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He: Aw, come on, babe. I know we've been having trouble conceiving, but you can't get pregnant using an app!

She: The Preggo App has five stars in the app store. People say it really works, and you can use it to download a baby. I've always wanted a big family, so I've set it to download triplets into my belly.

He: Triplets? Jeez, I'm sure glad this isn't real!

She: You better stand back, honey. They said there can be glitches if somebody's standing too close during a download.

He: Yeah, right. God, you girls fall for the goofiest crap. Some app can't possibly... Oh, my God!

She: It worked! It looks like I got one of the babies... and you got two! We're both gonna be mommies, honey! This is so fun!

He: Fun? Make that app reverse this, right now! Get these babies out of me, and turn me back into a man!

She: Sorry, the download only goes one way. But don't worry... your baby bump is so big, I bet you won't be pregnant for long!



I'm loving all the pregnancy tg/tfs


Or 'he's' having more than one -snort-