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I have a feeling I'm seeing double. Or a doppleganger. But what are the odds of that? Maybe Heather is just using her alicorn magic to create an illusion, or perhaps a gollum, to fool me into granting access to the Ponyville Stallion's Club.

Cousin Orchard Blossom broke me. Plain and simple. I should have seen it coming. Part of me did. But there was no way I could have prepared for that. Thus, I was broken.

But that made it all the more better when Big Macintosh opened up to Apple Bloom. I don't really have a great relationship with my brothers. But I've always tried to be a good one myself and I've got a lot of really close friends who see me as such. That as well, was a punch to the chest that I could barely handle.

On a side note; Big Macintosh is a transgender? Hasbro hates transgendered people? Where on God's green Earth do you people come up with this insanity!? Seriously. Get your mind out of the gutter, if you're in this group. Big Macintosh knew his sister wanted to compete. He wanted to help her win. They thought it was a female-only competition. So he tried to disguise himself as a female. That simple. Gosh darn you folks get frustrating with how unnecessarily deep you look into things sometimes.


A Buck to the Face - Brotherhooves Social

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