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  • Increased charm growth from using social skills
  • Fixed an issue when on game start window might have spawned too high on screen
  • Fixed weared items being consumed by crafting
  • Fixed bugs with captured slave from elven lands
  • Fixed skill cooldowns not refreshing after combat
  • Fixed stats panel showing incorrect critical mod
  • Fixed soft lock on defeat in events


  • Added class information panel
  • Added more settlement and dungeon events
  • Redesigned repeatable quest structure and added more repeatable quests
  • Added slave personalities and random chat
  • Added option to use some healing skills from exploration screen
  • Redesigned shops to have limited amount of items
  • Restricted races to regions with other races being available in events for now
  • Multiple combat and exploration fixes
  • Fixed a severe issue with saving
  • Fixed tutorial window issues
  • Fixed interaction menu bug



Win64, lastest Strive2 Demo The following error occurred when clicking the test button at beginning of New Game after character creation. SCRIPT ERROR: select_chat_line: Invalid get index 'personality' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://src/ChatNode.gd:114 I believe this error occurred when completing a quest. Don't have time to check it. SCRIPT ERROR: interactive_message: Invalid get index 'loot_data' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:864 This error occurred when buying an article of clothing, I believe Silky Pants. Again I'll check more closely later SCRIPT ERROR: _process: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'is_visible_in_tree' in base 'previously freed instance'. At: res://src/ItemTooltip.gd:17


Sorry, it was a bug with the uploaded version. I've reupload it, so download a new one.

Shaun Holmes

Not a fan of new system. Way too over crowded and you have to do 60 different things just to get any where. Like you set up cooking of wait you cant just cook, you got to set cook, set ingredients and then do time. Never mind you have to sit around and cant travel or do anything. Half the new stuff did not need to be added as Strive was great. Now it just over stacked and you sat there going wtf is this. Sorry Mav but this is turning me away at min as way too much complication.


Its not that different from old cooking, you only have to set a recipe first. Its technically there since other item craft is resource reliant, but on the other hand neither of that is required to play, you can ignore crafting and cooking and get your stuff from shops and quests.


The new system is a bit clunkier than the old one but isn't too bad once you get used to it. Sure it takes a bit more time to set up, but to me it feels a tad more realistic with the travel times added in. The part that is a tad annoying is that if you set everything up for jobs and all, then once you send your group off they have to be set up. Sure this ais a more realistic approach but it would be nice if the jobs remained selected if the charaacters returned in time for the day to continue performing them. I did enjoy that their feels like more items to find and gather. T The class system takes a bit to get used to but the unlocking based on stats and so on is interesting and is lots of fun. After a game or two it will be pretty easy to know what leads to what. As for tools and weapons, I wish that you could have a different slot for tools. I think that would make it easier to manage for those that have a problem with it. Personally I don't mind, there are a ton more equipment slots to play with than before and I love that. I also enjoy that tools offer bonuses to gathering and crafting, nice touch. As for the intimate part of the game, it feels a lot like the old one but with the nice addition of desires thrown in to really get more of the feeling like your partner are responding to you. Nice touch. I haven't progressed too far yet to see if talking opens up. I do miss the simple courtship game that went in before the bedroom stuff. The addition of classes and abilities is nice. I feel like there is a ton more versatility than before there. More attacks divided among the many classes, and some abilities being off combat type abilities is nice too. I can't complain about bugs since I now that this is a early early demo, so eep up the good work and best of luck


Ohh also, I was wondering if there was a way to upload portraits into the game like in the first one? If so, how do I go about doing that?


Last I saw, you have to create a portaits (and/or bodies) folder under User/AppData/Roaming/Strive for Power 2. At least that worked for me, although I had to adjust the borders of the images so the images would fit properly within the windows in the game.


Thanks for the assist I don't seem to be having any problem with the images so fare. But I haven't looked over all of them. it doesn't seem like the race tags work to narrow down pictures which is a bit of a pain but no issue really


where can i find obsidian?

Little Oni

I must be really stupid, because I fail to find a way to produce cloth. It says i can produce it by farming, but I can only farm vegetables, and if I upgrade the farm, I get silk and grain, but no cloth.


It's not possible to farm right now. You can purchase it or get it from drops though.


Just wanted to drop a line saying This version feels a lot easier to get started with. Having items that help with the 'needs' and reduce decay rates as well as tools to expedite gathering, Feels like a big rev and a start to a fresh new game. Even an odd chance I can meet my 'basic gear' requirements before I send out adventurers. Were you planning on inplementing any ways to improve the girls with time and cost (ala base stats) or is it a case where better girls come from more dangerous locales?


You mean shop items? You will be able to both increase slaves' stats with time and rare races will have stronger stats.


2a problem, Windows: If you use pictures, and set for example custom body, that works. But when you try to set custom portrait, you get the same list of pictures. And need to reload portraits, every time you switch lists. "assign both" just sets the same identical picture to both body and portrait. Possible to work around, but a hassle, and obviously not how it's meant to be.


for some reason when I start the game it loads halfway off the screen and I can't interact with anything. is it just me or am I missing something?


Try to reinstall it into a clean folder. Is there anything in the console?


2a problem, Windows: Quality of Life issue: If you send out people on a mission, they forget what their jobs were when they come back. Meaning they all have to be assigned them again.


An actual bug found during combat: Using "Protect" and choosing at target (at least the master) results in everything freezing. Medium dungeon in the plains tested twice. OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 SCRIPT ERROR: use_skill: Invalid get index 'damage_type' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:883 (Halfbreed wolf with Fighter/Knight/Archer/Sniper/Rogue.)


After playing for awhile and taking several classes, I noticed that I can't use many of the unlock abilities in combat since they don't appear at all. I just wanted to see if many of those abilities just don't work yet or if it is because you can only have so many at once? Is there a way to change what abilities are selected to have appear on the combat toolbar? I know it is possible to do so with the social ablities by right clicking them, but couldn't find a way to do it in combat.


There's a button on the left of skill bar which allows to switch between social and combat skills.


Tried demo for the sequel, looks promising at a first glance. Always like cooking in game with actual little image of the cooked food since I love to eat in real life. I for one like the expanded food system even if it looks very complicated. How simple the food system works in the first Strive was a major grip I had for that game, because it hurts the immersion of the world. At the intro, we are told slavery exist in this world because food is hard to come by, but once I figured out to dump all the two initial points into my starting servant's agility, grind her courage stats and have her go hunting it becomes a non-issue for the rest of the game. I like how we can see the silhouette in the character creation menu. Hope the all race unlocked from the start of character creation can stay as is even in later releases, or have a debug option to have it unlocked. Now onto some nitpicks I have (mainly for character creation since I haven't tried much else): NOT a fan on how the hair and eye color are now pick an option rather than text input, since only four color to go severely limit what kind of cosplay character I can make with my avatar or my starting servant (Can't make my Foxy Rena cosplay servant anymore due to lack of red eyes). Would have liked the text input from the first game back, maybe even making the fur color for the furry characters text input. Likewise, not a fan on how we have to choose a liked and a hated food source for the starting characters. I don't know if this is for balancing, but letting us free to choose how many likes/hates, and even leaving all of them neutral would add a layer to character customerization.


Thanks for the input. I have a plan to add multiple starting presets which would allow to pick any race and have more options in future. Right now the hair/eye colors reflect the options available to selected race, but strictly speaking they can still be set to anything (although there's no such options). And yes, diet is a balance thing, since liked and hated food provides bonuses.


Either Mind Blast or Confused status it applies kill the game, Drain seems to trigger standard attack and does not consume charges.


After finishing a dungeon and choosing to take the boss into custody nothing happened. Also, after losing a fight in another dungeon, resting and going back in, game had a stroke with layers upon layers of damage numbers and current/full hp and mp.


Win64 ver 0.2b Got this error when checking a food request quest from the Worker's quild. The quest panel didn't have a Complete or Forfeit button. There was a similar error, but in a different script when I chose the quest. Unfortunately, I closed the game before copying the error meassage. SCRIPT ERROR: show_quest_info: Invalid get index 'code' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://src/QuestPanel.gd:82


Error prevents spawning enemies in hard dungeon: SCRIPT ERROR: make_enemies: Invalid get index 'bandits_ballista' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/input_handler.gd:1229 SCRIPT ERROR: buildenemygroup: Invalid get index '1' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:740 SCRIPT ERROR: start_combat: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'values' in base 'Nil'. At: res://files/scripts/combat.gd:112


ok I got this: enemygroups has bandits_balista it should have bandits_ballista :)


Medium dungeon, bug: Ressurect does not work. Medium dungeon, bug: Suceeding at disabling a trap sets that characters base wits to 3. Tested it for "High value set to 3". May or may not be the case if base wits is 0.

Tim Lin

If I am to be honest, I love where the game is going. However, there are still some parts that are a bit weird. Take the travelling mechanic as example, I love the fact that the game runs in real-time now, but we could not travel from between locations, and there are no random encounters anymore. I would also love to know how to interact with the slaves, danke.