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Two weeks later.

SHIELD main base.

In an office that contained several screens that represented SHIELD's board members.

“Nick Fury, what is that monster!? How did this situation get out of hand!? ” A woman screamed demanding answers from the SHIELD director.

“Why did you keep the powers of this freak hidden from us all this time!? Answer-me, Nick Fury! ” A white-haired man in a military uniform spoke.

SHIELD director Nick Fury did not respond, he just remained silent while keeping his eye closed.

“You never change, huh? You just talk and never try to resolve the situation. ” A woman's voice resounded in the room.

Council members look at a woman who was wearing a black dress.

“Ugh, Leona Weismann... ”A board member spoke unconsciously.

Leona smiled seductively at the council member who spoke those words but, in the council member's view, that smile was just the smile of a devil.

"Leona Weismann... How do you intend to take responsibility for this mess!? American civilians are afraid of a monster that can destroy a city as if it were something simple!! That man must be chained on a leash!! ” The woman on the council spoke in a hostile tone.

Leona smiled coldly. "Don't be a hypocrite, old witch."


“Council members never cared about civilians, you only care about personal profit, and ...” Leona looks at the older woman with cold eyes and a serious expression: [“Stay away from Adrian. If I know that you are plotting against my husband, you will disappear from this world. ”] She spoke in a distorted demonic voice.

* Swallow. *

The older woman on the council swallows her saliva and starts to sweat coldly.

"... You are no longer human ..." The woman said with a terrified expression.

Leona's lips lift a little: “Who knows? Maybe, I'm human, or maybe I'm something like my husband. ”

All members of the council began to sweat coldly.

Only one man was relatively calm, his name was Alexander Pierce.

Leona smiles coldly and orders: "You just have one job, I want you to keep giving resources for SHIELD to work. That's all, it's quite simple, right?"

Leona looks at all the board members with a cold smile: "If you don't do what I ordered, you will be visited by Black Widow ... I don't need to say that she can be quite persuasive, right?"

"Is this a threat?" Alexander asked.

Leona smiles a little: "Wrong, that's an order. If you don't do what I tell you, you're going to die. It's quite simple to understand, right?"

Alexander was going to say something, but he decided to remain silent when he saw that Leona was not kidding.

"I see that you are not convinced." Leona said out loud.

Leona clicks the communicator in her ear and says, "Natasha."

When Leona finishes talking on the communicator, several documents suddenly appear on Alexander Pierce's desk.

These documents do not appear only on Alexander's table, these documents appear on the table of all board members.

Alexander Pierce starts to sweat cold when he realizes that someone broke into his property so easily.

Slowly, Alexander opens the notebook and, when he sees the information that was on the notebook, he starts to sweat coldly. 'She knows .... She knows that I belong to HYDRA.'

Something similar was happening to all members of the board.

They all realized that Leona knew their dark secrets.

Seeing the reaction of the board members, Leona's smile grows.

“Everyone has a secret that they don't want to be revealed by society. Everyone anywhere on this planet has something they want to hide. My job is to find that secret ... And I'll tell you that it was quite easy to collect this information. As I can tell, politicians generally have a pretty dirty resume. ” Leona said with a small smile.

"Impossible, how did you get that information?" A board member asked in disbelief as he looked at the documents.

Unfortunately, no one answered his question.


"Now that you understand your place ... I will tell you something."

All the members of the council look at the woman with long black hair. Despite having a seductive appearance and a hot body, everyone here knows that this is a rose that contains thorns. They did not dare to underestimate this woman.

"When my husband fought with Hulk in Harlem, the history of mankind started to move in a new direction ..." Leona puts images of Adrian's fight against the two monsters.

"This era that was being built since Captain America became a super soldier ..." Leona places images of Captain America.

"The era of heroes ... The supernatural will become normal. Humans with special powers have started to come out of hiding and some of these beings have become a threat. Some of these beings have struggled with this new threat that arises." Leona looked at all the members present.

“When my husband fought with those two monsters, he opened an unknown door. Beings with special powers will begin to emerge, some will have intelligence above average, some will have powers that cannot be explained by science and some have come from other planets. ” Leona looks at Nick Fury. The director of SHIELD nods, then he takes out a document and puts it on the table:

"The Avengers Initiative, a group of beings with special powers that will be under the direct command of SHIELD." Leona said with a gentle smile on her face, of course she didn't tell the whole truth.

These heroes will be in control of Leona and Adrian, but they don't need to know that. After all, they are just disposable parts, they are just resources.

All board members looked at Leona in shock.

Alexander looked at the woman in long black dresses for a long time. He was trying to understand what she was thinking, but soon he gives up:

"......... We have no choice but to accept, right?" Alexander said.

Leona's smile becomes a cold smile: "It is good that you understand your position."

Soon she disconnects the connection with the board members.

Finishing the board meeting, Nick Fury asks, "Where's Adrian at?"

Leona looks at Nick Fury with a smile on his face: "He's in New Mexico."



Thank you for the chapter👍😁