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Hi from Lalande! Here are the next answers to your questions - feel free to leave more questions for me to answer in next week's video! 

Lots of love from all of us at the chateau xxx


Patreon Q&A 2!



Hello Stephanie! Well I am very satisfied with that answer (re: bed crowns). I find your soft-furnishing creations so beautiful, and I have a big interest in making my own as well (I'm in the middle of a couple projects... curtains and such). I can't wait to see how the bed crowns come along!


Is there any way for us/me to help with your wifi situation at Lalande so you don’t have to drive to access 4G?


Wait for Percy to arrive! Also yes to meeting up in London 😊


So is mummy locked in a cupboard until you have finished the questions!!! Lol Really enjoy these sessions, thanks for doing them and sharing all the stories xx


A little bit of information about the Pirate Lalande... It seems to be a book for juveniles. Not sure how accurate this is: https://books.google.ca/books?id=9BINAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA175&lpg=PA175&dq=pirate+lalande&source=bl&ots=2AetyKfHHx&sig=ACfU3U2-3OjcAXgmmIkCzslyaB8G8x8x7w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiCz_3U8J_pAhXIGs0KHb-tC7sQ6AEwCHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=pirate%20lalande&f=false


What a lovely Q&A Steph! Can’t wait to see the next video xx


Are there grants in France to restore historic buildings?


Oh that was lovely, Stephanie!! You are so wonderful at answering our questions so comprehensively with lots of examples and interesting details. Even your answer to my mundane question regarding cleaning turned out to be so interesting!


Oh yes, it would be lovely to wait until both Percy and Mummy are together for them to tell their love story! I will be living in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada by the time things may be a bit more "normal" regarding international travel. We would love to meet up with all of you when you visit our part of the world. (a little bird told me that visits to this part of Canada sometimes do happen!!). Maybe we could take you out for a sail on our little yacht!!??? What fun to plan something like that!


Lovely surprise! I was hanging curtains while I listened. Sunday would be perfect for a live chat,and if you ever come to visit western Canada we'd have to visit the Empress hotel in Victoria for tea. It's really very stunning with an abundance of history. Thanks for keeping me company!


Oh, here is a question: Have you ever thought of adding a $50..00/month tier on Patreon? I have a suspicion that you might have more than a few Counts and Countesses of Lalande moving up a tier if you did. Just a thought.


Question: Do you have any recommended websites that list historic French real estate? Stalking them has become one of my favorite quarantine pass-times and I'm always looking for more. And do let us know if you're ever in NYC for a meet-up - I know a great place for tea :)


What a lovely Q&A thank you. I have a little question. You and your Mummy have the most beautiful skin. Do you have a beauty regime/special face cream or is this just hereditary? Susie xx


Yes to a live stream with you and your mummy :)


You have talked about the previous owners of the chateau in several videos. Do you know if they, or their family, are still alive? If so, have they stayed in contact? I wonder if they watch your videos... :)


Thank you once again for this chat. I seem to always come in late but I don’t mind. They make my day. I’m going to definitely visit the charity shop when I come. (Spelling please of charity shop name. - M. I. ?????). Qu stion for next chat ....is Selmar going to stay til end of “stay at home” and what was his profession? He seems talented in many things but mostly woodwork. Thank you


Don't worry about giving the cats lots of attention, etc.. I have 3 cats, they are not cuddling cats. As long as they have food and clean litter, and maybe a little attention, then they are fine. Your cat is great for chasing away any mice, etc.., as their smell deters the mice, etc....


I enjoyed this very much, thank you for the thoughtful answer to my question. And yes, I would love a live chat on Sunday. One small question - What is Percy's birthday? I wasn't sure that it was the actual day that you premiered that particular vlog. It's very close to mine if not on the actual day, so I was just curious.

Denise Behrends

These chats are truly lovely. I appreciate your thoughtful responses and the detailed stories you share with us.


More than happy to wait for Percy as it is great to see their interaction with each other.


Lovely q&a, thank you. Enjoyed the live chat on Sunday too so would enjoy more of those. Love from 🇩🇰


Wait for Percy for the chat.


Will you be doing a vlog one day on Daddy's paintings? A kind of virtual ''vernissage''. His paintings are extraordinary and need to be shared with the world. Quelle incroyable talent!! Thank you xx


Where did your father learn to paint? Did he do any sketches? I noticed in one vlog a painting done by mummy, does she still paint and if so where in the chateau do you have her art?


One thing I have been wondering is what makes a chateau a chateau? I ask because on Escape DIY there are so many different ones...and ones I would just call a large house (technically I realise thats the dictionary definition) so what does it need to be called a chateau?


another side question....is it okay to Isabelle mummy? I feel like I know her so well!


Thank you once again for a lovely Q&A! A Sunday live chat sounds great.


hi. when u were talking about the cats you mentioned guardians.. 2 lots came and stayed and left.. what or who are guardians? great to see you looking so well and lovely.. xx


I would LOVE to offer you tea when in NYC, what a pleasure! :) Stay very well!


That was a lovely video. Thank you so much. My question is how long will it take for the chapel to be fully restored? Was there any estimate given by the man who does it?


Would you be happy for Patreon's to come and volunteer at Lalande? It seems like an incredible place :)


Oh how lovely! If you’re ever in Florida I would love to meet you! I’m hoping to get to the chateau in the very near future😊Thank you for the video. It’s always such a pleasure to hear about your beloved Chateau de Lalande🌸


Great video-- you are a storyteller and that's part of your charm! I'd love to come to tea with you in the US when possible. My question is-- it seems like you are a "city" person in terms of the cultural and other things that you like. How did you go about adjusting to life in the country and in a very rural area? What were some challenges and unexpected adjustments? Is travelling a way to get back to those "city" things and having people and groups in the house a way to sort of "bring the culture" to where you are?


Lovely little chat to wake up to - thank you! You have mentioned your annual summer travels, as a child, to visit your grandmother in France and a friend in Asia - would you mind sharing a few of those experiences? At what age did you begin to travel unaccompanied and were you a confident solo traveller from a young age? How did you occupy your time with your grandmother? It must have been quite wonderful. These early experiences must have greatly shaped your character. It is so interesting to hear about other people's lives and I always appreciate how candid you are. :)

Alton Condra

Live the live Sunday idea. Love the NYC idea.


Can you show how the artisan repairing the stain window in the chapel ?


Hello! I've not really commented on anything before, I've not had much to say. I'm such a fan of you, your family and Lalande and I just wanted to say that watching your vlogs is really doing the world of good for my mental health during this difficult time. It's a real form of escapism for me and I find the place and your passion for it so inspiring. ❤️ P.s. have you found an outfit for your newly acquired mannequin yet? P.p.s it would be lovely to meet you one day, if you're ever in Surrey!

Alton Condra

Actually, I think you might be surprised on how many people would come to have tea with you. I was thinking the over day, we might need to arrange "Stephanie weekends " and the host country could have you come visit. The closest thing to a chateau in the USA is the Vanderbilt home called Biltmore in Asheville NC. It does tours and has a hotel/winery and I bet we could get 150 people to make a big weekend of it. We could have tours, wine tasting, q/a with you,family and friends. The hosts would pay for your plane and lodging. Wild idea I know but I think all your patrons and fans would love a Stephanie weekend.


Oh man the Biltmore is a palace. I think the Vanderbilt mansion in Hyde Park, NY is more chateau like. Or any of the stately homes in Newport, RI.


If you’re ever in the mood for heat & humidity, come visit Florida, we’d love to have you! Come to the Tampa area & have some amazing food (including a Cuban sandwich, which was invented in Tampa), or come for our huge pirate festival, Gasparilla, near the start of the year. And I finally thought of a question for you...can you do a vlog on how to make curtains (and by extension, bed curtains)? I’m dying to make my own & would love to know any tips & tricks you can share. Love all the videos & your family & extended Lalande family...can’t wait to visit!


When the lockdown is over it would be wonderful to have a day UK Patrons could meet you, and each other in London. Maybe a block booking for afternoon tea in one of the hotels? I think you may need to employ a PA! Perhaps you could persuade Michael Petherick to join you too.


I’ve heard of the Pirate LaLande before, but I don’t know much about him. You have sparked my interest and now I’m going to get lost researching this guy. I hope he has a cool flag or something.


Thank you so much for answering our question! We would love to meet for tea the next time you are in NYC. I regret not knowing very much historically about the LaLande name and I was surprised to learn it refers to moorland. I’m going to see what more I can learn about this Pirate LaLande 🏴‍☠️ too.


If it’s not too personal, can you give an update on Gerry? Hope his treatment is going well.


Isabelle said on the one off live session that they did that she does not mind us calling her mummy. That is what I always think of her as well. I think it is so cute that her and Gerry call her mummy


Hey Stephanie, thanks for a lovely chat! Personally I love the spontaneity of your videos and fun character, it always brightens my day! Ohh and wait for Percy to get back for the love story!!! On another note, I have noticed that when I watch your videos on YouTube I barely get any ads, I don't have premium YouTube or anything, sometimes I won't get an ad at all. I'm not sure if its a YouTube thing or something in your settings, but just wanted to let you know as I don't want you to miss out on the revenue!! Hopefully get over to meet you all one day, love from Tasmania.


Stephanie had previously recommended this book to me when I asked her about curtains. I used it to start my own projects and it is the most amazing book. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0953526763/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_i_623SEbTSBKCAA I was able to find it at my library, but I think I would like a copy of my very own. It is really such a beautiful and well written book


Lovely Stephanie! I truly enjoy your stories! I truly love Lalande so much and can’t wait for the day I can visit! 🏰🍾🥂


I would love to hear your mother and Percy tell their story together. And Sunday live chats are a great idea 😊

Laura & Jack

Is Antoine doing any schooling while in lockdown there? Some Canadian children have online teaching for one hour per day, and school has been cancelled for the rest of this school year (until next September in central Canada). I’m sure he’s learning a lot from working with Selmar though!


Thankyou Stephanie for inviting us into your daily life at Lalande. I love hearing your questions and yes would love to see mummy and Percy talk about how they met. To answer a question for you, my mother ,who is also a Patreon, and I would love to meet you one day when your in London. We both would look forward to it. Take care and stay safe.


oh my goodness! A meet up would be incredible! please come to Amsterdam <3


Thank you for answering! I'm so glad that we'll also be helping with the lake funds, it's such an exciting project.


Stephanie, the park at La Lande is gorgeous. The pastoral - rural setting is idyllic. Have you thought (besides The Moon garden ) of budgeting a "serious / grandiose" garden, with a maze, a secret garden and full time staff?? How much would that cost? Could this be another goal for this group?


Stephanie, these Q&A sessions are wonderfully formatted with your delightful delivery. I always love to find the time in my day to view your vlogs. You are an uplifting, inspiring woman. Thank you xxx


Thank you Stephanie even though I don't ask questions I like hearing what others ask. I loved the bit about Nick. Its fantastic that you have a good partnership with him and Michael Potts. No wonder Lalande is such a happy place as you all trust each other and that's how a partnership should be. I am actually enjoying just the small group that is at Lalande at the moment because there is such a sense of love and camaraderie. Love to all at Lalande and keep well.


Really enjoy the Q&A and I think it is an amazing idea to meet up in the different cities. XXX


Yes to a live Chat on Sunday! I would love to participate.


Does Antoine Do home schooling during lock down? I'm curious because my grandson in high school does school over the internet because of lock down. My other grandson was in college and they were petty much done the year when this happened


I noticed what the other person commented on. I never see any advertisements when I go to play one of your videos. I hope you are getting revenue from your videos, so maybe it is something in the settings. It’s worth looking into.


What time would your live chat be on Sunday? X


Love the video!!!! It's such fun to hear your stories about the chateau!! Love from Vermont


Love this so much! It's really heartwarming to realize that a community of people all over the world can feel so much like family! And that's all because of you Stephani!e!!! I hope all your dreams come true! PS Sunday would be smashing !!




Thanks Stephanie. I think we should wait for Percy - that will be a sweet story. Looking forward to the upcoming videos on how you choose fabrics and themes etc. It seems like you do research specifically for your volgs - that's my favorite part. Love, and stay safe.


Another question (lol) now that I'm on a roll! I know you keep mentioning you would like to have a pool installed but haven't heard what priority you've given the building of a pool (and don't forget the jacuzzi)!


Love the videos which keeps me smiling in the lockdown especially watching your mothers antics. Are you also getting your bookcases for the winter saloon and I look forward to seeing the Grand Saloon paneling when it is completed.


Was the Chateau affected by WW2?


is there a place nearby or someone nearby to learn french? Also what are the closest towns near you? what is the regional cheese? ( I love cheese 😊!)

Ashley Johann

Do you have an amazon wishlist that we could send things through? Maybe even throw a few LEGO items in there 😉


Yes, must be a way to get that WiFi to speed up a little more 🧐


Hi Stephanie, I have some animal questions: Who does Diesel belong to? I like his cute leather jacket ;) I saw cows this week and obviously the sheep! Do you have a working farm as well or are these more for company and personal use (milk, cheese)? I heard you explain the cat history, sorry you're allergic, but is always good to have a cat around, even a barn cat, to keep the rodents at bay! Thanks for the fun videos, I work from home now in a very small apt. and I really look forward to watching your vlogs at night when I can, I find I don't really make time for Netflix, etc. lately!


Loving this extra time with you. I would love to hear Percy and Mummy tell their story together, I am sure there are a few funny recollections they could share with us. If you are ever in Perth, Western Australia, I would love to catch up with you for a tea 😉, seriously, there are some lovely riverside or beach locations to have some local wine 🍷 ☺️


good morning from England on 'VE day.. it's very strange here.. should have been a day of big parties and celebrations together.. but sadly very quiet .. anyway.. I wondered if you could do a vlog on your restoration journey with the chateau showing pictures or footage the highs and the lows.. we see you now and have seen all your vlogs but you have been there long before we all came along and joined you... hope u are all well ..stay safe xx


Hi Stephanie, thank you for answering the comments. I truly enjoy your videos. I just love your mother’s personality! I adore your mom and Percy as a couple. I think that their love story can bring a lot of hope to people that one can find love no matter what the age. This is why I would like to hear about their love story from the beginning. I did see the wedding video. I’ve binge watched your videos during the quarantine. All of them!!!!


I’m from just outside Chicago. If you want to visit Chicago let me know! Take care Christina


Hi Stephanie! I love all your videos and am trying to catch up watching all of them! I do have a question, I watched one of your vlogs (and I can't find which one it is) but you had a very large fashion book of the history of different fashions throughout time that someone bought you ( I think your father)....what is the name and author of that book? I would Like to find my own copy of that! I used to be a fashion major..but now I tattoo and that would just be an amazing reference book!


I am a new patron and I love these Q&As! I am in awe of the work you, Michael Petherick and families are doing to restore and maintain your historic chateau homes. I stumbled upon an organization online, "Sauve mon Chateau," which states that more than 600 neglected French chateaus are at risk of disappearing. Might you and Michael, when you can at last begin your travels, spotlight some of these? I am confident your historical insights would shine a light on such chateaus at risk of being lost forever, and will make a difference to their survival. I learn so much from your discussions of history and heritage, and, although I am in the US so don't really know, I think this might be a very worthy subject. Thanks for considering!


Just curious about something. In one of your videos, you were preparing the prints to send out. How do you have our addresses? Did we provide them when we signed up for Patreon levels?


I never comment on anything, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your videos. I am happy that I can contribute in some small way to improvements at the chateau! Hoping that when the threat of the pandemic is gone, I might be able to arrange a vacation to France. Cheers from Dallas, Texas!


I can't believe how many patrons you now have. Well, I can believe it and I must admit that I go to Patron quite often at the moment to see the numbers rising...... I'm also really excited for Michael that he is getting a good number of patrons and his go fund me page is doing really well also.


What fun the Q&As are! Thank you for sharing your lovely life and family, Stephanie. Your joy has brought so much joy to others. You are a gift! Blessings to you and your family.


Thank you for sharing your chateau life and family. It is really enjoyable. You are a great storyteller and your tales of life in France have provided much vicarious pleasure-especially during the current times. I’m so happy you are receiving help through your channel & Patreons . Congrats but you should be really proud as I know you’ve put in a ton of work. Just a side note: I think the sheepdogs who would be so helpful to you are, easily adapted to having a more unconventional family. Perhaps some who know more about the breed will chime in & give you information.


Good evening from Vancouver Canada. Thank you Stephanie. Life hasn't been the same since finding your channel - it's like a treat every week


Sorry...very sensitive keypad. I am wondering about your property and your region for ticks. It's a big problem in Canada and the US and I know in Europe also. I've had two elsewhere in europe and gig them out


Oh for heavens sake. I see you all walking about in long grasses and not sure if you take precautions or have found any.


So love your Q&A's. I am dreaming of being there with you all when we gain confidence to travel again. Thinking of the beautiful chapel being restored is just the best thing ever. Of course the lake being restored to glory will be the icing on the cake. What a dream to be part of. I'm so grateful.


Yes, we did, at signing up stage Jackie. I am late signing up and had already seen the household on video getting together to send out the cards so I was especially excited to know when filling in my address that I too would be sent something in the post.


Please please please don’t change the way you make and upload your vlogs... I say that because the natural real time feeling that comes across with them is what makes watching you such a joy. I’d like to ask about the heating vault for the chapel. When it was accidentally discovered was there any evidence as to how it was previously accessed? It seems like such an integral part of the chapel, I’d love to know more about it.


hi can anyone please tell me how i can write on the live feed or youtube... as when i try i cant .. i just tried to say happy mothers day to mummy isabelle and it would send.. must be doing something wrong.. x


Hello! It might be because you’re trying to post on our old live feed video? Today’s isn’t up yet, it will start in 45 minutes, at 4pm French time 😊


Hello! It’s such a pleasure watching your videos pure escapism seeing chateau life... I often think what it would be like to be a fly on the wall of old buildings and witness the history taking place within the walls. I was wondering if you could wake up one day and be in a different era in the Chateau history, which era would you like to be in and what role would you have (servant or family etc). 😁


BTW-- Nicki Positano just m.entioned you and the Chateau Diaries as one of her favorite chanels on youtube! Here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64EAHoza50M. Looks like you all have lots of people watching both.


ok so this will all seem pushy (how odd for an American) but I swear it's coming from a good place! So I have a micro flower farm here in Pasadena, CA - and I will happily work on your garden for you but here are the real experts I think you should invite - try them all I KNOW one will accept: Tom Carruth from Huntington Library- he is world renowned in the rose world and garden world - he runs these gardens and is a lovely lovely person - I have tagged you in Instagram here is the website https://www.huntington.org/ the other person is: from Rose story farm, I do not know her personally but I have met her and been to a talk and she seems AWESOME and has been doing it for 20 years and designs truly stunning gardens as well as here own - DREAMY gardens: https://rosestoryfarm.com/ You could invite her I am sure she would come and help - she is awesome! here is another person to try: she may be too busy but give it a shot: https://www.floretflowers.com/ she built an amazing just amazing business and can help you not just with the garden but with all aspects. the last person - not with the garden but she should REALLY hold a workshop there - it would sell out in a heart beat: http://tulipina.com/ and again I would be DELIGHTED to come and help but these guys are... leaders - just beyond.... and can do just incredible things.... So we hope to come either as workaway or as guests - see you soon. What a clever woman doing all of this and changing your lives! bravo!


Another comment for the garden planning-- the oldest wing at Lalande and other things really remind me of Chateau de Langeais in the Loire Valley. Maybe you could use some of the gardens there for some inspiration, especially for a formal garden: https://www.loirevalleyfrance.net/castles/chateau-langeais.html.


And wow-- just saw the offer for the connection at the Huntington Library-- that is a fantastic museum and beautiful gardens if you are ever out in LA-- I'd definitely follow these leads!


I love that Antoine spends time with Selman as I remember spending so much time as a kid in my Dad's woodwork shed as he renovated the house. I learned how to sand, plane, use a drill and saw in a straight line (probably most important thing), he taught me the different screwdrivers and hammers and how to paint, glue and varnish.. in short its a great way to learn how to build anything you want :D


Hi my friend, I have 2 questions: 1) I would love to send some wind chimes to Mummy for her wonderful green house. Do you think she would like that or will the sounds annoy the birds ? 2) I am concerned about the donations that you received today (Sunday, Mothers Day) on the chat. Here in the US that money would have been considered a 'gift' and therefore taxed. We need to make certain that in France that money is truly considered a gift and not taxed. Thank you my friend, stay safe and give everyone my love. Lee Kempter


ooo! I grew up there! love it! I am up there all the time - my whole family us still up there


oh yes!! a secret wish list for everyone so people can send little gifties!!


Where is Michael’s Patreon page? I I haven’t seen it.


I know that Stephanie is really busy. So I am hoping that someone might know the shipping address for the Chateau? We retired to Mexico and I would love to send some real Mexican spices for an authentic Mexican fiesta night at the Chateau. :-)


Chateau de Lalande, Route de la Lande, 36140, Crozon-sur-Vaurve, France.


Dear Stephanie, What a joy your Chateau Lalande videos have been, especially during this Global Pandemic. I just can’t wait to visit Lalande and see all you have accomplished with my own eyes. The world is a brighter place with you, your family and friends in it. You will be hearing from me soon about making a reservation. Always, Beth Lowe, a new and appreciative Countess


Bonjour Stéphanie! Nous entendons parfois ta mère, la merveilleuse famille de « l’Illusive Nick » et toi même parler en français. Ça ne t’a jamais intéressé de faire des vidéos en français pour faire connaître encore plus Lalande aux habitant-e-s de la région? D’une francophone pas française 😉


Hi Stephanie


Hi Stephanie


Hi Stephanie sorry just getting used to this platform, I am loving the live chats with you and mummy so excited and looking forward to watching future projects and restoration of the Chateau and chapel when you lived in Framlingham did you go to school in Framlingham or did you go to school somewhere else, I have had the pleasure of visiting Framlingham boarding school earlier this year I did a Matrons course there as I am a Matron a Felsted boarding school.


Yess do a live chat with mummy!! She is so funny!!


Thank you for the anecdote about your father! It does seem with your uncle that you have a very interesting family member there as well. Would you consider doing a little biography of him, or a more general family history? Genealogy interests so many people! Cheers


I have a book - in French - called 365 Chateaux de France that I would love for you to have for your new venture with Michael. It is 743 pages and over 2 kilograms, so expensive to mail to France, and I wonder if I could send it to Mason in NY to deliver to you sometime? It is 23cm x 15cm x 5cm and brand new. If so please send me his address, or any other friend or volunteer in the US planning to visit Chateau de LaLande..

Michelle Morrison

If Youtube helps you break even on bills and Patreon is helping you with restoration - could the B&B (when it can reopen) be able to fund a staff member to help you run it (like Norwegian Marie)?

Jane Nunn

Here in Australia too! Go to the good areas and you get great quality although our big chains all go into a warehouse and get distributed.. I love op shops,

Jane Nunn

We have no cases here in South Australia..we had for a few weeks back in March and now just sanatizer ..and distancing