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July content packs are still in the works, I am aiming roughly for an August 10th-13th release.

Two weeks ago, an immediate family member had to be taken to the ER for breathing issues, CT scans revealed the need for a biopsy, biopsy results arrived yesterday.

The biopsy results show lung cancer. We will be meeting with a doctor tomorrow to discuss treatments moving forward.

My work and creativity has suffered a setback in the interim, but things are moving forward. While distressing, all I can do is maintain a positive outlook and hope for the best. 

I will, however, need to support my kin in these trying times, so until things stabilize the content pack releases — while continuing to assuredly be a monthly thing — will most likely take a few more days to complete than usual, as I will have to be spending time away from my computer on and off as required.

Stay tuned for more updates. In the meantime, and as a bit of a preview, I'll be posting some new lore about one of our more established girls, Becky.

I humbly thank you all for your ongoing support,

- bd



Dominic von Bismarck

Hope everything goes well for you and your loved ones. Be well and best wishes.

Ree Mcgee

Sorry about the bad news. Take the time u need to concentrate on your loved one. I hope for the best.

Adam Plantz

No rush, all the best to you and your family.


Hey man, I hope you for the best. I know how hard is to have a familiar passing through this kind of situation.


I've had a friend who has had Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She got diagnosed early and after chemo she went into remission. Now 6 years on she is still cancer free and her son just celebrated his 4th birthday. I hope that your family can be one of the lucky ones too and beat the odds. Spend as much time with your family as you can. Definitely that will be the best thing you can do for them, regardless of what happens. Rooting for your family member to pull through. Be well.


I hope your kin beats it. I lost my grandpa to it years ago.


My father had a long and mostly pain free battle with cancer until he was called home in 2019. One thing he did to stay pain free for 5 yrs was pray and take graviola tablets with protandim.


I will pray for your family and affected loved one. Now it’s time to fight


Hoping everything works out......I was literally just released from the hospital after being there 2.5 weeks because I developed an abscess that had to be drained from my right parietal/frontal lobes.......still have in-home injections of Antibiotics and steroids.....have lost mobility and sensation in my left arm/hand and will be on a long road to recovery regaining functionality of my fingers and hands......aalso not stable on my feet because of it.......this whole experience has given me new perspective on life......Praying for the best for you and yours


Wow Scales, all I can say is I'm glad you're on the road to recovery. None of what you described sounds easy, but I'm very glad you've made it through hopefully the most dangerous part, and I hope your recovery is as smooth as possible! Thank you very much for the kind words as well :)

Mark Williams

Care for your family. I wish you the best.


I'm new I just joined today I love balloondolls