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Here's my weekly update from the chateau, where I tell you how we're getting on with the renovation works here, and answer your questions :)


Patreon Q&A Number 5!



Its beautiful in Newcastle UK too :) x


Wow it’s going to be beautiful x


I got my postcard! So beautiful. I will treasure


So close to $10,000. Perhaps if you get to $9,920 I’ll change my tier to Marquis and push you over the edge. Or, as an incentive to others, if you get to $10,000 by June 1, I’ll upgrade tiers as well.

Maria Soberanis

I hope you go for the curtains! *treat yo' self* (it's from a tv show hahah)


I absolutely love the meet up idea! In the south we have beautiful plantation homes that I know you would love Stephanie! Just a thought. But honestly if you were to come to America I would travel to any location!


Your vlogs always feel like visiting with a friend. Thank you, Stephanie. You've really helped me get through sheltering in place. LB


Love the idea of the garden rooms ......really enjoy these sessions because we get your heart and soul pouring ideas like a gigantic, mesmerising waterfall......I come away dreaming of seeing all this come together..... thank you xx


the restoration vlog was me . Tina.. I will have to check my profile ! x


I do enjoy watching you all open the gifts and don't feel like you're asking for more at all. It's more of sharing the joy! While you might physically be getting the gifts, we also get to feel like we're there, seeing what's getting discovered inside those packages, and looking at the beautiful things that are getting brought into Lalande! And I hope someone who's actually sent something speaks up about this, but I'd bet there's no better thank you message someone could receive after sending a gift, than actually seeing you all enjoy it.


Loved your vlog, as always. Your bubbly positivity is a joy! You asked us to comment about gift opening. My 11 year daughter, Isabella, and I watch your vlogs every night. I think I've now just about watched every one of them! Anyway, we love watching you open gifts. I understand your hesitation, but you've made it perfectly clear that you don't ask for gifts, so please accept that people are getting so much pleasure from sending you them. Can I ask a question please? How old is Antoine? His confidence in spoken English has improved hugely over this lockdown period with you. Well done Antoine! Xx


The Garden Rose Room Idea sounds amazing!! As always thank you!


I'm several hours drive from the Biltmore and I am SO up for a Stephanie weekend! It's a VERY beautiful Estate and huge!!! You would simply adore a tour!


Always enjoy these Q&A's! LOVE seeing you and the crew getting your gifts! Y'all are the most excited folks and so joyful, always makes me smile!


Stephanie, You’re so very thoughtful to consider your viewers and their feelings while opening goodies on camera. It’s such a lovely gesture that people feel compelled to send gifts. As you open them your spreading joy and helping others escape for a bit of time. I do hope you continue opening your care packages on camera😊 Thank you again for taking the time to post videos 🏰


Ohhhh I love the idea of a bathing pond! How magical!


I also think opening the parcels on the vlogs is so fun! Especially for Antoine, I love seeing how happy he gets :)


Excellent comment 👏🏽👏🏽especially your last sentence ☺️


I really enjoy seeing the treasures and tokens of love people send. I think opening them during your weekly Tuesday vlogs is a wonderful solution. Also, I'd like to suggest that you and Michael add the links to your respective Patreon accounts to the About section of your YouTube channels. It might make it easier for prospect patrons to show their support, especially those finding you through your earlier videos when you didn't have a Patreon account. ❤️


Maybe if you really want to know peoples ideas about opening gifts - you need to set up a ??? survey or ???, and have it be anonymous and make sure people can only answer ONCE, so it can not be stacked. Lots of people are afraid of responding as they get attacked. I responded nicely saying Nic was in his right to say what he felt and a person went on at me about 4 comments. It has been deleted. After all Nic is one of the 3 owners of the Chateau. I have another comment. Have the 3 of you had a sit down/Zoom meeting and firmed up the plans for the coming few months? Or are you just going along as you want. Is it being left up to you?


Thanks for this video. We love watching you open the presents. In fact my son and I have just sent something today which I spotted in a Danish brocante type shop and as they say, I saw this and thought of you! My son also included a little something for Antoine so hopefully it arrives before he heads back to Brussels. I think the fact that the gifts you receive are carefully thought-out things rather than just stuff makes it even nicer to watch. Xx


I rec'd your postcard last week & plan on putting it in the most beautiful, appropriate frame for everyone to see that visits me. Makes for a wonderful way to share your lovely chateau & share the exciting plans and even perhaps more Patrons?


yes continue to open the gifts, its fun to watch you get them, and use them


Thank you for the updates & answers to our questions. I absolutely love when you get into the history of anything to with chateau life and more! Love the rose garden ideas! Can’t wait to see the plans for entry garden!! So excited. Enjoy your evening, Stephanie! 🏰🤍🌸


Stephanie, I feel I speak for ALL of us...let Mummy buy all the dirt she wants! It is very important for her to be happy in the garden!


I am excited, following the work on the chapel. I, like Gerry got news of my thoracic cancer at the same time he rec'd his colon cancer, however mine has returned from an episode 10 years ago. I really am hoping its finished so that I may see how beautiful it was originally. I look forward to any & all the info you provide on your vlogs about the chapel and of course Gerry!


I really enjoy all of your videos , I also enjoy watching you open your parcels


I really enjoyed today's Q & A session. Thank you for addressing the gift giving situation. I can see both sides of the issue, and I think you addressed it well. It does make me slightly uncomfortable for all the reasons you stated, but people have the right to send gifts if they so desire and you certainly have the right to share them with your followers. I like the idea of making it clear that you will have a designated day that the gifts will be shared on your vlog for those who aren't interested in viewing that segment. I'm really looking forward to learning more about the fabrics you use!


Oh what lovely plans in store! Cannot wait to see the dreams come true! Thanks for addressing the not knowing if a male or female....my name goes either way. My husband wondered why I was called count-lol!


One day I gave a Young collegue some cashmeres that were given to me but not my style, she was thrilled. A few days later she gave me a large bag of fabric lengths telling me that her mother worked for a company called Fortuny. I had of course heard of them, who hasn't but I didn't really put two and two together and thanked her and put the bag aside. Some time later ( we are so busy in couture ) I opened the bag to find lengths of different Fortuny fabrics, cotons and silks and some with gold stencil overlay ! I looked them up and some were over 700 euros a meter ! I cannot wait to use them in my new home in Dordogne, they make anything look fabulous but the idea of cutting into them frightens me and I am used to cutting into expensive fabrics !! Can't wait to see your, of COURSE you must buy it ! Crazy if you do CRAZIER if you Don't !!! xoxoxo


I know you reached the target for the sprinkler system, how are the plans going for this?


Lalande wouldn't be the same without you. Why not treat yourself to the curtain fabric for all your vlogging effort when you reach 11k? (And Mummy gets a lawnmower so it's quite just!)


When I sent you a gift I hadn't realised that you opened them on camera and it was really odd to se my box sitting on the table but everyone seemed to enjoy it and all your other gifts so yes continue to do so, it's xmas and birthday by proxy !! xo


Happy Tuesday Stephanie. If you can see my Patron picture you will see that I am a girl/woman/ goddess. lol All these questions were wonderful and your answers show your vision, as well as Michael's and Nic's. It really makes me feel proud to be a part of this Patron Nation. No matter what the donation it gives all of us a chance to be part of your vision and one day when I visit I can look around and see the work our donations help to complete and know I was a small part of it coming to fruition. For me this is so fulfilling and exciting. I would love to send you a gift or something for the Chateau, but I have no idea what is truly needed and I don't want to send something that cannot be used. I love the gift mail opening and really appreciate you doing this. Some people cannot be a part of Patreon, but they can send a little something and it bring them joy and as far as I'm concerned Joy is a big part of life and living. So many of my questions have been answered already in these Q&A's, but I do have one. I find that I get very attached to some of the volunteers and hate to see them leave and not know if they ever return. So my question is "how long will Selmar be able to stay at LaLande?


I absolutely love watching you open the gift on the vlog so please continue to do that. The last video had me in tears (happy ones) watching Mummy open the beautiful painting. And Antoine's little face with all those sweeties. Just wonderful ❤️


I was also wonder how long Selmar will be staying? It seems like he has become part of the fabric that makes LeLande ... LeLande I think viewing the gift giving is a fun experience. We love to see your gratitude and I’m also one of those people who love to watch everyone open gifts at Christmas more than opening my mine But it’s really about what makes you all comfortable. It is your channel and your home.


Love all the future plans.......so exciting! Mummy needs earth/ dust ☺. I love the opening of the gifts....sharing the joy. Thank you ❤🙏 for my card, it will be going in a shadow box. Je vous aime xx.


Re your question re opening gifts, sharing the joy as you do is a wonderful thing. Gifts are all about the giving and clearly many of your viewers get enjoyment from doing it. You are generous in your thanks and very genuine about your expectations.


I love the video and I really love watching you open your gifts! The genuine joy you and your mother have is fun to watch and I’ve always enjoyed seeing people open their gifts and seeing the lovely things they receive.


Love watching you all open gifts, you are so gratefully surprised at everything and its so sweet. Thank you thank you for sharing your fairy tale, it helps me dream big in my own life and inspires me to keep creating magical things for myself Xo


What I love about the gift opening is how incredibly imaginative and creative everyone is about what they send to you all. I think Nic should consider that this is not just about you all at the Chateau. Gift giving is so wonderful for the giver as well, and for all of us to see the amazing thought and care that goes into these gifts. By all means keep opening them - you are opening us up to each other with each gift.


My question is: how soon will Dan consent to become well known to us? Let's not have an "elusive Dan"! :-D


I'm sure I'm not the only one at home going "ooooohhhhh" "ahhhhh" and OOOHHHH" We love the gift openings! It's inspiring. You have mentioned many times your Vlog is about escaping reality, having fun and good times. The world is always gonna have it's problems, and people too. We're here for the good times! I get "elusive Nic's" point, but that's not your focus..you keep it up Stephanie, cause we love it! BTW did the "elusive Nic" pass your window in Q & A 4? Wondering if anyone else noticed?????? Dan's wife watches and knows the Vlog is paying for Dan to be the Gardener of Lalande so hopefully he can go with it!


I love watching all of you open gifts. You are all very gracious and animated and people send very thoughtful and wonderful gifts. Though you don't know your viewers, we all feel we know you through watching your Vlogs. It's a pleasant part of our lives enjoying vicariously your many parties and projects, meals, and holidays.

Kelly Douglas

Hi Stephanie, my older sister, Karen is concerned about the large purchase of "dragon egg" fabric from the states. Please be careful. She doesn't want you to be scammed. Also, I love the idea of us having a meet up at the Biltmore Estate. That would be so much fun!!! I love watching you all opening gifts! What is Antoine's favorite thing to get in the mail? Legos? American candy? It's just so much fun giving gifts and seeing how much joy it brings others.


Hooray, cannot wait for the bed curtain and FABRIC vlogs...because of course you must buy the fabric! :) And just had a thought - if/when we do Patron meetups, either there or at locations elsewhere, we could plan Patron gift exchanges...everyone brings a small gift, they go into one spot then get parceled out so everyone gets to open a gift...in Lalande style! I can imagine a room full of people having aperitifs while opening gifts...would be a lot of fun. :)


What a fantastic idea you have for the gardens of la Lande....Persian garden, midsummers night dream, maze to the pool and the woods, ivy covered pergola with thousands of lights...perhaps once the gardens are more mature and established, you can open it for day trippers and charge an entrance fee similar to the garden you visited recently. There can be a small gift shop with Michael’s postcards to purchase.


Hi Stephanie, I enjoy watching the gift-opening videos; it’s thoughtful and kind of the people who have chosen to send gifts and letters in this digital era. If you are able to travel to Australia next time, how about transiting via Singapore? I can offer to host you at my place which is near to nature walks and community gardens in a city country!


I love the idea of the rose gardens. And you probably have read "For The Love of A Rose” By Antonia Ridge. If not, please read for some extra inspiration.


Always a treat to hear from you. My first Chateau de Lalangue card hangs framed in my bedroom. Hoping to add many more. No need for me to ask questions of you because so many others ask those I think. You all take care. Hopefully you can enjoy a fruitful summer.♡♡♡♡


I watch your vlogs an love that I feel you are talking right to us. Its like a personal connection which in this time of lockdown we need. I am not a zoom person. You do a great job of coming through so natural. Like we are having a conversation with each other. As for gifts I hope you continue opening an enjoying them. I just sent you a package (on a very slow boat from USA). It is a way of sending a little something from the heart. I enjoy all of your vlogs an as a frequent visitor or Europe I know one day I would love to stay in Lalande. Thank you for a little sanity in a very lonely time.


Thanks for another great Q&A! I thought of something about the gifts… I think it’s very nice to do, and your fans obviously love sending select items they think you all will enjoy or the Château could use. But it made me think of a famous YouTubeer—Casey Neistat, with 12 million followers (goals!) He opens a few things and sometimes reviews items, but got to the point where so many people and companies send him stuff, that he had to store all of the gifts in a separate room/couldn’t even use them. He decided not to waste them, so he uploads them all online for people to buy and donates the money to charity....so if you hit a point where it becomes overwhelming, you could revisit whether showing them on the Vlog should be reconsidered (it may not stop an influx though!)


I love the idea of a vlog about the regional specialties. Maybe you could include George Sand's estate. Thank you for your persistent positivity. It's contagious.


Oh Stephanie! Seeing you open gifts on a video is the best ever! Folks send you gifts because they love your vlogs and love you and all those living at La Lande. They send because they WANT to and seeing those things is such a joy! Please continue doing the opening of surprises in the mail! Such a joy! Truly!




Always a welcome surprise when I wake up in Australia and a vlog has arrived overnight. This is such a lovely community and it makes me very happy to be a member ❤️. Would absolutely love to see you in Australia one day - there are so many beautiful cities, no ancient castles though 🤔. I for one get so much joy out of watching everyone open the parcels, you, your mother and Antoine all seem so happy when a parcel arrives. I’m in a different state from my grandchildren and one way I have been sending them little ‘hugs from Nana’ is to send them parcels - I think for most of us with online shopping and parcel delivery the postman has become our most frequent visitor 🤪🤪stay safe and enjoy the wonderful spring weather 🇦🇺💐


Hi Stephanie ! Thank you for my beautiful LaLande card ~ it was so wonderful receiving the card and reading your kind words. I was wondering if you had come up with a royal title for $50.00 potential patrons? I Googled the subject and I don't know.... but what about Earl's or Dutchess? It would be fun to have a special $50.00 account. What do you think? Thanks.... Love your videos! Look forward to seeing you and Mummy each week! I especially love the live videos!


I just received my card from you this past week and I have never been so excited!! 😍 I cannot wait to see how the gardens develop and I love the idea of doing some more in-depth historical vlogs - I too am a super nerd lol. Question: do you think you might have prints made of all your father’s artwork, made available for purchase? His artwork is simply breathtaking and I have never seen anything like it! ❤️ Much love to you and Mummy from Wilmington, North Carolina. PS = A meetup at Biltmore Estate would be divine!


I love going to the biltmore. I always pretend I’ve gone to the Loire valley for the day.

Alton Condra

Hello fellow Lalanders. I can't believe Stephanie liked my idea about hosting her at the Vanderbilt home, Biltmore. Would Aimee,Teresa,Meridith maybe we can explore the possibility. My basic idea is for those of us coming to pay for a package. Part of the package would pay for Stephanie, and who she brings from Lalande for a Saturday with the Lalande family. We could have bruch then Q/A , followed by a tour, a hour of rest then wine tasting then dinner Q/A then home Sunday. All this would have to be approved by Stephanie I will call Biltmore and get some estimates. I know NYC suggested Newport and we can do both or let NYC do the first one. I figured flying to France might be over our budgets right now, so bring Lalande to USA. Anyone interested in being on the committee, once Stephanie approves we will begin to organize. Ps. Stephanie loves costume parties and dancing so that is for Saturday night. Lol


I would definitely help in any way possible. I live in Nashville, TN and have done several tours of the Biltmore, including a behind the scenes tour which was FABULOUS and we must all do together! Seeing the unfinished rooms with all the layers of wallpaper and old furniture was a true treat!! We'd have to plan for a time that is Covid-free so in reality, to get the best attendance possible, we may need to wait until 2021 when there is a vaccine and NO ONE is afraid to travel. Just a thought and I'd love your thoughts. My email is tbragg85@aol.com. Cheers, Teresa

Alton Condra

Thanks Teresa, all excellent points. I am from Dayton Tn orginally but live in Atlanta now. I will get some inflammation on Biltmore and events. My email is altoncondra@gmail.com. please put Lalande in the subject line so I always spot your emails. If anyone has family or friends that can get us major discounts for Biltmore or film crews. Please join us or let us know


I was so excited to receive my card this week, and it still smelled wonderful! My dog thinks so too. I'm looking forward to the toile de jouy vlog, and oh how I wish I could get off work early on Friday to be in the live chat of the special live vlog!


Wonderful! How very exciting! I have loved all the videos during quarantine, and following on how Scot Man has been doing as well. Praying for his full and fast recovery;)

Laura & Jack

Yes, it does feel like we are chatting as you answer our questions. Thank you! Is Selma going to stay on there for a while? He certainly fits in well, seems to have a lively personality and is such a help, as he is very talented. A true Renaissance Man: building, cooking and tango instructor!


I was so excited to receive my card in the post while watching one of your videos yesterday afternoon. Of course had to open a mini bottle of champagne for the occasion. Lovely photo and such a kind gesture. I’ve set it on my desk for a daily visual to write you back as soon as I have a chance. Wishing you guys all the best! -Ryan from Florida


NOT LONG NOW TILL $10,00! $8 more dollars, woooohoooo


I also have an aunty and uncle living in Brisbane as I live in Australia, Id love to do a meet and greet with you or a question and answers here in Australia, as im sure many off your Aussie followers would love to do so aswell, if you were to do such a thing here in Australia I think you would have lots of support :)


Hi Stephanie, I upgrade from lord to count as I thought I was worthy of a higher title, lol haha ... I now work as a butler for a local billionaire and use to be a royal butler (very minor royal lol) ...what did the staff team look like at lalande back in the day ??? btw anything I can send you from Canada that would add to your function ?? also add black dye to your front fountain, it will help the calcium and slime levels and let the water be a nicer colour ... much love, Sylvain


I do really enjoy seeing you all opening your parcels as it is uplifting to see your reactions to the beautiful gifts people send Looking forward to your next vlog take care all of you

Denise Behrends

The Newport Mansions of Newport Rhode Island along the east coast of the U.S. would be lovely for a Lalande meet-up. These stunningly gorgeous mansions are often referred to as “America’s Castles.” The splendor of these gilded age mansions were inspired by the chateaus and castles of Europe, and would be a perfect opportunity for you, Stephanie, and all of us to see so many magnificent treasures of historic architecture in one place. Thank you for your thoughtful words in my card. It was even more of a thrill than I imagined when the envelope addressed to “Countess” arrived last week! The spritz of perfume is a special touch that brings the essence of Lalande to my home to cherish along with the photograph.


Please keep showing us your unboxing post moments! Its's joyful and I love it. The thing is we love YOU! You are the magic ingredient, your wit and laughter are worthy of gifts. The work you clearly put into videos and the care you show the people around you are what has me here in the first place! I could watch any old chateau vlog, if that's all that mattered. Chateau Diaries is my most anticipated show, above all netflix shows. I'm sure the people sending you gifts only want to give you the same joy in return :)


YES ! A TRIP DOWN UNDER! I'm on the Gold Coast, which is south of Brisbane, famous for our beach strip. You would love the weather around September-November, anytime after gets uncomfortably hot and humid. Your vlogs have helped me realise how overpriced where I live is, a large portion of the Gold Coast is priced around $2,000,00 AUD (1.2m Euro) for a 4/5Bed, 4Bath house, which is insane, and they have pushed me to follow my dreams of relocating to France, Italy or the UK and I'm putting that in action. If you could magically reposition La Lande in any other French region, would you and where would it be? When I've been looking at real estate sites, I can notice differences in terrain, architecture styles (even from the same time periods) landscaping etc., would you recommend any other French region as a prospective home


Great that your giving a student with a passion for historic gardens the opportunity to work with you on LaLande entrance courtyard... it will work well for you both I’m sure.


Isabelle is such a very charismatic individual ... Would she maybe consider a mini biographical Vlog?


Opening your gifts is a highlight for me to watch and what better way to say thank you to people who send them to you. Maybe put a disclaimer on the bottom of the screen each time so you don’t have to keep explaining?


Woohoo!! We made 10,000 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


Stephanie I love it when you open your gifts & share your joy with us . I sent you a very small gift but what a lovely surprise when you opened it on your vlog & you were just as ecstatic as if it was a very valuable item. I love seeing the variety of gifts people send. I love it too when other members of the household get gift too .... watching is as good as getting a gift myself. Please DO continue to share the opening of your gifts with us 🎁🎁xx


Yay for the 10k :) Stephanie perhaps one of the future $1000 incremental goals could be to get some preliminary architect plans drawn for scotman’s apartment?


Just love your visions for the future they are so enchanting, I am so sure they will be achieved. I love watching people opening gifts I certainly understand Nic’s apprehension about the gifts but folk will only give what they want and are spreading the joy which you do by opening them on your vlog - keep going. Have you got any more Workaway coming in the near future? You have to keep Selmar he is very talented. Looking forward to seeing the arrival of Isabelle’s new mower she is such a joy to watch so much energy. I shall look forward to receiving my card. Did you see Michael Pethericks grandmothers blue china? 🌞😁


I’m so glad Nic and his family retreated to LeLand during the quarantine. It seems that Antoine has grown a foot taller since he arrived! While I have no idea if they live in a rural or urban area in Brussels, it’s been obvious that the country air and space to roam has been good for him. Cheers to his great parents!


Really love when you open the gifts! I have always loved to give, much more than to receive.


WOW!!!!! Over $10K a month. Thanks to all of Chateau de Lalande's Patrons. We achieved another goal.


You hit $10K. Congrats on your success!


Congratulations on the 10k target.. things are moving very fast for Lalande... Amazing.. x


Oh my gosh!!!! You hit 10k!!!! I'm very excited! I have to admit that I stalk Patreon to see how close you are to your goal, and I get so excited as I see the numbers get closer and closer! Congratulations!!! And I can't remember if I sent you a note or not about the gifts but I really like watching you open your gifts up in your videos! Have a great weekend!

Janese Carstens

You’re not alone in stalking Patreon to look at numbers! I love seeing the amazing generosity of this kind community. Wahoo!


Please please make more tiers for patreon. I want to help more than $5 but can't quite pull off $20. Thank you!!!


How do we submit questions for Q and A?


I just gasped and announced to my family that “we” hit $10,000! How exciting!!! (Yes, we do daily updates on the patreon in this house, hahaha.)


Thank you for the joy that you bring us all. It really brightens up my day watching you and the lalande family and I’m so pleased that you’re able to evolve and develop the chateau, and bring us all along in your journey. Seeing the progress that we contribute to in our small way, really is so rewarding. I love hearing about the progress of your projects and also really enjoy the ‘subject matter expert’ vlogs you do. It would also be wonderful if you did some more chateau tours of different properties (maybe with Michael petherick). I have a question, when lockdown releases will mummy go to South Africa or will Percy join you? We will all miss her if she has to go (and selmar, Marie and Antoine!).


I doubt that anyone feels obligated to give you gifts. We give you gifts because we love the vlogs and support you. And opening it in public gives not only you joy but the giver! Please keep showing us. I enjoy the joy you show! My suggestion, keep it as it is. Besides, who doesn't like gifts! :) Have a wonderful day!


Hi Vicki, just write a comment (like the question you just asked) under this video. Stephanie is reading questions from comments.


I am so excited to hear that you have someone designing your courtyard. I love those types of projects. I also loved hearing about your idea of mazes and "bosquets" (I can't remember the English word for it) of roses. That would be exquisite and so romantic. I myself am working on my own garden project. It is a dream to see one of such a large scope come into reality On the topic of gifts, I am kind of with Nic on this one, but only because I always feel shy about opening gifts myself or seeming to be asking for gifts. Or wanting something. It's my own personal squeamish-ness. On the other hand, I think you have made it very clear that you don't expect gifts from anyone. And also, opening a gift infront of the giver is the right thing to do, if you can. It brings the giver joy to see that you are enjoying the gift. Considering they are giving from a distance, what other way can you accomplish this than with a video? I think it makes many people very happy that you open their gifts and that they can see that moment. I enjoy watching you open packages that come from around the world. I think it's a great idea to keep it to a single blog per week, so that it isn't spread over all episodes. That way it keeps every vlog episode fresh and different from one another. Love all of your vlogs as always! Thank you for another lovely q&a


Just an FYI, I was poking around in the Patreon app settings yesterday and it looks like you can edit your pledge amount. For the first tier it looks like it just has to be minimum of $5.


Hi Stephanie! Congratulations on reaching the next goal! I love the idea of a video with pictures of all your remodel adventures prior to starting the blog. I agree with others on the gifts - you've made it clear that you're not requesting anything, and I enjoy seeing what others share with you. A question for you is have you had to paint the outside walls of the Chateau or is that the natural color of the stone? I didn't think about old chateaus and castles needing paint until I saw a YouTube video of a castle in Scotland that was painted yellow because a historian said that would have been the original color when it was lime washed. On a side note, when I try to enable YouTube notifications for your channel it says, "This action is turned off for content made for kids." I'm a kid at heart but I would love to be notified when a new video is posted! Lol


Would love to know more about Mummy. Where was she raised in France? What brought her to England? Where did she meet your Dad?


Very happy to see this success! Where can we find on Patreon if we filled in our address? 🤔

Denise Behrends

QUESTION: What is the story of the beautiful porcelain figurine of a woman that is on the mantle in the sitting area of your bedroom? Did you acquire this piece on your travels? Was it a gift? This exquisite piece was one of the few items on your mantle that you did not discuss during the recent tour of your private apartment. Would love to learn her story.


I love watching the gift opening 😊 it makes random days of the week feel like Christmas!


Something I’ve always wondered: What happens to the sheep, peacock/peahen, and chickens in the winter?


I love watching gifts being open or unboxing of things. Especially when you can tell how appreciative you are and how generally excited you are.


Stephanie, your intentions and goals are so wonderful. Lalande is coming together after all your years there, and the next year of transformations is going to ripple across to all your fans and on to all the people who have yet to discover your wonderful corner of French life. You have sewn some magical seeds at some point to reap such dreamy rewards. Really more pockets like this need to happen in all parts of the world to make this Earth our Eden-ic garden while we are privileged enough to do so. This way people cherish their spaces more, and everything they are putting into them. I think your success will ripple out, you are the change your fans want to see :) <3 xx


I watched that video too! Youtube's algorithm is strong. I get the notifications for her videos so I don't think there is a kid setting on them. You may want to check your Youtube settings.


Pretty sure that was Marie videoing something with her phone out past the window behind Stephanie.


Ha! This made me think how many people would love to host Stephanie...Stephanie could probably travel all over the world staying with her fans if she wanted, doing fan- and history-filled vlogs. Lucky girl :)


oh, black dye, so interesting...Stephanie, add this to your vlog please and then show us if this works on your front fountain? I am very curious. What a nice tip Sylvain! I bet as a butler you could write up a little tip-sheet for Stephanie's chateau ;) :D


My profile settings - top right hand click on the small round picture.


I love all things ROSES! Love that idea of the different rose rooms - how lovely would that be. And of course, you base it all on history/literature - love it!


Hello LaLande Family! I am also a new Patron and I have enjoyed watching the vlogs while sheltering in place in California. I 'm curious to know what Selmar's quarantine story was and how lucky you all are that he came to LaLande. I hope he wouldn't mind letting us know what his travels were before lock down and what he was going thru while France was closing down. Also, I love Marie and Antoine and I will miss them on the vlog.


Was watching you and Michael P yesterday, delightful as always. I SO agree with you on the perfection of multigenerational living, it brings so much good. As long as one has own bathroom and kitchen, it is just grand to be able to share space and fun when it suits. My mother and I built a house together 5 years ago, and we both think the best thing about being so near is the fun. People often assume there might be disagreements, we've had none luckily, and they also often say "well it must be useful at times", but for us the fun is the best bit. My daughter is so lucky to have her gran within the walls. Something you said on instagram recently caught my eye. You said you feel happy to share everything on your vlogs, except your lovelife. And the reason for that is that as you are not married or in a long term relationship you think it will put too much pressure on a new relationship. I quite agree! But as one of your other fans pointed out , it was almost a hint! Now we may assume there is a Monsieur X lurking in the Chateau corridors... :-D Curiosity killed the cat, not me. I wonder if you look for a perfect match like you do for your rooms... So question; at this stage of your life, what are the most important things you would look for in a potential partner, and what do you need him to see in you?

Jeanie Allison

Hi Stephanie. How do I privately provide you with my mailing address?


I’m excited about the possibility of seeing some of the brocantes and charity shops you come across on your travels with Michael. Waiting patiently for it to be safe for our own antique shops and car boot sales to reopen never mind a trip to France.


Hello Jeanie. If you go to your message inbox on your Patreon page and click the ‘new message’ button that will send Stephanie a private message.


Hello all!! ❤️ I have been given Stephanie's express permission to share/invite our Patron community to join a newly created FAN PAGE for the Château!!! Come share your inspirations, collections, favorite moments, stories of how you found Stephanie and/or how the Château Diaries helped get you you through the recent lock down. It's a place to share our love for Stephanie, Mummy, Gerald, Percy and everyone else that makes Lalande such a joy to be a part of!! Much love and congrats to all of us! What a wonderful thing to be a part of!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/838374236572213/?ref=share


Idly wondering how many children will be named Stephanie!


Have you been to Villa Ephrussi in St Jean Cap-Ferrat, the gardens there are exquisite and I know you would love them. They have waterfalls that dance to Vivaldi's four seasons, its magical https://www.villa-ephrussi.com/en , yes please keep opening the gifts on air!! Kx


Hi Stephanie, I just watch a video from a channel called Terigigi. The title is “How a French Chatea saved my day”, it’s about your channel. She had the sweetest things to say.


Yeah!!! 1000 patrons!!!🥳🥳🥳🥳


When you go on your joint adventure, don't forget my question about chateaus and what to look for, what to avoid etc.


Hi Stephanie! I think I might be one of the gender neutral names you talked about in a recent Patreon video. My mom and sister got their cards from you a week or two ago, so that must be where mine is! Just FYI, I’m a girl. :)


I am a girl too! Can't wait to get adressed as a LADY, mind you, I think Baronesse Bønes has even more of a swung to it...and on that note, "What is a weekend?", have a good one everybody!


VINTAGE FORTUNY!! I think my heart stopped. One of my idols. Looking forward to the toile de jouy vlog. Have had an idea in my head about combing a toile with a floral for a skirt, But all the shops are closed of course.


I love watching the videos of the you opening the presents, its fun and exciting! I've really been enjoying every blog and what you get up to during the day. Its lovely seeing your beautiful summer you're having at the moment. Its winter here in Australia and its been rather cold.


I believe people will always love to send presents to you and your family but they are frightend you will end up with hundreds of shawls and peacock cups 😊


I also believe that's why it is more than OK for you to have a amazon wishlist with special things you might need. Maybe just books which you might need for your research for your vlogs?


I'm also very curious about Selmar's story! What did he do before coming to Lalande and how did he get so handy!


who was the gardener when you bought the chateau ?


Omg I L O V E the rose room ideas!!!!

Jane Nunn

I wish people would use other smaller companies than Amazon. I feel the gifts were fun to start but now it appears more and more its companies are sending products.. I've seen people now are competing to have there names are mentioned. Stephanie I feel the gifts and the videos have a limited life span as its changing its identity. I do agree with Nick as so many are struggling here in Australia as well. I too am concerned about how it makes others feel at this time of covid.I lost my job due to covid. I appreciate your intentions but I feel social media changes how it can be viewed and start to be manipulated. I do love the hand made gifts..

Jane Nunn

Yes its a very interesting colour pallet but I do like it.. Thankyou


I vote for your "Weekend with Stephanie" at the Biltmore Estate in Ashville, NC. It's a magical place up in the mountains, and Ashwood is a lovely town.


Stephanie! You are speaking my love language in Garden form! Long time viewer, brand new patreon, WHY have I never heard your History of Roses Garden rooms? That is inspirational and I hope that you can achieve it!