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As I said in the last BTS, I can get fairly consistent likenesses from Stable Diffusion by using celebrities in the prompts. For the male lead in The Wedding Gift I cast Ewan McGregor as Fred, but I think he ended up looking more like a middle-aged Dennis Quaid. I used all kinds of bizarre prompts, like, "Ewan McGregor turning into a wedding dress," and the image above was one of the results. I like it a lot, but Ewan McQuaid looks kind of resigned to his fate and that obviously wasn't what I was going for.

Fred mid-feminization. I loved this one but the dress wasn't a good match for the other images in the sequence. Some of the final images aren't perfect matches either but this one was just too far off, with the frilly bodice and sleeves. 

Another mid-TF pic. I really like the overall feel but the face was just too funky to fix and I dunno what I would've done with that crazy Popeye arm.

A pretty pic of Isla Fisher as the bride. I keep using Isla because SD almost always makes her look good. Ask it for Christina Hendricks (for example) and you're going to get some mutant hags, you're lucky if she's only got three nostrils, but for some reason SD is a lot kinder to Isla.

I cut this one, but now I kinda wish I'd used it for the image when Fred first sees himself in the mirror. Fred never gets a bouquet in the TF so that doesn't fit, but I could've cropped it.

Image from an alternate ending where Fred has to explain to his fiancee that he's turned into a bride. I like the idea of that scene but I couldn't figure out how to do it without it becoming a much longer story. Fred's life post-transformation is the kind of thing where you either breeze over it in just a couple of lines or you write a whole damn novel. Here you can see some of the graphic problems I'm always cleaning up in these things, like the 12 or so fingers on Fred's right hand or the other bride's nose situation. I'm not sure if she has a split nose, or two noses.

I love this image of a nervous Isla in her wedding dress, arriving at the crowded chapel to call off the wedding. There were just two problems: 1, her long sleeves just didn't match the puffy princess sleeves in the other pics, and 2, the guys behind her have some spectacularly weird anatomy. I'm not sure if any of their heads actually connect with any of their bodies. It's like SD exhausted itself giving Isla that lovely cleavage, and then for the background it was like, "Hell, I dunno. Random bits of men?"

An alternate ending where Fred tries to go back to his life as a macho man, even though he's stuck as a beautiful ginger bride. Here he is attending a football game! Again, I thought it was a fun idea, imagining him dragging the train of his dress through the stands and all that, but it didn't seem like something I could handle in just a line or two and the story was already pretty long. Not using this one spared me from having to figure out what to do with that big, fleshy... thing, behind her. It looks like some kind of monster made of ham.



I commented on the original post and now I cannot see it. I think you bumped it up a tier. That was sad to see