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So, it finally happened. Have you ever been so pumped that you launched yourself out of a cannon? It's intense.

A couple of things struck me as odd the first time watching this episode. Firstly, that I didn't think the CMC's cutie marks made a whole lot of sense. It's probably safe to say that the whole fandom was expecting skate sports, construction and music - respectively. So that was a very interesting fake-out.

Next was Diamond Tiara's characterization. I never had a real problem with her turning out the way she did. After all, we've never seen her world through her eyes until now. So it was possible that her relationship with her mother was always a major factor - as it always is. From what I could tell previously, Diamond Tiara was just a brat for no good reason (not that there ever really is a good reason). Sometimes people are just like that and it's a good thing for people to know and be prepared for. But there is also a reason for it more often than not.

Additionally, what was on that note that Diamond Tiara handed Spoiled Rich? When did she get it? Why didn't she deliver it to Filthy Rich on the way to the schoolhouse? Those diegetic songs can really throw perception of time through a loop sometimes.

It's a good thing I've gotten used to the songs in this show. Otherwise it really would have been another Magical Mystery Cure situation where I don't watch half the episode because the songs are grating on my ears...and then have to review it because I have no idea what I missed during the song. Regardless, very interesting decision to go with another big musical. It certainly helped cover all of the ground that needed to be covered. Otherwise this episode would have been really long and possibly boring.

None of this really matters though. It's stuff that threw me off when I first watched it. But thanks to a couple of my friends who saw things that I didn't, they were able to explain to me how it works and that's when the full gravity of the episode truly hit me. I'm glad things turned out the way they did. I can't wait to see what they do with it next.


A Buck to the Face - Crusaders of the Lost Mark

Check out my Patreon page to see how you can support me and what you can get in return: http://www.patreon.com/Brawny_Buck So, it finally happened. Have you ever been so pumped that you launched yourself out of a cannon? It's intense. A couple of things struck me as odd the first time watching this episode.


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