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"...and, despite its honey-like composition and aroma, unrefined secretions from Nereidyl subjects should NEVER be consumed under any circumstance. Should contact with skin, eyes, or mucous membranes occur, seek immediate help in your sector's inoculation department. 

Failure to comply will result in forced containment and/or termination by our security forces."

- Decoded internal communication to FabPharma Main HQ facility, Sectors [ACCESS VIOLATION ERROR: CLEARANCE REVOKED]

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new member's briefing!

Things have been pretty hectic as usual, but I want to start this off by thanking everyone for their patience with the latest release. I'm sure a lot of you were anxious about the delays, but I hope the extra few days taken to make sure the June packs (and specially the latest segment of the Writhe storyline) were completed to satisfaction make up for the late release!

As I had mentioned earlier, I upgraded to Octane 2020 this past month of June, and I'm pretty thrilled with the new enhancements it brings to material creation, specially when it comes to skin. And, considering how much skin is showcased in my work, I'm pretty stoked with the results so far! 

On the technical end, it did bring a bunch of crashes along creation, since I am pushing higher and higher resolutions when modelling any time I can. It's definitely feeling like it's pretty apparent I need to really consider moving production over to a more robust 3d suite down the line, so I'm going to begin picking up Blender as time allows on the back end to eventually migrate to it for most of my 3D work. We'll see how that goes, for now it's just something to poke at in between work loads ^^

Moving on to the work itself, June definitely felt like it just blew past as I started playing with some fanart. It's not very spicy (but I think Writhe makes up for that!) but I definitely am having fun with it, so I'll continue to dabble in it further!

Thinking on Writhe, I'm starting to think the Hitome part is definitely taking over the series. I try not to be biased, but she ranks up as one of my favorite characters to work on!

Still, Hitome's part in this storyline nears its end... I'd say soonish, in a month or so. Things between her and lab tech Ruiz are coming up to a pretty explosive climax, and that replayed memory will lead on to what's really going on in that Nereid flesh chamber, and what all this will lead to... some of it already being hinted at in the latest subject Zero pieces, but that's definitely not the complete picture (although when it comes to plucking information out of the FabPharma Mainframe, when is it ever?).

Let's see what July brings ;)

- bd




Ruiz dove in head first. I would have done the same 👍


Blender is the future 👍 material management from the Octane addon is labour intense though...that will probably improve in future. 🤷🏼‍♂️👍 Seeing some of your stuff as PBR rendition in realtime on eevee sound super interesting, though.


I figure if the blender addon is too iffy, there's always porting to standalone (or hell, giving eevee/cycles a shot?). But let's not get too far of ourselves, I'm going to be picking up the software from the ground up, so probably will be starting by making a donut or something ^^


Donuts and hard surfaces 🤷🏼‍♂️🌞👍😇 Some stuff in there is really easy though thankfully since the 2.8 release


To be honest 2.8 is what made me reconsider picking it up, it definitely looks friendlier to work with now :)