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I'm extending the entry period for Achieve It Yourself since we only got around half as many suggestions as we did the first time around. I figure I must have made the process more intimidating this time or something.

All you need to know:
- The achievement needs to be achievable in 20 minutes, from a save file we likely already have
- You can submit any game on Switch, Wii U Virtual Console, or Wii Virtual Console,
- Fill out the Google form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf9gYynVWZJQZyjDP9Wf1dUismjIiM37izQwU-g5xjdDcehdg/viewform




Now that SNES games are available on switch with online, can we suggest from that library?


I just submitted one, but I had to cut additional helpful information due to the character limit. Could we get an additional field next time for specifics like "this ally should have a save" or "these restrictions apply to the amount of attempts you will get due to how the game works" etc.?


I kinda had the same issue. Very small character limit sadly. Knowing the pro players lol, we have to write specifics so they dont cheese it


Hey I can submit another if I have to...


Thanks for reposting this, Kyle! I missed it the first time around. Achieve it yourself is one of my favorite shows

Harrison Holt-McHale

If you extended it outside of Nintendo games, as per the feedback from season one, I’m sure you would get a lot more ideas from your Patrons, especially those of us who play only the big hitter Nintendo games if any at all. Just saying.

Mark van Dijken

Ooh thank, i totally forgot to submit


Ah yes, of course. Achievements for games on systems that have achievements.... Nope.


The submission page did not work for me. But, I mean I got a good one if you guys need it. O How The Mighty Have Fallen Send a golden Lynel off a cliff 100 m or higher in BOTW


Submitted one under the name Jeff and Dani. :)


Do you have video proof this is possible? haha I would really want to see it.