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Hope you liked latest interactions changes, because more are coming. Most of the bugs are fixed and ready for release, but since none of them are omnipresent and gamebreaking I'm holding it for next release. Thank you for all the reports which help us fix them.

The next update is going to address 2 main aspects:
1. Combat GUI. It will get better but not by far. Originally I planned to add some basic animation with damage pop up and slower pace, but after brief attempts, it appears I'll have to rewrite whole combat framework to add any sort of animation delays. This is probably not as scary as it sounds, as I have pretty good idea on how to build it, but for now we just gonna make screen smoother.
2. Non-sex interactions. This is the main focus of next update which is done for about 50% by this moment. Basically the idea is to move slave dialogue into interaction-like environment. At first I though about just slightly altering existing interactions to show non-sex actions, but there's two major factors against it. Firstly, adding next layer with very different basics is a bit tiresome and might introduce a good amount of bugs. Secondly, given the idea of new interactions, they don't fit very well thematically, so why not make whole new UI for them? That basically means even though the idea would be somewhat similar, it will be implemented rather differently. 

So what are the new interactions? You can think of it as a dating/training minigame, similar to interactions. You will be able to pick any single slave and with limited number of terms either spend time together, teach or discipline them. Depending on your actions, they will accumulate mood values which will decide on the effectiveness of your treatment. You will be able to move across various locations which will be affecting possible actions: jail/dungeon for punishments, town for relaxed dates and such. In the end you'll get an option to propose or force them into submission. This system allows for various random elements and encounters but I can't promise I'll personally get to randomizing it. For now we just lay the basics and see how it plays out.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!



I love the sound of this, good job!


It'd be awesome to have a way to organize slaves in the slave list.

Paul Stroebel

The give away/raise baby screen won’t dismiss. Am I missing something


If you have the screen change animations disabled from options the Mansion Upgrades screen won't open up. Also: the mansion exit door creak effect is I think too loud and gets old fast.


SCRIPT ERROR: _on_selfrelatives_pressed: Invalid operands 'String' and 'float' in operator '=='. At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gd:2589

Tim Coleman

I don't know if it's intended, but when you exit out of the Slave Market in Umbra, I takes you to the "Fight Slavers/Check Victims/Leave" Option you get when you encounter Slavers in the Field.