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Chapter 178: The Great Pretender 3

Everyone looks at Adrian who was standing on top of a car.

Realizing that they were getting a lot of attention Gwen who is usually a shy girl said in a low voice: “Adrian!! What are you doing!? Get off the car!! ” She was trying not to attract attention, but she was failing miserably.

Adrian didn't hear what Gwen said, he just closed his eyes and started singing in a surprisingly beautiful voice:

[Queen: Freddie Mercury. The Great Pretender]

Oh yes!! I'm the great pretender ~

Pretending I'm doing well

My need is such I pretend too much

I'm lonely but no one can tell…

Suddenly a black-haired woman climbed onto the car as well and began to make the background voice:

Oh yes!! I'm the great pretender (ooh ooh ~~)

Adrift in a world of my own (ooh ooh ~~)

I play the game but to my real shame

You've left me to dream all alone

Too real is this feeling of make-believe

Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Ooh ~ ooh yes !!! I'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)

Just laughing and gay like a clown (ooh ooh)

I seem to be what I'm not (you see)

I'm wearing my heart like a crown

Pretending that you're still around

Yeah ooh hoo

Too real when I feel what my heart can't conceal

Oh yes !! I'm the great pretender

Just laughing and gay like a clown (ooh ooh)

I seem to be what I'm not you see

I'm wearing my heart like a crown

Pretending that you're

Pretending that you're still around! !

All the girls were shocked by this sudden development.

"This is Queen, right?" A random one spoke.

"Yes, he sings very well."

"Hmmm, he doesn't sing very well. He's a little clumsy in the chorus, but still, he has a great voice." A man with glasses spoke as if he understood the subject. "The partner has a beautiful voice too."

Gwen totally forgot the shame she was feeling and looked at Adrian who was singing in shock ...

MJ and Liz stood with their mouths open, but soon they started enjoying the music, and as if it were a strange phenomenon, everyone started singing along. After all, who doesn't know Queen is a man without culture. [A / N: No offense.]

Felicia laughed a little at this strange development, but she started to sing too. She was wondering who was the woman who suddenly appeared, but she decided not to think about it, 'she is probably a random.' Felicia thought.

While singing, Adrian started jumping over the cars. He totally ignored the strange noise that came from the cars when he fell on top of them. With the headset on his head, he started making various movements as if he were at a big show.

"Oh yes I'm the great pretender (ooh ooh)

Pretending I'm doing well (ooh ooh)

My need is such I pretend too much

I'm lonely but no one can tell !!"

The more Adrian sings, the more he drew the audience's attention. So that same audience took the cell phone and started recording what Adrian was doing.

"The boy's voice is beautiful, but it is not enough." The same man who seems to understand about music spoke.

Soon this same man takes several music tools that he was carrying and starts to hit the windows, post, anything that can form a sound similar to Freddie's song.

"Is this a video recording?" A random asked.

"I don't know, but this is fun." A woman spoke up laughing.

Adrian jumps in the traffic, the woman with long black hair also accompanies him.

"That crazy!" Liz cried out in concern.

“Adrian!! Go back to the sidewalk!! Do you want to die!?" MJ shouted.

What did Adrian do? He ignored it and started dancing, he was having a lot of fun.

"OHHHHHHHH !!!!!" People were shouting excitedly, some tried to warn Adrian to leave the middle of the street, but he ignored it.

A driver was driving down the track when he suddenly brakes. “Get out of the street !!! You crazy!!"

* Booom! *

Someone hits the third of this man's car.

Adrian also ignored the small car accident he caused.

Realizing that the song was ending, Adrian climbs on top of that same car that just had an accident:

Oh yes !!! I'm the great pretender

Just laughing and gay like a clown (ooh ooh)

I seem to be what I'm not you see

I'm wearing my heart like a crown

Pretending that you're

Pretending that you're still around ~ ~


"That was amazing !!!!"

People started to clap.

"Moron!! That was dangerous !!! What if he died !? ” An older woman spoke irritably. "He also caused an accident !!"

Adrian ignored all this commotion and looked ahead. Doon he saw a car flying towards Felícia, MJ, Gwen and Liz.

Using his webs, he pulls the four girls into his arms.

"What !?" The four girls said in shock.


"Yes, Master."

The woman standing next to Adrian jumps in front of the audience and takes the car with her hands. She puts the car on the floor and opens the door, then a family gets out of the car.

"Thanks." A man said as he got out of the car.

Liliana just nods.

Adrian puts the four girls on the floor. "Stay behind me !!" He orders in a strong tone.

The girls don't know what's going on, but they listen to what Adrian said.

Gwen smelling Adrian started to breathe heavily, but she tries to control herself.

Soon several cars started to fly, it was as if something was playing it as if they were toys.

Adrian uses his senses, and realizes that there are people inside these cars.

Adrian's long hair started to float and his eyes started to glow neon blue.

With a hand gesture, all the cars stopped in midair.


"What was this!?" Someone said.

"Get out of here now!!" Adrian shouted as he put the cars on the ground.

Of course, people did not hear him, but that thought changed when they heard two bestial roars.


People soon start to run away in fear.

Adrian looks ahead and sees two giant beings. Seeing these two beings, Adrian's smile grows. He puts a communicator in his ear and contacts Leona: "Hulk is here and he is fighting someone."

Leona is silent for a moment and asks, "Do you need help?"

"I can handle them alone, the problem is civilians."

"I will send the girls."


"Adrian .... Don't destroy the city."

"I will try not to damage too much."

"...." Leona sighs.

Adrian hangs up the communicator.

"Adrian, what's going on?" Felicia asked in fear. She was not shocked by Adrian's powers, but the same could not be said of MJ and Liz.

Adrian looks at Felicia and kisses her lovingly. Felicia quickly returns Adrian's kiss, then she melts in his arms. "I'll give you some explanations later."

* Cough *

MJ coughed, Adrian looks at the redhead: "Then I'll explain what's going on to all of you."


"Yes, Master?"

"Protect the girls."

"Your wish is an order."

Liliana soon approached the girls.

Adrian tries to pull away, but he feels someone holding him. "You need help?" Gwen said as she looked at him.

"I don't need help, and you don't know how to use your powers, right?"

Gwen bites her lip. "I know how to use it a little."

Adrian laughs: "A little is not enough ..." He strokes Gwen's head. “Just stay protected, right? If you get hurt, I will feel really bad. ”

Gwen's cheeks turn a little red. "Nn"


Adrian moves away a little, he crouches a little, and soon he jumps towards the two monsters.


The girls just watched him jump at a height impossible for a human.

“That was a little surprising ... Who do I want to fool, that was amazing !! What is Adrian!? ” Liz asked curiously. She was trying to hide her fear of this sudden event.

But all the girls were silent and did not answer Liz. They had several thoughts running through their heads.