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A beautiful woman with long blond hair was walking hurriedly in a large luxurious palace.

Despite this woman's expression of concern and anxiety, despite her messy clothes, she still looked divinely beautiful.

Opening a large gate with just one hand, she enters a place that appears to be a throne room.

"Zeus!!" The woman's scream echoed in the throne room.

"Why are you in such a hurry, Aphrodite?"

Aphrodite turns towards the voice. Soon she meets a beautiful woman with long blond hair like hers. She was wearing a white outfit that highlights her voluptuous body, she also had a queen's crown on her head.

But what stood out most about this woman was not her divine appearance or the crown on her head, what stood out in this woman was her dead eyes.

She had cold eyes that contained great indifference to everything, it was as if she didn't care about anything.

"Hera ..." Aphrodite said.

"... Won't you call me a mother?" Hera asked. "Well, it doesn't really matter." She continued in a nonchalant tone.

Hera walks towards two thrones that were made for a King and a Queen. Arriving in front of the throne, she looks with her dead eyes towards the Queen's throne.

Several imperceptible emotions pass through Hera's eyes, but soon these emotions disappear and her eyes return to the indifferent eyes that she had.

She sits on the throne and looks at her daughter. "What do you want?"

Sensing the coolness in Hera's tone, Aphrodite swallows a little. Aphrodite knows what's going on. In fact, if any Olympian god thinks about it, they'll understand Hera's behavior.

The queen goddess of Olympus was tired of Zeus' pranks. The last incident that Zeus caused that was making a daughter with Hippolyta was Hera's boiling point, from that moment on, she stopped showing emotions. She got colder and more dangerous, now that she doesn't show her emotions, nobody knows what she is planning.

Hera was the one who raised the Amazons, she was practically the mother of that race. She had a good relationship with Hippolyta, but Zeus destroyed all of that.

Tired of her husband's betrayals, Hera changed forever. She is faithful to Zeus only because of the divinity that forced her to be faithful, it was like a collar that she can never remove.

"Ares ... Ares was kidnapped by a god from another pantheon."

"... And?" Hera spoke coldly.

“Huh? Isn't he your son? Aren't you going to help him? ”

Hera gives a cold smile. "I don't see the reason to help him." With a hand gesture, Hera takes a gold glass. Then a bottle of wine appears in Hera's other hand, she fills the glass with wine and begins to drink calmly.

"What?" Aphrodite said unbelievingly. If it were in other times, that would be enough for Hera to declare war with an entire pantheon.

Hera looks at her daughter. "Ares is already an adult, I will not clean his ass when he does shit. Maybe the experience with the gods of another pantheon will help him grow up?" She spoke with a small laugh.

Aphrodite opened her eyes in surprise. She never saw Hera speaking so rudely, she was always elegant even when she was angry.

Aphrodite starts to get irritated. "Hera!" she takes a step forward towards Hera.

Hera just raises an eyebrow and looks at Aphrodite. "If you get any closer, I will declare you as a traitor ... And I will kill you myself."

"What ...?" Aphrodite stopped walking and looked at Hera in a daze.

“Oh? Too bad, you didn't keep walking, I could use that as an excuse to remove your divinity and eliminate you forever. ” Hera spoke in a nonchalant tone. It was as if she hadn't been talking to her own daughter.


Aphrodite was scared, she had never seen Hera like this. She doesn't know how to act when she sees such an indifferent Hera.

"Would you kill your own daughter?" She asked discredited.

Hera looked at Aphrodite as if she were looking at a fool. "And?"


"I'm saying, so what if you are my daughter?"


Hera smiled coldly. “You think you're very important, right? After all, you are the goddess of beauty, vanity is rooted in your soul, but remember... You are nothing ... ”

Aphrodite felt as if she had been stabbed in the heart, she never thought she would hear those words from her mother.

Aphrodite takes a deep breath and changes the subject. "Where's Zeus at?"

Hera takes another sip of wine. "Who knows? He's probably fucking another human or animal out there. Maybe he's playing with a man? I would not doubt it, I remember that it happened in the past. ” She spoke with disgust.

Aphrodite bites her lip in frustration. "Do you plan to save Ares?" She asked again.

"Are you deaf? Do I need to spell it out for you? I don't care about Ares. ”


Aphrodite clenches her fists in anger, but she dares not do anything. She knows very well that Hera was not kidding when she said she was going to kill her.

"I don't know who was the god who kidnapped Ares, but I sincerely want to meet him. Even though we are weaker than in the past, we are still gods of Olympus." Hera spoke of curiosity.

Hera closes her eyes and uses her cosmic consciousness. Then she sees a man with long red hair wearing black armor while giving orders with a neutral eye.

Suddenly the man looks towards Hera with a serious face. "Who are you?" He asked with eyes shining red, he clearly didn't like this situation.

Soon Hera stops using her powers.

Hera felt her body tremble when her eyes met the man's. "... Hahahahahahaha!"

She started to laugh. Her laugh contained various emotions like fun, nostalgia, madness and a little hope.

Aphrodite didn't understand why Hera started to laugh suddenly, but she decides not to say anything. She just wants to leave this place.

Aphrodite starts walking towards the exit.

Hera stops laughing and looks at Aphrodite. "Girl, I suggest you give up on Ares."

Aphrodite stops walking and looks at Hera seriously. "Why?"

Hera has a huge smile on her face. "He was captured by Rao, the king god of Krypton. He is very fucked up, I even feel sorry for my son now, HAHAHAHA."

Aphrodite's body trembles with fear and a little excitement. "But how? Hadn't he been killed? ” She completely forgot about Ares ...

"Gods do not die, as long as there is faith, of course." Hera spoke the obvious.

“That's not what I'm talking about! You know that there is another method of making a god die! Rao died in the past! How can he be alive !? ”

Hera doesn't answer, she just shows a cold smile. "Don't even think about it, bitch."

"Huh?" Aphrodite did not understand the sudden insult.

"In the past, you managed to seduce Rao, but I realize that the 'Rao’ current is very different from the past." Hera has a cold smile. "He is much more serious, he is much more focused than the old 'Rao'. He is much more worthy of being called 'King' than this disappointment that has the name of Zeus."

Aphrodite still didn't understand what Hera was saying.

Hera displays a happy smile that she rarely did. “I wonder if it will destroy Olympus ... Ahhh ~! That would be an interesting thing to see! ”

Aphrodite sounds cold, she looks at Hera like she's looking at a madman. "You have gone crazy, Hera."

Hera's smile breaks for a few seconds, but soon her smile recovers.

Aphrodite takes a deep breath and continues: "Even if it's Rao, he won't be able to destroy Olympus alone." She said, she turns and walks towards the exit.

Seeing Aphrodite leaving, Hera stops smiling and returns her indifferent expression, she shows a small cold smile. "He is not alone." She whispers coldly, then Hera disappears.

Chapter 36: Ares

Currently, Rao was in the vacuum of space somewhat close to the yellow sun, he was in a lotus position while meditating.

I don't like it ... I don't like it when something is not under my control ...

Just thinking about the fact that someone can use some strange power to observe my actions irritates me ...

This is a weakness of mine, I cannot be arrogant to think that everything is under my control ... Krypton compared to Earth knew a lot about the universe, but all Krypton's knowledge is just the tip of everything that exists in the universe.

The universe is constantly expanding, the universe is infinite ... It is practically impossible to know everything that happens in the universe ...

Instead of being angry about a situation that I cannot control, I must plan, I must prepare.

I open my eyes, and look at New Krypton that is being born in this new solar system. I have work to do, I have a nation to be created, a race that I must protect from extinction. I also have enemies that are much more powerful than me.

Currently, I don't know how to strengthen myself, but I have a feeling ... Wrong, is it more correct to say that it is something I know? I do not know how to explain.


I look at the yellow sun. 'This is the key, the more I meditate on the yellow sun, the more I feel a' thing 'growing inside of me. I don't know what that' thing 'is, but I know it will be useful in the future.

This is a strange feeling. It is as if you have a feeling that you should turn left, and if you do not turn left many bad things can happen.

Everything is related to the sun, this is what I feel.


Four days later.

In those four days that passed, I just meditated in the vacuum of space. I just went back to the ship a few times, I did it to check the progression in Faora's studies. Currently, I don't have much to do. I already planted the seeds of the future Krypton civilization, I'm just waiting for this seed to bear fruit.

My subordinates were always monitoring this solar system. If I didn't get any calls, it was because nothing important happened.

Walking to the torture room, I look at Faora. "Did he say anything?"

"He still hasn't said anything." Faora was quite irritated these days, it seems that Ares' persistence severely damaged her pride as a torturer.

"Give me some time alone with this god." I order.

"Yes, My Lord." Non and Faora spoke.

I enter the torture room and the first thing I see is a completely clean room and a man chained to a cell that contains several reinforced shields.

An interesting skill about Ares is that when he dies, the blood he sheds seeps back in his body as if nothing had happened, it was like a skill that goes back in time.

I grab a chair and sit in front of Ares's cell.

Let's start our game: "Do you know that I admire you a little?"

I notice Ares raising an eyebrow. "Will you torture me today?" He asked.

But I ignore him: "I really admire you a little, you were able to endure torture that would make any being ask for mercy."

"Humpf, don't underestimate me. I'm the god of war, I've always been prepared for torture."

I smile a little: "Yes, I understand." I nod my head.

"Well, I have to thank you."


“Didn't I tell you? Because of your persistence, my wife became more determined to learn about torture. I even learned a few things as well. ” I nod in satisfaction.

"To be honest, I don't care much for the information from Olympus."


“Why are you making that stupid face? You forgot that I can get any knowledge of human books. After all, what is written in those books is 100% true, right? ”

"Well, Yes. I mean, some parts humans have changed, but the tales are true."

I give a small smile. “See? I don't particularly need you here. ”

“I just left you in jail for my wife to gain a desire to learn more. After all, you are immortal, right? You will never die, the gods are certainly extraordinary beings. ”

Ares gives a proud smile. “Of course, we are different from you! We are immortal! ”

“This is a very enviable trait, right? You can live forever and enjoy all the pleasures. ”

"Yes, I already tasted all kinds of women and wine that existed, I slept with countless goddesses too." He speaks contentedly while nodding his head.

“Yes, Yes. I heard that Aphrodite was your wife, right? She is the most beautiful goddess of Olympus, you are a lucky man. How did you feel when you betrayed your brother Hephaestus? ”

"Betrayal? There was no betrayal, my brother was not worthy of Aphrodite, she would naturally be mine. ”

....... Olympus is lost. If the main gods of this pantheon are composed of selfish children like Ares, eventually they will destroy themselves because of their selfishness.

"I am jealous of you. You cannot die. You have had all the pleasures that a man can have, and you will live until the end of time!"

"Hahahaha, not everything is enviable. If these little humans are extinguished, I will die. After all, I am alive only because of the faith of humans." He spoke in a wistful tone.

Oh? Do gods die if they don't receive 'faith?' Is that some kind of energy? I know that 'faith' is like a worship that mortals have with the gods, but does that 'worship' produce any kind of energy? I need to keep him distracted. “Yes, that is a bad thing. In a way, I am happy. After all, I am going to live for at least 300 years, but that is enough for me. ”

“300 years, huh? That is not enough. ”

"True." I nod my head.

"I was always curious, do the Olympian gods live in heaven?"

"Hahaha, you are a fool." Ares laughs loudly as if having fun. "Those who live in heaven are the angels. They are a more powerful race than the gods, at least their archangels are much stronger than the gods." He speaks with an angry frown, he doesn't seem to like that fact. “Olympians live in Greece!”

Of course, isn't it? The problem is that I can't locate where in Greece you live. After all, this seems to be a protected and hidden place from the world.

Angels, huh ... I just wanted to confirm the existence of these beings, but it seems that they are real. Ares is a well of knowledge, if I could access his mind, I wouldn't have to have this conversation, tsk.

"Well, it was a good conversation with a wise god. In the future, I plan to come back here."


I get up from the chair and walk towards the exit. Arriving at the exit, I say in a cold tone: “Increase the level of torture. I don't care if you damage the ship a little. Create new ways to kill beings as painfully as possible, make sure you make him suffer. ”

"Yes, My Lord."

I start walking, I need to meditate.

"Rao is angry, it seems that this god has bothered him." Faora spoke in a cold voice that made Non's spine tremble in fear.

“How did you notice? He looked normal to me.” Non tried to change the subject when he realized that Faora was beginning to murmur her plans to torture Ares.

"I know him well." Faora spoke.

Non soon remembered that this woman is the one who sleeps in the same bed as Rao. "You're right."


Faora narrows her eyes at Non for a moment, but has decided to ignore it for now.




I think I can do 2 more chapters today, I don’t know, I have a course and college tomorrow, but I don’t want to leave you without content, I will try to advance at least two more days.


Thank you for the chapter👍😁