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Easy Allies Patron Q&A - August 2019

Join us as we answer questions from patrons live! Submit questions or join us live by becoming a patron at $20 or above at https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies 0:44 - Any game you started out not liking, but eventually warmed up to? 4:28 - Brownies or Cookies? 4:52 - What is one rule you would enforce for any form of media? 7:52 - One game song title and why? 9:06 - One thing you're proud of and would criticize yourself for in the past year. 13:20 - Why are you guys so cool? 16:00 - Pick fighting game guest characters. 20:08 - Franchise you like but can't pick a favorite 24:11 - Is Donald casting Zetta Flare not cooler than the Fortnite event? 25:58 - Horror game design lab 30:07 - Top 10 Inconsequential NPCs That We Can't Help But Love 34:06 - New Gundam game design 36:49 - Will Yakuza 7's turn-based combat push people toward Shenmue III? 39:22 - Should I wait to buy a "Pro" Switch? 43:34 - Game Music Library - Nintendo DS 48:52 - What was the original plan for doubles in Tabletop Adventures? 51:00 - What franchises would you like to see adopt turn-based combat? 53:53 - Thoughts on Spider-Man Far From Home 56:48 - Vacation in Kanto 1:01:20 - Next-Gen Hopes and Dreams 1:03:53 - What's next for Insomniac aside from Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank? 1:11:14 - Why don't some of you review games? 1:15:37 - What monster are you most excited to hunt in Iceborne? 1:17:11 - Any new shows planned to capitalize on Next-Gen hype? 1:21:02 - Top 3 Favorite Pokemon 1:25:18 - What can the fighting game community do to get on the monetary level of DOTA? 1:32:56 - Ally Final Fantasy Roles 1:35:30 - D&D Anime 1:39:20 - What are the longest movies in the last 10 years? 1:44:24 - What can change the nature of a man? 1:45:13 - Rank these Dreamcast games. 1:48:22 - Reverse Prison of Love 1:50:39 - Is Genshin Impact too similar to Breath of the Wild? 1:53:55 - Any franchise you'd like to see revived? 1:57:00 - The origin of "Must Be Nice" 1:58:35 - Favorite RPG Combat System 2:06:00 - What wild animal would you have as a pet if it were truly tamed? Support us through Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EasyAllies Schedule: http://easyallies.com/ Merchandise: https://www.fangamer.com/easyallies http://shop.spreadshirt.com/easyallies Live streams - https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies Stream archives - https://www.youtube.com/easyalliesplays https://twitter.com/easyallies https://www.facebook.com/easyallies #EasyAllies



Hello. I was the one that asked about DOTA and fighting games. I was not used to the Google format, and I knew Ben played fighting games, but the format was messing me up and I didn't want to waste words because there was so much I wanted to say . Even when I posted those links to UltraChenTV and Sajam I could not type anymore. For the most part I really wanted to hear from guys like Ian and Bloodworth or were they in agreement with Jones? I know Ian don't care for fighting games, and I recall Huber saying that he was scared of playing online. I have no idea if Blood likes fighting games or not. Ben, I can talk fighting games all day with you since they are my go to games and I'd really like to get more of your input on this topic and fighting games in general. Love and respect, Marcus


Send an email into Frametrap! I'm sure Ben would appreciate it.