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Things left to do before I deploy the stage demo:

Due to some engine limitations and circumstances, I need to redesign this skill. It will still have the same function but it will be visually modified to compensate for the limitations. This limitation was the cause of all the current delays, and as much as I can make it work, flash will not be able to process all the loops necessary to display it. I've made tons of ways to deal with this, but the current work around I have is the BEST solution. It will no further cause delays in future stage creations as it will be tailored to the said solution.

Halo copters were rebalanced. They now have individual bullets and I need to display this on the UI or maybe a small number ontop of them. Enemies will now drop bullets and flamethrowers. If the copter runs out of bullets, they need to be resummoned.

Enemies from the initial version respawns at triggered locations. I have to add agression, seek and decay AI to stage enemies. This will be easy as I don't need to remap them yet, the problem is they will always respawn when the stage is re-entered. (I'll record and fix the respawn instancing  next time. for now, they just respawn)

You need to forgive me with this. I know the tilesets and making 3D-ish work with the 2D visuals caused the delays, but I just was not satisfied with the last one I did which was this:

Projectiles and units bouncing off the "wall" looked more like bouncing off pitfalls. So that's what it will be (in the future). Pitfalls. (you can push enemies off cliffs but you lose the loots. You can also fall ala zelda-style and lose a heart)

So, I made new sets. (can't help myself, sorry)

But the forest looks more natural now than pitfalls. Also THIS new set of tileset (and future tilesets) will work seamlessly with the work-around I mentioned earlier. I just had to take the risk and glad it works. all the stress paid off (I used another weekend to make this tho)

So, yeah, I'm very notorious about breaking promises and I bet most of you hate me for that already, but most of my mistakes and progress are all time spent developing this game. Sometimes real life kicks in. Sometimes I change my mind and completely waste a day to redo a bunch of design or code tomorrow... so, yeah, no excuses. But I hope you all see this as part of development, still. Thank goodness Chris makes up and carries all my mishaps with his own steady progress.

Anyway, I will work on this tomorrow. I would love to deploy this sooner but adjustments are imminent. So, for now, I'll.. take off! 




That last gif was absolutely beautiful. Keep up the good work!


*OK, I think I keep breaking Patreon's comment system with my long comment, but here's another try: (Long post incoming, so just as a note, I'm not trying to pointlessly rant at you or bash you with this comment or anything - I simply want to express some thoughts. After all, I wouldn't be supporting this game in the first place if I was actually unsatisfied with what I was seeing) This demo really feels like a mirage in a desert - every time you think it is just around the corner, it turns out it's somewhere far in the distance (I'm sure the other old patrons who've been supporting Divine Arms since the beginning, ~1.5 years ago, can relate). I remember seeing other posts in the past which also had a clear list with bullet points showing tasks to be completed before the demo is "finished" (plus the graphical roadmap most recently), but some new tasks or redesigns always seem to appear every time, even though the scale of the next demo has gone down from the originally planned one to the "raw demo" with raw scenes and the new minigame, to the stage demo with 5 stages and no scenes or minigame, to "1 - 2 Crystal Stages" as mentioned in the last post. And yeah, I know that whole engine rework that was made was probably the main culprit responsible for most of this. So about this new list (+ some links of past lists): - I thought the glory beam graphics and animation were finished and tested long ago, since I remember you talking about them last July and you even showed this picture: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/GbdjBx3.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/GbdjBx3.jpg</a> from this post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-news-6063714">https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-news-6063714</a> Still, this doesn't sound like a big obstacle to overcome. - As for the Halocopters, I also believed you were done with them since you mentioned that their rework was complete last September: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-results-and-6890888">https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-results-and-6890888</a> Now I hope I'm not oversimplifying things, but the thing about putting a UI label which displays some already implemented bullet-count variable sounds really simple to do. - Enemy roam AI actually does sound complicated, but apparently you're saying it will be "easy" lol, so I hope it doesn't cause trouble. - From the post above I understand that the new tilesets are finished, but you now need to redesign the actual stages with them, so again, hopefully it doesn't prove too time-consuming. And now for the million-dollar question! How long will all this actually take? A few days? A week? A month? Half a year? Another 1.5 years lol? In any case, after this demo I really hope we can see a proper schedule regarding future Divine Arms releases, even if it means smaller, more frequent game updates (something you yourself said in the past would be appropriate). And yeah, Chris' animations in the post above are stunning as always. If you actually had to do them by yourself as well, I would have to seriously wonder whether I would ever live to see Divine Arms completed haha.


Also, on my previous comment that disappeared, user <a href="https://www.patreon.com/user/creators?u=2621089">Matt</a> replied: "This is exactly how I've been feeling as well, as someone who has been a patron for over a year. The entire thing seems like it could be summed with as "Feature creep" "


Totally agree, I've been a patron for over a year now I believe. Brought down my patron number when i realize the pace of the production would go over my donation budget xD I don't regret donating to this fund, but I do feel like u keep adding stuff. Ur LITERALLY not seeing the forest through the trees with the addition of this wall tile set. I love the idea, but this is something u add when u have more of the core game figured out. An extra layer of of polish that will make the experience "feel" better. Not something thrown on top of a workload that could already be seen as behind schedule :/


Looking good so far. And I understand when you get a new idea in your head, you have to follow it. It's best to delay a good game than release a bad game that lasts forever.


Have to agree with most everyone here. All the progress I've been seeing is from Chris. With you it's one redesign after another. Nobody is expecting this to be the perfect game, and no game will ever be perfect. Please understand your limitations as a single developer and work on actually finishing the core of the game before going off on a thousand tangents, none of which seem to amount to anything. Nobody cares if there are pits or walls. Nobody cares if there is a label for bullets. Not when there isn't even a working demo. Polish can wait for the final release, the demo is to show us what you and chris have done now. And in this day and age, nothing is forever. The saying should be "a bad game can eventually be patched. A perfect game will die in development hell."


yeah, that's actually a wise decision and i'm glad and thankful you're still with us despite the setbacks. as for adding stuff, they're more like adjusting to the current limitations of the game i'm trying to present. Despite it looking as if a polished addition this is actually what you say about establishing the core parts of the game. That is what I am doing right now because development will always have these hurdles. If I meet this thing again midway development, it will cause bigger problems so I am dealing with it now.


Yeah, man. noted. As I said in another reply, I'll release the stage demo next monday with whatever i accomplish. finished or not.


thanks. trying to find the middleground here for everyone.


I'm looking forward to release, man. My body is ready.


I think everyone hit the nail on the head regarding the finishing work on a demo. I am not a game designer but I agree mechanics and function should be a more important development priority then looks and fine details. I became a supporter to see how this game is devolving and will be willing to donate more but only if the development is progessing. My current opinion is the game is awesome. I can't wait to see a more finished product and am willing to wait a little longer for a more finished product.


happy i found this on parton.. i just need to download and test &gt;.&gt;