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Make sure not to transfer progressdata file to the new user game folder. Also this probably still have some major issues, even though I tried to fix everything I came across. Please report whatever you encounter. 

Save system should be fixed now, thank you for waiting

The link :



  • Lewdness has been added to Mindread effect
  • Fixed ending sequence
  • Fixed targeting mouse cursor in combat
  • Fixed item dupe bug


  • Enchanted items will be visible on selling and sell for extra price
  • Numpad keys now can also be used for shortcuts
  • Fixed player portrait dragged on the inspect screen
  • Fixed bug with end day energy not restoring (due to some slaves having phantom gear)


  • On slave guild purchase available points are shown again
  • Fixed alchemist's crash
  • Fixed custom full body images
  • Minor GUI improvements


  • Fixed portal button
  • Fixed aphrodisiac appearing in spells
  • Fixed crash related to encountering elfs
  • Presumably fixed corrupted save files issue


  • Fixed spell purchase
  • Fixed resource on support panel
  • Fixed bug with tutorial help when asking about servants
  • Fixed bug when bringing captured slaves home


  • Engine switched to 3.0
  • User Data folder renamed from 'strive2' to "Strive'. The overall structure is the same, but old progressdata file is incompatible
  • Slave tab redesigned
  • Old sex system disabled
  • Capturable enemies now inherit stats from the character you would capture
  • Base Health formula is now 50+25*endurance+(5*level/2) (previously 35+20*endurance)
  • Sidequest characters have unique traits now
  • New trait for sidequest characters: "Grateful" - removes Luxury check
  • "Grateful" trait is obtained after progressing their story 
  • Added more variations to the inventory race shades
  • Added energy bar to the inventory slave display panel
  • Added footjob action
  • Added few basic portraits for MC to choose from on creation
  • Added enchanted item glow
  • When increasing slave's endurance current health will also increase
  • Fixed a bug allowing to loot single treasaure chest unlimited number of times
  • Fixed couple of bugs related to mutation effect
  • Fixed aftercombat rape sometimes crashing
  • Fixed aftercombat bug randomly crashing the game on capturing



Unable to purchase spells


Saved games should be transferable, but I haven't really tested it enough.


With the OSX version, energy stops being automatically restored to 100 after a couple of days


Also pop-ups in option menu are typed in black so they cannot be read. Also Also when loading current game files, no money is saved and I cannot progress days.


Error in supporter section when trying to set gold, food or mana. "Script Error: _on_gold/food/mana_pressed: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'get_val' in base 'SpinBox'."


Mine is also not working, but it didn't give me script error. It's only the gold, food, and mana not working; the other parts of the supporter section work fine


Save games not working lost of errors. These are fresh start saved games.


Had same issue with energy not restored to 100, win 64.


I go to jail to find my recently captured prisoner then i load my save from jail, and everyone just gone all my servants are gone even ME the player character,lost all items i get all access to mansion room upgrade for some reason and I can not leave from my mansion try exit and reopen the game,then open the save still get all of that above 'cast spell' interaction with servant there is 'aphrodisiac' appear as spell but no description and does not do anything all below happen after the upper try new game but i can not put in my stat point character customize screen not appear so i can not continue i cannot go back to change what i done in new game set up click 'quick start' but not working

Kharnos Strayder

portals not appearing, cannot learn spells from the mage college. After talking to first slave about intimate relationships they decline no matter the loyalty then if I save after then reboot said save it becomes corrupt with script errors forcing me to delete the save.


just question did you buff all enemies ? when buy slaves i no longer see unused stat point, you removed that too ?


Hello, while exploring the elven grove, the game freezes and get this error: "SCRIPT ERROR: enemyencounter: Invalid get index 'elf' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/scripts/exploration.gdc:651"

Lord Snufflepuff Fancypants III

Sorry I know you're bug squashing right now, but I just wanted to throw it out there, I think it was nice to have the body pic pop up when you interacted with your slave in the manor. I hope there's a way to adjust the UI in the future to allow that, mostly because I put a good deal of time creating my own matching face/body .png.


Capturable enemies will probably appear buffed as their stats are now calculated differently. Don't think there should be any difference in buyable slaves though.


Fresh game on 5.5b, I'm getting the same issue Kazuki where my energy is not being restored


You have any messages in the console? Also, can you pass your save file?


below slave stat on the right at slaver guild it used to tell me how many UNUSE stat point slave have start new game THE FIRST starting day all character have 75 energy, is it bug or intentional ? in mansion, when you click at slave name AFTER open your character stat screen (your own character portrait) letters around 'REST' button overlap each other


I can't seem to replicate fight escape and slave tab openings issue


I have to press the x button to use portals. Pressing the button on screen does nothing. Also, I can't go see the alchemist. It has the button on the screen but clicking it doesn't work and pressing the corresponding number doesn't work either. I am using the latest download with a new game. :D


Still having elf encountering issues in the elven grove.


Since the old sex system disabled, how can we increase slave's charm now? Interactive sex didn't seems to affect charm.

Mathieu Duval

Is it me or we cant edit files anymore ? I had the habit of editing the character creation file but on this version it's all weird symbols. New compression type ? Also just seen that there now a Mod folder !!! Damn been a while since i updated :D


In new engine files are automatically binarified. I think its possible to use raws still and I consider replacing with them.


So, overall do you think that the migration was worth it? Also I find it hilarious that many instances of the word "slave" are replaced with "person".


It's worth in context that it should get lot better when 3.1 gets released and I would have much less work to do. Some features are quite nice too. Yeah, the fact I had to replace all slave instances because "slave" now is a keyword was really annoying.


Couple bugs I'm experiencing - on the main settings screen, tooltips don't appear to load properly. They just come up as a big blank box. Started a new game, and once Emily comes back after leaving, her portrait/body image are no longer present


So are saves from the previous version of the game able to be used in the new version? I have not seen anyone confirm this so far. If they do in fact work, what needs to be moved from the old game files to where in the new one?


You can open save folder from ingame menu (as long as you have appdata accessible if you are using windows). Find your old saves and move them to new location.


They should be in same folder with autosave file. Their names are exactly the name you input when saving


Ver 5.5c win 64: Two error popped up in the log window. Neither had any apparent effect on game. The second one may be referring to some action of enemies as it appeared during combat. ERROR: OS_Windows::set_custom_mouse_cursor: Condition ' texture->get_width() != 32 || texture-get_height() != 32 ' is true. At: platform\windows\os_windows.cpp:1895 SCRIPT ERROR: fighter.sendbuff: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gdc:53


5.5c Win64 testing: One minor graphics issue: Player character picture shows up perfectly in the lower right (With the R in the corner), but if you pull up the personal information screen (with inspect looks, unlock abilities, set portrait and see relatives), the player character picture in the upper left of that window is dragged out to a square no matter it's actual shape. One 'selling stuff' issue: Step one, get some magic stuff and some normal stuff. For example, some normal and some enchanted daggers. Goto any town, goto market. When doing 'sell', there is no way to see if you're selling an enchanted item or a normal item. That seems annoying? Otherwise, things seem good. I especially like the background pictures on the equipment screens. Nice touch.


Ver 5.5c Win 64 Got the following error on pressing “End Day”. Day number, money, and mansion cleanliness all increment, but no day summary is displayed. SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'I261' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:492


Sounds like one of the captured slaves has bugged. I thought I fixed this instance sometime before, but I guess not.

Scott S.

0.5.5c Mac looks good so far. The crashes I used to periodically get when clicking on "capture" for someone after a battle have stopped with the engine upgrade. I really like the new race-specific paper dolls, too. I think enchanted items should sell for a little more than their non-magic counterparts, but that seems to be a WIP.


Whats the new sex system and how does it work


what are role preference and lewdness ?


Role preference and lewdness had an effect in the old sex system, no idea if it actually interacts with the new on in any way or form. They both definitely would have an effect if there was some way for the partner(s) to suggest the 'next step', so to speak, but that's not in yet.


game crashed near the end


after killing Hade and subdue Melissa


OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: GeForce GTX 1070/PCIe/SSE2 Boot splash path: res://files/buttons/loading.png SCRIPT ERROR: music_set: Invalid call. Nonexistent function 'seek_pos' in base 'AudioStreamPlayer'. At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:1507 SCRIPT ERROR: show: Invalid get index 'width' (on base: 'Vector2'). At: res://files/scripts/ending.gdc:109 ERROR: In Object of type 'AnimationPlayer': Attempt to connect nonexistent signal 'finished' to method 'GDScriptFunctionState._signal_callback' At: core\object.cpp:1404 SCRIPT ERROR: advance: Error connecting to signal: finished during yield(). At: res://files/scripts/ending.gdc:123


what about role preference ?


We'll have to wait until there will be an option to ask slaves act on their own in sex for it to play any role.

Scott S.

0.5.5e Mac. Every time I load a saved game or start a new one, it gives me free Chain Armors with various enchantments. They just appear in the mansion inventory, always enchanted. This didn't happen with 0.5.5c, it seems to be something introduced in either 0.5.5d or 0.5.5e.


when i press f to end days its not giving me back energy and most end day events are not happening


SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'I201' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:492


05.5.e lots of chain mail/ good to sell them. ppl not recharging at end of day


For chainmails redownload the game. Do you have any errors in the log?

Scott S.

0.5.5e Mac. I found an enchanted +15 Beauty Sundress and a +13 Courage Kimono. When I equip someone with either of them, the stats increase as you would expect, but when I remove them, the stats don't go back down to their original values. It's even possible to equip them again for another stat boost. I just checked a +1 Agility Leather Armor and it kept stacking the same way.


0.5.5c too many 0 beauty slaves in the open and slavers guild also got errors in the end and the game freezes but good job on new engine and menus


Ver 5.5e (most recent) Win 64 Getting the following errors on a captured slave. When she was in Jail, the errors didn’t crash the game, perhaps because “luxury” isn’t checked for slaves in Jail. SCRIPT ERROR: slavegear: Invalid get index 'I261' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/inventory.gdc:318 SCRIPT ERROR: person.countluxury: Invalid get index 'I261' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://globals.gdc:1180 SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'luxury' (on base: 'Nil'). At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:791


5.53 Win64 Build Starting new story mode and I currently have 2 slaves, however they are apparently both my starting slave. I have praised one and both have the status effect of being praised. In the console: ERROR: Resumed after yield, but class instance is gone At: modules\gdscript\gdscript_function.cpp:1490 Edited to add: this gets even weirder. For some things it treats the two as one slave, but in the end of day bit it treats the slave as having done the job twice, I'm not sure what to make of it.


Any Plans on adding random portraits for all the collection of slaves and servants eventually?


Ver 5.5e Win 64 Had two odd errors reported in log. These don’t seem to have serious effects (or any effects that I could see). First one occurred when I selected a slave to inspect. I had loaded a portrait from the pack that some kind soul put together. The portrait loaded with no problems. ERROR: No loader found for resource: user://portraits/portraits/Drow - Black Hair (2).png At: core\io\resource_loader.cpp:186 The second one occurred when a slave cast Mind blast in combat. The spell did cause damage to the target and the combat round ended normally. SCRIPT ERROR: fighter.sendbuff: Invalid get index of type 'String' (on base: 'Dictionary'). At: res://files/scripts/combat.gdc:53


how do you beat Yris?


can not sell out of back pack