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YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYGEadkHkgw&feature=youtu.be
SoundCloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/easyallies/easy-allies-podcast-177-83019/s-rio8d

Ooh baby this show’s got red hot reactions to fresh new game announcements, from Yakuza 7 to Shovel Knight Dig.

00:01:09 - Yakuza: Like a Dragon Announced
00:13:49 - Shovel Knight Dig Announced
00:26:57 - Telltale Games is Kinda Back
00:36:46 - Podcast Halftime
00:39:03 - Classic Aladdin & Lion King Remaster Announced
00:57:30 - Overwatch Switch Case Implies Impending Port
01:03:01 - Project Resistance Predictions
01:05:41 - L&R: Sims Patch Notes - Real or Fake?
01:14:41 - L&R: Will there be room for Deus Ex in a post-Cyberpunk world?
01:24:23 - Time for Bets
01:26:53 - Corrections
01:37:27 - Closing
01:41:45 - Producer Credits

Thank you to our official sponsors!

ViewSonic - https://www.viewsonic.com/elite

Car Keys Express - https://carkeysexpress.com/store

Hoeg Law - http://www.hoeglaw.com     

SOS Children's Villages - https://www.sos-usa.org/take-action/donate-for-a-child



Megan Linart

Yes!! This podcast is stacked!! I can’t wait, some great topics


Thanks for posting this early enough. I've got 4 more hours of work, this will help.


I forgot then I remembered! Hype!


A short episode for all those extra news, what's the point of getting extra news when it's a episode slightly longer than a solocast


Awesome to take this with me into the weekend. Thanks, guys!


Hi kyle, two things... One - I have perfect pitch and Rufus sounded great! Second - in defense of people who are always cold, I have nerve sensitivity and always wear sweaters but you cant wear a sweater on your face or hands at work. My nose gets cold and drips all the tine when at work because they have the air up so high. My hands are so cold I mistype a lot. Just my take.


A really fun podcast this week everyone! I would like to make a case for putting corrections back at the beginning, though. Before, the podcast had two quick segments (opening game and corrections), two meaty segments (news/main discussion and L&R), and ended with two quick segments (bets and bet payoffs). Now, I feel like the end of the podcast is a bit bottom heavy. But I admit I'm mainly just a sucker for symmetry and like the feeling of having a warm up and a cool down. Also, M83 - Outro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyjj8BgsBGU


Correction* Like a dragon is not a good name


Also bring corrections back to the begining. Nonsense


You can actually get a shard in Bloodstained that turns you into shovel knight. His moveset is kind of disappointingly bare bones (no down slash : ( ) but it's still pretty cool.


Since Cup doesn't take personal questions anymore I'll comment here: there's some negative sentiment about the upcoming Mulan movie because the actress sided with Mainland China in regards to the Hong Kong issue. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/08/mulan-boycott-liu-yifei-hong-kong-protests-police


podcast was great, new day works, thanks for posting it early enough that we in the eu could still enjoy it on a friday night


Yo, Ian! Those hair lights are on point! Looks great!!!


Totally Bengable


Correction* Everyone does know that song. It was not a bit. Outro by M83. Featured in pretty much every fan tribute video for anything. Feels like an ocean. Kyle was right.


I need to make a real and honest plea here to bring back the opening bit. Please. I think it's something completely unique to the Easy Allies podcast that makes you all stand out as well as a genuinely fun and funny way to start the podcast. PLEASE keep doing them. They're always a great time and have contributed to some of the the best Easy Allies moments, TWO of them have even been spun off into full shows.




After hearing you talk about the retro collecting I wanted to share this pretty interesting thread Brandon Sheffield posted about the work that went into the SNK 40th collection. Really cool stuff: https://twitter.com/necrosofty/status/1059920412723855360?lang=en


Just FYI, Jones does still take personal question on Cup, he just answers them in text.


I like the change no opening segment & corrections at the end, it really works. Please don't bring back the opening bit or corrections at the beginning.


In respectful response to EpicBoyBlue's correction, has he seen the Cell saga? Vegeta bats around form 2 Cell like a cat with a ball of string. He was going to kill him until Cell appealed to his arrogance. In general EpicBoyBlue may be right, but I don't think the reasoning is there yet. I believe the prefixes for each fusion suggest the dominant personality, but I doubt there is a canonical explanation. There may in fact not be one at all


I like Corrections better at the start, it picks up from last week. Opening segment would tie into that, it also kinda shows what EZA is about. Try doing Corrections after Podcast Halftime if you don't want anything at the start.


Please don't kill opening bits. It's the only part of the podcast my girlfriend listens to with me. Now and forever.


Just wanted to chime in on how excited I am that Nitrome's working on Shovel Knight Dig. Growing up in the 2000s, me and my friends played a lot of browser-based flash games. Of those games, Nitrome stood out with its presentation and quality, making them a highly revered studio in the schoolyard. Really excited to see them come to console gaming, and I'm keen to see what they do with shovel Knight - they seem like a perfect fit!


The song is "Outro" by M83. Their most famous song is probably "Midnight City" if you're curious.


Dude same. Soon as they start talking about game news she checks out fast.


I really don’t like much, if any of the phase 4 changes but losing the opening bit is truly the knife to my heart


Is the video no longer linked and i have to klick the YouTube link every time? Kinda sucks...😕


Followup Love and Respect: yes it is I, he who asked if Rufus is still the same and a creepy clone jutsu abomination. And yes, I can confirm, he did sound great. Here is to a lot more years with original Rufus


Not a fan of this Phase 4 podcast format. I understand the logic of just diving in to the news to appease newcomers, but it also kills what made you guys unique. I would argue your opening bits and general silliness in the beginning make the podcast more appealing than news talk anyway.


I'm sorry but the opening segment followed by corrections need to come back.


Correntions at the end is weird imo


Re: Vegita's not having fun with fights, I refer you to the fight between Vegita vs. Cell form 2, where Vegita played with Cell 2 throughout the entire fight, so much as to even allow Cell to absorb Android 18. I cannot speak to which personality is dominant between the Goku/Vergita fusions, but the theory based on Vegita always fighting in a strategic no nonsense manner is, respectfully, incorrect. Vegita also has his fun.


Can't wait for you guys to stream the Sims!


That Sims Patch Notes game was fantastic! Please someone do a part 2!


Dang. The trolls won out phase 4.