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Felicia came home by car, she was accompanied by Adrian's subordinate. Coming home, she found her mother. Her mother said something, but she didn't care about her mother, and soon she went up the stairs towards to her room.

Upon arriving in her room, she started to think about several things. She had several feelings going through her now, fear, frustration, anger, hate, love, insecurity.

She was going through a hurricane of feelings, she didn't know what to do. She just decided to go to sleep.


The nextday, Felicia wakes up and goes down the stairs. Arriving at the living room, she finds her father who was drinking coffee calmly ...


"Yo, my little girl, how have you been?" He spoke in a way as if nothing had happened. It was as if he had gone to travel somewhere, at least that was the lie that Felícia's father said at the beginning.

Tears started to fall from Felicia's eyes.

Walter Hardy started to get confused about the whole situation, "Ehhh, daughter?" He approached his daughter, but he didn't know what to do ...

Felicia just hugged her dad while crying.

Walter sighs and says, "I'm home, my daughter. I'm sorry for taking so long."

Felícia's mother just looks at all this with indifferent looks, but that contained a little love. She is a woman who cares a lot about 'status', but she still loves her family, despite not showing so much.

After calming down, Felicia said: "How was your trip?"

"Oh, the trip was great."

She felt disappointed that her father did not tell her the whole truth, but she understands why he is lying.

She decides to forget about it and start talking a lot about her father.


Felicia had a lot of thoughts in her head, and most of those thoughts were about a certain man. She didn't know what to do, but she decided to go to school.

Arriving at school, she saw Adrian being hugged by Gwen. As a perceptive woman, it was quite clear to her that this was not a hug from 'friends'.

An anger starts to spring up in Felícia's heart, she was angry, but she was also very jealous! 'He said all that to me and the other day he is with another woman !?'

Felicia walks furiously towards Adrian, but she stops walking when she hears Adrian saying. “Take it easy, Gwen. take a deep breath, control yourself, you are in charge. ”

Realizing that Gwen looked sick and Adrian was just helping her, she calmed her anger, but she was still jealous!!

Gwen turns away from Adrian and takes a deep breath. "Thank you, Adrian ... I lost it for a moment ..."

"It's okay ..." Adrian said while thinking about several things. He was thinking of a way to help Gwen control her actions. The pheromones emanating from Gwen's body no longer affect Adrian. He just feels that her scent it’s very tasty, but it’s not enough for him to lose control.

As the host of Phoenix, many things have changed in Adrian's body, before he was 50% Symbiote and 50% human.

But currently, this is no longer true. Currently, he is 50% symbiote and 50% entity?

He himself doesn't know, but he knows one thing. He is no longer human, he is something else.

Suddenly, Felicia appears and pulls Adrian for a kiss.

"Hmmm?" Adrian was surprised for a moment, but soon he accepts her kiss.

Gwen looks at this vision with shock, but that shock quickly turns to anger. “Felicia! What are you doing!?"

Felicia stops kissing Adrian: "I'm claiming it." She spoke with an indecent smile.

Veins started to pop in Gwen's head.

From this moment on, Felicia agreed to be Adrian's girlfriend/wife.

FlashBack End ...


"Tsk." Gwen grunted again to see how close Adrian and Felicia were.

"Isn't that bad?" Liz spoke to MJ.

"Hmmm ... I honestly don't know." MJ spoke honestly. She is grateful that she is not involved in this mess that is Adrian's love life.

"... In a way, I understand why Gwen is so angry." Liz spoke while looking at Adrian.

"For God's sake, not you too." MJ spoke.

Liz looked at MJ. “Are you a lesbian? Just look at him! He's so hot! ”

MJ sighs: "Don't talk like Adrian was a piece of meat ..."

Liz snorts: “Are you living in the 21st century? Men look at women as if they are a piece of meat!! Why can't women look at a hot man the same way? ”


MJ was silent. After all, she knows what Liz said is true. "But not all men are like that."

"Yes, Yes, and not all women are perverted." Liz snorted again. “MJ, as a great philosopher said ... Everything in this life depends on how much you want to eat someone. You work to eat someone. You study to eat someone. You earn money, buy cars, buy luxury items just to eat someone .. ... Our society is pure depravity. ”


MJ opens his eyes wide. “I never heard of a philosopher who talks about that!! Did you have a bad relationship!? ”

"Tsk, don't remind me of that son of a bitch." Liz said in annoyance, she looks at MJ. "Just admit it. Adrian is hot, right?" She decides to change the subject.

MJ realized this, she looks at Adrian who was wearing a headset while humming a song: "... Yes."

“See? Is itdifficult? Admiring a person's beauty is not a crime. ” Liz laughed.

MJ rolled his eyes.

"I don't understand why you are not interested in him." Liz started to think, but soon she opened her eyes. "Oh, you like someone, I understand now."

"Wrong, I don't like anyone." MJ spoke in a neutral tone. At first, she liked Peter Parker, but when she started making new friends, she realized that not all boys were like Peter. Adrian is an example of that. Because of that, when she saw the boy not taking the initiative, she lost interest.

She just thought that what she was feeling was something childish.

Liz opens her eyes a little. 'Hmm, she doesn't seem to like anyone, so what's wrong?'

While the two girls were thinking about several things.

Adrian suddenly turns away from Felícia and climbs on top of a car. He had a serious face as if something was going to happen...


[A / N: in that timeline, Peter never acquired the powers of spiderman, because of that, he was not 'confident'.]


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