starting on new areas. X


This may sound daft but is there a way of being a Marquise but not having your name in the credits or just your first name? Maybe a line in Patreon to say how you want to be known? For us shy ones....maybe we get free brown bags signed by Nick lol


Great idea - I keep forgetting despite watching all the tours.


The Advent Calendars are pretty fabulous! You're lucky ducks (hint hint) to be watching those for the first time!


Stephanie, amazing, you’ve made it to the worldwide top 1000 patrons! Number 1000 on the list is showing as having 1132 patrons and you now have 1133.


Hey Stephanie, you may not have thought about it, but before you fill the lake running the metal detector over it could find some exciting finds. Imagine how many boats have capsized with lovely ladies jewellery lol.


Wondered if it would be a better idea to take small pieces of the old wallpaper and frame them rather than leave them there as leaving it as it is will mean dust, spider/cobwebs etc which all means more ongoing maintenance and cleaning for the next 1000 years. Just a thought :)


(Sheree) Stephanie there are so many wonderful suggestions here for future goals...many, we all know, are already on your wish list as you have taken us around the Chateau in your vlogs...your eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation of what you can now see and for years have only dared dream of. There is a wonderful plethora of maintenance goals, decoration goals, restoration goals, income generating goals...all fantastic suggestions and each and every one important. I am going to be completely frivolous and a little bit selfish...I would love love love to see the crockery room come to fruition (and I reserve my place being there as a volunteer when you do it ha ha!!!). Fabric is a passion of mine too so I am soaking up all you have to say and do on this topic...but crockery does make me swoon even more and stirs the belly. You have shared so many of your patterns to date but the vlog you did for the garden tablescape and you opened your kitchen cupboards for the first time...well...smelling salts were required :-) From the moment you first mentioned your desire to have a crockery room I have whittled away many hours dreaming about it on your behalf...I even have a pinterest board dedicated to it!! But at the end of the day whatever your projects / goals are...they are all so thrilling and for me, if I see the final result next week, next month or next year...it is all completely OK! After all this is your home and goodness knows you have stood the test of time and been ever so patient to see your visions come to life...we can do the same. Remember: You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will always be someone who hates peaches. – Dita Von Teese


I had that same thought! The frames wouldn't need to be big. Just wallpaper swatches of the same size, framed individually. That would look quite nice either for decorative and/or historical purposes.


Money should go towards the swimming pool and spa!


I am grateful to contribute to the Chateau and I do so because I know Stephanie is deserving and for more than 15 years has made incredible decisions. I don't feel like voicing input on what goes where is something necessary as Stephanie is very capable of delegating the Chateaus needs. If I was going to suggest something though it would be to take a week off to have a proper break. She's earned it!


Looks like the next goal has been reached..... $12,215!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!


I think the laundry room with a large washing machine and lots of rails and shelves with a roller iron to make the sheets easier for you all


Oh for goodness sake does it really matter if a production company airs a project first. The Vlogs for me have and are a real pleasure to watch they make my days especially during these trying times it was and is exciting to become a Patreon. To have my eyes opened to beautiful fabrics, to appreciate lovely china to see someone explain and enjoy everything. Stephanie exudes such joy in everything and is so modest and appreciative by what people do for them all at Chateau de Lalande. I enjoy the gift openings too. A question do you think Isabelle and Percy will settle down at Lalande or will they continue to move between UK, France and SA? When you are back as a B&B and back to some normality would you tell your new guests if you won't be there when they stay as I personally would be disappointed not to see you if I do manage a trip in 2022. Have a good weekend and keep on being you.xxx


There are already too many comments on this post and I don't know how Stephanie will keep up with all of them, but I feel the need to express my support with my own words, not just liking other people's comments. I feel like we're all here to help restore the chateau and the community has been very positive and supporting so far but I'm afraid that the exponential growth of the Patreon page will bring some who will feel entitled to certain content. I just hope, Stephanie, that you can keep reminding yourself that you didn't drag or force anyone to become Patreon, it's their own will, and the benefit for the Tier they choose is the only thing you promised in return. Anything else is generosity on your part which we're all grateful for. As happy I am for all the support we see here, I'm also worried that the more people means more opinions to please. Maybe you should set some boundaries and clear things out about what people have the right to expect, and what is simply a gift from that you are in no way obliged to give. Some people will most certainly not like it, but at least you'll save yourself from stress in the future. It's more sustainable to have clear boundaries. Having said that, thank you for all the updates you give us on youtube and here, thank you for creating fun content for us to escape to and thank you for always being so transparent and open and for letting us experience life in the French chateau even if we're thousands of kilometers away.


Stephanie, I found it lovely and very moving to hear that you and your Mother talk about what your Father would say if he were there. I'm sure he would have enjoyed every minute of it!! So no need to apologise for getting emotional. I on the hand just had something in my eye. The paving of the terrace would get my vote. Also and this is just a thought that occurred to me, the steps from the terrace to the garden could maybe do with some TLC, especially if you are having your concert at sunset.


Welcome to all the new Patrons!! What a magical thing you have all created!! Please feel free to join our amazing fan page for loads of Chateau info, pictures, chats and surprises! https://www.facebook.com/groups/fansofchateaudelalande/


I am 100% sure that your father is loving watching how much fun you are having doing what you love!


For real tho: it would be amazing if the next target was better internet. Ya, it’s not flashy or beautiful, but it’s perfect for the patrons. Patrons love the vlogs and faster internet would mean vlogs would be easier to make and live streams would be higher quality.


Yes!!! Please get better Internet as next goal!!!!💖💖💖💖💖


Goodness me! What a strange mix of comments under this video. Stephanie, you are so gracious in your responses to the most outlandish claims and accusations of people with an inflated sense of entitlement. I fear I would be less forbearing. Please know that the vast majority of your patrons clearly understand the contract we have entered into, with regards the Patreon programme, and are thrilled with our tier rewards. The delightful extras that you share with us to celebrate milestone goals are much appreciated but not expected. You are perfectly free to make autonomous choices on how the monthly patron money will be spent and whatever you decide to film and share is also completely up to you! I hope that the joyfulness of this community will not be sullied by the voices of a few odd bods who throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. Kia Kaha from New Zealand xx


they call the big pressing machines for sheets here MANGLERS!!


Dearest Stephanie, Mummy, Scottman, Marie, Antoine, The Elusive Nick, Michael & the whole of the Family La Lande, please please dont ever stop doing exactly what you are doing right now, exactly the way you are doing it. This whole thing - & you have been such a delightful escape from everything here in the States during such a very dark time in our history, one I fear we will not recover from in a way we will ever be recognized - and when I read hateful comments it literally just breaks my heart. There are few people on earth you can look at and think "now there goes a genuinely nice person, someone without guile or ulterior motives, just a joyful beam of light" and to bring that into our homes when it's all so dim right now has been so refreshing - please don't stop or let anyone bring you down. Your father was right, do what you love and the rest will take care of itself. Well he is looking over you and don't let anyone get you down. Happy people don't try to bring other people down - to quote our teen daughter, and every pop star on the planet "haters gonna hate" So please just let it all just let it roll of your back like water, block them and move on. Don't let them spoil the soup. You, your family and La Lande are wonderful- keep shining. 💐🌸💕🌸


wonderfully said. thank you.


I so agree....


I love your idea of renovating a canal side wharf or mansion! I mean - we only get one go at things right? why not make it a great adventure ❤


I cannot tell you how much it upset me when I read Hope's comments about "fraud"... I really hope her parents saw the irony in her name😑


amen.... a-freaking-men


I am a volunteer and held numerous officer duties (president, treasurere, etc) for several non profit service organizations, and I understand about how funds get distributed. Its not simply money in/out. Best to you all. Hugs from "bus driver Gail"


Better internet. Also what about new gravel in the driveway? Not glamorous but might be needed.


You deserve it all ~ ~ ~ Would love to send you a book in French called 365 Chateaux de France for your venture with Michael- if possible to send to Mason to bring you, please email me his VT address - namkaur@gmail.com. Loving all your blogs, the in-depth Sundays, the Live Q&A, life at La Lande, your travels, and gift opening....


Improved Internet sounds like a perfect target. Would even serve any future guests or workers as well :)


I agree Shannon. There are ways to say things and there are definitely ways NOT to say things.


I am so glad that Nati and Marie are coming to help Stephanie


I have been rewatching old videos and came across the one where you explored the old mill. This would be a perfect project to begin to take on and I think it would be a fabulous for ETTC. It is a project we would all like to see done but it's a bit easier to keep off the normal vlogs because it is not part of the main house. It would also probably benefit from some structural engineers and additional hands that I'm sure the show would help to find.


I am on the Better Internet Team!!! Just imagine the time it would save you. More time for creative endeavours and less time out with the cows. Complete your bedroom area is up there too. Mummy's balcony. But ultimately I am happy for you to do whatever you wish, just as long as we all get to come along on the journey with you. I would also love a $10 tier please. Keep well. J


I like this idea Joan. I was also going to suggest an A5 diary called ‘A Year at La Lande’ where the diary is interspersed with photos, maybe quotes, recipes etc. I would happily buy this and if ready by year end would make lovely Christmas presents for friends and family. Just a thought.


Please don’t focus on the few when so many are championing your endeavors. You can make everyone happy.


I totally agree with fully revamping the terrace. Not just gravel! Pimp it up!


Brenda, thank you for reminding me to hit the like button! I’d forgotten! I’ve been going back and ticking the button 🤗


My 3 project suggestions: 1) FULLY REVAMPING THE TERRACE: not only with new gravel, but adding patio furniture, a flower border, flower planters. Pimp it up! 2) STEPHANIE´s BEDROOM and BOUDOIR: we are all dying to see that renovation! 3) PATIO GAZEBO or PICNIC AREA: I think it would be great to create a "picnic" or sitting space either in the walled garden or somewhere else (the old boat house?) to have one more place to enjoy lunches and get togethers. BONUS PROJECT 4) A "non sexy" project is to improve internet and the heating system in La Mande. It might be expensive and have a low visibility, but eventually, it is a must.


PLEASE ALL PATRONS - I feel we contribute to La Lande because we have enjoyed endless, pleasurable hours as Stephanie, her family, co-owners and friend share their lives and vision for the Chateau with us. I honestly think it does not entitle us to dictate how the money is spent. It is a lovely gesture from Stephanie, to ask us to suggest ideas for future renovations, to feel we’ve contributed in some way. ETTC is how I found you Stephanie and I am eternally thankful to them. It is your choice as always to decide how you share your life and renovations with us. Love the courtyard plans ☺️


Oh and please invest in a good internet service and I also agree with a few other above who have requested you take a wage from the Patreon account also!


I think this week's vlog has just highlighted that need!


Terrace for the pizza / bread oven including tables with check tablecloths and chianti bottle candles


Hello, Stephanie. I totally agree with Shel Wyatt. You have given me lots of wonderful hours of joy during lockdown. You make me dream too! Best wishes. Hannah G


Thank you Stephanie for your words about what your father said about money. We are currently in the process of buying a house here in the countryside and although it is a childhood dream coming true it is also very daunting. I have watched all of your Chateau diaries in the past weeks and it really helped to grow a mindset of: if Stephanie can make a big Chateau such a wonderful home a small house over here is doable, too. I love to see all the things at Lalande that are already changing and it is so much fun seeing everyone so exited. Looking forward to the Fortuny episode as I'm a big enthusiast for all things patterns and fabric, too. The one about the toile de jouy was very interesting and got me researching this topic more.


Team Internet 🥂


For Americans: Escape To The Chateau DIY is on Amazon Prime (which has a free trial of 30 days, I think).


I’m honesty kinda shocked by some of the negativity on here. More positivity, please. Yay, Escapism!


I’m on the $5 tier. I really don’t want to jump up to $20, but I would totally jump up to $10.


Beautifully said Shel! My vote for how you use some of the monthly money is to 1. allocate a wage for yourself and 2. satellite/internet would also be great to save you time. Both of these contribute to you being able to continue to make videos (which I/we all love!) and focus on planning/doing the renovations. So please know that these types of expenses are, therefore, money very well spent on chateau renovations. So appreciate you Stephanie and the beauty you are adding to the world!


My number 1 goal request is still the lake completion including designing the island and the boat house, but a close 2nd is Scot Man’s apartment!


Hi Stephanie and family, I must say I love the ideas you bring up as to how you would like to spend the patron monies. I am happy to be one of your patrons and enjoy every video update you share with us. I was moved to hear you speak about dad. He would be so proud to see where things are headed with your beloved chateau. Mahalo for sharing your adventure with all of us❣️


Hello stephanie, my name is charlie moon I am 9 and I love you and michael and your vlogs. My mum and dad have have put me on here for my early birthday present. I am so happy . I live in france too. Love charlie


Wouldn’t that be so much fun to help with the crockery room! I, too have dreamed about how to organize all the beautiful china Stephanie has accumulated! I believe we could get a huge team to work on that which would be the biggest joy!

Denise Behrends

TIER TITLES / COURTYARD DESIGN / PROJECTS for CHATEAU: (Sorry this is so long!—Thought I’d touch on the topics for which you requested feedback this week here in one place) TIER TITLES: The luxurious Fortuny fabric will be perfect for your bedroom as Princess of Chateau de Lalande. I would love for you to allow us to reserve the title of Princess for YOU, Stephanie. I know you are much too humble to declare that title for yourself, but that’s how I think of you: a true modern day Princess. And I mean that with the utmost admiration for you as a genuine mentor for living life to the fullest. I adore the titles of DAUPHIN and DAUPHINE for the highest Patreon tier, as they are such beautiful words and titles to aspire to. [Of course, those who are currently in the tier for Marquis / Marquise should express their preferences as to their titles.] COURTYARD DESIGN: Trust your aesthetic instincts for design, as they have created such beauty. I do love your idea of the trellis obelisks for climbing roses versus the standard rose bushes. Would it be possible to have the obelisks fashioned out of iron into the shape of the chateau towers, to thus add complementary architectural interest year round? Or another idea for a classic look would be to plant the roses in garden urns in the style and grandeur of those in the Jardin de Versailles. Splendid idea to include those stone benches on the plans with views toward the fountain. The climbing trellis roses on the Chateau walls are so romantic! I can envision you opening your bedroom French doors like a scene out of a fairytale princess book! IDEAS FOR CHATEAU PROJECTS: Adding balcony railing to each of the upper level windows of the front side of the center wing of the chateau to match the one at your bedroom French doors, so that each of your private rooms have a balcony—and balcony railings for Mummy’s bedroom too! / Completing your most luxurious dream décor for all of your suite of private rooms—bedroom, bathroom, boudoir, dressing room / Floor-to-ceiling bookcases in the Winter Salon / Boiserie panels in the Grand Salon / Extending the terrace with lovely stonework all the way over to the French doors leading in and out of the kitchen—Imagine how lovely to step out of the kitchen in the morning with your tea or coffee directly onto a stone terrace! Stephanie, your stories of your father and the bond you still share, are truly touching. It means so much that you trust us enough to be vulnerable in your emotions. I appreciate everything you do for us and the precious gift that is you, shining your light and sharing your life in the most lovely chateaus of them all. Your grace inspires us all.


I’m super forgetful about hitting the “like” button 🤦🏼‍♀️. I just went back and made sure all the 👍🏻 were clicked! Took five minutes and hopefully the YouTube algorithm will pick up on it and post the chateau on the main page! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I agree wholeheartedly with all of the positive comments. Stephanie is generous beyond measure and shares her heart, soul, and love of Lalande with us. I feel honored to have stumbled on the jewel that is Lalande because of my love of all things French. Little did I know that I would fall in love with this magical chateau and all that eat, live, work, and play there. Stephanie was the draw. Lalande would NOT be the magical and loving place that it is without her. SHE gives life to Lalande. Everything and everyone else is the icing on the beautiful cake. After following and getting much joy from the vlogs, I jumped at the chance to become a patron....to contribute to restoring Lady Lalande to the best that she can be in this day and time under the loving care of Stephanie. My whole family thought I had gone quite mad in the beginning and thought my dream of going to volunteer in a chateau halfway around the world. I sent them key vlogs and they fell in love with Lalande as well as Stephanie, Mummy, Scotman, and the intriguing cast of characters that make up the heart and soul of Lalande. So yes, I am very vested in Lalande and want only the best for her...and that means Stephanie being at the helm of the restoration ship ! I hadn’t been reading the comments until today and was quite saddened that drama has occurred and may threaten this very special gift we have been given...to be a part of Stephanie and Lalande’s adventures. To Stephanie, my family and I love you and your family and fully trust your decisions. Stay well and carry on !!! You have brought much happiness to many💗


Never ever worry about it being "just a small bit" I know that Stephanie would never want anyone to go without to help La Lande - she just wants everyone to enjoy. Just remember every little bit helps and if you can you can if you cant just watch and enjoy the beauty that is La Lande. Everyone is a part of it by just watching. It's a difficult time in the world and I know there are times we can afford a bit and times we can't so never worry. Many hands make for light work. I try to use the vlogs to teach our daughter that history and art history is a living thing and FUN!! not just dates and times and Stephanie does the most AMAZING job of that! never worry- I'm sure she would never want that - shania such a ray of sunshine😁🌸

Theresa Romero

The courtyard landscaping plan looks so very lovely! It is perfection!


Hi Stephanie, I am Italian but I moved to Chicago 3 years ago. If you decide to learn Italian and you want a pen pal or just to make some conversation.... just reach out! :)


Hi Stephanie, when you get the lake going again have you considered using the stream/river to generate energy for the chateau?


adding a chandelier into the dining room would be magical, finishing your "china pantry" idea and finishing the terrace would be great to do before the fall, also you could get patio furniture at a reduced price in the fall :)


Just watching Michael and Stephanie video about the empty lake would be wonderful to have a lake back and with fish and the island you talked about not good you was tricked into emptying it


Regarding courtyard design, what about really large Versailles planters with obelisks ? It would be less maintenance than box hedges, which are really difficult to grow because of box blight disease, and you could experiment with the planting each year?

Denise Behrends

I adore the idea of the classic style and grandeur of Versailles garden urns in the courtyard.


I vote for the pool to be one of the upcoming "levels"!


you are amazing Stephanie and am so happy to be able to help the chateau- whatever you decide to do with the money donated to you Im happy


Hi Stephanie well done on making dreams come true. Can I suggest you finish the kitchen corridor Loo it's not a big job but I think it would be nice to give a bit of Stephanie magic to the well used small room and I'm sure your volunteers would appreciate it.


There are so many comments here that I don't know if you will ever get around to reading this one, but I just wanted to let you know that whatever new Tiers that you setup, which would involve changing our current $100.00 Tier name of which I am a member, is just fine with me. New Tiers would allow other patron's to increase their support as well as bring on board those, who really want to assist but are unable to with the current Tier settings. As I have stated on YouTube (aka Gypsy) and here, for me it has been about restoring this Grand Lady, and yes that is my term for her, though maybe not others, to her true glory. Again I thank you for setting up the Patreon account so we can all enjoy this amazing journey. Many blessings to you, Isabelle, Percy, Nic, Michael (both of them) and the rest of your loving and endearing family.


Oh my god that Fortuny fabric is a perfect dream, glorious and truly inexpensive , it is going to where it deserves to be and we can all a enjoy seeing it. A fantastic buy then you have such a great eye, taught by two great parents, so excited to see all your journey . Lalande was lucky when you bought her, you were meant for one another, and that courtyard ! Oh what a glorious design and how appropriate. Thrilled for you all.


Why don't you do limited edition prints of your father's art works. I love them all!


Ow please tell me Where is this amazing dress from ? We have watched you since the Lockdown in London and my children pointed out that we have at least 5 the same dresses - looks like we have similar taste in fashion . Please let me know where is your dress from if you can ? It’s the white and pink latter dress from the latest patron video ? With love and gratitude Wioletta


Wioletta, I, too, am interested in the dress! Thank you for asking the question - I'll be interested to find out! :)

Jana Miranda

If there is room for one more question, will you please tell us from where you source all your beautiful Venetian mirrors? If I ever find one around here (Arizona, so my chances aren't great), I'm going to snap it up.

Jana Miranda

Oops. Sorry. One more while I'm thinking of it. Does the former family of the chateau, that of the Marquis de Nadaillac, ever give you input regarding the work you've done to the chateau? Do they have any favorite projects that have been finished or are in process?


G’day Stephanie, I have just watched you wonderful video on the early days of your life in the chateau, wow you did it tough ! I’m so glad you made this volg because it has made me finally become a patron. You have absolutely made lockdown enjoyable 😂 and you have inspired me in so many ways that there are not enough hours in the day to achieve all the projects I have started on my own property. You have certainly had so very dark lows and come out smiling and having a huge effect not only on those who follow your Chanel but your stunning chateau. I eagerly await each video and it lets me forget all about the woes of this World at present. Mummy is so hilarious,please give her a hug from Coral in Australia 🐨😃


OMG!! WE HIT THE MARK!! I seriously thought it would be 2 weeks!@ CONGRATULATIONS!!!🎆🎆🎆🎆 I have never seen anything like this!! WOW!! THIS IS SO GREAT!! I am so happy!! for Stephanie, Mummy!! and the whole La Lande family!! yay yay yay!!!😁😁😁😁😁💕💕💕💕💐💐💐🎆🎆🎆


wait!! what are you doing!! I am DYING to see... and why hollywood has not come knocking yet... I am PERPLEXED!! I mean dont get me wrong- I dont want them to "wreck" anything... but... I am puzzled... usually they know a good thing when they see it🤔 the LEAST they could do is give you that GREAT assistant 🤣🤣🤩


Wow! It is so thrilling to see these $1,000 levels coming so quickly. I think most of us have had our hearts touched deeply and been inspired to believe once again in things that almost seemed impossible. Stephanie's positive outlook and vibrant personality bring such a joy to so many. The Chateau Lalande has captured our hearts and imagination. I so look forward to seeing the lake once again at the Chateau. The pictures on tonights vlog of the lake were stunning. What an honor to be part of the restoration and preservation that is taking place.


Please consider slotting in a 10$ tier as a baron. I would switch mine up to that for sure :)


Regarding to voting for options, think about this carefully before you commit as this could create extra work for you. Surely living at Lalande you would know the priority of tasks. Just a thought.


A couple of quick thoughts Include Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) grown as a hedge. It is evergreen and has a glorious scent which will fill the courtyard. It just requires pruning to establish then keep the hedge shape. It is surprisingly hardy down to -10°c. Also perhaps worth incorporating in amongst the climbing roses so you keep interest throughout the as the leaves turn red in winter. Also think about opportunities to incorporate lighting and power supply from the outset. Obviously great for Christmas but can be effective throughout the whole year.


Stephanie I don't know if maybe you've heard of this before but I have used Upela, a French based shipping company to ship fabrics from here in Canada to different companies in Europe for steep discounts very sucessfully and affordably.


please please please make sure you don't have any contractual obligations regarding the content with the film production company for the tv show you are part of!


You must use the crystals for the pelmets in your room!!


Beth's idea of a sample itinerary is wonderful!


Love the garden plans for around the fountain. Beautiful ❤️


That fountain and garden one day, will be so stunning! I can hardly wait to see it completed!


Hello Stephanie, I am new to this patreon business and was browsing through the plans for the courtyard. The first thing that occurred to me was the roses need to be climbers on obelisks instead of standards or bush roses. The standards I have get so big and heavy they are constantly falling over and need staking adjustment all the time. I love climbing plants and think Pierre de Ronsard would suit LaLande perfectement. Cheers from Tasmania. Anne xx

Jane Nunn

I don't understand why you would want to do ETTCDIY if you have to holdup using your improvements on your vlogs if you're not being paid and they don't allow you to promote or show your completed parts of the chateau why would you want to do it? It doesn't appear to benefit you or the chateau at all but is material for them. Others from the show have stated this is the case?