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Next Tuesday, September 3rd, is the first Community Showcase in Phase 4, and the first show that I (Brandon) will have hosted in two whole months. Mr. Michael Huber will be sitting beside me on the front cozy couch for a few hours filled with creative surprises. I've been watching the Showcase in my absence, but it feels like I've missed way more than just 2 episodes. I've never been away from the Showcase before, and it definitely felt weird not to personally check in with each ally online that has been so invested in this tier. Thanks for seeing us through this Phase transition, and sending us all your great stuff!

And thank you to my hero, Michael Damiani, for hosting while I was gone!

- Brandon


No submissions will be accepted past September 3rd at 12:00 AM PT.

While you retain all rights to your content, by submitting here you’re giving Easy Allies the right to show the content in our monthly Community Showcase live stream.

You may submit a comment, an image, or an audio/video file. If you’re submitting anything other than a comment, please host the file elsewhere and link it on Patreon. You can make a tweet or Instagram post with your image, or link the audio/video from a YouTube account, etc.

If you’re posting a video, photograph, or drawing, keep your comment limited to a description of the work. Leaving a piece of art, or a video, in addition to a long comment is a bit disrespectful of people who just leave comments. If you’re posting a lot of images, we will only show a maximum of 9, of our choosing unless you specify otherwise.

Comments have been known to disappear from Patreon posts, unfortunately. Double check that your post remained active before the day of the Showcase. Leaving a comment helps to keep it from vanishing. If you’re submitting text, save a copy locally in case you have to re-post.

Any text to be read should be 500 words or less. Any video or piece of music should be 3 minutes or less. If the entry is longer, we will edit it down to a manageable length. We reserve the right to remove any content we find offensive.

Only one entry per month. Unless you specify what you’d like us to focus on, we’ll always use the last post from each Patron.

You may comment on any submissions, but keep original posts focused toward the Showcase so no submission is overlooked.



Greetings Huber and welcome back to the showcase, Jones!! I don’t have artwork this month because I took a much needed break (and managed to get sick) and getting ready for Inktober. And so, I have to say, after watching the Crash Team Racing segment on Easy Livin’, it gave me an itch. A nostalgic itch, if you will. So, I decided to jump in to one of my FAVORITE games. That is the other Naughty Dog racing game, Jak X: Combat Racing. A sequel to Jak 3, the story takes place after the events of the previous game where Jak and his friends find themselves on the race track for their survival. The game itself is divided into four cups and many events including Death Race, Artifact Race, Death Match, Rush Hour, and, of course, the Circuit Race. The tracks themselves can be very tricky and if you don’t choose the right car for it, you’re gonna have a tough time. The tracks also have three sets of items (called eco (pronounced ee-ko)) and it’s at random on which item you can get. The items are red, yellow, and blue. Red are for defense (bombs, mines, shields, etc.) yellow are for offense (guns, missiles, etc.) and blue are for speed. There’s also green eco on the track, that is for health and is there for emergencies. You can also build up the dark eco meter from kills and when it’s filled, the weapons get upgraded and is permanent until death. A lot of strategy is involved and using the eco can either be helpful or detrimental. But yeah, it’s Mario Kart with guns. I was originally gonna show off the hardest track in the game, but it ran for more than 3 minutes. So, here’s a track that I played through that should help showcase on why more people should play this awesome game. And Jones, you can forgive 15 seconds, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AucRbkUP-zU&feature=youtu.be Did I mention that the OST is really good? The music in the game is up there when it comes to my favorite OSTs and it even includes a couple of tracks from Queens of the Stone Age. Also, winning gold in certain tracks can net you prizes like more tracks, events, car parts, and, of course, cars, which can be customized and upgraded to the driver’s choosing. It’s great to jump back into this game after having not played it in 8 years and with patch 1.04, it is now playable to how it was on the PS2 (minus the save glitch which can make you lose progress.) It’s a real blast to play and should be looked at just to have fun. Much love and respect, Sara Imshaug Zephyr Moon


Easy Ally: Michael Huber https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4xlYklvRtM


Previously in Community showcase: "... and while it's not the hardest game out there..." And now, on with the show. Hello HBO! (That's Huber, Brandon and Others -in chat-) August was a crappy month for my gaming, very little progress here and there, so this will be full of tangents. I picked up the second quest on Minit, and oh my God I take that opening statement back. Holy cow is that thing hard. 20 seconds less in each cycle plus a weaker weapon plus one hit and I'm dead!? Wow, just wow. The masochist in me had a blast going thru all that until the credits rolled a second time. Working on my road to Breath of the wild, triforce heroes is not as bad as I said last month. It's still the second worst game in the franchise, but I've been enjoying it quite a bit more. I may even get the courage to asks my wife and cousin to play with me so I can unlock all the stuff. Let's see how this month goes. Another game blocking my Breath of the Wild path is Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga for the GBA. I have this rule of sticking to a game per type of console, but with that one I dropped the ball. I started it thinking I could play it while the wife watched her team's soccer matches; but her team has been doing badly and she doesn't even watches them anymore, so the game is abandoned. The bits I've played I have enjoyed a lot, so I expect to pick it up and beat it in the next couple of months. And the last game in this post is Adventures of Lolo 2 for the NES. If you haven't heard of it, you are not alone. You probably haven't even noticed the first game is part of the NES online thing in the Switch. It's a great puzzle game from Hal Laboratories; and don't worry Huber, lasers weren't even invented when that game was released. Give it a try if you will... maybe now that stranger things 3 is over, you may want try it with Adamant. Since I still have a few words to spare, I'll tell you about my October plans. I have been wanting to play Resident Evil Zero for Halloween for a couple of years now, but always something got in the way. Not this October. I will play this game no matter what. I've heard from you guys that is not that good, but hey, we need the bad to recognize the good, and removing that one from the road map, maybe next October I'll pick up RE2 remake. That's it for this month, allies. Keep up the good work and congrats on the launch of Phase 4. It was hard to watch Game Sleuth and Tabletop Escapades go, but I hope it's for the best. Can't wait for prison of love. Love & Respect, César.

Megan Linart

Hello Jones and Huber! I'm back with another twilight review, and this time its Breaking Dawn Part 1 First I want to say it may not seem like it but im a big fan of these films, I watch them all the time, they are super fun, and they have just the right amount of silliness that keeps me coming back. But when it comes to these last two films in the saga, I honestly skip them. First of all the splitting the last book into two films has to be one of the most pointless things to ever happen, they stretch this plot out so thin to make two films that it really hurts the pacing and makes the movie a chore to watch. The film opens with trash bag Bella and Edward planning their wedding for 20 minutes, the actual wedding happens soon after and its actually a pretty nice scene. After some more meandering we get to their honeymoon where they finally make love, only for Bella to immediately become pregnant..this demon baby ends up growing super fast and it’s also practically eating Bella from the inside but she wants to have it. This brings the attention to the dopey werewolves who are all freaked out because of it. This is the basic plot and this film takes this and stretches it out to two whole hours, that I can never get back. The werewolf effects are somehow worse than the other films, which sucks because this is the most you see them and they look like scifi channel original movies at times. They couldn't even get a real baby so they made it CGI which still haunts my dreams. 95 percent of the time the characters are just sitting around doing nothing of value just staring at each other, Jacobs character continues to have about as much personality as a wet mop, and bella is still so stubborn and unlikable. This film takes place roughly in the same location and has a tough time making it interesting, the director really didn't do much with the camera to make it stick out and have its own identity. Its so bloated and filled with pointless meandering its hard to recommend this one to anyone. I loved the other films for their silliness and dopiness but this one loses that and just becomes a boring mess. That all I have this time around, don’t worry only one more review to go then we are moving on to the live action Alvin and The Chipmunks trilogy so be excited for that!


Game Dev Update (art specifically): https://youtu.be/Pzshu1zekzE


Hola Brandon y Huber, Starting off with some much-deserved L&R. Huber, I recall my first video of you being a Huber Syndrome and the first word I heard was “HeyEveryoneOnTodaysEpisodeOfHuberSyndrome” which lead to me immediately pause and think “Woah...that was intense”. Honestly thought you were putting on a display, hence the name of the show, but after watching you more throughout other EZA content, I realized this dude is for real. Your absolute love and respect for pretty much everything hits me in the feels every time. I never knew about you guys prior to EZA, so when Youtube recommended your reaction to the Shenmue 3 and FF7 remake announcements, it became an immediate favorite. Brings tears to my eyes every time because you can clearly see this is someone that truly loves videos games. Brandon, you’ve become the stability I needed from the crew. Whenever you’re involved with something, I know I’ll get a good and thorough explanation of whatever is being discussed and having you as the “voice” of EZA just seals the deal. Always excited to hear what you have to say during Cup of Jones, whether it’s business or personal. You’re so well spoken, that I typically listen to you talk about things I normally wouldn’t entertain. I also enjoy your hot takes on subjects that come up, whether it’s something you honestly don’t agree with, or even when you play devil’s advocate to show the other side of a topic. Like the other allies, I can’t imagine you not being part of the team and thank you for what you do. Since my last submission in the July Showcase, I’ve been able to push through more of the games on my Backlog, and then pause it to play games that I wasn’t expecting to. As usual, finished all these on the Switch, unless it’s a console exclusive elsewhere. Rime, Detroit Become Human, The Messenger, What Remains of Edith Finch, Steamworld Heist, Shadow of the Colossus Remake, I am Setsuna, Double Dragon 2, and finally the Dragon Quest 11 Demo. Regarding DQ 11, having never played one before, I was nervous about trying this out so late in the series, but it was entirely worth it. So polished and can’t wait to play the full game on the Switch. At least the 10 hours I put into the demo will carry over into the full release which is very much appreciated. Currently working on Remnant: From the Ashes with a friend and playing Bloodstained Ritual of the Night when I’m not home. Appreciate you guys putting together the Developer Showcase for Remnant because it sealed my decision on getting the game. My buddy and I are always itching to get back into it every night. It definitely has some jank moments, but it’s been worth the price for sure. Reminder to anyone interested that it’s currently digital only. Amor y Respeto, Juan Rolón Jr.

Brandon K Gann

We’ve finally made it to September, and the rush of the releases has begun with the likes of Man of Medan, Astral Chain, and Control over the last couple of weeks with this month being PACKED. While I’m looking forward to (and will talk about next month) Borderlands 3, Gears 5 and Creature in the Well (again), I wanted to give my thoughts on the two games I played in August. The first is Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled. While this came out at the end of June, I inexplicably lost the desire to get it the day before release, and I still don’t understand why. But a month later, I decided to go ahead purchase it. And I’m glad I did! It’s just as gorgeous as the N’Sane Trilogy, and it took a little while to get back into the groove of things as I haven’t played the original CTR since I was a kid, but once I relearned the controls and shortcuts, I breezed through everything possible. Which is a shame, because I reached 100% in the Adventure mode and saw everything in the Local modes in only a weekend. The difficulty spike in the final boss race was a bit ridiculous, but overall, I enjoyed my time with it. The other game I played is easily my front-runner for Disappointment of the Year: Wolfenstein: Youngblood. I LOVE what MachineGames did with the prior Wolfensteins, and I’m a big fan of Arkane, but this was just… bizarre. The game has two strong points: The dynamic between main protagonists Jess and Soph, and the polish in how each weapon feels unique. But everything feels just wrong: The leveling system does not work with this style of game, and it handicaps the feeling of exploring areas which, while having interesting designs, lose their appeal when you’re constantly revisiting the few locations Youngblood has. Stealth feels completely pointless to do until near the end of the game when you’ve invested points from said leveling system into select abilities, and by then, you’re almost done. What story is here has potential in premise but is HORRIBLE in its implementation. The literal first three settings of the story take place in such quick succession there’s practically NO development of ANY kind. The storytelling delivery is a fail and hard to get invested in. But the one thing that bothers me the absolute most is the online aspects Youngblood has. Never have I needed to have a Bethesda account to play a prior Wolfenstein, DOOM, or Dishonored, and I don’t why it’s required here, but even MORE annoying is having to host a lobby, even when playing alone. I use my PS4 as an offline, single-player console, so in the event when I can’t connect to a server, I can’t even PLAY. Wolfenstein Youngblood feels like too many voices were saying to do too many different things. Regardless, I now look forward to a hopefully fantastic Fall. Bring on Borderlands and get me Gears.


Hey Brandon and Huber, At the start of the month I watched Creed 2. This lead to me watching Creed again and the Rocky series. Been a while since I watched through the Rocky movies. All very enjoyable films. What is your favourite boxing movie? I then went through lots of the MCU movies and then onto some classic Jackie Chan movies. Operation Condor, Who Am I? and First Strike. Operation Condor is one of my favourite Jackie Chan films. Highly recommend for anyone that hasn't seen it. My village hosted the yearly horticultural show. I am one of the members of the horticultural society, so was involved in setting it up and helping manage it. People from the community submit vegetables and flowers they have grown, photographs they have taken and baking they have made, and it all gets judged with a small prize for top 3 in each category. It has been great to get involved in the community since we moved here last year. In gaming, I got all the trophies out of LEGO Marvel Avengers and Uncharted The Lost Legacy. Fun LEGO game until the bloat hits for getting over 100 gold bricks out of mini challenges in the Manhattan hub. I now have the platinum out of all Uncharted games. I then moved on to Classic WoW. Really enjoying it. I played through during vanilla, but the Burning Crusade expansion release before I got to 60, so I never experienced any of the level 60 content. I have tried a Paladin, Mage and Priest. Currently sticking with my priest. If there was ever a time to capitalise on the hype of WoW and get it into Hall of Greats, now would be perfect. Love and respect, BeardedScotsman86


Hi Brandon and Huber! This week, I will be returning to school for a Masters of Music in Music Technology and Digital Media. It has been 2 years since I have been a student and though I feel older, wiser, and much more organized, I can't shake off that feeling that I'll still be holding all-nighters and late submissions because of all the upcoming 2019 and 2020 releases. In the process of creating my artist portfolio, I was lucky to not only work on Swordcery with some extremely talented artist in the EZA community, but an animated short film that has been accepted into festivals around the world. In the words of the animator, "The film is a tribute to the artistic contributions made by 19th century Filipino artist and social activist, Juan Luna and a romantic horror based on the urban legends that surround the cursed painting, Portrait of a Lady." Please enjoy! https://vimeo.com/332328911 L&R Mason Victoria


Hey there Allies, Wonderful to have you back Brandon, and a warm thank you to Damiani for the labor he put in during your paternity leave. This month I haven't made much art because I've been busy since landing my first ever voice-over roll in an online web series (stay tuned). I also unfortunately almost broke my ankle a couple weeks ago during a performance (long story), but I finished strong and still on the road to recovery. In the meantime, here's a little something I've been itching to share. Thanks for being my spirit animal, Huber. I just got the RE2 Platinum in your name. :) https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1168738305011150849?s=20 https://twitter.com/AllyEricJackson/status/1168738513174425600?s=20


Hey Jones and Huber, This month month my free time has been mostly dedicated to my baby daughter. She is now 6 weeks old and I went back to work 2 weeks ago. I have tried to prioritise sleep over gaming so I haven't been able to dive head first into Fire Emblem as I have wanted but one this I realised I could do whilst feeding my daughter throughout the night is hold a tablet. I picked up a fairly decent 10 inch tablet and finally took a step into comixology's world of digital comics. As a parent of 2 kids and a house that isn't getting any bigger, Man I love going digital. I have read some really choice comics over the last month including Jason Aaron's Mighty Thor run which will be adapted for Thor 4, Chip Zdarsky's Spectacular Spiderman, Donny Cates Venom, Scott Snyder's The Batman Who Laughs, Tom Taylor's Dceased and I am now up to date on Attack on Titan chapter 120 waiting with abated breath for the conclusion of the series. The thing I have loved the most about Comixology is the specials I have laid full retail *plus Australian inflation* for all my books and trades in the past but now with constant specials I can afford to read books I hadn't before, being a solely Batman and X-men centric reader. Any way that's all I got for this month just thought I would share with you my feeding and reading start. Love and Respect


Hey there Jones and Huber! To welcome Jones back to the showcase, I put together a short little compilation/quiz of piano covers from a game series that I know is dear to his heart. I think Huber is a fan as well. See if you can guess which game each song originated from! https://youtu.be/zJ4BJI9ZJe0 P.S. Astral Chain is dope L&R - Ben


Hi Huber and welcome back Brandon, I was a couple of weeks late to Mario Maker 2 and missed out on the opportunity to make and submit levels for your group streams. So I've put together a short compilation of some of them, including the Huber inspired "Uneasy Alliance", where you and Bowser have to work together to finish the course. https://youtu.be/35KOorSZyik Also very happy with Phase 4. Love having more group streams, looking forward to more Achieve it Yourself and the long awaited return of Gundam streams, and of course I wait with anticipation, and maybe just with a dash of fear, for Huber's Prison of Love. As always, Love & Respect Dave Cleland


Hi huber and jones! Let's talk.."the boys". Very interesting show which i realy hoped would end with one season. But it did not. I don't know yet what to feel about the ending....still frenchie best "boy" . L&R Alex


Hello Brandon and Huber! I’ve been wanting to bring something to the showcase for some time now but I couldn’t think of anything that I felt was worthwhile to present. However, after watching last month’s showcase, I decided to finally get off my ass and kill two birds with one stone. For years, I’ve wanted to combine my passion for music with my love of video games and I’m happy to say that over the past few weeks, thanks to some inspiration from the community, I’ve started to produce some original piano arrangements of some of my favorite pieces of music from some of my favorite games, both old and new. I’ve been trying to upload a new arrangement to my channel every weekend but for today, I’ve brought an arrangement of one of my favorite compositions from Final Fantasy IX, Nobuo Uematsu’s “Festival of the Hunt”. I’m fairly new to this style of arranging so I hope that you both enjoy and any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks for all you guys do, it truly means a lot. Adam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjN2w8Kz9v4


Hey Huber and Jones! This is my first showcase without Damiani leading the charge, and though the initial intention was to report my BOTW progress, unfortunately I haven’t progressed further yet. With college starting up and actively planning events for the org I’m on the board of, my time has been reduced to near nothing. The fact I’m at chapter 15 of Three Houses is crazy enough with my time constraints. Still, I couldn’t forget about the showcase! While I don’t have a ton to talk about, first I want to say – Pokemon Silver! I’m so excited to watch this series weekly as it’s a stream I can catch, and it’s providing wonderful inspiration for the EZA Community Pokemon DND I’m part of (shoutout to those in chat). Huber’s Prison of Love also deserves some hype, cannot wait to see what a wonderful time that show will be. In personal gaming, I’m slowly moving through Fire Emblem, and awaiting the release of Catherine: Full Body, as I never played the original. Really though, that’s about it! Just trying to survive Sophomore year of college while also putting in the time to keep a student org having consistently interesting (Weekly!) programming. That’s life though I suppose. Look forward to writing in next month (which will be October already!), and hopefully Ill actually have some more video game progress to report. That’s all for now. Cheers, Tyler Gardner @tmgm528 Final Note: So excited for Disney+ launching. The Mandalorian is going to be a must watch, and I’m so excited for more Ewan as Obi Wan eventually.


PAXPIX: Shinra Electric Power Co. Sector 01 Reactor hype! https://tinyurl.com/y3xbeuud Some good cosplay of Joker. No not that one. The other one. NO THE OTHER, OTHER ONE!!! https://tinyurl.com/yynn9zed Washington State Convention Center's chillest seating https://tinyurl.com/y433dtf2 People playing Graveyard Keeper while relaxing in coffins https://tinyurl.com/y3rw9k64 I asked if I could take a pic of this enforcer's DOOOPE Katamari Prince bag https://tinyurl.com/yygms5m7 This is the same theater I saw School of Rock at a few months ago. https://tinyurl.com/y34mg699 And now I'm the first person in line at the Supergiant 10 Year Anniversary Concert! Photo taken from the perspective of an actual supergiant. https://tinyurl.com/y6oam4kf Darren Korb, Ashley Barrett, Austin Wintory and the Supergiant Orchestra https://tinyurl.com/y6e2u2zt


From Huber's recommendation, I watched all of Halt and Catch Fire. I have a few things to say: A) Bozworth is the best character hands down. B) I was not ready for the emotional gut punch the last 4 episodes gave me. If you want to cry and cry hard, watch the series. Now to reccomend something for Huber, if you haven't already, check out Mind Hunter.


Good afternoon gentlemen, Welcome back, Jones and hello Huber! First off, I want to thank Huber for that beautiful episode of Easy Update he recently did with Ian. These aren’t easy conversations to have but they are important and I want to commend you for your courage in opening up like that. As for this month’s submission, I thought I would write about some television I’ve been watching recently: 1. Barry – Loving it so far but still only a few episodes in. Obviously, I heard good things but the thing that convinced me was finding out Stephen Root is in it. I first became a fan of his about 25 years ago when he played my favorite character on my all-time favorite sitcom: Jimmy James on NewsRadio. I’m always happy when he shows up in something and lucky for me, he shows up in nearly everything. 2. Fosse/Verdon – A bit more Fosse than Verdon and quite a bit of cribbing from All That Jazz. Michelle Williams is as good as everyone says. Unfortunately, they had to cheat a bit with the performances so hopefully, this will motivate people to check out Merely Marvelous, a recent documentary about Verdon. 3. Good Omens – I loved the cast, love the book, and was pretty confident I was going to like it. So the fact that I did was basically a relief. Live-action Terry Pratchett adaptations have had a hard time capturing what people love about him and this probably comes the closest so far. The 30 minutes cold open of episode three was particular delight. 4. Inside No. 9 – This is an anthology series by Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton and it’s one of the most tightly written shows I’ve ever seen. The episodes tend to be a mix of horror and comedy. One episode is a silent movie (starring Oona Chaplin, no less) while another is a Shakespearean farce while quite a few are horror. I’d love to see this take off as much as the next show... 5. Black Mirror – OK, I’m not writing about Black Mirror itself (I need to catch up) but Charlie Brooker, the show’s creator. I just wanted to give him a shoutout. He recently appeared on a radio documentary and reminded me that he’s the only person (I think) to go on the radio interview show Desert Island Discs and choose as one his discs something from a video game. And the song he chose was the theme to Robocop for Game Boy, which some people may recognize as one of Kyle’s favorites. Charlie’s career actually started as a cartoonist and video game reviewer at PC Zone magazine. It’s still a bit surreal to see where his career has taken him but how nice that people actually know who I’m talking about now (see also: Olvia Colman). Horror fans may also want to check out his six-episode series Dead Set, about zombies invading the UK Big Brother house. Anyway, that’s it for this month. Cheers all!


Please don't eat this, Patreon. My big brother is coming along behind me and he'll make a much better meal for you!


I try to write a little more about Mimeo Prophecy and the next steps for it if I don‘t forget :)


Hello Allies and Chat, Jessie Blu here... Well I didn't get my demo back so I couldn't submit that to the showcase but I did find something to be hyped about...Phase 4! So although this isn't what I'd planned to submit, I hope you'll find it equally entertaining. https://drive.google.com/open?id=18lUsvVyO1CqH8i7I1hoKRpeRHCeNihZB


Hey there Jones and Huber! For this month’s showcase I figured that I would keep it pretty chill and deliver you some absolute Huber bait. It’s no secret that he loves everyone’s favourite pump action firearm and so in dedication to that I thought it’d be fun to make a video showcasing my own “Top 5 Favourite Shotguns in Video Games”. I was on a bit of a crunch making this so it’s not as clean and professional as I’d like, also this is my first time VO’ing anything so I know it’s not the best but I had fun making it so I might make more in future. Hope you enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpWIzU1Jhiw


Hi Huber and Jones! It's been a tough couple of months for me because after 8 months of treatment my father passed away in early june. He had been diagnosed 2 years ago and while we knew it was coming it all felt very unreal. Coincidently Ian and Huber went through their own hardships around the same time. The reason I bring this up is because Easy Allies is a positive influence in my life. You guys make a conscious decision to focus on the things that are good. Not just with games but I feel also as an attitude towards life. There is no better example of this than Huber. I'm sure you're still in pain, as am I, but I get the sense that you really appreciate what you've been given even during these hard times. Because so much of the online world is all about negativity I want to thank you, and the rest of the allies, for sending out positive vibes. While I haven't done much gaming lately listening to you guys talk about games has been a very nice distraction. The value of a positive mindset is vastly underrated. Sorry if I got too personal, I just felt like sharing this. Thank you. L&R from the Netherlands.


Greetings Jones and Huber! This post is very similar to my last, using "bits" to learn different game engines. I made a little dinky game demo based off a certain set of...design documents. The main sprites you may recognize but I managed to make a few enhancements myself. I'm quite happy with the attack animation in particular. This time I had enough lead time to try two different engines, and am quite pumped because the second one is exactly what I was looking for, and I think I may finally be ready to start working on something original. I also finished ahead of time and worked on a little bonus bit to test camera fade and pan. Thanks to you both and all the allies for giving us inspiration daily! Note to Jones: The audio mix is absolutely dreadful, so just keep it super low or off completely. Don't want to burst any eardrums. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhMVXEoi7KM


Hey Jones & Huber,   for this month’s community comment I was torn between two possibilities: I could either send some pictures of my last months’ vacation in Tuscany, Italy or I could post my hottake on Watch Dogs 2 which I have stored away especially for Huber’s attendance in the showcase . After long contemplation, I will opt for my thoughts on Watch Dogs 2 and save the pictures for a future showcase.   I know that Huber praises Watch Dogs 2 on a regular basis. I am not disagreeing with the fact that it is an above average game. The gameplay is fun, the game has a lot of creative ideas on how to use hacking & drones and I ultimately enjoyed playing the game. That being said I have three specific criticisms that prevent the game from being great (and I would like Huber’s opinion on them): 1)      The game indirectly spoils a minor plot twist in its side-mission-structure. In every side-mission, you have in game chatter / banter between the members of your hacking crew. However, one member never participates in those chats. This is due to the fact that he/she (spoiler alert) dies throughout a story mission. Since side missions can be played at every point in time, it can be the case that you play such a mission before or after the death. So in order to accommodate for this, the developers simply gave him no dialogue without anexplanation, which seems like the easiest but also the most obvious solution. 2)      There is a huge disconnect between Marcus character as a “likeable hacker protagonist” and every gameplay situation in which you have to kill people. In contrast, (for example) Aiden Pearce (WD1) or Niko Bellic (GTA4) had a background that justified their violence. In my opinion, the character would have been stronger, if Marcus would refuse to use lethal guns or if lethal gun use would have drastic ramifications. 3)      Lastly, I am not a huge fan of how hacking is portrayed in the game – and I am not talking about technical, but the ethical aspects of hacking. The games sells hacking as a “kind of cool” hobby, which you can employ to take personal revenge and do “good for society” by hacking evil companies. I am aware that Ubisoft is telling a fictional story in a fictional universe, so ultimately it is hard to blame them for their way of storytelling. Nevertheless, I would have preferred a more nuanced approach, which also talks about the criminal aspects, “white hat hackers” that try to improve the security of systems by exploring security weaknesses and especially the ethical grey area in which hackers bend the legality of their actions as far as possible in order to get the jobs done. Thanks for reading my comment. Lover & Respect, Thim


Hey Jones and Huber! Patreon ate my comment last month. At that time, I was talking about how I just learned I would be losing my job in a month. Now it's a month later, and I have lost my job! Yay! But seriously, it always sucks to lose your job, especially one that I've been in for the past 5 years. The good thing is that this isn't the first time that I've lost a job. I was unemployed for a year back in 2014 before I got the job I just lost back in 2015. The nice thing is that I've grown as a person and am a little more responsible. When I lost my first job, I used my unemployment as just sort of extended break where I just goofed off and played video games all day. This time, I've got a plan in place and it still involves playing video games all day. My roommate and I have been streaming on the weekends for the past year, and we're now ready to start streaming throughout the week. It's exciting and scary, but the audience we have had so far has been super supportive and fun. I have high hopes that we'll be able to attract even more people with our new schedule. I look forward to watching all your new streams when I'm not doing the same. L&R P.S. If you ever find yourself losing your job and are given a heads up, complain about it. HR said we wouldn't be getting severance pay, but then we raised a stink about how we'd been there working for 5 years. Three weeks later, they came in saying we were getting severance. So yeah, being a pain in the ass works!


Hello allies! This is the first time I've ever applied to the community showcase. What I want to share with you is a personal project I've been working on for a little more than a year now. Let me give you guy's a little bit of context first. I've been a huge Nintendo fan since I got my first super Nintendo back in 1993 and it hasn't stopped to date, also I've always loved drawing and I currently work in an animation studio as a Storyboard Artist, anywho, about the project. Starting back in May 2018 I decided to work on a series of illustrations based on something I loved and the first thought that came to mind was Nintendo characters, and what better collection of characters in gaming is there if not the Super smash Bros series! So for the past year , I've been uploading weekly about 1 or 2 characters of the series with the aim of drawing each and every single of the characters in the roster, including alt genres ( Such as Robin and Female Robin) and pallette swaps (Like Alph and the Koopalings), it is the first time I've dedicated myself to a project of such a scale and I’ve done every single one up to banjo and am eagerly waiting for the last 2 entries, I called the series Super Smash Buddies. Anywho back to the smash series, I learned a lot during the process of this journey, but probably what stuck with me the most , even more than developing my artistic skills, was reaching the ability to focus on a single mission and see it through to its very end, and I must say it feels pretty darn good. If I could give a word to advice to anyone trying to work on any kind of project, it would be to work on something you absolutely love, to try to have fun with it and not to put yourself in a box. When I was around the 30th charater in my series I started to feel burned out because I was planning to use the exact same style on every character and it began to get boring, just thinking about the more than 50 characters left felt like an immense task, however, once I decided to free myself from my self imposed limits I was able to grow much more and let the style of my artwork progress from drawing to drawing and looking at it all back now, I'm very glad I did. So do what you love, don't limit yourself and overall try to have fun! Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, you can check out my "Super Smash Buddies" series on my personal instagram @j.marme and as always, love and respect from Tijuana, México. See you guys! - J. Marme


woops, forgot to post a link to my work: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HQcbeX13ULhJUdAZ6 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVPh1oH3xl/


Also, if you liked this, feel free to send any requests my way!


Welcome back, Jones! It's good to have you back. Nothing against Damiani, of course, he's just not the person I've been hearing in reviews since I was like, eleven. Of course, I'm delighted to see you here as well, Huber. I'm sure your presence will make this Showcase absolutely ex-HUBER-ant, ey? Atrocious puns aside, the only new games I've played in the last couple of months that I haven't talked about extensively (i.e Splatoon, Warframe, and such) are a couple of co-op games, so I just wanna do a quick shoutout to my long-time best friend Sable, AKA Bluberry Bat, who I've been playing both of these games with. Stay awesome, buddy, you don't even know how important you are to me. The first of the two games we've been playing is Borderlands 2, a game that I had not played before prior to this year. I've mostly been enjoying my time with it, though the gunplay feel kind of loose and sloppy in 2019 and the humour is extremely hit and miss. I've been playing as Krieg, one of the DLC characters, because he is the only one that really stood out to me, aesthetically, and he's a blast, because why shoot at people when you can just pull out a pointy stick and run at them while shouting about blood and pain and meat? Good times. The second game we've been playing together is Risk of Rain 2. I usually don't buy into Early Access titles because I don't want to burn out on them before they're finished, but Sable bought it for me as a gift. It's a great game, but suffers from a lot of fundamental balance problems right now, which shouldn't be unexpected of a game still in early development. My biggest issue with the game right now is the so-called Malachites, Elite versions of enemies (and bosses) that start appearing late in runs with a ton of extra health, extra damage and a passive ability to completely block healing if they hurt you. My problem with Malachites is that they're too polarizing. If you've been unlucky, a couple of Malachites can put a complete stop to your run, but if you've had good loot then they're a pushover. Hopefully they'll resolve that in the next update that's coming this September. Also, real quick? Risk of Rain 2 is one of the prettiest 3D games I've ever seen. It doesn't exactly push any technical boundaries, but the colourful, blotchy textures makes the game look almost like a moving painting, and I think that's fantastic. Even though I think you should always wait until an Early Access title is out, I will say that Risk of Rain 2 is a great purchase as it is, if you're interested. I've still got some words left, so a quick album recommendation: Go listen to Traversa by Geotic, it's a breezy and easygoing yet delightfully dense electronic album and my personal album of 2019. Love & Respect, Small Leviathan


Hi Jones and Huber, I have been thinking about a fan pitch for my idea of a batman beyond trilogy, I will try and have it ready for the next time you two are on together. In the meantime, here are a bunch of dragon quest builders two screen shots. Warning: very light spoilers in last two photos, but the references make them worth sharing. L&R Sean. (Jones I am not file savvy, and for some reason photos wont organize themselves the way i want, so i am sending them as individual links in the order i want, sorry) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dbBAY8T7wxOiqUe2iBIxyL893hQwo6Zn/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GSlCC6LcOiCtoStsadWXGmPn_hdg7pNO/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K9XDaeKLZohLz8YGR5mKjz9AZbOw6Cds/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rk396YwfdjXEX7ObpBY7Z18ruzeBf9xF/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xrkTShGZJ81D2NzwV05uCGORy40XwO-M/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fw0Z5lWJUbzhGDbxeen_sOkv1zoV6DVK/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pyt4EfavyZ4MU3qjQiIerZWxgNZ-_Sk4/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1L9wir-zXWjY7CPlD1aNqPqkXo9IqQC80/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O812rbI8wiCg8Hcb9ltXcNGi1zeafNC_/view?usp=drivesdk


Hey Jones. Hey Huber.  Not too huge a gaming update from me this month,  as I've been putting a little more time into playing billiards. I joined an amateur league and it's been fun making connections and improving my game. Our team (called team Dangerous) even managed to come out on top for our summer 9-ball game, so we'll be competing in a larger area tournament in a few weeks.  That's not to say there isn't a gaming-esque update at all. In my downtime,  I've been revisiting one of my favorite games of 2017. Phantom thieves have again stolen my heart a la Persona 5. The story is still impactful,  and the greater social commentary is as relevant as it ever will be. The music is still just as catchy at the 150 hour mark as it was at the 15 minute mark.  And merciless difficulty has proven a solid challenge. The big change in merciless is strategy is much more vital. In if an enemy gets a technical hit or critical, it's pretty guaranteed to be a KO. Being the second time through has allowed me to be a little more playfully critical. I could easily make a drinking game out of Ryuji lines. "For real?!?" is said in legitimately voiced over lines around 50 times. Shitty adults is probably right up there as well. Here's hoping my playthrough continues nicely and I can finish some of the secondary end game content.  I guess that'll do for this month. Good games are a comin' (including Final Fantasy 8 remastered today!) 'til next time! 


Hello Huber and Jones, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xV_mYY1TvHvAe9Y4pkPIJFxZDXt0h-bO I didn't have much time this past month for a lot of art so I am sharing some (kind of) new stuff as well as some older drawings. Also let me apologize for the shameless self promotion that is about to occur in this comment. I have a Hollow Knight illustration I made as well as a Mario illustration. These were drawn live for folks who wanted to watch on my twitch page (twitch.tv/teeketch) and are both available as prints in my shop at teeketch.com. Last are a couple drawings of characters from the anime/manga Fire Force, they are of the main character Shinra as well as my personal favorite character Arthur. And with these my last plug is that both were posted to my patreon with timelapse videos and if you like art and want to maybe improve or learn a little about making it than check out patreon.com/teeketch. As always keep up the great work you do guys and thanks for such a great community, L&R!


Hello Brandon and Huber! I am loving all the new streams so far, thanks for all of the hard work! I am sorry to Bloodworth for forgetting to play a song last month for him. I will remember next time he is on. Since I know you guys love watching the crazy fast Pop'n music songs, here is another wild one for you. https://youtu.be/yv3ODi4l1uc


Welcome Back Jones and Huber! This has been the showcase I’ve been waiting for. Why? Because I finally get to talk about the game that was already my GOTY, purely off the strength of a certain 12 hour stream by Michael Huber and Kyle Bosman. That’s right. Resident. Evil. TWOOOOOOOOO (remake). While I watched the stream live and loved it, I just kept coming back to rewatch it. RE2 captured my mind and it still hasn’t really let go. So, it was after I had watched both the original stream and the one with Damiani multiple times that I knew. I had to play it. A little context. In 4th grade, I went over to a friend’s house before school and he showed a group of us the original RE2. The vibes were incredible, but I just accepted that I’d never be able to play it. I was always a kid that got scared easily, so horror games were just off the table. Seriously. I returned Dead Space after playing for 10 minutes because I couldn’t handle it. Anyways, when I was 14, I finally tried to play RE2. I never got past the first screen. It just wasn’t my type of game, I figured. Flash forward to GameTrailers, where Huber was my driver through the wonderful world of shady corporations and mutated monsters. Watching those streams, hearing him talk about the series with so much excitement, it made me a fan by proxy. For a while I was content to stay passive in my enjoyment of Resident Evil. But that all changed with that first trailer for RE2 remake. I could feel it breaking through. The RCPD building has always stuck in my mind as one of the most truly iconic video game locations. All it took was one picture and you could immediately pinpoint where that was on the map. And here’s Capcom, simultaneously bringing those iconic locations to life in HD, but it was also mixing things up to make it fresh but true to the original spirit. I have never seen this level of care poured into a project like this. When I finally got brave enough to play on my own, I played on Assisted. I was not going to let difficulty be the thing that stopped me. After 8 ½ hours, I finally finished my first run, Claire A. Then I moved onto Leon B, and a few weeks later I made my first attempt at a Normal run and an A rank (also with Claire). When it became clear I wasn’t going to hit the time limit and I was running low on ammo, I switched back to Assisted to finish it out. So here I am, having beaten RE2 3 times, and I can now genuinely say it is my GOTY for 2019. Or, I could. But I’m 2 hours into Control and we’ll see what happens. Thank you both for getting me into Resident Evil. L&R, GOTYlocks


Hi Jones and Huber. Here are drawings I did last month: https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1167951428737912832 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1167952030414995458 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1167952368496865280 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1167952860161560577 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1167953105578680321 https://twitter.com/tearjuengi/status/1167953960994369537 1. Xiuying Hong a.k.a. Lishao Tao wearing a dress that I saw in her room. 2&3. Ren holding his trusty coin. Shenmue 2 has a nice supporting cast. 4&5. Ryo excited after catching three leaves with one try. Rest of these are done with watercolor. 6. Ryo punch! Background I pretty half-assed it. Looks more like chili peppers than leaves. 7. Host Huber. Really screwed up his eyes so gave him shades. Gave him also zombie-Wesker eyes because Mysterious Monsters. 8&9. When you read this, Final Fantasy VIII Remastered released TODAY! That's it for this month. Love and Respect TearjuEngi


Hi Huber and Jones, I haven't had much time to play videogames recently. Been working on installing a patio in my backyard for the past few weeks and I finally finished it yesterday (today being Labor Day). To quote Strong Bad, "Did you ever try to dig a hole? It's not all wipes and montages like in the movies. It takes forever!" But I have played a little bit of Control on my PC and let me tell you about the boring beauty of ray-tracing. The thing about enabling and disabling ray-tracing in a side-by-side comparison is that it's usually not an obvious improvement, it just looks different at a glance. However, ray-tracing basically means light and shadow and reflections function much closer to how they actually work in real life. So while I'm not constantly gawking at the graphics in Control, I'm being less distracted by all the visual artifacts that usually appear in videogames that aim towards graphical realism. Ray-tracing essentially makes games look normal, and you don't realize how wrong games look without it until you see a good example of objects in a dark room that are somehow illuminated in a uniform fashion by sources of light that don't exist. Control with fully enabled ray-tracing just looks... correct. However, watching the actual real-time reflections of a brushed metal sink can be truly jaw-dropping at times. You can even see the room and your character reflected in real time on a mug or tiny monitor. The future of gaming graphics is looking beautifully normal, but be warned that turning off ray-tracing in Control doubles my computer's performance, so it's a costly feature if you're concerned with framerates. -Joe


Hi Jones and Huber, Happy September! I've ben hoping to send you all something in these showcases for a while and thanks to my Twitch channel coming together and my amazing artist friend Steve, we have a timelapse video for you. There is no audio in the video so please could you read the stuff in the description box over the video when it plays. https://youtu.be/jXkMGqLtgpM Thanks very much and love and respect to all, Olie


Hello Jonesber! I hope you're both doing good. My excitement levels are rising as my favourite season is approaching, the temperatures are becoming slowly more bearable, and the 20th of September is getting nearer (Link's Awakening and Ni no Kuni on the same day, heck yeah!). I still found time a bit short for music throughout this month. I'm still adjusting to my new job, and have been looking for a new bigger flat to house my ever growing pile of video games, among other things (the new flat has been found, by the way!). That being said, I still managed to finish something that was lying around in my computer for years which that was propelled back to the forefront of my mind when I found out that BRANDON AND KYLE ARE PLAYING POKEMON SILVER! This makes me happy, as the inappropriate use of caps was meant to convey. Seriously, I can't tell how many times I've rewatched Brandon Plays Pokémon, and I'm excited for you to discover Gen 2! Which brings me to my submission, a take on the Dark Cave theme that we've heard extensively in the first Silver stream, as Brandon and Kyle spent quite some time in the Dark Cave looking for a Dunsparce. One day, while listening to it, my mind started hearing a jazz version of this otherwise haunting theme, and this is what I present to you today! Hope you enjoy, Love & Respect Link to the music: https://youtu.be/eiQOy6leE38


greetings jones and huber, happy sept which we on the east coast deal with dorlan and hope everyone stays safe throught it.with the many games coming out this month its almost too much to play links awaking,creature of the well,and surge 2 are my most wanted game of the monlth. also watched the invader zim movie on netflix and its amazing worth watching, havent started the dark crystal series but planning on too soon.i manage to play quite a few games this month control witch i love the world but the framerate buckling on my pro and the boring combat and bad writing of the mc killled some of the joy from it but still had a good time. i finished both grandia games on the grandia collection and i had to say i loved grandia 1 and it worth to see it through to the end. still playing wow 8.2 and guild just finished the raid and beat azshara in a really cool fight dealing with 3 seals and keeping the power on to titan console keeping the old znoth locked away, minor spoilers for the end but you beat her and as she drops dead the device she was using to sipon azerite energy surges through the console and breaks the seal on znoth and then the chains break, as a giant red eye appears in the deep as redish shadow tenacles crawl up and grab her and brings her back in expression of pure horror she is dragged away and a deep evil voice ALL EYES SHALL BE OPEN and it ends and the first time since the titans sealed them a old god is free to corrupt the world again, which i give it to the wow team they been keeping story stuff under lock and key and i sure we will see a expansion annoucment at blizzcon. hope you guys have a great sept and hopely bosman didnt kill everyone at man of medan stream .corey jackson.


Greetings Jones, Huber. Sorry for not posting more often, I am a terrible Ally. Alright, My gaming time is unfortunately very limited, and while not always the case- I generally play fighting games, retro games that I love, and the absolute best games currently being released. (Shout out to “Sekiro” my “Tenchu-esque” love affair, and another one of my dream games made real “Resident Evil 2 remake”, “Control” is currently burning a lovely hole in my PS4). However with Anthem, despite smelling trouble after playing the beta, I purchased and have been playing it since launch. Yes it was pretty rough in the beginning when compared to a decent level of accepted quality. However, perhaps because I played the game in small increments over time, I was able to really enjoy what is unique & best about the game (flying in a gorgeous world while blowing up anything that moves); all this without being stressed by what could have made the game better. Not to mention every time I jumped in it seemed like there was a recent update with improvements to the game, and new features added. I am not defending the fact that EA put out a subpar game at launch- they absolutely did, and that’s bad, just bad. But six months later, Anthem is a very different game, a better game and probably the game that should have launched. Even now there’s still a lot of room for improvement, but I am still having fun regardless. The “Cataclysm” event in Anthem is going on right now and is a great time to return, or hop in for the first time. Ironically “Iceborne” and other stellar fall games are imminent, (November alone is insane) and will absolutely draw people away from Anthem (including me to a degree). I also understand that it can be difficult to ignore and not be swayed by negative impressions & criticism for a game. However not just for Anthem, but any future game release, I believe it is in the best interest that people keep an open mind, and try not to immediately compare games to the ‘perfect 10’s” of the world. No one wants to be disappointed, but sometimes games can simply be enjoyed for what they are, and not what they could have been. Now real quick: Don’t forget to support Sega’s upcoming “Sega Genesis Classic”. You never know, we might get a “Dreamcast 2” down the line. With that said, Bradley Ellis once stated during a Hall of Greats, “I don’t think anyone can love something as much as Huber loves Streets of Rage 2.” He’s wrong, it’s me, and it’s also “Streets of Rage 2”. But you know what I love more? The fact we are getting a sequel! “Streets of Rage 4” is looking & sounding fantastic, not to mention Yuzo Koshiro and a few all-star composers are pumping out some killer beats. Do yourself a favor and watch some of that glorious extended gameplay from gamescom. You guys are the best. Keep kicking ass and taking names, and I’ll try and do the same. Love & Respect. - Tegan Combatti


Aloha Brandon and Huber, I hope everything is well with you all. First off, I just wanted to give a quick update on what I brought up in my care package letter, right after E3. My Psoriatic Arthritis is still giving me daily pain and discomfort, but I finally might be getting a working treatment in the coming weeks. I have tried a couple meds in the past few months, but had to end them due to side effects that were pretty horrible. My involvement the business that were trying to start up is still progressing slowly (too slowly....), so no real update there. I'm still not able to play console games due to my injured left hand, which is really unfortunate since were getting into the main gaming season. In the next few weeks, I was going to buy Iceborne and Borderlands 3. I really want to replay Catherine Full Body as well, actually I think that one might be possible, if I play it on EZmode since I beat the original. Gears 5 looks interesting, but I only play them for the storymode anyway. I could never get into the multiplayer, it's just not fun. Then we also got the Ni no Kuni Remaster and Code Vein. More games to add to the backlog, once my hand is good enough to play again. I may pick up Iceborne and Borderlands regardless and try to figure out a way to play. I have been watching a ton of TV and Movies though. Stranger Things and The Boys were amazing. I also enjoyed Swamp Thing, Agents of Shield, and the final season of Elementary. Krypton season 2 had some good moments, but its cancelled now so the main storyline is unfinished. Currently watching Pennyworth and Preacher; with Carnival Row, Dark Crystal, and Legion season 3 on the docket; and Titans season 2 coming up. Also been playing some WoW Classic here and there. Playing mostly with the mouse and just a couple fingers on my left hand is challenging, but man I forgot how different and difficult it was back then. Rose tinted glasses to be sure, but still fun. I've also been trying to get back into Lego as physical therapy for my left hand. Made a couple sets, including a custom one (based on a few ones I found online with my modifications). The big set I bought because we just had a major anniversary on July 20th. Was going to share it last month, but just didn't have the time. Have an amazing September, and I just wanted to thank Chat especially for all the warm wishes during the reading of my original letter. You Allies are the best. L & R, Samo Rozman @Namzor https://imgur.com/a/RFQjrE5


Ah, crud, I forgot about this again. OK, August... um, didn't really play any video games... I don't think. There was stuff that came out later in the month, but I'll talk about that next month. So random stuff time. Agents of SHIELD... kind of an OK season, but hoo-boy did they have a good lead in for the final season. I did appreciate the red herring they had going only for them to pull a different trick with Clark Gregg's character. I still think the show piqued during the Framework arc. Love it when they pit characters against each other and put them through hell. Personally, if you have a fanbase that is shouting "No" or "Don't you dare" at the void of twitter, then I think the writers are doing something right. I feel like we were jipped out of a season of the Adventures of Fitz and Enoch. I would have taken that over pretty much the entire season. Still,looking forward to the final season next year. Sometimes it is sad when a show ends, but I'm excited to see what some of the main cast does next since they'll be done with this. Especially Iain De Caestecker. Such a great actor. Btw, Overlord was an awesome movie that came out last year... not that anime... Oh! Which had a Picross game that came out on Switch. I played that! Never watched and will probably never watch the anime, but I'm always game for some Picross. Anyhoo, the Overlord movie, Iain De Caestecker was in that. If you haven't checked it out, well, you should correct that. What else... The Mandalorian looks awesome. I couldn't give two shits about Star Wars, but I'm all in for that. I have seen all the movies. The last few were pretty rough. I'll probably see the one that comes out in December for the hell of it. I have those I see the movies with that keeps it entertaining. Though that Last Jedi one was rough with the pacing. At least the "It's salt" scene gave us a huge belly laugh that lasted for a solid minute. I know I've said it a bunch recently, but One Piece... that storytelling is just spot on. Oda recently said he would like to finish the series in the next 5 years... I don't see that happening though and I do not mind at all. I finished another readthrough recently and it is always amazing how he has some things so planned out. I love when he puts answers right in front of the reader that nobody will catch on to until years later. I cannot praise enough the meticulous planning, world-building, and storytelling Oda puts in to the series. Love it!


Safety post. Not going to edit. Totally forgot to write something. This is a messy comment.


FINALLY THE DAY IS HERE. EPISODE ONE OF THE SHENMUE EZA-DUB Hello Jones & Huber Sooooooooooo about this whole Shenmue EZA-DUB thing. When I split all of the episodes up into three minute parts, the pieces all fit into place pretty well. Except the first part that was about ten minutes. I knew i had to cut down into two parts. It was hard to get this very first episode under 4 minutes and i’m surprised I did, but moral of the story is this first episode is a little over the time limit. Do what you will. I promise the parts coming after this will be much more on the nose of 3 minutes. My apologies for that. With that being said. Enjoy Episode One of NINE of the Shenmue EZA DUB. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYhv_HDMK10 Starring Daniel Bloodworth Kyle Bosman Bradley Ellis Michael P Huber and Brandon Jones ALL OF THE LOVE ALL OF THE RESPECT Dan Allen Detroit, MI


FOR PEOPLE WATCHING AFTER THE FACT: Catch up with the whole SHenmue EZA-DUB Project Here. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUUk-a7SquQ9QGbcBGrs6JOIGDgFWLYbA


A moment of silence for Gregory Huber please this includes you chat ........ Thank you everyone. When Ian posted about his father's passing it was a punch in the gut. When Milo was born early no matter my knowledge of medical advancement still nervous. Then Huber posts about his brother and I felt like I was hit by a truck. When you listen to these guys week after week for years you know about these people they're close to and care for. Made more apparent that I was listening to old episodes of Frame Trap and Huber is mentioning his brother all the time. Originally my post was going to be reiterating my feelings for Ian and his hardship and how he's been great since his return and remind chat and the allies around the world how awesome we can be. But now it all feels so sad. Just as much as we rely on these guys to get us through the tough times in our lives I feel as though in some small ways we can be there for them. Spiritually, emotionally, physically here in chat. We love the Allies and feel for Ian and Huber now. We will be here when he is back and nothing will change that. If you want to do more then donate to the Memorial fund if you can. Any little bit would help his family through this. https://www.gofundme.com/f/gregory-huber-memorial-fund Reading about him made me appreciate Huber's stories all the more. Knowing that he met his wife in Japan, has adorable twin daughters and sporting a Dodger's cap coupled with his looks and there's no question who this man was a brother too. I just needed to get these emotions out there because it all hit me hard honestly. Which is more proof to the fact that there's a connection to the Allies that goes deeper than many communities out there. Always surprising and we need be grateful that they allow us into their lives in these small ways. Now I will talk about my life for a brief moment. Next month I am returning to the Philippines a year after my original trip to meet her for the second time in our five year relationship. I want to thank Ian and Huber along with Brad for taking part in the anniversary video I put together two years ago. A long distance relationship is difficult. An ocean apart and yet we have made 5 years work somehow. Just keep moving forward. In fact to make this more special originally I had planned to get her a promise ring because I wanted it to be between me and her that for all intent and purpose I will marry her someday. But instead something more cost effective given my situation I got her the heroic replicas Mermaids Pendant from Stardew Valley. So an Easy Allies Sponsor helped me with a sort of engagement gift. No worries allies she doesn't watch these or any content unless with me.


My post from a few months back that never got read. Reposting now. Ignore the gofundme since it has since ended. Love you all


Hello everyone. Cisco here. My trip to the Philippines has been an emotional rollercoaster especially now toward the end. We were playing hy ear on whether or not our journey would keep us in Davao or send us to another island do to my gfs work. They told her she would be staying so we went about reserving accomodations and everything just for them to pull the rug out and send her off. So with not enough money, no refund available, and an unwillimgness to put my girlfriend out 100s of dollars I am stuck in Davao alone. It is painful but hey I got to spend lots of time with her anyways and I could not ask for more. Happy to see her at all especially because we have been together 5 years and this is only the second time meeting in person. Also she did accept the Mermaids Pendant as a promise ring so that was nice. Her family practically accepts me which is a wonderful feeling to have. On the gaming front not much has been going on. Been playing GoW as a movie for her brother while I am over here. Started playing CS to play with her brothers and I am fucking terrible. But I enjoy watching it more anyways. Been an avid fan of pro cs since 2014-2015. My team is still the same since then. Dignitas->TSM->TQM->Astralis. Excited for Iceborne and also never played WoW but told an old college friend I would give it a go for him. Anime is still an active addiction I cant kick but hey keeps me entertained. Also Line Webtoons is just as bad of an addiction and an ever increasing money sink. I legitimize it in my head by thinking of it like buying trades at a comic store. Anyways guys. Next you here from me I will be back in the states and hopefully have some personal work updates to share. Welcome back Jones. Loveya Huber. Seeya guys around.

XWF Outlaw

Good Afternoon Huber, Chat, and a warm welcome back to you, Papa Jones. As fate would have it, I myself am returning to Community Showcase from a hiatus since the Year 3 meet up. I hope no one was worried I had succumbed to the EZ Virus 6 months ago. Haha. Now a quick recap on what's been going on. Strap in. This summer has been great in beefing up my Switch catalog. I have played through "Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3" (a swimming 7), "My Friend Pedro" (small but fun), Dabbled in "Cuphead", And hard quit "Travis Strikes Again". I also started Collection of Mana with Final Fantasy Adventure. But after an hour of playing I died and forgot I had to manually save and i lost all my progress. :( For PS4, I replayed Boarderlands 2 and the Pre-sequel with freinds in preperation for BL3. And I finally caved and will be playing Control later this month. I dusted off my PS3 to play the original Assassin's Creed, and boy is that game rough. Having never played an AC game I could understand the appeal upon its initial release but going forward on this game will be a chore. What was not a chore was my next Full Franchise Playthrough I started after finishing the Kingdom Hearts series this past winter, Devil May Cry. I was inspired by Ben's retrospective to give this series a go of it as I own every game in the series (sans DMC 5) and have never played them before. Devil May Cry was a real treat and I hope to push forward with DMC 2 and I have heard from many that that game is terrible. This past Labor Day weekend I was home alone tasked with dogsitting my sister's pupper, so We took the opportunity to watch all 6 films of my favorite action franchise, Mission: Impossible. While M:I:2 is by far the worst movie in the series by a mile, the other 5 have high rewatch value. Especially the first movie. Pure Espionage at its finest. (Brian DePalma is one of my favorite directors.) Finally, on a personal note, I got a new job! The busy work hours are a thing of the past and I'm looking forward to doing a lot more with my newly-acquired free time. That's it for now. This next month will be a hurtin on a lot of people's wallets (including my own) with so many great games releasing. See you next month everyone, Love & Respect #NowAndForever #T2HoldsUpJones


Not sure when the cut of time is so maybe I missed out. I missed the last few months lol my procrastination be damned! So if it makes it in this is my post. I would first off like too say too Huber I like your review. But there were several problems I just could not understand with control you didn’t even mention. 1. As a avid metrovania game player I hated the games loot! Normally you back track for meaningful loot like loot health gun upgrades ect. The best games like this even hide entirely new areas weapons endings this way. Control has some back track side stuff. But why the hell does this game use Random loot! It does not work for a game like this. 2. No torch! Now I get this a problem that depends on your setup but I tried messing with my setting a lot so far I can find a setting that works not this game. Normally dark areas work fine as I simple turn on a torch. But with the absense of one I was forced too make dark areas bright which made bright areas such as white rooms or the furnace blinding voids. 3. Marshal was a white lady before I met her. I swear when they mentioned Marshall before they showed a mature white lady doing things. So when I meet Marshall and have a bugged no word conversation with a black lady I get very confused. Is this a bug did they change Marshall at some point but didn’t change her in the videos?. Anyway I like the game just I feel like some people havnt mentioned it’s problems. What I would like too shoutout this month is remant from the ash’s. if the allies stream didn’t sell you. Let me tell you this is my game of the year. The secrets and worlds are amazing. And the variety of monsters is staggering if you thought it was all cool tree demons your way off. Oh and would you believe I got the enchanted roll on the first boss and yep like the pr guy said it was the worst. Everyone buy this game so we can get more multiverse worlds


Hey Brandon and Huber. Last month I revealed a game I'm working in GB studio, a game maker program based around the classic Gameboy. As I get slightly more confident with creating pixel art for this project I decided to branch out for the showcase and make a character portrait for the main character of the game. This was somewhat of a challenge for me as I was mostly working on designing characters that could at most be 16 pixels high while my design for this portrait would be almost 6 times that. While this was tricky at first, and required research into both renaissance fashion and renaissance paper design, I am pleased with how it turned out especially since this is pretty much the first time I’ve drawn a more realistically proportioned person. And now to introduce the main character of my game: Theresa Lucan https://photos.app.goo.gl/KH8g57QDx7zDPzFY6 Theresa is a scholar, having studied history at the Holy Academy of Arts in the capital city (side note, this is just a placeholder name). This caused a minor controversy among the aristocrats of the city as she was from a very small noble family along with being the only woman in her class. Nevertheless she persevered and has become one of the leading researchers on the Phoenix fall phenomenon (second side note, we’ll get into that at a later date). She is usually a rather reserved person, preferring to hold her opinion if she thinks it will do no good. When she does decide to get involved in something, she has an immense commitment to her ideals even if it may be to her detriment. She takes heavily after her father, Benedict Lucan, a commoner whose skill on the battlefield earned him a knighthood and a noble title and has a similar personality of quiet hiding ferocity. Having seen the tragedy and horror of war firsthand, Benedict wanted Theresa to always be able to defend herself and so trained her in sword fighting almost as soon as she could hold a sword. She has an intense need to find the hidden realities and truths of the world she finds herself in and this informs both decisions she has made in the past and may have to make over the course of the game. How you all enjoy and I look forward to giving more updates in the coming months.


Hey Brandon and Huber! This month I thought I’d talk about one of my favourite anime... One Piece! And, in particular, Devil Fruits (the way that people gain magical abilities) and why I think they’re such an important part of the anime/manga. Firstly, the briefest of introductions: One Piece is about Luffy trying to find the most valuable treaure in the world, “One Piece”, and become King of the Pirates. Devil Fruits are large fruit which supposedly contain a devil. By eating the fruit you take in this devil and gain a magical ability at the cost of losing the ability to swim. So what makes devil fruit abilities such an important part of what makes One Piece great? Power scaling. Shows like Dragonball and Naruto, where energy blasts can always become bigger and more powerful suffer from power creep as enemies are forced to become stronger to continue being a threat. Devil fruit abilities meanwhile are static, and don’t inherently become more powerful over time. Meaning strategy, and how a person uses their ability, is just as important as the ability itself and the physical strength of the user. Luffy, the main character, is a key example of this. The devil fruit he ate transformed his body into rubber... Which doesn’t sound like much of a great ability, does it? But the way he uses it has allowed him to become extremely strong. At the simplest level he can punch and kick enemies from a distance because his limbs can stretch (Dhalsim) and his body bounces away blunt weapons. But where does it go from there? Luffy discovers that because his heart and arteries are made of rubber they can withstand far higher pressures than a normal body. He uses his legs like a pump to ramp up the speed of his heart, which then delivers far more blood and oxygen around his body. Effectively giving him a powered up mode, at the cost of using energy at an extremely accelerated rate. But most importantly, giving a specific cause to Luffy’s increased strength: The mastery of his ability. Not just “his power level increased”. This kind of ingenuity is used on many of the other abilities which show up in One Piece. Giving weird abilities really cool uses in niche situations where they become top tier. Another devil fruit user is Bartholomew Kuma. Who has the ability to repel anything touched by his palms... ANYTHING... He can ‘repel’ the air it to create a shockwave, any attack that hits his palm is instantly reversed... And now the unique spin, he can even ‘repel’ the damage out of someone’s body. Creating a literal bubble of pain that if anyone touches they take on all the damage which was just extracted. Damn! Running out of words. I’ll leave you with this: A gun was ‘fed’ a devil fruit so it turns into a labrador sized Dachshund dog. The gun-dog has a cold and when it sneezes it shoots a cannon ball! L&R Gareth Forshaw


Hi Jones and Huber, I have missed the last 2 or so showcases due to busy life and all, but thought it’s finally time to return for yet another Star Citizen post. We have had patch 3.6.2 out for a while now with 3.7 looming around the corner. The thing that had me and my organisation most excited was the addition of the new Origin 890J ship. This is the LARGEST ship thus far, and very different from what we have gotten before. This is not a fighter, but a diplommacy ship. Matter in fact, it is so large, that it got its own hangar that can be opened for an additional ship to land inside of it. As atmosphere flight can make the 890J very heavy, it’s smarter to have a smaller ship which you can use to transfer yourself and your company down to the surface of the planet you want to visit. So what are you going to do with a ship this size if you cant fight in it? Well, Invite leaders from other organisations for creating business deals, or maybe sign a peace treaty after a war. Maybe smooth them up with a trip to the onboard bar. Or Just for a meal on one of the ships restaurants? Or you can do like we did, just take a dip in the hot tub and sauna after a match of pool whilst your pilot smoothly flys you around the verse. Unfortunately, we went a little bit too far. After I had unloaded supplies from an Aegis titan from Arccorp, we decided to go for an evening into uncharted space. This…. Was a mistake. After cruising around in space and getting frisky, the ship started to shake like crazy and a message came from the bridge with a simple “oh-oh”. I ran out to the central gathering room and look out from the ship. Our amazing pilot had managed to discover and get stuck in the gravity pull from what can only be described as a dying star. Soon after, my friend came running in with his eyes wide open (facetracking FTW) just staring at the star stating “well this is it then”. It didn’t take long for us to get sucked in and torn to shreds. So much for a ship worth around 890 USD. Hope you enjoyed this little walkthrough of a different Star Citizen post from the other ones. Might not been as action packed, but it was still a fun event. Oh also, I’ve gotten questions on how I could take some of the screenshots. In game you can set the camera to a more “cinematic” view and adjust its position and distance for some extra cool shots. All the best Lotias https://imgur.com/a/KR842qI


Damn, Patreon ate my comment even with a safety post.