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This is the first instance of new AI and it currently has some limitations.

Slaves will only select themself and single partner
You can select multiple slaves to act on their own. Leading slave will change every time period on random.
Slaves will remember who they interacted with and what actions they've chosen, and will prefer those over others. This, however is not yet visible (so you can't say who likes who more).

Obviously most of this will be fixed/changed later on.

New illustration preview: https://imgur.com/a/4kV91lZ

The link :



  • Added assertiveness change to punishing interactions
  • Fixed loading saved inventory bug


  • Added constant to disable rope consumption on capture
  • Added illustration for chloe's sex scenes
  • Actions, which wouldn't execute due to low lewdness/obedience are greyed out now
  • Added some new group interactions
  • Added AI for slaves in interaction sequence. AI can be started by pressing "Let <name> lead" in the actions, then passing the time
  • Added hotkeys for interaction screen
  • Slaves now remember their actions and partners during interactions, this is used by them to determine their preferences
  • Corrected some traits behavior, sexually acquired traits now added after finishing interaction
  • Impregnation chance strongly reduced
  • Some minor slave tab gui changes
  • Fixed an error with disabled screen change animation
  • Fixed constants not being saved properly
  • Fixed dream spell not closing slave tab
  • Fixed a bug preventing closing of branding window
  • Fixed a bug related to pervert trait in daily events
  • Fixed first Tisha's scene not unlocking properly in gallery



Nice update and I have to say the art really improved since i became a patreon


It's updates like this that make me glad I became and still am a patron.


love the up date but for losing all my stored weapons and armor I can buy new weapons. but don't receive them


ok i will reinstall again


OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2 Boot splash path: res://files/buttons/loading.png Using old save, attempting repair SCRIPT ERROR: itemsinventory: Invalid operands 'float' and 'String' in operator '!='. At: res://files/inventory.gd:183


do I need to start a new game again


Hmm seems like an unexpected bug with slave id changes... I'll fix it in next patch


Heya Maverik, just became a patron a few weeks ago so forgive the newb question, where does one find the gallery in the game?


How do I get it so my slaves have this lactation it says I need to have them in the farms?


if I elongate Chloe's tongue, she disappears after surgery


With the new update im getting a lot of errors and cant do anything within the game once i leave the manor. I have to go back to manor through the control tab to even do that. Assuming im able to privatly send a screen shot of the error messages i will do that. As well as a screen shot of the default starting town main screen.


You can send those to striveforpower@gmail.com. Also please send your save file, and note if you changed any ingame constants.


And I can't understand why pervent trait conflicting with masochist and "loves in the ass"


I think you need to add confirmation of the removal of the item from the storage in the mansion


Bug: Hair Dye cannot be used if located in the backpack rather than the main inventory. Have not tested other potions. Bug(?): Masochist trait can be obtained by viewing slaves (any/all) if public punishments are chosen Balance: Squire quest requires adult characters even if adult characters are disabled (description also mentions that a -young- character is desired). May want to change it or disable it of adult characters are disabled.


Found the following error when proposing intimate relationship for level advancement. Script error: unlocksex: invalid operands 'String' and 'int' in operator '=='. At: res://files/scripts/statstab.gd:357 . The subject of the relationship is a child of MC. nothing happens but lose of energy with nothing other then the error message on the debug window


Bug: Interaction mode: Abuse, if assistant selected "Face sitting" and "Anal face sitting" cause an SCRIPT ERROR: member.actioneffect: Invalid get index 'obed' (on bace: 'Dictionary').


maybe a bug: 1) "fuck in turns" and "fuck ass in turns" don't increase arousal 2) Perhaps, it is necessary to correct the inscription "Relaxing inSense" for "Relaxing inСense" 3) "Relaxing inSense" has a description like "Nipple sucking"