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New Mexico.

At a gas station.

We will be able to see a big andrather old truck.

On top of that old truck was a muscular man. He has long white hair and neon blue eyes and was holding his cell phone in his hand while watching an interview.

"I am iron man."

* Whistle. *

Adrian whistles. "He sure is arrogant."

"He's just a frog at the bottom of the well." Jessica who was leaning against the truck said. She was wearing a light black shirt and black jeans.

"Ahahahaha, reporters started asking about how he is going to deal with me. I am being treated like the villain, huh?"

"Well, your appearance when you are transformed is not very friendly." Yelena said. She was wearing a yellow blouse and small white shorts.

"Oh, he started to get angry because the reporters were just talking about me."

Felicia climbs into the truck and looks at Adrian's phone. "He is very proud."

Felicia was wearing white shorts, and a simple white blouse.

"Well, he's Tony Stark." Jean who was in the shadow of the gas station spoke.

She was wearing black jeans and a black shirt, it was a very similar look to Jessica's.

"Indeed." Adrian laughed andsoon he stopped watching the interview. He looks at Yelena. “Is it okay for you to be here? Won't your sister be angry? ”

Yelena smiles a little. "She'll be angry, but I don't care." She climbs on top of the truck and slowly crawls over Adrian's body.

"She knows very well that I am interested in you." She spoke in a sensual way.

Adrian laughs, he strokes Yelena's head. "Don't overdo it too much, Jean is still not used to the whole situation. Despite the fact that she saw me having sex with Jessica the entire trip."

Yelena looks at Jean and sees the red-haired girl blushing a little. She ignores Jean and says, "I'm not kidding."

Adrian smiled. "I know." He kisses Yelena's cheeks.

Yelena blushed a little embarrassed by this surprise attack.

But she quickly loses that shame. "I want it in my mouth." She holds Adrian's face.

Adrian strokes Yelena's blond hair. He really liked Yelena's perverted and playful personality, it was something very different from Natasha.

Natasha was much more serious and loving, while Yelena was much more perverted and loved to make dirty jokes.

He likes that difference between the two.

Adrian approaches Yelena and kisses her lips while caressing her. Yelena started to breathe heavily while moaning in a low voice.

Stopping from kissing Yelena, Adrian smiles: "Don't tease me too much, or I will really eat you." He bites Yelena's ear.

"Ahhhh ~~" She moans sensuously.

"I admire that you can flirt in this heat." Jessica said with a neutral expression.

"Yes, I am dying here." Felicia said as she fanned herself with her hands.

Yelena looks at Jessica: "There is always time for flirting, it just proves my love!"

"Yes, Yes." Jessica and Felicia said.

Jean looks at the two women and sighs, she was feeling foolish for reacting like an innocent girl. She saw this happen throughout the entire trip, but it is still shameful.

Even Felicia, who was the same age as she, was not responding to Yelena and Adrian's flirtation.

"Adrian, what did we come to do in this place?" Jessica asked.

Adrian gets off the truck and looks at Jessica. "Did you follow me without knowing where I was going?"

"Yes." Jessica spoke in a neutral tone.


Adrian was surprised for a moment by Jessica's response.

Jessica approaches Adrian and touches her breasts to his chest. “When are we going to have sex again? I want to feel your seed in my womb. ”

Adrian smiles and strokes Jessica's cheeks. "Didn't we have sex yesterday?"

"I want more ~" Jessica purred.

"Is that your wish or are you being influenced by the symbiote?" Adrian asked.

"Does it really matter?" Jessica asked as she put her hands on Adrian's pants and stroked his younger brother. "The symbiote just boosts my desires, and my desire now is to have sex with you."

Adrian laughed. "You are becoming very greedy." Slowly, he approaches Jessica's face and kisses her.

Felícia, who was fanning herself with her hands because of the heat, looks at this scene with narrowed eyes. “Can you guys stop flirting!? It's too hot for that! ”

Adrian stops kissing Jessica and looks at Felícia. "Honestly, I don't feel any heat." He ignored the fact that Jessica still continued to caress his younger brother. After all, he was enjoying feeling Jessica's soft hands caressing his dick.

"Yes, Yes. You have a foreign body, but I'm just a normal human." Felicia spoke.

“Don't lie, you received the seed from Adrian's symbiote, right? Soon, you will no longer be human. ” Jean spoke as he sat down, using her powers to cool off.

“Yes, but it's still hot!! Adrian, what are we here to do!? ” Felicia grunted.

"Well, Leona received a message from one of her agents saying that something supernatural happened here." Adrian explains.

Yelena gets out of the truck. "Oh, I remember Natasha talking about it. It's something related to a hammer that nobody can lift, right?"


Jessica looks at Adrian. "Did you leave New York just to go and see a hammer?"

"That's one of the reasons, but I wanted to spend time with you girls." Adrian said.

Felicia smiles like a cat and approaches Adrian: "Oh, don't lie to us. That was your real reason for coming to this place, right?"

Adrian smiles, but he doesn't deny Felícia's words. After all, he was thinking about taking some holidays with the girls and the subject about the hammer was just the perfect opportunity. 'I called Leona and Natasha, but they seemed very busy. I don't know what they were doing, but I'm sure it's something related to the mess I made. I have to thank them appropriately afterwards.'

Felicia puts her hands on Adrian's younger brother and begins to caress him along with Jessica.

"Oh, it just got bigger." Felicia said.

"Yes, he is a mischievous boy." Jessica who was also stroking Adrian's younger brother spoke.

Felicia looks at Adrian's neutral face. "Why don't you have sex with me?" She asked, and continued with a pitiful expression. "Am I not attractive?"

"Yes, you just do this to Jessica, this is unfair ... Honestly, I envy Jessica who is bombarded by you every night." Yelena spoke as she approached Adrian, she was obviously taking advantage of the situation.

Adrian spoke seriously. "You are very beautiful, Felicia." He strokes Felicia's face. "I just don't have sex with you, because I'm waiting for your body to wake up the symbiote."

"If I have sex with you in the current state of your body, you will die. Your body has to get stronger with the help of symbiotes."

Felicia smiles seductively when she hears Adrian's words. "Oh, do you want to pour your white milk into my womb?"

"Yes." He spoke honestly.


Felicia felt her face show a little embarrassment. She was waiting for that answer, but it is still a little embarrassing to hear directly from Adrian.

She stops caressing Adrian's younger brother and walks away, she needs to get some air.

Adrian looks at Yelena and caresses her face. "I don't need to tell you anything, right?"

Yelena puts her face in Adrian's hands: “Yes, I know that my current body is quite weak, but I still feel jealous!!”

Adrian smiles and kisses Yelena on the mouth.

A few minutes later, Adrian stops kissing Yelena. "Natasha will be furious. I don't know why, but she is against seeing you approaching me."

"Don't worry, I can handle my sister ..."

"Do you want my help?" Adrian asks.

Yelena shakes her head in denial: "I will solve my problem with my sister ..."

"I see." Adrian said and asked no more questions.

Yelena smiled like a pervert and said: "Soon you will be able to take the two most dangerous sisters in the world to bed, aren't you lucky?"

"HAHAHAHA, you're right." He laughs in amusement.

Adrian brings his face close to Yelena's ear. "In the future, I want to know the burden you are carrying. Just know that if you need my help, I will always be there for you."

Despite spending just a few months with Yelena, Adrian has come to like this spy who is very perverted and playful.

Yelena opens her eyes wide, then a beautiful smile forms on her face. "Thank you, Adrian."

Adrian just smiles and says nothing else, he looks at Jessica who was still stroking his younger brother who was rock hard.

"Look what you did." Adrian spoke in a voice like he was scolding her about something.

Jessica looks down, she pulls Adrian's pants a bit and sees the state of his younger brother. "At first, he was a little above average, but when you got a new body, he got a lot bigger."

[Humpf, of course he has to be big, I made it especially for me!!] Phoenix snorted proudly.

Realizing what was going to happen, Yelena turns away from Adrian and approaches Jean. “Aren't you going to join her? I am 100% sure that Jessica is going to have sex with Adrian. ”

Jean looks at Jessica and shakes her head. "I prefer to do it alone with Adrian."

Yelena looks at Jean. "Hmm, well, I understand you a little."

"Huh?" Jean looks at Yelena with a surprised face, she would never expect to hear those words from a pervert like Yelena.

"Honestly, I would feel uncomfortable having sex with Adrian with a woman other than my sister." Yelena speaks.

"Oh, I understand you too.I prefer to have sex alone with Adrian ... Honestly, having sex with other women watching him is weird." Felicia responds.

"Yes, Yes, Yes." Jean nods several times, she looks at Jessica and says, "Although Jessica doesn't mind being watched."

"Well, Jessica is more honest with her feelings, and she treats Adrian's wives like family, maybe that's because of that?" Yelena spoke.

"Maybe ..." Felicia said while watching Adrian and Jessica.

"Well, the entity that made my body is very demanding." Adrian smiled and answered Jessica ..

"She has good taste." Jessica praises Phoenix.

Jessica leans on the truck and lifts her ass towards Adrian. Slowly, the symbiote starts to move away and soon an opening is made in her pants.

Adrian looks at the small opening in which only Jessica's pussy is visible, he found this situation very exciting. "You have improved a lot with the control over your symbiote."

Now that her pussy was visible to Adrian, she slowly parted her pussy lips with her fingers and said in an erotic tone. "Are you going in?" She ignored Adrian's question.

An opening is made in Adrian's pants and soon his cock was visible for Jessica to see.

“Symbiotes are very convenient on theseoccasions.” Jessica said as she looked at Adrian's cock with hungry eyes.

Adrian brings his cock to the entrance ofJessica's pussy. "How many times did we have sex on this trip?" He starts to caress Jessica's pussy with his dick.

"Don't tease me ~" Jessica said when she felt her pussy being teased by Adrian's cock.

"Answer my question." Adrian ordered.

Hearing Adrian's tone, Jessica's pussy contracts and then vaginal juices begin to leak from the entrance to her pussy. "We went on thetrip a week ago, as you wanted to travel normally with a truck, we had sex every time we got excited." She spoke while breathing heavily.

"We look like animals in heat, right?" He takes his dick and slowly begins to invade Jessica's insides.

“Ugh ~! Don't tease me ~! ” Jessica pushes her ass towards Adrian's hips and soon she can feel his whole cock inside her.

“Ahhh ~~! I love that feeling ~~! ” She moaned in satisfaction.

She touches her belly, and soon she can feel the tip of the head of Adrian's cock.

Jessica turned toward Adrian while remaining connected to him.

She wraps her legs around Adrian's waist then she grabs Adrian's shoulder and wraps her arms around Adrian's neck.

"In that position, your pussy is completely visible for everyone to see."

Jessica kisses Adrian's mouth. "I know you, you would never let that happen." She gives the symbiote a mental command, and soon her black shirt disappears, her breasts are on display for Adrian to see and appreciate.

Adrian laughs. "True." He looks at the owner of the gas station and sees that he is sleeping strangely in the chair. When Jessica started stroking his younger brother, Adrian put all the employees at the gas station to sleep.

The only people who were around were Adrian's women and Adrian himself.

Adrian holds Jessica's ass in both hands and bites the tip of her breasts. Slowly, he begins to move his hips and penetrate Jessica's insides.

"Okay ... This is quite exciting." Yelena spoke with a perverted smile as she looked at Adrian and Jessica.

"... Yes ..." Felicia said.

Jean said nothing, she just observed everything. At first the girls like Jean and Felicia were ashamed and jealous of seeing Adrian having sex with other women, but on this trip they had they watched Jessica and Adrian having sex whenever possible like an animal in heat. Now, they are quite used to watching everything.

"... I want all your seed inside me, don't let anything drop ~" Jessica spoke in a low voice in Adrian's ear, and it just served to make him more excited.

“Yes. Just like before, I will release everything into your womb. ” Adrian replied as he began to penetrate Jessica with more force.

"Ahh ~~ I love that feeling ~~ I want more !!" She spoke as she put more strength in her legs.

This would definitely be an interesting trip for all the girls.



Thank you for the chapter👍😁