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Hey there, patrons! I'm happy to bring you the third episode of Tabletop Escapades. Things get extremely dicey this week as the group tries to figure out some clever (and some not so clever) ways of getting out of trouble. I hope you all enjoy and I'll be back next week at the same time with another episode.



Tabletop Escapades Episode 3

Unknown assailants put our heroes in quite a bind last episode and even managed to bring a few of them to death's doorstep. Can the group pull together a sufficient strategy to escape this mess? Will they find out the identity of their attackers?



Oh snap!!!


When are we getting an audio version of tabletop escapades. I would love too watch but I'd rather listen to the shows


Always looking forward to this show!


For my entire life, I though D&D was weird and not for me. Then I started watching this and all of a sudden I get it. I am ready to play some Dungeons and Dragons thanks to you! Keep up the good work, Dungeon Master Ben.


This might be my favorite show on EZA.


Search on Google for Tubemate. I use it to download and extract the audio from all the EZA streams.


What's the best way to get into this series? Watch the complete first season of Tabletop Adventures? Or better a best of or compilation and start witch Tabletop Escapades? Or maybe read some introduction documents?


Whenever I see anything on Patrion about "Easy Allies", I am always half convinced it a group supporting disease victims. That somehow I have been supporting people with childhood rickets or paralysis. (Not that I rule out that Kyle Bosman doesn't have rickets.)


I barely watched any TA and I'm loving TE. As someone who has never played D&D and had interest it's a great show!


Hey can you guys put this show on sound cloud so that I can just listen on my commute without streaming a video?? Dat data cap....


So epic! But like I say in these quests "you live to fight another day". Except for these guys, they'll probably be mauled by a bear.... Good luck escapades!


Awesome episode as always. Spoiler warning I guess: The guys were lucky Ben was kind of lenient on them this episode because they could have died any number of times since I believe both rolling a Nat 1 and taking damage while unconscious gives you TWO fails on your Death Saving Throws. Oh, and more a technical thing, I believe you can assign "auras" to objects in Roll20 and give them exact diameters to indicate things like how far the light from a torch reaches or the reach of fire.


This is really fun to follow, possibly my favourite show here at the moment. And Ben, you do really good job there. Two thumbs up. A question, though: was Ian jumped over twice in this episode? Around when the fire started, I think. No turns there.


Great work as always Ben and crew. As someone who never got into D&D, you really make it fun to follow along just as a viewer. 5-star DM.


I hope you guys find some healing potions fast.


Can you guys put this show on iTunes as a podcast? Me and my girlfriend used to love listening to your old tabletop show in the car.


lol this shit is hilarious - Huber's cries of anguish with each damage are hilarious. And Bossman your character is a lot better this time, and funny.


Hmm, I feel like Ben is trying to make the combat exciting but for level 1 characters there isn't a lot of things they can fight with success. It seems like a lot for just the first encounter. Making them level 1 from the start may end up only causing group frustration. I would think many would want this to go one for a long time and for how much work Ben has put into the lore of the world. It would be horrible for the 4th or 5th ep for this to end, because of something that is literally out of the player's control and could never succeed in winning. I never start games that players are level one, 3 to 4 is always the best starting place. That gives the players more tools and also makes their back stories have more impacted because they have already existed for a while in the world. The backstory they create has more impacted.


I still wish this show was longer. This is the first me of the best things on EZA


Ben, currently watching the show I'm at the 6:10 mark, so not very far, but just wanted you to know the house rule to stabilize Law and give him 1 hp is actually 100% the rules for a natural 20 on a death save!


This episode was also amazing. I laughed so much. Huber's reactions are hilarious and Brad fails almost every roll haha.


Hilarious! Shaking off the rust, huh? Next week should look real interesting.


This show is so funny!!!


This was the BEST episode so far. I've laughed so much. I know Kyle had 2 inspiration points, so it doesn't matter that much, but wasn't it the rule that a nat 20 leads to getting up immediately and a critical 1 will lead to an instant death? I don't want Yogalla to die ofcourse, because he is great! Just wanted to ask the question.


A 1 doesn't mean instant death but I do believe it means two failures on the death rolls.


love the show but ben plz stop playing 4 ppl


Hi Ben, oh man I love this show. But a little critic for sth I noticed more in episode 3. So Brad has some really bad dice rolls that are quite fitting for his character, but it felt like youas a GM did most of the roleplaying resulting from that (e.g. stuffing the grain in Laws wounds, failed sneaking). Don’t get me wrong, the most hilarious things came from this like Yogallas cat transformation but I wish you would encourage the players more to interpret their dice rolls. I mean don’t give them free control over the 1s and 20s because that would destroy the fabric of time and space but maybe try to find a system that works. At the end they have to convince you of their roleplaying. Probably a bad idea but maybe implement something fiasco-like where the players and GM give Points for good actions (white dice/chips) or bad actions unfitting for the characters (black dice) resulting in additional inspiration or penalties. But this could also lead to some meta gaming, so … Anyway I think you had so many great ideas during the first session and every player is differently experienced with D&D but I consider everyone of you quite creative, so I can’t wait for more awesome stuff!


This group got grain.


This is so much fun!!


I feel like Ian needs to be reined back just a tad. I love his enthusiasm, and he is clearly excited about the character he created, but I feel like he tries to position himself into too many situations without consulting the DM.

Eóin Dooley

Nah man, you're thinking about this all wrong. If they die that quick this becomes a cold opening, like how Game of Thrones opened with bit players only for them to die real fast.


Excellent so far, really challenging start with some of those roles and certainly with some of the roleplaying. I would never want to stifle the creativity but it might be worth putting your adventurer heads together to maybe find some compromise in terms of team play, otherwise I feel a character or two could get wiped early considering there is no designated healer. However, this is entertaining as always so please go for it in your way. I just want to see these characters with a few more levels and skills as that will really get the creative juices flowing


Look i am not saying these are terrible characters but I am very curious about their character builds and why Huber went with a strength monk dwarf build. But also on why they created what they created none of this classes have healing other than the monk. And the highest hit die is a d8. But other than those criticisms I have always enjoyed the show keep up the work guys!!!!!


I would love this too. I still have Adventures saved to my phone. I listen to it at work as I'm in a machine shop. It's loud and talking is discouraged. Podcasts keep me going and I love a good tale.


Here I was packing wounds with gauze. If I only had known about the grain!


I would lovev to hear this on sound cloud! Is it possible?


I really really hope there will be merchandise with "Lars had grain!", and that the reference makes a comeback further into the season.

Tim Harrington

Never liked D&D but love this. Good job guys


God, someone needs to animate this! I'm kinda sure you guys know RoosterTeeth, they also do animate their Podcasts sometimes in a very simple trashy cartoon style. And it's hilarious!