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It's actually a show now! Week 2 and our support continues to amaze. Thank you all. Like last week's episode, I update you on shows we've posted and are currently producing. This week I answer a few of your questions from the comments and I give you my personal grade for our new 5-Star Review system.


Cup of Jones - Episode 2 - 04/04/16

Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Merchandise: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies https://easyallies.tumblr.com/



Been waiting all day!


Love you, man!




jones...life is good with ur silky smooth voice to start my day once more


oh man im HYPED


Nguyen will you and Bosman play the original Pokemon games? 😏


That was a great show Brandon. I love the new review system and I'm looking forward to more great things.


Fav new show now. Finally we get it straight from Jones' mouth!


I love cup of jones. You are the man Jones.


Gonna be honest, was not a big fan when I discovered you guys changed to the 10 point scale... but hearing you discuss the reason behind it and how it affects the review process, I'm on board. Great show Jones!


I was in the middle of a 1 hour+ YouTube video and as soon as I got the notification on my phone that Cup of Jones posted, I was here in a flash. You and your team are hands down my favourite people on the Internet and I gobble up every second. If I could sustain my health on just your videos, it's all I would eat. Thank you for everything!


Cup of Jones is great. I love just hearing a casual chat about the status that EZA is operating at. The GT crew symbolized to me a very personal-yet-professional crew, and I'm glad that carried over here.


Brilliant, genuine reasoning around the new five-star, ten-point system. Love it. I can't tell you guys how many times I would open your reviews before EZA and watch the cuts of the game and listen to the script, only to not care at the very end what the actual number was. The script was well written enough to describe the game as the experience it was (and thus enough for me to make a decision whether to invest my time), and for you guys to have more freedom to achieve that is great. Watched both of the EZA reviews a day or two ago, and more of the same goodness as before. Keep it up guys.


I really, really like this show. Thanks Brandon!


didn't realize the um's and uh's until you told me, Brandon. I don't mind so much, it sounds so much more natural like we're having a conversation instead of a lecture.


didn't realize the um's and uh's until you told me, Brandon. I don't mind so much, it sounds so much more natural like we're having a conversation instead of a lecture.


One of my favorite EZA shows, you guys are awesome.


People backing out? You know what forget those people. LETS UP THE PLEDGE!!! You are producing so much content for us and I am thankful.


Thanks boss


My biggest concern about the 10 points review system is that if a game would have gotten a 9.8 then your going to round it up to a 10. At GameTrailers I knew that if the day ever came that a game got a 10 it really earned it.


At $40,000. We should have a live stream of Huber playing his Clarinet because of the bet he lost to kyle during his time at GT. He must owe up to his lost :-P lol.


Nice step up from last episode, I must say (not that last week was bad). You've sold me on the 5 star, ten-point system, as well. I was one of those few hundred patrons whose payments failed, but I sorted it out. Keep up the good work!


Was there any indication or writing on the wall you guys noticed before GT got shut down or did Defy just completely blindside you guys?


I'm pretty sure that happened already. It was awesome. I found it! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJAHUrdkOJc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJAHUrdkOJc</a>


great episode! i love the format! you mentioned maybe forgetting something- if you ever realize you forget something, or see a trailer you want to talk about / give feedback on, maybe you could do smaller 'shot of jones' unscripted episodes randomly throughout the week. (any excuse to see more of you)


Enjoyed the second Cup of Jones, $100 Tier idea -- since the second podcast is going to be done on Skype what about a pledge to be a one time guest on that podcast? Just throwing that out there! Love EZA!


I really like this show! There is a certain vibe and flow to it that is very entertaining. Love it! And I have a hunch at what the cash reward could be about 😊lol. I am sitting quietly with my fingers crossed now. :)


This show is progressing nicely. Keep up the good work Jones!


I am soooo glad that the "points" part of the review system is getting less focus. having a 5 (or 10 point, with half stars) scale allows people to focus on the review. I have friends who get super angry when one of their favorite games gets the same score as a game they hate, not understanding that reviewers have different opinions and tastes....and the 100 point system facilitated that misunderstanding making it seem like a 7.8 is some objective number. I had many discussions on maybe review sites should go back to a reviewer's tilt multiplier, or maybe even a "generation" or platform multiplier to deal with confusion on say a 360 vs XbOne version of a game. All the conversations just show how scores actually miss the point of the review itself. The only suggestion/comment I'd have is that I also like what Arstechnica did for awhile with the "rent" "buy" "skip" recommendations. It would be interesting to see something like that adapted to EZA (if not in a score, maybe all the EZA folks can give their opinion on a game's purchasability at the end of a review.....or something) Sorry for the long comment, and thank you for wanting to continue doing this stuff!


Did you look into using a 20 point scale (1 - 10, with 0.5 increments)? I think that would be a good compromise.


Jones, I couldn't pay attention to the episode due to the appearance of a certain gungan in the background. I kept starring at Mr. Binks, lingering on the left side of the frame, giving me a cold hard stare that reminded me of what the prequels could have been. I will rewatch the episode, but meesa thinks it was okayday. (Sorry couldn't resist :) )


Loving all these new shows! The podcast was always my favorite and now we get two, so cool. Definitely starting to feel like Easy Allies can go above and beyond what was available on GT. HYPE!


I will miss the old review system but I am also hyped for the new one! I understand the points in favor of this new one and I agree completely. Great new show! I'm loving it!


Love the show and can't wait to see more of your editorials. I never really focused on the score anytime I watched one of your videos. I always wanted to know why the score was given because that speaks more to me. There are certain things that I love and hate about certain games. And listening to the reasons for a score help me judge if the game is for me rather than just a base score.


Smart argument for the ten point scale. I felt like something would be missing without a 100 point scale, but if I were a reviewer, I would rather people listen to my words about my experience than give credence to a number. Perhaps this will make me less picky about what games I try.


Hey Jonesy, I've heard you mention the Dead before. Are you a fan?


Really liked the way you expressed the way how you're putting reviews together.


Your climbing up the show ranks Jones! 5 ⭐️ episode today! Keep up the good work buddy!


Thoroughly enjoyed this. The "fast and loose" wasn't awkward buddy. It was nice and relaxing. =) &lt;3 and respect

Heru Muharrar

This window into how and why you guys do things is fantastic.


Great show, Brandon. Have to say, I'm not used to a 10-point review system. Haven't really dealt with them all that much. But, I think I'll hold my reservations and allow it to grow on me a bit. However, I definitely agree that the most important thing in a review is the script and not the score itself. Hopefully this system will get more people to see that. Also, thanks for considering implementing a $100 reward.


Personally, I love the 10-point system. The 100 point systems come off across as arbitrary with such small variances in scores.


This is great stuff. Love the behind the scenes videos.


Love Cup of Jones. And loving everything else you guys are doing. The review system makes sense. In the end, the meat of the review was always a strong point wit GT reviews. Whereas with other sites I would typically skip down to the score, I would always watch the whole review with you guys. Really the only thing I liked about the 100 point system was trying to predict what the score would be at the end. But I can live without it. Looking forward to the new shows and the next Cup of Jones. I won't get sick of you saying thank you if you don't get sick of me saying that this is a special thing you guys have going and we're all super jazzed to be on this positive vibe-fueled hype train! Regards, Shea Odland AKA darthweetness


awesome... quick thought, i wouldn't mind reading said reviews that the reviewer wrote.


The Star Rating system will grow on me, what matters is what you said. The script is where the substance is. That's what matters most. Your guys' video reviews are the best in the business.


I find point systems, in general, to be trivial. I understand why they exist, but even on the the old site, I would often stop watching before the number even popped up. Love that the crew is reviewing games again. edit - i prefer the 10 point system over the 100 point system... simple and clean. Makes the written word all the more important.


I love the rating system. I agree that it'll give so much more importance to the review itself.


Ps. I hate that my phone won't recognize paragraph breaks...


Much better lighting, sir.


Hi Jones! I love that you guys are focusing more on the narrative of the reviews than on the score. I personaly don't watch reviews for the score but to prepare myself for the journey! Nonetheless I have to say that half a star is ridiculous...


I absolutely agree about the review system. With any reviews I've written, they have always been skewed toward my score with less emphasis on my straight feelings. I just never realized it until you said that. Thank you, Brandon.


Much better lighting this time. The question about the mug was foolish nitpicking were it based on a valid assumption. And his implication that mugs aren't cups is false. cup: a large cup, typically cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer. Mugs are cups: the question was idiotic.


Fantastic, Jones. I love you, man.


Nice episode, Jones. I like the 10 points review system, it keeps it simple and the written text should be what really matters anyway, in my opinion. I'm really excited for this second - more relaxed - podcast and my wish is that it is as long as those Giant Bomb podcasts, the ones that go for hours, but I realize it might be impossible for now at least. I love listening to long podcasts while running or doing other stuff. I'm not sure if this is the right place to suggest a new show, but one Gametrailers' series of videos I really liked and wish came back in some form to Easy Allies is "Just Played". I love the reviews and the podcast, but sometimes I feel like the conversations on certain games end too soon, even though people still wanna hear you guys talking about them. "Just Played" was great because it extended the conversation beyond the review videos and let other opinions be heard as well, when multiple staff members played the same game. I especially liked them when they had more than two people talking in-depth about the time they spent in-game. I wouldn't want to force you guys to talk about a subject you don't want to, of course. Oh, and I also don't think us, the audience, would mind if a show like "Just Played" was done over Skype now, to make it easier for you guys, since you don't have a studio (YET). Anyway, I'm enjoying the content we're already getting, so keep up the good work!


Really great explanation about the 100 point vs the 5 star-10 point review system. Thanks for the insight. Love the show!


Good stuff Jones!


Loving the show, very EZ to listen to. Just a thought - my guess is that the person asking about audio versions of the podcast were also including this show, Cup of Jones, in their wishlist.


So am I now swimming in 3.5 stars? Personally never really worried about the score on GT reviews, always came for the in depth analysis and personal view. I getter better sense of the review by getting to know the reviewer, like when your friend recommends something you take into account the kind of person they are and what other stuff they like. And I have a good sense of the easy allies from all the great shows available. Keep it up :)


Thanks for the review scale explanation. I was skeptical about it, and I didn't like it very much, hearing the "why" makes me feel way better about it. I can definitely see the passion increase in writing from Hubsley and Benkle, these reviews were stellar and I enjoyed every minute of it. Your worst mistake during Cup of Jones was mention that you were doing "hummm" and "ahhhh" a lot! You lost me there, I couldn't focus anymore and was noticing every hum and ah you did for then on! Dammit! hahahaha I loved episode 2 of Cup of Jones, great lighting aswell, very intimate :D I would also love more Just Played, I feel that that show gave hidden gems a chance! These indie titles that were good but not good enough for a review or a stream were awesome to see in 10 minutes conversations. Just playeds were definitely one of the coolest shows you guys had.


Again, thank you for the transparency Jones! I would love to see a compromise to a 20 points scale.... But I also understand the writers' point of view. Keep it up!!!!


Good work Brandon, an excellent explanation about your new review system. I like others, was skeptical, yet I am on board big time now. Cool show.


Loving the fast and loose style of this episode Jones!! Your opinion on things is always appreciated. As far as the new system for the reviews I definitely like what the team is doing with their input with their experience with the game. That in it self as always had more of an impact on myself compared to a numerical score. Enjoying the new score, can't wait for more cup of Jones and more reviews


To be honest I don't really care if it's 10 or 100 points. What I do care about is the structure of the review itself. I somehow found it more appealing when the GT reviews had this Gameplay / Story / Presentation etc. partitions.


I like the 10-point system... it forces the viewer to gleam that "last decimal point" through the reviewers actual words, rather than having the reviewers having to imply that game A is better than game B by 4 decimal points, which opens up whole other debates. The "last decimal point" is like my personal interpretation of the review, bringing into it my own biases and preferences, and wholly adjustable as new games come and go.


Bring bosman's Show to EZA officially!


I was hesitant about the new review system, but your explanation of writing the review based on the game and not a number made a lot of sense to me. For Quantum Break and Dark Souls III, Huber's thoughts and opinions on the former and Ben's on the latter matter to me way more than any number score and/or review done for these games by anyone else (and I'm not just saying that because they were the ones who reviewed each game respectively).


I for one endorse the 5. 10. Scale due to the fact 1-6 always meant the same exact thing prior. Cup of Jones is slowly becoming my fav show btw


Perfect length for COJ imo, loved this episode. Liking the 5 star system something a little different. Will the Allies (if they have the time) go back a review some of the big games released the the layoff period?


Now you look wonderful Jones.


Let's all go to the trailers at 40.000$ would be great. Trailer score always puts the emphasis on the biggest and loudest trailers while let's all go was always a surprise with some true gems in every episode (plus it's relative with you guys being crowd funded why not go back to looking at cool indie trailers instead of the newest live action cod trailer) . Doing it early Tuesday before the group stream with whomever shows up early for it that week would maybe work.


I've always liked the 5 star system so you've got my support there. Also surprised Kyle's new show isn't exclusive here since it's top-notch, classic Bosman.


I love the updates of future shows. It's a great way to keep the Patrons informed and much appreciated. Personally, I prefer the five star (ten point) system that EZA has adopted. I believe having less options to score a game gives a better reflection of what the reviewer finds its quality to be. I know instantly what a three star rating is compared to a four, or even a four and a half compared to a five. I believe this will lead to less time for reviewers having to ponder over a score and more time to focus on their thoughts and critique of the game itself.


Excellent episode! I respect Bosman's decision to not bite off more than he can chew. However, I've said this before and I'll say it again: if a full-time EZA funded Bosman show is ever added as a stretch goal, I will double my current pledge. That probably won't pay for his show by itself, but I will gladly vote with my wallet for more Kyle and I feel like others would too.


I like 5-star / 10 point review systems. I think it's actually more accurate than the more "detailed" 100 point score. Not that I really give a damn about "scores" anyway. I want to hear your opinions. How you FEEL about the games. Heck, I wouldn't mind a THREE point system: "Buy" "Rent" "Kill With Fire!"


I love the 5 star scale, it gets rid of wishy-washiness. What is more important, the feelings of the reviewer or an arbitrary score? What is the difference between a 6 or a 6.5? A game is not just a product with an assigned score, it 's a piece of art.


I like the new review system. I never cared about the final score to begin with. You look and sound a lot better this episode!

Adam Mullany

Definitely prefer the more casual approach Jones, keeping this show fast and loose is the way to go - great episode 👍


Any chance EasyAllies can do a live show like how kinda funny has done, where they get to meet fans from all over the world? Maybe at 1 year.


I really do not think you need a website for EZA. It feels redundant if the content will consist of the same information that you can convey through your different shows &amp; social media. Mainly because I don’t want a website to take time and energy, with continuous updates and maintenance, from the creation of new material for EZA. Surely it can be good with another channel to promote yourself and publicity. But it still feels counterproductive in the end. Patreon, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube etc. is all “websites” in themselves.


Just out of interest, with such as a successful patreon, is EZA full-time job for your chaps? I can only assume that jobs had to be gotten after GT closing, and something Ian said in his latest ep made me wonder if you're all/some of you are doing this around a "real" job. Sorry if this has been covered ad nauseum.


Almost thought that tankard was going to pull that table over when you placed it down at the start of the video.


Brandon.... GREAT MUSIC!!! What is that song? Love it! Fantastic show and can't wait to see more! P.S. I like the new 5 point scale. Much more flexible.


ladies and gentlemen, that is how you handle addressing the fans. Brandon thanks for covering most of our questions and concerns.

Gan Khef

I am thrilled with the candor! Brandon Jones, I think your approach is spot on here. I (and I'm sure many others) continue to feel more and more comfortable continuing to invest EZA, and that is what I believe will ensure longevity. I'd say that the reason the patronage drop-off wasn't more severe is directly related to this candid attitude. More to the point, you don't come off as condescending or overly solicitous. You are playing it very smart and clean, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for that. Cup of Jones is quickly becoming one of my most anticipated shows. Wish we'd had a Jones show sooner!


I like the star rating system, feels like it will be easier to give 5 stars than a 10/10. Also might have bad games with 1 star which feels a lot lower than what you'd probably give on the 10 point scale.


Could you bug Kyle again please? Final Bosman was my favourite show too.


I'm okay with the score system, I just don't like the visualization with the stars. I'm so used to seeing numbers that I always will convert the stars into numbers in my head. And I have to, to compare the score to other scores around the web. Which is kinda annoying. Couldn't you just used straight numbers instead, meaning 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10, without any in-between point somethings, just like EDGE magazine did it?


With your guys reviews (at GT or here) I never cared about the score at the end. I loved watching the video and determining from what if I should buy the game. Infact there were many times at GT where I would watch the review and the score at the end didnt match at all what was said in the review.


The first episode of the new Final Bosman show is already on Kyle's Youtube channel.


I don't care about the score anyway, may it be stars, stripes or numbers. I watch reviews for the commentary, but I do understand that you need to have some sort of score system for the people who skip to the conclusion.


Love the hum and akward pauses its your opinion and real reaction what i care about not the pwrfw tly written/spoke review anyway my question is: what are the chances of EZA adding a goal in patreon for classics games we should play?


The new review system is better exactly because the person writing the review don't lose so much time and energy in the score, but focus on the experience and the commentaries


Yes, the star system is great :) . Once people realize that there is no point clinging to the certain numbers if it comes to the game reviews they will understand why. It gives you a lot more creative freedom and gives us a very healthy opinion of the game. No more 'This game is good but ONLY a 7' now 3 stars up means that you definetly recommend the game. The more half stars there are the more excited you are about it and less chance there will be something that will put someone off said game.


Great show, as always.


Thank you for the great show. I like the unscripted version, it feels more natural. It is nice that reviews are more focus on reviewer's opinion rather just on score. It provides more in dept on how game feels rather than "oh, it got bad score, so it is a bad game".


Question/request - it would be really great if we could easily download videos for offline viewing on mobile. Is this something you are looking at doing? Keep up the great work


Way better, love it!


I'm a fan of the 5-star review system. It still serves the purpose of providing a succinct numerical summary of a review, but it places more of an emphasis on what the reviewer is actually saying (as you said). Anyway, thanks for the update.


I really enjoy this show. It's good to know that boss is around the house. Clarifying general thought behind particular decisions is much appreciated. Editorial part, however, is my favourite. Show could be longer, though.


I've been a supporter of you guys ever since GT days. I remember watching your videos with my brother ever since we were kids. We saw everything from reviews, podcasts, previews, and let's plays. Seeing you guys back again reminded me of those days and made me a bit nostalgic. I'm 22 now and I can't believe it's been 11 years since I first watched you guys. Just a suggestion: maybe add another denomination of pledges because I want to pledge higher but 200 is a little bit out of my range LOL. Maybe 75? 100? Again, great job guys!


It's good to hear where things are moving, thanks. And the reasoning behind the new review score system in the editorial part was convincing. Thumbs up for that, then.


Mug of Jones just doesn't sound as good as Cup of Jones! Really enjoying this show Brandon and it looks like you are too, Keep up the good work Allies!


I like those drums!


Also, for a "Let's All Go To The Trailers" type show, I wouldn't mind if it didn't go up the same day as the trailer is released if the problem is getting everyone together right away.


Seriously how heavy is that mug? That table is buckling!


I loves ums and buts! I love awkward pauses and stuff like that! And forgetfulness! You were right from the top, Brandon -- it feels like a show this week with all the feedback you took and the improvements you made. Cheers for another show to look forward to every week!


Really loving the show, and all of the other content! A question I had was if you guys were planning on doing group discussion videos on specific topics. For example Just Played, spoilercast, and so on.


Either his mug is the heaviest of them all or it's the flimsiest table I’ve ever seen. 40K to fix it? XD


A really cozy show you've created! Fits you perfectly and I can't wait for more! + HYPE! is the moost Huberesque name ever! &lt;3


I like the less formal format. I love the 10 point scale.


Scale is less important as long as the review quality remains top notch. And bring back Final Bosmaaaaaan


Man, great show 10/10.


Thumbs up Brandon! The moment when you talked about the number of patrons being lower on April 1 but now is even higher than before made me buckle. We are here and we are strong! EZA


I am curious, what would you guys need to bring in every month in order for each of you to be set and not need other jobs as well? Didnt know if you guys had a pipe dream number in mind. By the way, you guys deserve that number whatever it may be and I hope you continue to build and build the brand until you reach it!!! Thank you so much.


That wobbly table gave me anxiety. Level the legs on that sucker before next episode! Personally, I find it hilarious that you don't use a cup on Cup of Jones. You should make that a running joke and never use a cup. Even after hearing the argument for the 10 point scale, I honestly don't like it. You have two reviews out right now, and they have the same "score". I think that should already be a red flag, and that's only going to get worse as time goes on. I agreed with you when you were arguing about the fear of a game getting a low score keeping developers in check, and this system feels like the "all hold hands and be friends" way of reviewing. Some people have mentioned a 20 point review scale, and that might be a nice compromise to bring up with the team and discuss. Just scared that if you stick to this scale, going forward every single game you guys decide to review will be one of four scores: 3.5 stars, 4 stars, 4.5 stars, or 5 stars. As someone with limited income, that's a hindrance to making important decisions over which game I should pick up when there's multiple great choices to pick between.


Regarding the review system, I'm gonna be lazy now and simply copy/paste my comment from the Quantum Break review: After thinking a while about it I'd prefer a scale from 0-10 (with .5s inbetween) to the star rating as it's more nuanced. At least to me there's a certain difference between a 7.5 (interesting for fans of the genre, for everyone else might be worth checking out) and an 8.4 (must buy for fans, lots of other people will dig it too). In your case both would probably get an 8 (if you round half away from zero) which doesn't reflect the differences between those games properly in my opinion. Just my 2 cents, I'm sure I'll be able to live with the 5 star system as well.


Oh and great job on episode 2. This show definitely works better fast and loose with you relaxed than reading from a strict script. You could keep rough guideline notes on flashcards or a dry erase board off screen in the direction you're facing if you want to make sure not to forget a topic.


Loving the cosy lounge music.

Mikey "MyxeQ" Novak

I would completely support "Drinking Receptacle of Jones" that or "Beverage Vessel of Jones"


Please Let's All Go To The Trailers! Please :)


I like this format better Brandon. It seems more natural. You're very good at being off the cusp. Keep up the great work good sir!.


Much better this week, less stiff and much more natural.


Jones, you need to do the next one in your British Accent - Ps Tankard of Jones might have worked ;)


I don't know about anyone else but I was really hoping for the patented mandatory update mood index to be the standard of review scores.


I think the 10 point scale works so much better for reviews, especially because (as you mentioned) it puts more emphasis on the review, not the score. Bloodborne and Witcher 3 are great games, but one getting a marginally better score than another doesn't mean it's an inferior product by any stretch of the imagination.


So ... did Brandon just ask us to keep bugging Kyle until he finally gives in to make a regular Final Bosman successor under the roof of EZA?


Also, with the second podcast involving Skype, is it possible you could add on guests like you did for GT Live, or maybe those of us from Patreon? I know that might not be a genie you want to let out of the bottle, but curious...


100 point scales usually devolve into ~30 point scales where almost everything is between 6.5 and 9.5. Everything below 6.0 is considered terrible, but mapped onto a 5 star system that would be 3 stars, which most would consider acceptable.


Nice episode! A lot better than the first one as it to me felt very scripted and heavily "edited". I much more enjoy this more relaxed style, and the increased " uhm" and etc you mentioned I didn't even notice. Also I like the new review system. To me knowing the reviewer and what the he/she says is more important than the actual score.


Love the show, love the vibe you have going on, this show is definitely something that was overdue for you. Personally I really liked the 100 point scale, or at least the way that you guys seemed to use it. There was something almost arbitrary about the differences between an 8.6 and an 8.9 that made it all seem kind of a commentary on the silliness of scores, because it's the written opinion that matters. Whatever the case your rationale for the 5 Star system is good and if there's consensus with the whole group then go with that, you guys are the pros. Question though, I seems to me that there is a lot of hesitance to talk about or even mention Gametrailers, is that a personal thing for all of you, or a legal thing? I've loved GT since 2005 but I never really knew about the inner workings and the people behind it until a few years ago and I find it very fascinating. Although I know it would NEVER happen I would love to see a retrospective about Gametrailers, meh. Anyway extremely proud to be an Ally, keep up the great work!


Great update, Brandon. If you really want my input, I think 4-point scales have an advantage over 5-point scales in that they force one to take a stance. With a 5-point (or any odd number) scale, it's too easy to fall back to the middle value: "it was okay." With four points, you have to decide -- good or bad?


Fast and looses Jones is awesome. It feels like you are talking to us. Script Jones is cool too but this felt more personal :) This is such a great idea for a show. Letting us know what's happening each week is really cool and I love hearing your opinions. Also, I actually like the 5 star scale... although is Dark souls 3 didn't get 5 then what will! (Just kidding) I hope 5 starts isn't like a 10.0 however and we actually get to see some at some point.


First of the show is great. Keep it up!!! I can see that the video is the most important part of the review (or the vo, whatever ^^) but why bother at all with a rating??? Not the biggest fan of the 5-star rating. But maybe it will grow on me ;)


That's awesome that you received pretty much all your money from the community. I've heard that there's usually issues around canceled funds and ppl backing out. Great job community! Says a lot. Any chance on a live show one day where ppl can come from all over the world to meet and watch like how kinda funny has done with their community?


Star system is sooo much better.


Fast and Loose! I like it, Jones. Good episode. Still not sold on the star rating system but quite frankly I care more about how the EZA's feel so if you all like it I shall deal with it and just reference the system cheekily as *stupid star system* :P


Now that you have explained why you've chosen for the 5 (or 10) point star system, I really like it. I like the idea that writing the script can be done more freely now and that the focus is more on the game and the opinion of the writer and less on the score. And you look way healthier this time Jones! Looks good!


Maybe you guys can consider a tshirt reward for 20 or 25$ Patreons; if you don't use Spreadshirt and use a local silkscreen printer, you could produce the shirts at a cost between 1-2$. Ow and BTW; we will keep bugging you for a Kyle show ! I love that one of the reasons of your 5 star system is that the writers want their opinion outed in their video and not (just) their points. Awesome !


Thanks for the update Brandon, great episode. Keep up the good work


Brandon do you need help with setting up a website? I do this for a living but I can help you setup a website for free(you have to take care of hosting yourself offcourse)


I didn't really like the star rating at first, however after listening to you explain it here, it does make a lot of sense. Great episode btw.

Brandon K Gann

News portion: The only thing you discussed here Mr. Jones that I would like to say is about the second podcast. As far as I am concerned, whatever it will entail, I have faith that it will be high quality like everything the Easy Allies are putting out (including a certain editorial piece :-]). Also I want to leave a note about you saying thanks. I cannot remember where I left the comment, but I will repeat it here: It is you, sir, and your team that have MY thanks. If you believe that people will become tired of hearing thanks, then you will be tired of me (if not already) by responding with a Thank YOU of my own EVERY time I see or hear it. The Easy Allies always, ALWAYS, AAALLLWWWAAAYYYSSS have made my day better discussing the things I love most. Case and point I didn't have a good day yesterday and this episode has been the first EA content I've watched since and it has made me happier. And to your point about your Patreon numbers, I am locked in with my contribution and I know what I signed up for so any and all changes, delays and other pieces of housekeeping are understandable by me. I wish I could give more, but my financial situation isn't the greatest. Editorial Portion: Per your request for a comment on the new system, I like the reasons you have provided for the change as this episode answered a question I posted last week. I would like to say I need to get used to it a little bit as 5 star 10 point scale is different. Regardless, it is the scripts (or the content if you will) that I care for, the score is just the extra that is needed. Overall, keep up the great work and I apologize for leaving such a long comment. Stay Easy fellow Ally and looking forward to this week and next!


Hi Brandon! Loved the unscripted Cup of Jones. I like the informal conversational tone of the show, I think it suits the title. Cup of Jones implies a casual setting, like having coffee with a friend. Even unscripted, the pace and flow of the narration is great, I give it 4.5 stars.


Totally cool with the 5-star system. If i'm unsure if i wanna buy a game i'm interested in but not 100% convinced by, i'm gonna read/watch whole reviews and the exact score isn't important. If i just wanna know if a game is generally a good game i don't care if 8.3 or 8.1.


Loved the old point system, but I can deal with the stars. Just glad to see ya'll back at it.


Great episode Jones, I really like the more relaxed vibe of the show this week, obviously last week it was late when you shot it and like you said you had a clear message you wanted to get accross so a script made sense, but for future episodes I hope you stick with this style, as it's has more of a chat with a friend over a Cup Of Jones feel to it, if you will. As for the rating system I don't really have a stong opinion either way, I would not even be opposed to getting rid of a score altogether just personally, but I do get why they are important to have.


I like the 5 star scale... but will you ever actually give a 5 star review to anything?


After hearing your reasoning for the new review system I am in 100% support of this decision. I believe in your opinion and I want the most sincere opinion you guys can give and not feel constricted by a score. KEEPING FAST AND LOOSE

Neale Genereux

That was a mighty fine Cup of Jones


Great format in this episode, Jones! Like a lot are saying below, informal and off the cuff works really well here. Also, great reasoning to the 5-Star system. I think it's easy to get caught up on numbers in review journalism, but thinking back to your team's previous reviews, all your opinions have spoken way louder than a number. For instance, I can remember vividly what was said about Firewatch, but I can't even recall how it scored. If the 5-Star system elevates the writing of the review, I think it's a smart move.


I think the 5 point scale is fine. Not all games can be categorized as being either good or bad, some are just okay. I personally don't concern myself too much with scores though, I care more about what's being said and who the reviewer is.


Great episode Jones! I think I'm gonna prefer the 5 star scoring. It'll definitely be more straight forward to see what games are worth trying out.


Did not know questions would be featured! I can now rest eazy :)


Hey Bradon! What was it like combining your home environment with your work environment? What are the pros and cons about a set-up like that, and do you miss having an office to go to? -@nintendom


The first cup of Jones was very good. But the second was even better and looked better lol. Thanks for the updates Jones. Please be careful. I know you guys are very keen on pleasing Every fan and patreon. With Facebook and a website etc. But please focus first on making the shows great and rest will come later. I know i'ts important too, but i rather have 3 great things than 10 mediocre ones. I know you guys will make the best decisions and know what would be best. Keep up the fantastic work. Love the Name HYPE! Can't wait.


Great video Brandon :) I'd like to bring up an unpopular opinion of mine. I'm a little saddened by the plethora of EZA streams. I'm not sad because I can't catch them all (I can't), I'm sad because my favorite type of content from you guys have always been your videos. I can find streams enjoyable, of course I can, but I don't like it when you stream just for the sake of having a stream. I want your streams to have significance by being a group stream where a lot of you guys get together to play a Smash Bros. tournament or something of that sort, or if it's going to be a solo stream I want it to be like Ben's recent DS3 streams where the purpose is to show off this new game (I didn't watch much of it because I want to experience DS3 for myself, but you get the idea). I am not writing this to take anything away from your streams, I've watched some and they were great, but it's not my kind of content and the reason I write this is because while I've been hyped out of my skull for Easy Allies' (re)birth, ultimately I've been a little disappointed by its launch so far. I know it's probably not fair critique to give since you're just starting out and trying to put all the puzzle pieces together, but I find myself thinking that there could and should be more videos out by you guys by now, and I imagine my dissatisfaction with the lack of content so far might stem from you guys having committed to such a meaty streaming schedule. I know there are people out there who are going to disagree with me and think I'm a selfish idiot for writing this, but streams just generally aren't my cup of (jones) tea and I much prefer your produced videos like "Just Played" or your podcast or streams like GT Live. Loooooooooved GT Live. My fear is just that you're stretching yourself too thin because of the beefy streaming schedule and that your video content then suffers because of that. A couple of streams a week is what I'd find reasonable as the streams (to me) should be supplementary to your primary content which is (used to be at least) videos. I hope I'm not coming off as being a negative prick on the internet, the reason I write this comment is because I care so much about you guys and the fantastic content you used to do on GameTrailers. - Ahlgreenz


I think they probably do more streams as they require very little work, the guys probably meet up to play games anyway. I agree though, most of those aren't for me, but i disagree that they have not been doing enough content, i only expected a weekly podcast really, they are an hour long and soo good, theres also 2 reviews now and more new shows, all while trying to get the new thing set up, i'm impressed!


First id like to say that was another fine Cup'a. Now on to the business. Lovin everything and I cannot wait for you guys to get into a working groove where all my favourite guys are flowing smoothly with their various productions! Also I'd like to say I do like the 5 star scale. While it is certainly not as precise with a final score, it allows the viewer to focus less on a set score and more the opinions the reviewer has, because really, a set number is a tad archaic when looking at the current landscape of gaming. I'd much rather have a general number as a basis and then decide based off of the pros and cons that are discussed throughout and it seems the guys feel the same way! Lastly, it is an appalling shame that no matter what Huber calls his new show, the only right answer is The Queber, and yet it will never be


Perfect style, keep it that way :)


No matter the review scale, your beautiful voice is all that matters, Brandon :)


Love the Jones format. And the review structure is perfect for not having people overreact on scores and such


when the table moved from the weight of the mug, my heart sank thinking it was going to go off the rails, whew


Loving the show so far Jonesy! So I really appreciate the explanation for the 5 star scale and I understand a lot more now. It makes a lot of sense, but I'd still prefer a 100 point scale, or maybe something a little more unique or comprehensive.


I'm loving these shows! What if you did free giveaways at the $40k stretch goal? Like monthly giveaways or something. Doesn't have to be grand items, but just something that sort keeps the viewers reeled in.


Have you and the crew discussed and/or found a solution to accepting and applying FREE user-created artwork for your merchandise yet? Your pal, Darth Smurf X — PS. That is not a mug, that's a stein.


As for the 5-star review thingee, I'm so glad you went with that as opposed to a 10-point scale. I was watching Kinda Funny's interview with some dude from IGN and they were discussing the 10-point scale and why people get so mad at reviews. And while I don't agree with IGN on almost anything these days, the point they brought up made perfect sense. In the states, we are used to the school grading system where anything below a 70 is failing. So if a game gets a 6.5, while not a bad game, everyone views it as a fail. But a game that gets 3.5 stars is essentially the same score, but isn't viewed as being a bad score. Basically, it gives you more freedom to give good games lower scores, without making them seem like bad games.


Please don't do the second podcast over Skype. I know it's a hassle but it will always sound better if you do it in person


I like this format and you being in front of the camera a lot more Jones.


The second podcast will be on-camera. My error. Spoke way too soon. I will spend more time on research and less time on production values in the next episode. Apologies! - Brandon


Brandon, please convince Kyle to post his Bosman episodes to the EZA channel. I know he says he might not be able to do them every week and it also depends on his employment status. But I think for everyone it will be ok if there isn't a show every week, it is better then nothing. Having it on his own channel feels weird and does not have that EZA family vibe, it is as if he is not really a full part of the team. Since Bosman was the biggest reason for many people to come to GT back then I think having a new Bosman show on the EZA channel will for sure result in more Patreons, which will then make you reach the 50000$ goal faster and you might be able to employ some of you guys full time faster (which would also benefit Bosman). Thanks! :)


Will some one from your Team be at Gamescom this year?


I think the new 5 star scale is great, to me it just feels simple, clean and to the point. Also want to say I'm liking having my cup of Jones every week, it's good to see you in front of a camera doing your own thing. Love everything you guys are doing so far, keep up the great work.


1. I'm in the camp of being more interested in the content of the review than the score. 2. $40k milestone ideas. I loved your Top 10s that were focused on the crew's personal stories that related to the topic. They were so interesting. They don't even have to be Top 10s, just quick personal stories from each of you that centers around a single moment or game.


I'm so relieved that Easy Allies has adopted a 10 point scale. When dealing with a review that is mostly opinion based on one user's experience, a 0.1 difference between scores is so arbitrary that it really holds no meaning.


Loved the 2nd episode, Brandon. Very informative and the loose style fits perfectly.

Old School Lane

Great to hear the upcoming things, Brandon. Can't wait. I know that retrospectives and The D-Files are on their way, but will you make room for Top 10's as well? If so, will you do remakes on your much earlier ones or do completely new ones?


Loving the show


How much will be needed to make a Gt 2015 E3 style dream with EZA E3 2016


This show is fantastic so far, perfect format and length. (1. &amp; 2. EP and in between), BUT: Why the scarily flimsy table....thing and why Jar Jar Bings? Whhyyyy?


im cool with the five star system now, makes sense :)


Hey Jones, could you discuss if you guys have any e3 plans, maybe time to bring out another puppet from the bag ? ;)


This is great! I was wondering if and when EasyAllies will take up official curation as a Steam Curation team. I am just looking to follow you all in other ways.


This is great! I was wondering if and when EasyAllies will take up official curation as a Steam Curation team. I am just looking to follow you all in other ways.


Cup? Mug? Isn't it more of a tankard? Looks like something Henry the VIII would drink from at a feast before a night of jollity :).


I love trailers


I like the change to the rating system. It all about the game the score is important. But often what is said it writt Ed N


..written is


I give up...hit enter twice.can't edit 🙅


Hi I want to say that I have always trusted you guys with game reviews in the past, but now that you are actually supported by us viewers via patron it seems more likely than ever that your reviews will be impartial. This has always been a problem with content creator that depend on ads from game publishers, but you guys are now much more special than before. I have been listening to your narrations from the beginning (2003 or so) and sure did miss it the couple of weeks you guys were, lets say, on vacation. Is great to have you all back!


Used to be a big fan of The Escapists, glad to hear Greg is doing good! Take your time doing what you can. Don't stress and don't rush. Frankly, I'm just glad you guys are back!


I wasn't sure where to post this but I decided this would be a good spot as it's related Jones. I was such a huge fan of gametrailers for years. I started watching because I loved the reviews. Then I got into bonus round and invisible walls, and just loved all the original video content. The direction you took in the last few years with the new crew was great, and loved the irreverent style to the videos. The Podcast was the best part of my morning commute. I was pretty heartbroken when you guys got shutdown. I didn't know anyone else who followed gametrailers the way I did, so it was frustrating to have no one to talk about my disappointment with. When I decided to check your twitter (i even use dont use twitter) to see what you were up to and saw that Easy Allies had become a thing, I was stoked. I love that I can now directly support the content I love and that this allows you to make you work the way you wanted. I can't wait to see what you guys produce! With Love and Respect, Sean Tighe.


I was surprised at how you refer to him as "Mr. Bosman" and pointedly avoid mentioning his new YouTube show by name or even acknowledging that it's already started. It gives me the impression that there may be some bad blood over that decision of his - like you're avoiding mentioning his show because you view it as "competition" somehow. I hope not. You guys always felt like a big happy family of gamers.


Man you don't come off as a "negative prick" at all as far as I can see, there is nothing wrong with giving feedback positive or negitive as long as it's constructive. I get where your coming from, I do. I like the streams for the most part as well but like you say it's hard to be there for everything, be it timezones or work or whatever it's hard work keeping up :D However I don't feel like they are just streaming for the sake of it, a lot of people like having regular stream to watch where they can hang out and chat for a few hours, I too miss not having a few people on the couch for every stream but in fairness to the guys that's not as easy to do as it was when they were all together in an office everyday, and the same goes for making videos like just played's etc., i mean I am only guessing here but lets say they wanna shoot something like that tomorrow and they need 3 of the guys to go to Brandon's to do it, all 3 have to take an hour etc. to get there, another maybe hour or 2 to shoot it and then another hour to get back home, so there is 4 hours gone from the day to do a small video, time that maybe one of the guys needed to work on a review, or work on the podcast etc., also I miss GT Live too but that show had a high level of production to it and I'm betting a lot of planning organizing guests etc., I feel like it's asking too much for now personally. As for some of the other shows being a little slow to roll out, going from what the guys have said, I think they simply they did not expect the level of support they got so fast or for the shows to be backed so fast, of course you can say well they did get funded so why are we not seeing them yet?, but shows need to be planned out and tested and maybe changed and retested and it kind of comes down to do you want it to be of a high quality, or do you just want it now. It's really just one of those situations where a little patience is needed imo, maybe try to think of your first patreon payment as the kickstart to get them going and the shows and and such will follow soon enough.


To edit a comment click on the three dots below your comment, three new icon's should appear, just click the centre one to edit. :)


You'll have my $1.05 every month until I'm dead. Hopefully that's at least $700!


Thank you, Brandon! Another excellent episode - I'll be very honest, every time you say 'thank you' I sincerely begin to get misty as though I would soon cry.. you just deserve this so much, you and others obviously - but if I could clone one of you, you'd be that guy. My brotherly love to you, buddy ~


I've always had trouble with review systems. this was truly illuminated when i heard someone - i forget who - say that a 5 out of 10 is an average score...let that sink in...I've always thought of a game score more akin to a school's grading system, a 5/10 or 50/100 would be an F...not an average - unless you're grading on a curve...but disregard that. for the longest time, Gametrailers.com had been the only place where i can watch a review and be satisfied by the score it was given afterwards, but i was actually a bigger fan of the OLD GT style of weighting the different aspects of each game; the Story, the gameplay, etc. i always felt that, with this type of review, someone who invests themselves more heavily in story could see a game with a high story score and maybe weigh things differently. though in the end, it's still about knowing the games reviewer is, and how they treat games differently from others. I've been seeing a slow general trend towards dropping any type of point scale at all, and this saddens me a little, i think the point scale still has a lot of value. my wish would be to be able to go to a trusted review site and be able to sort titles by score, by story score, by gameplay score. find a great game i may have overlooked. of course this would only really matter after establishing a great many reviews where watching them all could become unfeasible. it also may help you guys stay on track - keep from becoming too harsh or too sympathetic. i feel like i'm rambling...need some sleep.


Loving the new show Jones can't wait for next week. 40K stretch goal idea. Monthly behind the scenes show hosted by Buttons.


Hey Jones, I was wondering about something. Ian said it on his show that he didn't wanna to make something complicated because he doesn't know if will have the time to do every week. Does that means the EZA crew will be a side thing for him and others? Like, some of you will have another jobs?


Say Brandon, can you please center balance the audio next episode? I use headphones and it's kind of annoying to have your voice mainly in the left ear (and inconsistent with the video since you're in front).


Hey Jones. This sounds like a weird idea but one way to get people into donating more is a raffle. It can be anything from free shirts/mugs/game codes OR raffle game time. Like if you donate $20 you are in a raffle every week of that month and the winner gets to play with an Ally on a stream. I know I would pay for a chance to play and chat with one of you guys for even an hoir.


Hey Jones.... just learned about your new collab. with the the old GT crew... I'm very happy to throw a couple dollars your way every month.... I wish you and the rest of the guys lots of luck and success with this new venture. I'll be sure to bounce over to your Twitch channel and sub too. So glad you guys are back... the last couple months hasn't been the same without you guys.


Jones since the EZA Plays YouTube channel needs little boost at the moment. How about a little segment either on cup of jones or as its own video bringing awareness to what games have been played this week and linking to the channel to help bring attention to it.


Brandon, my quick thoughts on the new review system: Love it. I think a 100 point system only works for objectively reviewing products that are expected to meet certain criteria, which no longer works for game reviews. There are so many different experiences to be had and expectations that may or may not need to be met (is it a handheld game? 4th game in a franchise? Small development studio? Etc.) that I sincerely look forward to the subjective opinions your crew injects into their discussions and reviews. If (for example) EZA gives Mario Kart 17 a 4.5, I'll know it is because it is a great game for the series and players that enjoy that style-- not because it compares in any way, shape, or form to Dark Souls 3.


Just wanted to add that I'd love to see a hard line approach to the 5 star system, meaning that a 3 star game is exactly that: average. I want 3 stars to be the new 7 :)


really enjoying listening to all the easy allies growth directly from you. hoping we(you guys) hit the 50,000 mark soon.


I've always felt review "scores" should be... Skip It, Rent It, Recommend It, Strongly Recommend It &amp; Buy It!. The 100 point scale is just silly to me. I mean can anyone tell me why one game gets a 8.7 and another similarly good game gets a 8.6? What make a game 0.10 better than another? Same goes for the 10 point scale. What does a .5 difference make in a review score, other than helping a game executive get a bonus because Metacritic (after taking you review score) gave the game he produced a high score.