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Minor improvements + maintenance. 

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  • Added more portraits
  • Multiple improvements and additions to sex system
  • Corrected slaver guild naming in other towns
  • Fixed Slave spreedsheet functionality
  • Fixed brand popup panel not closing properly
  • Fixed multiple issues with inventory&gear selection


  • Scripts reversed to readable/editable state
  • Few graphical updates
  • Updated market tab
  • Charm can now be increased with Entertainer job
  • Interaction screen now limitedly supports portraits and full body images
  • Sex-related tasks which previously used unlocked actions for calculation now scale from lewdness
  • Fixed daily events sometimes generating invalid slaves
  • Fixed some more issues with end day not processing properly



A while ago I saw someone asking why they couldn't pierce privates anymore. After looking through the scripts, I may have an idea why. The pierce script checks for "person.sexuals.unlocked == true". However, i've not found anywhere that sets that flag. The "propose intimate relationship" dialog sets the flag "person.consent = true". Adding the statement "person.sexuals.unlocked = true" to statstab.gd (line 367) allowed me to unlock the private piercings once I unlocked intimacy with a slave.


slave spreadsheet not workingOpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2 Boot splash path: res://files/buttons/loading.png SCRIPT ERROR: _on_slavelist_pressed: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'set_hidden' in base 'Panel'. At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:2933


Thank you so much! I love the new sex system, and making it work with the stats/jobs has made the game so much more playable. Awesome work as always!

Kharnos Strayder

Hmm for some reason I cannot initiate any abuse scenes, I select participants then select start but nothing happens. Is this a bug or is there something else I need to do first? (Forced partner is in the jail in case that affects it.)


Abuse interaction seems to be bugged. I chose abuse and chose the target, but the only thing that happens is interactions per day goes down. It doesn't actually start the interaction. Edit: Sorry, didn't see Kharnos already posted the bug

Kharnos Strayder

Alsdo would like to know. Is there a way to increase the daily interaction limit? Being stuck at one seems a bit odd.


Kharnos not positive but I think it's tied to endurance. I know in previous patches I got mine up to 3 which is what my endurance was at.

Kharnos Strayder

Hmm, well my guy's endurance is at 4 (on a unmodded save) and it still says 1, so no idea.


abuse seems bugged for me as well


Still getting a disappearing Emily portrait, specifically it seemed triggered after a "she broke something" event, not immediately upon her return. I'm getting a console error regarding a custom portrait for my starting slave as well, but I don't know if it shower up at the same time Emily's disappeared


0.5.6 can not sell out of back pack

Scott S.

In the upper-left on the Trade screen, click on the treasure chest icon. That will flip it from the mansion inventory to the backpack. Then click the sell arrow next to the item.

Scott S.

Is it possible to progress from Pliable to Devoted with the new system? I thought it would be by using interactions that don't Increase Lewdness, but don't seem to be getting anywhere.


Oh, right, Pliable is not very functional without old sex system yet.

Kharnos Strayder

Ok found the error code when trying to start abuse scenes: SCRIPT ERROR: _on_startbutton_pressed: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'start sequence' in base 'Control (newsexsystem.gd)'.


Very small quibble, the slave guilds outside of Wimborn are referred to as "Visit local person guild" - checked Frostford and Gorn. Possibly related to setting for local slaves only vs all slave races. Also, this might just be something with my monitor, but the full screen option often starts the game offcenter, if I go in and uncheck fullscreen and recheck, it centers fine.


The "person"-"slave" problem originates from the engine change. As I understand some commands in the engine now use "slave" as part of the code so he had to change that to "person" temporarly until the code has been fixed properly.


Cannot acess Alchemist in Gorn during the Ivran quest: SCRIPT ERROR: gornayda: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'set_hidden' in base 'TextureRect'


I wasn't able to replicate it. You sure you using latest version?


Still get the same error plus another one: SCRIPT ERROR: shopclose: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'has' in base 'Nil'

Kharnos Strayder

Ok I have tried re-downloading multiple times, unzipping the folder to a clean folder each time, even tried the win 32 version instead of the 64. also tried a new game. Yet I am still greeted with the following script error when trying to initiate a abuse scene: SCRIPT ERROR: _on_startbutton_pressed: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'start sequence' in base 'Control (newsexsystem.gd)'. I am not the only one experiencing this, so is there any word as to what is going on and how to fix it?


the issue lies in Mansion.gd, on line 3220, you can update it there so that it says startSequence instead of startSequfence that should help fix your issue!

Kharnos Strayder

Someone pointed out an error and then I found a second one. In order to fix the error you need to open Mansion.gd in notepad ++ (Or a similar editing text program and use ctrl+f and look up startSequfence it will be on line 3220, you need to replace it with startSequence then save the file. Step two is to open newsexsystem.gd and search for startsequence. It will be on line 176. You need to replace it with startSequence. The upper case is important. Save that file and the abuse scenes should now work fine.


Entrancement spell seems to be disabled. Not sure if it's intentional until it can be addressed with the new system


ver 5.6 Win 64 I'm unable to start Cali's quest. The quest log says to talk to Cali about her parents, but when I open the talk menu there are just the usual responses and choices. I can't find any other way to talk to her.


If you did not offer it on first meet, you'll have to wait some time, I'll correct quest log description.

Michael Foat

I just downloaded the newest version last night and the noncon seems not to be working


Good stuff, keep it coming.


Ver 5.6a Win 64 1. Tisha’s portrait has disappeared. In the save file, her portrait is "imageportait":"res://files/images/tisha/tishaportrait.png", which seems to be the same type as the other portraits. Her imagefull is null, but so are the other quest characters. 2. For a captured slave, when attempting to assign her gear, this error occurs and the paperdoll does not load. Gear cannot be assigned. SCRIPT ERROR: slavegear: Invalid get index 'Null' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/inventory.gd:329 3. Each time the Interaction window is opened, the following list of actions appear in the log window. caress kiss fondletits sucknipples fingering assfingering cunnilingus rimjob handjob blowjob titjob tailjob footjob


what are those infinity symbols behind some of sex interactions ?

Tim Coleman

Jumping from ver. 0.5.4 to ver. 0.5.6a, doesn't seam to convert saves (I did go into folder and moved them manually.) Is there any way to remedy this or are they lost?