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New York, Manhattan Harlem neighborhood.

Currently, Adrian's group was walking the streets of Harlem, they were separated from the school group.

"Hmm, Hmmm, Hmmm." Adrian was walking calmly on the streets of Harlem while humming a song. He was accompanied by Gwen, Felicia, MJ and a new friend of MJ's called Liz.

Liz was a relatively normal teenager. She looked normal compared to Gwen, Felícia and MJ.

She had a slim body, relatively large breasts and long black hair.

"Felicia, can you not act so intimately?" Gwen snarled as she watched Felicia who was holding Adrian's arms.

Felicia looked at Gwen with a winning smile. “Why? He's mine, and I have free will to do whatever I want. ”

"Tsk." Gwen turned her head in disgust. She knew Felicia was dating Adrian, but this situation just makes her angry. She also doesn't know what to do with her wishes.

Gwen was struggling between morals and immorality. She wanted to unleash the fire she was feeling when she felt Adrian, but at the same time, she couldn't do that because Adrian was dating someone.

It was an irritating situation ...

In this past month, Felícia had several surprises. Not only her, all the girls who met Adrian had several surprises.

First, he gained a darker skin tone, his hair became long and took on a white color.

Second, Adrian's attitude changed. He started to act like he didn't care about anything, he just did what he wanted. He looks like a rebel delinquent.



"... Adrian, is it you?" Felicia asked in shock. She approached Adrian and started to observe all the changes in his body.


Soon Gwen and MJ approached Adrian and started asking several questions.

“How did your hair turn white? Did you dye your hair? ” Gwen said.

“Did you do tanning? Are you looking to show off!? ” MJ said.

They asked several questions regarding Adrian's appearance.

Felicia looked at Adrian again and thought: 'He looks better, and his hair is matching mine now, hehehe.'

A little annoyed by all the questions, Adrian said, “I don't know what happened! I suddenly woke up and it was like this! ” He spoke with a serious face.

Of course, the girls didn't believe him.

It took a while for everyone to calm down. Adrian sighed and started talking to Felicia and the girls.

Felicia immediately realized that the way Adrian looked at her was different. Before he looked at her as if he was thinking about something, or as if something was holding him back, but now he talks to her gently. She felt that he wanted to 'get closer' to her.

In this past month, Adrian and Felícia were more inseparable, but it was not like that in the beginning.

When Adrian said he has other girls, Felicia was bad. She started crying and insulting Adrian with all possible names. Adrian put up with all this and said he wanted to be with her too.

Felicia couldn't believe what she was hearing from Adrian, she never thought he was that type of guy. "Are you planning to play with my feelings?" She asked sadly and with a furious expression.

Adrian looked seriously at Felícia: "I am not planning to play with your feelings, I am saying this because I am accepting your feelings."

Felicia did not know what to say, she was very angry: “What about your other women? They know what you are doing. ”

"Yes, they also support my decision."

"... What ...?" Felícia was shocked, she started thinking about several things in silence, then she said: "I want to meet them."

Adrian nods and takes her to talk to Leona and Natasha.

Felicia talked to Adrian's two wives for five hours.

He doesn't know what kind of conversation Felícia had with his two wives to take so long. He could use his powers and listen to the conversation, but he didn't. He respected the privacy of his women.

When Felicia met Adrian again, she said in a serious tone. "Are you going to save my dad?"

Adrian didn't understand Felicia's question, but when he looked at Leona for an answer, he just saw his wife nodding.

Realizing that this was Leona's plan, he said, "Yes."

Adrian approaches Felicia and takes her hands. She even tried to release Adrian's hand, but she couldn't. "Tell me, who is your father?"

"... My father's name is Walter Hardy. Currently, he is under arrest, but I don't know his whereabouts."

Adrian nods and picks up a phone. "Nick, I have a job for you." As this matter involves the government, Adrian called his trusted partner, Nick Fury!

He began to give orders a little apart from the group of women.

"I never thought he would get his hands on his aunt and his mom." Felicia said as she sat on the couch.

"Technically speaking, I'm not his mother, he doesn't have my blood, but I was the one who raised him." Leona said.

"I am not your aunt either." Natasha said.


Felicia opened her mouth in shock. "So you are Adrian's adoptive mother?"


"Hmmm." Felicia doesn't know how to feel about this information.

Finishing talking to Nick, Adrian told Felicia, who was sitting on the couch next to Natasha, some good news.

"Tomorrow, your father will be home." Adrian said.

"Huh?" She did not understand.

She didn't even have to think about anything when Adrian suddenly spoke in a serious tone:

"Go home, Felicia."


Adrian continued: “You must have several things going through your head right now, right? Go home and think about what you want to do. I already accepted your feelings. I know you like me, but knowing my situation, you can change your mind. ” He knows that not all women have accepted the kind of relationship he has with Leona, Natasha and Jessica.


Felicia bites her lip, but she nods. Then she walks towards the exit. "Adrian, are you sure about this?" Leona asks.

“Yes. I don't know what you guys talked about, but you probably said that it would have several benefits, right? You also seemed to know her secret ”

Leona nods.

"I don't want to have a relationship of interests. It may seem selfish and hypocritical coming from my mouth, but if she accepts to be with me just because I can give her many things, I will not accept her."


Natasha and Leona look at each other and sigh.

"Don't worry, she's not that kind of girl. She's just confused by the whole situation. You did well to let her think about it." Natasha said.

Leona nods in agreement, she would never let a self-interested woman approach Adrian.

Adrian new look.