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* Blargh! *

Yelena was throwing up all the lunch she ate today. While she was throwing up, Adrian stroked her back with an apologetic look.

"I hate you, Adrian."

* Blargh! *

“Yes, Yes. I'm sorry, Okay? I just wanted to play with you a little. ” Adrian said as he stroked Yelena's back.

Yelena stops throwing up and looks at Adrian with a stinking look. “I want to play with you on a bed!! I don't want to play flying at the speed of sound!! ”

Suddenly her face goes dark.

* Blargh! *

Soon she started to throw up again.

"If you can make jokes like that, then you're fine, right?" Adrian said smiling.

"Bastard!" Yelena tries to say something, but the nausea soon hits again.

* Blargh! *

[Okay, this is disgusting.] Venom spoke.

[Yes.] All symbiotes agreed.

"Sigh, let me help you."

"Huh ...? I'm fine, I don't need your help! ” Yelena tries to get away from Adrian, but her face has a sick expression again.

"It's okay, I'm not going to joke this time." Adrian said with an apologetic smile.

"You promise...?" Yelena spoke with a cautious expression.

"Yes." Adrian said in an honest tone.

“... Okay, this is going to be my first time! Please be kind ... I'm trusting you! ” She spoke in a timid tone, but everyone could see that she was acting.

Adrian smiles in amusement. 'Even in this situation, she can play.'

"Don't worry, I will be nice." Adrian decides to participate in Yelena's game.

Seeing Adrian participating in her game, Yelena's smile grew a little. She felt very satisfied.

Adrian approaches Yelena and puts his hands on her back.

"Ahh ~~!" Yelena moans sensuously.

Hearing Yelena's moan, the girls in Felícia's group were a little embarrassed.

Felicia and Gwen of course did not like that.

Only Liliana did not react, she just continued to observe everything neutrally.

Adrian pats Yelena on the head.

"Ouch ... My head ..." She whimpered.

"There are children watching, don't be a pervert. Do you remember what I said?" Adrian warned her.

Yelena pouts. "Yes, Yes. I will be ‘Family-Friendly’." She spoke while making the quotation marks.

[This woman is definitely not Family-friendly.] Scream said.

[She is very perverted.] Agony said.

[Well, Adrian really likes her attitude.] Venom said.

[He has good taste.] Riot said.

Adrian's eyebrows twitch a little when he hears what the symbiotes said.

While curing Yelena's sickness, Adrian looked at Liliana:

"Come closer." He ordered.

"Yes, master." Liliana said.

When Liliana got close to Adrian, she was wondering if she did something wrong. Like a child who was about to be scolded by her father, she was looking forward to Adrian's next actions.

Adrian finishes healing Yelena and soon gets up from the floor. Then he looks at Liliana.

Slowly, he brings his hand towards Liliana's face.

Fearing the worst, Liliana closes her eyes.

But soon she opens her eyes in surprise when she feels her head being caressed. She looks at Adrian's face and sees him smiling gently.

"You did a good job, thank you so much for protecting them."

Those words along with Adrian's caresses were a critical blow to Liliana's heart. She started to breathe heavily while her eyes went dark. "Thank you so much ..... Master." She spoke in a strange voice as if she were holding on to various feelings.

[Shit, I had my doubts about her, but now it's confirmed.] Venom said.

[Yes ... She is a Yuno Gasai.] Scream said in a solemn tone.

[She is not the only one, all 250 women are equal to her.] Agony explains.


[A moment of silence for Adrian.] Venom said in a solemn tone.


[If he wasn't immortal, I would be fearing for my life now.] Riot said with a sigh of relief.

'Who is Yuno Gasai ...?' Adrian asked while stroking Liliana's head. To be honest, he really likes that feeling of affection.

[.... You don't need to know, you will eventually find out about it in the future. Also, how long are you going to caress this woman's head!? Don't you fear the danger!?] Venom spoke.

'What are you talking about, Venom?' Adrian asked, confused.

[Ugh ... We have to make Adrian watch more anime!!] Venom shouted.

[This is impossible, he is very active, he is a 'Riajuu'] Scream explains.

[Well, he started watching anime this past month, but he doesn't finish watching the entire anime, his wives always call him to practice coitus.] Lasher said.

[Because of that, he is not yet a man of culture.] Phage comment.

Adrian decides to ignore the symbiotes and he stops petting Liliana, who was breathing irregularly.

He looks at the group of girls. "Well, I have some explanations to make, huh?" He said with a shy smile.

"Of course, yes!!" Liz shouted. "Who are you!? Why do you date your aunt!? What are these powers!? What is happening!? Who is this green monster!? ” She started to ask several questions.

Adrian sighs and looks at the destroyed city, then he looks at the civilians in the sky who are being rescued by his subordinates.

Adrian looks at MJ, Gwen, Liz and Felicia. "Well, do you want the short version, or the detailed version?"

"The short version." Gwen and Felicia said.

"The long version." MJ and Liz said.

"Well, let's go with the short version." Adrian said.

"Hey!!" MJ and Liz shouted.

"I gained these powers from a meteor that came from space. It fell close to my house and, as I was very curious, I decided to explore the meteor, but an accident happened and I ended up with these powers." Adrian explains how he gained his powers, then he continues: "Natasha is not really my aunt. Because of that, several things happened and she became my wife."


"I understand." Felicia and Gwen said.

"Only that!? Explain in detail! ” MJ said.

"I don't want to, it's very problematic, and I want to go home now."

A vein pops in MJ's head.

Adrian sees this and smiles, he approaches MJ and strokes her red hair. “Don't be too angry, MJ. In the future, I will explain in detail. ”

MJ's anger slowly dies when she feels her head being caressed by Adrian. "Sigh, thank you so much for saving me, Adrian." She decides to ignore all of this.

Adrian smiled: "Those were the words I wanted to hear."

MJ's face flushes for a moment, but then she narrows her eyes. "How long are you going to stroke my head!?"

"I don't know, I really like touching your hair." Adrian said honestly.

"Huh ...?" MJ starts to blush with shame.

Felicia narrows her eyes and jumps on Adrian's back. "Let's go home."

Adrian thinks for a few seconds. "Yes, let's go home."

He stops stroking MJ's hair.

"Liliana, get three of your sisters to escort the girls back to their home." Adrian ordered, and soon he continues: "I want you to collect that monster that fought with Hulk."

Liliana looked at Hulk who was floating a little far.

"Yes, master." Liliana said, soon she disappears.

Adrian looks at Gwen: "You must visit me, you have to train this strength one day, right?"

"... I will visit you." Gwen said. She felt useless for doing nothing in this incident.

"Good." Adrian said andsoon he turns away from the girls and looks at Yelena.

Yelena nods, she understood Adrian's message.

Adrian takes Felicia off his back and catches her like a princess.

"Kya!" Felicia shouted in amusement.

Yelena jumps on Adrian's back. "Please, I'm serious. Don't travel at the speed of sound ..."

"I understand, I will not do that." Adrian said, but soon he started flying at high speed.


The three girls who stayed in the building only heard Yelena's voice.

"Hmmm, this looks like fun." Liz spoke.

MJ and Gwen look at Liz.


"Is nothing." The two said.



I will be releasing 12 more chapters of Venom, when I finish releasing these chapters, I will start releasing the DC chapters. Forgive me for grammatical errors.


Thank you for the chapter👍😁