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As mentioned in the video, here are some estate agents who specialise in French Chateaux:






Patreon Q&A Number 3 and Targets!



Bet you’re glad you bought when you did, have you seen the price of them 🥴x


Hi Stephanie,


"If it ain't broke." hahah Steph where did you first hear that? Sounds like you've been in the south USA!


that was a nice surprise to see and hear tonight.. stay safe x


Hi Stephanie,


let me continue, some gift ideas fo the Patreons , a screen saver, a view of La Lande, your Father’s wonderful art work, even the peacocks...if they would face you!


Thank you Stephanie, a download of your Artwork collection, including your mother’s lovely tapestries , at the Chateau would be wonderful. Perhaps like an online gallery. Later you could do prints, cards, wrapping paper and gifts such as cushion covers using your artwork. Also a book about your father and his artwork would be lovely. Xo


For a downloaded gift.....I was thinking of the same thing as Karen of an online gallery of Daddy's artwork or a tour. Sooo excited to see the monthly fund increasing!!!! Merci xx


When did you start having volunteers? Was the plan to always have a B&B?


French recipes please!!!


I'm so happy for you and your Mommy to have hit new goals. I love the idea of having gifts for sale. I know what ever you decide will be quality.


Downloadable idea: some photos of Lalande which would work well as backgrounds for most smartphones (portrait mode instead of landscape).


Wow that’s amazing you hit another goal❣️Fantastic news☺️Anything you download would be lovely. Thank you for posting these updates. I’m so thrilled to see others contribute to your dream, it’s quite exciting. Xo


Hi, thank you for the floor plans and wonderful distraction :) It is lovely to hear that Mummy will be getting help and a mower. As to the new tier names, here's a few: Le/a Petit/Grand de Comte/Comtesse (e)Marquis/Marquisse et La Petit Prince/Princesse, et Roi/Reine de LaLande? :)


How about Baron and Baronne


Would you consider doing a new tier named 'Dauphin and Dauphine' de La Lande for the current $100/month patrons, and making the Marquis and Marquise a $50 tier?


Between Count/Countess and Marquis/Marquise there are officially no other levels except in Germany (and they are more subdivisions). The levels are Sir (or Lord), Baron, Viscount, Earl (or Count), Marquess, Duke, Prins, King. So you can change tier names or make something up or mix them or do anything you want ;-).


I'm living vicariously through you and your vlogs. Thank you for taking us to so many wonderful locations. You're so intelligent and talented. I'm happy I could be a patron of your


I've been living vicariously through your vlogs. Thank you for sharing the amazing world locations you've visited. All of your vlogs are inspiring because of your intelligent and talent. I'm glad I've been able to be a patron of Chateau de La Lande.


Also, how can I ask you a question? You've said you don't read the emails.


Perhaps the scented candles could be packaged to look like Lalande's lovely turrets?


Thank you so much for gift of the plans! Download-able files are perfect for reaching each $1k target. Sounds of nature at Lalande, recipes from Marie, and photos of Lalande would be wonderful (one per target of course). As the number of your patrons grow, you will definitely need an assistant as well (just a thought as a future goal).


I watched a blog today about raised bed like yours and the arches they used were Cattle panels (18 feet by approx 5 feet) bent from one bed to another so you could walk under them while plants grow upwards and make it so pretty, still leaving plenty of room for other plants to share that bed. I’ll have to get the name so you might see . I think it was “Roots and Refuse” or something like that. - can’t remember”. I’ll send later I’m mainly writing as I have some crystals that my sister was selling. They were loose with metal attached and I told her I know someone who could possibly use them. Well, they are on their way. Hope they can help you somehow. Maybe as fillers on other chandeliers with lost crystals. Glad you made $7,000. What excitement. Who knew it would reach that high. Congratulations.


Hello Stephanie. Thank you for the update. Could you tell me the brand name on the cake plates that unfortunately were broken in the box. I volunteer in a charity shop and see so much vintage crockery..........there may be two out there waiting to be found. Congratulations on reaching this milestone..........I never doubted that this wouldn’t happen. Cheers. Anita xx


How ma y languages do you speak?


Amazing!!!! Your Patreon is doing so well pretty soon you'll have a pool! I can see it now. I would love merchandise! Lalande wine glasses. That would be so fun!

Laura & Jack

Stephanie. Love the downloadable thank you ideas. Appreciate you thinking of waste-free options! Love the sounds and cant wait to pour over the floor plans. So happy about the garden bed being built. It’s time to give this to your mother, who works so hard in the garden. As a gardener myself, I know just how much she will appreciate this dream being realized. Stay well!


Malin & Goetz - Goetz sounds like gets. I worked in a beauty store and used to struggle with it too. Horrible to think of how many people now pronounce it incorrectly because of me.

Denise Behrends

Gift Ideas / Merchandise Ideas: Would it be possible for your friend Oliver (or another artist) to create paintings of the exterior of the chateau and the interior rooms we have all become so fond of (the kitchen / the sitting area in front of your bedroom fireplace, the dining room, your study, the Grand Salon, Winter Salon)? Not only could they be made into down-loadable files, but the prints of the paintings would also make lovely annual gifts for patrons, as well as be made available for purchase. Sketches of the chateau would also be greatly appreciated as gifts or for purchase.


Stephanie, absolutely love these Q&As. You’re so good and thorough. Sorry you had to re record! I’m so happy for the gift of the plans, thank you! I can’t wait to stay at Lalande, until then I’ll continue to watch all vlogs. I’m excited for the upcoming one. I’m so happy mommy is getting her mower but how bitter sweet for that to be the first purchase for you! 😂😉. I’m so happy about the new garden beds & the moonlight garden. Thank you for always driving out to upload. I hope you hit 10,000 very soon! xx


Hi Stephanie - would you consider selling the honey produced from La Lande ? I think it would be very popular !


Oooh. Lalande teacups would also be amazing!


HI Steph, thank you again for sharing your amazing life, I am beyond inspired by your joyful spirit and beautiful surrounds! How about some downloadable images of the Chateau, Woods or peacocks for screen savers or phone backgrounds x


You can send her a patreon message. She will answer those ones.


I dont think it will be very long before Mummy gets her new mower!!!! I must admit I enjoy going to Patreon quite often just to see the numbers rising🤣😂


I think it is a great idea to use the Patreon funds to do some of the immediate work like the gardens and the mower while also putting funds away for the panels and the lake. I know Selma rebraced rhe doorway for the green house. Were you able to get the crumbling stones repiled and/or mortared as well???


I think having some of Marie's recipes to download would be wonderful as a gift. Mmmmm...


What about Viscount and Viscountess for the $50.00 tier?

Janese Carstens

I found this on the tiers of French nobility. I hope it helps! “French nobility has a well-defined order. The highest noblemen are peers [pairs], which include the titles (in descending rank) duke [duc], marquis, earl [comte], viscount [vicomte], and baron. This is followed by the gentry [petite noblesse], whose titles are knight [chevalier], esquire [écuyer], and gentleman [gentilhomme].”


I spend so much time on the internet searching for chateaus. There are some beautiful estates out there. I found three which I would love to move to. However, I need to finance it, and viewing it at the moment is a problem. I love this Q&A. Thank you


Amazing ideas. Marie's recipes are tempting :P


Re merchandise... lots of digital nomads with skills to create simple e-Commerce site to sell products from (maybe even find one via work away or your VA search can include some tech skills to cover things like this (my VA does this sort of thing for me), then find a drop shipping supplier to store and ship items on your behalf (all the technology exists) as it will soon become time consuming for you to manage. Then you can focus on product creation (which is the fun part)... and good for vlog content... Hope helpful suggestion.... B


Wow with all the technical mishaps you still managed to get it on here in time :-) One thing I like about your videos is you don’t hide the mistakes and it’s so much better for it!


Hi. I love your positivity. How do you plan your day? do you have a to-do list?


I have just watched 2 and 3 of the the Q& A, you are so open with your responses it is all so very interesting to hear how things are. When did Michael Potts become a third partner with you and Nic? When you have the work started on the Chapel has the restorer indicated how long it will all take? How do you always seem to be so positive with life? Thank you for all the wonderful vlogs. Keep safe and well al of you.xx


Does your mother ever plan to become a permanent resident of the Chateau? When she becomes too tired to travel. Today, May 14th I received my card from you and let your mom know I did not have an allergic reaction to the perfume. Thank you so much. Now I know a little how you feel getting gifts in the mail.


I really like the idea of having a few recipes from Marie. I think that would be lovely. I really enjoy your videos and absolutely love how upbeat and happy you seem.


Our medieval home is a listed building and it's been an absolute nightmare over the years to get planning permission to make much needed improvements. Definitely avoid listing if you can!


I can't think of a title for the in-between category (or at least one that doesn't involve the unofficial offspring, lol), but if we give a very large donation, do we get to be Dauphin? (Or at least Prince/Princesse of the LaLande Royaume? ;) )


Sheep. Does you winter get so cold that you need to give sheep and other animals shelter - such as a barn? Also do the sheep have shade and water in the field you were finally able to get them into? Also are you going to knit the wool into something after you get the fleece cleaned and spun into wool?


Recipes! Yes please, that would be wonderful. The floor plans are like unlocking a little secret of the chateau and recipes would be like sharing a little bit of Lalande life : For another target, how about a few of your favorite cocktails recipes? I really like learning new ones from your channel, they are always so elegant :)


Thank goodness the restoration expert is still able and willing to complete the chapel this year. I know you said he’s hoping to retire soon and it would be horrible if he had to back out! Also, putting in my vote for recipes from Marie! I would love that quick brioche she did a few episodes back.


A new mower, although practical, is definitely needed. I know you would rather use the patron funds for something pretty, but well groomed grounds add to the ambiance of the chateau. Would love some cocktail recipes - I also watch Cocktails with a Curator YouTube videos from a curator at the Frick Museum. Those cocktails make an ordinary day so sophisticated. :-) Scented candles -YES PLEASE. And so looking forward to the history of toile de jouy. Maybe you could earn income from rental of your land for a cell tower. And for the interim $50 level - how about Marquis in training (joking). Love the videos Stephanie!


You could make prints of the chateau and grounds downloadable! That way we could print them out ourselves!


I remembered you planting wild roses in the shape of a heart leading to the chapel in ETTCDyi. What happened to them?


You can call the $50 tier donators Duke and Duchess


Is the new lawn mower going to be called `Percy`. Haha.


Just received my thank you note, I'm surprised how quickly it got to Canada! The perfume was a nice touch as well. Merci Stephanie!


I would love to have some downloadable recipes! And I also think something with your fathers artwork would be amazing as Laland merch. Perhaps one day you could even have a coffee table book made of his work, I know I would love to have one 😊


Recipes would be lovely and I second the idea of a coffee table book of your father’s artwork! For the regular blog, cooking segments with Marie would be wonderful.


I was looking around you while watching this Q&A and I'd love some samples of your toiles, especially some of the old ones that are framed. They'd make lovely laptop wallpaper. So there's an idea. Thanks for all you do to share your life at the chateau!


not a question hut a sharing of wonderful newsbto our family..my niece has just had her baby girl this morning... very quick delivery of 2 hrs..3 weeks early and is beautiful at 5lb 6ozs... I AM A GREAT AUNT😁


Stephanie, I am so happy you are going to have professional help in the Garden! Excellent use of the funds! As many members of the group suggested, I would love to have some of La Lande´s recipes to download, specially those very traditional French dishes Marie was preparing during quarantine!!! Best regards!


I'm very intrigued by the shape of the forest around Lalande. When you look at it on Google maps (I checked it out when you were talking about the estate), from above, the outline of the forest looks as if it's following the line of baroque (maybe even medieval) fortification walls. You mentioned before defensive walls and two towers that no longer exist by the lake, but do you know anything about broader land being fortified? It's is not unusual that even after the walls are taken down or destroyed, shape of the land still indicates the shape of fortification for various reasons.


Thanks for this video. I sometimes forget to press record as well and its is very frustrating! But great answers! Really looking forward to receiving our Lords and ladies card. Postal service in Denmark is atrocious at the best of times and lockdown seems to have made it worse. I can't believe that people in Canada have got theirs and we are in the same continent as you! My son asks everyday day when he gets home from school if it has arrived as he is very excited to receive it. He had a question but not really for your q&A. He wondered how old Antoine is as he thinks they may be a similar age, although I think Antoine is a little older than 10.


Hello, thank you so much for answering my question 💖. One more and I’ll be quiet 😆 what software do you use to make your vlog? Susie xxx


Recipes would be fantastic! And maybe you could sing for us Stephanie- you have such a beautiful voice 😊

Alton Condra

Stephanie, I had an idea to the name of th $50 patrons. How about the Garden Club. A percentage could go to fund your mother's projects for the garden. It is not a royal title but I thin people would love the idea I was helping you Mother.

Kelly Douglas

My older sister Karen suggested names for the 50 dollar supporters. She said maybe she could pick from one of these, "popes, bishops, priests, and cardinals" or "knights, nobles, and monarchs."


Hi Stephanie. You could rename the Count/Countess tier to Viscount/Viscountess and then make the $50 tier the Count/Countess tier. Duke/Duchess, Marquis/Marquise, Count/Countess (Earl), Viscount/Viscountess, Baron/Baroness. I had to do some research into Peerage ranks for my book. :P There's also a Grand Duke/Grand Duchess rank above those and of course, King/Queen above that. I hope this helps! :D

Emma Young

Just watched your video on the outbuildings, have you ever considered using any of these rooms as workshop spaces once renovated? So people can rent the space and run workshops (or you, Micheal, Marie etc could run your own) You also need a sewing room!! (I did post this on the video as well in case you think you're having a deja vu moment!!!!) Also, with you mentioning classic cars, how far away from Anguoleme are you for the 'Circuits des rempasrts' in September?


Hello Stephanie, downloadable recipes is a great idea. Maybe each of you in a Chateau could pick 1-2 favorites and share them with us. I am very interested in Mommy’s favorite ones... I love lemon cakes!! Cheers Brigi


Hi Stephanie, I admire your genuineness, simplicity and feet on earth, but at the same time the fact that you followed your dream and managed to achieve it. I simply cannot personally imagine you with an assistant, to take care of the agenda and organization. I love your videos for your spontaneity. Please, please don't lose your genuineness. Best regards. Stay safe!


I recently had an idea...I LOVE the audio clips you’ve shared with us. I’ve also recently discovered that on YouTube there are hours-long videos of fields...forests...beaches...various spaces with just nature sounds. I love to play those on my tv as background noise and feel like I’m at/in that scene. If you did one of a Lalande scene, that would be amazing! Set the camera up at the lake and let it record...or near the sheep, or in the woods...of course as I type this I realize that uploading such a video would probably take a week...hahaha! So ok, this idea may not be feasible yet. But I wanted to throw it out there anyway. 😂💕


Love the Q & A sessions, I was thinking about the levels for your supporters, and I think a new level for $50 could be a Maréchal. (Here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranks_in_the_French_Army) and a $10 level could be a Seigneur (here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_nobility)


QUESTION: How did you come to know David, the one who is always wearing spandex and cooks like a dream?


How about a Chateau inspired cocktail /drink recipe guide. Could have a different recipe each month and the names could be something related to Lalande. Such as Thor (peacock) Tonic! The recipes could be called.....The Chatelaine (Cocktail) guide to life at LaLande. Or something like that! 🤣😁


I am interested in your interior design. More discussion of wallpapers and curtains, chinoiserie and where you get your inspiration. And toile de jouy ... yes!


I am so glad you added more targets. The day you posted this video, I was about to add a comment to suggest adding targets between here and 30,000. I laughed out loud when I saw this video. I am so excited to see more targets. You are right, this makes it alot more fun!


I am such a fan of a $10 level. Once our lock down is over and I can get my full salary back, I want to increase to $10 anyways


Hi I asked this in one of the live Q&As and I think Stephanie said Final Cut Pro.


Looks like Mummy is getting her Mower! Congratulations on reaching $8000!


Reached $8000, and already 1/5th of the way to the next goal! I love these extra, attainable goals. It makes life a little sweeter, doesn't it?


do you patrons get first dibs to volunteer ? lol


Hello from Ft Lauderdale, Florida! I found your lovely Vlog at the very beginning of the shelter in place here in the US and was immediately captivated! I visit France often and look forward to getting my dose of joie de vivre although I will miss it this summer. Hoping to return next Spring but until then sharing in life at LaLande will be the next best thing! I would think that photos of the toile de jouy would be fabulous patrons gifts. And one last thought for my first post, promise 😊 Could you simply promote the marquis/marquises to duc/duchess to create a new tier?


Is it possible for Patreons to have a monthly update on running total (as obviously the total here is each month and add in superchats) and how that has been spent....not to keep an eye on you lol....so we can see over time what we are creating together as I for one find it exciting to see how our little project grow and its fine at the moment but 6 months down the track we might forget what we did?


An idea for downloadable options for patrons (and I apologize if someone else has brought this up already) is hi-res images of Lalande and the grounds to use as our computer backgrounds? Your chateau is so stunning and literally transports me to a fairy tale. Thank you for all that you are doing to restore this beautiful place! I'm hopeful that someday when this pandemic is over, I will be able to visit! Love from an emergency nurse in Wisconsin, USA!


Just love these q&a's, would love to see some tutorials maybe? how you made your beautiful tapestry coat, or curtains? just love all things crafty. Big hugs from the Netherlands XXX


definitely the curtains, I requested a whole curtain-making vlog workshop somewhere, because I think some of the other chateau owners want to learn how to make curtains and pelmets :) So do I! PARTY!


If you want to see it, it's an early video where Michael Potts and David cleaned the fountain. Then a painter friend painted the fountain being cleaned! :) David was brought by either the painter friend or Michael Potts.


I agree, the little mistakes are the best details of life. I think she should keep all the plates that break and over time make her own Kintsugi-ware collection, the Japanese tradition of fixing broken things with gold-filler and enjoying what's broken as newly-fixed, beautiful objects


Tell us more about Dana (?), Donna, Mason and Ashley, are they friends or family?


Stephanie - how about a wi-fi booster in the interim? People who use RV's a lot get them for their vehicles since they are often out of range for strong cell signal. No doubt there are strong boosters for homes. That way you could use cell signal to upload your videos, and Michael wouldn't have to stand by the side of the road to upload his. :-)


Zoom Backgrounds might make a nice gift? Something that someone could use as a background on conference calls :)


Anything for Mummy!!!!


Personally, I’d adore a weekly recipe from Lalande to taste a bit of France. I’ve recently gotten into tea drinking again thanks to you and enjoy making it just before watching your new vlog post. So fun!

Jane Nunn

I would like short walks on the land or gifts of chats about things in the Chateau or purchases x

Jane Nunn

60 acres is nice my horse is on 60 acres in the hills its a lovely size..YES! put the walk as a gift..with Mummy

Jane Nunn

Totally agree with you re interior designs it creates atmosphere, mood and ambience.. I am going to build a tiny house but it will be full of antiques and opportunity or charity shops.. it will have chateau type items x


A higher tear then Marquis is Prince et Princesse