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Ok, first of all, I thank everyone for the constructive criticisms. You guys opened up my skull with striking points and I truly appreciate it. I am going to make sure to do just that.

Tho just to clarify what I decided to do a few weeks ago, it was unnecessary for how late the stage demo is, but that system workaround improved and solved one of the games biggest hurdle game and visual design-wise. I wish I thought about it sooner, but it just hit me way too late.

To be honest there are many hours I waste when I code trying to solve these problems. Sometimes lasting for 4 hours thinking and solving but achieving nothing. When I notice the time, I transfer to doing something else. (like tiles and backgrounds) And in doing other tasks is where I discover new ideas to tackle the problem. (With maybe getting way too ahead with the ideas as everyone pointed out)

But yeah I know what to do next. As soon as I deploy this stage demo, I'll skip the minigame and other stuff first and go straight to putting all the sex scenes ingame. 

For now, I can promise everyone that its beyond reach. Just a few more code adjustments and a few hours of testing and it will be yours. For now I request a rest for a day or two as I feel very weak and dead stress tired (Picture me like SIggy above... like literally. Hopefully without blood in my ass) 

I was really fired up with your comments and tried to push through with using the weekend, but now realizing my body just can't take more. Before I get sick, I'm going to rest up. Hope everyone understands. Anyway, I'm happy to say the new system worked flawlessly with the stage designs. No more problem with depth-sorting. And next month, my brother will be back to helping with the project. He'll use the stage design system I did, so I don't have to do it all myself.

As for some screenies, here's what the 1st Crystal Stage looks like:


Some of them look odd and pixels broken or misaligned, but that's normal because of flash IDE's preview (25% at those screenies)

Midway, I stopped adding details on the stages and just made it 'WORKING' so we speed things up more. (See? I listen. lol) And maybe have my brother fill those missing details himself.

Anyway, I'm already at my limit now. I wish I could watch the Kiev DotA championships happening right now, but I'm blacking out already. 

As always, thanks everyone for the support and understanding.

-kReig Knocked Out!



Serious Pan

I just hope the demo is around the corner now that you've taken this onboard. I can only be teased so much. haha


Please, do take a rest. The last thing you need is to loose all enjoyment or strength. If you'll overdo it, this might end up as 90% of all Patreon games. Dead, left to rot by the creators. I'm sure others know this as well. :)


"For now, I can promise everyone that it's beyond reach." lol kReig, I think you meant WITHIN reach, unless you are secretly trying to imply that those coding adjustments and few hours of testing may go "beyond" your initial calculations lol. Guess you really need that rest. Anyway, I suppose you didn't upload this today "unfinished", since you didn't want what little work was left to spoil the whole release, and you didn't want to release a new patched version like a day or two afterwards. Well then, can't wait to finally try this new stage demo out!


Very excited for this whole thing and you do deserve a rest for sure. Like Peasant said, you don't want to burn yourself out and lose interest in it all. Take your time, it's understandable. I can't speak for everyone but I would rather it take time and come out in it's best form rather than it be rushed by someone who's killing themselves with the workload. Thanks for the regular updates, I look forward to the next one whenever it may be! :D


Rest Well, kReig! Take breaks if you need them. The progress is clearly visible with each post you make so I am fine with delays whenever it comes to your work. So don't go out in a flashy way or become bedridden again because this game is what has me excited the most amongst all the things I have stumbled upon on Patreon.


Really happy to hear how ur using some of the constructive feedback to focus your workflow. (wow, that sounded business-y) The focused progress is definitely showing, your rest is well deserved :D


Would not help if you break down- so take your rest. Some days more won't make a difference, anyway.


glad ur making progress, u do u man


There was another game on here some time ago called breeding season it took unnecessary gaps although eventually we got an update every month they weren't fulfillling and sometimes only tweaks seemed like no progress was made and it was earning $25000-$30000 a month according to patreon. however it went silent for a while still charging us then we find out the infighting the artist called it quits and the other animator "ran off" with money and assets which were apparently due and founded his own studio and started working on something which looks the same but diffrentish (tried it its crap) all people who supported it got in the end was all the assets creator totally didn't release to spite the other guy. long story short if deadlines cant be met don't set them, don't go silent it pisses people off (not me) and copyright your work so no one fucks you over. also cant wait for demo take your time just don't abandon it or us :)


Hey everyone, just letting you guys know I'll be back at this tomorrow. I ended getting struck with a fever, but managed to get enough rest because of it anyway. I'll get on this first thing in the morning. (woke up middle of the night and just logged in to let everyone know but I'll go back to sleep now.)


I'm glad to see such good animation and artwork, but I wonder when a playtest version will be up so I can try since I pledged $20.


Keep it up! :)


Nah. I like the spoiler.. Always lost in the woods 😂