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Greetings, patrons! The first episode of Frame Trap (our second podcast) is now on iTunes. Here's a link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/frame-trap/id1102642377?mt=2

For more information about the show, go here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5129296

From here on out, Frame Trap will go live on iTunes and SoundCloud at the same time as the YouTube video. Currently, the show is scheduled to post EVERY OTHER Monday, meaning the next episode should be on 04/25/16.

If you have the time, it would amazing if you could give us a rating on iTunes and leave a small review. I read everything, I promise, so your comments won't go unseen.



Robert I.

Goodbye, my bootleg version! XD


Ah frame trap isn't weekly? Bummer! But I'm sure it's for the best. I trust you guys.


Ben, great job as host and for finding a way to set it apart from the Podcast. I feel like both have a purpose and look forward to each. It felt loose and had great tangents, but you still had an overall structure and knew where to go with it next. I also think it was smart having Kyle on the first episode because of his hosting experience; he stepped back but also asked some great open-ended questions. Great choices for viewer e-mails too, was really cool to hear about the first time you all found out about Versus XIII. Wonderful stuff... I focused on things I liked, because the other stuff I would comment on is just technical stuff that I'm sure will be ironed out as you go.

James Brown

Awesome! Downloading and subbing right now <3 thanks for sorting this for us itunes users, work will be slightly more entertaining now :)


too bad it's not weekly since the first episode was so great!


Is there any way to link this under the EZA podcast so that they are in the same place? If there's a reason to not do this I completely understand, my podcast list just gets pretty unmanageable sometimes and that would make it easier to see when the new one is posted. Thanks for all you do, you guys!

Lik Chan

need weekly., Ben-chan !


"From here on out, Frame Trap will go live on iTunes and SoundCloud at the same time as the YouTube video."


Awesome podcast guys. Loved the "self discovery" portion of the podcast


Great podcast Allies. I agree that the future of covering video gaming new and going into media blackout so spoilers aren't revealed is becoming ridiculous. I'm not on the majority of social networks so all of these spoilerific moments aren't ruined for me, but the fact that the subject needs to be a point of contention to be made shows that because of these social networks, no spoiler moment is safe, or not safe in being told, or not told.


Hey Ben, great job hosting! I like how both podcasts stand on their own. Excellent job!


Gonna be hard to follow 2 podcasts but I'll try.


This is awesome!!


Any way to get it without using iTunes?


Is there any way to get the other podcasts on iTunes or anything that isn't SoundCloud (because that doesn't seem to work with my phone). Currently I use podcast addict and just make the podcasts show up myself by downloading the youtube videos and converting to mp3 via tubemate. Hosting the podcasts on iTunes or really any sort of podcast site would be infinitely easier. I have no problem doing it the way I have been, just curious.


Once every two weeks podcast makes me a sad panda.


the podcast is really good Ben . Also great questions. it was like sitting with a group of friends and having a great time. I appreciate the 2 hours it must have been tough . Thanks everyone


Perfect!!!!!! I love Ben as a host and I love that its nice and lengthy!!!! 2 hours is perfect.


I absolutely love this. Listening at work and really enjoying how passionate you all are. Your stories about Final Fantasy and how Kyle got back into games are wonderful. This is the kinda stuff I adore to hear. News is always great, but I can get that anywhere. What this is is you guys being real. Being human. And it's beautiful. Thank you.


Ben this is just great. Love it. Want to hear some heated discussion on your feelings about Sega buying out ATLUS. I'm so scared!


Another awesome show.


Wasn't expecting much from a second podcast but I'm surprised how much I enjoyed it. All it takes is a great host and great guests - heh! Thanks Ben! However, one thing I didn't personally agree with is the "problem" of spoilers being posted on social media. I get it; no one wants anything spoiled and it's unfortunate when it's unavoidable in your various feeds, but to me it came off as a bit of a first world problem: "I love video games and I love twitter but I'm mad I can't have both." The way content and technology are bombarding us so quickly, yeah - some "tough decisions" will have to be made. I commend any one for going on a media black out or fasting the internet for a couple weeks (wow). There's a lot of games, there are some stupid marketing decisions, everything is connected - ya can't have everything. I think I agreed with most everything else and I love the discussions guys. Gotta make time for all this EZA "exclusive content"! ;D


Hey guys, I loved the podcast. Great conversation, and it was just a ton of fun to listen to. Thanks!