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So, here's the promised poll on the next goal. The main competition will be between #1 and #2, since those technically are hardest to implement at this point. But I also added some side stuff for other opinions. 

Regardless of outcome, we will continue working on in-game map and GUI, eventually reworking the combat GUI. 



Maybe some male named NPCs for women players? Please? XD Great game by the way!


With all due respect we never planned to introduce recruitable male side characters. This would be a very heavy decision, but we might eventually consider it. Thank you :)


More animated sexual content?


I'd like expansion on the offspring system. A third option would be nice aside from abandoning your kids or magically aging them to adulthood. Perhaps sending them off to school or profession training. I'd also really love an expansion of the tracker system. Right now they vanish from the tracker if you release them. Would it be possible to track them even after release and maybe expand the system so you can track the # of children you've had of that race and how many children you've had with a person. I know births is tracked in each NPC statistics but something more central would be nice.


For me and interesting idea would be expanding on the already implemented rpg elements and i dont mean only the 4 main stats. You have a pretty big collection of other data about every slave like age, height, colors, body part sizes, race, etc. but you only use it in quests/slave-trade and the farm (as far as i know). For example could you expand on the prostitution by specifically serv establishments with specific interests or even make your own one. Or expand on the sidequest system where you need to have slaves with certain attributs (like with the customer requests but without the selling). My main point beeing, that you have a system there which could have more uses and for the slaves to have the other stats beside the main 4 ones and beauty to be relevant. Also this could be a way to make the game a little bit harder mid-/endgame since one would need more mana and money to alter slaves to a have the desired attributes.


As far as interactions go, can we please get a more in-depth system for when there are more than two people involved? After unlocking those parts of the game i was really expecting to have description/interaction for at LEAST threesomes. But currently the way the system works, there are only a few "foreplay" type things that actually change when there is more than one person involved. Everything else you still have to pair two people off and use an option. Almost all of the options disappear if you select two people to give it to one person who is taking. So it really is not group fun times, more like taking turns. Lame reward for how much time has to be put in to unlock "group" stuff. It was honestly very disappointing to work so hard to unlock those things for each NPC only to find out that you can't even do anything. There is currently no content there at all

Himeko Takahashi

Honestly I would like to have more options of physical changes, and more easier way to remove options and to get changed etc. But I also would also like more of an rpg like thing that has different affects for winning and losing battles


Would love to see descriptions actually reflect what the slave is (or isn't) wearing. Also, better slaver development (skills, piercings, tattoo's, etc). Maybe even specialties for the slaver that are learned at the mages guild (or slave guild for those that enjoy being mean to their slaver?)


One option I was thinking could be to have slaves partnered up. It could be a simple as having slaves share a bed (not your bed). More potions for transformations would be good too, and not hard to code. I already tried potions to shrink and grow a character, as well as potions to accelerate pregnancy, clone a slave, or modify their race. EDIT: I saw this after I posted about the contribution amount to suggest potions and spells. Sorry if this came off as trying to circumvent that.


I plan to add couple more actions which will take more than 2 participants to activate. Likely on the next update.


I second this, it would be nice for slaves to automatically interact with each other, etc. Would give more life to them.


I would like to suggest the slave traits get some love. with the change to the new interaction system a lot of these traits don't seem to do anything anymore and I think that is really unfortunate. I really think they help give the slaves more personality and also present a lot of opportunities for daily/random event type interactions with you as well as each other.


I would like to see more narrative content, not necessarily main story, but more story content on some of the characters. More scenes and different interactions with the characters, and possibly a few new characters. I would also like to see something like a generic portrait for each of the races, outside of the gear screen, and maybe a gear screen variant of the named characters. Just something to go in the background for them specifically, even just a opaque version of their main portraits.


I understand that this is not a priority at this stage, but: economic balancing and better uses for all facilities. Just one example: Food and supplies too cheap and easy to amass and so food earning jobs and specialists are always worse that those that earn money.


So... they should be more expensive or you should get less gold?


I just noticed that all PCs start with 18 skill points regardless of race. Usually I play as a human so I never noticed it until now. Is this intended or a bug?


It seems the second option lost out to the first, is there any plan to add more non-sexual content(dating/punishments) later down the line?


Naturally. It's one of the goals we will surely achieve before switching for another project.


well there needs to be a more effective method of birth control than herbs maybe an enchanted object or something because herbs or not the girls get preggo almost every time and sterilisation seems cruel


eventually I'd actually like 2 new options in customization opposite of what we have. fertility drugs and whatever the opposite of an aphrodisiac is.