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“What happened?" Yelena asked curiously when she saw the expression Leona was making.

"Hulk happened." Leona spoke while looking at the blonde.

"Hulk?" Yelena didn't understand.

Leona takes her notebook and taps on some buttons. "Look."

Yelena approaches Leona and takes the notebook and soon she sees a green monster destroying everything. "... Okay ... will Adrian be fine fighting this monster?"

"Yes." Natasha Answered the question. "In the past month, he trained without rest to control his powers. I am more concerned with the city."

"Yes." Leona spoke.

Yelena did not understand why they were concerned about the city instead of Adrian, but this is normal. After all, Adrian did not show much of his powers to Yelena.

"Good Morning." Someone said in a sleepy voice.

All the girls looked at Jean, she had messy hair and a sleepy face.

"If I didn't know she was sleeping, I would have thought she had sex with Adrian." Jessica said.


The girls nodded in agreement with Jessica's words.

"... What?" Jean asked confusedly when she saw the women's eyes.

"It's nothing, you slept a lot, huh?" Leona spoke.

Jean looks at the window and realizes that it is already dark. "Oh ... I never slept that much, was I so tired?" She wondered.

"Going back to the subject, I will send some girls to Adrian's location." Leona spoke.

"Is this necessary? Didn't you say that Adrian can handle this easily? ” Yelena asked.

Leona looks at Yelena. “Yes, he can handle it easily, but what about innocent citizens? Adrian cannot concentrate on the fight if he has to worry about the citizens. ”


Yelena agreed.

Leona looks at her notebook, and starts typing at high speed. When she hacks the security cameras at Adrian's location, she said, "And it looks like this fight will be heavyweights."

The girls approach Leona and soon see two monsters.

One monster is over two meters tall. He is bald and has several spines on his body, and seems to be a bizarre version of the Hulk.

The other monster ... Well, he's the Hulk.


"Well, how can I say, I think you're going to have to shell out a lot of money tonight?" Yelena toyed with the situation.

"You are wrong, if Adrian destroys the city, I will send the damage account to The Hell Club." Leona spoke boldly.


The women who were close to Leona wondered how she had such thick skin.

Hearing the name of the organization she was part of, Jean approaches Leona and asks, "What's going on?"

Natasha looks at the red-haired teenager. "See for yourself." She said as she pointed at Leona's notebook.

Jean nods and approaches Leona.



Hulk and Abomination roar at each other, it was as if they were declaring war. The roar was so loud that everyone who was around had to put their hands to their ears.

Hulk walks slowly while clenching his fists, Hulk's green eyes look at Abomination promising a fight.

The Abomination stretches his neck a little bit, popping sounds are heard when he does that. He looks at Hulk with a distorted smile, he clearly knew what he was doing.


Hulk roars again and soon starts to run, each step he took the ground shook. The people who were nearby just ran for their lives, but there were some unfortunates who were too hurt to escape the fight that was about to start.

Seeing Hulk running towards him, Abomination smiles, he clenches his fists several times and then he runs too.

When the two beasts were about to clash, something fell out of the sky!

Adrian fell in the middle of the two beasts, and raised both arms with a smile on his face.

The two beasts ignore Adrian and attack him, Adrian easily takes the fist of the two beasts.

*Boooooommmm! *

The impact of the punch was so great that it made a deafening sound.

"My current self does not know its limits. I was hoping to take the attack of two monsters and take some damage, but ... You are still too weak." Adrian said smiling while holding the fist of the two beasts.

A vein pops in Hulk and Abomination's head.

Adrian shakes the fist of the two beasts. * Crack !! *

Sounds of breaking bones are heard, Adrian pulls Hulk towards him and kicks him in the jaw.

As Adrian released Hulk's fist, the beast just flew towards some building.

Adrian does the same thing with Abomination, he pulls the beast towards him and kicks him in the face.

But instead of the beast flying, he holds Adrian's hands with a smile on his face.

"Oh?" Adrian looks at Abomination with interest. "You can regenerate yourself."

Abomination attacks Adrian's face, but Adrian just ignores him. After all, he felt nothing.

Adrian also ignores his arms being held by Abomination and looks at Hulk. Using his enhanced vision, he can see that Hulk is also healing at incredible speed.

Adrian's smile grows. "Hahahahahaha, this is going to be interesting." He starts to smile like a maniac.

[Adrian!! Stop playing around.] Venom complained.

“My friend, we are very strong now. We can hardly have fun fighting normal people, now that a monster appears why should we kill them? Let's have fun." Adrian spoke smiling.

[.... Hmm, that's true, let's have fun!] Venom easily changed his mind.

He punches Abomination's face, but the monster won't let go.

Abomination tries to jump in an attempt to get away, but Adrian holds him back.

"You are not going to run away." He pulls Abomination close to him and starts punching the beast in the face.

Abomination was getting his face distorted because of Adrian's punches.

"Let go of me!!" Abomination was feeling various feelings now, helplessness, a little bit of fear, fun, and ... anger!!

He didn't like being so easily beaten by some random guy that suddenly showed up!

Adrian smiles and accepts Abomination's request. He takes Abomination's legs and starts spinning at high speed, then Adrian launched Abomination towards Hulk who was getting up.

Hulk looks at Abomination who was coming towards him, "Get out!" Hulk kicked Abomination in the back.

Hulk looks at the man who defeated him so easily. Seeing Adrian relaxed as if he were dealing with something easy, a vein pops in his head!


He didn't like it at all, he was angry. Hulk ignores Abomination and starts running towards Adrian.

Abomination /\




Thank you for the chapter. it’s so hard to save up👍😁