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Cameron enters the gym and sees the Diablos cheerleader squad stretching and preening for a group of leering football players nearby. He approaches the girls, looking nervous, but before he can say anything the head cheerleader turns and gives him a nasty smile.

Millie: You're Cameron, right? The dude who fumbled last night and cost us the big game?

Cameron: Uh, yeah. Coach sent me to talk to you girls, but I don't know why he -

Millie flicks her fingers in Cameron's face, giving him a sharp little snap on his nose, and he is suddenly transformed into a girl wearing a cheerleader outfit. He stumbles back, holding his nose and wincing.

Millie: Congratulations, Cammie. You just made the squad!

The girls laugh and turn away, leaving him. Cameron stands there in shock, looking lost, but then another cheerleader approaches him with a kind expression.

Angie: Sorry, Millie can be such a bitch. We're all football players who couldn't cut it, and she makes herself feel better by being mean to the new girls.

Cameron: But... this isn't fair! If coach would just give me another chance...

Angie: Yeah, we all say that at first. Come on, Cammie, let's get you some pom-poms.



What movie is this from?


I don't know the title, but it's a movie in the Bring it On franchise that's more of a horror thing. I think it's recent.