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Thank you SO MUCH to all of our fairy godmothers - my mother and I are delighted (and amazed!) and Lalande is a hive of activity as work is starting on many different fronts because of your extraordinary generosity. As you know, the chapel work will start in the summer, and the lake survey in the autumn, the new garden beds are nearly finished, Dan the Gardener is achieving miracles, and we've just started work to redecorate the entrance hall. Now that lockdown has eased in France, next week Mummy and I are going to town to choose the new mower!

And now, because of this new target, work will begin in the courtyard!!! We're hoping to start next week! I truly can't believe this, it's a dream come true. You're all seeing these things happening very quickly, but imagine what it's like for us, who have been here for 15 years! It's nothing short of a miracle, brought about by all of you.

Once again, I want to make a pledge that all of the money that we receive from this Patreon account will be spent on the restoration and decoration of this chateau and its garden. Every year, around Christmas, I will make an annual newsletter, listing everything that we've achieved during the year.

I wanted to give you something that means a lot to us in return for this momentous milestone, so here is a downloadable version of my father's painting, 'The Game of Life'. It's my mother's favourite painting by my father. We are retaining copyright, so please don't use it for any commercial reasons, but feel free to use it for any personal projects! This version is not very high res, so I've asked Michael Potts to send me a better image, and I'll attach it here as soon as he does. I hope to give you many more of my father's paintings in future!

Lots and lots of love from Lalande,

Stephanie xxx




Congrats!!!!!!!! Amazing! 💗💗💗


That’s fantastic Stephanie so happy & pleased to be part of the restoration of such a beautiful chateau xx


This is bringing tears to my eyes. I've never known such generosity :) So amazingly deserved. And you are very generous to share your fathers painting with us. Thank you xx


Thank you ❤




Congrats! 🍾. Love the painting. Thanks everyone for contributing.


Gorgeous painting! Thank you!


Wow thank you Stephanie and Mummy🥰I will frame it and also put a copy in my favorite journal. So exciting to see 10k was reached🎉👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🤗🥰🏰


Wonderful news!! Thank YOU for sharing your father’s artwork with us! I love his work! As soon as Michael Potts is able to share the high-res image, I want to print and frame for my home. 🖼❤️


Absolutely brilliant news, can you truly believe it....it is amazing - you and your mum are little stars who deserve all the love from this wonderful community. BTW I was signing up for a course on wildflower gardening today and saw this about Conservation of Historic Gardens not sure if any interest but thought I would pass on... https://www.learningwithexperts.com/gardening/courses/conservation-of-historic-gardens


great news!! 💕


That is beautiful. What a touching gift. Thank you Stephanie. Also, I am so excited to hear that someone from Toronto will be designing the courtyard planting. I hope you can share the Pinterest board once it has been decided on. :)


I’ve been watching the total!!! This is so exciting. I got my thank you card today and posted it on my Instagram @paulinetc.


I am sooo excited.....Congrats 🎊❤🎉!!! 10K......so well deserved!!! Thank you for the download of one of Daddy's paintings 🙏❤! Je vous aime xx.


Fantastic Stephanie! Your videos help me dream during lockdown, they're part of my morning routine ❤️


Oh my gosh what amazing news!! Wooohoooooo!! Congratulations!! And thank you so much for the painting...it’s going to go on my Lalande wall. ;)


Well done, wonderful news. 🎉


C'est super de lire ça et de ressentir votre bonheur dans ces lignes 🙂 Très heureuse de suivre vos projets. Je tenais à vous remercier pour votre carte. J'ai ouvert délicatement l'enveloppe... Un trésor à l'intérieur 😁 Merci pour le partage de ce tableau 🙏


Hi Pauline, I was just wondering when you became a patron? - I haven't received mine yet and I'm worried I'm one of the people whose address Stephanie couldn't see! 😊


This is wonderful news. I'm so glad you'll be able to bring more of your dreams to life! I can't wait to see the new mower. :) And it will be wonderful to see the fountain looking its best!


Oh thank you so much, Stephanie. This is a lovely gift. I love this picture mainly because all of the eyes look so kind... very much like your eyes! Beautiful! Thank you again!


You deserve all the help you're getting. It's great to see progress at La Lande.


AMAZING news!! So very excited! Thank you for dreaming big and sharing it with us, it has made such a difference in my own life. Your joy is infectious. You mom reminds me so much of my grandmother, and her green thumb. Can't wait to share the journey with you and all the grand improvements at LaLande:)


Alice Morris: I’m not sure when I became a patron. It was within the past month, though.


That is fantastic! I'm so happy for you and Lalande ♡ I'm feeling so priviliged that I've been able to follow your journey from the start of the patreon as being one of the nudging voices calling for opening an account here all the way to 10k 😁 And who knows what comes next! sky is the limit 💕


I couldn’t be happier for you Stephanie! You truly bring Lalande to life and that’s why you will hit many more milestones! I can’t wait to see the courtyard plans! Thank you for the lovely gift!! Such a wonderful painting by your father. So happy! 🏰🍾🥂🌿🌸🥳


Can you tell us a little about this painting? What makes it your mother's favorite? I think I see a bit of a story in the painting....


I am so excited!!!!! Can't wait for the next target I am researching fortuny now and learning about him all because of you. 💖♥️💖♥️


All your hard work and dedication is paying off. I'm so happy for you! Thank you for the gift of your dear father's wonderful painting. I received my thank you card a few days ago, having something tangible makes it all the more real for me. Knowing that you are achieving your goals inspires me to keep working on my goals a little at a time.


Congratulations!! How exciting!!


Wahooo!!! So thrilling to hear! ❤️ Thank you for the sweet offerings you grace us with each month. I’m so grateful to be a small part of La Lande’s glorious restoration. Your videos are so refreshing and I absolutely adore them!


Thank YOU and your LaLande family for bringing all of us so much joy and laughter. I enjoyed your chateau segments the most on ETTC DIY, so finding your YouTube channel was like winning the lottery! Delighted to know all these projects are happening, and especially happy to see just how much it all means to you and mummy. You really deserve it so very much Stephanie, you are such a delightful person. Thank you so much for this beautiful picture of your father's art. It is much appreciated. xx


Congratulations! Xxxx


Absolutely fantastic. How very thrilling all this must be for you at LaLande. I’m so pleased to be able to be just a small part of it and to share this incredible journey with you all. I wait patiently for the day I will be able to visit you at the Chateau (incidentally only a three and a half hour drive from our farmhouse on the other side of the Morvan... ) From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the wonderful vlogs and bringing us into the heart of your beautiful family. I’m excited to see all the works take place and future projects realised. Thank you 💜


That's fantastic! We love your blogs and so glad you are able to do some of the things you haven't been able to do - until now. I'm excited to see what you will do next. X


So pleased to be a small part of this incredible place! Keep safe and well done!! xx


Oh Stephanie, that is an incredibly precious gift you’ve given us. I truly appreciate your generosity.


Utterly deserved! Amazing! Xx


Im so happy things are starting to happen. ❤

Laura & Jack

Your gift of your fathers artwork for our personal gift is something we will alway treasure. Perhaps you would tell us the story of the painting at some point? We are so happy for you all.


Your father is an amazing artist. Like Laura, I too want to know the story behind his artworks.


When we signed up did we have to provide an address or do we have to send it to you?


So happy for you all xx



Kelly Douglas

Yay, so excited and happy for you! Thank you for such a generous & special gift.


This will give you so much freedom, happy to help, xoxo


I love it 😍 I will be printing this immediately for my home!

Denise Behrends

The beauty of your father's painting is so moving. Thank you for sharing a gift that has such profound meaning for your family. I truly feel joy watching your dreams come true for you. You are more of an inspiration to all of us than you can possibly imagine. I look forward to seeing the plans for the courtyard. You have exquisite taste and I just know that it will be simply elegant--something that complements but does not overwhelm the classic architecture of the chateau and fountain. I'm so pleased to hear that in addition to the new plantings you are still retaining the fine gravel in the courtyard, as it perfectly reflects the style of a French chateau. There is so often the tendency to add so much greenery into a courtyard that it detracts from rather than enhances the overall effect of the beautiful contrast of the stonework. That elegant simplicity is one of the design elements that sets Lelande apart as being so classy. Whichever design you choose for the courtyard will be absolutely lovely. Also, your idea for the themed garden rooms based on the history of roses is so intriguing as an addition to the surrounding gardens. You paint a luxuriously exotic picture with your words as you share your imaginings for your dream garden rooms.


I am so happy for you and the Chateau family! You give so much pleasure to us all and it is wonderful to be able to see what you are accomplishing. Thank you for the wonderful present of your father's painting. His paintings are beautiful. Many wishes for all your dreams to come true!


I am buzzing, this is a great news! And thank you Stephanie for this precious gift.


Yay! This is such wonderful news! I am so delighted for you and cannot wait to see what happens next! :-)


Oh Stephanie..."it is wonderfull" as your mother would say. I was a little bit scared to come a patreon firts, because it is/was my first time ..and so for me and you at the other side what will come out of this!. But it is amazing look, with so much support from over the world...I am pleased that I can help for a tiny bit making this chateaux again beautifull. I am spacely pleased because when I was 17, I helpt by hand restoring a tower from a very litlle chateau in de Creuse in the neighburhood of Cheneraille. And now my hands itch to help and do it again. But years passed by ....well I am still in full spirit and hope to volontair again as I did in de 1970. Rotterdam is not far away, so we will keep in touch! And thanks for the lovely gift.


Congratulations! Amazing news and so well deserved xx


How exciting!! Looking forward to seeing all the renovations 🏰 😊 xx


I am so excited for you! This is amazing news. I cannot wait to see the changes.


Great News!!


I love your father's work! Thank you for sharing it.


I feel like I have just won the lottery, I flipping love your dad's art work, yippee! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️


So excited for you. I love your dad’s paintings, And this one is really lovely and has so much symbolism, which I very much enjoy in paintings. I’d love to print it and frame it for my wall, so the high res would be ideal. Would that be ok? Can i have your father’s full name (DOB-DOD) so that I can write it on the back. Thank you for your generosity.


Thank you so much, Stephanie. You are so generous, sharing your life, your friends, your dreams and your father's paintings with all of us. So happy for you. Lots of love.


This is off the subject, but I just finished listening to Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth. It’s an historical novel based on the life of French novelist Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de LaForce (1654-1724). Mlle LaForce was in and out of the court of King Louis the XIV. She published the story of Persinette in 1698 which the brothers Grimm adapted as Rapunzel in 1812. Sadly, her childhood chateau is now a ruin.


What fantastic news! Love the painting....thank you Stephanie!


So happy for you all and thank you for the opportunity to have a print of your fathers work and a piece from La Lande to enjoy 💕


it's great news.. Will be so nice to start to see projects take off and see the finish as our journey all together continues.. much love Tina x


Amazing news! ..... I'm so so delighted for you all. It brings me so much enjoyment and pleasure to be part of your story. Huge congratulations and love to you all at LaLande ❤️ xx


This is Amazing, To see you and your Mummy truly humbled by this is heartwarming.


In support of equality... fairy godparents!! :-) Also not to be a killjoy but we need to be realistic that it may take us a while to get to $11k. But so happy for $8k, $9k, $10k!!! David and I sit on the couch each evening and binge watch Chateau Diaries!

Evelyn McElroy

Stephanie, thank you! This is the best gift I could ever possibly receive from you!


Thank you, I will use this as a screen saver, your so kind xxx


Stephanie's friend Marie Wiik - who did Mummy and Percy's flowers for the wedding needs support. She will be coming back to Lalande soon. Please check her out. https://www.patreon.com/mariewiik1


Oh how wonderful! I'm loving all the things that have now been attainable! I can't believe all you have achieved in just the past year when I first found your Vlogs. Its all you & your mummy Stephanie, we are just the vehicles. I'm so happy that we can make your dreams come true my dear.


The joy from reaching so many goals in such a short time must be almost overwhelming. I know for myself it is wonderful to see your excitement. You and Mummy are very gracious in letting us enjoy these special events with you. Extra blessings for you all at Lalande.


That’s such wonderful news...I have been watching the total rise and overnight you have hit the 10,000 target, congratulations. 💐💐💐


Great news Stephanie! Thanks a million for the lovely gift xx


I love your father’s art, Thank you for sharing this incredible piece with us.


Thank you so much ! So excited about the progress being made at the chateau !


I'm thrilled you hit the $10,000 mark so fast! I just joined your patreon family this month after finding your videos on YouTube. Thanks for sharing your father's beautiful artwork with us :)


This has brought tears to my eyes...both the goal reached and the download of your father's painting. Thank you so much Stephanie. 💕


Thank you so much for sharing your father's art! Congratulations!!! I'm proud to be a small part of this!


So happy to hear about all your wonderful projects commencing: and thank you for sharing your father's magnificent picture!


Congratulations!! Thank you for the gift, I am hoping one day you may be able to sell prints of his work. It is so gorgeous. Can't wait for the courtyard to be started - I am one of those people that thought the little box hedge was just not enough for the beautiful Lalande. I have the Chateau as my screen saver on my phone, and all the way from Australia it brings me a little France. I am about to post you something a "Little Aussie", combining your love of one thing with something Australian.


YAY! I'm so excited to see all the wonderful progress we have coming our way to Laland!


So beautiful! Thank you for sharing! Love the vlogs and look forward to each one. I've told many others about the Chateau.


This is just all so exciting!!!


Stephanie and Isabel, I am so happy to be a part of helping everyone at LaLande reach this goal! You will never know how much your videos and the enthusiasm of everyone there has helped me through this scary time. As I mentioned to you before, I lost my sister in February and we were not allowed to have a service for her due to the virus. Every day as I worked with my nephew to settle her estate, it seemed sometimes to be overwhelming to us. He lost both his parents within a year and I was afraid that we might lose him as well but he pulled through. He is such a wonderful person and has taught me a lot through this time. I loved knowing that I could tune in to the latest video of LaLande and get swept up in your world. I hope you know that we love your precious family and band of volunteers! Please keep showing us your gifts. It is so much fun to see all of you opening them and being so surprised and happy. I loved the Green dress on Isabel. What does Nic like? I know he would open it in private but would like to include him, Marie and Antoine in receiving something. Suggestions please. I can’t wait to see the coming improvements- good luck. Hopefully will see you soon!


Pauline, sad indeed. Thank you for posting because now I have a new read for summer! 😉


Tandy,I am sorry to hear of your loss and hope that things start to get easier presently. Best wishes from a fellow fan of Stephanie


C'est fantastique! Congratulations on reaching this goal! And thank you for sharing your lives at LaLande with us⚜️💗⚜️


congratulations and am pleased to be able to assist in a way to complete your dream Stephanie. I too look forward to you vlogs and one day hope to stay at the chateau ( thats my dream) all the best to you all. x x


I have found your father's art to be quite compelling, and am looking forward to seeing more of it over time. I have been studying this wonderful piece today and I think I see now why it is your mother's favorite. The symbolism is lovely, and it is clear he adored her!


Congratulations! Happy to help with projects at Lalande! Special thanks for sharing your beautiful home! I’m living vicariously through your adventures! Merci for the beautiful painting “The Game of Life”! Love your father’s artwork!


Congrats!!!!!!!! Thank you!


Congratulations. Thank you for the wonderful picture.


Congratulations, Bravo. Speaking of your father. I would be very interested in hearing more about him from Jerry's point of view. What a special relationship they must have had as well. I would love to see a Sunday's at the Chateau about his life and art with commentary from both Jerry and Isabel as well.


They have your eyes


Congratulations!!! on reaching the $10,000 goal. I can’t wait to see Mummy zooming around the gardens on her new mower. Stephanie, I just love following your beautiful family and friends. Keeping Jerry in my prayers, waiting his return. I’m sure you all miss him terribly. And of course Percy too!Thank you so much for the beautiful print, your dad was an amazing artist.


Congratulations! So excited for you that you can make your dreams a reality. I know renovations can be a trip down the rabbit hole with unexpected setbacks. So happy for you that you now have a steady stream of income to finish all of the projects you dreamed of. Living vicariously through your lovely vlogs. Having gone through several renovations myself, not sure if I would be up for another, but seriously thinking about a move across the pond. Great things to come for you and La Lande! Cheers!


Made this my desktop background :-)




let me know when my wife and I can volunteer


If you can get the extra 50 dollar tier sorted out I dont think it will be long until you get your vintage fortuny fabric🤣😂


Congratulations from Laurentinum to La Lande - a wonderful achievement ☘️☘️


Thank you for the update and image of your father's beautiful painting. I'm most excited about the garden front entrance renovation project - can't wait to see what you have got planned. Love all your updates and eagily await them. Love from a South African living in Wales!


SO excited. Bravo everyone! ❤️


Hey Steph, have you checked out The Chateau Diaries stats on Social Blade? You are trending and extremely popular!!! Your total grade is a B...(not that it matters,) and all your videos have a rating of 98% and more. It also shows predictions on your channel. You should have 100,000 subscriber's by the end of August! Like, comment, and share to Facebook to help with this goal...Steph deserves a YouTube plaque!


They also have a live subscriber count, so you can watch right as it happens!


Woah!!! We are half way to 11,000 already!!!!


Hello all!! ❤️ I have been given Stephanie's express permission to share/invite our Patron community to join a newly created FAN PAGE for the Château!!! Come share your inspirations, collections, favorite moments, stories of how you found Stephanie and/or how the Château Diaries helped get you you through the recent lock down. It's a place to share our love for Stephanie, Mummy, Gerald, Percy and everyone else that makes Lalande such a joy to be a part of!! Much love and congrats to all of us! What a wonderful thing to be a part of!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/838374236572213/?ref=share


I just joined...please ! That picture of the Chateau either at night or just before a storm with the dark sky was amazing !!


Hi Steph - thank you for this. As a budding artist, I'm inspired to see your father's work!!


In the video, chateau against corona, you said you would be filming with British TV shortly after your return, will that continue once restrictions are lifted?

Sofi Hultin

I watched all your videos and had a thought: wouldn’t it be nice to sporadically show before and after pictures of the renovation projects? Now that you’ve started work in the courtyard, it would be really amazing to see small snippets of the old courtyard throughout the renovation process. Same with the garden! There is something immensely satisfying about watching projects develop in time skips.


Watching old episodes and you mentioned a possibility of having a tapestry loom in your attic. Did you ever find that?


🥳🥳🥳Now up to 10,500🥳🥳🥳


1000 patrons! a-maz-Ing 😊😊


Regarding the discussion of tier choices maybe a 10 dollars would be more realistically sustainable long term ? Hard times are coming. In a more cheery note I’m looking forward to the fountain being renovated .


I agree. Once life is back to "normal" I hope to move up to $10 a month patronage, regardless. But it would be nice to have a tier there waiting for me. lol.


Beautiful painting! Which medium did your dad enjoy using the most for his paintings?


I am so delighted that you have now topped 1,000 patrons! Congratulations! Think how very quickly this has happened...I believe 2,000 is around the corner!


Happy birthday to me! Becoming a patron of Stephanie is an amazing present! So glad to be here with you all la landers!


What a beautiful painting Steph, it is truly special.


Your fathers work is absolutely stunning. How amazing of you to share it with us! :)


Thank you so much Stephanie!


Finally became a patreon after binging every single video over the last couple weeks - it's been such a nice way to escape! When we aren't locked down I do pottery in my free time, and I'd love to make this a black and white image and try to transfer it onto a large platter - I think it would look amazing. As long as it is not for commercial use I believe that would be ok? It'll be some time before I can get back in the studio but the wheels are turning already!


I dont know how large his body of work is but have you ever considered an auction of one of the paintings to raise funds, I would certainly be interested in bidding!


Was the high-res version of this ever posted? I'm not finding it.


I think the women in your Dad's paintings, look a lot like you...

